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Professor K. A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh – 202002 UP, India ٭، ر ت، ذق و ،رر رات،ا وط و ں ۔ روری ا رم اور د ٭ را ت ر ۔ Date: 22.11.2013 و ! ز و ا ور م ا۔ ں آپ ا دو دی و ۔ ا ر ادی و ا ا ا و ا ہ ا ، ہ ایدہ ز اور وذ ،ت آ،ان ، ا ، ، ،ز،د،ر،ا د و ، وم ۔ ر دو ا؟ د آ مآن ؟ ب ا دو ں رے اس دو ر د و ا و ا ئ آ ؟ تا ا آن ؟ اس دہ ا ر ں و ا؟ رو آن ، ورت ور ر ہ ت اس و آ د و ں ا وں "د ا ار ن م سی اس ۔ ای ض ف ق مثء و و ی " آ ۔۔ ا ر : ں ۱ رہ اور ا و ا آن ۔ ۔ ٭ت ا اور ا و ا ٭ ا اور آ ٭ وا ا ت ا ٭۔ و ا۲ و ا و آن ۔ ۔ ٭ ا اور آار ر ف ا ٭ ا ٭ آ و ا ق اورا ر ٭ ت اور ا۳ ۔۔ و ا د ا آن ٭وی ا ٭ ا ٭ رون و ا ٭ و ا ہ ن و ا ٭ ذ داری وا س اور ا ا۴ و ا ک آن ۔ ۔ ٭ و ا ت ٭ و ت۵ ۔ وہ ا و ا ت وغ و ۔ ار س ت آپ ر اس ۔ ر ون آپ و ا آن ا اور آپ ا در آپ آپ اور ا ہ اس رج و ۔ د ںر رہ یوی از ڈای ا آر

Professor K. A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies Aligarh Muslim … · 2017-05-10 · Professor K. A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh – 202002

Dec 31, 2019



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Page 1: Professor K. A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies Aligarh Muslim … · 2017-05-10 · Professor K. A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh – 202002

Professor K. A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies

Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh – 202002 UP, India

افرم اور درگی رضوری اومر رپ لمتشم اتکہچب طخ ےک اسھت کلسنم ےہ۔ اتفیلیقیقحت اقمولں یک رشوط و ایعمرات،امہ اترںیخی ،ررٹسجنشی و وقحق ذیلی وموضاعت،انیمیسر ےک اقمدص، ٭

سر ےتک ۔ںی۔ انیمیسر ےس قلعتم زمدی ولعمامت ےک ےئل راہطب ٭

Date: 22.11.2013

زدی دجممک !رتحمیم و رکمیم

االسلم مکیلع ورۃمح اہلل ورباکہت

ادیم ہک آپ ریخب وہں ےگ۔

زدادہ ای تفام ی اعمرشہ ، س ےسااسنین اعمرشہ ںیم انم و السیتم یک اتیمہ ارفنادی و اامتجیع وطر رپ اکی مّلسم تقیقح ےہ۔ رگم اسیسنئ و امدی رتیق ےک ابووجداعیمل ریثک

ایسفنیت اسملئ ےس دواچر ےہ۔ تمعن ےس رحموم ےہ، رفد و وساسیٹئ ملظ،ااشتنر،اسفد،انتزہع، شکمشک، ،امسیج ان ااصنیف، اعیمل رحبان،اموحایلیت آافت، یلقع وذینہ اور

سرمی انم و السیتم اک دوتسر وہےن ےک ابووجد ایک اس ےس وپرے رت وکوششں ےک ابووجد اکایمیب ہن ےنلم ےک ایک اابسب ۔ںی؟ رقآن م آرخ ہی ےسیک وہا؟ داین یک امت

ااظتنیم و اقونین ولکشں ںیم لمع ںیم الدا وطر رپ اافتسدہ ںیہن ایک ایگ؟ اس ہلسلس ںیم رقآن دیجم یک ایک امہ دہادات ۔ںی؟ رقآین اصبرئ وک انم والسیتم اقمئ سرےن ےک ےئلےسیک

اجاتکس ےہ؟

ںیم اسویٹئں ےک ووجد ںیم آےن یک وہج ےس اس ولہپ رپاحالت احرضہ وک دم رظن رےتھک وہےئ وغر و رکف یک رضورت ےہ، رقآن سرمی یک روینش اعیمل ریثک تفام ی وس

ا ر اک ااقعند" ریثک تفام ی اعمرشوں ںیم رپانم اقبےئ اب

ن مسیقف ہقبط اک رفض ےہ۔ ای ےئل اس

۔ رقآین ہطق َ رظن" ےک کریزی وموض یمہیملع و یقیقحت لح شیپ سران املعء و مث

وصحں ںیم میسقت ایک ایگ ےہ: اپچن رپ ایک اجراہ ےہ۔ اےس

۔ ۔ رقآن سرمی ںیم اعیمل انم و السیتم اور ااسنین اھبیئ اچرہ۱

انم و ظفحت ےک انعرص۔ ٭ذمیبہ االتخافت ےس دیپا وہےن واےل اسملئ اک لح ٭میلعت یک آیگنہ مہ اور انم ٭اعیمل انم و السیتم اور ااسنین اوخت ٭

