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Proiect ttm 2014

Mar 01, 2016



Firuţă George

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    NR/CRT NUME SI PRENUME GrupaSF[m3/t] Tip marfa54 BLNDA C. ALEXANDRU 31 2.57 malt bags55 BOGZEANU G. ANDREI 31 1.19 manure bags56 BULGARU C. ANDREI 31 0.62 marble crates57 COSMA N. ROBERT IULIAN 31 0.76 scrap iron58 DIMA F. RADU NICOLAE 31 2.83 mohair bales59 DOBRESCU L. RADU LUCIAN 31 1.63 morocco leather bales60 DUMITRU C. GABRIELA CRISTINA 31 1.71 morocco leather bales61 FOTEA S. TNSEL CRISTIAN 31 1.94 mustard seed bags62 FRUNZ L. DIANA VALENTINA 31 0.71 nickel ore barrels63 GEAMBAU D. FLORENTINA 31 1.65 potatoes bulk64 GHELDIU M. ALEXANDRU IOAN 31 1.44 prunes cases65 GIUGLAN M. MARIUS EUGEN 31 4.22 rags bales66 GIURGIU I. RZVAN TEFAN 31 0.37 railway iron rails67 IORGULESCU C. EDUARD ANDREI 31 3.49 rattan bundles68 LAMB M.D. DANIEL 31 1.48 raisins cases69 MARIN C. ELENA MDLINA 31 1.08 cement bags70 MURGESCU R. EMILIAN GABRIEL 31 2.41 acetona butoaie71 NEDELCU C. ADRIAN DANIEL 31 1.22 alabaster saci72 NICHITA C. RADU ANDREI 31 1.3 albumen conserve cutii73 PAILEA C. ADRIAN 31 2.12 alcohol butoaie74 POPESCU S. ALEXANDRU 31 1.42 aluminium scrap bale75 ROMAN V.M. IOANA 31 1.47 amboyna wood76 SNDULESCU R. ADRIANA DANIELA 31 1.53 animal meal bags77 SOARE G. NELU 31 1.13 china clay78 STERE G. ALINA 31 0.76 antimony ore cases79 TIFU I.S. ADINA BIANCA 31 1.93 arachides bags80 ZANFIR L. SORIN ANTON 31 1.64 asbestos bales

    161 ALBIN-DUMITRU G. GEORGEL 32 1.56 beans bags162 ANTONESCU C.V. GEORGE ALEXAN 32 0.83 bismuth ore bags163 ANTONESCU C.V. VICTOR PETRE 32 1.37 bitumen barrels164 BALT L. DORU-CIPRIAN 32 1.58 borax casks165 BOERU G. CTLINA 32 2.18 plywood crates166 COSTACHE . ALEXANDRU ROBERT 32 1.07 potash bags167 DIACONU F.E. VLAD 32 0.91 dead sea potash168 DICHIU V. ANDREI 32 1.67 potatoes bags169 ENE T. TEFAN CRISTIAN 32 1.13 oak sawn170 GRUIEA I. ADRIAN 32 1.56 oak staves171 IBRAM S. BIRGHIUL 32 2.29 onions crates172 IORGA G. MARIAN ADRIAN 32 1.73 olives barrels

