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Prepared & Submitted by: Rajpal Bhargava C/o. Rainbow Dairy Farms VPO- Churella, District- Jhunjhunu (Raj.) 333 001 Contact N. +91-9829050494 , E-Mail: [email protected]
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Page 1: Project Profile -Dairy Farm Management

Prepared & Submitted by:

Rajpal Bhargava

C/o. Rainbow Dairy Farms

VPO- Churella, District- Jhunjhunu (Raj.) 333 001 Contact N. +91-9829050494 , E-Mail: [email protected]

Page 2: Project Profile -Dairy Farm Management




Purpose of Document……………Purpose of Document……………Purpose of Document……………Purpose of Document………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………............3333


Executive Summary....................Executive Summary....................Executive Summary....................Executive Summary..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5..............................5..............................5..............................5

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 1111:::: Venturing into Dairy Business……………Venturing into Dairy Business……………Venturing into Dairy Business……………Venturing into Dairy Business…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6666

1.1 Belief in Dairy Business………………………...………………………………………7

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 2222: : : : SWOT Analysis.....................SWOT Analysis.....................SWOT Analysis.....................SWOT Analysis.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8888

2.1 Strength……………………………………………………………………………………8

2.2 Weakness………………………………………………………………………………….8

2.3 Opportunities……………………………………………………………………………8

2.4 Threats…………………………………………………………………………………….8

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Market & Sector Analysis....................Market & Sector Analysis....................Market & Sector Analysis....................Market & Sector Analysis....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................9999

3.1 Key Statistics……………………………………………………………………………10

3.2 Present Scenario……………………………………………………………………….14

3.3 Opportunity Ahead……………………………………………………………………14

3.4 Indian Dairy Products…………………………………………………………………15

3.5 Major Players……………………………………………………………………………15

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Risk AnalysisRisk AnalysisRisk AnalysisRisk Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16161616

4.1 Issues & Challenges at the Small Holder Level..............................................16

4.2 Important Points for Dairy Business...............................................................17

4.3 Solutions & Guidelines……………………………………………………………….18

4.4 Quality Standard………………………………………………………………………18

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 5555: : : : CompanyCompanyCompanyCompany Information ……………………………………………………………… Information ……………………………………………………………… Information ……………………………………………………………… Information …………………………………………………………………………19191919

5. 1 Promoters Information………………………………………………………………..19

5.2 Vision & Mission………………………………………………………………………..19

5.3 Objectives………………………………………………………………………………..20

5.4 Our Goals………………………………………………………………………………...20

5.5 Our Focus………………………………………………………………………………..20

5.6 Opportunity Rationale…………………………………………………………………20

5.7 Proposed Business Legal Status…………………………………………………….21

5.8 Approvals & Registrations……………………………………………………………21

5.9 Expansion Plans………………………………………………………………………..21

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 6666: : : : ProjectProjectProjectProject Profile ……………… Profile ……………… Profile ……………… Profile ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….22222222

Brief Summary………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….22

Project Highlights……………………………………………………………………...22

6666....1111 (A)(A)(A)(A) Technical FeasibTechnical FeasibTechnical FeasibTechnical Feasibility………ility………ility………ility…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………........22223333

6.1.1 Selection of Project Site………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………23

6.1.2 Veterinary Services……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....23

6.1.3 Market for Selling Milk………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..23

6.1.4 Marketing Plan………………………………………………………………………….23

6.1.5 Financing Bank…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………24

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6.1.6 Animal Market………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….24

6.1.7 Training Centers………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....24

6.1.8 Land for Green Fodder………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..24

6666. (B) (B) (B) (B) Economic Viability…Economic Viability…Economic Viability…Economic Viability………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………22225555

6.2.1 Proposed Capacity………………………………………………………………………25

6.2.2 Pricing……………………………………………………………………………………25

6.2.3 Source of Finance………………………………………………………………………25

6.2.4 Project Investment……………………………………………………………………..26

6.2.6 Cash Flow Details………………………………………………………………………27

6.2.6 Profit Analysis & Re-Payment Plan…………………………………………………27

6.2.7 Ratio Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………27

Chapter 7Chapter 7Chapter 7Chapter 7: : : : Farm Inputs...............................Farm Inputs...............................Farm Inputs...............................Farm Inputs...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................28282828

7.1 Market Entry Time.............................................................................................28

7.2 Animal Housing.................................................................................................28

7.3 Office, Storage and Staff Quarters Details…………………………………………29

7.4 Farm Machinery..................................................................................................29

7.5 Herd Mix ............................................................................................................30

7.5.1 Suggestion of Selecting Breed for Commercial Farm.....................................32

7.5.2 Cares at Buying the Animals…………………………………………………………33

7.6 Animal Health…………………………………………………………………………..33

7.7 Animal Breeding & Mating System…………………………………………………34

7.7.1 Artificial Insemination (AI)…………………… ……………………………………..34

7.8 Vaccination & Medicines……………………………………………………..……………..35

7.9 Insurance for Dairy Cattle’s.…………………………………………………………36

7.10 Feeding...............................................................................................................36

7.11 Manpower Requirement ...................................................................................37

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 8888: : : : Farm Output.......Farm Output.......Farm Output.......Farm Output.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................38..........38..........38..........38

8.1 Lactation Period ................................................................................................38

8.2 Breeding Stock Development............................................................................38

8.3 Increasing In Milk Yield.....................................................................................38

8.4 Sales Price...........................................................................................................38

8.6 Evening Milk.......................................................................................................38

8.6 Male Calves.........................................................................................................38

8.7 Cow Dung………………………………………………………………………………...38


Annexure- 1, Activity Plan

Annexure- 2, Suppliers List (Dairy Equipments)

Annexure- 3, Suppliers List (Agriculture Equipments)

Annexure- 4, Suppliers list (Live Stock/ Cattle Suppliers)

Annexure- 6, Suppliers List (Feed & Fodder Suppliers)

Annexure- 6, Suppliers List (Veterinary & Semen Bank)

Page 4: Project Profile -Dairy Farm Management

Pre-Feasibility Project Report for 20 Animals



Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 1

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


I have immense pleasure in presenting this Project on Dairy Farming ManagementDairy Farming ManagementDairy Farming ManagementDairy Farming Management. The Subject is

an interesting one. It gave me an opportunity to have a detailed study on the subject and showed

how things work in the practical world. I came to understand and analyze the importance and the

role of Indian Dairy Industry and Dairy farm Management.

I had a great time working on the project and we have provided information to the fullest of my

knowledge and findings.

I wish all the best to Entrepreneurs who want to explore and do the dairy business.



Rajpal Bhargava Place: Churella, Jhunjhunu (Raj.)

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Pre-Feasibility Project Report for 20 Animals



Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 2

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


India is now emerging as a major growing in the international dairy market. With the current

liberalization of India economy, it has opened a wide field for entrepreneurs from other countries

to participate in development of Indian dairy industry. The dairy industry which is the second

largest industry of India employs millions of persons in our country. There is tremendous scope of

growth in dairy industry and we can bring white revolution in our country if this industry is properly


This study was designed to evaluate the process of dairy management and milk production in dairy

farms, in order to identify the pro & cons and the corresponding points of control. To obtain

information and knowledge on bio security aspects, feeding and milking management, labours,

calving and calf raising, milking and storage equipment, and disease treatments. Study also

included the management practices among the herds in relation to the dry cow period,

management of cows before calving, selling or culling of male calves, separation of lactating and

dry cows and joint disposal of organic and cleaning materials from the milking parlors and milk

storage room, housing of female calves and heifers; using of calves to stimulate milk let down;

feeding cows during milking; hygiene procedures before and during milking; and supply and

quality of water.

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Pre-Feasibility Project Report for 20 Animals



Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 3

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


The objective of the pre-feasibility study is primarily to facilitate potential entrepreneurs to

facilitate investment and provide an overview about DDDDairy andairy andairy andairy and LLLLivestock ivestock ivestock ivestock FFFFarmingarmingarmingarming. The project pre-

feasibility may form the basis of an important investment decision and in order to serve this

objective, the document covers various aspects of dairy and livestock concept development, start-

up, production, finance and business management. The document also provides sectoral

information, brief on government policies and international scenario, which have some bearing on

the project itself.

The purpose and scope of this information memorandum is to introduce the subject matter and

provide a general idea and information on the said area. All the material included in this document

is based on data/information collected from various sources and is based on certain assumptions.

Although, due care and diligence has been taken to compile this document, the contained

information may vary due to any change in any of the concerned factors, and the actual results may

differ substantially from the presented information. The prospective user of this memorandum is

encouraged to carry out additional diligence and gather any information he/she feels necessary for

making an informed decision.

The report covers the total cow milk production and volume of net trade for dairy products. It

offers prevalent trends and developments in the industry, future opportunities and competitive

landscape of the prominent players operating in the country. The report also includes information

on the major macroeconomic indicators regressed for estimating the market for milk and dairy

products in India.