۔ ۔ رقآن سرمی ںیم امسیج و اعمرشیت انم و السیتم۲

انم اور اقلعتت امسیج ٭وصتر اک رفاضئ اور وقحق ےئل ےک انم و مہ آیگنہ ٭انم اخیگن ٭ااصنف امسیج ےئل ےک رےنھک ربرقار آیگنہ مہ اور انم ٭

رقآن سرمی ںیم رفد ااسنین یک انم و السیتم۔ ۔ ۳

ااسحس اور انم اک وجادبیہ و داری ذہم ٭اامین و دیقعہ اک ظفحت و انم ٭انم ووکسن رواحین ٭انم ایسفنیت ٭رکفی انم والسیتم ٭

۔ ۔ رقآن اپک ںیم اموحایلیت انم والسیتم۴

تاسملئ و الکشم اموحایلیت ٭اموحایلت اک ظفحت و انم ٭

۔ انم و السیتم ےک رفوغ ںیم رضحت دمحم یلص اہلل ہیلع وملس اک اوسہ و لمع ۔۵

ےہ اور آپ ادیم ےہ ہک رقآن سرمی یک رشن و ااشتع ںیم آپ اک اعتون احلص رےہ اگ۔ ںیمہ اس انیمیسر ںیم آپ وک دموع سرےت وہےئ رسمت وسحمس وہریہ

رقمرہ اتروخیں کت جیھب دںی۔ےس کلسنم ربورش ںیم دنمرج طخ اس امندنئہ یسک اکی وموض رپ یقیقحت اقمہل رحتری رفامںیئ اور تس ےہ ہک آپ دا آپ اک وکیئےس دروخا

ڈارٹک دمحم نیبم میلس دنوی ازرہی

آرزگانزئگن رکسرٹیی

Page 2: Professor K. A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies Aligarh Muslim … · 2017-05-10 · Professor K. A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh – 202002


Two Days National Seminar On

Peaceful Coexistence in Multi-Cultural Societies: The Quranic Perspective 08-09 March 2014



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Dr. Mohammad Mubeen Saleem Organizing secretary K. A. Nizami centre for Quranic studies, A.M.U Aligarh, 202002 U.P India. Phone: + 91 - 9897788511 E-mail: [email protected]

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Two Days National Seminar On

Peaceful Coexistence in Multi-Cultural Societies: The Quranic Perspective 08-09 March2014


ALIGARH 202002 U.P. INDIA ____________________________________________________________


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Please mail the registration form to: (Signature of Candidate) Dr.Mohammad Mubeen Saleem Organizing secretary K. A. Nizami centre for Quranic studies, A.M.U Aligarh, 202002 U.P India. Phone: + 91 - 9897788511 E-mail:[email protected] *Photocopy of this can also be used.


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The paper should be on any of the themes of Seminar

and comply with the methodology of research. A soft

copy of the abstract with C.V. and full manuscript with

copyright form should be submitted in MS word and PDF

form by Email to the Organizing Secretary. All submitted

papers shall be subjected to the blind review process in

order to ascertain their quality.

Pages of the full manuscript: 15 Pages of abstract: 01

Paper size: A4 Margin: left & right: 1.25 Top & bottom: 01

English font: Times New Roman Size: heading: 14 text: 12

Arabic font: Traditional Arabic Size: heading: 16 text: 14 Urdu font: Noori Nastaleeq Size: heading: 18 text: 16

Submission of the abstract with C.V. 30.12.2013

Notification of acceptance 01.02.2014

Submission of the full manuscript with copyright form


Author’s registration 15.02.2014

Participant’s registration


Employees/Teachers INR 1000

Students/Research scholars INR 500

The registration fee may be paid on the spot in cash at the

time of registration at the registration counter, or with the

registration form in advance to K. A. Nizami Centre for

Quranic Studies.

Accommodation is available in the University guest

house on first-come first-serve basis on request.

Participants are advised to send their requests well in


Aligarh is located on the main Delhi-Howrah rail route at

a distance of 135 km southeast of Delhi. The city also

falls on the grand trunk road and is located 292 km from

Kanpur. Moreover, Aligarh is 82 km from Agra and 60

km from Mathura by road.

