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SRINAGAR | March 27, 2013 | 14, Jamadi Al Awwal 1434 AH Vol: 26 | No. 83 | Regd. No. JK NP-6/SKGPO-2012-2014 | Pages: 16 | Rs. 3.00 (AIR SURCHARGE FOR JAMMU/LEH 50 PAISA) WEDNESDAY LA PROCEEDINGS, PUBLISHED FROM SRINAGAR & JAMMU Y E A R O F P U B L I C A T I O N COLUMN ONE INSIDE OUT By: Malik Sajad J&K CEMENTS LTD JEHLUM BRAND CEMENT “GOOD NEWS” SUPPLY OF CEMENT OPEN ON ALL DAYS CONTACT NO’S: 9419001763, 9419003264, 9419547788 TEMPERATURE Max: 19.5 °C Min: 6.3 °C WEATHER ForeCast Sunset on Wednesday 06:48 pm Sunrise on Thursday 06:25 am Weather will be mainly dry over the state. Outlook for subsequent two days. Isolated Rain/Snow on 28th & 29th March. Warning: Nill Forces occupy 1700 buildings Jammu, Mar 26: More than 1700 buildings, including those owned by state government, are under the occupation of army and para-military forces across Jammu and Kashmir. As per the figures fur- nished by the government in State Legislative Assembly, initially there were 766 gov- ernment buildings under the occupation of para-military forces and Army out of which 480 buildings stand vacated. “Presently there are 206 government buildings under the occupation of para-military forces and 80 buildings under the occupation of Army in the state,” Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, who also holds the portfolio of Home Minister, informed Legislative Assem- bly. It was further revealed that forces were occupying DELHI TERROR PLOT ROW Sack backdoor appointees: Govt asks departments SHO among 7 cops injured in accidental blast 86 serving PSA detention: Govt 4081 militants surrendered since 1990: Omar MUDDASIR ALI Jammu, Mar 26: The State Government on Tuesday revealed that over 4000 mili- tants have surrendered in Jammu and Kashmir since 1990. Of them, only 210 have been provided financial assis- tance under various policies. In his written response to a question in Legislative Assembly, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said 4081 militants have surrendered up to February 2013. “At least 210 surrendered militants have been provided monetary incentives admis- sible under the surrender policies in the form of cash and stipends,” the Chief Min- ister’s reply said. Of them, 200 have been accorded benefits under the surrender policy of 2004. The remaining 10 surrendered militants were extended benefits under the 1997 surrender policy, the reply said. It said 27 surren- dered militants were brought under security cover under various categories. In response to another question, the Chief Minis- ter said 432 cases were reg- istered against surrendered militants. Of these cases, the challan was produced in at least 364 cases, another nine cases were closed as untraced while 59 cases were still under investigation. JK Bank adjudged ‘Best Bank’ in FE survey Sheikh Usman is no more Srinagar, Mar 26: Sheikh Muhammad Usman (73) one of the pioneers of publishing industry in Kashmir passed away on Monday evening in New Delhi after undergoing surgery. Founder of Sheikh Muhammad Usman and Sons and Gulshan Books, Sheikh had during the past 50 years contributed immensely to the liter- ary world by publishing books on Islam, History of Kashmir, Sufi Tradi- tions of Kashmir and Saints of Kashmiris. He also published some extant classical books on Kashmir by European and important Kashmiri writers. His death was widely mourned by histo- rians and writers. NIA to take JKP on board Centre to legalize ‘surrender’ via Nepal JK Police To Coordinate With SSB Return Of Former Militants From PaK SHABIR IBN YUSUF Srinagar, Mar 26: In the wake of controversial arrest of Liyaqat Ali Shah, the Gov- ernment of India has decid- ed to legalize surrender of former Kashmiri militants via Nepal route. As a part of the new arrangement, Jammu and Kashmir police will assist Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) along Indo-Nepal border to facilitate safe return of the former militants from Pakistan administered Kashmir (PAK). The Union Ministry of Home Affairs will also review the rehabilitation policy for surrendered militants. The recent controversial arrest of Liyaqat Ali Shah of Kupwara, according to sources, has shown loopholes in the existing arrangement where a militant allegedly surrenders and no Indian agency is there to ensure he reaches Jammu and Kashmir as per the surrender terms. New procedure will ensure coordination between Border Security Force (BSF) and Jammu and Kashmir Police for such surrenders, sources said. According to sources, cops of JK police component posted in New Delhi will be moving to Indo- Nepal border till a permanent Police Unit is sanctioned by the J&K Government for deployment there. While the government had identified four entry points – Poonch-Rawalakote (Poonch), Uri-Muzaffarabad (Uri), Wagah (Punjab) and Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi, the same did not succeed due to reserva- tions in Islamabad. With the result Nepal emerged as an alternative route for militants who wanted to avail of the sur- render policy put in place by the J&K government. “The JKP cops based in Delhi will be moving to Indo- Nepal border to facilitate movement of such people,” Director General of Police (DGP) Ashok Prasad told Greater Kashmir. He said a permanent JKP unit would be created soon and deployed permanently in the area. “We can not open the police post till it is not sanctioned by YOUTH’S DEATH SPARKS PROTEST IN ISLAMABAD ‘Probe To Be Completed In Minimum Possible Time’ SHABIR IBN YUSUF Srinagar, Mar 26: Besides Delhi Police, Jammu and Kashmir Police will also be taken on board by the Nation- al Investigating Agency (NIA) while probing the controver- sial arrest of Liyaqat Ali Shah of Lolab Kupwara, a former militant who was to surren- der before J&K authorities after his return from Pakistan administered Kashmir (PaK). The NIA probe into the arrest was ordered by the Union Home Ministry after J&K Chief Minister Omar Abdullah urged the Central Government to order an independent inquiry into the conflicting versions of JKP and Delhi Police. “The investigation will be completed in minimum possible time,” Director NIA, S C Sinha told Greater Kash- mir over telephone. “Besides Delhi Police, Jammu & Kash- mir Police will also be taken on board. Both of them are linked to the case,” he said. Informed sources in NIA said the case is most likely to be dealt by police officers from J&K cadre on deputation to NIA. They said the people who were accompanying Liyaqat ‘Detainees Include 5 Alleged Stone Pelters’ ARVIND SHARMA Jammu, Mar 26: As many as 86 persons are presently in detention under Public Safety Act (PSA) and lodged in differ- ent jails across the state. Out of these, 41 persons are foreigners; Jammu and Kash- mir government has informed the Legislative Assembly. However, it refused to divulge the identity of the detained persons saying, “It may be inappropri- ate to disclose the identity of the persons detained under the Act.” The government said that no person below the age of 18 years was presently detained under the Act in view of the provisions prescribed under the amended J&K PSA 2012. “As per the amendment, clause (f) was inserted after clause (e) in sub-section 3 of Section 8 which provides that no citizen of India, who has not attained the age of 18 years can be detained under clause (a) and (a-i) of Section 8 of the Govt puts anti-rape Bill on hold Cabinet Approves Promotion Of KAS Officers GK NEWS NETWORK Jammu, Mar 26: Jammu and Kashmir government has deferred the much- awaited Bill aimed at strengthening the existing criminal laws governing crimes against women. Official sources said the draft Bill, prepared by the state’s Law Department, on the recommendations of a high level committee, was presented before the state Cabinet, which met here today under the chairman- ship of Chief Minister Omar Abdullah. The department had proposed that the Bill be allowed to be tabled in the state legislature during the ongoing budget session so that the laws governing crimes against women could be strengthened. “However, the cabinet could not evolve consensus on some of the recommenda- tions made in the draft bill and it was finally decided that the Bill be deferred”, a Family Says Bilal Died In Custody; Police Say They Didn’t Arrest Him; Mehbooba Seeks Probe KHALID GUL Islamabad (Anantnag), Mar 26: The mysterious death of a youth Tuesday triggered protests in this South Kashmir town with the affected family alleging that he died in police cus- tody. The police, however, refuted the family claim and said the youth was not picked up by them at all. Bilal Ahmad Dar (37) son of late Abdul Samad Dar, a farmer of Munghal village in Islamabad dis- trict was found dead in mysterious conditions in a paddy field near railway track in his village this morning. “Police recovered Dar’s body near railway track of Munghal on Tuesday,” a police spokesperson said. “The preliminary inves- tigation as revealed by a post mortem did not show any mark of violence on the body of the deceased,” police said. However, the family of the deceased refuted the police version and alleged that Dar died in police custody. “Bilal left his house at around 4 pm on Monday to meet his friends. He didn’t return till late evening. At around 8:00 pm, we tried to contact him on his mobile phone, which was switched off,” Dar’s brother Abbas Dar told Greater Kashmir. He said that on Tuesday morning one of their rela- tives who had gone to the paddy field spotted Dar’s body after which she informed the family. The body, he said, was covered with an empty cement bag. “When we saw one of his close friends, Tariq Ahmad, of nearby Chechar- pora village inside the police station Saddar Islamabad, he told us that police had picked up Bilal and him on drug abuse charges Monday eve- ning,” Abass said. He alleged that police had picked up a chemist, Mashooq Ahmad Magray of Mun- ghal village, auto-driver Muhammad Imran of Dilagam village and Dar along with his friend, Tariq Ahmad, from dif- ferent places at Munghal village Monday evening. “Bilal was tortured and killed in police cus- tody,” Abass alleged. He said that Bilal’s body had visible torture marks and head injuries as well as was confirmed by one of their relatives, doctor by profession, who was present during the post mortem. However, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), Anantnag, RK Jalla said that Dar was not arrested at all. “We had arrested other three persons from Munghal village on Monday