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Pre-Feasibility Project Report for 20 Animals



Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 4

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


This Pre-Feasibility has been prepared by “RAINBOW DAIRY FARMSRAINBOW DAIRY FARMSRAINBOW DAIRY FARMSRAINBOW DAIRY FARMS”””” and is for information purposes

only. This report does not constitute an offer, invitation or inducement to invest in any sector or

industry. Neither the information contained in this Pre-Feasibility nor any further information made

available with the subject matter contained herein will form the basis of any contract. Any

recommendations contained in this document must not be relied upon as investment advice based

on the recipient's personal circumstances. In the event that further clarification is required on the

words or phrases used in this material, the recipient is strongly recommended to seek independent

legal or financial advice.

The material in this Pre-Feasibility is general information intended for recipients who understand

the risks and opportunities associated with making investment in India specifically in Dairy sector.

It does not take account of whether an investment, course of action, or associated risks are suitable

for the recipient. This report does not purport to be comprehensive or to contain all the

information on which a prospective investor can make an investment decision. The information

contained herein is based on publicly available information and sources, which we believe to be

reliable, but we do not represent it as accurate or complete. The recipient of this report must make

his own investigation and assessment of the information presented herein.

No representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is or will be made or given and no

responsibility or liability is or will be accepted by “RAINBOW DAIRY FARMSRAINBOW DAIRY FARMSRAINBOW DAIRY FARMSRAINBOW DAIRY FARMS”””” or by any of its officers,

employees, agents or advisors, in relation to the accuracy or completeness of this Pre-Feasibility or

any other written or oral information made available in connection with the information presented

herein. Any responsibility or liability for any such information is expressly disclaimed.

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Pre-Feasibility Project Report for 20 Animals



Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 5

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


India is currently the largest producer of milk in the world, overwhelmingly from the output of

millions of smallholder farms. Performance of the Indian dairy industry reveals that there has been

a significant increase in milk production (about 4.5% per annum) over the last three decades,

broadly from early 1970s to the late 1990s. The major impetus behind this change came from

successful implementation of Operation Flood Operation Flood Operation Flood Operation Flood PPPProgramrogramrogramrogramssss and other and other and other and other DaDaDaDairy iry iry iry DDDDevelopment evelopment evelopment evelopment PPPProgramsrogramsrogramsrograms

implemented by the State and Central government.

The performance of the Indian dairy sector appears impressive in terms of total milk production,

but is dismal in terms of productivity as well as per capita availability. Therefore, there is a need to

increase productivity of milk animals through improvement and extension of breeding services,

including artificial insemination services, up gradation of animal health care facilities, better quality

feed and fodder and strengthening of research, training and extension services.

The demand for milk and milk products is expected to grow at a very rapid rate due to population

growth, urbanization and increase in income levels and changes in food habits. This increase in

demand for dairy products will put increasing pressure on dairy production systems.

Rising human needs for milk and other livestock products have placed environmental concerns in

conflict with livestock income objectives. The rapidly increasing demand for dairy products in urban

areas has given rise to haphazard growth of production centers in semi-urban and urban areas.

The results of financial profitability show that small-scale producers have higher financial profits

(without family labor) per liter of milk than large-scale producers, other things equal.

Together with the fact that most small farms do not have easy access to information and

technology, and credit, these results suggest that the provision of extension services and credit to

small-scale milk producers might be a promising way of increasing milk production and

productivity in India.

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Venturing into Dairy Business

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Pre-Feasibility Project Report for 20 Animals



Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 6

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


Dairying is an important source of subsidiary income to small/marginal farmers and agricultural

labourers. The manure from animals provides a good source of organic matter for improving soil

fertility and crop yields. The gobar gas from the dung is used as fuel for domestic purposes as also

for running engines for drawing water from well. The surplus fodder and agricultural by-products

are gainfully utilized for feeding the animals. Since agriculture is mostly seasonal, there is a

possibility of finding employment throughout the year for many persons through dairy farming.

Thus, dairy also provides employment throughout the year. The main beneficiaries of dairy

programmes are small/marginal farmers and landless labourers. Some facts attract to setup milk

production business are:

• It is eco-friendly and does not cause environmental pollution as compared to other industries.

• Requirement of skilled labour is relatively less.

• Dairy product market is active round the year.

• Minimum investment on inventory (No need to stock raw materials in huge qty.)

• Entire establishment can be shifted to a new location (if needed e.g. Fire, Floods etc.)

• One can insure animals.

• Less energy requirementLess energy requirementLess energy requirementLess energy requirement: Biogas plant fed with cow dung can supply maximum energy to

meet farms day to day requirement. Decomposed slurry of such plant can also be effectively

used as organic manure. Most of the people in INDIA associate Dairy with Milk & Milk Products

however to be more precise Dairy business is made up of 3 stages viz.

1. Milk Production:Milk Production:Milk Production:Milk Production: This is where an individual /company keeps animals ( cows or buffaloes), rears

them & produces milk which is then further sold as liquid milk / given to Procurement people

(as in 2nd step) or further processed into milk products (3rd step) viz. Curd, Lassi, Butter,

Paneer, Cheese, Mava just to name a few.

2. Milk ProcurementMilk ProcurementMilk ProcurementMilk Procurement: In this there are people who are designated to collect milk from Farmers or

individuals who do not have their own Marketing setup & after collection the collected milk then

will be processed by them or given to others for selling (as liquid milk) or Processing into

products (as in 3rd step).

3. Milk ProcessingMilk ProcessingMilk ProcessingMilk Processing: This is a step which is concerned with Processing of Milk into various by

products. However to convert the milk into by-products it is very much vital to have a sufficient

quantity as well as quality of milk which can only be obtained if the Dairy farming is being done

properly. (A healthy animal will ONLY give good quality milk & not other wise).

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Pre-Feasibility Project Report for 20 Animals



Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 7

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


Dairy Farming (as a business); keeping large number of animals & following Scientific methods has

just started a few years ago but is picking up very fast due to Its several advantages viz.

a) Steady business with steady income unaffected by Recession.

b) Milk can be sold directly from the farm (No Marketing setup needed)

c) No brokers; price is already declared by the Government.

d) Selling rate of milk has been consistently increasing over a period of time.

e) Consumption accepted by all religions, caste & creed.

Further to my interactions with scores of people thinking of entering Dairy business all across

(especially India) the country it was quite evident that the general beliefs are:- Dairy Farming is an easy business.Dairy Farming is an easy business.Dairy Farming is an easy business.Dairy Farming is an easy business. Animal gives milk throughout the year.Animal gives milk throughout the year.Animal gives milk throughout the year.Animal gives milk throughout the year. Dairy Business breaks even in the first year.Dairy Business breaks even in the first year.Dairy Business breaks even in the first year.Dairy Business breaks even in the first year. Compare to all other business, dairy business break Compare to all other business, dairy business break Compare to all other business, dairy business break Compare to all other business, dairy business break even in the first year itself.even in the first year itself.even in the first year itself.even in the first year itself.

The mThe mThe mThe main costs in dairy farming are:ain costs in dairy farming are:ain costs in dairy farming are:ain costs in dairy farming are:

• Capital costCapital costCapital costCapital cost: For purchase of animals, construction of Shed & purchase of machinery, cans

etc. This cost occurs only once & is depreciable over a Period of time totally.

• Administrative CoAdministrative CoAdministrative CoAdministrative Costsstsstssts: includes appointment of a Farm manager, Supervisor, Skilled &

unskilled labours depending upon the requirements as well as the size of the farm. This is a

fixed cost for a certain period.

• Recurring CostRecurring CostRecurring CostRecurring Cost: includes the Feeding & Management along with Vaccination, Insurance,

treatment & other miscellaneous costs. This is required daily & is liable to fluctuate at all

times. It will be essential to control these costs which will have a direct bearing on the

production of milk as well as Reproduction (birth of next calf). At the same time balancing

of feed will also determine the REDUCTION of the Inter calving period which has a bearing

on total profitability.

4. Dairy business can be done by being dependent on labours:4. Dairy business can be done by being dependent on labours:4. Dairy business can be done by being dependent on labours:4. Dairy business can be done by being dependent on labours:

5. Dairy Business can be learned fr5. Dairy Business can be learned fr5. Dairy Business can be learned fr5. Dairy Business can be learned from the Net & by getting hold of Projectom the Net & by getting hold of Projectom the Net & by getting hold of Projectom the Net & by getting hold of Project report:report:report:report:

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SWOT Analysis

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Pre-Feasibility Project Report for 20 Animals



Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 8

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


A SWOT analysis can help in analyzing these factors, which can play important role in making the

decision. This particular pre-feasibility is regarding to “Dairy Farm“Dairy Farm“Dairy Farm“Dairy Farm Management Management Management Management”””” which comes

under “Livestock and AgricultureLivestock and AgricultureLivestock and AgricultureLivestock and Agriculture” sector. Before making the decision, one should carefully analyze

the associated risk factors & must consider following critical aspects, which form the basis of any

investment decision.

2222.1 Strengt.1 Strengt.1 Strengt.1 Strengthshshshs

• Relatively cheap farmland.

• High domestic consumption

• Good milk quality.

• Ample human resource employment sector.

• Low cost living standard.

• Full family involvement, Devoted & Hardworking Sector.

