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Project Brief - 5th Year

Jan 18, 2017



Kerrie Noble
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Project Brief

Project BriefSTEM-based Electronic Educational Kit for Use in an Extra-curricular Environment

Table of Contents1.Purpose22.Background22.1 STEMNet32.2 National Science and Engineering Competition32.3 The Big-Bang Fair32.4 Conclusion33.Project Definition43.1 Project Aim43.1.Project Objectives43.2.Outline Project Deliverables and/or Desired Outcomes53.3 Performance Measures53.4 Exclusions63.5 Constraints6Language consideration6Facilities available6Ability6Disability awareness63.6 Interface73.7 Financial Plan73.8 Key Project Stakeholders73.9 Risks84.Methodology85.Outline Project Plan86.Initial Idea Generation87.References9Appendix 1 Outline of STEM Literature11Appendix 2 Outline of Project Methodology42Appendix 3 Detailed Project Plan and Approach43Appendix 4 Project Gantt Chart53Appendix 5 Outline of Initial Ideas Emerging from Focus Group Activity55Appendix 6 Outline of Initial Ideas Emerging from Visit to Glasgow Science Centre57Appendix 7 Outline of Initial Ideas Surrounding Circuit Construction60

1. Purpose A major, government-led campaign has seen the enhancement of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) teaching throughout the UK. As demand for STEM skills continues to grow, encouraging young people to actively engage in this area of education is becoming more of a concern and the focus placed on the frameworks and strategies employed to encourage young people to participate in STEM related activities is becoming more intense. To add to the pressure of encouraging these STEM participation activities, schools throughout the UK are currently facing a shortage of highly qualified science and mathematics teachers and as a result this severely reduces their ability to provide the government required STEM teaching at an acceptable level. (Sainsbury, 2007) In order to continue to promote and encourage STEM participation amongst young learners and reduce the pressure currently felt by teaching staff and schools there is a need to develop a STEM-based educational kit which can be used in extra-curricular environments such as Young Engineers clubs, Scouts, Guides and other youth organisations. 2. BackgroundLord Sainsburys Government Review of Science and Innovation Policies (A Race to The Top, 2007), outlines the UKs objective of moving into high-value goods, services and industries in order to compete within an era of globalisation. He states that the only way to achieve this is to fulfil a campaign to enhance the teaching of science and technology in response to the demand for science, technology, engineering and maths skills. In this reference, Lord Sainsbury is referring to the Ten-Year Framework and Next Steps documents (2004 and 2006 respectively) which announced measures to address the UKs STEM skills challenge. These documents led to the creation of STEMNet, Science Connects and many other charitable organisations who aim to encourage participation in STEM related education by providing fun and interesting activities for school children. However, Lord Sainsburys report, and many other government and organisational reports from recent years have highlighted the potential problems that still exist with providing resources to support the STEM frameworks which are in place. Many of the research papers considered indicate the future of STEM as a concern. The Russell Group of Universities Report, 2009, states that school students are avoiding A-Level subjects that they perceive to be harder, which includes STEM. The report also found evidence to suggest that state school pupils are significantly less likely to take separate science and other STEM subjects despite knowing that taking these subjects could increase their future options. In 2006, 70% of the 6th-form students surveyed believed it was harder to get an A grade in science subjects rather than the perceived softer options. It is this train of thought which the STEM framework and initiatives aim to change, however, this is a train of thought which is entrenched from a young age and is influenced by many factors. The report titled, Subject Choice in STEM: Factors Influencing Young People (14 19) in Education, (2010), outlines many of these factors. The issues discussed above, and others, including areas such as the number of people involved within the STEM sector, some results and outcomes following current initiatives to improve the number of people taking part in STEM, some suggested reasons as to situational contexts dictating the low participation in STEM subjects, recent implemented curriculum changes which may be affecting young people and suggested improvements and changes in the way young people engage in STEM have been summarised from other government and organisational reports. These summaries can be seen in Appendix 1 of this project brief. The UK Government commissioned a report titled, Inspiring Students to Study Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths, (2012), in which they outline the key programmes in which investment is made to encourage a future generation to become passionate about STEM. Some of these key programmes are outlined below; 2.1 STEMNetSTEMNet, the Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths Network, is a UK-wide organisation which helps young people develop their creativity, problem-solving and technical skills through the running of 3 programmes;STEM ambassadors 25,000 volunteers who provide free resources for teachers and help them introduce innovative ways of teaching STEM subjects within the curriculum. STEM clubs network these clubs offer children the chance to explore and investigate STEM subjects outside of the school timetable.Schools STEM advisory network 45 nation-wide organisations which offer impartial information and advice on how schools can get more students into further STEM education, training and employment. 2.2 National Science and Engineering CompetitionThis is a national science and engineering competition, open to all 11-18 year olds living in the UK who are in full-time education. The competition recognises and rewards the achievement of young people in STEM subjects, however the students who take part normally already have a keen interest in STEM subjects and so this programme is less about encouragement to participate and provides more recognition to continue in STEM rather than generating new interest. 2.3 The Big-Bang FairThe Big-Bang fair is a celebration of science which tours the UK during the summer months to show young people, aged 7 to 19, the exciting and rewarding opportunities associated with studying STEM subjects. 2.4 ConclusionThe many reports which cover the effectiveness of government implemented STEM schemes have illustrated the attempt to engage and encourage the participation of young people in the area of STEM in order to fulfil the high demand for creativity, innovation and high-quality services and goods within the UK. The reports have shown that the majority of 14 19 year young learners are still feeling disengaged from science, technology, engineering and maths for many reasons, including their perception of how difficult it is to attain good grades in these subjects, their lack of knowledge on where a career in STEM can lead and other personal and contextual influences such as gender, ability, ethnicity and the type of school they attend. The frameworks and programmes which have been put in place by successive governments is beginning to work with more interest being created in STEM and the opportunities it provides, however the shortage of teachers with expert subject knowledge in these areas is still a major concern as these young learners are still not receiving the correct support in order to obtain significant achievement within the STEM subject areas. There is still much more that can be done to encourage STEM participation within this age group, as was highlighted in Lord Sainsburys report, A Race to the Top, (2007) where it states, Extra-curricular activities can play an important role in enthusing young people and demonstrating the exciting opportunities that studying science can open-up. The current programmes in place, STEMNet, the National Science and Engineering Competition and the Big-Bang Fair, do not extend to having a presence within extra-curricular groups as they are run mainly on a voluntary basis and receive limited funding and therefore cannot provide the equipment which would be needed to run activities within these settings. Set within this context there is an expressed need for a re-useable kit which can portray key scientific ideas, and so demonstrate the benefits and basis of STEM, while also being interesting and informative for the 14 19 years age group. 3. Project DefinitionThe aim of the project is to conduct some research into the types of STEM kits available for use in this context, i.e. extra-curricular clubs such as Young Engineers, Scouts, Guides and many others, in order to identify the key problems with existing products which are available in order to produce a more fitting solution which can further STEM engagement within this age group. This will continue to encourage STEM participation while eliminating the teacher shortage issue which has been outlined, and reduces the issue surrounding funding for the STEMNet programmes. 3.1 Project AimDesign and develop a scientific-based kit, for the 14-19 years age group, which is suitable for use in an extra-curricular environment to encourage more participation in STEM subjects. 3.1. Project ObjectivesThere are some key objectives which need to be met by this project; Develop a reliable and durable product which can be suitably re-used in order to reduce the cost and impractical nature of providing replacement parts. Funding has already been outlined as a key issue so a re-usable product will eliminate this major issue, also a re-usable product is more likely to sustain interest in STEM according to some early feedback received around the project. Explore the key area of Design for Assembly to ensure the kit is easy to use by minimising parts while still maintaining a high level of functionality. A kit which is easy to use without the need for expert knowledge is very desirable as it builds more of a sense of achievement for the young people in this area. Develop a product which is inherently easy to use but also requires the end user to think and actively engage to encourage understanding of some basic scientific principles. Deep learning through doing is required in order to help young people within the curriculum, this can only be achieved through a kit which is easy to use but does not provide all answers freely, there must be an element of self-teaching. Explore the idea of having one modular product which can be configured into many different layouts to provide the user with the opportunity of exploring more than one area of STEM with the need to only purchase one kit. Develop a product which can be easily and cheaply manufactured but also has the capability of being re-used several times. Develop a product which allows young people, aged 14 19, to use the kit without the need for any supervision or expert input. Explore the idea of STEM involvement in an extra-curricular environment to further define the problem, need and aim for the project. Also identify key products which are currently being used in this area and outline the key issues which exist with the use of these products and how these could be addressed. Explore some of the basic scientific principles which could be adapted into a small scale form which could provide ideas for an electronic-based scientific kit for the 14 19 age range. Develop the idea through model making and CAD. Specifically exploring the areas of modular kit building and the key area of circuit construction which will reduce the need for specialist equipment such as solder and soldering irons, whilst also providing the re-usable functionality which has been clearly identified as a user requirement. Test and validate the design and idea by testing a working model through scouts and schools and talking to organisations who run STEM workshops or promote STEM within the community. Engineering testing of elements such as structure stability, force analysis and electrical component testing within the circuit structure will also be key to this project. 3.2. Outline Project Deliverables and/or Desired OutcomesThe project will aim to complete the following deliverables; A complete drawing set. Detailing manufacturing drawings and requirements for the production of the circuitry and plastic component assembly aspects of the educational kit. A report and portfolio explaining how this design was achieved. This will detail all the activities undertaken in order to arrive at the final design. A detailed list of activities showing the approach being taken for this project are outlined in Appendix 3. A prototypes and models to demonstrate key features. Prototypes of key ideas, especially in the area concerning the construction of the electronic circuit aspect of the project, will be produced at various stages throughout the project. 3.3 Performance MeasuresIn order to identify achievement of the main project aims and objectives it is proposed to pilot the use of the developed kit within scout groups and schools. This will provide the feedback required to adjust and change parts of the design as necessary to ensure the objectives are met with the highest possible standard. Small test groups will be used to ensure quality and focused feedback is obtained, I feel this is more achievable within the setting of a small group as it is easier to facilitate and less susceptible to distractions. To ensure the design also meets the requirements of external organisations who endorse participation in STEM, it will be necessary to ensure they also contribute to the evaluation and decision making required within the project. Two such organisations are the IET and Science Connects (a branch of STEMNet), work to create interest in the project within these two organisations is at an early stage but it is hoped that professionals from this area will be willing to provide their opinion on emerging designs during idea generation and final evaluation stages of the project. 3.4 ExclusionsThe main objective of this project is to develop an interactive scientific kit for the 14 19 year old age range which is based on the use of an electronic circuit to allow investigation and experimentation into basic scientific principles. The project will look at how this can best be achieved through the design and development of a reusable kit however, it will not define new ways of conducting existing scientific experiments, it will look at a way of simplifying these experiments to make them more accessible for this age range. 3.5 ConstraintsWithin this project there are many constraints which need to be considered throughout the development process;Language consideration The 2011 Census revealed that although 92.3% of the population in the UK speak English, there are significant minorities of the population who speak Polish, Punjabi or Urdu as their main language. As this project focuses on education and young people with the view of encouraging participation in STEM subjects, language must be considered as this should not be a barrier to preventing the use of the product. This constraint therefore needs careful consideration throughout the project. (Mirror, 2013)Facilities available The facilities available to extra-curricular clubs such as scouts, guides and young engineers will have a significant impact on the design and development of this product. From personal years of experience of involvement with this type of extra-curricular club, facilities are limited. The majority of these clubs do not have access to lab-specific equipment such as safety glasses, lab coats, soldering irons etc. This presents a need for the product to have the ability to be assembled and used without requiring the use of any of this lab-specific equipment. Ability The report titled, Subject Choice in STEM: Factors Influencing Young People (14 19) in Education, (2010), outlined many personal and contextual issues affecting young people and their relationship with STEM subjects. One of the main influences, as stated in this report, was their ability or previous experience of these subjects. It is important, when considering extra-curricular groups where a large number of children attend, to consider the fact that the children present in these groups will have a large range of abilities and many different backgrounds and experiences when considering involvement in STEM. One objective for this project is to eliminate this personal factor and make the use of this kit, and STEM as a whole, accessible to children aged 14 19 regardless of their previous experience or ability. Therefore, this requires the resulting product to be simple and easy to understand while also providing enough knowledge on a particular area so as to appeal to many ability ranges within this age group. Disability awareness A report titled Disability in the United Kingdom 2012: Facts and Figures outlines some of the main disabilities affecting both male and female students in the 14 19 age range. The report highlights that almost 1 in every 5 people in the UK have a disability with around 1 in 20 children being disabled. In terms of age and gender only 9% of disabled adults are under the age of 35 and in 2010/11 the most common impairments for children were communication, learning and mobility based. Amongst children, boys also experience a higher rate of disability than girls and are more likely to experience coordination, learning and communication difficulties. These are therefore the most prevalent disabilities occurring in the target age group and consideration of use with disabilities must have a significant place in the development of the product. (Papworth Trust, 2012)3.6 InterfaceThe final product will have many viable interfaces with outside organisations. The first such organisations would be STEMNet and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) as these organisations are playing a primary role in encouraging young people to participate in STEM and regularly try to organise STEM related activities within schools with the aim of generating interest in this area. These organisations have the ability to stock a full range of developed kits with the ability to loan kits, on request, to local groups and schools, therefore providing an accessible and reliable resource. As the product focuses on use in an extra-curricular environment, this would cover use at home, and in other organisations such as scouts, guides, GB, BB and many others. An interface between these organisations and the product therefore also exists. There is an opportunity for these groups to buy separate kits, or borrow them from the previously mentioned organisations. These organisations could also be identified as the target end user. The product may also be stocked in retailers across the UK and this provides the third type of interaction between an outside organisation and the product. The retailer must be suitable satisfied with the product in order to purchase and sell the kit within their stores. The retailer is therefore also the main customer for this product. 3.7 Financial PlanAn appropriate budget is required for detailed prototyping within the project and funds to contribute to the cost of 3D printing and other prototyping and modelling techniques required for a fully developed outcome have been sought. Having used the money wisely at this stage of the project it is hoped that the benefits from product marketing will be greater due to taking attention to detail to ensure a well-rounded solution is achieved from an early stage in the project. 3.8 Key Project StakeholdersThe key stakeholders which have been identified throughout the literature relating to this project are organisations such as the IET and STEMNet who promote and encourage participation within the area of STEM, the students who will be using the finished product, the customers who will buy the finished product and the members of the community who run the extra-curricular groups, identified as the main area of use for this type of product. All of these identified stakeholders have a key interest in the value and quality of the product, as well as its ability to generate community involvement and improving the quality of communication between STEM related organisations and the young students they are trying to attract. The owners of the product will also be concerned with the longevity and social goals of the product, i.e. the product should be priced accordingly and achieve the social needs of the young people which have previously been identified as missing. Other organisations with a small stakehold in the project include the government, due to aspects of economic growth, economic direction and job creation in vital sectors which have been labelled as a priority within government policy. Any employees and suppliers associated with the creation, distribution and marketing of the product will also have a stakehold in the project as this directly affects their financial situation. Should the project attract any investors at a later date then the investor will also have a key stakehold within the project. 3.9 RisksExtensive user testing and involvement in the product development process will help to reduce any potential risks of failure associated with bringing the product to market. The type of user activity required is explored through the methodology used throughout the project and this is explored further in the next section of this project brief.Further to the risks associated with placing a product on the market, there are the general risks associated with product modelling and prototyping during the development process. These risks have been considered and are highlighted in the accompanying risk assessment. Furthermore, any risks involving ethics within the project have been eliminated through the completion of the university ethics checklist which also accompanies the project brief. 4. MethodologyAs mentioned previously the project methodology will centre on extensive user involvement through research, development and testing. In order to fulfil this two specific methodologies have been combined to outline the methodology which will be utilised throughout the project. The UCD methodology structure, as outlined by Chandra Harrison, Sam Medrington and Whan Stransom, has been utilised and combined with the extensive focus and principal of ensuring the user is at the centre of the process as illustrated by the UCD process highlighted by Experience UI. This structure has been used to clearly define each stage of the project and illustrate the iterative nature of the project, as constant development is an important consideration in this area as STEM changes to coincide with the school curriculum changes. The structure also shows the importance of evaluation at every stage of product development as feedback and user validation is key within this project. The structure and the methods being used is clearly shown in the diagram attached in Appendix 2. (Harrison, Medrington & Stransom, 2013) (Experience UI, 2009)5. Outline Project PlanThe research, idea generation, detail design and testing stages within the project have been outlined and detail about methods used within each of these areas have been included in the project approach, this approach is clearly outlined in stages and is shown in Appendix 3. These planning sheets have been used in conjunction with the methodology to produce a project Gantt chart which can be seen in Appendix 4. This Gantt chart may be subject to change and will be evaluated and changed when required at regular intervals throughout the duration of the project. Key deadlines have been noted and the timescale of 8 months is also clearly indicated through the project Gantt chart. 6. Initial Idea GenerationSome initial ideas for the project have been generated through two explorations around science experiments and focus groups. The first ideas described were generated through a user focus group with 5 16 and 17 year old girls who were asked to design a cadet they thought could help them learn about different scientific principles. The outcome of this idea generation can be seen in Appendix 5. The second idea generation shown in this project brief came from a visit to the Glasgow Science Centre. Ideas generated from this visit can be seen in Appendix 6. Finally some ideas surrounding the circuit construction for this project have been included in Appendix 7. 7. References Department for Business Innovation and Skills, 2012, Engaging the Public in Science and Engineering, Online, Available at, Accessed 14/10/13Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, 2012, Engaging the Public in Science and Engineering, Online, Available at, Accessed 14/10/13Department for Education, 2008, After-school Science and Engineering Clubs Evaluation: Final Report, LondonDepartment for Education, 2010, The STEM Cohesion Programme: Final Report, LondonDepartment of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology (Australia), 2013, Female Participation in STEM Study and Work in South Australia 2012, AdelaideEurostat (European Commission), 2011, Education Statistics, BrusselsEvidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre, 2010, Subject Choice in STEM: Factors Influencing Young People (aged 14-19) in Education (A systematic review of the UK literature), University of LondonExperience UI, 2009, User Centred Design Definition, Online, Available at;, Accessed 14/10/13Girl Scouts of America Research Institute, 2012, Generation STEM: What Girls Say About Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths, Lockheed MartinHarrison, Medrington & Stransom, 2013, User Centred Design Research Methods for Mobile Industry Practitioners, WI Journal of Mobile Media, Sound Moves, Vol.7 No.1, March 2013IPSOS MORI Social Research Institute, 2011, Public Attitudes to Science, Department for Business Innovation and Skills, LondonLord Sainsubury, 2007, The Race to The Top: A Review of Governments Science and Innovation Policies, October 2007Mirror, 2013, 2011 Census: The main 20 languages spoken in the UK, available at, accessed 30 September 2013Office for National Statistics, Historic UK Population Pyramid, Census Figures 2011, Online, Available at, Accessed 14/10/13The Royal Academy of Engineering, 2007, Educating Engineers for the 21st Century, LondonThe Russell Group of Universities, (February 2009), STEM-Briefing, LondonStevens, H., 2012, Employer Engagement in STEM Learning in the Heart of the South West, University of Exeter

Appendix 1 Outline of STEM LiteratureLord Sainsubury, 2007, The Race to The Top: A Review of Governments Science and Innovation Policies, October 2007The importance of STEM to todays society in Britain The following bullet points cover why encouraging participation in STEM is so important to todays society throughout Britain. An effective science and innovation system is vital to achieving the UKs objective of moving into high-value goods, services and industries in order to compete in the era of globalisation. In a world in which the UKs competitive advantage will depend increasingly on innovation and high-value products and services, it is essential that we raise the level of our science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills. Policy-making in many areas of government also requires a supply chain of creative young scientists and engineers.

Numbers of people currently involved in STEM The following bullet points cover the current levels of graduates and employees in STEM sectors within Britain and outline the need for growing participation within this area. A major campaign to enhance the teaching of science and technology. Demand for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills will continue to grow. The UK has a reasonable stock of STEM graduates but problems lie ahead. There has been a 20-year decline in the number of pupils taking A-Level physics. The review recommends a major campaign to address the STEM issues in schools. This will raise the numbers of qualified STEM teachers by introducing, for example, new sources of recruitment, financial incentives for conversion courses, and mentoring for newly qualified teachers. The government should continue its drive to increase the number of young people studying triple science, and consider entitlement for all pupils to study the second mathematics GCSE (due to be introduced in 2010). The Review believes that there is a major need to improve the level of career advice given to young people, so that they are aware of the exciting and rewarding opportunities open to those with science and technology qualifications. It welcomes the role of a national STEM co-ordinator and the Careers from Science website and suggests that careers advice be built into the curriculum for pupils and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for teachers. The rationalisation of extra-curriculum STEM schemes is supported, with suggestions for those schemes that should be taken forward, including a national science competition. The Higher Education Funding Council England (HEFCE) Strategic and Vulnerable Subject Advisory Group should be turned into an Advisory Group on Graduate Supply and Demand which produces an annual report detailing the number of students graduating in particular subjects, how easily graduates get jobs in particular areas, and in what areas industry foresees shortages of graduates arising. The Review believes that such a report would be very valuable for students, Vice-Chancellors and Government. Compared to other OECD nations, the UK has a reasonable stock of STEM graduates. However, a closer look at the situation reveals some potential problems ahead. Looking into the future the pipeline of STEM students is a concern. In the past three years there has been a recovery in the number of students taking A-Level biology and chemistry. As a result the 10-year picture shows only a modest decline. In the case of A-Level physics we are looking, however, at a 20-year decline. The number of students taking A-Level mathematics fell in 2001-2002 and is now recovering.

Results of action currently taken to improve STEM participation The following statements from the report outline some of the results which have arisen from some current measurements taken by successive governments to address the issue of participation in STEM. The Ten-year Framework (July 2004) and Next Steps document (March 2006) announced measures to address the STEM skills challenges and signs of progress are now emerging. The total number of people recruited to train as science teachers in 2006-2007 was 3,390 (compared with 3,060 in 2001-2002). In mathematics the total number starting to train as teachers was 2,290, compared with 1,860 in 2001-2002. The take-up of A-Level physics, however, has undergone a 20-year decline. In 1990, with the introduction of Double Award Science as part of the National Curriculum, it became compulsory to study science until the age of sixteen. However, chart 7.3 shows that in the late 1980s the take-up was beginning to improve, but then from 1990 a rapid decline began which has, as yet, not been turned around. A decreasing number of qualified physics teachers is likely to have contributed to the decline.

Situational reasons for why participation in STEM subjects is low These statements outline some situational reasons for why participation in STEM is currently low. However, there are significant shortages of qualified teachers in key subject areas, and it is clear that more needs to be done urgently. Our analysis suggests that solutions can be found and this chapter outlines specific ways to achieve a step-change in the supply of STEM skills. Students experiences at an early age have a significant impact on their future choices and there is wide-spread concern that pupils are turning away from STEM subjects following their experiences at school. At A-Level the take-up of key subjects is a cause for concern. A detailed analysis reveals that there are a number of different factors in play. However, students and parents often have a poorly informed view of science and engineering jobs and their rewards. They have a narrow view of the range of careers that are open to those who choose STEM subjects, limited to those in the immediate STEM field (scientist, engineer) and over-looking the fact that STEM qualifications open the door to a wide range of well-paid jobs in, for example, banking, the media and business. Evidence shows that pupils decide what to study at a young age, often before they are 14 years old. However, schools can often be overwhelmed by the opportunities available to them, or, more worringly, unaware of them.

