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Narodna banka Srbije Program za unapređenje aktuarske profesije (2006 - 2009) poziv na kontinuirano obrazovanje 2006 (Rev. februar 2011)

Program za unapre enje aktuarske profesije · strane NBS (Prilog br. 21). ... društvima za osiguranje, revizorskim kućama, kao i drugi koji žele da prošire svoja znanja iz aktuarske

Jan 18, 2020



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Page 1: Program za unapre enje aktuarske profesije · strane NBS (Prilog br. 21). ... društvima za osiguranje, revizorskim kućama, kao i drugi koji žele da prošire svoja znanja iz aktuarske

Narodna banka Srbije

Program za unapređenje aktuarske profesije

(2006 - 2009) – poziv na kontinuirano obrazovanje –

2006 (Rev. februar 2011)

Page 2: Program za unapre enje aktuarske profesije · strane NBS (Prilog br. 21). ... društvima za osiguranje, revizorskim kućama, kao i drugi koji žele da prošire svoja znanja iz aktuarske


U cilju preuzimanje aktivne uloge u razvoju aktuarske profesije i stalne edukacije, i zbog insistiranja na primeni i unapređenju aktuarskih standarda, pravila struke i profesije na osnovu međunarodne prakse, a u skladu sa Strateškim planom razvoja za period 2006-2009. godine, Narodna banka Srbije je, u saradnji sa USAID-om i Bearing Point-om organizovala “Program za unapređenje aktuarske profesije”, kao i u skladu sa Zakonom o osiguranju poverenim ovlašćenjima propisala način licenciranja aktuara.

Intenzivni kursevi:

Intezivna obuka je istovremeno i priprema za polaganje ispita za sticanje zvanja ovlašćenog aktuara u Srbiji, ali je namenjena ne samo potencijalnim ovlašćenim aktuarima u Srbiji, već i svima onima koji žele da prošire svoje znanje iz oblasti aktuarstva, ne ograničavajući se samo na teritoriju Srbije.

Od 2006. do 2009. godine održano je 10 intenzivnih obuka u NBS, podeljenih u 5 nivoa (videti tabelu), na najvišem nivou, sa predavačima koji su profesori sa renomiranih međunarodnih univerziteta i međunarodno priznati eksperti koji obavljaju značajne funkcije u međunarodnim asocijacijama aktuara.

Nivo Tema Period održavanja

Nivo 1. Osnovna primena aktuarske matematike u osiguranju, penzionom osiguranju i investicijama

Apr-Maj 2006, Okt-Nov 2006. i Jul-Avg 2007.

Nivo 2. Modeli rizika i neživotno osiguranje Mar-Apr 2007, Maj-Jul 2008 Nivo 3. Životno i zdravstveno osiguranje Maj-Jun 2007, Feb 2009 Nivo 4. Penzije i modeliranje Apr 2008, Jun 2009 Nivo 5. Investicije i finansijsko izveštavanje Nov; Mar 2007, Okt-Dec 2008

Od 2009. godine u skladu sa potpisanim MoU između NBS, USAID i fakulteta, aktuarska obuka se nastavlja na fakultetima, potpisnicima tog memoranduma.


Obuka u NBS je bila veoma intenzivna, trajala po oko 50 do 60 sati po nivou, uz

zahtev za punu posvećenost učesnika. Obuka se sastojala od:

- predavanja, praćena PowerPoint prezentacijama, i vežbama u Excel-u, - rada sa tutorima, - probnog testa.

Obuka je podrazumevala i interaktivna komunikaciju između učesnika i predavača.

Prezentacije i vežbe su bile dostupne kandidatima pre početka seminara, a od kandidata se očekivalo da na predavanja dođu dobro pripremljeni. Obavezna literatura je propisana od strane NBS (Prilog br. 21).

1 Za ažuriranu informaciju videti na sajtu NBS

Page 3: Program za unapre enje aktuarske profesije · strane NBS (Prilog br. 21). ... društvima za osiguranje, revizorskim kućama, kao i drugi koji žele da prošire svoja znanja iz aktuarske

Ciljna grupa:

Zaposleni koji se bave aktuarskim poslovima u organu nadležnom za superviziju ili u društvima za osiguranje, revizorskim kućama, kao i drugi koji žele da prošire svoja znanja iz aktuarske matematike, modeliranja i upravljanja rizikom, osiguranja, investicija i finansija.

Potrebno je znanje engleskog jezika na nivou koji omogućava polazniku da prati literaturu-predavanja na engleskom jeziku i potrebno je vladati radom na računarima (dobro poznavanje rada u Excel-u).

Obuka je posebno korisna kao priprema za ispit za sticanje zvanja ovlašćenog aktuara u Srbiji.


- Michael Sze PhD, FSA, CFA, vodeći međunarodno priznati aktuar, sa bogatim praktičnim i akademskim iskustvom. Bio je angažovan na poslovima razvoja aktuarske profesije u nekoliko zemalja (predavač na Nivou 1) - Rob Brown, Profesor na Univerzitetu Waterloo i autor standardnog udžbenika o imovinskom osiguranju (predavač na Nivou 2B) - Harry Panjer, Profesor na Univerzitetu Waterloo i koautor udžbenika „Loss Models: From Data to Decision“ (predavač na Nivou 2A) - Dale Yamamoto, vodeći konsultant iz oblasti zdravstvenog osiguranja u Hewitt Associates i „Chairman of US Social Security Technical Panel on Health Insurance“ (predavač na Nivou 3B) - Doug Andrews, Profesor na Univerzitetu Waterloo i Univerzitetu Southampton (predavač na Nivou 3B i 4) - Morris Chambers, bivši predsednik međunarodnog udruženja aktuara (IAA), i bivši predsednik kanadskog instituta za aktuarstvo (predavač na Nivou 3A) - S. David Promislow, Profesor na Univerzitetu York (predavač na Nivou 3A) - Nataša Todorović, Profesor na Cass Business School (predavač na Nivou 5A) - Nikola Petrović, Predavač na School of Economics, Finance and Management Univerziteta u Bristolu (predavač na Nivou 5B)

Detaljne biografije predavača su u Prilogu br. 3.

Prilozi: - Prilog 1: detaljan program po nivoima - Prilog 2: spisak literature - Prilog 3: biografije predavača - Prilog 4: formular za prijavljivanje

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- Prilog 1: detaljan program po nivoima - Prilog 2: spisak literature - Prilog 3: biografije predava a - Prilog 4: formular za prijavljivanje

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Ниво 1. Основи примене актуарске математике у области осигурања, пензијских планова и инвестиција 1) Теорија камата и примена, обрачун ануитета 2) Типови животних осигурања и основни принципи 3) Обликовање и маркетинг производа животног осигурања и закључивање уговора 4) Обрачун премије и резерви животних осигурања и минимални капитал 5) Типови неживотних осигурања и основни принципи 6) Обрачун премије и резерви неживотних осигурања 7) Теорија ризика и теорија корисности 8) Реосигурање 9) Пензијски фондови и типови пензијских планова 10) Финансирање и трошкови пензијских планова 11) Основни принципи и типови инвестирања 12) Оптимитизација портфолија и управљање ризиком 13) Регулатива и етика у осигурању Ниво 2. Модели управљања ризиком и неживотно осигурање а) Модели управљања ризиком: 1) Модели управљања ризиком 2) Модели за процену учесталости и висине штета 3) Теорија пропасти 4) Модели "преживљавања" и њихова процена 5) Теорија градуације 6) Теорија кредибилитета

б) Неживотно осигурање: 1) Врсте и основне карактеристике неживотних oсигурања 2) Утврђивање тарифа неживотних осигурања (имовинска осигурања, осигурање од одговорности, обавезна осигурања) 3) Теорија корисности 4) Обрачун техничких резерви неживотних осигурања (методи и претпоставке)

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5) Техничке резерве и маргина солвентности 6) Финансијско извештавање и међународни рачуноводствени стандарди 7) Маргина солвентности у Европској унији

в) Регулатива и етика у осигурању Ниво 3. Животно и здравствено осигурање а) Животно осигурање: 1) Врсте и основне карактеристике животних осигурања 2) Обликовање производа, закључивање уговора, маркетинг и накнада агентима 3) Производи животног осигурања 4) Актуарске методе и претпоставке 5) Утврђивање тарифа животних осигурања 6) Обрачун техничких резерви животних осигурања 7) Бруто и нето обрачуни премије и резерви 8) Финансијско извештавање и међународни рачуноводствени стандарди 9) Колективно животно осигурање, закључивање уговора и обрачун резерви

б) Здравствено осигурање: 1) Врсте производа здравственог осигурања 2) Обликовање производа, закључивање уговора и маркетинг производа 3) Типови услуга у здравственом осигурању и структура накнаде 4) Актуарске методе и претпоставке 5) Утврђивање тарифа и обрачун техничких резерви 6) Производи групног и индивидуалног здравственог осигурања

в) Регулатива и етика у осигурању Ниво 4. Пензијски планови и моделирање а) Пензијски планови: 1) Пензијски планови с дефинисаним исплатама и уплатама 2) Упоредна анализа PAYGO и модела "full funding" 3) Методе финасирања и актуарске претпоставке 4) Уплате у пензијске фондове и исплате из тих фондова (финансирање и трошкови)

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5) "Актуарски" добици и губици б) Моделирање: 1) Структуре модела 2) Процес селекције 3) Модели провере ваљаности 4) Модели изравнавања 5) Одређивање сценарија 6) Тестирање осетљивости 7) Ограничења

в) Регулатива и етика у осигурању Ниво 5. Инвестиције и финансијско извештавање а) Инвестиције: 1) Основни принципи инвестирања 2) Класе и карактеристике активе 3) Управљање ризицима 4) Оптимизација портфолија 5) Инвестирање средстава осигурања 6) Инвестирање средстава пензијских фондова 7) Регулисање и опорезивање инвестиција 8) Усклађивање активе и пасиве 9) Имунизација

б) Финансијско извештавање: 1) Основни рачуноводствени принципи и рачуноводствени стандарди 2) Типови правних лица у осигурању 3) Основна структура пословних рачуна 4) Приказивање пословних рачуна и ограничења 5) Принципи рачуноводства у осигурању, финансијски извештаји и регулатива 6) Међународни стандарди финансијског извештавања 7) Међународно удружење актуара: стандарди и пракса, водич финансијског извештавања 8) Солвентност I и Солвентност II 9) Међународни оквир за процену солвентности

в) Регулатива и етика у осигурању

Page 8: Program za unapre enje aktuarske profesije · strane NBS (Prilog br. 21). ... društvima za osiguranje, revizorskim kućama, kao i drugi koji žele da prošire svoja znanja iz aktuarske

Prilog 2


1John E. Tiller, Denise Fagerberg Tiller, Jr., Life, health & Annuity Reinsurance , 3rd ed., ACTEX Publications, Inc., Winsted, Connecticut, 2005.

1 (ch. 1-6, 8, 15, glossary)

1 (ch. 7-14, 16-21)

2Mark A. Tullis, Philip K. Polkinghorn, Valuation of Life Insurance Liabilities , 3rd ed., ACTEX Publications, Inc., Winsted, Connecticut, 1996.


3Michael M. Parmenter, Theory of Interest and Life Contingencies, with Pen sion Applications: A Problem-Solving Approach , 3rd ed., ACTEX Publications, Inc., Winsted, Connecticut, 1999.


3aDick London, Solution Manual for Michael M. Parmenter‘s Theory o f Interest and Life Contingencies, with Pension Applications A Problem-Solving Approach , 3rd ed., ACTEX Publications, Inc., Winsted, Connecticut, 1999.


4 Bowers, Gerber, Hickman, Jones, Nesbitt, Actuarial Mathematics , 2nd ed., The Society of Actuaries, Schaumburg, Illinois, 1997. 1 (ch. 1-2), 3 1 (ch. 3-21)

4aDr. Michael A. Gauger and Dr. Krzysztof M. Ostaszewski, Solution Manual for Bowers’ et al. Actuarial Mathem atics , ACTEX Publications, Inc., Winsted, Connecticut, 2005.

3 1

5 Arthur W. Anderson, Pension Mathematics for Actuaries , 2nd ed., ACTEX Publications, Inc., Winsted, Connecticut, 1992. 1 (ch. 1-4) 1 (ch. 5-7), 4

5aKeith P. Sharp, Pension Mathematics for Actuaries, Commentary and S olutions , ACTEX Publications, Inc., Winsted, Connecticut, 2001.

1 (ch. 1-4) 1 (ch. 5-7), 4

6Robert L. Brown and Leon R, Gottlieb, Introduction to Ratemaking and Loss Reserving for P roperty and Casualty Insurance , 2nd or 3rd ed., ACTEX Publications, Inc., Winsted, Connecticut, 2001, 2007.

1, 2

6aRobert L. Brown and Leon R, Gottlieb, Solution Manual for Introduction to Ratemaking and Loss Reserving for Property and Casualty Insurance , 2nd ed., ACTEX Publications, Inc., Winsted, Connecticut, 2006.

1, 2

7 Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus, Investment , 6th ed., The McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York, 2005.1 (ch. 1-3, 5-8, 14-

16), 51 (ch. 4, 9-13, 17-


7aZvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus, Student Solution Manual for use with Investments, 6th ed., The McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York, 2005.

1 (ch. 1-3, 5-8, 14-16), 5

1 (ch. 4, 9-13, 17-27)

8 Thomas N. Herzog, Introduction to Credibility Theory , 3rd ed., ACTEX Publications, Inc., Winsted, Connecticut, 1999. 1 (ch. 1-5) 1 (ch. 6-12), 2

8aThomas N. Herzog, Solutions Manual for Introduction to Credibility Th eory , 3rd ed., ACTEX Publications, Inc., Winsted, Connecticut, 1999.

1 (ch. 1-5) 1 (ch. 6-12), 2

9Robert W. Batten, Life Contingencies A logical Approach to Actuarial Mathematics , ACTEX Publications, Inc., Winsted, Connecticut, 2005.


10Stuart A. Klugman, Harry H. Panjer, Gordon E. Willmot, Loss Models From Data to Decision , 2nd ed., A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication, 2004.

2 (ch. 1-6, 9-14, 16)

1, 2 (ch. 7-8, 15, 17)

10aStuart A. Klugman, Harry H. Panjer, Gordon E. Willmot, Solution Manual to Accompany for Loss Models From D ata to Decision , 2nd ed., A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication, 2004.

2 (ch. 1-6, 9-14, 16)

1, 2 (ch. 7-8, 15, 17)

Literatura za polaganje stru čnog ispita za sticanje zvanja ovlaš ćenog aktuara

Naziv literatureNivo*

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11 Robert L. Brown, Minimum bias with generalized linear models 212 Introduction to Probability Models (eighth edition), 2003, by Ross, S.M. 1, 213 Models for Quantifying Risk , 2005, by Cunningham, R., Herzog, T. and London, R.L 213a Solutions Manual for Models for Quantifying Risk , 2005, Cunningham, Herzog, London 214 Foundations of Casualty Actuarial Science (fourth edition), 2001, Casualty Actuarial Society 2

15 Promislow, David S, Fundamentals of Actuarial Mathematics , John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England, 20063 (sections 2-11,

13-15)3 (sections 12, 16-


16Andrews, D, Assessing Alternative Financing Methods for the Can adian Health Care System in View of Population Agin g, McMaster University, SEDAP Working Paper No.224,


17Bolnick, Howard J., Designing A World.-Class Health Care System , North American Journal Volume 7(2), pp 1-23,


18Folland, Sherman, Allen C. Goodman and Miron Steno, The Economics of Health and Health Care (5th edition) by, Prentice-Hall. Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey

3 (ch. 1-11, 17-22)

19 Macintyre, Duncan M, Voluntary Health Insurance and Rate Making , Cornell University Press 3 (ch. 1-6, 8)

20William H. Aitken, Problem Solving Approach to Pension Funding and Val uation , 2nd edition, 1996, ACTEX Publications Inc., Winsted, Connecticut


21William H. Aitken, Solution Manual for A Problem Solving Approach to Pension Funding and Val uation , 2nd edition, 1996, ACTEX Publications Inc., Winsted, Connecticut


22Whitehouse, Edward, New Indicators of 30 OECD Countries’ Pension System s, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance , 2006 Volume 5, Issue 03 November 2006

4 (str. 275-298)

23 Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus, Essentials of Investments , 5th ed.,2003 5

24 David Alexander and Simon Archer, International Accounting/Financial Reporting Standa rds Guide , 2006, CCH Group, Chicago 5 (16, 34)

25 George E. Rejda, Principles of Risk Management and Insurance , 10th edition (2007), International edition, Pearson Education 5 (ch. 2, 5-7) 5 (ch. 1, 3-4, 8-27)

26Stephen G. Ryan, Financial Instruments and Institutions: Accounting and Disclosure Rules , 2nd edition, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

5 (ch. 6, 14-16) 5 (ch. 1-5, 7-13)

27 Arne Sandstrom ,Solvency: Models, Assessment and Regulation (2006), Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall 5 (ch. 2-4, 7-8, 12-

14)5 (ch. 1, 5-6, 9-11)

28Herve Stolowy and Michel Lebas, Financial Accounting and Reporting: A Global Perspe ctive , 2nd edition (2006), London: Thomson Learning

5 (ch. 1 (1.1-1.3), 2, 3 (1.1-1.5), 4 (1.1-1.2), 5 (1.1-1.2), 11 (1.1-1.3), 12 (1.1-1.7), 13

(1.1-1.4), 15 (1.1-1.4))

5 (ch. 1 (2.1-2.3), 3 (2.1-2.3), 4 (2.1-

2.2), 5 (2.1-2.5), 6-10, 11 (2.1-2.9), 12 (2.1-2.5), 13 (2.1-2.4), 14, 15 (2.1-

2.6))29 Nikola Petrovic, Financial Reporting – Core Reading, 2010 5

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30Barry J. Epstein and Eva K. Jermakowicz, Interpretation and Application of International Fin ancial Reporting Standards (2007), New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

5 (ch. 10, 13, 24)5 (ch. 1-9, 11-12,

14-23, 25-27)

