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EDITORIALGroup name: Psicogrup

Whenever there is a new magazine they say that is just the magazine that everyone was waiting. It is fair to say that is precisely Psicogrup the magazine that everyone was waiting. Our purpose, rather than confirm expectations, is to suggest that people are informed about the psychological or mental diseases that border reality. In this first issue we would be treating the paranoia, stress and schizophrenia. For this we offer this magazine to everyone who wants to know a little more to better cope with life. A magazine that is not due to any power, subject only to the clarity, intelligence, and imagination.This magazine aims to be a surprise in each number, and it has what no other: the most qualified and immodest group of accomplices in the art of communicating with the world, a highly professional group. The magazine that Venezuela needs a magazine that fit all of the ideas, provided they achieve so, all languages, all cultures, all races, and to all the prejudices, if they have some charm and are not silencing of other. We strive to make all the numbers are works of art on every page, until they finally meet the famous opinion and decide to imitate art reality.Finally: Psicogrup is an informative magazine that invites you to enrich knowledge.




Are disorders of cognitive and affective development, regarded as abnormal with respect to reference social group from which the individual. You can try to alter the thinking, behavior, the ability to recognize reality or to adapt to the conditions of life.

Depending on the disease concept is used, some authors consider more appropriate to use in the field of mental health, the term "mental disorder" (which is using the two classification systems of psychopathology more important today: the ICD-10 of the World Health Organization and the DSM-IV-TR American Psychiatric Association). Especially in those cases where the biological etiology is not clearly demonstrated, as happens in most of mental disorders. Furthermore, the term "mental illness" may be associated with social stigma. For these reasons, this term is deprecated and is used more mental disorder, or psychopathology.The concept of mental illness brings together a number of diseases of various kinds, so it is very difficult to define in a unit and we must speak of each disease or disorder in a particular way and even individualized as each person can bear them with symptoms something different.Mental illness is often degenerate into social isolation, inactivity, lethargy, disorder of the rhythm of life in general and, in certain cases and circumstances, violent behavior and suicide attempts.

There are several psychological disorders:

• Generalized Anxiety• boderline• Social Phobia• Schizophrenia• Antisocial• Paranoia• Autism• Stress



Please note these that "titles" are relative. Many symptoms are similar and may have a scandal of some common (There was a time in the history of medicine where scientists are looked fun classify people). Q So if you're looking to have a psychological illness or seek to those around you'll be wasting your time.



Paranoia is a psychiatric term that describes a mental state characterized by the presence of self-referential delusions.More specifically, you can refer to a type of distressing feelings, such as being chased by uncontrollable forces (persecution), or be chosen for high mission as saving the world (or grandiose delusions of grandeur, attributed by some scholars to certain personalities and dictatorial governments).Paranoia is also manifested in delusions of jealousy in Erotomania, somatic delusions, etc... It is a chronic disorder, with varying degrees of virulence occasionally.

The meaning of the term has changed over time, and therefore different psychiatrists can understand him different states. The most appropriate diagnosis for modern paranoia is delusional disorder.The Spanish psychiatrist Enrique Gonzalez Duro, in his book The paranoia (1991), states that the triggers of this disease are very active in individuals with narcissism and an accused who have been exposed to serious frustration, being consequently endowed with a low self-esteem. This causes them to fire on the natural mechanism of projection, much studied by psychology, by which we tend to attribute to others those impulses, fantasies, frustrations and tensions that we are



inexplicable, unacceptable and intolerable in ourselves. "The thought is paranoid-Gonzalez Duro-is rigid and incorrigible ignores the reasons to the contrary, only collects data or signs that confirm the prejudice, to become convinced."Many times a paranoid emphasizes avoiding action, although desired, with the pretext of a shock: "I saw a rose and I wanted to smell it, but I was afraid of being hurt." Metaphorically think something like that actually will cause damage.



Stress is a physiological reaction in the body that come into play various defense mechanisms to deal with a situation perceived as threatening or increased demand.Stress is a natural and necessary for survival, despite which today is confused with pathology. This confusion is that this defense mechanism may end up under certain circumstances prevalent in certain modes of life, triggering serious health problems.When this natural response is given in excess of an overload of stress that affects the body and causes the appearance of diseases and pathological abnormalities that prevent the normal development and functioning of the human body. Examples include forgetfulness (emerging memory problems) alterations in mood, nervousness and lack of concentration, in women can cause significant hormonal changes such as swollen breasts, lower abdominal pain and other symptoms.It is an emerging disease in the workplace, which has a particular impact on the service sector, with the highest risk tasks in senior positions that require more demanding and dedication.Chronic stress is associated with anxiety disorders, which is a normal reaction to



various situations of life, but when present in excessive or chronic is a disease4 that can alter the lives of people, it is advisable in this case consult a specialist.S


Schizophrenia (a psychiatric diagnosis in people with a group of chronic and serious mental disorders characterized by alterations in the perception or expression of reality) Schizophrenia also causes a mutation sustained various aspects of mental functioning of individuals, mainly awareness of reality, and a neuropsychological disorganization more or less complex, especially executive functions, leading to difficulty maintaining behaviors motivated and goal-directed, and a significant social dysfunction.The concept of schizophrenia began historically with the term "dementia praecox" of Benedict Morel in the mid-nineteenth century. In 1898 Emil Kraepelin delineated dementia praecox in several disorders such as hebephrenic and catatonic. Precisely because of the many possible combinations symptomatic, it has been suggested that schizophrenia treat several disorders, not just one. For this reason, Eugen Bleuler schizophrenias preferred to use the plural to refer to this condition when he coined the name in 1908. Despite its etymology, schizophrenia is not the same as dissociative identity disorder (or "multiple personality disorder" or "split personality"), with whom he has often been confused. Currently, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders identifies five variables or subtypes within schizophrenia, while the World Health Organization distinguishes seven subtypes. On the other hand, a wide variety of categorical and dimensional models that seeks to address and explore the symptoms of schizophrenia and its diagnosis.