2222.2 Weaknesses.2 Weaknesses.2 Weaknesses.2 Weaknesses

• High production costs.

• Low levels of bulk feed production.

• Poor management level in quite a few cases.

• Lack of education and initiative in farmer.

• Unorganized sector, unaware of basic farm management practices.

• No or low application of research work and pedigree record keeping.

2222.3 Opportunities.3 Opportunities.3 Opportunities.3 Opportunities

• Dairy products needs are much higher than supply.

• Commercially viable sector with great credit potential and absorption capacity.

• Vast range of area of operation, more needs and scope of development.

• Value added dairy products are in demand.

• Cooperatives can play a big role for development in dairy sector.

2222.4 Threats.4 Threats.4 Threats.4 Threats

• High risks of diseases in live stock.

• Imbalance between prices of inputs & outputs.

• Rising trend of cost of production with higher rate of interest as compared to profit ratio.

• Increasing level of poverty.

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Market & Sector Analysis

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Pre-Feasibility Project Report for 20 Animals



Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 9

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


India is the largest milk producing country in the world. It has come a long way from producing

merely 17 million tones of milk in 1950-51 to producing 110 million tons in 2009. The per capita

availability of milk during the same period has increased from 124 grams to 252 grams per day

despite its increasing population.

Today, the Indian Dairy industry stands at a mammoth size of US$ 70 billion1. Given the highest

milch bovine population2 of 115.487 million in the world, India exhibits tremendous potential to

further strengthen its position in the world dairy market.

1. India with 57% of world’s buffalo population and 16% of world cattle population has second

largest livestock population in world.

2. With a growth rate of 4% per annum and 15% of global milk production, annual milk

production stood at 104 million tons in 2007/08.

3. India is among the world’s largest and fastest growing market for milk and milk products,

the market size in value terms being USD 47.6 billion (INR 2000 billion) growing at nearly

7.5% annually

4. Due to increased number of organized Dairy Farms with herd size 100 to 2000, great scope

of mechanized and hygiene systems in dairy industry.

5. Due to competitive farm gate prices, huge opportunity exists in export of milk and value

added milk products to neighboring countries where domestic production cannot meet.

6. Due to increased retail and organized structure, huge demand for milk processing plants

machinery and technology.

There are different sectors wThere are different sectors wThere are different sectors wThere are different sectors within the dairy industry ithin the dairy industry ithin the dairy industry ithin the dairy industry with with with with great business investment opportunities:great business investment opportunities:great business investment opportunities:great business investment opportunities:

A) Biotechnology:A) Biotechnology:A) Biotechnology:A) Biotechnology:

B) Dairy/Food Processing Equipment:B) Dairy/Food Processing Equipment:B) Dairy/Food Processing Equipment:B) Dairy/Food Processing Equipment:

C) Food Packaging Instruments:C) Food Packaging Instruments:C) Food Packaging Instruments:C) Food Packaging Instruments:

D) Retailing:D) Retailing:D) Retailing:D) Retailing:

E) Manufacture Of Ingredients:E) Manufacture Of Ingredients:E) Manufacture Of Ingredients:E) Manufacture Of Ingredients:

F) Finished Products:F) Finished Products:F) Finished Products:F) Finished Products:

G) Technically Advanced ManufactuG) Technically Advanced ManufactuG) Technically Advanced ManufactuG) Technically Advanced Manufacturing Unitsring Unitsring Unitsring Units

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Pre-Feasibility Project Report for 20 Animals



Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 10

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001



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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 11

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 12

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001



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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 13

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 14

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


Milk production In India has considerably increased since independence and today our country

stands at first position in world in volume of milk production .The milk procurement, processing

and distribution operations have also expanded over the years with the organized sector playing an

effective role .

But as evident from sharp rises in milk prices in last few years, the demand for milk has been

increasing with faster rate, and the gap between demand and supply is widening and therefore

there is an emphasis on increasing milk production by Govt through animal genetics and improving

fodder availability.

Although there are a number of milk brands on national and regional levels supplying large

volumes of good quality milk through a large distribution network, still we find a segment of health

conscious urban consumer who is not finding the freshness and purity that he expects from milk

and milk products. His quality needs is remaining unsatisfied, we find many consumers visiting

some dairy farmers who are located at the city corners, traveling long distance and paying a

premium price in search of quality and freshness.


The unsatisfied demands of the urban consumer can be met through scientifically managed

commercial dairy farms. It is observed that local needs of consumers can be met through local

supplies which reduce the time loss in procurement, processing and distribution of milk resulting

in preserving the fresh quality by stopping the microbial spoilage immediately at the production

point. The logistics cost involved in procurement of raw milk and distribution of finished product

can also be kept under control in this way.

Commercial Dairy farm is a solution for ensuring good farm fresh quality to the urban consumer.

With the intervention of technology and Dairy Farm Management Practices it is possible to improve

farm productivity and reducing cost of milk production, making this activity a profitable business


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Pre-Feasibility Project Report for 20 Animals



Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 15

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


The term Indian Dairy Products refers to those milk products, which originated in Undivided India.

• Pasteurized MilkPasteurized MilkPasteurized MilkPasteurized Milk

• UHT Treated MilkUHT Treated MilkUHT Treated MilkUHT Treated Milk

• Condensed MilkCondensed MilkCondensed MilkCondensed Milk

• Skim MilkSkim MilkSkim MilkSkim Milk

• Milk PowderMilk PowderMilk PowderMilk Powder

• GheeGheeGheeGhee

• Liquid butterLiquid butterLiquid butterLiquid butter

• YogurtYogurtYogurtYogurt

• Ice CreamIce CreamIce CreamIce Cream

• ButterButterButterButter

• CheeseCheeseCheeseCheese


Over the years, brands created by cooperatives have become synonymous with quality and value.

Brands like Amul (GCMMF), Vijaya (AP), Verka (Punjab), Saras (Rajasthan). Nandini (Karnataka),

Milma (Kerala) and Gokul (Kolhapur) are among those that have earned customer confidence.

Some of the major Dairy Cooperative Federations include:Some of the major Dairy Cooperative Federations include:Some of the major Dairy Cooperative Federations include:Some of the major Dairy Cooperative Federations include:

• Andhra Pradesh Dairy Development Cooperative Federation Ltd (APDDCF)

• Bihar State Cooperative Milk Producers' Federation Ltd (COMPFED)

• Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd (GCMMF)

• Haryana Dairy Development Cooperative Federation Ltd. (HDDCF)

• Himachal Pradesh State Cooperative Milk Producers' Federation Ltd (HPSCMPF)

• Karnataka Cooperative Milk Producers' Federation Ltd (KMF)

• Kerala State Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd (KCMMF)

• Madhya Pradesh State Cooperative Dairy Federation Ltd (MPCDF)

• Maharashtra Rajya Sahakari Maryadit Dugdh Mahasangh (Mahasangh)

• Orissa State Cooperative Milk Producers' Federation Ltd (OMFED)

• Pradeshik Cooperative Dairy Federation Ltd (UP) (PCDF)

• Punjab State Cooperative Milk Producers' Federation Ltd (MILKFED)

• Rajasthan Cooperative Dairy Federation Ltd (RCDF)

• Tamilnadu Cooperative Milk Producers' Federation Ltd (TCMPF)

• West Bengal Cooperative Milk Producers' Federation Ltd. (WBCMPF)

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Risk Analysis

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 16

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


Risks & Challenges in Dairy BusinessRisks & Challenges in Dairy BusinessRisks & Challenges in Dairy BusinessRisks & Challenges in Dairy Business

Some of the important challenges faced by Indian dairy industry may be identified as follows:

• Highly competitive market

• Competition between public and private sector

• Quality consciousness and standardization of product

• Security/ guarantee

• Fast changing Technology

• Technological collaboration

• Liberalization in policy and action

• Health/ Hygiene

• Emphasis on self- sustenance of supporting/ promotional organization leading to

better services from them.

Some important issues Some important issues Some important issues Some important issues of the dairy industry are as under:of the dairy industry are as under:of the dairy industry are as under:of the dairy industry are as under:----

Breeding of animals and getting expected milk yield is a biological phenomenon, which depends

upon various factors. Dairy farming besides good planning requires hardworking, reliable and alert

manager. In India, usually persons from the family take the responsibility. Inadequate management

of feeding heard health and lack of quality control in various stage of production can cause major

loss affecting the profitability of the entire venture.


The entire dairy Industry in India has its base in the small holders and marginal farmers. These

prime stakeholders of the entire value chain of milk are deprived of minimum resources of land,

labour, capital etc. The other constraints at the grass root levels are:

Key Challenges:Key Challenges:Key Challenges:Key Challenges:

1. There is an increasing pressure on the land resources for cultivation of food crops and

fodder crops are not preferred.

2. Lack of good quality animal feed

3. Lack of animal health care facilities.

4. Lack of breeding and good quality artificial insemination facilities.

5. Low genetic potential of the animals

6. Lack of chilling capacities

7. High production costs

8. Lack of financial support.

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 17

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


1. Dairy farming looks very promising & easy (for currently this business is being done by a

farmer who is illiterate) however it is equally difficult as it concerns live animals; which have

to be cared for everyday. These steps can be learned easily. Unlike any other Industry we

have to pay minute attention to it everyday for one small mistake can lead to losses.

