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Psychomechanics, China, Rome and the future

Jan 22, 2018



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Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”



(International Association of Psychomecanics of Language) ROME, 20 & 21 June 2018 - Università degli Studi di Roma

Tor Vergata with the collaboration of

Dipartimento di Studi Letterari, Filosofici e di Storia dell’Arte, with patronage of French Embassy in Rome, Délégation Générale du

Québec en Italie, Do.Ri.F. Association (Centro di Documentazione e di Ricerca per la Didattica della Lingua Francese nell’Università Italiana) and

Laval University

THEME: Cognition, Languages as dynamic systems and psychomechanics of

language: theoretical aspects and applications


Linguistics occupies a central place in the field of cognitive sciences. Given the primordial role of language in human cognition, it is therefore unavoidable in much of the work in this field. This is obvious for research in psychology, neuropsychology, neurophysiology, philosophy, etc. which directly study language activity. The psychomechanics of language of Gustave Guillaume proposes theoretical principles which account for the construction and the functioning of language in the context of operations called "memorial of thought". Its founder conceived language as "the fore-science of all science." Cognitive processes related to language are central to this approach, which puts it in line with recent theoretical models based on the neuronal architecture of the brain and aimed at explaining the functioning of thought.

The main objectives of this symposium are to propose a reflection that can stimulate a theoretical and practical exchange on the relations that the psychomechanics of language maintains with different disciplines. The main areas of investigation that are envisaged are:

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* Psychomechanics of language and cognition.

* Systemic functioning of languages: synchrony, diachrony,

sociolinguistics and

linguistic typology.

* Applications in language teaching.

* Translation and contrastive linguistics.

* Involvement in other disciplines: Philosophy, Speech therapy,

Psychology ...

The presentations proposed in these different axes can be directly or indirectly related to the approach of the psychomechanics of language. Much of the writings of Gustave Guillaume is freely available on the website: Languages of the symposium: French, Italian, English Dates: 20 & 21 June 2018 Venue: Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata (Italy) The abstract of the paper (10 lines maximum) should be sent by 31 December 2017 to: [email protected] and [email protected] January 2018: result of the selection of proposals for communication February 2018: sending of the final program Registration fees: 50 Euros + membership in AIPL (15 euros for students and 32 Euros for the other participants). Scientific Committee: Romana Bardy, Louis Begioni, Patrick Duffley, Antonio Filippin, Louise Guénette, André Jacob, Joseph Pattee, Rocco Pittito, Alvaro Rocchetti, Philippe Séro-Guillaume, Renée Tremblay, Pierrette Vachon-L’Heureux.


Long before birth a child is bombarded with physiological and

verbal communication to which he/she can’t respond verbally. As soon as he/she is born he/she is cast into a communicational situation crucial for his/her survival: CALL – RESPOND – FEED – NURTURE and of course SPEAK. This constructs a highly thetic-antithetic-hypothetic fourfold personality (Lacan’s Square). It

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requires a phylogenic and psychogenetic approazch of the connected pair MIND/LANGUAGE to capture the cognitive conceptualizing power of the subject using the architecture of his/her highly parallel, hierarchical and pattern-discriminating brain. This leads to a cognitive procedure:

Bertrand Russel: 1- sense; 2- perceive; 3- discriminate/recognize patterns;

Lev Vygotsky (Jean Piaget): 4- experiment; 5- speculate; 6- conceptualize.

Language is the first and main tool of this procedure that starts yet for the child in pure action. The Internet and AI Revolution: Authority/Other is minimized. Are social networks the new anti-social anonymous and uncatchable killers of cognition, or the supreme tools of absolute cognition and total freedom of expression? Can we construct a processing frame that would guarantee true cognition or at least as little false cognition as possible.

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The 6th Int'l Psychology and Health Conference (PHC 2018)

June 1-3, 2018 in Chengdu, China.


On the basis of already published research on the phylogeny of language during the emergence of Homo Sapiens starting around 300,000 years ago, and on still to be published research in its final phase on the psychogenesis of language for human beings starting in the 24th week of gestation, I would like to present my work on the central role of two virtual human constructs of man’s nervous system and brain confronted to their real environment, both natural and social. These two constructs, the mind and language, are the results of the development of the general pattern-capturing potential of the brain’s architecture. The mind and language develop simultaneously, reciprocally and in close coordination transforming the pattern-capturing potential of the brain into the mental and linguistic conceptualizing power of men and women. This is a long process of development that can be captured in six stages: to sense; to perceive; to discriminate (or recognize) patterns; to experiment; to speculate, and to conceptualize spatial items and temporal processes. In psychogenetics, these six stages are essential for education. Lev Vygotsky, among others, has proposed the best approach to this conceptualizing competence in children and young adults, though it may never be finished expanding in our whole life. The concept of mind is understood in the Buddhist conception as a sixth meta-sense that enables a human being to step back and watch themselves from a distance that permits meditation, reflection, and abstraction in a conscious perspective. My approach will seriously question the western European-centeredness that is not able to capture the full totality of one’s

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experience from emotional experience to imaginary experience and to intellectual experience; from empathy to religion-philosophy-ideology and to science-technology. Cognition requires a global approach to human mental processes and education has to follow the same procedure to be effective. That will lead me to suggesting an educational process based on action, emotions, imagination from visions to spirituality, and finally logical and rational activities of discovery and construction. Human beings have to be understood as in constant change, evolution, and construction meaning a personality or a psyche is never set once and for all and can always be expanded and enriched.

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The origin of Language - L'Origine du Langage

Europe and the World are waking up to the crucial question of the origin of

language: without a clear and scientific answer to this question there will be no Artificial Intelligence device able to speak like us.

We have to understand the phylogenic origin of language, how emerging Homo

Sapiens some 250,000 years ago or more, on the basis of what he inherited from previous Hominins from which he was descending invented and developed

articulated language around three successive phylogenic articulations that no one before him had mastered. Neanderthals and Denisovans had maybe or even

probably been able to use the first articulation but all the rest in their communication was tonal and body language, including of course intonation.

In the same way we have to understand how our own children learn from the

communicational situation in which they are plunged from even before birth how to capture the syntax of this communicational situation and invest it into the three

articulations they learn mimetically.

The most important element in this perspective is the cognitive dimension of such a linguistic approach, and I insist it has to be seen as linguistic and not

anthropological, archaeological or even socio-psychological. We will be able to produce a real translating machine when that machine is able to learn human

languages the way humans invented them and the way humans learn them and develop them. Any big data approach, à la Google, will only be good enough for stereotyped languages (Language for Special Purposes) that does not vary from

one person to another. But any creative use of language will evade such machines.

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They are actually pathetic when they try to translate Shakespeare’s sonnets.

To advance in this direction we have to be cognitive and to stick to linguistics, cognitive linguistics actually, and the best one in that line, the most developed one in this perspective is Gustave Guillaume’s psychomechanics provided we

learn – learn again: there is no scientific progress without some simple and basic learning – how to step up to our time, integrate the enormous progress of

archaeology, anthropology and socio-psychology, if not socio-psychiatry. The worst fate for any scientific theory is to stop evolving and absorbing and digesting

new data from its very field and from all surrounding fields.

I personally regret This psychomechanics has not had the power to become a movement, a real inspirational force and it remained locked up in a few university departments in even fewer countries. I guess we are still looking for our Emperor Constantine and his founding council. The danger then will be to elect a Pope.





Page 9: Psychomechanics, China, Rome and the future Dr Jacques Coulardeau

On ne peut pas reprocher à Guillaume d’ignorer les résultats de la recherche archéologique, anthropologique et historique des dernières vingt années. On peut et on doit cependant clairement montrer les contradictions formelles que ces leçons contiennent.

Gustave Guillaume pour des raisons qui nous échappent fonctionnait avec deux modèles formels ; un modèle binaire surprenant mais très rhétorique, j’entends digne de la classe de rhétorique du lycée qu’il avait du suivre : « thèse + antithèse = synthèse », formulation largement reprise par Saussure et sa formule « langage = langue + parole » que Guillaume ne fait que transformer en « langage = langue + discours ».

Cependant dès qu’il entre, à la suite de Meillet fréquemment cité, « chaque langue forme un système où tout se tient et a un plan d’une merveilleuse rigueur. » (256), dans les (sous-)systèmes qui composent le système global d’une langue ou le système encore plus global du langage, il emploie un modèle ternaire très systématique : les trois chronothèses de la chronogenèse, les trois aires de la glossogénie, etc. Il insère cette triade mentale dans le tenseur binaire ce qui donne « langage puissanciel || effection || langage effectif » (285) mais cette effection qui est bien une opération en soi est réduite à un seuil ou centre d’inversion qu’il ne compte alors plus comme une opération ternarisant le tenseur binaire qu’il s’obstine à définir comme binaire.

Cela est étrange mais plus de cinquante ans après le délivrance de ces leçons il est bien sûr impossible de faire l’impasse sur la recherche qui a eu lieu pendant ce demi-siècle et on se doit d’appliquer les trois consignes de Guillaume sans oublier la deuxième de l’exploration de l’effection (« 2. explorer l’effection »). Les linguistes ont du pain sur la planche mais ils se doivent de devenir anthropologues et archéologues s’ils veulent comprendre la langue.

La question cruciale est :


Cette immense recherche vaut bien un désagréable désagrément avec les créationnistes d’inspiration religieuse ou les innéistes d’inspiration chomskyenne. Cela permettrait aussi d’ailleurs de comprendre que la Singularité de Ray Kurzweil est, comme son nom l’indique, un peu courte ou singulière.

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Colloque international Conference (Naples 21-22 april 2016)

Psychomécanique, typologie, origine du langage :

nouvelles perspectives de recherche Psicomeccanica, tipologia, origine del linguaggio:

nuove prospettive di ricerca

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Synopsis-Paie Nice-Levallois-Perret


Je garderai en tête tout du long que le processus d’acquisition du langage par les nouveau-nés suit la même trajectoire que le processus d’invention du langage par Homo Sapiens. Je n’exploiterai pas ce principe ici.

La naissance n’est pas une table rase. Le nouveau-né arrive au monde avec un acquis linguistique auditif non différencié sémantiquement (Maternité de Roubaix, années 1980)

La naissance est un traumatisme pour le nouveau-né : processus violent et passage brutal d’un flux nutritionnel continu à des flux respiratoire, nutritionnel et digestif-intestinal discontinu et devant dès le premier instant être sollicités par le nouveau-né et contrôlés.

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Cette naissance de plus pose le nouveau-né dans une situation discursive qu’il n’avait jusque-là qu’entendue et à laquelle il va participer dès son premier cri qui a sens pour le médecin accoucheur, et dès son second cri qui prend sens pour la mère, ou la personne soignante, et rapidement pour le nouveau-né, devenant alors un appel entrainant une réponse.

Ceci étant dit je démontrerai que toute la syntaxe de base du langage est issue de l’intériorisation de cette situation de communication consécutive et compensatoire du traumatisme de la naissance. Cette présentation – en français – reprendra pour l’essentiel une recherche (en anglais) non encore publiée sur le sujet.

Jacques Teyssier Cours de maîtrise de linguistique germanique

1972-1973 Université de Bordeaux III Michel de Montaigne

Dr Jacques Coulardeau, ed., 1992-1996 Rule Syntactica, Issues 1-11

Discussion session jusqu’au 12 Mai 2015