  • 173 MACOVEI N. VLAD DANIEL 32 1.78 oranges cartons174 MICU V. CHRISTIAN LUCIAN 32 1.64 palm oil barrels175 MIHAILOV M. ALEXANDRU NICOLAE 32 2.46 paper rolls 176 MNER . RADU CRISTIAN 32 1.59 wood pulp bales177 NICOLENCO A. ANDRIANA 32 1.27 pipes178 NICULAE P. CONSTANTIN 32 2.09 pepper bags179 OANCEA C. OCTAVIAN 32 0.94 phophate rock bulk180 OLARU R. GEORGE ALEXANDRU 32 1.81 pistachio nuts drums181 OLARU V. CTLIN 32 2.32 glycerine drums182 OL V. ALEXANDRU 32 1.78 coffee bags183 POSPAI G. ANDREI ADRIAN 32 2.07 coke184 RETEVOI L. THEODOR 32 1.31 condensed milk tins185 ROMBIS A.A. ANDREI FLORENTIN 32 1.33 coal186 UNGUREANU D. BOGDAN 32 0.34 cooper lingots187 ZGHEREA I. DUMITRU 32 0.85 cooper coils108 ANTOHI I. RENAT 33 1.56 oak staves109 ARABAGI D. ALEXANDRU 33 1.73 olives barrels110 ARTENI R. ALEXANDRU IONU 33 2.29 onions crates111 CIOCOI G. IONU SILVIU 33 1.78 oranges cartons112 CORNEI N. ALEXANDRU 33 1.64 palm oil barrels113 DUCEAC P. PETRIAN 33 2.46 paper rolls 114 FTU V. ADRIAN 33 1.27 pipes115 FODOR I. FLORIN 33 1.62 potatoes bulk116 GHEORGHE A. SILVIU IONU 33 1.67 potatoes bags117 GHEORGHE V. ION BOGDAN 33 1.81 pistachio nuts drums118 HALABALA N. CRISTINEL 33 1.07 potash bags119 ISPAS E. MIRCEA 33 2.18 plywood crates120 IVAN G. OVIDIU FLORINEL 33 0.91 dead sea potash121 MIHAIU G. ION 33 0.34 railway iron rails122 MIHALCEA D.G. VLAD IOAN 33 1.41 prunes cases123 MITU T. ALINA NELUA 33 4.25 rags bales124 MOISE T. IULIAN 33 1.48 raisins cases125 NICOLAE A. ANDREI ALBERT 33 1.06 bauxita saci126 NICULACHE M. CRISTIAN 33 0.36 railway iron rails127 NUU G.A. DUMITREL 33 1.38 beans bulk128 OBOROCEANU G. DORU 33 1.46 raisins cases129 PETRESCU A. IONU 33 3.47 rattan bundles130 PETRESCU D. COSMIN 33 1.36 rice bulk131 POPESCU G. VLAD 33 1.49 rice bags132 ANDRU M. MARIUS 33 2.38 ropes manilla133 TEFNIC G. ALEXANDRU 33 0.93 rope wire coils

    1 ACSENTE N. CTLIN NICUOR 34 2.32 glycerine drums2 BALEA D. RADU VALENTIN 34 1.78 coffee bags3 BLAN G. CTLINA IOANA 34 2.07 coke4 BOUHAR C. SIMONA 34 1.31 condensed milk tins5 BURLACU S. CTLINA-FLORENTINA 34 1.33 coal6 DIMA V. RZVAN IONU 34 0.34 cooper lingots7 GAVRILOV P. ROLAND 34 0.85 cooper coils8 GUNESCH D. ANDREI 34 2.15 copra bulk9 ISMAIL G. INDER GIUNEIT 34 8.49 cork bales

    10 JURUBI V. VIOREL 34 1.21 gypsum bags11 MEIL I. CORNEL DUMITRU 34 4.14 rags bales12 MOROZ A. SERGHEI 34 2.03 cotton bales

  • 13 NISTOR I. SORIN CONSTANTIN 34 0.39 railway iron rails14 OLTEANU M. MARIAN OCTAVIAN 34 1.13 guano bulk15 OPREA M. VLAD ALEXANDRU 34 1.02 cubic nitre bags16 OSMAN I. SERVIN 34 1.56 ebony17 RUSU E. ILLARION 34 1.06 feldspar bags18 RUSU L. VLAD 34 1.75 fish manure bags19 SAVA V. IONEL VASILE 34 1.64 flour barrels20 SINTION G. VIOREL 34 0.36 galena ore21 SMIRNOV . MARIUS ALEXANDRU 34 0.79 galvanized iron pakages22 STERIU S. IONU DANIEL 34 2.69 garlic bags23 EITAN T. ALEXANDRU 34 1.38 maize bulk24 TEFAN E. DAN ADRIAN 34 1.41 glass crates25 TUDOS P. MIHAI FLORIN 34 1.43 soya beans bags26 VASILACHI V. DIONIS 34 0.48 granite blocks27 VLAD D. GEORGE MIHAI 34 0.23 lead ore 81 ALEXANDRU L. ANTONIO 35 1.32 asphalt drums82 BRCAN V. VIRGIL 35 3.68 bananas cartons83 BRSAN I. FLAVIUS IOAN 35 0.74 bauxita84 CARAULANI N. CRISTIAN 35 1.02 bauxita saci85 CPITANU V. DRAGO 35 1.36 beans bulk86 CHISELEV V. CRISTIAN 35 1.45 beans bags87 COMAN G. FLORIN DANIEL 35 0.85 bismuth ore bags88 DOBLEAG P. MARIAN 35 1.33 bitumen barrels89 FURTUN S. TEFNU 35 1.55 borax casks90 GRB C. DANIEL 35 0.62 briks91 GHEORGHIESCU V. ADRIAN 35 0.96 caustic soda liquor drums92 GORE C. DNU 35 1.05 cement bags93 ION I. TEFAN 35 2.83 charcoal bulk94 MANEA M. GEORGE DARIUS 35 1.39 Kaolin casks95 MARICA O. RZVAN OVIDIU 35 0.45 chrome ore cases96 MASALAGIU V. ANTONIO CRISTIAN 35 2.06 pepper bags97 MIHAI M. DRAGO 35 0.96 phophate rock bulk98 MOLDOVEANU M. ROBERT ADRIAN 35 1.23 pipes99 MUAT I. CORNELIU CIPRIAN 35 1.76 pistachio nuts drums

    100 NECULA G. FLORIN DANIEL 35 2.12 plywood crates101 PALAC F. NICOLAE 35 1.59 wood pulp bales102 PRUNCEAC V. BOGDAN 35 2.09 pepper bags103 STOICA G. MARIAN-ALEXANDRU 35 0.94 phophate rock bulk104 VASILE C. COSTIN 35 1.05 potash bags105 VLACIU P. CLAUDIU 35 0.95 dead sea potash106 VLDU M.C. ROBERT 35 1.63 potatoes bags107 ZRNESCU V.F. RADU-GEORGE 35 1.13 oak sawn134 ANTON M. IULIAN 36 1.36 rubber latex drums135 BIOG N. NICU CTLIN 36 2.75 garlic bags136 BOLDESCU C. ADRIAN 36 1.43 soya beans bags137 BOLFAN C. SEBASTIAN 36 0.49 granite blocks138 BUZATU M. EDUARD-PAUL 36 1.41 glass crates139 CAZACENCU D. VLDU PETRE 36 1.4 maize bulk140 CERGHICESCU I. ALEXANDRU IONU 36 1.18 guano bulk141 CIOCAN M. CRISTIAN 36 1.35 maize bulk142 CIUCURA B. DANIEL BOGDAN 36 1.41 soya beans bags143 COCO . GABRIEL TEFAN 36 1.27 gypsum bags144 CUZMIN N. TEFAN 36 1.39 rubber latex drums145 DIMA . GEORGE 36 2.81 garlic bags