2. In case Dairy farming is being done & is dependent upon Labours /Managers then this will

be viable only if 50 animals are kept MINIMUM.

3. It is possible to gather information from the NET however it must be noted that Practical

Experience is also essential which has to be acquired by visiting as well as staying on the

Dairy farms over a period of time. Once your own dairy farm starts it will not at all be

possible to travel, stay & learn at other farms.

4. While acquiring the Practical & first hand knowledge of Dairy farming it is essential to learn

the basics with the help of an experienced professional who will be able to differentiate

between right & wrong. It is incorrect to assume that any person (Dairy farm owner) will give

you his trade secrets as well as information for FREE & willingly. Even if he gives this

information it is vital to know what is essential from our point of view & to what has to be


5. Lastly it is very much essential to note that: A consultant/ Teacher/ Advisor/ Friend/

beneficiary or anyone is likely to advise/suggest you on Dairy farming.

6 These People will give you the information but it will be ideal to determine the feasibility &

viability of the same. (India is a land of consultants & anybody & everybody is likely to offer

FREE advice) This can be done by asking him questions on “How, What, Where, When &

Why”. If all the answers given to you are satisfactory then only you follow that advice.

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Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


1. Every year there should be a progressive aim for breeding (including number of animals to

be maintained) and production.

2. Visiting dairy farms that run on commercial basis and have a discussion with experienced

farm owners. We need not have to rely much on others experience, analyze every event

logically and if needed consult with local Veterinarians for more information.

3. Plant to manage the farm on our own, look for opportunities to work for an existing farm

for a minimum period of six months.

4. Develop interest and study feed and fodder's market in your region, its difficulties in

relation to seasons.

5. Manage a good team of laborers. You need to choose hardworking reliable persons

preferably with some experience. You can also train them for specific jobs.

6. Visit the cattle market occasionally. Observe animals on sale and talk with persons engaged

with purchasing of animals.

7. Read magazines on Dairy Industry and keep yourself informed.


1. Dairy farmers adhere to strict food safety regulations, maintaining clean, safe facilities.

2. Milking equipment is thoroughly cleansed before and after each use to preserve a sanitary


3. Milking machines deliver milk directly from the cow to a refrigerated holding tank, where

the milk is rapidly cooled to between 38 to 45 Fahrenheit to preserve freshness and safety.

The milk is then quickly transported to processing plants for continued freshness and


4. Dairy is one of the most regulated and inspected industries in agriculture.

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Company Information

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 19

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


Company will be registered in the name of “RAINBOWRAINBOWRAINBOWRAINBOW DAIRY FARMSDAIRY FARMSDAIRY FARMSDAIRY FARMS” under the Limited Liability

Partnership act 2008, with its registered office at VPO-Churella, District & Tehsil- Jhunjhunu,

Rajasthan, INDIA- 333001.

The company will engaged in the production & sales of Milk, Flavored Milk, Butter, Cheese,

Ghee, Yoghurt etc.

The company also involved in other activities like-trading of cattle feed, hire/ purchase of

agriculture land for green fodder cultivation, breeding centers, mobile veterinary centers, sell &

purchase of highly milk yielding cattle's etc.

5.1 PROMOTERS INFORMATION Mr. Rajpal BhargavaMr. Rajpal BhargavaMr. Rajpal BhargavaMr. Rajpal Bhargava

VPO- Churella, District-Jhunjhunu (Raj.)

Mobile: +91-9829050494

E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Mukesh Mr. Mukesh Mr. Mukesh Mr. Mukesh KumarKumarKumarKumar

VPO- Churella, District-Jhunjhunu (Raj.)

Mobile: +91-9799956864

E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Rajesh JangirMr. Rajesh JangirMr. Rajesh JangirMr. Rajesh Jangir

VPO- Kajara, District-Jhunjhunu (Raj.)

Mobile: +91-9982522853

E-mail: [email protected]


• Producing High Quality Un-adulterated Milk & Dairy Products.

• Self Employment.

• Employment opportunities generation in rural area.

• To be a leading and reputed brand name in the Market.

• Understanding the customer need.

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 20

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


This Pre-feasibility study aims at both financial and socio economic viability with in- depth

financial analysis and sustainable socio economic benefits to establish small scale Dairy Cattle

Farms in Rajasthan. The objective of this feasibility is to provide a real time analysis of the market

opportunity with factual data that will lead towards overall improvement in dairy sector of economy.


• To improve fertility and milk production in cattle and buffaloes:

• Ensuring quality control through application of newer chemical and biotechnological concepts.

• Value additions in the dairy foods supply chain for addressing the complete safety and

improved public health.

• Availability of healthy and novel products in the market.

• Validation and transfer of the technologies related to increasing animal productivity, value

addition of dairy products and reducing cost of production.

• Latest education technology to enhance quality of human -resource in airy supply chain.


To accomplish the vision, mission, initiatives would concentrate on the following key areas:To accomplish the vision, mission, initiatives would concentrate on the following key areas:To accomplish the vision, mission, initiatives would concentrate on the following key areas:To accomplish the vision, mission, initiatives would concentrate on the following key areas:

• Improving utilization of feed resources for higher milk production.

• Enhancing fertility of dairy animals through biotechnological augmentation of reproduction.

• Developing climatic stress amelioration strategies/ techniques for dairy animals.

• Innovations to enhance value addition, processing efficiency, quality and safety dairy products.

• Production & availability of good quality feed and nutrition’s for dairy animals.

• Promote dairy enterprises through transfer of technology and improved supply chain management.


Milk is among the most important consumable and marketable commodities of the world with

enormous demand in domestic and international market. Cows & Buffalo is the main source of milk

in domestic dairy industry.

This provides huge opportunity with minimal competition for farmers to invest in dairy farming and

milk processing sectors of the economy.

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 21

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


The proposed legal structure of the business entity will be partnership. Company will be registered

under the Limited Liability Partnership act 2008 and license will be obtained under the MMPO act



1. No license required in the initial stage for producing the milk in dairy farm.

2. Approval from Rajasthan Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Department to be taken.

3. Approval from Food Processing Department, Govt. of Rajasthan to be taken.

4. Regulatory & Taxation clearance.

5. Clearance from State Pollution Control Board.

6. Clearance from local District Magistrate.

7. Registration of Partnership Firm under the Limited Liability Partnership act, 2008 from the

Registrar of Companies.

8. Agriculture Electricity connection from AVVNL.


1. In the first phase, starting a small scale dairy farm to producing the milk and milk would be

supplied to Co-operative dairy federation, medium level dairy or hotel/ restaurants for 2-3 Yrs.

2. Increasing the capacity of the farm and setup of Milk Collection centers and various collection &

distribution activities.

3. This will create employment opportunities for the villagers.

4. In the second phase, from 3rd year onwards, market survey to be done and milk processing

(pasteurization and packing) plant would be established.

5. In the third phase, from 5th year onwards, expending the product line and other milk products

like yoghurt, chhachh/ lassi, paneer, ghee, flavored milk etc. would be produced.

6. Packaged milk would be marketed directly to the consumers through various channels like

distributors, milk parlors & franchisee.

7. These activities will generate many more employment opportunities for the village people.

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Project Profile

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 22

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


The proposed pre-feasibility is for establishment of Dairy Cattle FarmDairy Cattle FarmDairy Cattle FarmDairy Cattle Farm with increase per cow milk

production through state of the art farm management facilities, efficient and effective utilization of

dairy production and deployment of technologically advance infrastructure. The project requires a

unique mix of technology and herd composition that will make it possible for investor to achieve

economies of scales and attain high rate of return on investment.

Brief Summary of Project is as Follows.

1. For the establishment of Dairy Farm in Rajasthan, this feasibility has been conducted.

2. The initial cost of the project is Rs. 38,80,000/-, including initial capital cost of Rs.

35,80,000 and initial working capital for 3 months Rs. 3,00,000/-

3. Farm will b=e started with 20 Nos. of Cows and approx. 90,000 Ltr. Milk (20 CowsX15

Ltr.X300 Days) to be produced in a year.

4. Sales price assumed @ Rs.20/- per ltr. or may very time to time as per govt. policy.

5. Projected Revenues for the project for year 1, year 2, year 3, year 4 and year 5 is Rs. 23.65,

23.85, 24.05, 35.71, and 47.30 lacs respectively.

4. Gross profit for year 1, year 2, year 3, year 4 and year 5 is Rs. 11.65, 10.41, 9.17, 18.49

and 24.38 lacs respectively.

5. Payback period of the project is approximately 5 years.

6. Average Return on Investment is 19.28%.

7. The IRR of the project is 32.23%.

Project Highlights:

1. Project is at prime location on ChuruChuruChuruChuru---- Jhunjhunu Jhunjhunu Jhunjhunu Jhunjhunu main highway road and very close to main

city Jhunjhunu (15 Km).