31CEA (2007) Solvency II: Understanding the process ,


32CEA (2006) Solvency II: Introductory guide


33CFO Forum (2004), Basis For Conclusions – European Embedded Value Pri nciples


34 IAA Standards of Practice 5

35 Core reading .ppt od 1.1 do 1.14 i .xls od 1.1 do 1.17 136 Core reading video Level 1 od Day 1 part 1 of 1 do Day 13 part 2 of 2 137 Core reading .pdf od 2.1 do 2.3 i .xls od 2.1 do 2.3 238 Core reading video Level 2a od Day 1 part 1 of 2 do Day 11 part 2 of 2 239 Core reading .ppt od 2.4 do 2.5 240 Core reading video Level 2b od Day 1 part 1 of 1 do Day 10 part 1 of 1 241 Core reading .pdf od 3.1 do 3.13 342 Core reading video Level 3a od Day 1 part 1 of 2 do Day 16 part 2 of 2 343 Core reading .ppt od 3.14 do 3.22 344 Core reading video Level 3b od Day 1 part 1 of 2 do Day 5 part 2 of 2 345 Core reading .ppt od 4.1 do 4.14 446 Core reading video Level 4 od Day 1 part 1 of 2 do Day 10 part 1 of 1 447 Core reading .ppt od 5.1 do 5.7 i .xls od 5.1 do 5.2 548 Core reading audio .mp3 Level 5a 549 Core reading .ppt od 5.8 do 5.12, .pdf 5.3, .doc 5.4 i 5.5 i .xls 5.6 550 Core reading video Level 5b od Day 1 part 1 of 2 do Day 5 part 1 of 1 551 Zakon o osiguranju ("Službeni glasnik RS", br. 55/2004, 61/2005, 101/2007 i 107/2009) 1, 2, 3, 4, 552 Odluka o sadržini mišljenja ovlašćenog aktuara ("Službeni glasnik RS", br. 19/2005) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

53Odluka o bližim kriterijumima i načinu obračunavanja matematičke rezerve i rezerve za učešće u dobiti ("Službeni glasnik RS", br. 7/2010)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

54 Odluka o bližim kriterijumima i načinu obračunavanja prenosnih premija ("Službeni glasnik RS", br. 19/2005) 1, 2, 3, 4, 555 Odluka o bližim kriterijumima i načinu obračunavanja rezervisanih šteta ("Službeni glasnik RS", br. 86/2007) 1, 2, 3, 4, 556 Odluka o načinu utvrñivanja visine margine solventnosti ("Službeni glasnik RS", br. 31/2005 i 21/2010) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

57Odluka o ograničenjima pojedinih oblika deponovanja i ulaganja tehničkih rezervi i o najvišim iznosima pojedinih deponovanja i ulaganja garantne rezerve društva za osiguranje ("Službeni glasnik RS", br. 35/2008, 111/2009 i 3/2011)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

58 Odluka o načinu utvrñivanja i praćenju likvidnosti društva za osiguranje ("Službeni glasnik RS", br. 3/2005) 1, 2, 3, 4, 559 Odluka o bližim kriterijumima i načinu obračunavanja rezervi za izravnanje rizika ("Službeni glasnik RS", br. 13/2005 i 23/2006) 1, 2, 3, 4, 560 Zakon o obligacionim odnosima ("Službeni list SFRJ", бр. 29/78, 39/85, 45/89 i 57/89 i "Službeni list SRJ", бр. 31/93) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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61Pravilnik o kontnom okviru i sadržini računa u kontnom okviru za društva za osiguranje ("Službeni glasnik RS", br. 15/2007, 3/2009 i 35/2010)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

62 Pravilnik o sadržaju i formi obrazaca finansijskih izveštaja društava za osiguranje ("Službeni glasnik RS", br. 3/2009 i 5/2010) 1, 2, 3, 4, 563 Zakon o dobrovoljnim penzijskim fondovima i penzijskim planovima ("Službeni glasnik RS", br. 85/2005) 4

64Code of professional conduct (Pravila profesinalnog ponašanja meñunarodnog udruženja aktuara),

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

65Code of Professional Conduct for Actuaries in EU Countries (Pravila profesionalnog ponašanja za aktuare u Evropskoj Uniji),

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Napomene: O-osnovna literatura, D-dodatna literatura*Ukoliko uz nivo ne stoji oznaka poglavlja knjige podrazumeva se da je za taj nivo potrebna cela knjiga.Literatura pod rednim brojem 22 i 63 primenjivaće se od 20.07.2008. godine.

Za ažurirane informacije o literaturi posetiti sajt NBS

Core reading (redni br. 35-50) dostupan je u elektronskoj formi u biblioteci Narodne banke Srbije.

U slučaju da se na sajtu, na kome se nalazi navedena literatura, sprovedu izmene, pod propisanom literaturom se podrazumeva literatura sa izmenjenog sajta. Navedena literatura dostupna je i u papirnoj formi u biblioteci Narodne banke Srbije.

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Uporedni pregled originalnih elektronskih naziva dokumenata (naziv na CD-u) i naziva tih dokumenata u spisku literature

Nivo 1:

Naziv na CD-u Naziv u spisku literature

Course1.Lect1.Int.2007.8.ppt Core reading 1.1.ppt Course1.Lect2.Ann.2007.8.ppt Core reading 1.2.ppt Course1.Lect3.Lif.2007.8.ppt Core reading 1.3.ppt Course1.Lect4.LRes.2007.8.ppt Core reading 1.4.ppt Course1.Health.L1.2007.8_Overview.ppt Core reading 1.5.ppt Course1.Health.L2.2007.8_Setup.ppt Core reading 1.6.ppt Course1.Lect5.PC.2007.8.ppt Core reading 1.7.ppt Course1.Lect6.PCRes.2007.8.ppt Core reading 1.8.ppt Course1.Lect7.Util.2007.8.ppt Core reading 1.9.ppt Course1.Lect8.Re.2007.8.ppt Core reading 1.10.ppt Course1.Lect9.Ret.2007.8.ppt Core reading 1.11.ppt Course1.Lect10.FinRet.2007.8.ppt Core reading 1.12.ppt Course1.Lect11.Inv.2007.8.ppt Core reading 1.13.ppt Course1.Lect12.Port.2007.8.ppt Core reading 1.14.ppt Course1.Ex1.Int.2007.7.xls Core reading 1.1.xls Course1.Ex2.Bonds.2007.7.xls Core reading 1.2.xls Course1.Ex3.Annuity.2007.7.xls Core reading 1.3.xls Course1.Ex4.Life.2007.7.xls Core reading 1.4.xls Course1.HealthEx.ClaimCost.2007.8.xls Core reading 1.5.xls Course1 HealthEx ClaimCost 17.7.2007.xls Core reading 1.6.xls ispravljen file - Course1 HealthEx ClaimCost 17-7-2007.xls Core reading 1.7.xls Course1.Ex5.PCPrem.2007.7.xls Core reading 1.8.xls Course1.Ex6.PCRes.2007.7.xls Core reading 1.9.xls Course1.Ex7.Util.Risk.2007.7.xls Core reading 1.10.xls Course1.Ex8.Reins.2007.7.xls Core reading 1.11.xls Course1.Ex9.DC.2007.7.xls Core reading 1.12.xls ActTrain.2006.11Ex12a.DC.XLS Core reading 1.13.xls Course1.Ex10.DBValn.2007.7.xls Core reading 1.14.xls Course1.Ex11.DBFunding.2007.7.xls Core reading 1.15.xls Course1.Ex12.Invest.2007.7.xls Core reading 1.16.xls Course1.Ex13.Eff.2007.7.xls Core reading 1.17.xls Nivo 2:

