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THE STORY Promises Kept | Transformed LEADER GUIDE

Promises Kept - Transformed 22-32 K… · (p. 5) “PROMISES KEPT” CHAPTER 22-27 CHAPTER 22:THE BIRTH OF

Aug 20, 2020



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Page 1: Promises Kept - Transformed 22-32 K… · (p. 5) “PROMISES KEPT” CHAPTER 22-27 CHAPTER 22:THE BIRTH OF


Promises Kept | Transformed


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PASSAGES COVERED: Matthew 1-2; Luke 1-2; John 1

OVERVIEW: God has shown throughout the history of time that He desires to be with a people and

a people to choose to love Him. His upper story is filled will Him revealing Himself, inviting people

to walk with Him, and pursuing them over and over again. God’s desire to be with us and in

relationship with us is expressed through Jesus coming in the flesh, entering into the realm of our

lower story so we can have a restored relationship.

HOMEWORK (p. 9-10)


PASSAGES COVERED: Matthew 3-4; 11; Mark 1-3; Luke 8; John 1-4

OVERVIEW: Jesus reveals God’s plan for restoring a relationship with Him is found in a person, not

a religion. God brings His promised upper story deliverer into the midst of mankind’s lower story.

Jesus reveals what God is like as He lives in obedience to His Father while building relationships

with people in his world. Jesus invites people to follow Him and discover what God is like.

HOMEWORK (p. 15-16)


PASSAGES COVERED: Matthew 5-7; 9; 14; Mark 4-6; Luke 10; 15; John 6

OVERVIEW: Jesus is no ordinary man, but LORD. He displays and teaches that God’s kingdom is

different where character is more important than lower story possessions and circumstances. It is to

this kingdom – the upper story - Jesus is restoring people to belong to God.

HOMEWORK - (p. 21-22)


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PASSAGES COVERED: Matthew 17; 21; Mark 8-12; 14; Luke 9; 22; John 7-8; 11- 12

OVERVIEW: In his claims to be the Son of God Jesus redefines people’s expectations of him as

Savior, gives them a choice, and explains what it takes to be one of his followers. His claims and

actions as the promised upper story deliverer do not fit what his followers thought it would look like

lived out in the lower story.

HOMEWORK (p. 27-28)


PASSAGES COVERED: Matthew 26-27; Mark 14-15; Luke 22-23; John 13-14; 16- 19

OVERVIEW: Jesus was the Lamb of God, God’s upper story plan to provide a pathway back to

Himself. God wants to be with a people, committed to Him, in the midst of their lower story. Jesus

was how He both demonstrated His intense love and satisfied the holy need for a sin sacrifice. Jesus

reconciles people back to God so He can be with us and we can be with Him.

HOMEWORK (p. 33-34)


PASSAGES COVERED: Matthew 27-28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 19-21

OVERVIEW: All of the story God had been writing pointed to Jesus. God’s heart and upper story is

about restoring a people to Himself, so that they will honor Him in their lower story and help others

be restored to a relationship with God. Jesus’ death and resurrection make this possible. He

completes his time on earth by showing that truth to his followers after his resurrection.

HOMEWORK (p. 39-40)




OVERVIEW: Through the power of the Holy Spirit God’s upper story intersects with our lower story

as He leads us to walk a life of being witnesses of His love, power and plan to restore a relationship

with Himself. Now because of the resurrection of Jesus we can live new lives, in a new way, in the

midst of a new community.

HOMEWORK (p. 45-46)

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PASSAGES COVERED: Acts 13-14; 16-20; Romans 1:3-6; 8; 12; 15;

1 Corinthians 1; 3; 5-6; 10; 12-13; 15-16; Galatians 1; 3; 5-6; 1 Thessalonians 1-5

OVERVIEW: Paul is a picture of change and transformation. In his lower story he opposed Jesus

and all who followed Him. God’s upper story had a different plan for Paul’s life. Instead of opposing

Jesus, after meeting Jesus Paul proclaimed Jesus to many people who had never heard of the Law,

Prophets or Psalms. As Paul followed Jesus he was changed by Him and adjusted his own lower

story life to join Jesus’ mission of the upper story plan to redeem people back to God.

HOMEWORK (p. 51-52)


PASSAGES COVERED: Acts 20-23; 27-28; Ephesians 1-6; 2 Timothy 1-4

OVERVIEW: Paul finished his life faithfully modeling following and proclaiming Jesus. This included

writing letters to encourage the new young communities of believers to grow in following Jesus.

They would have to learn how to live their lower story lives according to Jesus’ upper story values.

Following Jesus means that how we live our lower story changes to reflect God’s upper story heart

and values. When we believe the good news of Jesus we become a part of a new community and

join the Upper Story mission of calling people to a relationship with God through Jesus.

HOMEWORK (p. 57-58)


PASSAGES COVERED: Revelation 1-5;19-22

OVERVIEW: God’s upper story of redeeming a people to Himself climaxes with Jesus’ return to rule

and reign. There is a final judgment regarding what each person did with Jesus in the midst of their

lower story. Then there is complete redemption with a new heaven and a new earth for those who

have chosen to be a part of God’s people through Jesus.

HOMEWORK (p. 63-64)


OVERVIEW: Recap the Story. Share your favorite part of the story. Share what you have come to

understand about the Upper Story and Lower Story.


HEAD, HEART, & HANDS (p. 68)


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THE PURPOSE OF SMALL GROUPSWe are committed to a small group ministry as one of the most effective means of building relationships,

creating authentic community, stimulating spiritual growth, and developing servant leaders within the Body

of Christ

VISION“Our passion is to know Christ and to make Him known.”

“Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine.

Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” - John 15:4

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’

This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

- Matthew 22:37-39

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore

go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the

Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you

always, to the very end of the age.” - Matthew 28:18-20

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to

prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the

believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to

anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke

bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor

of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. - Acts 2:42-47

The above Scripture is taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®

DEFINITION OF TERMS: As we go through The Story there are a couple terms that we will

be using that would be good for all of us to start with a similar definition.

UPPER STORY: The upper story is how God is at work bringing about His plan. God’s heart and purpose

is to have a people who dwell with Him eternally and proclaim Him to the world as they are in relationship

with each other. This is the core of His upper story.

LOWER STORY: The lower story is how God’s plan is being worked out in human history – including the

human stories we read in the Bible AND in our own lives. The Bible tells of how His upper story is worked out

in the time and space of human history. This lower story gives us guidance and examples as we live our lower

story in this slice of history.

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Setting some basic group guidelines for how we will honor one another in our group discussions is important.

• Ground rules give boundaries for people to operate within.

• They help with the flow and pace of the discussions.

• They help us value one another.

• They help people to be more comfortable sharing deep and meaningful things.

Transparency: It’s difficult to love someone God has called us to love without really knowing them in a deep and

meaningful way. We’re encouraging you to share from your heart -- to let down your walls, so that others

can really know you. This isn’t just struggles and fears, but also the positives -- dreams, hopes, answered

prayers, etc. We understand it is easier for some, and we’ll respect your boundaries.

No Convincing: Share your opinions -- a difference in opinion is welcome. However, please don’t try to convince

others to your way of thinking.

Listen: Let’s value one another during the discussions by really listening to what is being shared. Hear what’s

being said -- don’t be thinking about what you’re going to say next or how you’re going to respond -- really

listen. Be aware of how much you are talking -- we want to give everyone a chance to share in the group.

Pause: After someone shares, give a pause to allow the group to feel the weight of what was just shared and to

fully consider it before the next person shares. This also provides the opportunity for the person sharing to

continue their thought without feeling rushed.

Don’t Fix: Let’s try to hear what people are sharing without trying to fix them. If they want your advice, they’ll

ask for it. (It’s okay to ask permission to enter in.)

Don’t Rescue: When someone is sharing something deeply personal and/or painful, there can be a tendency to

try to make them feel better about themselves or the situation. Often this will cause people to stop sharing

and results in their not going as deeply as they might have gone. Resist the temptation to rescue people.

No Cross-talk: Be considerate of others as they are sharing -- don’t be having side conversations.