  • 146 DRGHICI C. GABRIEL 36 1.43 glass crates147 GRIGORE A. BOGDAN CONSTANTIN 36 0.47 granite blocks148 IVANOV I. IONU ADELIN 36 1.6 potatoes bulk149 MARINACHE V. ALEXANDRU DANIEL 36 1.62 potatoes bags150 MAZILU G. ANDREI IONU 36 1.43 prunes cases151 MIHAI I. CRISTIAN 36 1.15 guano bulk152 MIRCEA V. IONU MARCEL 36 1.23 gypsum bags153 MIA D. ANDREI 36 4.18 rags bales154 NICHIFOR M. VIOREL ANDREI 36 2.12 plywood crates155 NICOLOV M. MARIAN 36 1.43 prunes cases156 NI M. ALEXANDRU VALENTIN 36 4.18 rags bales157 PARPALEA V.C. CONSTANTIN GEORG36 0.34 railway iron rails158 RAICIU N. ENACHE 36 1.48 raisins cases159 SIMION G. RADU COSMIN 36 1.06 bauxita saci160 TEFU H. NICOLAE 36 1.38 beans bulk28 ALHALLAK M. ALI ABDULL 37 1.43 raisins cases29 AVRAM M. ADRIAN 37 1.11 bauxita saci30 BDOIU D. CRISTIAN 37 1.34 beans bulk31 BLATU F. TEODOR IULIAN 37 1.59 beans bags32 BERARU G. LUCIAN 37 0.89 bismuth ore bags33 CIOBANIUC E. ALEXANDRU CTLIN 37 1.38 bitumen barrels34 CRISTEA-NICOLAE C. ADELIN 37 1.56 borax casks35 DUDU S. ANDREAS FLORIN 37 2.14 pepper bags36 GRIGOREANU P. PETRIOR ALIN 37 0.51 clay37 IACOB G. MIREL BOGDAN 37 3.46 hay bales38 ILIEF N. CTLIN 37 0.34 hematite bulk39 ILIEF N. FELICIA 37 1.57 wet hides barrels40 IORDACHE C. ALEXANDRU RZVAN 37 2.18 indigo paste casks 41 NECULA S. CLAUDIO ADRIAN 37 0.85 jarrah wood42 OPRIC I. MARIUS DRAGO 37 1.78 kerosene drums43 PARASCHIV C. BOGDAN COSTEL 37 2.69 linen bales44 PAATA F. ADRIAN 37 2.38 locust beans45 PNZARU D.D. TEFAN 37 2.46 logwood bundels46 ROMAN C.L. ALEXANDRU 37 2.26 macaroni cases47 SFREDEL C. IULIAN TEFAN 37 1.84 madder root bales48 SIMION M. GEORGE ALEXANDRU 37 0.71 magnesite bulk49 SOFRONE N. DRAGO 37 0.48 magnetite bulk50 TEODOROV M. VICENIU-ANDY 37 0.82 mahogany logs51 TOPOR V. DRAGO MARIAN 37 1.27 mahogany boards52 TULCIANU G. CRISTIAN 37 1.33 maize bulk53 ZAIF H. MIHAI ALEXANDRU 37 1.53 maize bags

    188 ANDRONACHE A.B. RZVAN ADRIAN38 1.05 potash bags189 ANTOHI F. IONU DRAGO 38 0.95 dead sea potash190 BELENIUC G. GRIGORE-VALENTIN 38 1.63 potatoes bags191 BOTEA A. ENACHE 38 1.13 oak sawn192 CRCIUMARU M. PAUL ADRIAN 38 1.56 oak staves193 COSTACHE V. MDLIN VIOREL 38 1.73 olives barrels194 DNCIULESCU V. LUCIAN FLORIN 38 2.29 onions crates195 DU C.D. TUDOR ALEXANDRU 38 1.78 oranges cartons196 ENU I. GEORGE 38 1.64 palm oil barrels197 GHEORGHE M. VIOREL ROBERT 38 2.46 paper rolls 198 IORDAN A. COSMIN 38 1.27 pipes199 MATEI I. ANTONIO LAURENIU 38 1.62 potatoes bulk

