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*p??t**m*--m SDAY, APRIU 19, 1939 4 , ORFOLK gh Creighton Jr., was call- th Colton Saturday by the her father, John Creighton. he Creighton-and Josephine e Wednesday'evening dinner Blanche E. Martin, the oc- ng the 12th birthday anni- little Miss Martinr erett Bond of Norwood was onor at a .shoWer at the. •Mr, and Mrs. ;;Jftfn'es Bond,, "street. Mrs* Russell Oakest: *iibert Bond w 3 *^^hostesses - Norwood attendAfig were, ; Powell, Mr|. Wm. |*uil#flo -e Layaw, Mrs. Donald "Lay- tames King. "Mrs, Chester 'rs. Edward I?egan, Mrs 'jumb, Mrs. Alfred Bond, ^a Plumb of Pierrepont. re played. Mrs.,. Leonard % first prize arid' Mrs. Deila i'cond. Refreshments were v r.s. Bond was the recipient iis gifts. 'eft Bond met with,"quite a cident at-the rriill April 6 and was quite badfy-bruised ' : dex finger broken. He will ) to. resume his '• duties for Mrs. Leon 'Blbndiri of Sis- Owner residents, here, enter- ? tables of bingo and cards. Jrs. M. V. Peebles ~wgre' invited guests and report 7 a •evening. feridora- LaPlante spent Eas- ssena with her sister, Mar- "o Bennett of Winthrop spent V here last week with Mr. t the Peebles home. ihere of Mrs.' Edith Matqon Ved the information that she •and slowly recovering from e illness. Mrs. John Leecox attended &1-. of Mrs. Leecox^s aunt, *-y at Crary Mills., ;' ;ed Varney and baby J '6f West visited her parents here a '^recently. pyd Bresee and mother, Mrs. n were caller s at Wadding- •day. "ris Breze Murphy is recover rher recent ' illness at the -'er brother, Lloyd Bresee. j "mbers of the M. E. church! ired and newly decorated the jof the church for a recrea- for their young people. It ompleted this week.' They edicate it next Suriday even- innie Dayton has recovered ^illness. She is at the Spots- ;e here. ' ' ' din Spotswood fell and in- land quite badly.- Sheris at e at Potsdam. rtnightly club met Monday •lie Arthur King home. Mrs. Mrs. John VanKenhen were 'a Despaw Walker and Miss spaw who hayebeen so very ii the' gain. . • . .ond of a series of school pro- ovm as Parents School Night, ,Ven in the school igyirinasiuih y evening, April 19, and will ate the music instructional ,. of the school. This will be er the direction of the music ft Miss Audrey' Spotswood. 'endship Birthday ' club of •<of which Mrs. Beatrice a member, entertained in April 12 at the ' home of ley LaBeouf. 3 Mrs. Elmer eBatty visited % the home of R. Matthews in d:Mrs. Guy Dennicourt'of Visited their daughter, Mrs. Mein here Saturday Mrs. ; two little daughters accom- eih home for over Sunday. i 3, son of Paul Dallas, "was iired last Thursday night pas struck by a car hear his ;l&wer Main street. He was] to the Potsdam, hospital and <W Dr. McNulty. He had a .jBfand was quite badly bru;s- iOonnell's Bible study class ,? library Friday. T h e y cc-in- P.Study course for this time. .;* ttish supper was enjoyed. ented the teachr with a gift ?nolk school reopenetf-Mbn- mg a twelve day Easter re- Masses were resumed. ' f*ifcht of Norwood was the ,«er at the meeting of the .^unity elubTield at the Ji- .* Thursday night. Wonio Zappia and children ff days in Canada last week sWother, Mrs. Hewitt. ,a«efe Burgess of Hopkinton ™ster vacation at the home Mi* Earl Stevens here. ™- Vera Emlaw M 4 fam -CTcsts Sunday of Doris Han- wrenceville. ' ' £ ? 5?,? no,1 y *» recovering T f w t illnc«g. •• * Ladies Aid will meet at W.tneir newly elected prtii- |Ahce Smith, Wednesday p. |r Smith and son Alfred, » wnnnnt THE NORWOOD NE^gjNORWQOPv;NEW YpRR ', ^'i^PAGE FIVE street, Massena, but are now located at 148 Andrew street. Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Gladden and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCoy were Sunday visitors at the home of their brother, Leslie Carr. Mr. and Mrs. J. L, ' Haggett Jr., were callers Sunday p. m. at the Doug las home at Winthrop.. , Hubert Upell of-Brasher Falls spent soine time here with his son Elmer Upell. * * Mr. and Mrs. Amos Kuhn of Co.rn- bwall spent Easter here at the home of I Mr. and Mrs. Maurice LaPlante. Mr. and Mrs. William Gates of Ful- ton visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chap- man last week end. Raymondville Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hough and Franci s spent the past week in Water town as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith. " Miss Arlene Warner of Massena vis- ited friends here last week. Miss Rita Rupert of Louisville Land ing spent last week as guest of Wilma Cooper. The P. T. A. have purchased a piano from Herb Hall and have in the school hall. "Mrs. P. J. Collins entertained the Home Bureau Thursday, April 13. Mr. Roy Guyette underwent an operation for stomach ulcers at the Potsdam hospital Friday, April 7. Mrs. Walter Campbell and daughter Lola spent last week in Watertown as guest s of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gore Miss June Murray of Winthrop spent Friday-night, Saturday and Sunday at Alfred Raymo's. ***< \ X Hamet Ot Syr*. ' * « Mrs. Jama. Bond and gf'tor, o* hUrirt^r,Edith W *«** lfrfat mi OWr Brookdale April 17.—Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Delosh and son Leon were callers at North Lawrence Sunday p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Ola Porter and cousin Mrs. LaBow were business callers in Canton and Potsdam Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Easdell spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis LaComb and family at Jenkins corners. ' Marion Cleveland returned to her home in Norfolk after a two week's stay with Mrs. Jennie Bush. Glenn Curtis is very ill with grippe Dr. Evans ,of Waddington attend s him Rev. Howard Chapman and family of Long Lake spent a few days the past week with his father, E. S. Chapman and family. • Ola Porter attended a milk meeting at Albany Wednesday. Marion Porter spent Monday and" Tuesday with Jeanette Tilden at! Brasher Falls. . ' I Mrs. Raympnd Porter spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Clarence Grant at Plumbrook. '. Mrs. Leon Jones has been very ill the past week. Her sister, Mrs. Susie Nichols of Knapps is caring for her | Elwood Morgan is convalescing at the Carson home after an operation on ; his throat which he had at Potsdam' hospital te past week. j 'Olga Jones of Plumbrook spent Sun; day with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stickneyj and son Kenneth. ; Ralph and Marion Porter ' andj friends spent Saturday evening in. Fort Jackson. I Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hutchins and family spent Sunday with her parents.