2. Public as well as private transport facilities are available all the time.

3. Govt. Veterinary and breeding facilities are available in the village itself and nearby city.

4. Sufficient land for green fodder cultivation and clean water all the time to cattle’s.

5. Project related to Dairy FarmingDairy FarmingDairy FarmingDairy Farming to produce High Quality UnHigh Quality UnHigh Quality UnHigh Quality Un----adulterated Madulterated Madulterated Madulterated Milk & Dairy ilk & Dairy ilk & Dairy ilk & Dairy

ProductsProductsProductsProducts. Demand of milk and milk products is very high and rapidly growing due to

population growth, urbanization, and increase in income levels and changes in food habits.

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 23

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001



We have the parental agriculture land (4acres) with water and electricity on the State highway no.

37 (Jhunjhunu to Churu Road). The farm is located at the prime location and because it is on road,

easy and immediate transport facility available all the times. Milk and milk products can be

delivered in minimum time duration to the retailers to keep the freshness and purity of the

products. Due to availability of water and electricity, the fresh green fodder & clean water available

all the time for the animals.


There is Govt. Veterinary hospital available in our village (200 meter from Dairy Farm), where entire

time veterinary doctor available in the office time and available on request call after office time.

Medicines, vaccination & A.I. facilities available for cattle as per the requirement. Veterinary doctor

can also provide good consultancy services, farm visits & check ups on request.


The dairy farm is hardly 15 KM from the main city Jhunjhunu, where major Milk Co- Operative

Societies are processing the milk in their plants like–Saras, Mother Dairy, Lotus Dairy, Reliance

Dairy & Goyanka Dairy. They are ready to buy the bulk milk at competitive market price.

Also the major hospitals, hotels, universities and institutions in the city, are ready to get the bulk

milk as they are very conscious about low fat, fresh & pure milk.

The market is huge and the difference between demand & supply has gradually widened over the

years. Still the retail customer likes to buy loose milk from milkmen instead of packaged milk

whatever the quality.


Being the entrepreneur our main focus is profitability but also target is how to serve our client in

constructive manner. Therefore our marketing goals will be the blend of both factors. Our first

strategy is about the awareness of our farmhouse. We will increase the awareness among the

customers through proper advertising and marketing of the products & services.

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 24

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


Branch office of Rajasthan Gramin Bank is in our village and NABARD & Land Development Banks

are in the nearest city in Jhunjhunu, which can be finance the project as project is at prime location

and scope of the project is high due to rapid growth of milk and milk products.


Animal markets, Government and private livestock farms and animal husbandry centers are the

main sources for purchasing good milking animals. Animal markets are situated in different places

in Punjab, Haryana, and U.P. Good quality high yield milking cows (Holstein Frisian or Jersey) or

buffaloes (Murrah) to be purchased. There are different contractors also available in the markets

that help locating the good quality and cross breed animals.


Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) at Jhunjhunu (15 KM from the Village), where training facilities available

for Dairy Farm Management and Agriculture activities. Training related to farm management, cattle

feed, health, vaccination and breeding can be taken from KVK and other programmes from

Agriculture & Animal Husbandry departments organized by State and Central Govt. in the city time to time.


We have the agriculture land (4acres) with water and electricity facility. The land required for fodder

production depends on the carrying capacity of the land. On an average 4 to 5 dairy animals along

with their followers can be maintained on an acre of well fertile agricultural land with irrigation

facilities. Also the availability of total mixed rations (TMR) in the market, the requirement of land

for fodder cultivation can be reduced.

However, the farm productivity is higher and the cost of milk production is lower if farm grown

good quality green fodders are available in plenty.

For fodder prFor fodder prFor fodder prFor fodder productionoductionoductionoduction: 0.25 Acre irrigated land required per adult animal, so 4 acres land is

sufficient for the 20 animals to cultivate the green fodder.

Concentrate feed and Total Mixed Ration (TMR) available in nearest market Jhunjhunu, which is

hardly 15 km from project site.

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 25

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001



No of Cows to Start - 20 Nos Crossbred Jersey or H.F. Cows

Milking Days - 300 days/Year

Average Milk Yield - 15 Ltr./Day/Cow or Buffalo

Total Animal for Start-up - 20 (8 Buffaloes+ 12 H.F. Cows or 20 Cows)

Estimated Price of Cow - Rs. 60,000/- per cow with transportation

Capacity - 90,000 ltrs./Year (300Ltr./Day)

Selling Price - 20 Rs./Ltr.

The feasibility study suggests an initial herd size of 20 animals, which is economical to justify the

overhead cost. The farm size will increase to 200-250 animals within 10 years. Herds mix of 75%

cows and 25% buffaloes are recommended to get the maximum milk production round the year.

The Project can be completed in 03 months. The best quality of cows to be purchased like-

Crossbred Jersey or Holstein Friesian and its gives 16-20 liters milk per day. The market is readily


A cow, on average, yields 15 liters of milk a day over a lactation period of 280 daysA cow, on average, yields 15 liters of milk a day over a lactation period of 280 daysA cow, on average, yields 15 liters of milk a day over a lactation period of 280 daysA cow, on average, yields 15 liters of milk a day over a lactation period of 280 days whereas a whereas a whereas a whereas a

buffabuffabuffabuffalo, on average, yields 8 liters a day over a lactation period of 305lo, on average, yields 8 liters a day over a lactation period of 305lo, on average, yields 8 liters a day over a lactation period of 305lo, on average, yields 8 liters a day over a lactation period of 305 days.days.days.days.


This pre-feasibility suggests that milk will be sold at the farm or may be directly sold in the urban

market. The milk price varies according to its quality and the season. Cow milk is sold at Rs.25/-

per liter at the farm gate and in the co-operative milk society is around Rs20/-. The current market

price is at a profitable rate.


Finance Assistance under “Dairy Development Entrepreneur FundDairy Development Entrepreneur FundDairy Development Entrepreneur FundDairy Development Entrepreneur Fund” a finance scheme of Department

of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries (GOI) or scheme of state government for the


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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 26

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


The total cost of the project is Rs. 40,00,000/- Out of which capital cost of the project is Rs.

35,00,000/- for purchasing the animals, construction sheds & staff rooms, machinery &

equipments and the rest is used to meet the working capital requirement for minimum 3-4


Infrastructure & Equipment Qty Unit Cost Amount Remarks

Live Stock 1,200,000.00

Live Stock with Transportation 20 Nos 60,000.00 1,200,000.00

Buildings 750,000.00

Construction of Shed, Feed Storage, Milk & 3000 Sq. 250 750,000.00

Agricultural Equipments 400,000.00

Setup of Submersibles Pumps for Agriculture 1 Nos 250000 250,000.00

Electricity Cost 1 Nos 150000 150,000.00

Dairy Equipments 975,000.00

Generator Set 1 Nos 250000 250,000.00

Pickup for Transportation 1 Nos 500000 500,000.00

Milking Machine 2 Nos 25,000.00 50,000.00

Milk Cans (30Ltr.) 10 Nos 2,500.00 25,000.00

Milko Tester (Electronic) 1 L.S. 20,000.00 20,000.00

Milk Analyzer (LAKTAN 240) 1 L.S. 55,000.00 55,000.00

Electric Chaff Cutter with Motor 1 L.S. 50,000.00 50,000.00

Other Equipments 1 L.S. 10,000.00 10,000.00

Inverter with Battery 1 Nos 15,000.00 15,000.00

Land Development & Fencing 400,000.00

Chain Link Fencing 1 L.S. 300000 300,000.00

Land Development & Levelling 1 L.S. 100000 100,000.00

Office Equipments 55,000.00

Computer Set 1 Nos 25,000.00 25,000.00

Printer Set 1 Nos 5,000.00 5,000.00

UPS 500 KVA 1 Nos 5,000.00 5,000.00

Furniture Set 1 L.S 15,000.00 15,000.00

Other Stationery Items 1 L.S 5,000.00 5,000.00

Total Budget for Start-up 3,780,000.00

Capital Investment



Live Stock



Development &






Dairy Equipments





Live Stock


Agricultural Equipments

Dairy Equipments

Land Development & Fencing

Office Equipments

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 27

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001



6.2.6 Profit Analysis & Re-Payment Plan

Repayment period depends upon the gross surplus in the scheme. The loans will be repaid in

suitable monthly/quarterly installments usually within a period of about 5 years. In case of

commercial schemes it may be extended upto 6-7 years depending on cash flow analysis.


• Net Profit (Turnover- Cost of Prod.) - 8,85,134/-

• Profit of Sales % - 36.50%

• Gross Profit Margin - 0.32:1

• Return on Investment - 40.00%

• Internal Rate of Return (IRR) - 60.18% P.A.

• Net Present Value (NPV) - 92,99,156.06

• Breakeven - 2 Yrs.

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Farm Inputs

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 28

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001



The demand of milk in summer is high as compared to winter. That’s why the animals in summer

are sold at a bit higher prices as compared to winter. So the proposed business can be started

before the onset of summer season. At the commencement of the proposed business, it is

important that the entrepreneur must have good knowledge of the production and have contacts

with the livestock breeders and farmers. The ability to work with people and animals, and efficient

use of resources are important aspects in modern and commercial dairy farming.