  • 200 MUSTAFA E. AILIN 38 1.67 potatoes bags201 NACU E. ALEXANDRU 38 1.81 pistachio nuts drums202 NEACU P. AURELIAN 38 1.07 potash bags203 OLOERIU M. NICUOR IONU 38 2.18 plywood crates204 PASCU V. FLORIN VICTOR 38 0.91 dead sea potash205 PETCU N. LUCIAN 38 0.34 railway iron rails206 PRVU I. ROBERT 38 1.41 prunes cases207 RADU C. ANDREI GEORGE 38 4.25 rags bales208 STANCIU M. ALEXANDRU 38 1.48 raisins cases209 TULUC M. CRISTIAN 38 1.06 bauxita saci210 AA N. ANDREI 38 0.36 railway iron rails211 UNGUREANU V. VLAD 38 1.38 beans bulk212 VASILE P. CONSTANTIN 38 1.46 raisins cases213 VOINESCU I. ALEXANDRU RZVAN 38 3.47 rattan bundles

  • Tip incarcarefullmag sup 1,2,4 goaledoar mag 1,2,3bulk, doar mag 1,3,4 inffullfullfullfulldoar mag 1,3 infbulk, mag 2 sup goalamag 4, 2 sup goalefulldoar mag 1,3 inffullmag 2,4 sup goaledoar mag inffullmag 2,3 sup goalemag 3 sup goalafullmag 2 sup goalabulk, mag 1 sup goalafullbulk, doar mag infdoar mag inffullfullmag 1 sup goaladoar mag infmag 3 sup goalafullfullmag 1,3,4 sup goalebulk, doar mag 1,3,4 inffulldoar mag inffullfullfull

  • fullfullfullmag 1 sup goaladoar mag inffullbulk, doar mag inffullfullfullbulk, fullmag 1,3 sup goalebulk, mag 1,3 sup goaledoar mag 1,3 infdoar mag 1,3,4 inffullfullfullfullfullfulldoar mag infbulk, mag 2 sup goalafullfullmag 1,3,4 sup goalefullbulk, doar mag 1,3,4 infdoar mag 1,3 infmag 4, 2 sup goalefullmag 2,4 sup goaledoar mag infdoar mag 1,3 infbulk mag 2,3 sup goalemag 2,4 sup goalefullbulk, mag 4, 2 sup goalemag 4 sup goalafulldoar mag inffullfullbulk, fullmag 1,3 sup goalebulk, mag 1,3 sup goaledoar mag 1,3 infdoar mag 1,3,4 infbulk, fullfulldoar mag inffullfull

  • doar mag 1,3 infdoar mag infmag sup 2,3 goalebulk, mag 3 sup goalamag sup 2,3 goalefullfullbulk, mag 3 infmag 3,1 inffullbulk, mag 1,3 sup goalemag 3 sup goalamag 2 sup goaladoar mag 1 si 3 infbulk, doar mag 3 infmag 2,3 sup goalefullbulk, mag sup goale, mag 2 inf goaladoar mag infbulk mag 2,3 sup goalemag 1 sup goaladoar mag infmag 3 sup goalafulldoar mag 1,3,4 infmag 2,3,4 sup goaledoar mag infbulk fullmag 2,3 sup goaledoar mag 3,1 inffullbulk, doar mag infdoar mag inffullfullmag 1 sup goalafullbulk, doar mag infmag 1,3,4 sup goalebulk, doar mag 1,3,4 inffulldoar mag infmag 4 sup goalafullmag 2 sup goaladoar mag 1 si 3 infmag 3 sup goalabulk, mag 1,3 sup goaledoar mag infbulk, mag 1,3 sup goalemag 2 sup goaladoar mag infmag 4 sup goalafull

