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Products Into big profits How to use info products to Get · How to use info products to Get leads, make sales, increase conversions,

Sep 22, 2020



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Products Into big profits

How to use info products to

Get leads, make sales, increase

conversions, sell big tickets and

increase profits

Read the Newsletter to Find Out WHAT’S Special About This Ad

Page 2: Products Into big profits How to use info products to Get · How to use info products to Get leads, make sales, increase conversions,

A special newsletter to help you profit from info products if you:

• Need to generate leads for a product, service, networking marketing company, professional service, coaching, business-to-business or other endeavor

• Are getting leads or prospects but need a better, more consistent way to turn those leads into “big ticket” buyers or whatever your BERC (Back End Repeat Cycle) is.

• Have been struggling to develop a WSMS (Website Marketing System) that works consistently

• Need to add profits to your business • Need to hit some “singles” to get a little cash flow going • Have an idea or concept to sell people on • Need instant credibility? This can do it. • Need to get out of obscurity and become “known”? Here’s how. • Product launches on JVZoo, Warrior Plus or Clickbank? • Want to get the highest quality possible coaching clients seeking you


Marlon here.

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been reading my newsletters a good while.

You may own Info Product Dashboard. Maybe you’ve created a product using it. Maybe you haven’t. Perhaps you started to create a product but lost the vision or passion.

Or maybe you don’t exactly see how creating a product can work for you or apply to you.

Info products are a Swiss Army Knife.

Before I get to that, I recommend you check out my NEW product at

Now, I have a special offer on Ockham’s Razor as the OTO. You normally can’t buy it. It’s ONLY available on the OTO.

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There’s an attractive offer for Push Button Letters also on OTO 2.

There are so many ways to USE them! In this issue, I’ll open your mind to the possibilities.

1. Generating leads of highly qualified potential buyers, responders or action takers

Offering a book or report for FREE or inexpensively is a classic way to generate leads that has worked since the 1900’s and before.

Example: If you happen to own a copy of the Emyth by Michael Gerber, you might want to turn to the very end of it where he offers a FREE CONSULTATION!

The purpose of the book is to generate leads.

Example: Dan Kennedy wrote a book called the Ultimate Sales Letter. I pretty much crack up because people recommend the book to so many others just as they do with Emyth.

This is how LITTLE most people, marketers included, understand about marketing.

Ultimate Sales Letter is a disguised PITCH for Dan Kennedy’s writings services. It has like 25 steps you’re supposed to follow to write a letter. And by reading the whole thing you’re convinced Dan is a real expert AND that it’s an enormous amount of work to write a letter. You think, “Dang, why don’t I save all that work and just HIRE DAN!”

Virtually no one who reads the book gets that “stealth” purpose. They are oblivious to it.

Books fly UNDER the radar! Don’t get me wrong. Dan did NOT blatantly promote his services. Quite the contrary.

We’re talking shades of subtlety here from a master, world class salesman.

Example: The LaSalle Institute built a huge home study correspondence course business by offering a free book in their ads.

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This is OLD SCHOOL. But if you pick up ANY magazine you’ll see similar ads that are modernized. I’m using this because its copyright free…lol.

LaSalle is STILL in business. Don’t know if it’s the same company or if it was bought out.

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What book could YOU write that would generate leads?

Could you offer it free or inexpensively in a Twitter or Facebook ad?

Could you send out letters or emails for it?

Could you do a product launch?

Example: Ted Ciuba used to send copies of his book FOR FREE to seminar promoters if they’d agree to put a copy on each person’s table spot!

FREE lead generation from enormously qualified prospects – even if he didn’t travel to go there and network.

This was REMOTE CONTROL networking on human growth hormone.

2. Turning your LEADS into SALE

You can use an info product to turn leads into sales.

Just this morning I read a 100-page book, report, whatever you want to call it that had the purpose of selling a big ticket.

Now, in this cases, it was given away FREE. But it wasn’t a flimsy, poorly constructed thing.

It was very similar to a 100-page KSL (Killer Sales Letter), although it had a lot of sound, useful insights and advice.

The title got your ATTENTION.

Then it got your INTEREST by talking about the NEED for the product/service.

Then it built DESIRE by explaining how you would personally BENEFIT from buying. There was a whole chapter telling about the benefits and giving testimonials.

Then it created ACTION by talking about the need to act.

Example: Up on my bookshelf, I have a book on How to Buy Printing. If that isn’t the perfect lead generator for a printer, I don’t know what is!

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Example: I just ordered a book off of Amazon that I happen to know is actually a pitch to buy a whole “memory training” course.

In trade publications, and to some extent, in consumer magazines, companies run full-page or 1-column ads that offer a free book or booklet for the call to action.

Obviously, in Facebook ads, Twitter ads and so forth, the same is offered via a lead capture page.

Example: A sales manager could write a book called “How to hire and train sales people.”

The book is filled with many examples of how freaking brilliantly the author hired, trained and motivated sales people.


Instant business getter. It’s a no-brainer.

Now he could sell it on Amazon. Sell it with Twitter, Facebook or Instagram ads. Do a product launch. Give it away. Mail it to customers or prospects.

Example: I have a book called How to Make The Noise Go Away. It’s a whole book that explains WHY you need to have a second in charge to run all the details of your business.

There could NOT be a greater sales pitch for hiring the guy to make your noise go away.

Example: When people called Dan Kennedy to inquire about hiring him as a speaker, he’d send ‘em a box of his books and newsletters!

By the way, you don’t HAVE to use a book. My friend Joe Vitale gives people CD’s or DVD’s when he meets with them as well as books.

3. Taking you from OBSCURITY to VISIBILITY

Grant Cardone says the biggest problem you have today is OBSCURITY. People don’t know who you are.

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Ryan Deiss told me once that in this business you’re only 6 months away from being a nobody.

Example: When Grant Cardone had $50 million in real estate loans get “called” by a bank due to a takeover, the FIRST thing he did was write a book in a WEEKEND called Sell or Be Sold. And he still sells it.

It was FILLED with typos.

When people complained Grant said, “I said it was best selling, not best written!”

The GREAT thing about a book and/or an info product (you don’t have to do a book starting out) is that you can get publicity for it on Amazon and other places.

You get REFERRALS for it.

Example: Before “Four Hour Work Week” did you know who Tim Ferris was?

The book instantly brought him out of obscurity.

Example: Brian Tracy STILL pumps out books like they’re candy. WHY?

Because he knows if he doesn’t, he disappears from the public eye. Attention vanishes like a magic trick.

Soon, he’s a nobody again.

Being a prolific product creator, whether that is books or other info product forms, gets you attention.

4. Instant Credibility

I consider Joe Vitale a friend, as do about a billion other people on the planet. The man is a true networker.

But living fairly close and having hung out at his cigar bar (even though with asthma I don’t really smoke), I consider him a friend.

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DON’T laugh! Lol.

This picture was taken 5 yearse ago when shirts with stuff on ‘em was cool.

I have more recent pix with Joe but don’t wanna take the time as I’m writing this to hunt ‘em down.

So anyway, as the story goes, when you meet with Joe he NEVER shows up empty handed. He as books, cd’s or DVD’s for you.


Because it POSITIONS him as an authority or an expert. And more than that, Joe likes to SHARE his message and he’s a huge believer in the philosophy of giving. That’s just Joe.

But apart from those benefits, when people see you’ve created an info product of some sort, it creates credibility.

Now, I don’t recommend you write a book to start. Or work on it like 1 chapter a week.

I teach a method of doing a test product version first that is called “minimally viable” to find out if people WANT the darned thing.

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Nothing worse than spending 6 months writing a book no one wants!

Anyway, if you do an audio and transcript, you can stick it on a CD and give it to people.

You can publish the transcript as a book and give that to ‘em. Lots of ways to do this deal.

Example: How many times have you NOT known or put credibility in someone but then you BOUGHT some form of info product from them and in your eyes they IMMEDIATELY went up the ladder a notch or two?

That’s the power of info products.

That’s why you NEED info products.

That’s how they BENEFIT you.

4. Sell Big Tickets

I’ve already shown the LaSalle Institute examples.