Sheds of the animals would be airy with protection of the animals from extreme temperatures and

strong winds. The animal housing would be facilitated with fresh drinking water for animals. There

would be proper drainage system to keep hygiene at the farm. It consists of a built up animal shed,

a brick soling paddock for animals, calving pens in which pregnant animals are kept separated

from other animals before calving, one room for milk storage, one room for storing farm

equipment and one for compound feed storage.

The animals can be dehorned, as they are easier to handle in barns and cause less accidental injury

to neighboring animals, handlers, walls, and trees.

Land & Shed Details

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 29

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


As per the given below table, office area, storage room for fodder and tools and staff quarters to be



The pre-feasibility suggests, hiring tractor for land preparation to grow fodder crops. Only few

farm equipment like fodder chopper, water pumps, milk utensils will be purchased.


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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 30

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


The ideal mixed herd should consist of 80% cows and 20% buffaloes for the viability of a farm. The

cows are comparatively high yielder as compared to buffaloes. This means that there will be 15

cows and 5 buffaloes in a mixed herd or pure Holstein Frisian cows to be purchased.

Herd Planning

Live Stock/ Animal Cost

Lactation Chart

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 31

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001



• Jerseys vary from dark brown or fawn, and sometimes are splashed with white.

• Dairy milk yield is found to be 20 liters whereas cross bred jersey, cow gives 8-10 liters per


• Well acclimatized especially in the hot and humid areas

• A Jersey calf weighs around 60 lbs. at birth.

• A mature Jersey cow weighs 900-1,000 lbs.

• Cows are milked for an average of 3-4 years

• Age at first calving is 26-30 months

• Calving interval is 13-14 months


• This breed is from Holland

• Holsteins are black and white, and each has a unique pattern.

• It can perform well in coastal and delta areas.

• A Holstein calf weighs 80-110 lbs. at birth.

• A mature Holstein cow weighs 1,300-1,500 lbs.

• Milk yield - 7200-9000 kgs

• This is by far the best diary breed among exotic cattle regarding milk yield.

• On an average it gives 25 litres of milk per day whereas a cross breed H.F. cow gives 10 -

15 litres per day.


It is mating of animals of different breeds. Cross breeding is followed for breeding animals

for milk production and meat production. In India zebu breeds of cows and nondescript

cows are crossed with exotic breeds like Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss and Jersey bulls or

their semen, to enhance the milk production potential of the progeny.

The crossbreeds are having exotic inheritance from Jersey, Brown Swiss or Holstein Friesian

or a combination of these different breeds. Jersey breed is known for the milk fat percent

and Holstein for the high quantity of milk.

S. N. Name of the Breed Native breed Specific region Assembling centre Remarks

1 Brown Swiss Switzerland - India, Pakistan & other

Asian countries Dairy breed

2 Holstein Friesian Holland

Province of North

Holland and West


Throughout the country

(crossbreds) Dairy breed

3 Jersey British Isles Island of Jersey Crossbreds available in

all states. Dairy breed

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 32

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


Under Indian condition a commercial dairy farm should consist of minimum 20 animals (10 cows,

10 buffaloes) this strength can easily go up to 100 animals in proportion of 50:50 or 40:60. After

this however, you need to review your strength and market potential before you chose to go for expansion.

a. Middle class health-conscious Indian families prefer low fat milk for consumption as liquid

milk. It is always better to go for a commercial farm of mixed type. (Cross breed, cows and

buffaloes kept in separate rows under one shed).

b. Conduct a through study of the immediate market where you are planning to market your milk

You can mix milk from both type of animals and sold as per need of the market. Hotels and some general

customers (can be around 30%) prefer pure buffalo milk. Hospitals, sanatoriums prefer cow's milk.

Selection of Dairy Breeds for Commercial Farm


1. Good quality cows are available in the market and it cost around Rs.1200 to Rs.1500 per

liter of milk production per day. (e.g. Cost of a cow producing 10 liter of Milk per day will be

between Rs.12,000 to Rs.15,000).

2. If proper care is given, cows breed regularly giving one calf every 13-14 Month interval.

3. They are more docile and can be handled easily. Good milk yielding cross breeds (Holstein

and Jersey crosses) has well adapted to Indian climate.

4. The fat percentage of cow's milk varies from 3-5.5% and is lower then Buffaloes.


1. In India, we have good buffalo breeds like Murrah and Mehsana, which are suitable for

commercial dairy farm.

2. Buffalo milk has more demand for making butter and butter oil (Ghee), as fat percentage in

milk is higher then cow. Buffalo milk is also preferred for making tea, a welcoming drink in

common Indian household.

3. Buffaloes can be maintained on more fibrous crop residues, hence scope for reducing feed cost.

4. Buffaloes largely mature late and give birth to calves at 16 to 18 months interval.

5. Male calves fetch little value.

6. Buffaloes need cooling facility e.g. wallowing tank or showers / foggers with fan.

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 33

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


• Jersey & H.F. are the highly yield milking cows in the world as well as in India.

• Crossbred cows are most adoptable in Indian climate.

• Get the necessary advice and discussion with experienced dairy famer or commercial


• Inspect all the necessary things like body size, size of udder, horn, etc. to stand beside

the animal.

• Buyer should milk by himself 2-3 times a day to get the average milk per day.

• Milking from all four udders to check the proper milking

• Animal to be bought in 1-2 lactation or 3-6yrs age group.

• Age can be guess by their teeth, (2 teeth=2-3 yrs, 6teeth=4yrs, & 8teeth=6yrs.)

• Animal to be bought in at least 1-2 month pregnant condition.

• To be proper checked of blindness of animal to move the hands in front of animal’s eyes.

• Avoid buying at the time of infective disease in the area.


1. The dairy has a Herd Health Plan, developed in consultation with the herd veterinarian or

other knowledgeable professional

2. Veterinarian/ client/ patient relationship

3. Vaccination protocol

4. Daily observation of all dairy cattle for injury or sign of disease.

5. Protocol for new born calf management

6. Protocol to ensure feed safety.

7. Training program for family members, and employees who are involved in detecting

diseases and injury and reporting these cases and action to be taken.

8. All animals permanently identified and an effective record keeping system employed for

animal care and management decision making.

9. Dairy observation of animal behavior, health, water and feed consumption, manure

consistency, milk abnormalities etc.

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 34

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


• Observe the animal closely and keep specific record of its coming in heat, duration of heat,

insemination, conception and calving.

• Breed the animals in time.

• The onset of estrus will be within 60 to 80 days after calving.

• Timely breeding will help achieving conception within 2 to 3 months of calving.

• Breed the animals when it is in peak heat period (i.e. 12 to 24 hours of heat).

• Use high quality semen preferably frozen semen of proven sires/ bulls.

Advantages of Systematic Breeding Programs

1. Improve the efficiency of heat detection

2. Achieve more timely first service

3. By improving the pregnancy rate there will be a reduction in the variation in calving intervals

among cows

4. Possibly reduce involuntary culling for reproductive reasons

5. Concentrate labour for reproductive management to specific time periods

6. Improve the overall reproductive performance of the herd


Artificial insemination is the technique in which semen with living sperms is collected from the

male and introduced into female reproductive tract at proper time with the help of instruments.

A practical recommendation for timing of insemination Cows showing estruses should be


A practical recommendation for timing of insemination

Cows showing estruses Should be inseminated Tool late for good results

In morning Same day Next day

In afternoon Morning of next day or early afternoon After 3 p.m.

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 35

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


Vaccination & medicine is required to prevent any disease outbreak in the animal herd. Each new

animal will be vaccinated before entering the farm. It will cost Rs. 550 for both cow and buffalo per

year. The vaccines are provided to the Government Farms and Hospitals on payment. Farmers can

also obtain these vaccines on payment according to prescribed schedule from the Institute.

Technical guidance is also provided to the farmers. Farmers can have their animals vaccinated from

the field Veterinary Hospitals and Centers.

Vaccination schedule for dairy cattle & buffaloes:

S.N. Name of disease Time

First dose in young animals Regular doses

1. Foot & Mouth disease


At the age of third week of

calf & 3 month after first

vaccination as Booster dose

Oil adjuvant vaccine: Yearly

Alum Precipitated vaccine:

Two times a year(September

& march)

2. Haemorrhagic

Septicaemia (H.S.)

At the age of six month &


Yearly Before monsoon

(Twice in prevalent areas)

3. Black quarter (B.Q.) At the age of six month &


Yearly Before monsoon

(Twice in prevalent areas)

4. Anthrax At the age of six month &

above (Only in prevalent


Yearly (Only in prevalent


5. Brucellosis Only Once (In affected herds

for female calves only & only

for 4-8 month old )


6. Thileriosis (Only for


At the age of two month &


After each three years


• Do not vaccinate animals which are already in stress (Like bad weather, Scarcity of fodder &

water, Disease outbreaks, after transportation etc.)

• Try to deworm animals & remove ecto-parasites one to two weeks prior to vaccination.

• Strictly follow vaccination schedule after consultation with veterinary experts.

• Keep records of vaccination for name of vaccine manufacturing company, Batch number,

Expiry date, Dose & route of vaccine.