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carson and family] Louisville I April 17.—The Community Ladies' Aid was held Wednesday at the par-l sonage with Mrs. E. F. Mellott as host! ess. The following officers were elect-1 ed for the coming year: President,! Mrs. G. L. Bandy; vice-president, Mrs. | Kenneth Hurlbut; secretary, Mrs. ! Robert Power; treasurer, Mrs. W. F. Wilson; chaplain, Mrs. E. F. Mellott. Francis Boyce is visiting his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas at Highland Falls. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wilson have re- turned home from St. Petersburg, Fla. where they spent the past month. . "John and Miss Rose Doud attended. the funeral of the late Charles Robin-j son at Massena Friday a. m. •- i Miss Lillian Boyce was home from; Ogdensburg a few days last week. i The town board met Saturday p. m. j The road money of §4,560.89 wasjip-j portioned as fallows: $2,000 to be used in the Mein district; ?2,000 to be ; used for general repair work; $560.89 will be used a s a reserve fund; 2,000 feet- of snow fence was purchased of m C. Hollenbeck of Moira. M. C. > L a W was appointed to call out fire wardens lit case the supervisor was 11 Kenneth Mishand was arrested Sun- day by Ttt>oper.R. R G f ery and^ar- raigned before Jfustice W. M. Alexan- der for operating a car without a li- cense and-was fined $5.00. Leslie Fraiicfe was also arraigned ferdrivftt** ** *8 "^equate remain* *&wte '«• & t t S WWte, B. N. of Massena is caring for Her daughters who were home foHhe Bwter Latidn last week, are also with her. __ Uncle 'm -4m * ">f an t a ff £J Chipman April 12.—The Rev. Qeorge R. H^r land took the following young people to the banquet at Hammond last even- ing, Misses Dorothy Fisher, Marion Oliver, and Jack Fisher, Lyle Robson and Robert Harland,, Mrs. Edgar Veitch of Madrid and daughter, Mrs. Margaret Elliott of Lynbrook, L. I., Were guests Easter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray'Fisher and fam- ily. * . ' ' v Miss Mary Veitch of Whitesboro, N. Y., and her sister-in-law, Mrs. May- fred Veitch, R. N. of Orangeburg ,are guests of their father, Andrew Veitch and family. Miss Catherine Killough, who was coming with them, and was to haVe sung at the Scotch church Sunday, was prevented by te serious sickness of a friend. Miss Dorothy Link, R. N., and broth er, Gerald Ling of Gouverneur, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Fisher and attended the Easter service at the Scotch Presbyterian church. They formerly lived on the Alex Robson farm at Chiprhan and many friends were pleased- to weleome*| them. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hobkirk and fam- ily of Ogdensburg, and ' Miss Belle Rutherford of Waddington, were- sup- per guests at the Hobkirk home Sun- day evening. Maclaren and David Hobkirk remained for a few days with their grandparents. Mrs. Dale Harper and son Jimmy, were guests for the week fo her par- ents, Mr.' and Mrs. Carlton Barber of Canton. Mr. Harper went for them Easter Sunday and they returned home. Little Nellie Steinberg, four-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Steinberg, was badly burned Monday morning when she sat down in a pail of hot water. Mrs. ' Steinberg has been with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Myron Fisher, since the birth of her infant daughter, and when washing Monday, set te pail of water on the floor while she brought in the little girl and her brother from the porch. Nellie slipped and.sat in the water be- fore er mother could ca,tch her. Dr. L. L. Dunlop was called and took the child to the Potsdam hospital where she is doing as well as can be expected Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Walker es- caped serious injury when their car ploughed into the mud-at the side- if the road and then crossed the road and turned over just at the home of Mack Willard. They were on their way to the town line church at the time, Mrs Walker was thrown into the bottom of the car, her glasses were broken and her face quite badly cut and scratched.' Mr. Willard -and his sons helped extricate the car from the. snow bank where it had finally, landed and Mr. and Mrs. Walker were able to return home at once. Both were grateful that they were not more ser- iously hurt. A window of the car was broken and also a head light. The Rev. and Mrs. George R. Har- lan d attended the Easter service at the Presbyterian church at Wadding- ton Sunday evening. Leta Fisher spent Wednesday m Can- ton visiting relatives and friends. The Rev. G. R. Harland received word that his cousin, the Rev. Emily Harland, had fallen from the doorstep and broken her left wrist. ^ Miss Har- land was confined to the hospital at Gouverneur for a few days and then returned to her church work at Natur- al Dam. J ' ' Mrs. Alex Hobkirk was the over night guest of Mrs. Hannah Ruther- ford and daughter, Gertrude Thursday and visited for the day Friday with her sister, Mrs. J. W. Rutherford and family and her son Carl Hobkirk and family, all of Ogdensburg. Mrs. Ida Packard of Madrid who is visiting her niece, Mrs. George M. E1 T lioott and family, is improving from her recent sickness. » Hepburn Library Report for March Adult fiction £06, .Children's, fiction 222, total 1028; Adult non-fiction: 133, children's non-fiction 129, total, '262; adult magazines 1,49,'s maga- zines 85, total 234; total circulation 1,524. •_ Donations—Miss CrapseK,25 books, Mrs. R. H. Newton, Massena, 2 books; Wallace Pemberton, 2 books. Magazines, newspapers and pam- phlets—Miss Forsythe, Mrs. R. H. Wil- son, Mrs. C. Thompson, Emily Thomp- son, S. A. Logan, Hugh Downey. Holders of commnity room—Mrs. HarVey McBride, Miss Bessie Dunn, Mrs. Mary Hoy. Rites for Mrs. Jcfnnie Lassla Funeral services were held Wednes- day afternoon for Mrs. Jennie- Harper Lassla, wife of Frank Lassla, Who died Sunday night, April 9, of a heart at- tack.' The Rev. Lawrence Heathreing- ton of Madrid and the Rev. Ellis Munyon, pastor of the M. E. ahurch here, conducted the service. Prayers at the house at 1:30 and*at 2 p. the church, The body was taken to Morrisburg and placed in the vault to await burial in the spring. Mrs. Lassla was born in Morrisburg, Ont., July 21, 1872, daughter of Jacob and Eliza Castle Harper. Surviving besides her husband are one daughter, Mrs., Harold Begg of Rochester, two sisters, Mrs. John. Langevin of Cornwall, Ont and Mrs. Wm. Winters of Morley, and one brother, Jacob Harper of Livelong, Sask. ,, St. Agnes Guiid of St. Paul's church met at the home of Miss Marion For- sythe oh Wednesday afternoon for the regular monthly meetirie.., Mr. Arthur Cauraugh who'has been confined to his honfe for the past week is able to be out again. On Tuesday evening Mrs. Glen Shel don made her official visit to the Ju- venile Grange. Meeting was held-in 4he cpmmunity room. A fine program was enjoyed and a covered dish sup- per served by the' memebrs. : The annual banquet of the Study Brasher falli April 1-7.