Focus on Yourself: This is one time that it is all about you. It is easy to talk about the issues of others (friends,

family members, teachers, bosses); but in this group, it is important to talk about yourself. Try to use “I”

statements rather than “them”, “us”, “we”, etc.

Confidentiality: What happens in small group, stays in small group. Everyone needs to feel they can share openly

without fear that what they say will become public knowledge. This builds trust and strengthens



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Chapter 22 [LEADER PREP GUIDE]The Birth Of A King

BEFORE GROUP: Your role as a leader before group starts

• Read Chapter 22 from The Story. This will help if you need to re-word any

questions to better suit your group. Choose the questions you want the

group to discuss.

• Read the necessary passages throughout the week

• Recognize what God is showing you.

• Do you know where each person in the group is spiritually?

(* See page 69-70: spiritually dead, infant, child, young adult, parent)

• What is your part as you walk with them?

PRAYER TIME: • Will you be breaking out into men’s and women’s groups?

• Who will lead each group? What prep do you need to do with them?

_________________________________ (Men)

_________________________________ (Women)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Grab the weekend bulletin and choose the top 2-3

announcements that would benefit your group members. Also, use this time to

give any announcements that are specific to your home group.

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

SERMON: Awareness & Preparation

• Find the sermon based questions and copy them into this book.

• What did I hear in this week’s sermon?

• How might this week’s sermon hit each person in my group?

AFTER GROUP: Your role as a leader after group

• Who am I intentionally praying for this week? Who needs me to pray with


• Who do I need to call this week?

• Do I need to have a follow up conversation with someone from group this


• Who was absent from group or from service? Determine the next step you

need to take to help them stay connected.

• Who am I inviting to group? How am I regularly encouraging group members

to invite unconnected people? Is my group growing a heart for lost people?

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NOTES DURING THE WEEK: Read the chapter during the week before

the sermon and small group. Make time daily with God to know Him and His

heart through time in His Word, prayer and reflection. Below chapter 22 is

separated into five days of reading.

GROUP TIME:• Opening Prayer

• Announcements

• Guidelines

GETTING TO KNOW YOU:•When you were younger, did you ever have a part in the Christmas play?

If so, what role did you play?

• If you were a comic strip character, who would you be and why?

DISCUSS: From the Chapter/ Into The Bible

•According to the Gospel of John, when did the Word exist?

•What impact has the birth of Christ had on your life?

•Describe a situation in which serving God might have brought you

hardship in the past. Now brainstorm with the group how can you respond

like Mary to the same situation today?


Bible: Matthew 1-2; Luke 1-2; John 1



Pg. 306-310 Pg. 310-311 Pg. 311-313 Pg. 313-315 Pg. 315-319

WATCH THE DVD and/or READ Chapter 22 Together

7 (pg 5)

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8 (pg 6)


•How did the angel appear to Joseph to explain Mary’s pregnancy?

•Why does it matter that Jesus was conceived without sin and born of a


•Was there ever a time when God called you to follow him to do

something that others did not understand? How did you hold onto your


DISCUSS: From the Sermon

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

DISCUSS: From the Homework (page 9-10)

• What is something you learned this week from the homework?

• Is there a question or questions that you need answered from the


PRAYER:• Write down group prayer request and praises/celebrations on the

following page.

• Remind your group that these requests must remain confidential in order

to build a community of trust.

• Take time to ask for personal requests, focusing on each member and

his or her needs.

• Break your group up by gender if you feel members will be more open

and honest.

NEXT WEEK’S READING:• The Story: Chapter 23

• Bible passages: Matthew 3-4; 11; Mark 1-3; Luke 8; John 1-4

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9 (pg 7)

HOMEWORK - Chapter 22

1. What insight, principle or observation from this weekend’s messages did you find to be most helpful,

eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.

2. Read John 1

a. Who was given the right to become children of God in John 1:12?

b. John records more than a dozen names/descriptions of Jesus in Chapter 1. List as many as you can


c. In John 1:14-18, what specific aspects of God’s character are revealed to us through Jesus?

3. Read Luke 1

a. Who told Zechariah that he was going to have a son?

b. List 3 facts Zechariah was given about who his son was.

c. What did Mary say her relationship to God was?

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4. Read Luke 2:1-40

a. Where did Joseph and Mary travel to and why?

b. What happened while they were there?

c. What were the animal sacrifices Jesus’ parents gave for him?

5. Read Matthew 1-2

a. How many generations were there between Abraham and Jesus?

b. What were Herod’s instructions to the Magi?

c. Why was Jesus called “Jesus of Nazareth” instead of Jesus of Bethlehem?

6. Read Luke 2:41-52

a. How often did Joseph and Mary travel to Jerusalem for the Festival of the Passover?

b. How long was Jesus missing before his parents realized he wasn’t with them?

c. Where was he?

d. In Luke 2:52, how does the Bible say Jesus grew?

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PRAYERDate: _____/_____/_____


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Chapter 23 [LEADER PREP GUIDE]Jesus’ Ministry Begins

BEFORE GROUP: Your role as a leader before group starts

• Read Chapter 23 from The Story. This will help if you need to re-word any

questions to better suit your group. Choose the questions you want the

group to discuss.

• Read the necessary passages throughout the week

• Recognize what God is showing you.

• Do you know where each person in the group is spiritually?

(* See page 69-70: spiritually dead, infant, child, young adult, parent)

• What is your part as you walk with them?

PRAYER TIME: • Will you be breaking out into men’s and women’s groups?

• Who will lead each group? What prep do you need to do with them?

_________________________________ (Men)

_________________________________ (Women)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Grab the weekend bulletin and choose the top 2-3

announcements that would benefit your group members. Also, use this time to

give any announcements that are specific to your home group.

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

SERMON: Awareness & Preparation

• Find the sermon based questions and copy them into this book.

• What did I hear in this week’s sermon?

• How might this week’s sermon hit each person in my group?

AFTER GROUP: Your role as a leader after group

• Who am I intentionally praying for this week? Who needs me to pray with


• Who do I need to call this week?

• Do I need to have a follow up conversation with someone from group this


• Who was absent from group or from service? Determine the next step you

need to take to help them stay connected.

• Who am I inviting to group? How am I regularly encouraging group members

to invite unconnected people? Is my group growing a heart for lost people?

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13 (pg 11)

NOTES DURING THE WEEK: Read the chapter during the week before

the sermon and small group. Make time daily with God to know Him and His

heart through time in His Word, prayer and reflection. Below chapter 23 is

separated into five days of reading.

GROUP TIME:• Opening Prayer

• Announcements

• Guidelines

GETTING TO KNOW YOU:•What thought or message would you want to put in a fortune cookie?

• If you had to give up a favorite food, which would be the most difficult to

give up?

DISCUSS: From the Chapter•When Satan tried tempting Jesus in the wilderness, how did Jesus


•Read John 4:14. What do you think Jesus meant?

•Jesus sought out quiet places to commune with God. How do you make

regular time to be quiet before God?


Bible passages: Matthew 3-4; Mark 1-3; Luke 8; John 1-4



Pg. 321-323 Pg. 323-326 Pg. 326-329 Pg. 329-331 Pg. 331-334

WATCH THE DVD and/or READ Chapter 23 Together

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14 (pg 12)


•When the Pharisees asked John the Baptist who he was, what did he say?

•Nicodemus asked Jesus who he was, what did Jesus say? What would

you ask Jesus?

•Tell about a time when you, like Jesus, used Scripture to stand strong

against the enemy.

DISCUSS: From the Sermon

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

DISCUSS: From the Homework (page 15-16)

• What is something you learned this week from the homework?

• Is there a question or questions that you need answered from the


PRAYER:• Write down group prayer request and praises/celebrations on the

following page.

• Remind your group that these requests must remain confidential in order

to build a community of trust.

• Take time to ask for personal requests, focusing on each member and

his or her needs.

• Break your group up by gender if you feel members will be more open

and honest.

NEXT WEEK’S READING:• The Story: Chapter 24

• Bible passages: Matthew 5-7, 9, 14; Mark 4-6; Luke 10, 15; John 6

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15 (pg 13)

1. What insight, principle or observation from this weekend’s messages did you find to be most helpful,

eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.