  • mag 3 sup goaladoar mag 1 si 3 infbulk, mag 2 sup goalafullmag 4, 2 sup goaledoar mag infdoar mag inffullmag 1 sup goalamag 4, 2 sup goalefulldoar mag 1,3 infmag 2,4 sup goaledoar mag infbulk mag 2,3 sup goalemag 2,4 sup goaledoar mag infbulk mag 2,3 sup goalemag 1 sup goaladoar mag infmag 3 sup goalafullfullbulk, doar mag 1,3 inffullbulk, doar mag 1,3 inffullfullbulk, doar mag inffullfull bulk fullfullfullfullbulk, doar mag 1,3,4 infbulk, doar mag 1, 3 infbulk, mag 2,3,4 sup goalemag sup 2,4 goalemag sup 2,4 goalefullmag 1,3,4 sup goalebulk, doar mag 1,3,4 inffulldoar mag inffullfullfullfullfullfulldoar mag infbulk, mag 2 sup goala

  • fullfullmag 1,3,4 sup goalefullbulk, doar mag 1,3,4 infdoar mag 1,3 infmag 4, 2 sup goalefullmag 2,4 sup goaledoar mag infdoar mag 1,3 infbulk mag 2,3 sup goalemag 2,4 sup goalefull

  • Displacment Sheet general cargoLegend

    Input dataPartial resultsConstant dataFinal resultsData without ballast influence

    Volume Stowage Weight VCGITEM above BL

    [%] [m3/t] [t] [m]Magazia 1sup 0 1.13 0 9.39Magazia 1inf 818 1.13 724 4.87Magazia 2sup 0 1.13 0 8.93Magazia 2inf 1900 1.13 1681 4.22Magazia 3sup 0 1.13 0 8.78Magazia 3inf 1934 1.13 1712 4.18Magazia 4sup 0 1.13 0 8.85Magazia 4inf 1917 1.13 1696 4.25Total cargo 6569 5813 4.30Ballast water Weight Percent %1forep 352 0 0 7.282db 252 0 0 1.406db 124 0 0 0.727db 124 0 0 0.728db 86 0 0 0.799db 86 0 0 0.7910afterp 106 0 0 6.87Total ballast 0 0.00

    total fuel 543 0.96total diesel 259 1.64total lub 31 7.05total freshwater 208 7.89total drains 0 0.00constant weights 21 12.90Deadweight 6875 4.08lightship 3639 7.99Displacement 10514 5.43

    D VCG TOTAL FSM GZ FARA BALAST sin VCGsin KN10514 5.43 203.40 10 0.17 0.94 1.2910514 5.43 315.80 20 0.34 1.86 2.6210514 5.43 357.20 30 0.50 2.72 3.90

  • 10514 5.43 367.60 40 0.64 3.49 5.0210514 5.43 352.20 50 0.77 4.16 5.9110514 5.43 316.80 60 0.87 4.71 6.4710514 5.43 270.50 70 0.94 5.11 6.7410514 5.43 207.70 80 0.98 5.35 6.7710514 5.43 145.50 90 1.00 5.43 6.57

    10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 900.00











    Column I

  • Vertical LCG LongitudinalMoment from AP Moment

    [tm] [m] [tm]0.00 101.54 0.00

    3525.36 100.46 72722.370.00 82.11 0.00

    7095.58 81.77 137489.380.00 61.35 0.00

    7154.09 61.34 104983.680.00 40.40 0.00

    7209.96 40.80 69215.5824984.98 66.13 384411.01

    FSM [tm]0.00 116.27 0.00 00.00 101.72 0.00 00.00 61.36 0.00 00.00 61.36 0.00 00.00 42.04 0.00 00.00 42.04 0.00 00.00 4.19 0.00 00.00 0.00 0.00 0

    FSM [tm]521.28 56.84 30864.12 533424.76 76.16 19725.44 381218.55 13.25 410.75 0

    1641.12 28.82 5994.56 2180.00 0.00 0.00 0

    270.90 9.68 203.2828061.59 64.23 441609.1629075.61 48.73 177328.47 FSM [tm]57137.20 58.87 618937.63 1132


    0.02 0.33 0.33 0.030.03 0.73 1.39 0.120.03 1.15 3.27 0.29

  • 0.03 1.49 5.91 0.520.03 1.71 9.11 0.790.03 1.73 12.55 1.090.03 1.61 15.90 1.390.02 1.39 18.90 1.650.01 1.12 21.42 1.87

    10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 900.00











    Column I

  • Displacment Sheet bulk cargoLegend

    Input dataPartial resultsConstant dataFinal resultsData without ballast influence

    Volume Stowage Weight VCG VerticalITEM above BL Moment

    [m3/t] [%] [t] [m] [tm]Magazia 1sup 0 0.01 0 9.38 0.00Magazia 1inf 0 0.01 0 4.94 0.00Magazia 2sup 0 0.01 0 8.98 0.00Magazia 2inf 0 0.01 0 4.29 0.00Magazia 3sup 0 0.01 0 8.82 0.00Magazia 3inf 0 0.01 0 4.25 0.00Magazia 4sup 0 0.01 0 8.90 0.00Magazia 4inf 0 0.01 0 4.32 0.00Total cargo 0 0 #DIV/0! 0.00Ballast water Weight Percent %1forep 352 0 0 7.28 0.002db 252 0 0 1.40 0.006db 124 0 0 0.72 0.007db 124 0 0 0.72 0.008db 86 0 0 0.79 0.009db 86 0 0 0.79 0.0010afterp 106 0 0 6.87 0.00Total ballast 0 0.00 0.00

    total fuel 543 0.96 521.28total diesel 259 1.64 424.76total lub 31 7.05 218.55total freshwater 208 7.89 1641.12total drains 0 0.00 0.00constant weights 21 12.90 270.90Deadweight 1062 2.90 3076.61lightship 3639 7.99 29075.61Displacement 4701 6.84 32152.22


    4701 6.84 203.40 10 0.17 1.19 1.30 0.044701 6.84 315.80 20 0.34 2.34 2.61 0.074701 6.84 357.20 30 0.50 3.42 3.81 0.08

  • 4701 6.84 367.60 40 0.64 4.40 4.87 0.084701 6.84 352.20 50 0.77 5.24 5.75 0.074701 6.84 316.80 60 0.87 5.92 6.33 0.074701 6.84 270.50 70 0.94 6.43 6.63 0.064701 6.84 207.70 80 0.98 6.74 6.70 0.044701 6.84 145.50 90 1.00 6.84 6.55 0.03

    10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90











    Column I

  • LCG Longitudinalfrom AP Moment

    [m] [tm]101.67 0.00100.60 0.00

    82.43 0.0081.95 0.0061.35 0.0061.34 0.0040.31 0.0040.70 0.00

    #DIV/0! 0.00FSM [tm]

    116.27 0.00 0101.72 0.00 0

    61.36 0.00 061.36 0.00 042.04 0.00 042.04 0.00 0

    4.19 0.00 00.00 0.00 0

    FSM [tm]56.84 30864.12 53376.16 19725.44 38113.25 410.75 028.82 5994.56 218

    0.00 0.00 09.68 203.28

    53.86 57198.1548.73 177328.47 FSM [tm]49.89 234526.62 1132

    GZFLUID SUM GZ FL ld0.07 0.07 0.010.20 0.34 0.030.31 0.86 0.07

  • 0.40 1.57 0.140.44 2.40 0.210.34 3.18 0.280.15 3.66 0.32

    -0.08 3.73 0.32-0.32 3.33 0.29

    10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90











    Column I

  • 2 123 234 445 526 777 89.38 105.29 121.1

    -371 -244 -117 10 137 264 391 518 645 772-414.7 -272.8 -130.9 11 152.9 294.8 436.7 578.6 720.5 862.4

    12 168.813 184.714 200.615 216.516 232.417 248.318 264.219 280.120 29621 311.922 327.823 343.724 359.625 375.526 391.427 407.3

    NAV, AN III, SERIA TBGeneral CargoBulk CargoSheet1