—Mis s Anna Moran'was<| home from Ogdensburg for the week end. * Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clemmo mov- ed from the Leon 1 Butler place on East Main street to the 'Mrs. Bridget Mit- chell* cottage at Brasher Iron Works. Mr. Butler is doing some repair work on his house formerly .known, as the Mr, and Mrs. Frank Butler home. Mrs, Jane Delaire of Beacon, N. Y. is passing several days with her sis- ters, Mrs. Harry Phiffer and Miss Mary Murray. Miss Frances Murrav and sister, Mrs. Williafn Dalton and daughter, Margaret of New York City, passed Madrid IfBje past week with her mother and sister, Mrs. Margaret Murray and Mrs. Ellen Lane, Mrs. Miss Mae Murray.' Supt. Neil Murray,and Mrs. Belle Brown Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Hull and sons Richard and Harrison Jr., of Al- bany were guests the past week of their parents, Mr.« and Mrs. C. G> Hull Mrs. Mary Farmer of Canton visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tupper and family recently. Mr .and Mrs. Fred Gonyea of St. Regis Falls and Mrs. B. A. Wlnave of Bombay were recent guests' of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gonyea. ^ The ladies who attended the silver tea from Madrid, Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Simon Westaway were Mrs. Lawrence Heatheringtdn, Mrs. Alton Walker, Mrs. L. L. Dunlop, Mrs Ar. D. Oliver, Mrs. George Fobes, Mrs. Allen Meeker, Mrs. ' William Burns, Roy Watson of Plattsburg with his wife v .and chil dren were also guests of his mother j and sister a few days; Mrs, Leo Martin of. Louisville and sisters, Mrs. Aaron Martin and Mrs. Philip Tierrian and daughter, Miss Irerie Tiernan of Chase Mills visited their sister, Mrs. John Mqran and fam- ily on Sunday. Miss Anna Tiernan re- turned with them after passing five weeks at .the home of her brothers, Philip and Edward and their families in Chase Mills. William'O'Neil of Edwards passed | the week end with His~brother, Daniel O'Neil and other relatives here.- ' Mrs; Nellie H°urihan and daughter, Miss Marion Hourihan, returned to Plattsburg after passing the week at their home here. Mrs. Hannah Hayes, Miss Eileen Mahoney, Miss Reta Calnon and Miss Dolly Converse returned to their work on the Tupper Lake High school on Sunday after passing ten days at their Various homes here. Mr.' and Mrs. Clarence Potvin and three children of Tupper Lake came for the day Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Murray and family, and to take the older son, Ciar ence Jr., home with them. Clarence, a student in the high school passed'the ten day vacation with his grandpar- ents here. ' Mrs. Charles Milton and daughter, came from Massena to have the week end at their home here with Mr, Mil- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Endershee and children Jane and Paul of Massena', passed Sunday here. Mrs. Catherine McCarthy ha s gone to Massena to visit her niece, Mrs. C. R.' Endersbee and family for the week Miss Eleanor Mullarney of Massena passed the week end with friends here Mis s Helen Collins returned to her school near Lowville on Monday morn- ing after passing the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins- and Miss Margaret Collins. , Skinnerville , The-Madrid. Home Bureau unit met Thursday at library hall. A. covered dish dinner was served'at noon A lighting demonstration was given by Miss Helen' Kingston of the Utilities at Massena.. ... ' \ Mrs. E. H.. Lalone of Boston and Mr. and Mrs. O. DeGraff of Canton called Sunday on Mrs. Belle Brown Mrs. Eva Harder of Brier Hill is visiting her son,. Delps Harder and family. The mid week.prayer meeting will be held Wednesday . evening at the home of Mrs. Agnes Robson.. , William Dean oldest son of Dr and Mrs. H. G. Dean, is very ill at his home. - Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sheets motored Sunday to Cornwall, Ont. Ernest Veio of Pierrepont visited his mother, Mrs. Mayfred Veio over the week end. Mrs. Daniel ' Regan of Norwood spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs L. E. Kelly and family, Mrs, Martha Wilson of Ogdensburg is staying with her sister, Mrs. Wes- ley Watson. Mrs. Watson has been quite ill, but is gaining now. Miss Ruth Lane left Friday to spend the week end with her N friend, Tony Riboldazzi in Syracuse. Mrs. S; R". Lockwood went Tuesday to Hepburn hospital- in Ogdensburg for observation and treatment. Dr. L. L, Dunlop has installed an electro cardiograph in his office m Madrid. " Miss Jean Logan of Waddington spent the week end- with Dr. and Mrs 0-. P. Coleman. ' Mis s Norma Jean Doud of West Stockholm spent the past week with her aunt, Mrs. H. J. Connor and fam- ily. . . , ' . > Miss Grace Aitchison left Tuesdav for Delhi. . Wednesday morning she went to New York City with the sen- ior class of the Delhi High school for the rest of the week. Allan Turner returned Saturday to Kis duties at the bank after spending a few days at home with the grippe. Mrs. Arthur Wells is visiting her club was held at the home of Mr. andi . _ Mrs. Jay Chamberlain on Monday eve-' April 15.—Bliss DaVis sawed Lewis [people in Chazy. ning. Committee in?-eharge, Mrs. JayIHoward's wood pile on Wednesday) ^ . ~~ Chamberlain, Mrs. Carl Olds, Mrs.. 1 and Kenneth Dyke sawed for Leo j AgTlffFaDllS Henry Logan and Mrs. Henry Wilson. I Francis on Thursday. j ' .. 