Naziv na CD-u Naziv u spisku literature

SerbiaLossModelsDay1-7v2.pdf Core reading 2.1.pdf SerbiaCredibilityDay8-9v2.pdf Core reading 2.2.pdf Day9presentation.pdf Core reading 2.3.pdf Example - Day2.xls Core reading 2.1.xls Example - Day3.xls Core reading 2.2.xls GroupLifePoissonExample.xls Core reading 2.3.xls Level 2B Lecture Slides.ppt Core reading 2.4.ppt Actuarial Standards (UK).ppt Core reading 2.5.ppt Nivo 3:

Naziv na CD-u Naziv u spisku literature

2. Belgrade.pdf Core reading 3.1.pdf 3. Belgrade .pdf Core reading 3.2.pdf 4. Belgrade .pdf Core reading 3.3.pdf 5. Belgrade .pdf Core reading 3.4.pdf 6. Belgrade .pdf Core reading 3.5.pdf

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8. Belgrade .pdf Core reading 3.6.pdf 9. Belgrade .pdf Core reading 3.7.pdf 10. Belgrade .pdf Core reading 3.8.pdf 11. Belgrade .pdf Core reading 3.9.pdf 13. Belgrade .pdf Core reading 3.10.pdf 14. Belgrade .pdf Core reading 3.11.pdf belgrade. coeffvar.pdf Core reading 3.12.pdf belgrade.appendix.pdf Core reading 3.13.pdf ANDREWS Health Course Day 1 Session 1 0209.ppt Core reading 3.14.ppt ANDREWS Health Course Day 1 Session 2 0209.ppt Core reading 3.15.ppt ANDREWS Health Course Day 2 Session 1 0209.ppt Core reading 3.16.ppt ANDREWS Health Course Day 2 Session 2 0209.ppt Core reading 3.17.ppt ANDREWS Health Course Day 3 Session 1 0209.ppt Core reading 3.18.ppt ANDREWS Health Course Day 3 Session 2 0209.ppt Core reading 3.19.ppt ANDREWS Health Course Day 4 Session 1 0209.ppt Core reading 3.20.ppt ANDREWS Health Course Day 4 Session 2 0209.ppt Core reading 3.21.ppt ANDREWS Health Course Day 5 Session 1 0209.ppt Core reading 3.22.ppt Nivo 4:

Naziv na CD-u Naziv u spisku literature

Lecture 1.ppt Core reading 4.1.ppt Lecture 2.ppt Core reading 4.2.ppt Lecture 3.ppt Core reading 4.3.ppt Lecture 4.ppt Core reading 4.4.ppt Lecture 5.ppt Core reading 4.5.ppt Lecture 6.ppt Core reading 4.6.ppt Lecture 7.ppt Core reading 4.7.ppt Lecture 8.ppt Core reading 4.8.ppt Lecture 9.ppt Core reading 4.9.ppt Lecture 10.ppt Core reading 4.10.ppt Lecture 11.ppt Core reading 4.11.ppt Lecture 12.ppt Core reading 4.12.ppt Lecture 13.ppt Core reading 4.13.ppt Lecture 14.ppt Core reading 4.14.ppt Nivo 5:

Naziv na CD-u Naziv u spisku literature

session 1.ppt Core reading 5.1.ppt session 2.ppt Core reading 5.2.ppt session 3.ppt Core reading 5.3.ppt session 4.ppt Core reading 5.4.ppt session 5.ppt Core reading 5.5.ppt session 6.ppt Core reading 5.6.ppt session 7-new.ppt Core reading 5.7.ppt HW DATA 07.xls Core reading 5.1.xls L01 - MV optimisation.xls Core reading 5.2.xls Financial reporting-Day 1 v2.ppt Core reading 5.8.ppt Financial reporting-Day2.ppt Core reading 5.9.ppt Financial reporting-Day3.ppt Core reading 5.10.ppt Financial reporting-Day4.ppt Core reading 5.11.ppt Financial reporting - Day 5.ppt Core reading 5.12.ppt Basalt.pdf Core reading 5.3.pdf Basalt.doc Core reading 5.4.doc Exercises.doc Core reading 5.5.doc Tutorial IS v2.xls Core reading 5.6.xls

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Prilog 3


Dr. Sze is a leading expert on Pension and Social Security modeling and funding. He is a retired partner of Hewitt Associates, where he was an actuarial manager and lead consultant on pension projection. He is currently the President and Owner of Sze Associates, Ltd., a financial and benefits consulting company.

Education and Certification

Ohio State University Ph.D., Mathematics, 1975

California State University M.S., Mathematics, 1969

University of Hong Kong,B.Sc., Mathematics and Physics, 1964

Employment History

Sze Associates Ltd., a, Owner, 1996 - Present

University of Michigan, , Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, 1998 - 1999

Hewitt Associates LLC, ronto, Ontario, Canada Partner, Pension and Investment Consultant, Projection

Ohio State University, aching Assistant, 1969 - 1975

California State University, ching Associate, 1968 - 1969

St. Paul's Secondary School,

Professional Experience

Toronto, Ontario, Canad

Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

25 Shepherd Ave West, ToSpecialist, 1975 - 1996

Columbus, Ohio, USA, Te

Hayward, California, USA, Tea

Hong Kong, Teacher, 1964-1968

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Kazakhstan, Pension Reform Project, Actuarial


Asian Development Bank, Bhutan, Pension Reform Program, Actuarial Expert, 2000. Dr. Sze served as an actuarial expert for a pension reform program in Bhutan. He advised the government on the design and administration of a new social security system.