Curriculum Changes These points outline some critical curriculum changes within the STEM area of education which may also be impacting on the engagement of young people within these subject areas. The curriculum should provide all pupils with sufficient understanding of scientific and mathematical principals and should also inspire young people to study STEM subjects further. Schools begin teaching the new Key Stage 4 Programme of study for science in September 2006. Additional training and support is being provided by the Science Learning Centres, the Secondary National Strategy, the Association for Science Education and the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust. The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) is undertaking a wide-ranging evaluation of the changes made to the Key Stage 4 curriculum from September 2006. An interim report is expected in August 2007. The QCA has convened meetings of independent scientists and engineers to advise on how the new Key Stage 3 curriculum can stretch the most able pupils and will be involving them in the evaluation of Key Stage 4 later in the year.

Suggested changes and improvements These statements were included at the end of the report and outline some suggestions, made by the author, of how participation within the key STEM subjects could be improved. Better awareness of the wide range of worthwhile careers opened up by school STEM subjects can lead more students to opt for STEM subjects at 14 (GCSE and the future specialist diplomas), 16 (A-Level and other level 3 qualifications) and 17 (higher education). Improved awareness of the range of STEM careers, and the contribution they can make to enhancing human well-being and to addressing major global challenges, could also help to counter the imbalance in STEM participation by under-represented groups, particularly girls in physics and engineering, and some ethnic minority groups in specific STEM areas. However, a website alone will not solve the problem. A widespread marketing campaign of presentations and leaflets to schools, parents, teachers and children will be necessary to make the website known. Extra-curricular activities can play an important role in enthusing young people and demonstrating the exciting opportunities that studying science can open-up. Some of the current schemes are very successful. However, at the current time far too many schemes exist. Each has its own overheads, few have more than a local coverage and teachers find it difficult to make sense of the vast amount of literature with which they are bombarded. Companies also do not feel they get value for money from the funds they put into these schemes.

The Royal Academy of Engineering, 2007, Educating Engineers for the 21st Century, LondonThe importance of STEM to todays society in Britain The following bullet points cover why encouraging participation in STEM is so important to todays society throughout Britain. Unless action is taken a shortage of high-calibre engineers entering industry will become increasingly apparent over the next ten years with serious repercussions for the productivity and creativity of UK businesses.

Results of action currently taken to improve STEM participation The following statements from the report outline some of the results which have arisen from some current measurements taken by successive governments to address the issue of participation in STEM. Current initiatives to encourage school students to study mathematics and physical sciences and to increase the number of science teachers are strongly welcomed.

Suggested changes and improvements These statements were included at the end of the report and outline some suggestions, made by the author, of how participation within the key STEM subjects could be improved. Similar encouragement should also be given for universities and companies to collaborate with other interested parties along the lines laid out in the Teaching Engineering in Schools Strategy (TESS) as envisaged in the National Engineering Programme (NEP). In the secondary schools, where students make decisions about the university courses they will pursue, there is an acknowledged shortage of teachers in maths and physics, the essential precursors of undergraduate engineering studies. In the universities the structure and content of engineering courses has changed relatively little over the past 20 years, indeed much of the teaching would still be familiar to parents of todays new students.

The Russell Group of Universities, (February 2009), STEM-Briefing, LondonSituational reasons for why participation in STEM subjects is low These statements outline some situational reasons for why participation in STEM is currently low. There are some significant problems earlier in the education system that need addressing in order to boost participation in STEM. A DIUS report published in January 2009 found that: The supply of STEM graduates is critically dependent on the earlier supply of those with the requisite A-Level (or equivalent) qualifications on how many continue to study STEM courses in HE. Despite the number of STEM postgraduates and graduates in recent years, the number of pupils taking A-Levels in maths and sciences is not keeping pace. Evidence suggests that school students are avoiding A-Level subjects that they perceive to be harder, including STEM. State schools pupils are significantly less likely to take separate sciences and other STEM subjects, despite the fact that studying these subjects increases a students future options. They are also far less likely to be taught STEM from teachers with a degree in the subject. For example, 80% of physics teachers in independent schools had a degree in physics, compared to only 30% of those in state schools.

Just under half of all science A grades at A-Level are from independent schools. Students are avoiding A-Levels deemed to be more difficult A 2006 survey of 500 students found that 70% of 6th-form pupils believed it was harder to get an A-grade in science subjects than those that they perceived to be softer options. For 2/3 of respondents, the perceived level of difficulty between subjects was a key factor in deciding whether to take A-Level science. Dr Robert Coe, Director of the educational evaluation group at the Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring, said that students avoid subjects perceived as being hard at A-Level in favour of ones where they had more chance of getting top grades. The relative level of difficulty of subjects has been analysed by the Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring. The research has found that students with a GCSE B in History, Economics, Geography, English, Sociology and Business Studies average a grade C in those subjects at A-Level; those with a GCSE B in Maths, Computing, German, French, Chemistry, Physics and Biology average a D at A-Level.

State School Pupils are less likely to take STEM subjects A-Level science candidates are concentrated in a small proportion of schools. As the Royal Society noted, science take-up is strongly skewed at present, with half of all A-Level entries in science coming from just 18% of schools.

Teachers and Classrooms In 2205, roughly 80% of physics teachers in independent schools had a degree in physics, compared to only 30% of those in state schools. Almost one in four secondary schools in England no longer has any specialist physics teachers. 22% of physics recruits to independent schools had firsts compared to 13% of those going to the state sector and they were much more likely to have received their degree from selective universities. Over 30% of those teaching mathematics in school do not have a post A-Level qualification in the subject. More than half (56%) of training teachers are forced to retake their basic literacy and numeracy exams annually in order to pass. Last year, 35,150 trainees took 46,460 tests.

The importance of STEM to todays society in Britain The following bullet points cover why encouraging participation in STEM is so important to todays society throughout Britain. A shortage of STEM graduates entering the economy The engineering sector is a major recruiter of STEM graduates. A survey based on 444 engineering companies and 81 universities found that: Industry requires engineering graduates with excellent technical skills, a high standard of mathematics and broader skills such as communication ability and team working. The number of university entrants to engineering remained static between 1994 and 2004, even though total university entries rose by 40%. Engineering courses are seriously under-funded, and this risks constraining innovation in learning and teaching. UK engineering faces a serious shortage of graduates. Unless action is taken, the shortage of high quality engineering graduates could have serious repercussions for the UK industry.

Problems exist earlier in the education system: Students taking key subjects such as physical sciences and maths, have become worryingly low despite a few recent trend-bucking increases.

Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre, 2010, Subject Choice in STEM: Factors Influencing Young People (aged 14-19) in Education (A systematic review of the UK literature), University of LondonSituational reasons for why participation in STEM subjects is low These statements outline some situational reasons for why participation in STEM is currently low.The factors that have been considered to influence subject choice are listed below but, with the exception of gender, ethnicity and ability, each factor was only investigated in on study and/or in lower-quality studies: Gender Ethnicity Ability Socioeconomic status School/college size School type (comprehensive/grammar/etc.) School type (with sixth-form/without sixth-form) School type (single-sex/co-educational) School type (independent/local authority) School type (religious denomination) Grouping practices (i.e. setting by ability) Geographical setting Subjects taken at GCSE Qualifications of teaching staff Performance of school/college School status (degree of autonomy of school management) Gender ratio of staff Urbanicity

(Personal factors and contextual factors)Table 6.1: Gender and choice of KS4 subjects (14-16) years

Table 6.2: Ability and choice of KS4 subjects

Table 6.3: Socio-economic status and choice of KS4 subjects

Table 6.4: Size of school and choice of KS4 subjects

Table 6.5: School type (single-sex/co-educational) and choice of KS4 subjects

Table 6.6: School type (independent/educational authority) and choice of KS4 subjects

Table 6.7: School type (religious denomination) and choice of KS4 subjects

Table 6.8: School type (grammar/comprehensive) and choice of KS4 subjects

Table 6.9: School type (with sixth-form/without sixth-form) and choice of KS4 subjects

Stevens, H., 2012, Employer Engagement in STEM Learning in the Heart of the South West, University of ExeterThe importance of STEM to todays society in Britain The following bullet points cover why encouraging participation in STEM is so important to todays society throughout Britain. Why is learning STEM related subjects important?Arguments for supporting STEM education go beyond the economic, however. The BIS attitudes to science survey identified the following social benefits of science: Improved quality of life, through both medical advances and new consumer technologies and gadgets; Enhanced entertainment and popular culture, such as in art, music and television; An understanding of science equipped the public with the tools and ability to challenge the status quo, politically or culturally, and that without this, people would lose informed public debate; and Science added to the art of conversation, from popular science books through to simple conversations about the weather.

Finally, some respondents saw an inherent Britishness within inventiveness, extending back to the industrial revolution, so saw science as part of a national cultural heritage.

IPSOS MORI Social Research Institute, 2011, Public Attitudes to Science, Department for Business Innovation and Skills, LondonThe importance of STEM to todays society in Britain The following bullet points cover why encouraging participation in STEM is so important to todays society throughout Britain. Key Indicators Diagram

Enthusiasm for ScienceAs in previous PAS studies, the public generally views science and scientists as beneficial to society: Four-fifths (80%) agree that, on the whole, science will make our lives easier and over half (54%) think that the benefits of science are greater than any harmful effect. Nine in ten (88%) think scientists make a valuable contribution to society and eight in ten (82%) agree they want to make life better for the average person. The proportion agreeing with the latter statement has risen by fifteen percentage points since 2000. From a list of phrases shown in the survey, people are most likely to pick out serious (48%), objective (41%) and rational (33%) to describe scientists. From this list, they are least likely to associate scientists with being narrow-minded (9%), friendly (9%), too inquisitive (7%) and good at public relations (5%).

In the workshops, the contribution that participants most wanted science to make to society tended to reflect their life stage: Younger participants were more focused on technologies and gadgets that would make everyday life easier. Older participants thought more about advances in medicine.Participants were divided as to whether to prioritise scientific developments which would help tackle global issues such as hunger, and climate change, or developments more likely to benefit those living in the UK, such as a cure for cancer. Situational reasons for why participation in STEM subjects is low These statements outline some situational reasons for why participation in STEM is currently low.Interest in ScienceThe UK public is highly interested in science. Four-fifths (82%) agree that science is such a big part of our lives that we should all take an interest, with a quarter (25%) strongly agreeing. Two-thirds (68%) also think it is important to know about science in my daily life. Agreement with both statements has increased since 2000, by nine and eight percentage points respectively. The middle classes (ABC1s) and those with a higher education are more likely than average to agree with both statements.However, the difference in scores for these two statements indicates that some people see science as important, but not necessarily personally relevant. They think the public should take an interest, but are less willing to do so themselves.Fewer than one in ten (8%) think they hear and see too much or far too much information about science, suggesting that most people do not feel overexposed to science. Instead, four in ten (38%) think they hear and see the right amount of information, while five in ten (51%) think they hear and see too little or far too little, indicating an appetite for knowing more about science. The proportion saying they hear and see too little or far too little has increased by 17 percentage points since 2008.Feeling InformedFewer people say they feel informed about science, and scientific research and developments (43%) than say they do not (56%). Women and the less affluent (C2DEs) tend to feel less well informed than average, which is consistent with previous PAS studies. Those with internet access generally feel better informed than those without.The proportion feeling informed (43%) has actually declined by 12 percentage points since 2008, although it is still in line with the 2005 level. The findings suggest there are many factors at work here. On one hand, access to information and confidence in understanding science has increased: The proportion agreeing that finding out about new scientific developments is easy these days (49%) has risen by 13 percentage points since 2000. Three in ten (32%) think they are not clever enough to understand science and technology, but this proportion but has fallen by six percentage points since 2000. Just 15% say that they dont understand the point of all the science being done today, with seven in ten (72%) disagreeing. The proportion agreeing has fallen by 14 percentage points since 2000.

On the other hand, more people now think the complexity of science and the speed of development are making it difficult to keep up: Six in ten (63%) agree that Science and technology are too specialised for most people to understand them, up seven percentage points since 2008. Almost half (46%) think that they cannot follow developments in science and technology because the speed of development is too fast, up four percentage points since 2008. Seven in ten (71%) also agree that there is so much conflicting information about science it is difficult to know what to believe.How informed people feel also varies by topic. Of the various science and social science topics explored in the survey, people feel most informed about climate change (+51 net informed15), vaccination (+47), human rights (+35) and renewable energy (+23), perhaps reflecting the greater coverage these issues receive in the media. People feel far less informed about nanotechnology (-67) and synthetic biology (-78), both relatively new areas of research.Studying ScienceThe importance of science education is apparent in the survey findings, where a quarter (24%) agree that school put me off science. This is somewhat higher than in 2008 (21%) and 2005 (20%). Women are more likely to agree than men. Those from social grades DE are also slightly more likely than average to agree.People are divided about whether the science they learned at school is useful in their everyday lives, with slightly more thinking it was useful than not (44% versus 36%). They are more likely to see maths as useful in their daily lives (67%).18People are also uncertain about how useful school science has been for their job around two-fifths think it has been useful (37%) and a similar proportion say it has not been useful (42%). Again, more (66%) think maths has been useful in their jobs.

People have a mixed view of the quality of science teaching, relative to other subjects. When asked whether the teaching of science was better or worse than the teaching of the other subjects, half (51%) say it was about the same, and a slightly higher proportion say it was better (22%) than say it was worse (18%). The proportion saying it was worse has fallen by seven percentage points since 2008.Among those who think science teaching was better or worse than the teaching of other subjects, common (unprompted) reasons for this relate to the teacher. Relatively few say that they think science was taught better or worse than other subjects because it was easy or hard respectively. This suggests that it is not necessarily the level of difficulty that puts people off science at school.Girl Scouts of America Research Institute, 2012, Generation STEM: What Girls Say About Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths, Lockheed MartinThe importance of STEM to todays society in Britain The following bullet points cover why encouraging participation in STEM is so important to todays society throughout Britain. Women and Girls in STEMHowever, there are some fields in which female representation has remained low. Within STEM fields women are better represented in life sciences, chemistry, and mathematics; women are not well represented in engineering, computing, and physics. Women account for about only 20% of the bachelors degrees in engineering computer science, and physics Regardless of specific area of STEM, only about 25% of these positions are held by women.Researchers and experts in STEM education agree that boosting the number of women in STEM fields would expand our nations pool of workers, educators, and innovators for the future, bring a new dimension to the work, and potentially tackle problems that have been overlooked in the past.Situational reasons for why participation in STEM subjects is low These statements outline some situational reasons for why participation in STEM is currently low.Achievement in Math and ScienceHowever, a number of factors are known to reduce performance, and likely have influenced perceptions of girls ability to achieve in math and science: Outdated stereotypes and feelings of insufficiency can hold girls back. Social psychological research shows that the stereotype that girls are not as good as boys in math can have negative consequences. When girls know or are made aware of this stereotype, they perform much more poorly than boys; however, when they are told that boys and girls perform equally well on a test, there is no gender difference. It is possible that girls are internalizing this stereotype and talking themselves out of achieving in math and science when, in reality, they are doing just as well or better than boys. This stereotype threat has also been found for African American and Hispanic students in test achievement. Compared to boys, girls with the same abilities are more likely to give up when the material is difficult and to talk themselves out of pursuing the field. Research has also shown that having confidence in ones ability and believing that hard work and effort can increase intelligence are associated with higher achievement in math and science among girls. This and other research suggest that perception of ones ability or capability is more important for a girl than her actual ability or knowledge, and changing this perception can lead to more entry into STEM domains.

Interest in Math and ScienceResearch shows that girls start losing interest in math and science during middle school. Girls are typically more interested in careers where they can help others (e.g., teaching, child care, working with animals)xix and make the world a better place. Recent surveys have shown that girls and young women are much less interested than boys and young men in math and science. A national report on college freshmen major/career interests shows that on average, 20% of young women intend to major in a STEM field, compared to 50% of young men. Four consecutive years of data show that these numbers increase for young men over time (from 45% to 56%), but do not increase for young women. Another recent poll showed that 32% of girls ages 13-17 thought that computing would be a good college major, compared to 74% of boys in the same age range. This lack of interest may be a product of older stereotypes about girls doing poorly in math, or of low confidence in their abilities, or alternatively may reflect a general well-roundedness in girls that leads many to turn to their high verbal skills during career planning.

Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology (Australia), 2013, Female Participation in STEM Study and Work in South Australia 2012, AdelaideAttitudes towards STEM These statements outline some current attitudes of a variety of people from society towards STEM. Many females studying Prime STEM in secondary school do not aspire to study Prime STEM at university. Females comprise 45% of Prime STEM school students compared to 25% of Prime STEM university applicants. So what appears to be a promising pattern of equal numbers of school-aged males and females going on to enrol in university STEM courses, when more closely analysed, shows that female preferences for STEM degrees trend heavily toward Allied Health STEM, while males incline toward Prime STEM and Allied Economic STEM. These first two phases of the learning-work continuum emphasise the first major point of difference between males and females that females aspire to different STEM goals than their male counterparts, and that these aspirations are carried through to actual study in those STEM areas.School to University University ReadinessIn the early nineties, 90% of students in Year 12 studied science. In 2010 that figure had been reduced to half of the Year 12 cohort (51%)14. There is no doubt that fewer students are studying science than ever before. It has also been a long standing view that STEM curriculum needs to meet the needs of students who will become scientists and engineers or be involved in science-related professions. This does not discount the need for scientific literacy as a life skill, but it does re-direct attention to the broader issues around Australias future economic prosperity. The current study found that 36% of SACE Stage 2 subjects completed (C-grade or higher) and IB subjects (diploma obtained) were related to STEM, of which 48% were female students. In this respect, females are holding their own albeit in a much reduced pool of students, which can be seen by comparing this recent data by subject with student data in the early nineties provided by the Australian Academy of Science. The study also found that the proportion of SACE Stage 2 completions (C-grade or higher), and IB completions (diplomas obtained) as a proportion of IB subject registrations, were both higher for females than they were for males, illustrating that females are performing well.

Within the cohorts of males and females successfully undertaking STEM subjects at SACE Stage 2, females were approximately twice as likely to engage in Allied Health STEM subjects as are males. Interestingly, the percentage of male and females who studied Allied Economic STEM subjects were almost identical, meaning that the excess of female students in Allied Health STEM subjects is exclusively to the detriment of the pool of females studying Prime STEM subjects. These observations confirm a trend of the last two decades, which has seen significant increases in female participation in STEM at the senior levels of school. It also gives credit to previous equity policies aimed at encouraging girls to study science and to pursue careers in non-traditional fields15. However, as noted by Sharon Bell, it is also an outcome that has in recent times found expression in newer equity policy that gives prominence to the differential achievements of boys in education on the basis that boys appear to be failing16. The effect of this has been a shift away from female participation in STEM as an equity issues, to a broader economic argument.

Eurostat (European Commission), 2011, Education Statistics, BrusselsAttitudes towards STEM These statements outline some current attitudes of a variety of people from society towards STEM. Graduation in maths, science or engineeringLarge increase in student numbers graduating in maths, science or engineering exceeded the EU benchmark well before 2010In the EU, attention was focused on the numbers of students graduating in maths, science or technology (MST) subjects during the decade 2000 to 2009. The benchmark aim was to increase the total number of MST graduates by at least 15 % by 2010, while at the same time lowering the gender imbalance.Overall numbers in the EU had already increased by more than 15 % early on in the decade (2003). At 39.7 % the 2000-2009 growth was more than double the original benchmark (see Table 2).There were particularly high percentage changes in Romania and Slovakia. However, one reason for the increasing number of MST graduates may also be the structural reforms implemented in many European countries under the Bologna process for the European Higher Education Area during the period. The Bologna process has introduced bachelor and master cycles in tertiary education and, all other things being equal, this is resulting in shorter degree structures and therefore more graduates per reference period.Today most European higher education systems offer first a bachelor degree (normally three to four years long) followed by a masters degree (1 to 2 years) instead of one long first degree leading directly to a master degree.In fact, the growth in MST graduates between 2000 and 2009 was relatively low, both at EU level and in most countries, compared with other fields of study such as services, health and social sciences, business and law, where growth rates in the same period ranged from over 65 % to close to 100 % at EU level. At more than 50%, the average percentage change for all fields of study from 2000 to 2009 was substantially higher than the MST growth rate.In 2009 around one third of graduates at tertiary level graduated in subjects such as social science (economics, political science and psychology), business studies and law (Table 2). Health and welfare (for example medicine, pharmacy and nursing) was the second biggest group with more than 15 % of graduates. Four groups account for around 10 % of graduates each (engineering, humanities, education and science/maths). At tertiary level there are not many graduates in agriculture/veterinary or service subjects; the former reflects the overall importance of these subjects in terms of employment, whereas the latter reflects the fact that service subjects are mainly studied at lower education levels (upper secondary and post-secondary education (ISCED level 3 and 4)).

Share of women studying maths, science and technologyThe share of women studying maths, science and technology subjects have remained stable over the last decade, although the overall share of women in tertiary education has risen.In contrast to the development described in the previous section, the MST gender imbalance was not reduced during the decade 2000-2009. Less than one third of MST graduates were women in 2000 and this was still the case in 2009.Moreover, the country deviation is relatively small. This means there have not been any real success stories in improving the MST graduate rate of women across Europe (see Table 2).The share of female graduates rose slightly in most fields of education at tertiary level during the last decade, at EU level and in most countries, although the picture is more stable for humanities and arts, falling slightly for sciences, mathematics and computing at EU level (see Figure 11).In 2009 women accounted for more than 75 % of graduates in education and training, around 75 % in health and welfare, 70 % in humanities and arts, and 60 % in social sciences, business and law. In Romania, Estonia, and Italy (within the EU) and Croatia (outside the EU) more than 90 % of graduates in education and training were women (mainly becoming teachers). On the other hand, men accounted for more than 80 % of graduates in engineering, manufacturing and construction in Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands and Austria (within the EU) and in Switzerland, the US and Japan (outside the EU).