Maulana Mohd. Rabey Nadvi, Nadwatul Ulama, Lucknow Maulana Mahmood Madani, Deoband Prof. Salman Nadvi, Durban University, South Africa Prof. A. A. Nizami, Director Centre for Quranic Studies, AMU Prof. A. R. Kidwai, Director, UGC Academic staff College, AMU Prof. Akhtarul Wasey, D/o Islamic Studies, JMI Delhi Prof. Mohibullah, Principal Z.H. College of Engg. & Tech. AMU Prof. Arif Inam MIC Land & Garden AMU Prof. Imran Ahmed, MIC University Guest house, AMU Dr. F. S. Shirani, Coordinator, General Education Centre, AMU Dr. Salma Shaheen, Women’s Polytechnic, AMU Dr. Rahat Abrar Public Relation Officer, AMU Mr. Arshad Iqbal Center for Quranic Studies, AMU Mr. Hamid Miyan Center for Quranic Studies, AMU

Prof. Ehtisham Nadvi, D/o Arabic Calicut University, Kerala

Maulana Qamruzzaman Sahib, Darul Maarif, Allahabad

Prof. Mohsin Usmani, D/o Arabic, EFL University, Hyderabad

Prof. Hassan Khan, D/o Arabic Barkatullah University Bhopal Prof. Noman Khan, D/o Arabic, Delhi University, Delhi

Prof. Salahuddin Umari, D/o Arabic AMU Maulana Bilal Nadvi, Payame Insaniyat Nadwatul Ulama Lucknow Maulana Aneesur Rahman Nadvi, Furqania Academy Bangalore Dr. Nazeer Ahmad Ab Majeed Centre for Quranic Studies, AMU

Dr.Mohammad Mubeen Saleem

Organizing Secretary

K. A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies

Aligarh Muslim University

Aligarh 202002 U.P India

Phone & Fax: +91-571-2701230

Mobile: +91-9897788511

[email protected]

Paper Submission

Important Dates

The language of papers: English/Arabic/Urdu

Registration Fee

Travelling to Aligarh

Contact Information

Prof. K. A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies Aligarh Muslim University

Aligarh 202002, U.P.

Organizing Committee Members


Paper formatting

Technical Programme Committee

Two Days National Seminar On

Peaceful Coexistence in Multi-Cultural Societies: The Quranic Perspective

08 – 09 March 2014

Venue: Administrative Block, AMU Aligarh

Page 5: Professor K. A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies Aligarh Muslim … · 2017-05-10 · Professor K. A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh – 202002

This Seminar aims to gather academics, specialists,

and writers from different parts of India to

undertake research on issues and problems that

threaten world peace and inter-cultural harmony.

Paper presenters are encouraged to share their

insights and recommendations that will contribute

to peace, prosperity, and human happiness.

The Seminar objectives are:

To establish world peace by providing

correct solutions for problems.

To promote peaceful dialogue and

harmonious co-existence among all

religions and walks of life in India and


To promote human brotherhood among

multicultural societies such as India.

To avoid hatred, corruption and disorder

among individuals and multicultural


To identify and promote the message of

the holy Quran in the dissemination of a

culture of peace among human beings.

To draw attention of administrators,

organizations, mankind towards Quranic

approach to Peace and harmony in

multicultural societies.

The original research contributions and papers in

the following areas are invited for peer review and

possible inclusion in the Seminar proceedings.

World peace and human brotherhood in the Quran

World peace and human brotherhood

Education of peace and harmony

Solutions to problems stemming from religious


Components of security and peace

Social peace in the Quran

Social justice for maintaining peace and harmony

Lt. General (Retd.) Zameer Uddin Shah Vice Chancellor, AMU

Brig. (Retd.) Syed Ahmad Ali Pro Vice Chancellor, AMU

Prof. Ahtisham Ahmad Nizami Director

K .A. Nizami centre for Quranic Studies, AMU

Dr. Mohammad Mubeen Saleem K. A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies, AMU

Domestic peace

Concept of rights and duties for peace and


Social relationships and peace

Individual’s peace in the Quran

Intellectual Peace

Psychological Peace

Spiritual peace

Peace and security of thought and belief

Sense of responsibility and accountability

Environmental peace in the Quran

Protection of the environment

Environmental problems

The best practices of the Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH) in accordance with the provisions of the

Quran to promote all kinds of peace

A sapling that was planted in the form of

Mohammedan Anglo Oriental College by the

reformer and visionary, Sir Syed Ahmad khan, in

1875 was transformed into the Aligarh Muslim

University in 1920. It became a premier central

university with several faculties and maintained

institutions. It draws students from all corners of

India as well as from abroad.

The President of India, as the Visitor of the

University, approved the establishment of K. A.

Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies in 1998 under

the provisions of the AMU Act (1981).The Centre

is committed to the advancement of academic

excellence in teaching, research and publication in

the field of Quranic Studies, It contributes to the

Aligarh Muslim University’s mission of promoting

Islamic studies, religious education and educational

advancement of human beings. It provides a

meeting point between the Islamic and Western

traditions of learning. It was inaugurated in

September 2012 by the Vice- President of India

Dr. Hamid Ansari.

Aligarh Muslim University Chief Patron


Organizing Secretary



Scope of the Seminar

K. A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies