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Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice Pulp Fiction: Name: Kendell Burgess My Analysis Supporting Images Cinematograp hy & Camera Techniques One of the camera shots used in the sequence is a close up, this is used at various points in the sequence. One being when they characters speak individually another is when the waitress come over to the table and when he slams the gun onto the table. The use of a close up shows the viewers the expression on each of the characters faces or to emphasise things. Another shot used is an establishing shot. Though this shot isn’t used to show the outside of where the scene is taking place, you can clearly make that out by the different use of the camera shots, an establishing shot is Close Up: Two Shot:

Pulp fiction film opening sequence analysis report sheet

Jan 22, 2017



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Page 1: Pulp fiction film opening sequence analysis report sheet

Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

Pulp Fiction: Name: Kendell Burgess

My Analysis Supporting Images

Cinematography & Camera Techniques

One of the camera shots used in the sequence is a close up, this is used at various points in the sequence. One being when they characters speak individually another is when the waitress come over to the table and when he slams the gun onto the table. The use of a close up shows the viewers the expression on each of the characters faces or to emphasise things.Another shot used is an establishing shot. Though this shot isn’t used to show the outside of where the scene is taking place, you can clearly make that out by the different use of the camera shots, an establishing shot is normally used to show where the scene is taking place.A different technique that is used is at the beginning of the sequence and at various times throughout is a two shot. A two shot is used to enable the viewers to see two main characters and their surroundings.At different times throughout the opening scene a point-of-view shot is used, enabling us to see what each character was seeing as the camera changed from one character to the other

Close Up:

Two Shot:

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Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

throughout the dialogue.Over the shoulder shots were used in this opening sequence. An over the shoulder shot is used mostly when two people are talking to one another, this shot gives us a view of what the other person expression looks like when they’re speaking or listening to what is being said to them.A track and zoom shot was also used in this opening sequence. This happens when the man is speaking to the woman. The do this to emphasise what the man is talking about, this would be used when something important or interesting is being mentioned in the scene.


Over The Shoulder Shot:


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Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

Page 4: Pulp fiction film opening sequence analysis report sheet

Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

Visual Effects & Colour Scheme

High key lighting is used throughout the duration of the opening sequence when the two main characters of that scene are speaking. This use of lightening brightens up the scene making it sort of seem light hearted in contrast to what they’re actually speaking about.

Genre Conventions

Pulp fiction is a comedy crime film. We can tell this by the whole dialogue throughout the scene being about the two characters robbing different places and planning to rob the diner. The guns later shown and used in the scene are also a big tell that the genre of the film is crime as guns are an iconic image in not only crime films but also horrors and action films.

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Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

Narrative In the opening sequence the dialogue was very linear, not jumping back and forth but staying in same place in the scene throughout as they spoke. Both diegetic sound and non-diegetic sound is used in this sequence. Diegetic sound for when the characters are speaking and non-diegetic sound when the gun is being slammed onto the table, they do this to emphasise how serious he’s being,

Editing Techniques

Title Credit Design

There was no title credit in the opening scene; the title scene comes after this sequence.