Expert, 1999-2001. Dr. Sze has served as an actuarial expert and consultant, providing actuarial training tosenior executives of pension funds and insurance companies in Kazakhstan. He has developed and is teachan actuarial science program on insurance and pension in Kazakhstan.

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North American Actuarial Journal, Acting Associate Editor, 1999 - Present.

Journal of Actuarial Practice, Associate Editor, 1994 - Present.

rity Training Program, Faculty Member, 1997 and 1999. Dr. Sze taught Bulgarian social security experts on the funding of social security.

Social Security Administration, U.S.A, Member of Technical Panel, 1994-1996, 1999. Dr. Sze served as a

its orporation, U.S.A.

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Bulgaria, Social Secu

member of the Technical Panel on Assumptions and Method of the Advisory Board to the Social Security Administration. The Panel makes recommendations on the actuarial assumptions to be used in the USA.

Social Security of the NAFTA Countries, Research Chair, 1997 - 1998. Dr. Sze was the Chair of a researchstudy of the Society of Actuaries on the Impact of Mortality Improvement on Social Security of the NAFTA Countries.

Pension Benefits Guaranty Corporation, U.S.A., Member of the Technical Review Panel, 1996. Dr. Sze was a member of the Technical Review Panel of the Pension Insurance Modeling System of the Pension BenefGuaranty C

Languages Spoken

EnglishChinese (Mandarin, Cantonese, and Shanghai)

Selected Publications

Co-author of Carswell's Benefits Guide for Canada

Co-author of "Overview of the study: impact of mortality improvement on social security in the NAFTA countries," North American Actuarial Journal Co-author of "Impact of aging population with decliniNorth American Actuarial Journal

ng mortality on social security in the NAFTA Countries,"

"Stochastic simulation of the financial status of the social security trust fund in the next 75 years," Repothe 1994-1996 Advisory Council on Social Sec

rt of urity

"The process of pension forecasting," Journal of Actuarial Practice

Professional Affiliations

Fellow of the Society of ActuariesMember of Social Security Committee of the Society of Actuaries (Chairman, 1994 - 1996) Member of the Board of Governors of the Society of Actuaries, 1994 - 1997Fellow of Canadian Institute of ActuariesEnrolled Actuary, U.S.A.Member of Social Security Committee of the International Actuarial AssociationMember of National Academy of Social InsuranceMember of New York Academy of Sciences

Awards and Honors

Presidential Appreciation Award, Society of Actuaries, 1998

Who's Who in America, 2001, and International Who's Who of Entrepreneurs, 2000.In

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Director Institute of Insurance and Pension Research

University of Waterloo

Rob Brown graduated from the University of Waterloo in 1971 with a BMath degree. He added a MA in Gerontology in 1994 (Waterloo) and a PhD (Gerontology) from Simon Fraser University in 1997. Rob is a Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries, a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries, an Associate of the Casualty Actuarial Society and an Honorary Fellow of the British Institute of Actuaries.

Professor Brown was President of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries in 1990/91, served on the Board of Governors of the Society of Actuaries from 1992 to 2000 and was President of the Society of Actuaries in 2000-2001.

Rob was also a City Councilor in Waterloo from 1988 to 1994.

Rob has authored six books including 'Economic Security for an Aging Canadian Population’ (1999). In 1994, he won the S.C.O.R. International Papers Competition for his paper: 'Pay-As-You-Go Funding Stability and Intergenerational Equity'. In 1999 he was the Canadian Pension Benefits Institute “National Speaker” speaking in twelve cities from coast to coast. Rob is a member of the National Academy of Social Insurance.

Professor Brown has published forty-five articles in refereed journals. His research focus is the evolution of financial security programs in times of rapidly shifting demographics. More particularly, his main interest is the financing of Social Security and Health Care in an aging population.

Rob Brown is presently Professor of Actuarial Science and Director of the Institute of Insurance and Pension Research at the University of Waterloo.

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Robert L. Brown

Employment History

Summer 1969 and 1970: Actuarial Student—The Independent Order of Forestors

Summer 1971: Actuarial Analyst—Mutual Life of Canada

1971/1972 Instructor—University of Waterloo

1972-1975 Lecturer—University of Waterloo

1975/1976 Research Actuary—Mutual Life of Canada

1976-1983 Assistant Professor—University of Waterloo

1980-1986 Pricing Actuary—Prudential of England (one day a week)

1983-1994 Associate Professor—University of Waterloo

1986-1990 Pricing and Reserving Actuary—The Cooperators General One day a week.

1990-1993 Consulting Actuary—M.L.H. and Associates One day a week.

1994-present Full Professor—University of Waterloo

2004-2005 One of three-member review panel for CPP valuation

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604 Fox Mill Place London, ON N6J 2B2

Phone: (519)471-7176 Fax: (519)471-8015 [phone first] E-mail: [email protected]

Morris W. Chambers FCIA, FSA, MAAA, HonFIA, HonFASI

Education BA (Honours Mathematics), (1959) University of Western Ontario Fellow, Canadian Institute of Actuaries [FCIA] (1969) Fellow, Society of Actuaries [FSA] (1969)

Business experience

1959 - 2002 London Life Insurance Co. London, ON

[1987-1989] Corporate Actuary Responsible for preparation of financial statements and allocations of

investment income and expenses between participating and nonparticipating accounts.

[1989-1995] Vice-President and Corporate Actuary [1995-2002] Vice President and Senior Actuary, Corporate Responsible for oversight of corporate financial reporting with particular

emphasis on liabilities and management of capital requirements. [1994-9] Responsible for financial statement filing and liability

management for subsidiary, London Life Reinsurance Co., Blue Bell, PA, as its ‘Appointed Actuary’.