Department for Education, 2010, The STEM Cohesion Programme: Final Report, LondonAttitudes towards STEM These statements outline some current attitudes of a variety of people from society towards STEM. Pupils Attitudes Towards Experiences of STEMKey findings summary Over the period of the evaluation, several measures of pupil attitudes toward STEM showed improvement. These included enjoyment of science and engineering and intention to study STEM in the future. A number of measures, such as awareness of careers related to the STEM subjects, showed no significant changes, while in the area of aspiring to work in STEM area, pupil aspiration actually decreased throughout the evaluation period. Interesting changes observed throughout the evaluation period included the following: In Year 2 of the survey, a greater proportion of pupils (78 per cent) reported that they enjoy science. This was a statistically significant increase on the Year 1 percentage of 68. By Year 3, this proportion had reduced slightly to 73 per cent, although this decrease was not statistically significant. Of those students studying engineering, a significantly greater proportion reported that they enjoy it in the second and third years of the evaluation, compared with the first year. Between Years 1 and 2 of the survey, there were statistically significant increases in the numbers of pupils reporting that they would like/quite like to study science (45 per cent to 55 per cent) and mathematics (38 per cent to 46 per cent) in the future. By Year 3 of the survey, the proportions of pupils interested in studying science or mathematics had decreased (to 50 and 40 per cent respectively), although none of the changes in Year 3 was statistically significant. Students desire to study science beyond GCSE level is increasing. As in previous years, a greater proportion of pupils responding to the Year 3 survey indicated their intention to study science beyond GCSE-level Students knowledge of STEM jobs increased initially throughout the evaluation period, before falling slightly during Year 3. A greater proportion of pupils responding to the Year 2 survey (58 per cent) felt they knew enough or a bit about STEM jobs than in Year 1. By Year 3, this proportion had reduced again to 53 per cent, although this decrease was not statistically significant. Although the interest and engagement of young people in STEM is increasing, by Year 3 of our evaluation, fewer pupils were aspiring to a STEM career. This would seem to indicate the need for continued focus on the communication of STEM careers information and guidance.Data comes primarily from a paper survey completed by 238 pupils aged 14 and 15 years studying STEM subjects in nine secondary schools (see Appendix 2 for further sample information). The survey is a repeat of the surveys administered in 2008 (Year 1, baseline) and in 2009 (Year 2). A different set of Year 10 classes (from the same schools) completed the survey each year. This has allowed for identification of statistically significant changes in attitudes towards, and experiences of, STEM. Where such changes from the baseline and Year 2 results are found, they are highlighted in the text, and results from both previous surveys are included in the tables to aid the comparisons. Keeping with the format of the teacher survey data, pupil data is presented as valid percentages as opposed to actual percentages.Enjoyment of STEMSurvey pupils were asked whether they enjoyed studying the four individual STEM subjects (Tables 9.1 to 9.4). The majority of pupils who studied science and technology enjoyed, or quite enjoyed, the subjects. In relation to science, 73 per cent of pupils were positive, with 76 per cent of those studying technology also registering enjoyment of the subject. Looking across the three years of the survey, the increase from Year 1 to Year 2 in students reporting that they enjoy science (from 68 per cent to 78 per cent) was statistically significant at the 5% level, indicating that more pupils were enjoying science in Year 2 of the survey. By Year 3 of the survey, the proportion reporting their Pupils attitudes towards and experiences of STEM 60 enjoyment of science had reduced slightly from Year 2, but this decrease was not statistically significant. When compared to science and technology, a lower proportion of pupils indicate that they enjoy mathematics (59 per cent). However, engineering was the subject that was enjoyed by the lowest proportion of pupils. Just over half of pupils (53 per cent) do not study engineering, but of those who do, as in Year 2 of the survey, over half in Year 3 indicated that they enjoy, or quite enjoy, the subject (56 per cent of the 102 studying engineering).Situational reasons for why participation in STEM subjects is low These statements outline some situational reasons for why participation in STEM is currently low.Interest in Studying STEMPupils were surveyed about their interest in studying STEM subjects in the future (see Tables 9.11 to 9.14 below), and the highest level to which they intended to take each subject (see Table 9.15 below). Pupils were most interested in studying science, technology and mathematics in the future. Half the pupils (50 per cent) indicated that they would like, or quite like, to study science in the future, and slightly lower proportions responded similarly for technology (41 per cent) and mathematics (40 per cent). As in previous years, a substantially lower proportion of pupils (23 per cent) stated that they would like, or quite like, to study engineering in the future. This may be due to a lack of awareness around what engineering might actually involve. Comparing Year 1 and 2 of the survey, there were statistically significant increases in the numbers of pupils reporting that they would like/quite like to study science in the future (45 per cent to 55 per cent) and to study mathematics (38 per cent to 46 per cent). However, in Year 3 of the survey, the proportions of pupils interested in studying science or mathematics had decreased, whilst the proportion interested in studying technology in the future had increased, although none of the changes were statistically significant. Pupils attitudes towards and experiences of STEM 69 As in previous years, in Year 3 of the survey, pupils intentions for future study were closely related to what interested them. The STEM subjects that the greatest proportion of students intended to study post-GCSE were science (63 per cent) and mathematics (51 per cent). A substantially smaller proportion of survey pupils intended to study technology post-GCSE (25 per cent), and only a minority intended to study engineering (14 per cent). The subject that the greatest proportion intended to study at degree level was science (27 per cent), although this was a slight decrease from Year 2 of the survey (31 per cent). Substantially smaller proportions intended to study mathematics (14 per cent), technology (nine per cent) and engineering (six per cent) at degree level.Focus group discussions shed light on the reasons young people may be interested in studying STEM. This included a perception that these subjects would be more likely to lead to employment, as well as of their relevance to a broad range of careers (not just those that are directly linked to STEM), through their contribution to a young persons portfolio of skills and qualifications. Some individuals were opting to study maths because they believed it was held in high regard and demonstrated their intellectual abilities: Science, maths and technology are subjects you have to concentrate on and work hard at, so that is good preparation for life outside school, sort of learning how to learn and to stick at something. Most jobs now need maths or science and to get GCSE in maths you need to know a lot of stuff. If you can do it, maths is a really good thing to do because people think really highly of it. I might do maths A level because maths is useful for everything

Department for Business Innovation and Skills, 2012, Engaging the Public in Science and Engineering, Online, Available at, Accessed 14/10/13The importance of STEM to todays society in Britain The following bullet points cover why encouraging participation in STEM is so important to todays society throughout Britain. The government believes that if we want the UK to remain a world leader in research and technology we will need a future generation that is passionate about, and skilled in, science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).Results of action currently taken to improve STEM participation The following statements from the report outline some of the results which have arisen from some current measurements taken by successive governments to address the issue of participation in STEM.STEMNETThe Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Network, STEMNET, is a UK-wide organisation set up to inspire young people to take an interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.Studying STEM subjects helps young people to develop their creativity, problem-solving and technical skills, and makes them better able to make informed decisions about STEM issues.STEMNET runs 3 programmes:STEM ambassadors- 25,000 volunteers who provide a free resource for teachers helping them deliver the STEM curriculum in fresh and innovative waysSTEM clubs network- clubs that allow children to explore, investigate and discover STEM subjects outside of the school timetable and curriculumschools STEM advisory network- 45 organisations across the country that offer impartial advice to schools on how they can help get students into further STEM education, training and employmentSTEMNET receives funding from the BIS and the Department for Education.National Science and Engineering CompetitionThe National Science and Engineering Competition is open to all 11 to 18 year-olds living in the UK and in full-time education. It rewards students who have achieved excellence in a STEM project.The aim of the competition is to recognise and reward young peoples achievements in all areas of STEM and encourage others to become interested in STEM subjects.The British Science Association coordinates the competition in partnership with The Big Bang Fair and Young Engineers.The Big Bang FairThe Big Bang is the largest celebration of STEM for young people in the UK and is aimed at showing 7 to 19 year-olds just how many exciting and rewarding opportunities there are for people interested in STEM subjects.Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, 2012, Engaging the Public in Science and Engineering, Online, Available at, Accessed 14/10/13The importance of STEM to todays society in Britain The following bullet points cover why encouraging participation in STEM is so important to todays society throughout Britain. Science and research are major contributors to the prosperity of the UK. For our prosperity to continue, the government believes we need high levels of skills in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM), and citizens that value them.Results of action currently taken to improve STEM participation The following statements from the report outline some of the results which have arisen from some current measurements taken by successive governments to address the issue of participation in STEM.ActionsTo engage the public in science and engineering we:hold the British Science Festival and the National Science and Engineering Week, events that promote science and raise the publics awareness of science issuesfund the work of 3 independent national academies: the Royal Society, the British Academy and the Royal Academy of Engineeringmake science and engineering policy decisions that are informed by monitoring public opinionpromote science in schools and fund programmes and events that inspire students to study STEM subjectsBackgroundIn 2008 the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) funded A Vision for Science and Society - A consultation on Developing a New Strategy for the UK to find out how we should develop science skills, improve science communication and build public confidence in science.The consultation identified five areas for us to improve:science for all - changing public attitudes on sciencescience and the media - training the scientific community to work with the mediascience and learning - inspiring young people to take an interest in and study STEM subjectsscience and careers - improving career advice for people wanting to work in sciencescience and trust - increasing public trust in how science is doneBased on this consultation we have drafted a set of criteria on what we should fund, which has been open to the public for comment. The next step is to develop a new set of science and society activities ready for the next financial year.Published:12 December 2012Organisation:Department for Business, Innovation & SkillsMinister:The Rt Hon David Willetts MP