0 . Mrs. Carl 01d s left Sunday night fori Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Cummings have! The prospective 1939 acreage of po- Mrs. Elizabeth Briars and son Ren-(New York City to spend a week- f with ; been entertaining relatives from Utica j tatoes in New York state is 213,000 her mother, Mrs. Graig. ' N. Y. ; acres as conipared with 220,000 last Miss Mary Locke left Sunday for' Florence Moulton was horne from! year, and a five-year average of 238, E.arlville, N, Y. -. ! Jasper, N. Y., for Easter vacation, also. 000... _,—L i Elaine Munson from Philadelphia, N.! Fruit juices recently introduced in W i n t h r o p G r a n g e N o t e s JY. Miss Edna Crane:came from Yon- j elude prune, plum, cherry, Young " : |ker s to spend Easter with the Crane The regular meeting; of Winthrop ( families. Other visitors at the Crane Grange was: held. Saturday evening.j sugar bu sh were Rev. Raymond and. are"passion "fruit"and"strawberry There will', be an officer's meeting at HeuVelton Monday afternoon, and eve- nings The Service arid-, Hospitality committee wip-spons.or an entertain- ment and danjefe at Holmes Hill Friday nighty A-p41"Mi- ^th : the Kentucky. Ramblers of St. Albans, Vt., fumish- irig-riausic. Mrs. Paul Crump of Massena visit- ed Mrs. John Munson on Monday. Miss Edna Crane spent Wednesday and Thursday at John Munson's. The Misses Mumel and Eva Crane were at Massena on Thursday. u , . S ke <* * ai f k ,r W ™* ^ « CMia^^aT'wTiosTmuch The literary program opened by all until serving, don't stack them; m-i strength in boasting of power, which singing, Old Black Joe; current event s 'stead place them sirigly on a hot plat--' would be great if We only hejd a executives to plan their year's work and programs. , Mr. Hiram Crump, 82, who jg living with his daughter, Mrs. Leslie Joyce, visited frifeiids at Madrid-Jast week and returned home again. His health is much improved. Mr.-and Mrs. Alex Fisher atid,Miss by Rhoda Thompson; Supervisor Jen kins gave a talk on "Taxation in Our Town"; solo, Mrs. Sarah Hicks; As- semblyman Warren O. Daniels was in- troduced and gave a splendid talk on "Taxation"; song, My Old Kentucky Home. Norfolk Grange will visit u s at the next meeting in observance of Neigh- bor's Night. Ladies are asked to bring sandwiches, cake or doughnuts. Grange closed in due form. Chase Mills Mr. and Mrg t Harold Cox; and fam- ily of Ogdensburg were callers Sun- day at H. Holmes'. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dunn of Lis- bon and Mrs. K. E. Watson and chil- dren of Raymondville were callers Sunday at Mrs. L. _0. Ballou's. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bidwell of Nor- folk were callers Sunday at R. H. Gil- more's. ' , L. O. Ballou has gone to the Veteran hospital at Batavia for treatment. ' Mr. and Mrs. George McNulty and son Dick of Raymondville spent Sun- day at J. A. Thrasher's. j. School began here after Easter, va- cation^ , Miss Mabel /Martin returned to her school work in New York after spend- ing her Easter vacation with her broth •r*,'R. E. and A. T. Martin. I-MT. and Mrp. Trfenry Hiillips took their son Yale, to Hepburn hospital for treatment of pneumonia. ' ,. New .York state's ?0,000 members of 4-H club* are engaged in * state- wide campaign for farm Are preven- j tion* * ' ter in a warm oven. R-HMa^HHHEiaaHr^SBriWMEBamEMIlBI wick of Rensselaer Falls and Mrs. John Edgar of Lisbon attended the services at the Scotch church Sunday and were dinner guests of Mrs. Briar's sister, Mrs. Edmund Walker and Mr. Walker. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Beggs of Og- densburg were guests Sunday of their|rm,_'„i.--. ,. •-„ „„„., , .• . - .: — parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Butter- & S B ^ X S SnTCS,S ^*' Mi?S Juli * Grant ' * ™ Jarvta ford and Janet, andTttended the w \ ^ f % T Z S & J ^ Campbell. ^ Ch a r i es Tilden and family arid the vice at the church. I- Ve ^ 1 ^municataons were read.j scllool cilM ^ n of Miss Muriel Crane. April 4.5.—Mrs. Edward Rutherford entertained the members of the Way- side Workers It was a very special meeting as Mrs. Ruther- ford was. celebrating her 70th birthday. A delicious dinner was served at noon with a fine birthday cake .sent by Mrs Rutherford's daughter, Mrs. Raymond Rutherford of Madrid, wsa was unable to attend. After devotional exercises led by the president, Mrs. Edwin Fish- er, the usual business meeting was held and a free will offering of ten dollars given for the work of redeco- rating at the United Helpers Home in Ogdensburg. Two small quilts were finished for the cribs at the home and a large one pieced. Members present were, Mrs. G. R. Harland, Mrs. Myron Martin, Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, Mrs. Ed- win Fisher, Mrs. Earl Porteous, Miss Annie Veitch, Mrs. D. William Por- teous, Mrs; Edwin Hargrave, Mrs. Dale Harper and Mrs. Edward Rutherford. Guests for the day were Mrs. Har- per's house."guests, her sister, Miss Anna May Barber and aunt, Miss Clarke of Canton, Mrs, Jennie Ruther- ford and daughter, Miss Marion Ruth- erford of Chase Mills, Mrs. Maurice McCready, Mis s Irma Portous, Miss Irerie Rutherford of Fayetteville and Miss Mary Veitch of Whitesboro, N. Y The Rev. arid'Mrs. George R. Har- land called At Potsdam hospital on lit- tle Nellie Steiriberg and found her do- ing well. Mrs. Alex Fisher and daughter Leta, attended the silver tea at the home of Mrs. Westaway at Morley Wednesday afternoon arid Leta sang two selections Mrs, Edwiii Fisher, Mrs. ' Leslie Joyce> Mrs. Robert Fisher and Miss Leta Fisher were in Canton yesterday attending a meeting of Home Bureau berry, papaya, currant, tangerine, and pomegranates Still being developed Dairymen in OAnondaga, Otsego and Jefferson counties are forming associations for the artificial breed- ing of cows. Dairymen of Columbia c-ranty and of-adjoining counties in Massachusetts and ' Connecticut are organizing' a, tri-state association Boasting of Power We find," ssud Hi Ho, the sage fraction of whai.vve mention.'' a !• ARE THE : / </ All THE . ; . / '4 RAINDROPS BANKS R E S E R Y 0 I R S One raindrop cannot nourisji a field of growing crops nor run a mill wheel. 1 Neither can $5.00 in John Smith's pocket meet the credit needs of a com- munity. But when hundreds of "John Smiths'' nuke deposits in the hank, a ''reservoir" is created from which the bank can n*ke loans to the farmer, the merchant, the manufacturer, and others. In this way, banks and their de- positors work together for mutual benefit. State Bank of Wofwood \ ffiBaMMBMiiaiM »»»—••—••••••[ m •: ; y 4 » 1 1 1 Pi'*"* « Hi \ **r-i*£. •^^m&^atx&i^**.-* « ' " W, ?f'?