2. Read Matthew 3-4

a. In Matthew 3:2, what do we learn about God?

b. What were John the Baptist’s clothes made out of? What did he eat?

c. Where did people come to see him from and why?

d. What was the price the devil wanted in exchange for things he offered Jesus?

3. Read John 2

a. In John 2:1, what event occurred?

b. What did Jesus tell the servants to do with the water?

c. What happened when they did it?

d. What did Jesus find happening in the temple? Describe what he did.

HOMEWORK - Chapter 23

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4. Read John 3-4

a. What is the name of the Pharisee who questioned Jesus about God?

b. What does the Bible say will happen if people live by the truth?

c. From whom did Jesus ask for a drink of water?

d. Why didn’t this person want to give Him one?

5. Read Mark 1-2

a. In Mark 1:2, who did God use in order to speak to the people?

b. What are the three parts of Jesus’ message in Mark 1:15?

c. How did Jesus describe himself?

6. Read Mark 3, Matthew 11

a. What was wrong with the man Jesus took to the synagogue?

b. How does Jesus describe his true family?

c. How does Jesus ease John’s doubt?

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PRAYERDate: _____/_____/_____


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Chapter 24 [LEADER PREP GUIDE]No Ordinary Man

BEFORE GROUP: Your role as a leader before group starts

• Read Chapter 24 from The Story. This will help if you need to re-word any

questions to better suit your group. Choose the questions you want the

group to discuss.

• Read the necessary passages throughout the week

• Recognize what God is showing you.

• Do you know where each person in the group is spiritually?

(* See page 69-70: spiritually dead, infant, child, young adult, parent)

• What is your part as you walk with them?

PRAYER TIME: • Will you be breaking out into men’s and women’s groups?

• Who will lead each group? What prep do you need to do with them?

_________________________________ (Men)

_________________________________ (Women)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Grab the weekend bulletin and choose the top 2-3

announcements that would benefit your group members. Also, use this time to

give any announcements that are specific to your home group.

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

SERMON: Awareness & Preparation

• Find the sermon based questions and copy them into this book.

• What did I hear in this week’s sermon?

• How might this week’s sermon hit each person in my group?

AFTER GROUP: Your role as a leader after group

• Who am I intentionally praying for this week? Who needs me to pray with


• Who do I need to call this week?

• Do I need to have a follow up conversation with someone from group this


• Who was absent from group or from service? Determine the next step you

need to take to help them stay connected.

• Who am I inviting to group? How am I regularly encouraging group members

to invite unconnected people? Is my group growing a heart for lost people?

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19 (pg 17)

NOTES DURING THE WEEK: Read the chapter during the week before

the sermon and small group. Make time daily with God to know Him and His

heart through time in His Word, prayer and reflection. Below chapter 24 is

separated into five days of reading.

GROUP TIME:• Opening Prayer

• Announcements

• Guidelines

GETTING TO KNOW YOU:• If you could add any person to Mount Rushmore, who would you add and


•What is one item that you really should throw away, but probably never


DISCUSS: From the Chapter•Read: Matthew 5:13-16. What did Jesus say our faith should be like?

•Why is it foolish listening to Jesus’ words without putting them into


•Share one of Jesus’ parables that you can relate with today.


Bible passages: Matthew 5-7, 9, 14; Mark 4-6; Luke 10, 15; John 6







Pg. 335-337 Pg. 337-340 Pg. 340-343 Pg. 343-348 Pg. 348-351

WATCH THE DVD and/or READ Chapter 24 Together

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20 (pg 18)


•Why did Jesus teach in parables?

•Jesus used the parable of seeds in different types of soil. What do the

seeds represent? What does the soil represent? Currently, what type of

soil describes your heart?

•The disciples asked Jesus how they should pray and He answered them

with the Lord’s Prayer. In your group, discuss the components of the

Lords’ Prayer (Matt. 6:9-13). How can it bring structure to your prayer life?

DISCUSS: From the Sermon

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

DISCUSS: From the Homework (page 21-22)

• What is something you learned this week from the homework?

• Is there a question or questions that you need answered from the


PRAYER:• Write down group prayer request and praises/celebrations on the

following page.

• Remind your group that these requests must remain confidential in order

to build a community of trust.

• Take time to ask for personal requests, focusing on each member and

his or her needs.

• Break your group up by gender if you feel members will be more open

and honest.

NEXT WEEK’S READING:• The Story: Chapter 25

• Bible passages: Matthew 17, 21

Mark 8-12, 14

Luke 9, 22

John 7-8, 11-12

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HOMEWORK - Chapter 24

1. What insight, principle or observation from this weekend’s messages did you find to be most helpful,

eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.

2. Read Mark 4

a. In the parable of the sower, what are the 4 kinds of soil Jesus described?

b. What happened to the seeds in each of the types of soil?

c. In Mark 4:40, what did Jesus tell his disciples?

3. Read Luke 10, 15

a. How did Jesus respond when he was asked what people must do to inherit eternal life?

b. How many disciples did Jesus send out to tell the good news and heal others?

c. What was Jesus doing that the Pharisees and teachers of the law did not like?

21 (pg 19)

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4. Read Matthew 5-7

a. Write out the Beatitudes.

5. Read Matthew 9, Mark 5-6

a. What did Jesus say about fasting?

b. Where had the man who was demon possessed been living?

c. Why did Jesus tell the girl’s parents to stop crying?

6. Read Matthew 14, John 6

a. How did John the Baptist die?

b. Who ordered that he be killed?

c. Why did Jesus ask Philip, “Where are we going to buy the bread to feed all these people?”


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PRAYERDate: _____/_____/_____


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Chapter 25 [LEADER PREP GUIDE]Jesus: The Son Of God

BEFORE GROUP: Your role as a leader before group starts

• Read Chapter 25 from The Story. This will help if you need to re-word any

questions to better suit your group. Choose the questions you want the

group to discuss.

• Read the necessary passages throughout the week

• Recognize what God is showing you.

• Do you know where each person in the group is spiritually?

(* See page 69-70: spiritually dead, infant, child, young adult, parent)

• What is your part as you walk with them?

PRAYER TIME: • Will you be breaking out into men’s and women’s groups?

• Who will lead each group? What prep do you need to do with them?

_________________________________ (Men)

_________________________________ (Women)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Grab the weekend bulletin and choose the top 2-3

announcements that would benefit your group members. Also, use this time to

give any announcements that are specific to your home group.

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

SERMON: Awareness & Preparation

• Find the sermon based questions and copy them into this book.

• What did I hear in this week’s sermon?

• How might this week’s sermon hit each person in my group?

AFTER GROUP: Your role as a leader after group

• Who am I intentionally praying for this week? Who needs me to pray with


• Who do I need to call this week?

• Do I need to have a follow up conversation with someone from group this


• Who was absent from group or from service? Determine the next step you

need to take to help them stay connected.

• Who am I inviting to group? How am I regularly encouraging group members

to invite unconnected people? Is my group growing a heart for lost people?

Page 26: Promises Kept - Transformed 22-32 K… · (p. 5) “PROMISES KEPT” CHAPTER 22-27 CHAPTER 22:THE BIRTH OF

25 (pg 23)

NOTES DURING THE WEEK: Read the chapter during the week before

the sermon and small group. Make time daily with God to know Him and His

heart through time in His Word, prayer and reflection. Below chapter 25 is

separated into five days of reading.

GROUP TIME:• Opening Prayer

• Announcements

• Guidelines

GETTING TO KNOW YOU:•What Biblical character (excluding Jesus) inspires you the most? Why?

• If you were sent to live on a space station for three months and only

allowed to bring three personal items with you, what would they be?

DISCUSS: From the Chapter• In Jesus’ day, people “took up their cross” only to be led to death. How

did Jesus, in Luke 9:23-27, explain what he meant?

•What are the ways people try to “save” their life here on earth rather than

“losing their life” by serving Jesus and spreading the Gospel?

•How would you respond to someone who asked, “Who is Jesus?”

25 JESUS: The Son of GodBible passages: Matthew 17, 21; Mark 8-12, 14

Luke 9, 22; John 7-8, 11-12









Pg. 353-355 Pg. 355-358 Pg. 358-361 Pg. 361-363 Pg. 363-366

WATCH THE DVD and/or READ Chapter 25 Together

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26 (pg 24)


•When Peter rebuked Jesus for saying he would die, how did Jesus

respond to this rebuking and what concerns did He accuse Peter of


•Jesus told his followers they would have to deny self, take up his cross,

follow Him and be willing to lay down their lives for Him and the Gospel.

What does this look like for you in your walk as you seek Christ today?

•Jesus called himself the “light of the world,” assuring the disciples they

would no longer be left in darkness. How does the light of Jesus keep

you from living in darkness?

DISCUSS: From the Sermon

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

DISCUSS: From the Homework (page 27-28)

• What is something you learned this week from the homework?

• Is there a question or questions that you need answered from the


PRAYER:• Write down group prayer request and praises/celebrations on the

following page.

• Remind your group that these requests must remain confidential in order

to build a community of trust.

• Take time to ask for personal requests, focusing on each member and

his or her needs.

• Break your group up by gender if you feel members will be more open

and honest.

NEXT WEEK’S READING:• The Story: Chapter 26

• Bible passages: Matthew 26-27; Mark 14-15;

Luke 22-23; John 13-14, 16-19

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27 (pg 25)

HOMEWORK - Chapter 25

1. What insight, principle or observation from this weekend’s messages did you find to be most helpful,

eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.

2. Read Mark 8-9

a. When the Pharisees asked Jesus for a miraculous sign, how did Jesus answer them?

b. What did Jesus mean when he told the disciples to watch out of the yeast of Pharisees and Herod?

c. Who were the disciples Jesus took with him to the mountain where He was transfigured?

d. Who was Jesus transfigured with?

3. Read John 11

a. When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, what did He say about the sickness?

b. When Jesus saw Mary the sister of Lazarus weeping, what happened to Jesus?

c. Why did the religious leaders want to kill Jesus?

4. Read Mark 10

a. What was the rich man’s reaction when Jesus told him to sell everything and give it to the poor?

b. Jesus said, “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants

to be first must be slave of all.” What did he say about the Son of Man?

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c. What did Jesus say to the blind man when he asked for his sight back?

5. Read Matthew 21; Mark 11-12, 14

a. Write down the instructions Jesus gave the two men on the way to Jerusalem.

b. In Mark 11:12, how was Jesus described?

c. How did Jesus answer the question about paying taxes?

d. Write Mark 14:22-24

6. Read Luke 22, John 12

a. Jesus prayed for God to take the cup from him but asked that the Lord’s will be done. What was in

the cup?

b. Judas approached Jesus and kissed him on the cheek. What did Jesus ask Judas?

c. Write John 12:44-50.


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PRAYERDate: _____/_____/_____


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Chapter 26 [LEADER PREP GUIDE]The Hour Of Darkness

BEFORE GROUP: Your role as a leader before group starts

• Read Chapter 26 from The Story. This will help if you need to re-word any

questions to better suit your group. Choose the questions you want the

group to discuss.

• Read the necessary passages throughout the week

• Recognize what God is showing you.

• Do you know where each person in the group is spiritually?

(* See page 69-70: spiritually dead, infant, child, young adult, parent)

• What is your part as you walk with them?

PRAYER TIME: • Will you be breaking out into men’s and women’s groups?

• Who will lead each group? What prep do you need to do with them?

_________________________________ (Men)

_________________________________ (Women)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Grab the weekend bulletin and choose the top 2-3

announcements that would benefit your group members. Also, use this time to

give any announcements that are specific to your home group.

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

SERMON: Awareness & Preparation

• Find the sermon based questions and copy them into this book.

• What did I hear in this week’s sermon?

• How might this week’s sermon hit each person in my group?

AFTER GROUP: Your role as a leader after group

• Who am I intentionally praying for this week? Who needs me to pray with


• Who do I need to call this week?

• Do I need to have a follow up conversation with someone from group this


• Who was absent from group or from service? Determine the next step you

need to take to help them stay connected.

• Who am I inviting to group? How am I regularly encouraging group members

to invite unconnected people? Is my group growing a heart for lost people?

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31 (pg 29)

NOTES DURING THE WEEK: Read the chapter during the week before

the sermon and small group. Make time daily with God to know Him and His

heart through time in His Word, prayer and reflection. Below chapter 26 is

separated into five days of reading.

GROUP TIME:• Opening Prayer

• Announcements

• Guidelines

GETTING TO KNOW YOU:•What book, movie or video have you seen/read recently you would

recommend? Why?

•What’s your favorite hobby?

DISCUSS: From the Chapter•At the last supper with his disciples, what did Jesus say would happen?

•Do you see God’s love in these events? If so, where?

•Jesus knew his disciples wouldn’t be able to stand by him in his darkest

hour. Think of a time you faced a dark time when your closest friends

weren’t there for you. Who did you rely on in the moment?

26 THE HOUR OF DARKNESSBible passages: Matthew 26-27; Mark 14-15;

Luke 22-23; John 13-14, 16-19





Pg. 367-369 Pg. 369-371 Pg. 371-374 Pg. 374-378 Pg. 378-380

WATCH THE DVD and/or READ Chapter 26 Together

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32 (pg 30)


•Jesus referred to a cup in the garden. What did the cup represent?

•The final statement Jesus said from the cross was, “It is finished.” What

was He declaring and what does that mean for us?

•What part of this chapter would you use to help someone in your life

grow in their relationship with God?

•How does our willingness to serve reveal Jesus’ presence in our lives?

DISCUSS: From the Sermon

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

DISCUSS: From the Homework (page 33-34)

• What is something you learned this week from the homework?

• Is there a question or questions that you need answered from the


PRAYER:• Write down group prayer request and praises/celebrations on the

following page.

• Remind your group that these requests must remain confidential in order

to build a community of trust.

• Take time to ask for personal requests, focusing on each member and

his or her needs.

• Break your group up by gender if you feel members will be more open

and honest.

NEXT WEEK’S READING:• The Story: Chapter 27

• Bible passages: Matthew 27-28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 19-21

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33 (pg 31)

HOMEWORK - Chapter 26

1. What insight, principle or observation from this weekend’s messages did you find to be most helpful,

eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.

2. Read Mark 14:1-7; John 13

a. How did Jesus respond to the people who were rebuking the woman that anointed Jesus with

expensive perfume?

b. Why was it important for Jesus to wash the Disciple’s feet?

c. For what did Judas Iscariot betray Jesus?

3. Read John 14, 16-17

a. Thomas said to Jesus, “we do not know where you are going so how can we know the way?” What

was Jesus’ answer.

b. What did Jesus tell the Disciples would happen if they prayed in His name?

c. What was Jesus’ prayer for new believers?

4. Read Matthew 26:1-56, Luke 22, John 18

a. What was the quote Jesus used to tell the Disciples they would all fall away from him?

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b. When Jesus was being arrested in the Garden something fell off the servant of the High Priest. What

was it?

c. What was the first question Pilate asked Jesus?

5. Read Matthew 26:57-68, 27:1-5, Luke 22:55-62, John 19:1-16

a. Upon His arrest, where was Jesus taken?

b. Who followed Jesus from afar?

c. In John 19:7, what did the Jewish leaders insist?

6. Read Matthew 27:1-54, Luke 23

a. What did Pilate do when he found out Jesus was a Galilean?

b. What happened from the 6th hour to the 9th hour of the day Jesus was crucified?

c. What time would the 6th and the 9th hours be?

d. Who asked Pilate for the body of Jesus?


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PRAYERDate: _____/_____/_____


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Chapter 27 [LEADER PREP GUIDE]The Resurrection

BEFORE GROUP: Your role as a leader before group starts

• Read Chapter 27 from The Story. This will help if you need to re-word any

questions to better suit your group. Choose the questions you want the

group to discuss.

• Read the necessary passages throughout the week

• Recognize what God is showing you.

• Do you know where each person in the group is spiritually?

(* See page 69-70: spiritually dead, infant, child, young adult, parent)

• What is your part as you walk with them?

PRAYER TIME: • Will you be breaking out into men’s and women’s groups?

