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Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM) Professor Jack Stankovic Department of Computer Science University of Virginia

Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Jan 15, 2016




Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM). Professor Jack Stankovic Department of Computer Science University of Virginia. Questions. How do you program these wireless sensor devices? How do you debug your code on a PC? How do you download your code? How do you debug the system?. nesC. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Programming in nesC(and TOSSIM)

Professor Jack StankovicDepartment of Computer

ScienceUniversity of Virginia

Page 2: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)


• How do you program these wireless sensor devices?

• How do you debug your code on a PC?

• How do you download your code?

• How do you debug the system?


TOSSIM – Lab 3

Lab 0

Message Center – Lab 2

Page 3: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)


• What else do you need to know?– TinyOS

• Why nesC?– Most widely used– Example of systems language for

embedded systems

Page 4: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Helpful MaterialsHelpful Materials

• Labs and Lab materials – see class web site

• Handouts – read• Read:

– The nesC Language: A Holistic Approach to Networked Embedded Systems, D. Gay, et. al., PLDI, 2003 (sections 1-4 inclusive)

• Google to find TinyOS tutorial

Page 5: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)


• Overview• Main Elements and Examples• Task Model and Concurrency• More Coding Details• Examples• Message Center (Lab 2; intro in

class)• TOSSIM• Summary

Page 6: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

TinyOS and nesC Paradigm

TinyOS and nesC Paradigm

• Component-based • TinyOS, libraries, applications

written in nesC• Intended for embedded systems and

WSN• C-like syntax (new keywords)

– Call, signal, task, post, async, …

• TinyOS concurrency model (tasks and events)

Page 7: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

TinyOS and nesC Paradigm

TinyOS and nesC Paradigm

• No dynamic memory• nesC bi-directional interface is an

excellent fit for event driven systems

• Race conditions checked at compile time

Page 8: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Big PictureBig Picture• Write components; use components

written by others– Will need new keywords/framework for

defining components

• Glue components together– Called wiring– Configuration file

• Bi-directional interfaces• Concurrency/Execution Model

– Tasks– Event handlers

• Data races checked at compile time

Page 9: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Big PictureBig Picture

• Use development environment on PC and download to target system (motes)

• Simulator available before downloading– Debug on PC

• Message Center tool – inject/read msgs– Debug on actual platform

Page 10: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Big PictureBig Picture

• nesC application– 1 or more components– Wire them together– Must have a MAIN component

• Modules (implement your code)• Configurations (the wiring)• Interfaces

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Big PictureBig Picture


Provides Interfaces

Uses Interfaces


Commands (how to use the interface)

Events (user of interface must implement)

Page 12: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Application ExampleApplication Example


Radio byte



Messaging Layer



packet Radio Packet

Routing Layer

sensing applicationapplication






UART Packet

UART byte

Page 13: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Example (cont.)Example (cont.)

• You might only write the application component

• Perhaps all other components are from a library

• Applies to TinyOS– 108 code modules in TinyOS– Examples of Applications

•Surge 31 modules – 27 of them OS•TinyDB 65 modules – 38 of them OS

Page 14: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Example (cont.)Example (cont.)

• Note: HW components– Veneer of SW exists for each HW

component• Hides interrupt vector set up• Abstracts details of HW init and use (more

details later)

Page 15: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)



Declare commands (implementor of this interface must implement these commands)

Declare events (User of this interface, i.e., a components that invokes commands, must implement these events – call back functions)

Interfaces have global scope!

Page 16: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Interface ExampleInterface Example

• Interface is a type• Many instances of the interface may exist• A command or event in an interface is

named i.f (Ex: Timer.start, Timer.fired) * filename for a bidirectional interface

interface Timer {

command result_t start (char type uint32_t interval);command result_t stop();event result_t fired();


Page 17: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Split PhaseSplit Phase

• Because of the execution model, code should exist in small execution pieces

• Similar to asynchronous method calls

• Separate initiation of method call from the return of the call– Call to split-phase operation returns

immediately– When work actually finishes the caller is

notified via another method call

Page 18: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Specify Split-PhaseSpecify Split-Phase

• Declare Interface with both– Command– Event

(e.g., of previous (2) slides back)

• Use to avoid long delay operations– (since a non-preemptive model is used)

Page 19: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Components and Interfaces

Components and Interfaces


Provides interfaces(multiple interfaces)(bi-directional)

Uses Interfaces(multiple interfaces)(bidirectional)

Page 20: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Component Example -Modules

Component Example -Modules

• Implements a component’s specification with C code:

module MyCompM { provides interface X; provides interface Y; uses interface Z;}implementation {…// C code}

module MyCompM { provides { interface X; interface Y; } uses interface Z;}implementation {…// C code}


The implementation part implements the provides interfacesand if the uses interface has an event then this module mustalso implement an event handler.

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• Used for grouping functionality, like:– split-phase operation (send, sendDone)– standard control interface (init, start, stop)

• Describe bidirectional interaction:

• Interface provider must implement commands• Interface user must implement events

interface Clock { command result_t setRate (char interval, char scale); event result_t fired ();}



Note: This is how you declare a split-phase operation,i.e., Command and Event declared.

Page 22: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)


• Examples of interfaces:

interface StdControl { command result_t init (); command result_t start (); command result_t stop ();}

interface Timer { command result_t start (char type, uint32_t

interval); command result_t stop (); event result_t fired ();}

interface SendMsg { command result_t send (uint16_t

addr, uint8_t len, TOS_MsgPtr

p); event result_t sendDone ();}

interface ReceiveMsg { event TOS_MsgPtr receive (TOS_MsgPtr


Page 23: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)


• Not all Interfaces are split-phase

• E.g., StdControl and ReceiveMsg are not

interface StdControl { command result_t init (); command result_t start (); command result_t stop ();}

interface ReceiveMsg { event TOS_MsgPtr receive

(TOS_MsgPtr m);}

Page 24: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Parameterized InterfacesParameterized Interfaces

• Note [ …] : This is not a parameter list (can have that too).

module GenericCommM { provides interface SendMsg [uint8_t id]; provides interface ReceiveMsg [uint8_t id]; …}implementation {…} GenericCommM.n


Page 25: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Parameterized InterfacesParameterized Interfaces

Uses SendMsgInterface

Uses SendMsgInterface

Uses SendMsgInterface

SendMsg Interface Provided by some Component

Must know who to respond to

Send Msg 1 Send Msg 2 Send Msg 3

All boxes are components

ID = 1 ID = 2 ID = 3

Page 26: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Parameterized InterfacesParameterized Interfaces

Uses TimerInterface

Uses TimerInterface

Uses TimerInterface

Timer Interface Provided by some Component

Must know who to respond to

Set timer for 200 ms Set timer for 150 ms Set timer for 75 ms

All boxes are components

ID = 1 ID = 2 ID = 3

Page 27: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)



Interface1 command a command b event cInterface2 command d


Commands Events


Wire allcomponentsthat issuecommands a, b or dto thiscomponent

Page 28: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)


• Wire components together

• Connected elements must be compatible (interface-interface, command-command, event-event)

• 3 wiring statements in nesC:– endpoint1 = endpoint2

– endpoint1 -> endpoint2

– endpoint1 <- endpoint2 (equivalent: endpoint2 -> endpoint1)

Page 29: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Configuration - Example Configuration - Example

• Blink application• Wiring Example

configuration BlinkC { }

implementation { components Main, BlinkM, ClockC,


Main.StdControl->BlinkM.StdControl; BlinkM.Clock->ClockC; BlinkM.Leds->LedsC;}

ClockC LedsC




ClockC is really ClockC.ClockLedsC is really LedsC.Leds

Page 30: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)


Main.StdControl -> BlinkM.StdControl

Component Interface Component Interface Implementation


Page 31: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Equals SignEquals Sign

A: provides I

B: provides I

But A does notimplement I butuses what is providedby B

Hence A = B

Often used for hierarchicalConfiguration files – see Example later

Page 32: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)


•– For all source files (interfaces, modules

and configurations)

Page 33: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Concurrency ModelConcurrency Model

• Underlying execution model (TinyOS)– Tasks and Events– Split phase operation

Page 34: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Tasks Tasks

• Tasks– Deferred computation– Non-preemptable by other tasks– Scheduled FCFS from task queue– When no tasks – CPU goes to sleep– Returns void

– Declare tasks with task keyword– Schedule tasks with post keyword

Page 35: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)


task void processData() {

int16_t i, sum=0; atomic { for (i=0; i< size; i++) sum += (rdata[i] >> 7); } display(sum >> log2size); }

Page 36: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)


task void abc(){ . . post alert(); . .}


Next taskCurrent task


FCFS Queue


Page 37: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)


• Events– Execution of an interrupt handler– Runs to completion– Can preempt tasks and can be

preempted by other events

– Declare events with event keyword (as part of interfaces)

– Notify events with signal keyword

Page 38: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)


FCFS Queue

Event: BitsSignal Byte

Event: byteHere

Signal packet

Event: packethere

HW interrupt/radio




Can postTasks/keepHandlers short

Page 39: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Commands and EventsCommands and Events

• For those commands and events that can be executed by interrupt handlers – explicitly mark as async

async event result_t ADC.ready (uint16_t data) { putdata(data); post processData(); return SUCCESS; }

Page 40: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)


• Signify completion of a split-phase operation– Example: packet send via send

command; then communication component will signal sendDone event when transmission is complete

• Events from environment– Message reception– Clock firing

Page 41: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Race ConditionsRace Conditions

• Solutions– Access shared data exclusively within

tasks– Have all accesses within atomic

statementsNon-preemptiveTask queue

Shared data

Event Handlers



Page 42: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Directions of CallsDirections of Calls


Event Call – use keyword signal

Command Call – use keywordcall

Page 43: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Big PictureBig PictureMain …Task … post tasks call commands signal events …Task … Components (modules) async command … command … async event …

Components (modules) async command post task call commands signal events … command …

HW InterruptsInvoke commandsand events

Page 44: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Components - nesCComponents - nesC

• The nesC model:– Interfaces:

• uses• provides

– Components:• modules• configurations

• Application:= graph of components

Component A

Component B


Component C





X = YConfig notation

Page 45: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)


• Call commands and Signal events

module TimerM { provides interface StdControl; provides interface Timer[uint8_t id]; uses interface Clock;…}

implementation { command result_t StdControl.stop() { call Clock.setRate(TOS_I1PS, TOS_S1PS); … signal xyz.fired(); } …}

Page 46: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

ModulesModules• Task: a task is an independent locus of control

defined by a function of storage class task returning void and with no arguments

• Posting tasks: keyword post

module BlinkM {…}implementation {… task void processing () { if(state) call Leds.redOn(); else call Leds.redOff(); }

event result_t Timer.fired () { state = !state; post processing(); return SUCCESS; }…}

Page 47: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Atomic StatementsAtomic Statements

bool busy; // gobal .…bool available;


atomic {

available = !busy;busy = TRUE;

} ….

atomic busy = false;

nesC forbids callingcommands or signaling events in anatomic section

Page 48: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Interrupt HandlingInterrupt Handling

• Keep interrupt handlers short• May post tasks• Examples

– Increment counter in atomic statement and then done

– Call LED to set light red; done– Post task; done– Call -> Call -> Call -> Call then return,

…; bad idea

Page 49: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Matching SW and HWMatching SW and HW

• Thin veneer of code for HW devices– See next slide

• Assign symbolic names for signals/pins– Photo_PWR (to turn on power to photo


• Abstract away interrupt vectorsHW definedInterruptVectors


Page 50: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Matching SW and HWMatching SW and HW

• Example LED– Red LED on/off– Green LED on/off– Yellow LED on/off– Toggle– Turn on/off power

– LED has no interrupts

– User has it easy; just know interface

Page 51: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Components of Interest

Components of Interest

• LED, Clock, UART, ADC, RFM, I2C (hardware abstraction components)

• Other components: Chirp, counter, blink, AM_Beacon, AM_Echo, …

• Find interfaces in– tos/interfaces/

Page 52: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Application Example (revisited)

Application Example (revisited)


Radio byte



Messaging Layer



packet Radio Packet

Routing Layer

sensing applicationapplication






UART Packet

UART byte

Page 53: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)


• init()• get-data()

• Fires separate event for each data port

Page 54: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Programming EnvironmentProgramming Environment

• cygwin/Win2000 or gcc/Linux• Wireless download of code also available


programming board

mote-PC comms

Code download

Page 55: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)