Symptoms of schizophrenia usually begin in young adults and about 0.4-0.6% of the population is affected. A person with schizophrenia usually shows a language and disorganized thinking, delusions, hallucinations, mood disorders and inapropiada.7 conduct Diagnosis is based on the experiences reported by the patient and the conduct of the examiner. There are currently no laboratory tests for diagnosis of schizophrenia and none of the symptoms is path gnomonic of this condition, which makes diagnosis difficult.Some studies suggest that genetic defects during neurodevelopment, the environment during childhood and psychological and social processes are important factors that could contribute to the onset of schizophrenia. Certain medications and recreational drug use appear to cause or worsen symptoms. Current psychiatric research is focused on the role of neurobiology, but no cause found orgánica.8 you noticed a consistent increase in the activity of dopamine in the mesolimbic pathway of the brain in schizophrenia. However, the direction of causality remains a biological mystery.Pharmacological treatment of first line drugs are antipsychotics, which act primarily by suppressing dopamine activity. The doses of antipsychotics used are generally lower than in the first decades of use. Psychotherapy and vocational and social rehabilitation are also important. In severe cases, where there is risk for the same patient and to others around them may be indicated for involuntary hospitalization, although the hospital stay is less frequent and for shorter periods than in times pasados.9 usually disorders of cognition contribute to persistent behavioral problems. Schizophrenic patients often have other health problems, including addiction, depression and anxiety disorder and social problems like unemployment, poverty and low quality of life. Life expectancy of patients with schizophrenia is 10 to 12 years younger than those without the disease, because of health problems and a higher frequency of suicide.





Can not stop thinking about something special? Clear your mind and devote a few minutes a day to relax and forget problems.At some point in life everyone has gone through a moment of frustration where that "something special" can be anything from a day of hard work, a couple that has been or event for which you are very nervous.This can be very frustrating because it happens inside your mind, within your own domain, and yet you can not control it and you're helpless before these thoughts that invade and fill your mind.But why do they happen? The answer may be that certain brain regions that control the flow of thought are not in their best capacity. Whatever the case, any improvement in the very moment you bring peace to your thoughts.The following four steps proposed a method to free your mind of anxiety-producing thoughts using specific aspects of traditional Buddhist meditation, Zen Buddhism and mindfulness practice. However, they also have some relationship to cognitive behavioral therapies and allude to the neuroplasticity of the brain.The brain's neuroplasticity means that human beings are able to use your own mind to alter, in a physiological way, the structure of the brain.Thus, over time, the bombings of these thoughts are becoming less likely.

STEP 1: Take time and spacethe first step to silence your mind is essential in any practice of meditation: set a time and space to carry it out.

For beginners, meditation has a hard-won credibility: is considered by many to be highly effective, both psychological and physiological therapies. That's why they insist that this process be accorded the necessary respect - and taken seriously - by setting aside a little time, space and energy for a sincere effort.Not provide enough time to spare before bed or while lying in bed: it is important



to spend a couple of minutes. It is a commitment made to calm the mind: 15 minutes in the dark of a room, for example.

STEP 2: Clarify your goalsThe next step is to remind yourself the reason for meditation: quiet your mind of whatever is bothering you so you can continue with your daily activities in a better way, either resting on a weekend or to enjoy a better sleep. At this rate you can call it "setting the intention."Go ahead and relax at any attempt to contain your thoughts inflammatory and vivid, and images related to everything that is harassing to mind. Think of yourself as if you were preparing for a neurological clean and discard all those negative thoughts.

STEP 3: Secure your concentrationthis next step is more like an intermediate step, a pause to step 4.There is a type of Buddhist meditation called Samantha that promotes focused concentration on a selected object. This ability meditative first obtains and then polishes.In this step, just do that: focus on one thing. It can be your own breathing, a constant sound, a word, a syllable or a short phrase. This will be your unique approach to develop your skills as concentration.

STEP 4: Practice the attentionthis last step, a skillful blend of old and modern forces you to understand the practice of care in an atmosphere of meditation.For better understanding, are the words of the monk Nyanaponika: "Attention is the clear and unique awareness of what is actually happening around and within us right then perceives these intrusive thoughts and reviews with a cold logic as if it were a third person.



Group Editor.

Director (s): Monica Caceres

Design and layout: Monica Caceres

Editor (s): Maria José Ramos

Digital Image Processing: Roxana Angarita.


Wikipedia. Free Encyclopedia. Accessed on 29/03/2012.