• Maintain cold chain for vaccines which may have to keep for 2-8 degree Celsius


• Create stress free environment for animals after vaccination

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 36

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


The animals may be insured annually or on long term master policy, where ever it is applicable. The

present rate of insurance premium for scheme and non scheme animals are 2.25% and 4.0%



1. This scheme covers the following whether indigenous, exotic or cross-bred.

a.) Milch Cows and Buffaloes, Calves / Heifers, Stud Bulls, Bullocks (Castrated Bulls) and

Castrated Male Buffaloes.

2. Sum Insured under the policy will be the Market Value of the animal.

3. The basic premium rate per annum is 4% of the Sum Insured. Long term policies are also issued

with long term discounts.

Veterinary & Insurance Details



With crossbreeding programmes and currently with the use of high genetic potential bull germ

plasm, the modern dairy cow has been producing large quantities of milk. It is not uncommon for a

cow to yield 30-40 kg milk per day. Feeding and management of such high yielder require special

skills especially during periods when animal is under production stress. Modern high producing

animals are either in lactation or in advanced pregnancy posing a regular metabolic stress to the



There is no fixed fodder requirement for the animals but a rule of thumb says that an animal needs

daily fodder equal to 9%-10% of its body weight (3% of live body weight on Dry Matter Basis).

According to estimates, buffalo consumes 50-55 kg fodder daily while cow consumes about 40-45


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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 37

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001

Fodder Details

Feed & Fodder Cost


For a dairy enterprise, manpower is required for performing different animal husbandry practices at

the farm e.g. feeding, watering, and milking and care of animals etc. One mature person can

handle fifteen milk animals easily. Two farm workers are recommended for handling 20-animals. A

supervisor cum farm manager can be hired to supervise all the farm activities.

Manpower & Other Expenses

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Farm Output

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 38

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


8888.1. Lactation Period.1. Lactation Period.1. Lactation Period.1. Lactation Period

The lactation period is the period during which the animals yield milk. These animals are called wet

animals. Generally the lactation period of cows is 280 days and that of buffaloes is 305 days. For

calculation, the feasibility has taken 80% of the total number of cows as wet cows and 70% of the

total number of buffaloes as wet buffaloes. The calving interval (The interval between two calving)

in a buffalo is about 18-20 months, while cow has 15-16 months.

8888....2222. Breeding Stock Development. Breeding Stock Development. Breeding Stock Development. Breeding Stock Development

The proposed farmer will raise breeding stock, both future breeding bull and future dairy animals

at his own farm by selecting good off springs of high producers. The first generation (F1) will be

capable of giving milk after 2 years in case of cows and 3 years in case of buffaloes. Increase in Milk Yield. Increase in Milk Yield. Increase in Milk Yield. Increase in Milk Yield

The milk yield will be improved as a result of appropriate breeding systems discussed earlier. Low

yielding animals are sold in the market. On an average, cows are productive for 7 to 8 years while

buffaloes are productive for 8 to 9 years. Sale Price. Sale Price. Sale Price. Sale Price

In this feasibility study, it is assumed that all the milk will be sold to milk processing companies,

house holds & milk shops etc. @ Rs. 25/liter. Evening Milk. Evening Milk. Evening Milk. Evening Milk

Milk can be stored in a milk chillier / freezer on 14.5% Total Solids at the farm if milk collection is

not possible in the evening. Male Calves. Male Calves. Male Calves. Male Calves

3 months old male calves will be sold at the farm sooner after birth for Rs. 5,000/- per animal.

They can also be reared in separately for beef production. Cow Dung Cow Dung Cow Dung Cow Dung

Cow dung is used in India as fuel and bio gas energy plant. It also used as compost for the

agriculture purpose which helps to improve the production of agro products.

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 39

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 40

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


DAIRY EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS: Food & Biotech Engineers (I) Pvt. Ltd.Food & Biotech Engineers (I) Pvt. Ltd.Food & Biotech Engineers (I) Pvt. Ltd.Food & Biotech Engineers (I) Pvt. Ltd. ( ( ( (Mr. R. P. SinghMr. R. P. SinghMr. R. P. SinghMr. R. P. Singh))))

Off. & WorksOff. & WorksOff. & WorksOff. & Works: Chaprola Road, Prithla, Tehsil-Palwal

Distt. - Palwal, Pin: 121102 Haryana (India) Email Email Email Email : [email protected]

Contact No : +(91)-9312069945, 01275-262157, 01275-262158 SSP Pvt. Limited.SSP Pvt. Limited.SSP Pvt. Limited.SSP Pvt. Limited. ( ( ( (Registered & Corporate OfficeRegistered & Corporate OfficeRegistered & Corporate OfficeRegistered & Corporate Office))))

Address: 13 Milestone, Mathura Road, Faridabad, Haryana-121 003 (India),

Phone : (129)-4183700 / 4183799, Fax : (129)-2277441 / 4183777

E-mail : [email protected], [email protected]

Research & Development Center (Recognized by DSIR, Govt. of India)Research & Development Center (Recognized by DSIR, Govt. of India)Research & Development Center (Recognized by DSIR, Govt. of India)Research & Development Center (Recognized by DSIR, Govt. of India)

19 DLF, Industrial Area, Phase-II, 13/4, Mathura Road, Faridabad- 121003, Haryana (India)

Phone: -(129)-2277730 / 2275441, Fax:-(129)-2254956

3. 3. 3. 3. Goma Engineering Pvt. Ltd. (Mr. RANJEET KUMAR)Goma Engineering Pvt. Ltd. (Mr. RANJEET KUMAR)Goma Engineering Pvt. Ltd. (Mr. RANJEET KUMAR)Goma Engineering Pvt. Ltd. (Mr. RANJEET KUMAR)

D/312, Sector - 45, Railvihar Colony, FaridabadHariyana - 121 003,

Mobile No: 093138-88903 Email: [email protected] Dairy N PackDairy N PackDairy N PackDairy N Pack

Office Address: C-8, Sec-8 Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301, INDIA

Contact Number - +91 9999054970, +91 9873907980

Email: [email protected] , [email protected] Indian Dairy Equipment Co.Indian Dairy Equipment Co.Indian Dairy Equipment Co.Indian Dairy Equipment Co. ( ( ( (Mr. Rajeev ThukralMr. Rajeev ThukralMr. Rajeev ThukralMr. Rajeev Thukral))))

Address: 364, Azad Market,New Delhi - 110 006, Delhi, India, (INDIA)

Phone :+(91)-(11)-23615823 / 23612050, Fax : +(91)-(11)-23682900

Mobile :+(91)-9811089723 / 9811089723, Email :[email protected] Shruti Flexi Packs Pvt.Ltd.Shruti Flexi Packs Pvt.Ltd.Shruti Flexi Packs Pvt.Ltd.Shruti Flexi Packs Pvt.Ltd.

Contact Person: Dr. Mrs. Sharayu R. Sawant

E- Mail: - [email protected], [email protected]

Mob: 9892 618 924, Factory: +91- 22 - 2595 5274, +91- 22 - 2594 5274

Factory: Unit no 11, Shiva Industrial Estate, Maruti Mandir Marg (Lake Road),

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 41

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001

CATTLE FEED SUPPLIERS: Shri Ram Cattle Feeds IndustriesShri Ram Cattle Feeds IndustriesShri Ram Cattle Feeds IndustriesShri Ram Cattle Feeds Industries

Animal Feeds

Distributors Mr. Sanwarmal Maheshwari Jaitpura, Jaipur,

Rajasthan – 303704 0141-224335, 98292 13357 Shri Ram Cattle Feed IndustriesShri Ram Cattle Feed IndustriesShri Ram Cattle Feed IndustriesShri Ram Cattle Feed Industries

Animal Feeds

Distributors Mr Chiranjeev Lal F-137, Udyog Vihar, Jalupura,

Jaipur, Rajasthan –

0141-14232324800, 1423224335, 98292 13357

3. Raja Fat And Feeds Pvt. Ltd.Raja Fat And Feeds Pvt. Ltd.Raja Fat And Feeds Pvt. Ltd.Raja Fat And Feeds Pvt. Ltd. ( ( ( (Mr. Mohit Raja)

Lakkar Mandi Road, Rajpura, Punjab, India- 140 401

Tel. +91-01762-240337, Fax: +91-01762-226737,

Mobile: +91 09814245237,

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]







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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 42

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001

SUPPLIER OF CHAIN LINK FENCING Krishna IndustriesKrishna IndustriesKrishna IndustriesKrishna Industries (Mr. Vikas Aga (Mr. Vikas Aga (Mr. Vikas Aga (Mr. Vikas Agarwal)rwal)rwal)rwal)

G-12, RIICO Industrial Area (Ext.)

Bhilwara, Rajasthan, India- 311 001

Tel. +91-1482-240892, Fax: +91-1482-260098, Mob- 91-9414210852

E-mail: [email protected], Vardhman Vardhman Vardhman Vardhman Steel IndustriesSteel IndustriesSteel IndustriesSteel Industries ( ( ( (Mr. Kamlesh JainMr. Kamlesh JainMr. Kamlesh JainMr. Kamlesh Jain))))

G-30, RIICO Extension, Bhilwara, Rajasthan, India- 311 001

Tel. +91-01482-260410, E-mail:[email protected], Modern Wire netModern Wire netModern Wire netModern Wire netting Manufacturing Companyting Manufacturing Companyting Manufacturing Companyting Manufacturing Company

Mr. Naresh R. Gurbani / Mr.Tulsi V. Gurbani (Partners / C.E.O.)