Department for Education, 2008, After-school Science and Engineering Clubs Evaluation: Final Report, LondonResults of action currently taken to improve STEM participation The following statements from the report outline some of the results which have arisen from some current measurements taken by successive governments to address the issue of participation in STEM.FindingsSelection of pupils to join the clubs A large majority of schools (79%) used the identification of pupils as being gifted and talented as a recruitment tool, or used open invitation methods (74%), with most schools using more than one method. Only 29% of schools used borderline level 6 to 7 (predictions of attainment in key stage 3 tests) as a criterion. Many club leaders identified competition from other after school activities, e.g. drama club, music lessons, after school sports activities, as a barrier to recruitment. 2Club organisation Most clubs (79%) had a core membership that attended every session, whilst a few clubs (5%) invited additional pupils to specific sessions. A small minority (9%) had different sets of pupils for each activity. In some schools older pupils were used as mentors. Club activity programmes were mainly developed by teachers, although in a minority of cases, pupils' ideas were taken into account. Engagement with other organisations and support Museums and similar venues were most popular with clubs in terms of organising visits, with businesses being the main source of visitors to schools. The motivational value of events such as competitions was recognised, although in a minority of schools there was a view that the required time commitment was problematic. Most rural schools had not recognised the potential of agriculture and the rural economy as being suitable examples of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) business. The good practice workshops (organised by the Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics Network or STEMNET) provided the most opportunity for school interaction, being attended by over 50% of schools but other inter-school links were scarce. Schools valued the BA (British Association for the Advancement of Science) and STEMNET web resources available to support clubs, although a minority of schools were not aware of their existence. Support, where accessed, from SETPOINTs, and the role of the STEMNET regional directors, was valued. Pupil views on club organisation The majority of pupils (80%) thought their club was well organised and over 90% thought that they did interesting things in the club, and the majority of pupils' views about their involvement in their club became more positive the longer they had been a member. Most pupils thought they had developed their understanding of what engineers and scientists do (69% and 75%), although most discussions with pupils during case study visits revealed a lot of ongoing misconceptions. More pupils thought the club had helped their understanding of science (64%) and design and technology (D&T) (49%) than mathematics (40%). Activities and competitions The most popular activities (all carried out in 50% or more of schools) were energy and environment, flight and/or rockets, building (and sometimes racing) cars, robotics and electronics. Other research evidence1 shows that prevalence of cars and rockets activities may be counterproductive with girls The majority (62%) of schools had run between 3 and 6 different club topics. Almost all schools (98%) had organised some form of celebration event. 1 Murphey, P and Whitelegg, E., (2006) Girls in the Physics Classroom Institute of Physics, London 3Impacts on pupils The vast majority of club leaders and other staff saw improvements in practical skills, self-confidence and thinking skills of pupils. A significant majority also noted changing attitudes to and understanding of science, maths and engineering. However, when asked about outcomes relating to achievement, a small majority (e.g. 56% for science) were unsure whether there had been any change, and a small minority (e.g. 3% for science) disagreed that pupils were showing improved achievement, whilst 4% of leaders strongly agreed, and 38% agreed, that pupils were achieving higher in science. Pupils who participated in the clubs were, perhaps unsurprisingly, more likely to have positive attitudes to learning related to science and engineering, compared with the reference group, and were more likely to have sustained their interest and enjoyment in science over time. This was particularly true for girls and Year 8 and 9 pupils. Club members were more likely than reference group pupils to state they intend to carry on in education post-16 and go to university. Both club members and the reference groups showed a marked preference for studying science post 16 and at university compared with engineering or mathematics. Very low numbers of girls (club members and reference groups) intended to study engineering. However, where it was possible to match pupil responses to the two surveys, the evaluation team found that club members were more likely to have become more positive towards studying engineering at university compared with reference group members, and this was particularly true for girls and Year 9 pupils. The pupil surveys suggest that club members are more interested in future science and engineering careers compared with the reference group pupils. Again, girls showed far less interest in engineering as a career. Girls were more likely to have become more positive as a result of club membership about wanting to become a scientist compared with the reference group. Impacts on club leader and other staff Significant majorities of club leaders identified new equipment, better understanding of the STEM agenda, increased STEM profile in school, enhanced collaboration within and between departments, and between parents and schools, and enhanced classroom practice as being benefits of club activity. Around half of other staff involved in the clubs had received training for their involvement. Involvement in clubs increased other staff members perceived level of understanding of science and engineering careers and the STEM agenda, and the majority of respondents indicated their enthusiasm for STEM subjects had grown through involvement in their club. There had been a positive impact on staff-pupil relationships, and over half of the club leader respondents indicated a positive impact on their classroom practice and on their subject knowledge. A majority of these respondents indicated an increase in cooperation within and between departments. A large minority of staff identified time to prepare for and to run clubs as the biggest challenge. Other impacts on the school There had been a rise in the profile of STEM across most schools. There is some evidence that the impact of clubs beyond club sessions was linked to the degree of management support.

Office for National Statistics, Historic UK Population Pyramid, Census Figures 2011, Online, Available at, Accessed 14/10/13The pyramid chart below outlines the UK population, by age and sex, correct as of the 2011 Census.

*All information obtained from the sources identified throughout Appendix 1 will be summarised more formally at the beginning of the project. Appendix 2 Outline of Project Methodology

Appendix 3 Detailed Project Plan and Approach

Appendix 4 Project Gantt Chart

Appendix 5 Outline of Initial Ideas Emerging from Focus Group ActivityThe images and descriptions of initial ideas shown in this Appendix have been taken during an idea generation session which was held with 5 explorer scouts. Their task brief was to model a gadget which they thought could be used in scouts to help people engage in STEM and possibly help them explorer science in order to help them with their school subjects.This is an idea to build an old-fashioned horse cart. The idea is to build the cart using simple fastenings and create the electronic circuit using traditional methods like soldering. This would be customised as it would be entirely the choice of the user as to the choice of components used and the layout of the circuit. This element would give the user good knowledge of electronics. Once that was complete the kit could be used to tow a trailer etc., through the use of magnets, thus teaching the user about mechanical and magnetic forces. This could also form the basis of a competition as the kit could be customisable in terms of the exterior appearance the speed etc. achieved through the design of the circuit. This idea was centred around building an automatic rowing boat. An electronic circuit would be needed to drive the mechanisms required to make the boat row autonomously. This would provide the user with a good knowledge of electronics and mechanics. The boat could then be used in water to the user would have to think about material and water-proofing which may be required. This would also provide a good sense of achievement when they are able to watch the boat sailing on water in a real-life situation. This is an idea to have a kit-built monster truck. The kit would have the main basic components such as the axles, circuitry and a chassis but the rest of the design would be made by the user, or group of users. This would then facilitate learning about the electronic circuitry involved in powering a vehicle, along with the drive components required. It would also give the user a key role and help sustain their interest in the project by giving them control over the final design output. This could then be used in a nation-wide competition where design and function were judged against other groups of users.

A self-assembly rocket was another idea presented by the focus group. The idea centred on the rocket containing individual rooms, which would require the use of technical building skills and as a result the user would develop highly refined construction techniques which would have a practical application in the real-world. In terms of the electronics incorporated within the idea, there would be a requirement to produce a large downward force in order to make the rocket fly, although this would have to be controlled in some way in order to ensure the kit was re-usable. The focus group thought this would encourage a lot of interest in the kit and would generate great excitement when the users were finally able to see the rocket flying, again adding to a sense of achievement because the user will have built something which can fly.

The last idea presented by the focus group was a mechanically operated flower which would combine using knowledge in the area of solar power and mechanical drive mechanisms in order to operate the flower. The idea is that the flower will be bent in two, once the sun rises it will charge the solar panel, connected to the electronic circuit, and this in turn will start to operate the mechanisms which will slowly make the flower rise to its up-right position. Once in the up-right position a butterfly, situated on one of the flower petals, will move. The focus group thought this would help teach young learners about renewable energy, mechanisms and programming through the need for the flower to complete this autonomously. They thought it would also be nice decoration once completed and would not gather dust like much of the kits commercially available now.

Appendix 6 Outline of Initial Ideas Emerging from Visit to Glasgow Science Centre

Appendix 7 Outline of Initial Ideas Surrounding Circuit Construction

Kerrie Noble1