• Who will lead each group? What prep do you need to do with them?

_________________________________ (Men)

_________________________________ (Women)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Grab the weekend bulletin and choose the top 2-3

announcements that would benefit your group members. Also, use this time to

give any announcements that are specific to your home group.

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

SERMON: Awareness & Preparation

• Find the sermon based questions and copy them into this book.

• What did I hear in this week’s sermon?

• How might this week’s sermon hit each person in my group?

AFTER GROUP: Your role as a leader after group

• Who am I intentionally praying for this week? Who needs me to pray with


• Who do I need to call this week?

• Do I need to have a follow up conversation with someone from group this


• Who was absent from group or from service? Determine the next step you

need to take to help them stay connected.

• Who am I inviting to group? How am I regularly encouraging group members

to invite unconnected people? Is my group growing a heart for lost people?

Page 38: Promises Kept - Transformed 22-32 K… · (p. 5) “PROMISES KEPT” CHAPTER 22-27 CHAPTER 22:THE BIRTH OF

37 (pg 35)

NOTES DURING THE WEEK: Read the chapter during the week before

the sermon and small group. Make time daily with God to know Him and His

heart through time in His Word, prayer and reflection. Below chapter 27 is

separated into five days of reading.

GROUP TIME:• Opening Prayer

• Announcements

• Guidelines

GETTING TO KNOW YOU:•What is your favorite time of day? Why?

•Would you rather be stranded on an island alone or with someone you


DISCUSS: From the Chapter•When Jesus appeared to the two men walking to Emmaus, what was the

content of their conversation?

•Do you believe that Jesus rose from the dead? Explain.

•Before Jesus ascended to heaven, he commanded his followers to “go

and make disciples of all nations.” When was the last time you talked to

someone else about your faith in Jesus?


Bible passages: Matthew 27-28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 19-21






Pg. 381-382 Pg. 382-384 Pg. 384-386 Pg. 386-388 Pg. 388

WATCH THE DVD and/or READ Chapter 27 Together

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38 (pg 36)


•Before Jesus ascended back to the Upper Story of Heaven, he called all

his followers to do something specific. What was it?

•When Jesus was on the way to Emmaus after her was resurrected, he

taught two men the truth of the Old Testament. How does understanding

the Old Testament help us understand the New Testament?

•How does focusing on Jesus’ resurrection and the assurance of our own

bring hope and strength to you in life’s tough times?

DISCUSS: From the Sermon

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

DISCUSS: From the Homework (page 39-40)

• What is something you learned this week from the homework?

• Is there a question or questions that you need answered from the


PRAYER:• Write down group prayer request and praises/celebrations on the

following page.

• Remind your group that these requests must remain confidential in order

to build a community of trust.

• Take time to ask for personal requests, focusing on each member and

his or her needs.

• Break your group up by gender if you feel members will be more open

and honest.

NEXT WEEK’S READING:• The Story: Chapter 28

• Bible passages: Acts 1-10, 12

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39 (pg 37)

HOMEWORK - Chapter 27

1. What insight, principle or observation from this weekend’s messages did you find to be most helpful,

eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.

2. Read Matthew 27:62-66, John 19:1-42

a. What did Jesus do right before he died?

b. Who came to the tomb with Jesus’ body?

c. What did the chief Priest and Pharisees ask of Pilate, and what was his response?

3. Read Matthew 28:2-8; Mark 16:1-3; John 20:3-18

a. Where did some of the guards of the tomb go?

b. What did the two disciples find in the tomb?

c. Who stood by the tomb weeping?

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4. Read Luke 24, John 20:19-31

a. Upon hearing what the women said, what did Peter do?

b. Why didn’t the two men recognize Jesus on the road to Emmaus?

c. What did the disciples thing Jesus was?

5. Read John 21

a. Where did Jesus appear to His disciples?

b. What did He ask them?

c. What does Jesus tell Peter will happen to him?

6. Read Matthew 28

a. Write the Great Commission: Matthew 28:19-20.


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PRAYERDate: _____/_____/_____


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Chapter 28 [LEADER PREP GUIDE]First Church: New Beginnings

BEFORE GROUP: Your role as a leader before group starts

• Read Chapter 28 from The Story. This will help if you need to re-word any

questions to better suit your group. Choose the questions you want the

group to discuss.

• Read the necessary passages throughout the week

• Recognize what God is showing you.

• Do you know where each person in the group is spiritually?

(* See page 69-70: spiritually dead, infant, child, young adult, parent)

• What is your part as you walk with them?

PRAYER TIME: • Will you be breaking out into men’s and women’s groups?

• Who will lead each group? What prep do you need to do with them?

_________________________________ (Men)

_________________________________ (Women)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Grab the weekend bulletin and choose the top 2-3

announcements that would benefit your group members. Also, use this time to

give any announcements that are specific to your home group.

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

SERMON: Awareness & Preparation

• Find the sermon based questions and copy them into this book.

• What did I hear in this week’s sermon?

• How might this week’s sermon hit each person in my group?

AFTER GROUP: Your role as a leader after group

• Who am I intentionally praying for this week? Who needs me to pray with


• Who do I need to call this week?

• Do I need to have a follow up conversation with someone from group this


• Who was absent from group or from service? Determine the next step you

need to take to help them stay connected.

• Who am I inviting to group? How am I regularly encouraging group members

to invite unconnected people? Is my group growing a heart for lost people?

Page 44: Promises Kept - Transformed 22-32 K… · (p. 5) “PROMISES KEPT” CHAPTER 22-27 CHAPTER 22:THE BIRTH OF

43 (pg 41)

NOTES DURING THE WEEK: Read the chapter during the week before

the sermon and small group. Make time daily with God to know Him and His

heart through time in His Word, prayer and reflection. Below chapter 28 is

separated into five days of reading.

GROUP TIME:• Opening Prayer

• Announcements

• Guidelines

GETTING TO KNOW YOU:•What is your favorite smell? Why is it your favorite?

•Which bad habits of other people drive you crazy?

DISCUSS: From the Chapter•Read Acts 1:4-5. For what did Jesus tell his disciples to wait? Why was

this important?

•How do you explain the drastic change in Saul’s life when he became


•Read Acts 3:11-20. Summarize the gospel message in a way you could

share it, using Peter’s message as an example.

28 THE EARLY CHURCH:New Beginnings

Bible passages: Acts 1-10, 12





Pg. 389-392 Pg. 392-395 Pg. 395-399 Pg. 399-401 Pg. 401-405

WATCH THE DVD and/or READ Chapter 28 Together

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44 (pg 42)


•Jesus told his disciples that their ministry would be in one of four

locations. What were they?

•Discuss as a group what it means to live out Acts 2:42.

•Think back to when you first heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Describe

the situation and who God chose to share it with you?

DISCUSS: From the Sermon

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

DISCUSS: From the Homework (page 45-46)

• What is something you learned this week from the homework?

• Is there a question or questions that you need answered from the


PRAYER:• Write down group prayer request and praises/celebrations on the

following page.

• Remind your group that these requests must remain confidential in order

to build a community of trust.

• Take time to ask for personal requests, focusing on each member and

his or her needs.

• Break your group up by gender if you feel members will be more open

and honest.

NEXT WEEK’S READING:• The Story: Chapter 29

• Bible passages: Acts 13-14, 16-20

Romans 1, 3-6, 8, 12, 15

1 Corinthians 1, 3, 5-6, 10, 12-13, 15-16

Galatians 1, 3, 5-6, 1

Thessalonians 1-5

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45 (pg 43)

HOMEWORK - Chapter 28

1. What insight, principle or observation from this weekend’s messages did you find to be most helpful,

eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.

2. Read Acts 1-2

a. How long was Jesus on the earth following His resurrection?

b. What two things did Peter say were needed by the one who would take Judas’ place as an apostle?

c. In Acts 2, to what did some people attribute what was happening with the apostles?

d. In that same passage, to what did Peter attribute was happening to the Apostles?

3. Read Acts 3-4

a. What did Peter do for the man at the Beautiful Gate? What was the man’s response?

b. Where in the Temple did Peter preach the sermon that is found in this chapter?

c. Who came upon Peter and John?

