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NICE Guidance on “Needle and Syringe Programmes: Providing Injecting Equipment to People who Inject Drugs”. Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

Jan 14, 2016




NICE Guidance on “Needle and Syringe Programmes: Providing Injecting Equipment to People who Inject Drugs”. Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE. Public Health at NICE. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

NICE Guidance on “Needle and Syringe Programmes: Providing Injecting Equipment to People who Inject Drugs”.



Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH.Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

Page 2: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

Public Health at NICE

• At NICE the Centre for Public Health Excellence develops public health guidance.

• Established 2005• 31 staff based in London and Manchester, plus

collaborating centres based in Sheffield, Birmingham, Exeter, London, Oxford, Liverpool and York

Page 3: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

Methodological Principles

Page 4: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

Methodological principles governing all NICE’s work

• Base recommendations on the best available evidence.

• To determine cost effectiveness using the QALY. • To be open and transparent and to involve

stakeholders.• To be clear about scientific and other values• To allow contestability.• To be seen to be independent of government, the

pharmaceutical industry and other vested interests.

Page 5: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

Origins of this referral

• NICE does not choose the topics it works on these are determined by Ministers and Officials.

• Prevention of infection of blood borne viruses.

• To consider optimal provision.

Page 6: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE
Page 7: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

Stages in the production of guidance

• Scope drafted.• Public stakeholder meeting.• Stakeholder comments received.• Final scope and responses published on the website.• Reviews of evidence undertaken.• Public Health Interventions Advisory Committee (PHIAC)

reviews the evidence and drafts recommendations.• Draft recommendations published on the website and

stakeholders asked to comment.• PHIAC meets to consider stakeholder comments and

evidence from fieldwork.• Publication.

Page 8: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE
Page 9: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE


• 115,000 - 200,000 injecting drug users (IDUs) in England

• 23% of IDUs report recently sharing needles

• Over 40% of IDUs are Hepatitis C positive

• IDUs are ten times more likely to die prematurely than the rest of the population

• In 2006, over 1400 deaths were linked to controlled drugs

Page 10: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE


• The optimal provision of needle exchange and syringe programmes (NSPs) for people who injectillicit substances and non-prescribed anabolic steroids

• Majority of NSPs are run by pharmacies and drug services• Some NSPs offer other services such as help to stop

taking drugs• This guidance refers to people of 18 years and older

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Page 12: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE


Page 13: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE


• To reduce the transmission of blood borne viruses and other infections.

• To get people into treatment.• To help them get off drugs.• To provide advice on safer injecting practices.• To help avoid overdoses.• Safe disposal.• Access to testing , vaccination and treatment.• Access to other welfare services.

Page 14: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE


• NHS and other professionals with direct responsibility for NSPs.

• Drug and alcohol action teams.• Pharmacies• Local authorities.• Voluntary and community sector.

Page 15: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

Target population

• People over the age of eighteen who inject drugs, opioids, stimulants or in conjunction. The guidance also applies to people injecting anabolic steroids and image enhancing drugs.

Page 16: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

Needs assessment

• Collect and analyse data locally on:– Prevalence and incidence of drug related

infections;– Demographics of users;– Coverage;– Injectors in contact with NSPs.

• Make sure services meet local need.• Consult users and communities.

Page 17: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

Commission services which:

• Are targeted and generic and – Increase the proportion of people who have

100% coverage;– Increase proportion of people in touch with

services;– Ensure syringes and needs are available in a

range of sizes and locations;– Offer advice;– Encourage people to stop or switch to non-

injecting methods.

Page 18: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

Commissioning (cont)

• Deal with safe disposal.• Encourage identification schemes.• Commission integrated care pathways.• Audit and monitor services.

Page 19: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

Levels of service and availability

• Levels– Distribution of equipment.– Bespoke equipment and health promotion.– As above with access to specialist services.

• Co-ordinate maximum opening availability.• Ensure that opioid substitution services also offer

needles and syringes.

Page 20: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

Equipment and advice

• Provide adequate amounts of equipment to reflect need.

• Provide sharps bins.• Ensure safer injecting advice is available.• Ensure that the hazards of using long needles are

made clear.• Encourage people to switch to other methods of use.• Encourage people to mark their syringes.• Encourage them to stop.

Page 21: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

In the community

Page 22: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

In the community

• Provide sharps bins.• Ensure staff receive appropriate training in health

and safety.• Ensure staff doing levels 2 and 3 have training in

doing health promotion.• Ensure that Hepatitis B vaccination is available for


Page 23: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

Specialist services

Page 24: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

Specialist services

• Provide sharps bins.• Have appropriate training.• Provide the full range of equipment.• Offer comprehensive harm reduction services.• Offer help.• Opioid substitution therapy.• Treatment of site infections.• Hep A and B and tetanus vaccinations.• Testing for Hep B and C and HIV.

Page 25: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE


• Cost effective use of resources.• Savings to both the NHS and wider society.

Page 26: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

Evidence based

• Reductions in risky behaviour.• Reductions in HIV infection.• Reduction in A&E admissions.• Reduction in risky injecting practices.• Reduction in incidence of Hep C.• The reductions in HIV cost effective.

Page 27: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

Find out more

• Visit for the:– guidance– quick reference guide– Costing statement and costing template– audit support– local authority planning checklist – factsheet for commissioners

Page 28: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE


Page 29: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE
Page 30: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

“First come I; my name is Jowett.

There’s no knowledge but I know it.

I am master of this college:

What I don’t know isn’t knowledge.”

The Masque of Balliol

Revd. H.C. Beeching

Page 31: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE
Page 32: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

• It is very important not to get stuck in a very narrow interpretation of what evidence based public health means.

• Must not fall into the trap of assuming the evidence speaks for itself…

Page 33: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE


• All evidence requires interpretation.• Absence of evidence of effect does not necessarily

mean there is no effect.• Strong evidence of effect may not relate to the

important issue.

• So….

Page 34: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

Interpreting the evidence of complex interventions requires an assessment


• Plausibility: a scientific assessment – biologically, organizationally, socially, psychologically.

• Likelihood of success: the nature of local conditions married to tacit knowledge of practitioners

Page 35: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE

And it is therefore important to:

• Embrace a range of evidence • Evidence from trials and from other sources of

systematic investigation• Evidence from practice

Page 36: Professor Mike Kelly, PhD, FFPH. Director, The Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE