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Program u Pairaw

Mar 11, 2016



Program u Pairawi Rekxrawi Azadi Lawani Kurdistan
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Page 1: Program u Pairaw
Page 2: Program u Pairaw



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Page 3: Program u Pairaw

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Page 20: Program u Pairaw

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Kurdistan Youth Freedom Organization

Program and rules approved at the Third Conference

Of Kurdistan Youth Freedom Organization

Sulaimany (25-26/5/2007)

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Objective of the Organization:

Kurdistan Youth Freedom Organization seeks to create and allow for the innovation of youth and to encourage them to employ their capabilities to serve the Youth in order to actively participate the progress of society.

1-Consider the living conditions of the youths identifying their problems and struggle to solve a manner consistent with the path of progress and development in our times.

2-Revive the potential of Youth in all areas leading to the build up of their personalities.

3-Support the relationship between the youth and their society, this relationship willbe the foundation for access to civil life.

4-Paving the scientific ground for Youth to encourage them to work using their body

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and mind in the society and to open all aspects of the future for them.

5-Provison of up to date of the scientific advance to bring up the youths in Kurdistan.

6-Educating the youths about the bright sides of globalization to raise their awareness about freedom and democracy.

7-Kurdistan Youth Freedom organization gives particular attention to youths living in villages through:

-Eradicating illiteracy and combating psychological, physical and social diseases.

-Raising the level of awareness and creating national and patriotic and intellectual figures.

-Solving their personal, general and social problems.

-Discovering the hidden talents of youth in the villages and introducing them.

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-Holding Festivals and reviving folklore and national heritage in the different areas of Kurdistan along side modern art.

8-Working to maintain the environment protection laws and creating this sense among youths.

9-Urging Youths to preserve archaeological sites in Kurdistan and assist the government in this area.

10-The consolidation of the spirit of coexistence, cooperation and serving democracy without discrimination.

11-The struggle for the progress and development of Youths freedoms in terms of political activities, freedom of express individual liberties and respect for human rights.

12-Working through a comprehensive program to reduce the negative effects of disasters experienced by Kurdistan,

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especially Anfal and the chemical bombardment of Halabja and other areas in Kurdistan.

13-Working to educate youths on civil society principles.

14-Setting up a comprehensive plan to develop sports among the youth.

15-Opening of the culture and art centers and the provision of all their needs in cities and villages, according to the needs of the region.

16-Respect for the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the nation and people for achieving the democratic objectives of youth.

17-Paving the way for youth centers to exchange their activities and selecting the best activities to participate in annual festivals of Youths.

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18-Strengthening relations with Youth organizations within and outside Kurdistan and organizing joint activities.

19-The struggle to achieve freedom of conscience and freedom of political and national thought.

The Internal system:

Chapter one:

Name: Kurdistan Youth freedom Organization

Chapter Two: Logo: Freedom-Equality- Activity:

Chapter Three: Location: Kurdistan Region – Iraq

The Organization has the ability to open centers in various cities and villages in andoutside Kurdistan for youths.

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Chapter Four:

The nature of the organization:

Kurdistan Youth Freedom Organization is an independent, democratic organization.

Its Programs and decisions are the identity and its activities are aimed to serve the interests of young people and to provide all the needs of the society.

Part two:

Membership: 1-Members must faith in the program

internal system of the organization and should work to faithful them

2-Member’s age should not be less than13 years.

3-Members must join one of the organization’s organs.

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4- Members should attend the meetings of the organization.

Rights of members:

1-Each member has the right to defend and express himself through the direct discussion or through writing when questioned.

2-Each member has the right to vote and become a candidate in all organizations andbranches.

3-Each member can request for financial and support from the organization in case of necessity.

Member Duties:

1-Contributing to all projects that the organization will arrange within the limits allowed by the administration.

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2-Working to introduce the organizations program and urging youths to join the organization.

3-Working and increasing awareness and creativity for himself and his colleagues and become a front runner in serving his community and raising their awareness.

4-Dissolving membership:

-At the member’s personal request. -Due to the organization’s punishment. -Warning. -Drawing attention. -Freezing -Dismissal Part three:

1-Conference 2-Executive Committee 3-Secretarial Office 4-Center 5-Sub-center (Branch) 6-Committee

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First: Conference It is the highest authority of the organization, held once in two years.

2-Powers of Conference: A- Change systems and programs. B-Discussion and approval of the

organization’s general report.

C-Selects the Secretarial office.

D-Representatives of the center’s conference will be appointed under the instructions of the Executive Committee of the Conference

Second: Executive Committee

A-It has the highest power in the period between two conferences, and it includes secretary and members of the secretarial Bureau.

B-The committee meets once a month

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C-Approval of decisions needs a (2/3) majority by the members.

D- Any member of the Executive Committee who would not attend three successive meetings will be dismissed.

Third: Secretarial office

1-In the first meeting after the election of the secretarial office, the administrators and heads of the departments will be chosen.

2-The office is consisted of secretary, administrator and heads of the departments.

3-The number of the office members including the secretary and administrator as well as two contingent members should not exceed 11 members.

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Secretary: 1-Oversees the meetings and program of

secretariat as well as the steering committee 2-Oversees the implementation of the

secretariat’s decisions.

Departments of the Secretariat:

1-Organization department 2-Art department 3-Media and intellectual department 3-Department of Relations 4- Administration and Finance department 5-Sports department 6-Social department 7-Statistics and Research department 8-Planning and Follow-up department

Each member of the secretarial Offices responsible for one of the departments.

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Secretariat Administrator:

-He, She, acts as the secretariats during secretary’s absence.

-He, She, will not be the head of any of the departments of the secretariats.

-In consultation with the secretary and members of the secretarial office, he, she manages the work and activities.

-He will be elected at the first meeting of the Secretarial office.

Fourth: Center

1-Opening new centers will be on the border or eliminate villages.

2-The center council includes the Secretariat Administrator and the head of the departments and officials of the Center and branches.

3-They will meet once a month as the minimum.

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4-They will oversee the work of the centers and branches.

5-The center is responsible for the movement and activities of the youths in their areas.

6-The center has the right for publication and data publicity in consultation with the secretariat office.

7-If there is a problem in the area, the center can hold special conferences to solve the problems of youths in the area.

8-Officials and members of center will be select at the region's conference.

9-Secretariat Administrator will be select at the first meeting of the Council.

Fifth: Sub-centers (Branches)

1-Branches will be opened at the request of youths of the areas.

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2-The head of any branch is a member of the council of the center, the staff of the branch will be elected when necessary.

3-In consultation with the center, activities will be held in the area.

Sixth: Committee

1-Head of the committee is a member of the branch’s board.

2-The committee will carry out its duty in consultation with branch’s board.

Section Four:

The Organization Financial:

Consists from the following sources:

1-Funds accruing from inside and outside of the country.

2-Money collected from the completion of special projects managed by the Organization.

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3-Each center has its own limited budget to use it as an activities in their areas.


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