4. Read Acts 5-7

a. Of what sin were Ananias and Sapphira guilty?

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b. What happened to them?

c. In Acts 6, to what did the apostles give their attention?

d. Though David wanted to build the house of God, who actually built it?

5. Read Acts 8-9

a. Why did Peter and John go to Samaria?

b. Where had the man from Ethiopia been?

c. Why was Saul headed to Damascus?

6. Read Acts 10-12

a. Who visited Cornelius?

b. What did this visitor tell him to do?

c. What were the disciples in Antioch called?

d. How did Peter get out of prison?


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PRAYERDate: _____/_____/_____


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Chapter 29 [LEADER PREP GUIDE]Paul’s Mission

BEFORE GROUP: Your role as a leader before group starts

• Read Chapter 29 from The Story. This will help if you need to re-word any

questions to better suit your group. Choose the questions you want the

group to discuss.

• Read the necessary passages throughout the week

• Recognize what God is showing you.

• Do you know where each person in the group is spiritually?

(* See page 69-70: spiritually dead, infant, child, young adult, parent)

• What is your part as you walk with them?

PRAYER TIME: • Will you be breaking out into men’s and women’s groups?

• Who will lead each group? What prep do you need to do with them?

_________________________________ (Men)

_________________________________ (Women)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Grab the weekend bulletin and choose the top 2-3

announcements that would benefit your group members. Also, use this time to

give any announcements that are specific to your home group.

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

SERMON: Awareness & Preparation

• Find the sermon based questions and copy them into this book.

• What did I hear in this week’s sermon?

• How might this week’s sermon hit each person in my group?

AFTER GROUP: Your role as a leader after group

• Who am I intentionally praying for this week? Who needs me to pray with


• Who do I need to call this week?

• Do I need to have a follow up conversation with someone from group this


• Who was absent from group or from service? Determine the next step you

need to take to help them stay connected.

• Who am I inviting to group? How am I regularly encouraging group members

to invite unconnected people? Is my group growing a heart for lost people?

Page 50: Promises Kept - Transformed 22-32 K… · (p. 5) “PROMISES KEPT” CHAPTER 22-27 CHAPTER 22:THE BIRTH OF

49 (pg 47)

NOTES DURING THE WEEK: Read the chapter during the week before

the sermon and small group. Make time daily with God to know Him and His

heart through time in His Word, prayer and reflection. Below chapter 29 is

separated into five days of reading.

GROUP TIME:• Opening Prayer

• Announcements

• Guidelines

GETTING TO KNOW YOU:• If you could choose one state to remove from the map of the US, which

would it be?

•What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?

DISCUSS: From the Chapter•Which of Paul’s attributes stand out to you the most in Acts 13–16? Why?

•Were you convicted by anything you read from Paul’s first letter to the

Corinthians? Explain.

•As Paul preached the message of Jesus, he faced many spiritual attacks.

What spiritual battles might we face as we try to bring the message and

hope of Jesus to the world around us? How can we resist and overcome?

29 PAUL’S MISSIONBible passages: Acts 13-14, 16-20; Rom. 1, 3-6, 8, 12, 15;

1 Cor. 1, 3, 5-6, 10, 12-13, 15-16; Gal. 1, 3, 5-6, 1 Thes. 1-5







Pg. 407-412 Pg. 412-419 Pg. 419-424 Pg. 424-431 Pg. 431-437

WATCH THE DVD and/or READ Chapter 29 Together

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50 (pg 48)


•What did Paul do to make a living while he was preaching the Gospel?

• If a friend or family member came to you and said, “I have watched your

life, listened to your words, and I want what you have. What must I believe

and do to be saved?” what would you share with them?

•Which of the “fruit of the Spirit” that Paul listed in Galatians do you desire

to see grow in your life? How can we as a group, pray for you as you seek

maturity in this area?

DISCUSS: From the Sermon

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

DISCUSS: From the Homework (page 51-52)

• What is something you learned this week from the homework?

• Is there a question or questions that you need answered from the


PRAYER:• Write down group prayer request and praises/celebrations on the

following page.

• Remind your group that these requests must remain confidential in order

to build a community of trust.

• Take time to ask for personal requests, focusing on each member and

his or her needs.

• Break your group up by gender if you feel members will be more open

and honest.

NEXT WEEK’S READING:• The Story: Chapter 30

• Bible passages: Acts 20-23, 27-28; Ephes. 1-6; 2 Tim. 1-4

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51 (pg 49)

HOMEWORK - Chapter 29

1. What insight, principle or observation from this weekend’s messages did you find to be most helpful,

eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.

2. Read Acts 13-14

a. List the prophets and teachers at Antioch.

b. In Acts 13:42, who begged to hear Paul’s teaching on the next Sabbath?

c. Because of what they had heard, who did the people of Listeria believe Paul and Barnabas were?

3. Read Acts 16-17, 1 Thes. 1-4

a. Why did Paul have Timothy circumcised?

b. According to Acts 17:11, what kind of people were the Bereans?

c. When Paul mentioned the Thessalonians in his prayer, what did he remember about them?

4. Read Acts 18-19

a. What did the Ephesians ask to do?

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b. Who was Apollos? Why did Aquila and Pricilla take him aside?

c. In Acts 19:5, what do the disciples do?

5. Read 1 Cor. 1, 3, 5-6, 10, 12-13, 15-16, Gal. 1, 3, 5

a. To whom is the cross foolish?

b. List the characteristics of love in 1 Cor. 13.

c. What had some of the Christians in the Galatian churches done that caused Paul to be amazed?

6. Read Romans 1:3-6, 8, 12, 15

a. What made Paul free from the law of sin and death?

b. How should one react toward one’s enemies?

c. According to Romans 15:23, what great desire did Paul have?


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Chapter 30 [LEADER PREP GUIDE]Paul’s Final Days

BEFORE GROUP: Your role as a leader before group starts

• Read Chapter 30 from The Story. This will help if you need to re-word any

questions to better suit your group. Choose the questions you want the

group to discuss.

• Read the necessary passages throughout the week

• Recognize what God is showing you.

• Do you know where each person in the group is spiritually?

(* See page 69-70: spiritually dead, infant, child, young adult, parent)

• What is your part as you walk with them?

PRAYER TIME: • Will you be breaking out into men’s and women’s groups?

• Who will lead each group? What prep do you need to do with them?

_________________________________ (Men)

_________________________________ (Women)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Grab the weekend bulletin and choose the top 2-3

announcements that would benefit your group members. Also, use this time to

give any announcements that are specific to your home group.

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

SERMON: Awareness & Preparation

• Find the sermon based questions and copy them into this book.

• What did I hear in this week’s sermon?

• How might this week’s sermon hit each person in my group?

AFTER GROUP: Your role as a leader after group

• Who am I intentionally praying for this week? Who needs me to pray with


• Who do I need to call this week?

• Do I need to have a follow up conversation with someone from group this


• Who was absent from group or from service? Determine the next step you

need to take to help them stay connected.

• Who am I inviting to group? How am I regularly encouraging group members

to invite unconnected people? Is my group growing a heart for lost people?

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55 (pg 53)

NOTES DURING THE WEEK: Read the chapter during the week before

the sermon and small group. Make time daily with God to know Him and His

heart through time in His Word, prayer and reflection. Below chapter 30 is

separated into five days of reading.

GROUP TIME:• Opening Prayer

• Announcements

• Guidelines

GETTING TO KNOW YOU:•Describe your own outlook on life in six words.

• If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?

DISCUSS: From the Chapter•Read Acts 20:23. What did Paul claim the Holy Spirit warned him was

waiting for him?

•What can we learn about facing difficult circumstances from Paul’s life?

•As Paul drew near the end of his life, he reflected on how he had lived.

As you think about the rest of your life, name one thing you’d really like

to do for Jesus, and one step you can take to move closer to this goal.

30 PAUL’S FINAL DAYSBible passages: Acts 20-23, 27-28; Ephes. 1-6; 2 Tim. 1-4



Pg. 439-443 Pg. 443-447 Pg. 447-452 Pg. 452-456 Pg. 456-458

WATCH THE DVD and/or READ Chapter 30 Together

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56 (pg 54)


•While Paul was arrested in Rome, he wrote a letter to the believers in

Ephesus. What are some of the elements of the prayer he lifted up to

them and what can we learn about prayer from him.