B-233, Road No.9, V.K.I. Area, Jaipur-302013 , Rajasthan (INDIA)

Phone : +(91)-(141)-2330377, Fax : +(91)-(141)-2333099,

Mob. : +(91)-99290-99333, E-mail : [email protected]

4. Parag IndustriesParag IndustriesParag IndustriesParag Industries ( ( ( (Mr. Pankaj Khandelwal)

No. G-1-30, Road No. 2 A, RIICO Area, Bindayaka, Jaipur,

Rajasthan - 302 002, India, Telephone: +(91)-(141)-2318097/ 2201017

5. G.I. PipesG.I. PipesG.I. PipesG.I. Pipes

G-55, Masjid Moth, Greater Kailash-III, New Delhi-110048 (INDIA)

sparkelectrodes[at],, +91-11-41637397, +91-11 -29219500 Rama Steel Tubes LimitedRama Steel Tubes LimitedRama Steel Tubes LimitedRama Steel Tubes Limited ( ( ( (Contact Person: Mr. Richi Bansal)

Address : 15/1, 2nd Floor, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi - 110 002 (India)

Tel: +(91)-(11)-43656667 / 71, Fax : +(91)-(11)-43656699,

Mob. : +(91)-9310411533,

E-mail : [email protected], [email protected]

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Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001


NARAMAU, G.T. ROAD, NEAR ALIMCO, Kanpur - 209217, Uttar Pradesh, India

Key Personnel - Mr. Prateek Vaish (Partner)

Mobile : +919936286478, 09936269361


Karnal, Haryana

09416031427, 09416202427


Mr. Anil SachdevaMr. Anil SachdevaMr. Anil SachdevaMr. Anil Sachdeva

940/31, Buffalo Market,Behind Mal, Godown Road,, Rohtak, Haryana, India - 124001

Phone :Phone :Phone :Phone : 91-1262-233045, FaFaFaFax :x :x :x : 91-1262-233045

Mobile :Mobile :Mobile :Mobile : +91-9896146700,+91-1262-233045/+91-9896146700

Email ID :Email ID :Email ID :Email ID : [email protected], [email protected]

Web Site :Web Site :Web Site :Web Site :


Bhiwani-Hissar link road, Rohtak-124001. Ph. +91-9215640054, 9215450001

email: [email protected]


DAIRY CONSULTANTS: Das ConsultantsDas ConsultantsDas ConsultantsDas Consultants

814 Jagat Trade Center, Frazer Road, Patna 800 001 Bihar INDIA

Mob: (+91) 93080 02664, Email: [email protected] Suruchi ConsultantsSuruchi ConsultantsSuruchi ConsultantsSuruchi Consultants (Kuldeep Sharma)

C-49 Sector-65, Noida 201307, 0091-120-4320845, 0091-9810315831

[email protected],

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 44

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001

Drip & Sprinkler Irrigation System Kisan Group Of CompaniesKisan Group Of CompaniesKisan Group Of CompaniesKisan Group Of Companies

Mr. Satis Aggarwal / Vijay Aggarwal

Tex Centre, K Wing, 26-A Chandivli Road, Off Saki VIhar Road,

Andheri East Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400 072, India, Tel.: 42009200/100

E-mail : [email protected]

Jaipur OfficeJaipur OfficeJaipur OfficeJaipur Office

O-21, 3rd Floor, Amber Tower, S.C.Road, Jaipur - 302 001

Tel.: 0141-2361895/6, 3139757 Oasis Irrigation Equipment Company LimitedOasis Irrigation Equipment Company LimitedOasis Irrigation Equipment Company LimitedOasis Irrigation Equipment Company Limited

Mr. Surendra Kumar Parsan

P-6, Scheme-6, M S, C. I. T, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700 054, India

Tel.: +(91)-(33)-32591970/ 23648812, Fax: +(91)-(33)-23648812

Mobile: +(91)-9831163019/ 9433059250, Email: [email protected] Texmo Pipes & Products LimitedTexmo Pipes & Products LimitedTexmo Pipes & Products LimitedTexmo Pipes & Products Limited

Mr. Aman Vijayvargiya ( Marketing Head )

No. 503, A - Wing, Corporate Avenue, Near Udyog Bhawan, Sonawala Road,

Goregaon East, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400 063, India

Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Tel.: +(91)-(22)-26850227, Fax: +(91)-(22)-26850227, Mobile: +(91)-9820422156

4. Rungta IrrigatioRungta IrrigatioRungta IrrigatioRungta Irrigation Limitedn Limitedn Limitedn Limited

Mr. Manoj Purohit

101, Pragati Tower, 26, Rajendra Place, New Delhi, Delhi - 110008, India

EEEE----mail: mail: mail: mail: [email protected],[email protected]

Mobile:Mobile:Mobile:Mobile: +(91)-9310451213

5. Vasundhra EnterprisesVasundhra EnterprisesVasundhra EnterprisesVasundhra Enterprises

Mr. Narender Yadav ( Proprietor )

748, Saraswati Vihar, Chakkarpur, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122 001, India

Tel. +(91)-(124)-2351789/ 2388861, Fax: +(91)-(124)-2351789,

Mob. +(91)-9810048090/ 9810208090, E-mail: [email protected]

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Report prepared by: Rajpal Bhargava 45

Village & Post-Churella, District-Jhunjhunu, (Raj.) 333 001

Electric Chaff Cutter Vishwakarma Agro IndustriesVishwakarma Agro IndustriesVishwakarma Agro IndustriesVishwakarma Agro Industries

Mr. Kailash Chand / Mr. Rajender Kumar Mr. Kailash Chand / Mr. Rajender Kumar Mr. Kailash Chand / Mr. Rajender Kumar Mr. Kailash Chand / Mr. Rajender Kumar ( Owner )( Owner )( Owner )( Owner )

G - 181- A, Udyog Vihar, Jetpura, Jaipur, Rajasthan - 303 704, India

Tel.+(91)-(1423)-220777/ 224381, Fax: +(91)-(1423)-220777

Mob. +(91)-9460635977 / 9829211777, E-mail: [email protected] India Agro Vision Implements Private Limited, JaipurIndia Agro Vision Implements Private Limited, JaipurIndia Agro Vision Implements Private Limited, JaipurIndia Agro Vision Implements Private Limited, Jaipur

Mr. RaMr. RaMr. RaMr. Ramswaroop Jangidmswaroop Jangidmswaroop Jangidmswaroop Jangid

Address: Sez- Plot No. Pa 010-007 & Pa 010-008, Light Eng. Zone Mahindra World City,

Jaipur, Rajasthan - 302 037(India), Phone : +(91)-(1423)-224485

Email : [email protected]

3. Dev Angira Agro IndustriesDev Angira Agro IndustriesDev Angira Agro IndustriesDev Angira Agro Industries

Mr. Dinesh Sharma Mr. Dinesh Sharma Mr. Dinesh Sharma Mr. Dinesh Sharma ( Owner )( Owner )( Owner )( Owner )

E- 157/E, Road No. 12, VKI Area, Jaipur, Rajasthan - 302 013, India

E-Mail: [email protected], Mob. +(91)-9314511283

4. Sushil Agro ServicesSushil Agro ServicesSushil Agro ServicesSushil Agro Services

Mr. Mohit Chhabra Mr. Mohit Chhabra Mr. Mohit Chhabra Mr. Mohit Chhabra ( Manager )( Manager )( Manager )( Manager )

No. 21, Vansthali Marg, Jaipur, Rajasthan - 302 001, India

Tel. +(91)-(141)-3013250/ 2374687, Mob. +(91)-9928322172/ 9351159368

E-Mail: [email protected]

5. Angira IndustriesAngira IndustriesAngira IndustriesAngira Industries

Mr. Amba Lal Sharma / Mr. Rajesh Sharma Mr. Amba Lal Sharma / Mr. Rajesh Sharma Mr. Amba Lal Sharma / Mr. Rajesh Sharma Mr. Amba Lal Sharma / Mr. Rajesh Sharma ( Owner )( Owner )( Owner )( Owner )

E-157, Road No. 11, V. K. I. Area, Sikar Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan - 302 013, India

Tel. +(91)-(141)-2365716, Mob.: +(91)-9351411835

E-Mail: [email protected]

6. DEP Agro Machineries Private Limited, AhmedabadDEP Agro Machineries Private Limited, AhmedabadDEP Agro Machineries Private Limited, AhmedabadDEP Agro Machineries Private Limited, Ahmedabad

Mr. Damil J. PatelMr. Damil J. PatelMr. Damil J. PatelMr. Damil J. Patel

Near Kashiram Textiles, Narol, Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 382 405, India

Tel. +(91)-(79)-25350187/ 25380512, Fax: +(91)-(79)-25358281

Mob. +(91)-9825652564