Additional professional memberships

Member, American Academy of Actuaries [MAAA] (1986) Honorary Fellow, Institute of Actuaries, UK [HonFIA] (1999) Honorary Fellow, Actuarial Society of India [HonFASI] (2001)

Pertinent professional activities

Canadian Institute of ActuariesChairman, Task Force on Insurance Legislation (1991-2000)Chairman, Committee on Liaison with Government Authorities on Insurance Matters (2000-2003)Chairman, Standards Editing Committee (2002 – present)Committee on Financial Reporting (1976-9, 1986-90)Committee on Discipline (1991-99; Chairman 1995-8)Chairman, Task Force on International Insurance Accounting (1998-now)

Society of ActuariesCommittee on Professionalism (1996-present)

American Academy of ActuariesCanadian representative, Joint Committee on Code of Professional Conduct (1999-present)

Awards received Honorary Fellowship, Institute of Actuaries (UK) - 1999 President’s Award, Canadian Institute of Actuaries – 2000 Honorary Fellowship, Actuarial Society of India - 2001 President’s Award, Society of Actuaries - 2004

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Harry H. Panjer, PhD, FSA, FCIA, HonFIA, CERA

Dr Panjer has taught actuarial science in universities in the US and Canada for over 30 years. He has published many articles in insurance related scientific publications. His books include Actuarial Mathematics (1986), Insurance Risk Models (1992), Loss Models (1998, 2nd ed 2004), Financial Economics: with Applications in Investments, Insurance and Pensions (1998) an Operational Risk: Modeling Analytics (2006).

He holds three degrees in Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science, and is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries and the Canadian Institute of Actuaries and was named an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries in the UK. He is also a Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst.

Dr Panjer has served on many professional committees at the national and international level and as President of two major professional actuarial associations, the Society of Actuaries (US) and the Canadian Institute of Actuaries. He is currently ASTIN Chairman (a section of the International Actuarial Association). Dr Panjer is Chief Editor of the North American Actuarial Journal and an Associate Editor of several other insurance related publications.

Dale H. Yamamoto, FSA, MAAA

Dale Yamamoto recently retired as a principal with Hewitt Associates in Lincolnshire, IL to start his own consulting firm, Red Quill Consulting. Prior to joining Hewitt in 1991, he had 16 years of professional actuarial experience, emphasizing all phases of actuarial services and employee benefits. Nine of the 16 years were with another major consulting firm where he last served as the national group actuarial resource for the company. Mr. Yamamoto has also held positions as the corporate actuary for a Fortune 50 company and as a group actuary for two major insurance companies.

He chaired the 2000 Technical Review Panel appointed by the Medicare Board of Trustees to review the financial methods and assumptions of the Medicare program. He has testified before Congress on the topic of health care and Medicare reform. He has served on the Board of Governors of the Society of Actuaries and the Board of Directors of the Conference of Consulting Actuaries.

Mr. Yamamoto is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries, a Fellow of the Conference of Consulting Actuaries, a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries and a Member of the National Academy of Social Insurance. He holds a B.S. degree in mathematics from the University of Nebraska.

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Doug W. Andrews Doug Andrews is a Lecturer at the Univeristy of Waterloo. He is a Fellow of the

Canadian Institute of Actuaries, a Fellow of Society of Actuaries and a Chartered Financial Analyst. He holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Business Adninistration degree from the University of Toronto and a Master of Arts degree from the University o Waterloo. He is a doctoral candidate in actuarial science at the University of Waterloo.

In 2005, he retired as Vice President at Aon Consulitg Ins. in Toronto. In that position, he led the investment consulting practice in Ontario. He has over 30 years of relevant experience with consulting firms and insurance companies in the group benefit, retirement and investment areas.

Doug has instructed a number of sessions in the CEBS program. He is a member of the Investment Section Council of the Society of Actuaries and is a member of the National Academy of Social Insurance. He ha written a number of articles and made a presentations on benefit, retirement, investment and social insurance issues. One of his areas of focus is the cost and design of publicly funded health care and retirement programs.

He is a member of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries` Research Committee. He was the lead researcher on the joint study by the University of Waterloo and the Canadian Institute of Actuaries regarding Canadians financial preparedness for retirement, released in June 2007. He has served as Chair of the Benefit and Pensions Committee of the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Toronto.

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S. David Promislow

DEGREES: May 1960, Bachelor of Commerce (Honours), The University of Manitoba May 1962, Fellow, Society of Actuaries May 1970, Ph.D., University of British Columbia CURRENT POSITION: Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics, York University PREVIOUS POSITIONS: July1992 – July 2004: Full Professor. Dept. of Math. & Stat. York University July 1977- July 1992: Associate Professor, Dept. of Math. & Stat, York University July 1970- July 1977: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Math. & Stat, York University Sept. 1964 May 1970: Part-time Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics, University Of British Columbia July 1960 August 1964: Actuary, Crown Life Insurance Company, Toronto PUBLICATIONS: Books 1. Fundamentals of Actuarial Mathematics, Wiley, Chichester 2006 2. A First Course in Functional Analysis. Wiley , Hoboken 2008 The author of more than 30 articles , 20 papers in reffered and non- reffered Conference proceedings and many other publication TEACHING EXPERIENCE Graduate Courses: Actuarial Mathematics, Risk Theory, Funcitonal, Analysis, Measure, Theory, General Topology, Real Analysis. Complex Analysis. Undergraduate Courses: Actuarial Mathematics, Risk Theory, The Theory of Interest, Probability Theory, Statistics, Operations Research, Differential Equations, Graph Theory, Abstract Algebra Linear Algebra, Real Analysis, Compeh Analysis, Calculus, Advanced Calculus. SERVICE: Professional Service Papers committee of the Society of Actuaries 1985-89 Tutorial committee of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries 1975-1995 Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews 1980-1990 Research Committee of the Society of Actuaries 1989-1991 Publications Index Committee of the Society of Actuaries 1990-92 Research Papers Committee of the Society of Actuaries 1990-1994

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Member of the Organizing Committee of the Actuarial Faculty Forum 1990 Chairperson, Canadian Institute of Actuaries Committee on Papers 1992-1996 Education & Research Section of The Society of Actuaries; Elected council memeber 1994 Secretary – Treasurer 1995 Chairperson 1996 CKER Committee of the Society of Actuaries 2003- Board Member of the Actuarial Foundation of Canada, 2005- Board Member IFID ( Individual Financial and Insurance Decisions ) 2005 – Invested Funds Committee of the Canadian Mathematical Society 2007- University Service: Coordinator of the actuarial program in the mathematics department 1980-2004 Served on joint committee for early retirement, 1979 Served on YUFA pension committee, 1981 Chairman of various departmental committees Member of Ontario Graduate Selection Panel, 1992 Member of FGS Scholarship & Awards Committee, 1993 Graduate Program Director, Mathematics and Statistics, 1994-1997

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Nataša Todorović

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Name: Natasa Todorovic

Nationality: British/Serbian E-mail: [email protected]

Education PhD in Finance, Cass Business School, City University, Thesis: Equity

Investment Styles, 2002

MSc in Investment Management, City University, 1997 BA in Business Studies (Finance), University of Westminster, 1994-96, Upper Second Class Degree

BSc in Economics, University of Belgrade, Serbia, 1992-94

Academic November 2000 to date, Cass Business School, City University

Appointments Senior Lecturer in Investment Management Subjects taught include Theory of Finance (MSc level), Portfolio Theory (MSc level), Portfolio Management (MSc level), Equity Investment Management (BSc level) and Fixed Income Portfolio Management (BSc level) Other responsibilities include tutorials, supervision of three PhD students, undergraduate and postgraduate theses.

Academic September 2008 to date, Cass Business School, City University

Administration Director of Admisions: MSc Finance, MSc Investment Management, MSc Appointments Banking and International Finance and MSc International Accounting and


Duties: Responsible for student admissions on four of the largest and most popular courses at Cass Business School November 2001 to August 2005, Cass Business School, City University

Course Director and Admissions Tutor for MSc Investment Management

Duties: managing the course structure and dealing with academic issues and student admissions related to the course

Visiting January 2005 to date, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Academic Visiting Lecturer in Investments

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Appointments January 2002 to May 2004, New York University (in London), Stern Business School Visiting Lecturer teaching Foundations of Financial Markets

Professional September 2005 to date, Securities and Investment Institute, London Contracts Chief Examiner for Fund Management Paper December 2005 to date, MP Asset Management, Slovenia Member of the Supervisory Board of the fund September 2004 to date, Morley Fund Management (Aviva), London Structuring and delivering professional training programme April 2005 to March 2006, Norwich Union, London Structuring and delivering professional training programme February 2002, Bank of China, London Structuring and delivering professional training programme Publications H. Kos and Todorovic, N., ’S&P Global Sector Survivals: Momentum effects

in sector indices underlying iShares’, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 48, 2008, pp.520-540

A. Georgievska, LJ. Georgievska, A. Stojanovic and Todorovic, N., ’ Sovereign rescheduling probabilities in emerging markets: a comparison with credit rating agencies' ratings’, Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol 35, Issue 9, 2008, pp 1031-105.

Skills Languages: English, fluent Serbian, fluent Russian, working knowledge

Computing: EViews, Stata, DataStream, MS office

Working papers, Conference presentations & References Available on request

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Nikola Petrović

Academic Appointments

2007 - present School of Economics, Finance and Management, University of Bristol Lecturer in Accounting

Other Professional Appointments

1999 - 2002 BC EXCEL Representing Arthur Andersen in Yugoslavia, Belgrade, Serbia Senior Associate, Audit and Assurance Services


• Expected PhD (Accounting and Finance), April 2009

Essex Business School University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom

• MSc (Accounting and Finance), 2003 Department of Accounting, Finance and Management University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom

• BSc (Accounting), 1999 School of Economics, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Research Interests

Market-based accounting research, earnings quality, financial statement analysis, insurance accounting Working Papers

“Does Volatility Improve UK Earnings Forecasts?” (with S. Manson and J. Coakley), February 2009, submitted

“UK Evidence on Limited Attention and the Accrual Anomaly” (with S. Manson and J. Coakley), March 2008

“Capital Investment Measures, Future Earnings and Future Returns: The UK evidence” (with S. Manson and J. Coakley), February 2009

Conference and seminar presentations

• British Accounting Association Coference, Blackpool, April 2008 • European Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Madrid, June 2006

Invited Seminar Presentations

• University of Bristol, October 2007

Teaching Experience

School of Economics, Finance and Management, University of Bristol Financial Statament Analysis and Security Valuation, MSc, lectures and tutorials, 2008 -

present Financial Reporting, Undergraduate, lectures and tutorials, 2008 - present Financial Accounting, Undergraduate, tutorials, 2007 – present Accounting Elements A, Undergraduate, tutorials, 2007-2008

Department of Accounting Finance and Management, University of Essex

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Financial Reporting and Analysis, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate, tutorials, 2003-2006 Management Accounting II, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate, tutorials, 2006

Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection, University of Essex Teaching Assistant, Introductory and Intermediate course in STATA, 2006-2007

Professional Activities

2008 Actuarial Trainer in Financial Reporting National Bank of Serbia (Serbian central bank), BearingPoint, USAID

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Ime i prezime

Jedinstveni matični broj građana

Adresa prebivališta

Datum, mesto i zemlja rođenja

Stručna sprema

Nivo iz tačke 3. Odluke o uslovima za sticanje zvanja ovlašćenog aktuara („Službeni glasnik RS“, br. 104/2006 i 3/2011)

Datum polaganja ispita

Kontakt telefon, e-mail adresa

Uz prijavu se prilaže dokaz o odgovarajućoj visokoj stručnoj spremi

(ekonomskog, matematičkog ili tehničkog smera i sl.) i dokaz o plaćenoj naknadi za polaganje stručnog ispita koja je propisana odlukom kojom se utvrđuje jedinstvena tarifa po kojoj Narodna banka Srbije naplaćuje naknadu za izvršene usluge u iznosu od 30.000,00 dinara, na račun Narodne banke Srbije broj 980-21-70, s naznačenim pozivom na broj 9-060019-MBR, gde se kao matični broj (MBR) upisuje jedinstveni matični broj građana fizičkog lica koje vrši uplatu*. Prijave dostaviti na adresu: Narodna banka Srbije, Sektor za poslove nadzora nad obavljanjem delatnosti osiguranja (sa naznakom: za polaganje stručnog ispita za ovlašćenog aktuara), Nemanjina 17, 11000 Beograd.

_____________ _______________ Datum i mesto Potpis kandidata * Matični broj (MBR) stranog fizičkog lica upisuje se na način predviđen Odlukom o jedinstvenoj tarifi po kojoj Narodna banka Srbije naplaćuje naknadu za izvršene usluge („Službeni glasnik RS“, br. 122/2007).