•Paul painted a picture of the Ephesian believers “before Jesus” and

“after Jesus.” Describe one contrast people would see in if they could

watch a surveillance video of you before you came to trust Jesus as

Savior, versus who you are today.

•Randy spoke of a sculptor chiseling a lion, who got there by chiseling

away everything that did not look like a lion. What is one area in your life

where God is “chiseling” you?

DISCUSS: From the Sermon

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

DISCUSS: From the Homework (page 57-58)

• What is something you learned this week from the homework?

• Is there a question or questions that you need answered from the


PRAYER:• Write down group prayer request and praises/celebrations on the

following page.

• Remind your group that these requests must remain confidential in order

to build a community of trust.

• Take time to ask for personal requests, focusing on each member and

his or her needs.

• Break your group up by gender if you feel members will be more open

and honest.

NEXT WEEK’S READING:• The Story: Chapter 31

• Bible passages: Revelation 1-5; 19-22

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57 (pg 55)

HOMEWORK - Chapter 30

1. What insight, principle or observation from this weekend’s messages did you find to be most helpful,

eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.

2. Read Acts 20-21

a. What was Paul’s attitude knowing that chains and tribulations awaited him in every city?

b. What did Paul claim Jesus said concerning giving and receiving?

c. Where did Paul go after he left Tyre?

d. How long did he stay there?

3. Read Acts 22-23

a. Why did the centurions and commanders exercise caution in relationship with Paul?

b. What assurance did the Lord give Paul in Acts 23:11?

c. What was the commander determined to do with Paul?

4. Read Acts 27-28

a. Why was sailing considered dangerous?

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b. When the sailors were attempting to escape the ship, what did Paul tell the Centurions and soldiers?

c. What happened to Paul as he was warming himself by the fire on the island of Malta?

5. Read Ephesians 1-6

a. Where are all spiritual blessings found?

b. In Ephesians 5:3, Paul mentions something that is not to be named among Christians? What was it?

c. List the various parts of the armor of God.

6. Read 2 Timothy 1-4

a. What did Paul remind Timothy to stir up?

b. Jesus Christ has abolished something. What is it?

c. What did Paul want Timothy to bring to him?


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Chapter 31 [LEADER PREP GUIDE]Heaven

BEFORE GROUP: Your role as a leader before group starts

• Read Chapter 31 from The Story. This will help if you need to re-word any

questions to better suit your group. Choose the questions you want the

group to discuss.

• Read the necessary passages throughout the week

• Recognize what God is showing you.

• Do you know where each person in the group is spiritually?

(* See page 69-70: spiritually dead, infant, child, young adult, parent)

• What is your part as you walk with them?

PRAYER TIME: • Will you be breaking out into men’s and women’s groups?

• Who will lead each group? What prep do you need to do with them?

_________________________________ (Men)

_________________________________ (Women)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Grab the weekend bulletin and choose the top 2-3

announcements that would benefit your group members. Also, use this time to

give any announcements that are specific to your home group.

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

SERMON: Awareness & Preparation

• Find the sermon based questions and copy them into this book.

• What did I hear in this week’s sermon?

• How might this week’s sermon hit each person in my group?

AFTER GROUP: Your role as a leader after group

• Who am I intentionally praying for this week? Who needs me to pray with


• Who do I need to call this week?

• Do I need to have a follow up conversation with someone from group this


• Who was absent from group or from service? Determine the next step you

need to take to help them stay connected.

• Who am I inviting to group? How am I regularly encouraging group members

to invite unconnected people? Is my group growing a heart for lost people?

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61 (pg 59)

NOTES DURING THE WEEK: Read the chapter during the week before

the sermon and small group. Make time daily with God to know Him and His

heart through time in His Word, prayer and reflection. Below chapter 31 is

separated into five days of reading.

GROUP TIME:• Opening Prayer

• Announcements

• Guidelines

GETTING TO KNOW YOU:•What would be a perfect afternoon for you?

•Where is your bloodline originally from?

DISCUSS: From the Chapter•What does this chapter reveal about what heaven will be like?

•Read Revelation 2:2-5. In this section, Christ commended the church at

Ephesus for their hard work and perseverance. But, he accused them of

forsaking the love they once had for Him. How can we hold on to sound

teaching and doctrinal truths without losing the love and relationship?

•How can we apply Jesus’ warning to the churches in Revelation to our


31 HEAVENBible passages: Revelation 1-5; 19-22







Pg. 459-461 Pg. 461-462 Pg. 462-465 Pg. 465-467 Pg. 467-470

WATCH THE DVD and/or READ Chapter 31 Together

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•Randy mentioned John was the only disciple not killed for his faith in

spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but was instead banished to be

exiled for the remainder of his life. What happened to John while he was


•Randy talked about how the hope of heaven touches his heart because

he will see his mom again and they can worship Jesus together. Think of

one person you love who is already there. How does the hope of seeing

this person again make heaven seem even more wonderful?

•God wants to be in relationship with His people again, which has been

his goal from the beginning (Chapter 1) until the end (Chapter 31). What

can you do on a daily basis to stay close to God and have a dynamic

relationship with Him?

DISCUSS: From the Sermon

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

DISCUSS: From the Homework (page 63-64)

• What is something you learned this week from the homework?

• Is there a question or questions that you need answered from the


PRAYER:• Write down group prayer request and praises/celebrations on the

following page.

• Remind your group that these requests must remain confidential in order

to build a community of trust.

• Take time to ask for personal requests, focusing on each member and

his or her needs.

• Break your group up by gender if you feel members will be more open

and honest.

NEXT WEEK:Celebration Week

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63 (pg 61)

HOMEWORK - Chapter 31

1. What insight, principle or observation from this weekend’s messages did you find to be most helpful,

eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.

2. Read Revelation 1

a. According to verses 5-6, what has Jesus done for his saints?

b. Describe the appearance of the one John saw in the seven golden lamp stands.

c. How did that “one” identify himself?

3. Read Revelation 2-3

a. Whose deeds did the Lord hate?

b. What did the Lord say He would do to Jezebel and her children?

c. Why was the Lord going to keep those in Philadelphia from the hour of trial?

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4. Read Revelation 4-5

a. According to Rev. 4:2, what did John see while he was “In the Spirit”?

b. Why, according to the 24 elders, is the one who sits on the throne worthy to receive glory, honor and


c. What did John see at the right hand of the one who sits on the throne?

5. Read Revelation 19-20

a. What was the bride wearing and what does it represent?

b. What came out of the mouth of the rider?

c. According to Rev. 20:2-3, what did the one coming down from Heaven do?

6. Read Revelation 21-22

a. Something passed away in Rev. 21:1. What was it?

b. Who walked in the light of the city?

c. How long will the servant of the Lamb reign?

d. According to Rev. 22:20, when will Jesus come?


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DURING THE WEEK:Make time daily with God to know Him and His heart through time in his

Word, prayer and reflection. Read the chapter before the sermon and before

home group.

GROUP TIME:• Opening Prayer

• Announcements

• Vision Cast: The purpose of Small Groups

FOLLOW UP:How is what you are discovering in The Story impacting you: you abide in Christ?

...with your family?

...your relationships with fellow believers?

...and the world you are a part of?

• What is your favorite story or part of The Story? Why?

• What have you learned about God and His Upper Story?

• What has changed in your Lower Story perspective?

• How are you sharing with others what you have learned?

PRAYER:• Write down group prayer request and praises/celebrations on the

following page.

• Remind your group that these requests must remain confidential in order

to build a community of trust.

• Take time to ask for personal requests, focusing on each member and

his or her needs.

• Break your group up by gender if you feel members will be more open

and honest.



66 (pg 65)

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God has a plan to have a people with whom He can dwell. God does amazing things to restore a

relationship with people. People consistently resist the plan and God relentlessly pursues people to be a

part of His plan. God’s heart is to restore a people to Himself.

The following is a summary review of the chronological abridged journey found in The Story.

• Creation

• God builds a nation through Abraham,

• Joseph – favored son, hated brother, slave, prisoner, deputy pharaoh

• Moses – God delivered from slavery and Gave covenant and commands,

• People resisted entering the new land so God cared from them as they wandered,

• Joshua conquered according to God’s directions,

• Judges- people went their own way

• Ruth displayed faithfulness and trust in Gods protection

• Samuel and Saul,

• David as King- good and bad

• Solomon – Wisdom and not a strong finish

• Nation is divided: North Israel – Jeroboam, and south Judah - Rehoboam

• Bad king follows bad king in Israel, with the occasional good king in Judah. God pursues the people

through prophets like Elijah and many others

• Assyria defeats Israel and threatens Hezekiah. Judah is warned through Isaiah.

• Though warned by Jeremiah & Ezekiel, Judah is exiled in Babylon.

• Daniel seeks God while in 70 years of exile

• Ezra leads the people returning to Jerusalem to rebuild a nation and God’s temple.

• Esther intercedes for her people

• Nehemiah joins Ezra and the people to rebuild the walls.

• Jesus, the promised deliverer, stepped into time and space as a human man.

• At the right time He begins his ministry to show who God is and what the kingdom of God is like.

• Jesus is not an ordinary man, but sent from God, the Son of God and the Son of Man, promised Messiah.

• Jesus is crucified to fulfill the Scriptures and God’s redemptive plan to restore relationship with mankind

• Resurrecting from the dead, Jesus is victorious of sin, death and Satan, and able to redeem and restore

those who believe Him.

• Jesus leaves commissioning his followers to be his witnesses. Peter leads this new community. Jesus

confronts Saul, converting him.

• Paul and his companions share the good news of Jesus on three missionary journeys. Establishing new

communities of believers of Jesus.

• Paul’s final days are spent proclaiming Jesus and encouraging others.

• God’s Upper story of redemption moves into eternity future with a glimpse of New Heaven and New Earth.

THE STORY: Step By Step

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To make disciples of Jesus, it does not happen by accident. We have to be strategic and intentional. There

are many ways for us to be strategic in the way in which we make a disciple, but the common denominator

is that all strategies are intentional.

One way we can be intentional at First Christian is by asking questions that focus on each person’s head,

heart and hands. Let me explain...


It is in the head where we hold our knowledge. Everything we know about everything is held

in our head. Knowledge is a good thing and we need to know what we believe about God

and His Word. Many people keep their faith at the head level; it is all about what they know.

The challenge is to move them to the heart.


The knowledge that people have in their heads is good, but it must eventually move to the

heart where conviction and believe hold their place. They know what they believe and they

have strong convictions about their beliefs. However, there are many Christians who hold

deep convictions about their faith, yet their lives have not changed much. The next challenge

is to move this from the heart to the hands.


James tells us, “In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.‘You

have faith; I have deeds.’ Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by

path I do,” (James 2:18, NIV). When knowledge and conviction come together peoples’ lives

change. They behave differently and they live with purpose. The “Hands” is all about faith in


You will notice in each set of questions in this study that there is one question intentionally focused at the

head, the heart, and the hands. This is intentional and we want you to take advantage of this.



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People go through a process of spiritual maturity. This will vary from person to person. These stages are

not designed to label people or to put them in a box. They are designed to help us know where people

are spiritually. Then we can know where they need to be and how to help take them there.


DEAD: People in this stage have not yet accepted Christ as Lord and Savior. They may completely reject God

or they may be seeking God. They may be “spiritual,” and may even claim to know God or be a Christian.

In reality, they are their own god.

INFANT: People in this stage have accepted Christ, but have not moved much past that point. They can be new

believers, or they might be stagnant, long-time Christians. Life is generally all about them and their


CHILD: People in this stage are growing in their relationship with God, and are also beginning to grow in their

relationship with other Christians. They are applying God’s Word in their lives and allowing others to

walk beside them in their journey following Christ. However, it’s still mostly about them – their needs,

comfort, etc.

YOUNG ADULT: People in this stage are making a big shift from being self-centered to more others-centered. They’re

beginning to understand their role as a giver, rather than a taker. They are ministering to others, and

putting others first. They are being doers of the Word.

PARENT: People in this stage have a solid understanding of God’s Word and a deep, abiding relationship with

the Father. They are living out God’s Word in their daily lives. They are others-centered and God-

dependent. They are able to reproduce mature disciples of Jesus by inviting others to follow them as

they follow Christ.

“When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like

a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but

a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in

part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three

remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

- 1 Corinthians 13:11-13 NIV84

DISCIPLESHIP PROCESS: the 5 stages of spiritual growth

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DISCIPLESHIP PROCESS: a descriptive breakdown

Life Stage Attributes Beliefs, Behaviors & Attitudes Spiritual Needs Common Phrases

Dead • Unbelieving

• Rebellious

• Abrasive to


• Disbelief of the supernatural, or belief in

many forms of the supernatural

• Belief in one God, but many ways to get to Him

• Confusion about God, Jesus and the church

• Belief that they are as good as anyone else

so they don’t need a Savior

• A secure relationship with a

follower of Jesus

• Answers about Christianity,

Explanation of the Gospel

• An Invitation to receive


• “I don’t believe there is a


• “The Bible is just a bunch of


• “Evolution explains away a

need for God.”

Infant • Ignorant of

Biblical Truth

• Confused

• Dependent on

mature Believers

• Need spiritual

cleaning often

• Ignorance about what they need and what

the Bible says about life and the purpose of

a Christian

• Ignorance about or frustration towards

Christianity and the church

• Belief that Christians make no mistakes;

unrealistic expectations of themselves

• Individual attention from

a spiritual parent

• Protection

• An explanation of the truths

found in the Word of God

• An explanation and

modeling of the habits

of a growing believer

• “I believe in Jesus, but my

church is when I’m in the

woods or on the lake.”

• “I don’t have to go to church

to be a Christian.”

• “I didn’t know the Bible said


Child • Self-centered

• Interdependent

• Prideful

• Still in need of

occasional cleanings

• Excitement over having deep relationships

• Belief that feelings are most important,

which leads to spiritual highs and lows

• Belief that people are not caring for them


• Lack of wisdom about how to use what they

are learning-for example, too aggressive

when sharing their faith, or too legalistic in

their approach to dealing with their friends

and family

• More knowledge about what Christians say

than what the Word says.

• A spiritual family

• Help for how to feed


• Teaching about who they

are in Christ

• Teaching about how to

have relationships with

other Believers

• Teaching about

appropriate expectations

concerning other believers

• “I love my small group; don’t

add any more people to it.”

• “Who are these people

coming to my church? Tell

them to go somewhere else!”

• “I am not being fed in my

church, so I am going to a

church that meets my needs




• Zealous

• God-Centered

• Others-Centered

• Independent

• Still trying to grasp

the mission

• Desire to serve others for others’ good and

the glory of God

• Tendency to feel responsible for how others

respond to the message; possible pride if a

person accepts the message and possible

discouragement if he or she doesn’t

• Tendency to be black and white about what

should happen in a church

• Desire to serve but not strategic about how

to train others

• A place to learn and

serve,a spiritual parent who

will debrief them about

ministry experiences

• Ongoing relationships that

offer encouragement and


• Help establishing

boundaries, guidance

regarding appropriate

expectations of people they

will serve

• Help identifying their gifts

• “I love my group, but there

are others who need a group

like this.”

• “I think I could lead a group

with a little help. I have three

friends I have been witnessing

to, and this group would be

too big for them.”

• “In my devotions, I came

across something I have a

question about.”

Parent • Intentional

• Strategic

• Reproduction-


• Self-feeding

• Mission minded

• Team-minded

• Dependable

• Ability to think in terms of what a team

(rather than an individual) can do

• A coaching mindset

• Desire to see the people they work with

mature and become fellow workers who

love them but aren’t dependent on them to

complete the mission

• An ongoing relationship

with co-laborers, a church

family, encouragement

• “I realized discipleship

happens at home, too. Will

you hold me accountable to

spend time discipling my


• “This guy at work asked me

to explain the Bible to him.

Pray for me.”


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