at 7:30 pm. However, police didn’t arrest Bilal,” the SSP said. He said that no marks of violence were found during the post mortem examination. “Police have initiated inquest proceedings under section 174 RPC and the post mortem report is awaited,” the SSP said. A police official said that three persons were arrested by the police from Munghal village on Monday evening on the charges of drug peddling. ‘Officials Responsible To Be Charge-Sheeted’ MUDDASIR ALI Jammu, Mar 26: The state government on Tuesday ordered immediate discon- tinuation of the services of backdoor appointees in vari- ous departments, three days after it found itself on back- foot on the issue that rocked the Legislative Assembly. Facing criticism, the government said the officials responsible for making the appointments would be iden- tified and dealt under law. A circular (09-GADof 2013) issued by the General Administration Department (GAD) Tuesday said it came to the fore that engagements were made by some depart- ments in violation of the J&K Civil Services (Special Provi- sions Act), the SRO-64 of 1994 and the Government Order (No 239-F of 2005). “This has been taken seri- ously by the State Legislature and the Government,” said the circular issued by the Chief Secretary Iqbal Khanday. “All the administrative secretar- ies are directed to discontin- ue forthwith all the persons, 7 963 backdoor appoint- ments of casual/daily wagers, need/contingent/ local fund paid and con- solidated workers made in 10 different departments between March 2009 and January 2013. Act,” the government said. It also said that no politi- cal leader is detained under the Act at present. Srinagar, Mar 26: In rec- ognition of its strong fun- damentals and dynamic growth model, J&K Bank Tuesday won the presti- gious FE India’s ‘Best Banks Award 2012-13’. The Bank has been ranked No. 1 in ‘Best Old Private Sector Bank’ cat- egory in the survey con- ducted across the banking industry. In terms of ‘Prof- itability’, the Bank stands 3rd in the overall banking industry while as 1ST in the category of ‘Old private sector banks’, a statement issued by the Bank said. Chairman and CEO JAM-PACKED: Cluster of Houseboats swarm the surface of world-famous Dal Lake in Srinagar. PIC: HABIB NAQASH/GK Policemen Were Defusing Ammunition Recovered From Militants SHABIR IBN YUSUF Srinagar, Mar 26: Seven policemen including three officers were injured when a detonator went off during defusing of ammunition in Police Station Parimpora Tuesday afternoon. Among the injured cops, two are from the Bomb Dis- posal Squad (BDS) of police, while five others are from executive police. The inci- dent took place at around 3 PM inside the premises of Police Station Parimpora Srinagar. Police sources said that BDS men and a police party of Police Station Parimpora were diffusing live ammunition recovered from two militants killed in Bemina Fidayeen attack on engaged in violation of the Act, the SRO and the order.” The departments have also been asked to forward the copies of the disengage- ment orders to the GAD within a fortnight. Besides, the government has asked the administrative heads of the departments in which the appointments were made to identify the officers responsible for making these illegal appointments/engage- ments and charge-sheet them. “Copies of the charge-sheets may be forwarded to the GAD within 30 days,” the depart- ments have been directed. These departments would also revisit the engagements made in accordance with Government Order No.239-F of 2005, dated 29.11.2005, and keep at the bare minimum See Centre to legalize...on Pg-10 See 4081 militants...on Pg-10 See SHO among 7...on Pg-10 See Sack backdoor...on Pg-10 See Youth's death...on Pg-10 See JK Bank...on Pg-10 See 86 serving PSA...on Pg-10 See Forces occupy...on Pg-10 See Govt puts...on Pg-10 Liyaqat’s arrest aimed at sabotaging rehabilitation policy: NC MUDDASIR ALI Jammu, Mar 26: The ruling National Conference on Monday said the arrest of a former Kashmiri militant Liyaqat Ali Shah by Delhi police was an “attempt to derail” the Rehabilitation Pro- cess meant for the youth who had crossed over to Pakistan administered Kashmir (PaK). NC Additional Gen- eral Secretary Dr Mustafa Kamaal told media persons outside Legislative Assem- bly that there were “voices” within India and in Jammu ‘Terms of reference for handing over case to NIA not finalized’ PRESS TRUST OF INDIA New Delhi, Mar 26: Union Home Ministry is yet to fina- lise the terms of reference for transferring a case to probe the circumstances leading to the arrest of alleged Hizbul Mujahideen militant Syed Liyaqat Shah from Delhi Police to National Investi- gation Agency. Asked whether any noti- fication has been issued for transfer of the case, official spokesperson of the Minis- try said he had nothing to share with the media now. would also be questioned to cross check the facts. Liyaqat was arrested near the Indo-Nepal border on March 20. The Delhi Police claimed that Liyaqat was about to execute a militant strike in Delhi. However, the Jammu and Kashmir Govern- ment maintained that he was an inactive militant living in See NIA to take JKP...on Pg-10 See Liyaqat's arrest...on Pg-10 See Terms of reference...on Pg-10 PIC: SAJJAD MUNIWARDI/GK CMYK

PublIShed FRom SRINAGAR & JAmmu … · sHaBir iBN YusuF Srinagar, Mar 26: In the wake of controversial arrest ... ning,”

Feb 11, 2018



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Page 1: PublIShed FRom SRINAGAR & JAmmu … · sHaBir iBN YusuF Srinagar, Mar 26: In the wake of controversial arrest ... ning,”

SRINAGAR | March 27, 2013 | 14, Jamadi Al Awwal 1434 AH Vol: 26 | No. 83 | Regd. No. JK NP-6/SKGPO-2012-2014 | Pages: 16 | Rs. 3.00(Air SurchArge For JAmmu/Leh 50 PAiSA)


LA Proceedings, greaterkashmir.netPublIShed FRom SRINAGAR & JAmmu



coLUMn one

INSIde ouTby: malik Sajad




CONTACT NO’S:9419001763, 9419003264,


TemPeRATuRe Max: 19.5 °C Min: 6.3 °C

WeATheR ForeCast

Sunset on Wednesday 06:48 pmSunrise on Thursday 06:25 am

Weather will be mainly dry

over the state.

outlook for subsequent two days. Isolated Rain/Snow on

28th & 29th march. Warning: Nill

Forces occupy 1700 buildingsJammu, Mar 26: More than 1700 buildings, including those owned by state government, are under the occupation of army and para-military forces across Jammu and Kashmir.

As per the figures fur-nished by the government in State Legislative Assembly, initially there were 766 gov-ernment buildings under the occupation of para-military forces and Army out of which 480 buildings stand vacated.

“Presently there are 206 government b u i l d i n g s under the

occupation of para-military forces and 80 buildings under the occupation of Army in the state,” Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, who also holds the portfolio of Home Minister, informed Legislative Assem-bly. It was further revealed that forces were occupying

Delhi Terror PloT row

Sack backdoor appointees: Govt asks departments

SHO among 7 cops injured in

accidental blast

86 serving PSA detention: Govt

4081 militants surrendered since 1990: OmarMuddasir ali

Jammu, Mar 26: The State Government on Tuesday revealed that over 4000 mili-tants have surrendered in Jammu and Kashmir since 1990. Of them, only 210 have been provided financial assis-tance under various policies.

In his written response to a question in Legislative Assembly, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said 4081 militants have surrendered up to February 2013.

“At least 210 surrendered militants have been provided monetary incentives admis-sible under the surrender policies in the form of cash and stipends,” the Chief Min-ister’s reply said. Of them, 200 have been accorded benefits under the surrender policy of 2004. The remaining 10 surrendered militants were extended benefits under the 1997 surrender policy, the reply said. It said 27 surren-dered militants were brought under security cover under various categories.

In response to another question, the Chief Minis-ter said 432 cases were reg-istered against surrendered militants. Of these cases, the challan was produced in at least 364 cases, another nine cases were closed as untraced while 59 cases were still under investigation.

JK Bank adjudged

‘Best Bank’ in FE survey

Sheikh Usman is no moreSrinagar, Mar 26: Sheikh Muhammad Usman (73) one of the pioneers of publishing industry in Kashmir passed away on Monday evening in New Delhi after undergoing surgery.

Founder of Sheikh Muhammad Usman and Sons and Gulshan Books, Sheikh had during the past 50 years contributed immensely to the liter-ary world by publishing books on Islam, History of Kashmir, Sufi Tradi-tions of Kashmir and Saints of Kashmiris. He also published some extant classical books on Kashmir by European and important Kashmiri writers. His death was widely mourned by histo-rians and writers.

NiA to take JKP on board

Centre to legalize

‘surrender’ via NepalJK Police To Coordinate

with SSB return of Former Militants From PaK

sHaBir iBN YusuF

Srinagar, Mar 26: In the wake of controversial arrest of Liyaqat Ali Shah, the Gov-ernment of India has decid-ed to legalize surrender of former Kashmiri militants via Nepal route.

As a part of the new arrangement, Jammu and Kashmir police will assist Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) along Indo-Nepal border to facilitate safe return of the former militants from Pakistan administered Kashmir (PAK).

The Union Ministry of Home Affairs will also review the rehabilitation policy for surrendered militants.

The recent controversial arrest of Liyaqat Ali Shah of Kupwara, according to sources, has shown loopholes in the existing arrangement where a militant allegedly surrenders and no Indian agency is there to ensure he reaches Jammu and Kashmir as per the surrender terms.

New procedure will ensure coordination between Border Security Force (BSF) and Jammu and Kashmir Police for such surrenders, sources said. According to sources, cops of JK police component posted in New Delhi will be moving to Indo-Nepal border till a permanent Police Unit is sanctioned by the J&K Government for deployment there.

While the government had identified four entry points – Poonch-Rawalakote (Poonch), Uri-Muzaffarabad (Uri), Wagah (Punjab) and Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi, the same did not succeed due to reserva-tions in Islamabad. With the result Nepal emerged as an alternative route for militants who wanted to avail of the sur-render policy put in place by the J&K government.

“The JKP cops based in Delhi will be moving to Indo-Nepal border to facilitate

movement of such people,” Director General of Police (DGP) Ashok Prasad told Greater Kashmir. He said a permanent JKP unit would be created soon and deployed permanently in the area. “We can not open the police post till it is not sanctioned by


‘Probe To Be Completed In Minimum Possible Time’sHaBir iBN YusuF

Srinagar, Mar 26: Besides Delhi Police, Jammu and Kashmir Police will also be taken on board by the Nation-al Investigating Agency (NIA) while probing the controver-sial arrest of Liyaqat Ali Shah of Lolab Kupwara, a former militant who was to surren-der before J&K authorities after his return from Pakistan administered Kashmir (PaK).

The NIA probe into the arrest was ordered by the Union Home Ministry after J&K Chief Minister Omar Abdullah urged the Central Government to order an independent inquiry into the conflicting versions of JKP and Delhi Police.

“The investigation will be completed in minimum possible time,” Director NIA, S C Sinha told Greater Kash-mir over telephone. “Besides Delhi Police, Jammu & Kash-mir Police will also be taken on board. Both of them are linked to the case,” he said.

Informed sources in NIA said the case is most likely to be dealt by police officers from J&K cadre on deputation to NIA. They said the people who were accompanying Liyaqat

‘Detainees Include 5 Alleged

Stone Pelters’arviNd sHarMa

Jammu, Mar 26: As many as 86 persons are presently in detention under Public Safety Act (PSA) and lodged in differ-ent jails across the state.

Out of these, 41 persons are foreigners; Jammu and Kash-mir government has informed the Legislative Assembly.

However, it refused to divulge the identity of the detained persons saying, “It may be inappropri -ate to disclose the identity of the persons detained under the Act.”

The government said that no person below the age of 18 years was presently detained under the Act in view of the provisions prescribed under the amended J&K PSA 2012. “As per the amendment, clause (f) was inserted after clause (e) in sub-section 3 of Section 8 which provides that no citizen of India, who has not attained the age of 18 years can be detained under clause (a) and (a-i) of Section 8 of the

Govt puts anti-rape

Bill on holdCabinet Approves

Promotion Of KAS Officers

GK News NetworK

Jammu, Mar 26: Jammu and Kashmir government has deferred the much-awaited Bill aimed at strengthening the existing criminal laws governing crimes against women.

Official sources said the draft Bill, prepared by the state’s Law Department, on the recommendations of a high level committee, was presented before the state Cabinet, which met here today under the chairman-ship of Chief Minister Omar Abdullah. The department had proposed that the Bill be allowed to be tabled in the state legislature during the ongoing budget session so that the laws governing crimes against women could be strengthened.

“However, the cabinet could not evolve consensus on some of the recommenda-tions made in the draft bill and it was finally decided that the Bill be deferred”, a

Family Says Bilal Died In Custody; Police Say They Didn’t Arrest Him; Mehbooba Seeks ProbeKHalid Gul

Islamabad (Anantnag), Mar 26: The mysterious death of a youth Tuesday triggered protests in this South Kashmir town with the affected family alleging that he died in police cus-tody. The police, however, refuted the family claim and said the youth was not picked up by them at all.

Bilal Ahmad Dar (37) son of late Abdul Samad Dar, a farmer of Munghal village in Islamabad dis-trict was found dead in mysterious conditions in a paddy field near railway track in his village this morning.

“Police recovered Dar’s body near railway track of Munghal on Tuesday,” a police spokesperson said.

“The preliminary inves-tigation as revealed by a post mortem did not show any mark of violence on the body of the deceased,” police said.

However, the family of the deceased refuted the police version and alleged that Dar died in police custody.

“Bilal left his house at around 4 pm on Monday to meet his friends. He didn’t return till late evening. At around 8:00 pm, we tried to contact him on his mobile

phone, which was switched off,” Dar’s brother Abbas Dar told Greater Kashmir.

He said that on Tuesday morning one of their rela-tives who had gone to the paddy field spotted Dar’s body after which she informed the family. The body, he said, was covered with an empty cement bag. “When we saw one of his close friends, Tariq Ahmad, of nearby Chechar-pora village inside the police station Saddar Islamabad, he told us that police had picked up Bilal and him on drug abuse charges Monday eve-ning,” Abass said.

He alleged that police had picked up a chemist, Mashooq

Ahmad Magray of Mun-ghal village, auto-driver Muhammad Imran of Dilagam village and Dar along with his friend, Tariq Ahmad, from dif-ferent places at Munghal village Monday evening.

“Bilal was tortured and killed in police cus-tody,” Abass alleged.

He said that Bilal’s body had visible torture marks and head injuries as well as was confirmed by one of their relatives, doctor by profession, who was present during the post mortem. However, Senior

Superintendent of Police (SSP), Anantnag, RK Jalla said that Dar was not arrested at all.

“We had arrested other three persons from Munghal village on Monday at 7:30 pm. However, police didn’t arrest Bilal,” the SSP said.

He said that no marks of violence were found during the post mortem examination. “Police have initiated inquest proceedings under section 174 RPC and the post mortem report is awaited,” the SSP said. A police official said that three persons were arrested by the police from Munghal village on Monday evening on the charges of drug peddling.

‘Officials Responsible To Be Charge-Sheeted’

Muddasir ali

Jammu, Mar 26: The state government on Tuesday ordered immediate discon-tinuation of the services of backdoor appointees in vari-ous departments, three days after it found itself on back-foot on the issue that rocked the Legislative Assembly.

Facing criticism, the government said the officials responsible for making the appointments would be iden-tified and dealt under law.

A circular (09-GADof 2013) issued by the General Administration Department (GAD) Tuesday said it came to the fore that engagements were made by some depart-ments in violation of the J&K Civil Services (Special Provi-sions Act), the SRO-64 of 1994 and the Government Order (No 239-F of 2005).

“This has been taken seri-ously by the State Legislature and the Government,” said the circular issued by the Chief Secretary Iqbal Khanday. “All the administrative secretar-ies are directed to discontin-ue forthwith all the persons,

7963 backdoor appoint-ments of casual/daily

wagers, need/contingent/local fund paid and con-solidated workers made in 10 different departments between March 2009 and January 2013.

Act,” the government said.It also said that no politi-

cal leader is detained under the Act at present.

Srinagar, Mar 26: In rec-ognition of its strong fun-damentals and dynamic growth model, J&K Bank Tuesday won the presti-gious FE India’s ‘Best Banks Award 2012-13’.

The Bank has been ranked No. 1 in ‘Best Old Private Sector Bank’ cat-egory in the survey con-ducted across the banking industry. In terms of ‘Prof-itability’, the Bank stands 3rd in the overall banking industry while as 1ST in the category of ‘Old private sector banks’, a statement issued by the Bank said.

Chairman and CEO

Jam-Packed: Cluster of Houseboats swarm the surface of world-famous Dal Lake in Srinagar. Pic: HaBiB NaqasH/GK

Policemen Were Defusing Ammunition Recovered

From MilitantssHaBir iBN YusuF

Srinagar, Mar 26: Seven policemen including three officers were injured when a detonator went off during defusing of ammunition in Police Station Parimpora Tuesday afternoon.

Among the injured cops, two are from the Bomb Dis-posal Squad (BDS) of police, while five others are from executive police. The inci-dent took place at around 3 PM inside the premises of Police Station Parimpora Srinagar. Police sources said that BDS men and a police party of Police Station Parimpora were diffusing live ammunition recovered from two militants killed in Bemina Fidayeen attack on

engaged in violation of the Act, the SRO and the order.”

The departments have also been asked to forward the copies of the disengage-ment orders to the GAD within a fortnight.

Besides, the government has asked the administrative heads of the departments in which the appointments were made to identify the officers responsible for making these illegal appointments/engage-ments and charge-sheet them. “Copies of the charge-sheets may be forwarded to the GAD within 30 days,” the depart-ments have been directed.

These departments would also revisit the engagements made in accordance with Government Order No.239-F of 2005, dated 29.11.2005, and keep at the bare minimum

See centre to legalize...on Pg-10

See 4081 militants...on Pg-10

See sHo among 7...on Pg-10

See sack backdoor...on Pg-10See Youth's death...on Pg-10

See JK Bank...on Pg-10See 86 serving Psa...on Pg-10

See Forces occupy...on Pg-10

See Govt puts...on Pg-10

Liyaqat’s arrest aimed at sabotaging rehabilitation

policy: NCMuddasir ali

Jammu, Mar 26: The ruling National Conference on Monday said the arrest of a former Kashmiri militant Liyaqat Ali Shah by Delhi police was an “attempt to derail” the Rehabilitation Pro-cess meant for the youth who had crossed over to Pakistan administered Kashmir (PaK).

NC Additional Gen-eral Secretary Dr Mustafa Kamaal told media persons outside Legislative Assem-bly that there were “voices” within India and in Jammu

‘Terms of reference for handing over case to NIA

not finalized’Press trust oF iNdia

New Delhi, Mar 26: Union Home Ministry is yet to fina-lise the terms of reference for transferring a case to probe the circumstances leading to the arrest of alleged Hizbul Mujahideen militant Syed Liyaqat Shah from Delhi Police to National Investi-gation Agency.

Asked whether any noti-fication has been issued for transfer of the case, official spokesperson of the Minis-try said he had nothing to share with the media now.

would also be questioned to cross check the facts.

Liyaqat was arrested near the Indo-Nepal border on March 20. The Delhi Police claimed that Liyaqat was

about to execute a militant strike in Delhi. However, the Jammu and Kashmir Govern-ment maintained that he was an inactive militant living in

See Nia to take JKP...on Pg-10

See liyaqat's arrest...on Pg-10 See terms of reference...on Pg-10