*p??t**m*… · ) to. resume his '• duties for Mrs. Leon 'Blbndiri of Sis-Owner residents, here, enter-? tables

May 23, 2020



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Page 1: *p??t**m*… · ) to. resume his '• duties for Mrs. Leon 'Blbndiri of Sis-Owner residents, here, enter-? tables


SDAY, APRIU 19, 1939 4 ,

ORFOLK gh Creighton Jr. , was call-th Colton Saturday by the her father, John Creighton. he Creighton-and Josephine e Wednesday'evening dinner Blanche E. Martin, the oc-ng the 12th birthday anni-little Miss Martinr

erett Bond of Norwood was onor at a .shoWer at the.

•Mr, and Mrs. ;;Jftfn'es Bond,, "street. Mrs* Russell Oakest: *iibert Bond w3*^^hostesses - Norwood attendAfig were,

; Powell, Mr| . Wm. |*uil#flo -e Layaw, Mrs. Donald "Lay-tames King. "Mrs, Chester ' rs . Edward I?egan, Mrs

'jumb, Mrs. Alfred Bond, a Plumb of Pierrepont. re played. Mrs.,. • Leonard

% first prize arid' Mrs. Deila i'cond. Refreshments were vr.s. Bond was the recipient iis gifts. 'eft Bond met with,"quite a cident a t - the rriill April 6 and was quite badfy-bruised ':dex finger broken. He will ) to. resume his '• duties for

Mrs. Leon 'Blbndiri of Sis-Owner residents, here, enter-? tables of bingo and cards. J rs . M. V. Peebles ~wgre' invited guests and report7 a

•evening. feridora- LaPlante spent Eas-ssena with her sister, Mar-

"o Bennett of Winthrop spent V here last week with Mr. t the Peebles home. ihere of Mrs.' Edith Matqon Ved the information that she •and slowly recovering from e illness.

Mrs. John Leecox attended &1-. of Mrs. Leecox^s aunt, *-y at Crary Mills., ;' ;ed Varney and babyJ'6f West

visited her parents here a '^recently. pyd Bresee and mother, Mrs. n were callers at Wadding-•day. "ris Breze Murphy is recover rher recent ' illness at the -'er brother, Lloyd Bresee. j "mbers of the M. E . church! ired and newly decorated the jof the church for a recrea-

for their young people. I t ompleted this week.' They edicate it next Suriday even-

innie Dayton has recovered ^illness. She is a t the Spots-;e here. ' ' ' din Spotswood fell and in­

l a n d quite badly.- Sheris at e at Potsdam. rtnightly club met Monday •lie Arthur King home. Mrs. • Mrs. John VanKenhen were

'a Despaw Walker and Miss spaw who hayebeen so very ii the' gain. . • . .ond of a series of school pro-ovm as Parents School Night, ,Ven in the school igyirinasiuih y evening, April 19, and will

ate the music instructional ,. of the school. This will be er the direction of the music ft Miss Audrey' Spotswood. 'endship Birthday ' club of •<of which Mrs. Beatrice

a member, entertained in April 12 at the ' home of

ley LaBeouf. 3 Mrs. Elmer eBatty visited % the home of R. Matthews in

d:Mrs. Guy Dennicourt 'of Visited their daughter, Mrs. Mein here Saturday Mrs. ; two little daughters accom-eih home for over Sunday. i 3, son of Paul Dallas, "was iired last Thursday night pas struck by a car hear his ;l&wer Main street. He was] to the Potsdam, hospital and <W Dr. McNulty. He had a .jBfand was quite badly bru;s-

iOonnell's Bible study class ,? library Friday. They cc-in-P.Study course for this time. .;* ttish supper was enjoyed. ented the teachr with a gift

?nolk school reopenetf-Mbn-mg a twelve day Eas te r re-Masses were resumed. ' f*ifcht of Norwood was the , « e r at the meeting of the . ^ u n i t y elubTield a t the Ji-.* Thursday night. Wonio Zappia and children f f days in Canada last week sWother, Mrs. Hewitt. ,a«efe Burgess of Hopkinton ™ster vacation a t the home

Mi* Earl Stevens here. ™ - Vera Emlaw M 4 fam -CTcsts Sunday of Doris Han-wrenceville. '

' £ ? 5?,?no,1y *» recovering Tf w t illnc«g. • • * Ladies Aid will meet a t W.tneir newly elected p r t i i -|Ahce Smith, Wednesday p.

| r Smith and son Alfred,

» wnnnnt


street, Massena, but are now located a t 148 Andrew street.

Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Gladden and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCoy were Sunday visitors at the home of their brother, Leslie Carr.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L, ' Haggett Jr., were callers Sunday p. m. at the Doug las home at Winthrop..

, Hubert Upell of-Brasher Falls spent soine time here with his son Elmer Upell. • * *

Mr. and Mrs. Amos Kuhn of Co.rn-bwall spent Easter here at the home of I Mr. and Mrs. Maurice LaPlante.

Mr. and Mrs. William Gates of Ful­ton visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chap­man last week end.

Raymondville Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hough and

Franci s spent the past week in Water town as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith. " •

Miss Arlene Warner of Massena vis­ited friends here last week.

Miss Rita Rupert of Louisville Land ing spent last week as guest of Wilma Cooper.

The P. T. A. have purchased a piano from Herb Hall and have in the school hall.

"Mrs. P. J. Collins entertained the Home Bureau Thursday, April 13.

Mr. Roy Guyette underwent an operation for stomach ulcers at the Potsdam hospital Friday, April 7.

Mrs. Walter Campbell and daughter Lola spent last week in Watertown as guest s of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gore

Miss June Murray of Winthrop spent Friday-night, Saturday and Sunday at Alfred Raymo's.

* * * < \ X Hamet Ot Syr*.

' * « Mrs. Jama. Bond and

gf'tor, o* hU rirt^r, Edith W *«** lfrfat mi OWr

Brookdale April 17.—Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Delosh

and son Leon were callers at North Lawrence Sunday p. m.

Mr. and Mrs. Ola Porter and cousin Mrs. LaBow were business callers in Canton and Potsdam Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Easdell spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis LaComb and family at Jenkins corners. '

Marion Cleveland returned to her home in Norfolk after a two week's stay with Mrs. Jennie Bush.

Glenn Curtis is very ill with grippe Dr. Evans ,of Waddington attends him

Rev. Howard Chapman and family of Long Lake spent a few days the past week with his father, E. S. Chapman and family. • Ola Porter attended a milk meeting at Albany Wednesday.

Marion Porter spent Monday and" Tuesday with Jeanette Tilden at! Brasher Falls. . ' I

Mrs. Raympnd Porter spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Clarence Grant at Plumbrook. '.

Mrs. Leon Jones has been very ill • the past week. Her sister, Mrs. Susie Nichols of Knapps is caring for her |

Elwood Morgan is convalescing at the Carson home after an operation on ; his throat which he had at Potsdam' hospital te past week. j

'Olga Jones of Plumbrook spent Sun; day with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stickneyj and son Kenneth. ;

Ralph and Marion Porter ' andj friends spent Saturday evening in. Fort Jackson. I

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hutchins and family spent Sunday with her parents.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carson and family]

Louisville I April 17.—The Community Ladies'

Aid was held Wednesday at the par-l sonage with Mrs. E. F. Mellott as host! ess. The following officers were elect-1 ed for the coming year: President,! Mrs. G. L. Bandy; vice-president, Mrs. | Kenneth Hurlbut; secretary, Mrs. ! Robert Power; treasurer, Mrs. W. F. Wilson; chaplain, Mrs. E. F. Mellott.

Francis Boyce is visiting his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas a t Highland Falls.

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wilson have re­turned home from St. Petersburg, Fla. where they spent the past month. .

"John and Miss Rose Doud attended. the funeral of the late Charles Robin-j son at Massena Friday a. m. •- i

Miss Lillian Boyce was home from; Ogdensburg a few days last week. i

The town board met Saturday p. m. j The road money of §4,560.89 wasjip-j portioned as fallows: $2,000 to be used in the Mein district; ?2,000 to be ;

used for general repair work; $560.89 will be used a s a reserve fund; 2,000 feet- of snow fence was purchased of m C. Hollenbeck of Moira. M. C. > L a W was appointed to call out fire wardens l i t case the supervisor was

11 Kenneth Mishand was arrested Sun­day by Ttt>oper.R. R G f ery and^ar­raigned before Jfustice W. M. Alexan­der for operating a car without a li­cense and-was fined $5.00.

Leslie Fraiicfe was also arraigned

ferdrivftt** * * * 8 " ^ e q u a t e

remain* *&wte '«• & t t S WWte, B. N. of Massena is caring for

Her daughters who were home foHhe Bwter L a t i d n last week, are also

with her. __

Uncle 'm -4m * ">f a n t af f £ J

Chipman April 12.—The Rev. Qeorge R. H^r

land took the following young people to the banquet at Hammond last even­ing, Misses Dorothy Fisher, Marion Oliver, and Jack Fisher, Lyle Robson and Robert Harland,,

Mrs. Edgar Veitch of Madrid and daughter, Mrs. Margaret Elliott of Lynbrook, L. I., Were guests Easter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray'Fisher and fam­ily. * . ' ' v

Miss Mary Veitch of Whitesboro, N. Y., and her sister-in-law, Mrs. May-fred Veitch, R. N. of Orangeburg ,are guests of their father, Andrew Veitch and family. Miss Catherine Killough, who was coming with them, and was to haVe sung at the Scotch church Sunday, was prevented by te serious sickness of a friend.

Miss Dorothy Link, R. N., and broth er, Gerald Ling of Gouverneur, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ert Fisher and attended the Easter service at the Scotch Presbyterian church. They formerly lived on the Alex Robson farm at Chiprhan and many friends were pleased- to weleome*| them.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hobkirk and fam­ily of Ogdensburg, and ' Miss Belle Rutherford of Waddington, were- sup­per guests at the Hobkirk home Sun­day evening. Maclaren and David Hobkirk remained for a few days with their grandparents.

Mrs. Dale Harper and son Jimmy, were guests for the week fo her par­ents, Mr.' and Mrs. Carlton Barber of Canton. Mr. Harper went for them Easter Sunday and they returned home.

Little Nellie Steinberg, four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Steinberg, was badly burned Monday morning when she sat down in a pail of hot water. Mrs. ' Steinberg has been with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Myron Fisher, since the birth of her infant daughter, and when washing Monday, set te pail of water on the floor while she brought in the little girl and her brother from the porch. Nellie slipped and.sat in the water be­fore er mother could ca,tch her. Dr. L. L. Dunlop was called and took the child to the Potsdam hospital where she is doing as well as can be expected

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Walker es­caped serious • injury when their car ploughed into the mud-at the side- if the road and then crossed the road and turned over just at the home of Mack Willard. They were on their way to the town line church at the time, Mrs Walker was thrown into the bottom of the car, her glasses were broken and her face quite badly cut and scratched.' Mr. Willard -and his sons helped extricate the car from the. snow bank where it had finally, landed and Mr. and Mrs. Walker were able to return home at once. Both were grateful that they were not more ser­iously hurt. A window of the car was broken and also a head light.

The Rev. and Mrs. George R. Har­lan d attended the Easter service at the Presbyterian church at Wadding­ton Sunday evening.

Leta Fisher spent Wednesday m Can­ton visiting relatives and friends.

The Rev. G. R. Harland received word that his cousin, the Rev. Emily Harland, had fallen from the doorstep and broken her left wrist. ^ Miss Har­land was confined to the hospital a t Gouverneur for a few days and then returned to her church work at Natur­al Dam. J ' '

Mrs. Alex Hobkirk was the over night guest of Mrs. Hannah Ruther­ford and daughter, Gertrude Thursday and visited for the day Friday with her sister, Mrs. J . W. Rutherford and family and her son Carl Hobkirk and family, all of Ogdensburg.

Mrs. Ida Packard of Madrid who is visiting her niece, Mrs. George M. E1T

lioott and family, is improving from her recent sickness. »

Hepburn Library Report for March Adult fiction £06, .Children's, fiction

222, total 1028; Adult non-fiction: 133, children's non-fiction 129, total, '262; adult magazines 1,49,'s maga­zines 85, total 234; total circulation 1,524. •_

Donations—Miss CrapseK,25 books, Mrs. R. H. Newton, Massena, 2 books; Wallace Pemberton, 2 books.

Magazines, newspapers and pam­phlets—Miss Forsythe, Mrs. R. H. Wil­son, Mrs. C. Thompson, Emily Thomp­son, S. A. Logan, Hugh Downey.

Holders of commnity room—Mrs. HarVey McBride, Miss Bessie Dunn, Mrs. Mary Hoy.

Rites for Mrs. Jcfnnie Lassla Funeral services were held Wednes­

day afternoon for Mrs. Jennie- Harper Lassla, wife of Frank Lassla, Who died Sunday night, April 9, of a heart at­tack.' The Rev. Lawrence Heathreing-ton of Madrid and the Rev. Ellis Munyon, pastor of the M. E. ahurch here, conducted the service. Prayers at the house a t 1:30 and*at 2 p. n i . a t the church, The body was taken to Morrisburg and placed in the vault to await burial in the spring. Mrs. Lassla was born in Morrisburg, Ont., July 21, 1872, daughter of Jacob and Eliza Castle Harper. Surviving besides her husband are one daughter, Mrs., Harold Begg of Rochester, two sisters, Mrs. John. Langevin of Cornwall, Ont and Mrs. Wm. Winters of Morley, and one brother, Jacob Harper of Livelong, Sask.

,, St. Agnes Guiid of St. Paul's church met at the home of Miss Marion For­sythe oh Wednesday afternoon for the regular monthly meetirie..,

Mr. Arthur Cauraugh who'has been confined to his honfe for the past week is able to be out again.

On Tuesday evening Mrs. Glen Shel don made her official visit to the Ju­venile Grange. Meeting was held-in 4he cpmmunity room. A fine program was enjoyed and a covered dish sup­per served by the' memebrs. : The annual banquet of the Study

Brasher falli April 1-7.—Miss Anna Moran'was<|

home from Ogdensburg for the week end. *

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clemmo mov­ed from the Leon1 Butler place on East Main street to the 'Mrs. Bridget Mit­chell* cottage at Brasher Iron Works. Mr. Butler is doing some repair work on his house formerly .known, as the Mr, and Mrs. Frank Butler home.

Mrs, Jane Delaire of Beacon, N. Y. is passing several days with her sis­ters, Mrs. Harry Phiffer and Miss Mary Murray.

Miss Frances Murrav and sister, Mrs. Williafn Dalton and daughter, Margaret of New York City, passed


IfBje past week with her mother and sister, Mrs. Margaret Murray and Mrs. Ellen Lane, Mrs. Miss Mae Murray.' Supt. Neil Murray,and Mrs. Belle Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Hull and sons Richard and Harrison Jr., of Al ­bany were guests the past week of their parents, Mr.« and Mrs. C. G> Hull

Mrs. Mary Farmer of Canton visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tupper and family recently.

Mr .and Mrs. Fred Gonyea of St. Regis Falls and Mrs. B. A. Wlnave of Bombay were recent guests' of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gonyea. ^ The ladies who attended the silver

tea from Madrid, Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Simon Westaway were Mrs. Lawrence Heatheringtdn, Mrs. Alton Walker, Mrs. L. L. Dunlop, Mrs Ar. D. Oliver, Mrs. George Fobes, Mrs. Allen Meeker, Mrs. ' William Burns,

Roy Watson

of Plattsburg with his wifev.and chil dren were also guests of his mother j and sister a few days;

Mrs, Leo Martin of. Louisville and sisters, Mrs. Aaron Martin and Mrs. Philip Tierrian and daughter, Miss Irerie Tiernan of Chase Mills visited their sister, Mrs. John Mqran and fam­ily on Sunday. Miss Anna Tiernan re­turned with them after passing five weeks at .the home of her brothers, Philip and Edward and their families in Chase Mills.

William'O'Neil of Edwards passed | the week end with His~brother, Daniel O'Neil and other relatives here.- '

Mrs; Nellie H°urihan and daughter, Miss Marion Hourihan, returned to Plattsburg after passing the week at their home here.

Mrs. Hannah Hayes, Miss Eileen Mahoney, Miss Reta Calnon and Miss Dolly Converse returned to their work on • the Tupper Lake High school on Sunday after passing ten days at their Various homes here.

Mr.' and Mrs. Clarence Potvin and three children of Tupper Lake came for the day Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Murray and family, and to take the older son, Ciar ence Jr., home with them. Clarence, a student in the high school passed'the ten day vacation with his grandpar­ents here. '

Mrs. Charles Milton and daughter, came from Massena to have the week end at their home here with Mr, Mil­ton.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Endershee and children Jane and Paul of Massena', passed Sunday here.

Mrs. Catherine McCarthy ha s gone to Massena to visit her niece, Mrs. C. R.' Endersbee and family for the week

Miss Eleanor Mullarney of Massena passed the week end with friends here

Miss Helen Collins returned to her school near Lowville on Monday morn­ing after passing the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins-and Miss Margaret Collins.

, Skinnerville

, The-Madrid. Home Bureau unit met Thursday a t library hall. A. covered dish dinner was served'at noon A lighting demonstration was given by Miss Helen' Kingston of the Utilities at Massena.. . . . ' \

Mrs. E. H.. Lalone of Boston and Mr. and Mrs. O. DeGraff of Canton called Sunday on Mrs. Belle Brown

Mrs. Eva Harder of Brier Hill is visiting her son,. Delps Harder and family.

The mid week.prayer meeting will be held Wednesday . evening at the home of Mrs. Agnes Robson..

, William Dean oldest son of Dr and Mrs. H. G. Dean, is very ill at his home. -

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sheets motored Sunday to Cornwall, Ont.

Ernest Veio of Pierrepont visited his mother, Mrs. Mayfred Veio over the week end.

Mrs. Daniel ' Regan of Norwood spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs L. E. Kelly and family,

Mrs, Martha Wilson of Ogdensburg is staying with her sister, Mrs. Wes­ley Watson. Mrs. Watson has been quite ill, but is gaining now.

Miss Ruth Lane left Friday to spend the week end with herN friend, Tony Riboldazzi in Syracuse.

Mrs. S; R". Lockwood went Tuesday to Hepburn hospital- in Ogdensburg for observation and treatment.

Dr. L. L, Dunlop has installed an electro cardiograph in his office m Madrid. "

Miss Jean Logan of Waddington spent the week end- with Dr. and Mrs 0-. P. Coleman. ' Miss Norma Jean Doud of West

Stockholm spent the past week with her aunt, Mrs. H. J. Connor and fam­ily. . . , ' . >

Miss Grace Aitchison left Tuesdav for Delhi. . Wednesday morning she went to New York City with the sen­ior class of the Delhi High school for the rest of the week.

Allan Turner returned Saturday to Kis duties at the bank after spending a few days a t home with the grippe.

Mrs. Arthur Wells is visiting her club was held at the home of Mr. andi . _ Mrs. Jay Chamberlain on Monday eve-' April 15.—Bliss DaVis sawed Lewis [people in Chazy. ning. Committee in?-eharge, Mrs. JayIHoward's wood pile on Wednesday) ^ . ~~ Chamberlain, Mrs. Carl Olds, Mrs..1 and Kenneth Dyke sawed for Leo j A g T l f f F a D l l S Henry Logan and Mrs. Henry Wilson. I Francis on Thursday. j '

.. „ 0 . Mrs. Carl 01ds left Sunday night fori Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Cummings have! The prospective 1939 acreage of po-Mrs. Elizabeth Briars and son Ren-(New York City to spend a week-fwith;been entertaining relatives from Utica j tatoes in New York state is 213,000

her mother, Mrs. Graig. ' N. Y. ; acres as conipared with 220,000 last Miss Mary Locke left Sunday for' Florence Moulton was horne from! year, and a five-year average of 238,

E.arlville, N, Y. -. ! Jasper, N. Y., for Easter vacation, also. 000... _ , — L i Elaine Munson from Philadelphia, N.! Fruit juices recently introduced in

W i n t h r o p G r a n g e N o t e s JY. Miss Edna Crane:came from Yon- j elude prune, plum, cherry, Young " : |ker s to spend Easter with the Crane

The regular meeting; of Winthrop (families. Other visitors at the Crane Grange was: held. Saturday e v e n i n g . j s u g a r b u s h were Rev. Raymond and. are"passion "fruit"and"strawberry

There will', be an officer's meeting at HeuVelton Monday afternoon, and eve­nings The Service arid-, Hospitality committee wip-spons.or an entertain­ment and danjefe at Holmes Hill Friday nighty A-p41"Mi- ^ t h : the Kentucky. Ramblers of St. Albans, Vt., fumish-irig-riausic.

