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Professionaliseren van professionals tot de registratie erop volgt Jules Pieters

Professionaliseren van professionals tot de registratie erop volgt Jules Pieters.

May 13, 2015



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Page 1: Professionaliseren van professionals tot de registratie erop volgt Jules Pieters.

Professionaliseren van professionals tot de

registratie erop volgt

Jules Pieters

Page 2: Professionaliseren van professionals tot de registratie erop volgt Jules Pieters.

Van expertise via

professionalisering tot registratie• Analyse: Beoogde expertise van leraren en van


• Synthese: Ontwikkeling van expertise van lerarenopleiders

• Implementatie: Adequate leeromgeving voor lerarenopleiders

• Evaluatie: Vaststellen van expertise en verantwoording via registratie

Page 3: Professionaliseren van professionals tot de registratie erop volgt Jules Pieters.

Ambitie: leraar als spil

• Opbrengstgericht werken• Vakvernieuwing• Doorlopende leerlijnen• Samenhang• Differentiatie (o.m. talentontwikkeling,

excellentie, zorgbreedte)• Digitale leermiddelen• Adequate toetsing

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School als domein van curriculumontwikkeling

• Actieplan Leraar 2020: versterken ontwikkelvaardigheden van leraren

• Onderwijscoöperatie: onderstrepen van belang van kennis en vaardigheden op terrein van curriculumontwikkeling

• VO-Raad: bekwaamheidsdomeinen schoolleider VO => (1) Visie & Richting en (2) Curriculum & Instructie

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Michael Fullan:

Educational change depends on what teachers do and think – it is as simple and complex as that.

Educational change is not likely to take place when teachers are merely viewed as practitioners who are expected to implement the plans of others.

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GezamenlijkCurriculum Ontwerpen


Docentontwikkeling“Educational change

depends on what teachers do and think – it is as

simple and complex as that.”






Page 7: Professionaliseren van professionals tot de registratie erop volgt Jules Pieters.

Effectief docentgedrag

Effectieve instructie Leertijd, doelen, klassemanagement, focus

op leren, huiswerk

Praktijkkennis Kennis, vaardigheden, beliefs, persoons- en

contextgebonden, tussen conceptuele kennis en professioneel handelen,

Zelfbeeld/identiteit Morivatie, self-efficacy, engagement

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Excellent leren onderwijzen (Den Brok & Beijaard)


deliberate goed reconciling the personalpractice docentschap and professional

Effectief leer- disposities/ Professioneel krachtgedrag gedragstendensen zelfbeeld/identiteit

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David Berliner:

It is the teacher who is the final arbiter of instruction. The teacher, as a reflective decision-maker, literally is the bridge between research and practice.

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John Dewey

The decisive matter is the extent to which the ideas of the theorist actually project themselves, through the kind offices of the middleman, into the consciousness of the practitioner. It is the participation by the practical man in the theory, through the agency of the linking science, that determines at once the effectiveness of the work done, and the moral freedom and personal development of the one engaged in it.

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De leraar als reflective practitioner

• SBL/Onderwijscoöperatie

• Plus:

• Curriculum ontwerpen

• Excellentie

• Wetenschappelijke houding

Page 12: Professionaliseren van professionals tot de registratie erop volgt Jules Pieters.

De lerarenopleider als scientist practitioner

• Beroepsstandaard

• Plus:

• Curriculum ontwerpen

• Excellentie

• Wetenschappelijke houding

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Onderzoek door leraren en lerarenopleiders: operationalisatie

van wetenschappelijke houding

• Onderzoek doen: geen doel op zich

• Onderzoek doen: middel om probleem te analyseren, op te lossen en de oplossing te implementeren

• Methodologie: afgestemd op het doel

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Predictive and design-based research approaches (Reeves,




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Hugo Munsterberg (1899):

The whole system of psychotechnical knowledge might be subdivided under either of the two aspects. Either we might start from the various mental processes, and ask for what end each mental factor can be practically useful and important, orwe can begin with studying what significant ends are acknowledged in our society and then we can seek the various psychological facts which are needed as means for the realization of these ends.

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Synthese: Ontwikkeling van expertise van leraren en


• Via professionalisering

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Laura Desimone: Effective professional


• Content focus on subject matter content and how students learn that content.

• Active learning: opportunities to get involved, such as observing and receiving feedback,

analyzing student work, or making presentations.

• Coherence: any professional development activity consistent with other professional

development, with their knowledge and beliefs, and with school, district, and state

reforms and policies.

• Duration: spread over a semester and should include 20 hours or more of contact time.

• Collective participation: from the same grade, subject, or school should participate in

professional development activities to build an interactive learning community.

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Malcolm KnowlesAdult learning

• Adults are motivated to learn as they experience needs and interests that learning will satisfy;

• Adults’ orientation to learning is life-centered;

• Experience is the richest resource for adults’ learning;

• Adults have a deep need to be self-directing;

• Individual differences among people increase with age.

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Reflection in Action Communities

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Implementatie: adequate leeromgeving

• Teamso Vakvernieuwing als leeromgevingo Docentontwikkelteams als leeromgevingo Datateams als leeromgevingo Lesson Study als leeromgeving

• Trajecteno MSco Professional Doctorateso PhD

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• Erkenning expertise

• Verantwoording via portfolio => registratieo Expertise ontwikkeling: geen 0-1 ontwikkeling,

maar geleidelijke ontwikkelingo (misschien) basisregistratie en