• Single application• Wrap HW devices

in thin veneer of SW– Hide details

• Components + Glue

• Use only components required– Even for OS

• Interfaces• Bi-directional


• Tasks and Events– Concurrency

• Split-phase– Asynchronous

• Embedded systems language

• No dynamic memory

• Race conditions– Atomic sections

• Pre-compiler for C

Page 56: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Message CenterMessage Center

• Tool for sending and receiving packets into actual system

• Use tool via 2 windows

• Learn via Lab 2

Page 57: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)


• TinyOS Simulator (not typical)– Versus ns2 or glomosim or …

• Write your actual code

• Compile it into TOSSIM framework

• Once debugged – code moved to real platform

Page 58: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

TOSSIM FeaturesTOSSIM Features

A discrete event simulator; runs on a PC

High fidelity simulations – capture TinyOS behavior at a low level

Uses TinyOS’ component based architecture

Page 59: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

TOSSIM capabilities TOSSIM capabilities Simulates large scale sensor networks

(e.g., thousands)Simulates network at bit level (bit error

per link)Simulates repeatable loss rateSimulates asymmetric linksSimulates each individual ADC captureSimulates every interrupt in the systemTime is kept at 4MHz granularity => 4

million ticks per second

Page 60: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

TOSSIM non-capabilities TOSSIM non-capabilities

Does not simulate single strengthDoes not model execution time

No spin locks or task spin locks A piece of code runs instantaneously

Does not model power draw Interrupts are non-preemptiveSimulates the 40Kbit RFM mica

networking stackDoes not simulate the Mica2 ChipCon

CC1000 stack

Page 61: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

TOSSIM Radio ModelsTOSSIM Radio Models

Simple: every mote in one cell, bits perfectly transmitted

Lossy: connectivity determined at startup Radio propagation is not modeled, rather an

abstraction of it is (bit error rate) Specified in a file *.nss (use –rf=<file>

option) Specified connectivity Specified bit error rate For example

<mote ID>:<mote ID>:bit error rate 0:1:0.009

Page 62: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Radio ModelRadio Model


0 1




.001.9 x

Model an asymmetriclink


Page 63: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)


cd apps/Blinkmake pcmake –rf=fname pc

Use: ./build/pc/main.exe [options] <num_nodes>

[options] are (see manual for more):

-k <kb>, -Set radio speed to <kb> Kbits/s. Valid values: 10, 25, 50.-r, specifies a radio model (simple is default)-t, -<sec> tells TOSSIM to run for a specified number of virtual seconds.<num_nodes> number of nodes to simulate

Page 64: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)


Your code

…… dbg(DBG_CRC, “crc check failed”); …… dbg(DBG_BOOT, “Sensor initialized”); ……

Page 65: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

TOSSIM DebuggingTOSSIM DebuggingKnown dbg flags

(system/include/dbg_modes.h) : all, boot, clock, task, sched, sensor, led, route,

am, crc, packet, encode, radio, logger, adc, i2c, uart, prog, sim, queue, simradio, hardware, simmem (found in TinyOS code)

For use in applications: usr1, usr2, usr3, temp

Insert debug statements in source code dbg(DBG_ROUTE|DBG_ERROR, "Received control

message: lose our network name!.\n");

Page 66: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

TOSSIM DebuggingTOSSIM Debugging

Set dbg flags to get the proper debug information When simulator starts it read DBG

environment variable to enable modes For example: export DBG=usr1,route

Only these debug statements will be active!

Page 67: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)


• Once you recompile with mote as target instead of pc (i.e., TOSSIM)

– All debug statements are removed from the executable for you!

Page 68: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)

Using DebuggingUsing Debugging

• Print to screen or file• Use Serial Forwarder

– Can inject messages to mote 0• -comm tossim-serial

– Can snoop all messages in network• -comm tossim-radio

• Run gdb– gdb build/pc/main.exe

Page 69: Programming in nesC (and TOSSIM)


• See TOSSIM document (read when you are preparing for Lab 3)

• See TOSSIM paper (sections 1-3 inclusive; read now)

• Learn via Lab 3

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• nesC – most widely used today for WSN - systems programming language

• Use naming conventions – see handout

• Lab 0 – mechanics of downloading, etc.• Lab (Programming) Assignments 1-4• Possible Extra Credit Project