Mrs. Paul Crump of Massena visit­ed Mrs. John Munson on Monday.

Miss Edna Crane spent Wednesday and Thursday at John Munson's.

The Misses Mumel and Eva Crane were a t Massena on Thursday.

„ u , . S k e < * * a i f k , r W ™* ^ « C M i a ^ ^ a T ' w T i o s T m u c h The literary program opened by all until serving, don't stack them; m-i strength in boasting of power, which

singing, Old Black Joe; current event s ' s tead place them sirigly on a hot plat--' would be great if We only hejd a

executives to plan their year's work and programs. ,

Mr. Hiram Crump, 82, who jg living with his daughter, Mrs. Leslie Joyce, visited frifeiids at Madrid-Jast week and returned home again. His health is much improved.

Mr.-and Mrs. Alex Fisher atid,Miss

by Rhoda Thompson; Supervisor Jen kins gave a talk on "Taxation in Our Town"; solo, Mrs. Sarah Hicks; As­semblyman Warren O. Daniels was in­troduced and gave a splendid talk on "Taxation"; song, My Old Kentucky Home.

Norfolk Grange will visit u s at the next meeting in observance of Neigh­bor's Night. Ladies are asked to bring sandwiches, cake or doughnuts.

Grange closed in due form.

Chase Mills Mr. and Mrgt Harold Cox; and fam­

ily of Ogdensburg were callers Sun­day at H. Holmes'.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dunn of Lis­bon and Mrs. K. E. Watson and chil­dren of Raymondville were callers Sunday a t Mrs. L. _0. Ballou's.

Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bidwell of Nor­folk were callers Sunday at R . H. Gil-more's. ' ,

L. O. Ballou has gone to the Veteran hospital a t Batavia for treatment. ' Mr. and Mrs. George McNulty and son Dick of Raymondville spent Sun­day a t J . A. Thrasher's. j . School began here after Easter, va-cation^ , Miss Mabel /Martin returned to her school work in New York after spend­ing her Easter vacation with her broth •r*,'R. E. and A. T. Martin. I - M T . and Mrp. Trfenry Hiillips took their son Yale, to Hepburn hospital for treatment of pneumonia. '

,. New .York state's ?0,000 members of 4-H club* are engaged in * state­wide campaign for farm Are preven- j tion* * '

ter in a warm oven.


wick of Rensselaer Falls and Mrs. John Edgar of Lisbon attended the services at the Scotch church Sunday and were dinner guests of Mrs. Briar's sister, Mrs. Edmund Walker and Mr. Walker. '

Mr. and Mrs. George Beggs of Og­densburg were guests Sunday of their|rm,_'„i.--. ,. • -„ „„„., , . • . - . : — parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Butter- & S B ^ X S S n T C S , S ^*' M i ? S J u l i * G r a n t ' * ™ Jarvta ford and Janet, andTttended the w \ ^ f % T Z S & J ^ Campbell. ^ C h a r i e s Tilden and family arid the vice at the church. I - V e ^ 1 ^ m u n i c a t a o n s were r e a d . j s c l l o o l cilM^n o f Miss Muriel Crane.

April 4.5.—Mrs. Edward Rutherford entertained the members of the Way­side Workers It was a very special meeting as Mrs. Ruther­ford was. celebrating her 70th birthday. A delicious dinner was served a t noon with a fine birthday cake .sent by Mrs Rutherford's daughter, Mrs. Raymond Rutherford of Madrid, wsa was unable to attend. After devotional exercises led by the president, Mrs. Edwin Fish­er, the usual business meeting was held and a free will offering of ten dollars given for the work of redeco­rating at the United Helpers Home in Ogdensburg. Two small quilts were finished for the cribs at the home and a large one pieced. Members present were, Mrs. G. R. Harland, Mrs. Myron Martin, Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, Mrs. Ed­win Fisher, Mrs. Earl Porteous, Miss Annie Veitch, Mrs. D. William Por­teous, Mrs; Edwin Hargrave, Mrs. Dale Harper and Mrs. Edward Rutherford. Guests for the day were Mrs. Har­per's house."guests, her sister, Miss Anna May Barber and aunt, Miss Clarke of Canton, Mrs, Jennie Ruther­ford and daughter, Miss Marion Ruth­erford of Chase Mills, Mrs. Maurice McCready, Miss Irma Portous, Miss Irerie Rutherford of Fayetteville and Miss Mary Veitch of Whitesboro, N . Y

The Rev. arid'Mrs. George R. Har­land called At Potsdam hospital on lit­tle Nellie Steiriberg and found her do­ing well.

Mrs. Alex Fisher and daughter Leta, attended the silver tea at the home of Mrs. Westaway at Morley Wednesday afternoon arid Leta sang two selections

Mrs, Edwiii Fisher, Mrs. ' Leslie Joyce> Mrs. Robert Fisher and Miss Leta Fisher were in Canton yesterday attending a meeting of Home Bureau

berry, papaya, currant, tangerine, and pomegranates Still being developed

Dairymen in OAnondaga, Otsego and Jefferson counties are forming associations for the artificial breed­ing of cows. Dairymen of Columbia c-ranty and of-adjoining counties in Massachusetts and ' Connecticut are organizing' a, tri-state association

Boasting of Power We find," ssud Hi Ho, the sage

fraction of whai.vve mention.''


! •

A R E T H E : / </

A l l T H E . ; • • • . /




One raindrop cannot nourisji a field of growing crops nor run a mill wheel.

1 Neither can $5.00 in John Smith's pocket meet the credit needs of a com­munity.

But when hundreds of "John Smiths'' nuke deposits in the hank, a ''reservoir" is created from which the bank can n*ke loans to the farmer, the merchant, the manufacturer, and others.

In this way, banks and their de­positors work together for mutual benefit.

State Bank of Wofwood


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