Here’s another example that is copyright free I found for an ad on a memory course or training:

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You’ll notice it offers a free book “How to Remember.” Yeah, I know. You were gonna request it but you forgot.

The POINT is that it’s generating leads that sell a big ticket.

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The BOOK you get is likely a very sophisticated sales letter, note unlike today’s webinars.

But BOOKS and products are viewed with more credibility than a webinar.

Example: I have some books I bought on accounting and bookkeeping. The PRIMARY purpose of those books is to generate calls that will ultimately sell you $500 to $5,000 a month services.

There’s hardly any big ticket that couldn’t be sold via an info product.

Example: COACHES who need to get clients write books.

My friend Connie Green is ALWAYS doing a new book she’s promoting on Amazon. It brings her the HIGHEST quality possible coaching clients.

Example: Let’s say you bought Big Ticket Dashboard but do NOT want to do webinars! Why not create a book, audio, transcript or info product that generates the leads or even does the selling FOR you?

5. Product launches on JVZoo, Warrior Plus or Clickbank

You can take your PDF or your videos or your transcript or whatever and do a product launch on it.

Example: One of my friends launches on Warrior Plus and does around $30,000 every time he launches.

Example: My first Zoo launch sold around $40,000.

Example: Another friend of mine does $100,000+ on Clickbank launches.

6. Making repeat sales to your list the EASY way

My friend Joe Vitale who I mentioned above told me he often sells low-priced products and loves it.

They’re fast and easy to create.

People love buying and consuming them.

They funnel people to your personal consulting or whatever your “BERC” is.

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What’s NOT to love?

Example: One of his friends is a hypnotist who sells $1.00 hypnosis audios. Sounds like he doesn’t make any money? He has hundreds of them and a very SHOCKING customer value! People buy ‘em like they’re candy.

That reminds me of Barb Ling who did $200,000 last year with $1 cheat sheets as her “front end.”

7. Hitting steady “singles”

If you want consistent income coming in, then easy, simple info products you can create in a few hours is a great way to get your feet wet.

Want To Create Your Own Info Products?

I recommend you check out my NEW product at

Now, I have a special offer on Ockham’s Razor as the OTO. You normally can’t buy it. It’s ONLY available on the OTO.

There’s an attractive offer for Push Button Letters also on OTO 2.

I don’t know Best wishes, Marlon Services You Can Use The big picture: http;// Some of the links are out of date but 90% is evergreen. Good stuff. -- This is a product that will take you out of the box.

Page 13: Products Into big profits How to use info products to Get · How to use info products to Get leads, make sales, increase conversions, -- If you’re new, this is a good first product. – create and sell big tickets The POINT of Product Dashboard is to get you to create QUICK audio-based info products to TEST MARKET your ideas as fast as possible to find the 1 or 2 out of 7 that is a winner! THAT is why I created Product Dashboard. Now, it’s really the APPLICATION of the product creation part of Gimme My Money Now, which is the action plan for Amazing Formula. In Gimme, I teach to do a 12-product survey, create a FAST audio product, TEST it with a KSL and roll it out via affiliate traffic. That model applies TODAY every bit as much as when I originally created the model. What I FOUND was Gimme presented the IDEAS but not enough of the mechanics on HOW to DO the fast audio products for some people to be able to implement it. So I said, “Hey, let me REALLY help people by putting this into a step-by-step how to.” Again, I KNOW you want to know, “Marlon, is it out of date?” The answer is again, I teach EVERGREEN stuff. It’s basic. Find your target audience. Do a survey. Find out what they want. Create a FAST audio product and see if it SELLS. That’s the whole concept. A few SMALL details may have changed…like the VERSION of Audacity you use I’m sure has changed. It doesn’t matter. It’s the BASICS that matter. THAT is the concept behind Product Dashboard. Survey > Create audio > TEST FAST. If it sells, roll with it and roll out an affiliate program. If it doesn’t, do the NEXT ONE. Get all the basics on how to do graphics the REAL WAY using PSD’s from Photoshop Elements, so later you can graduate to full-blown Photoshop. This is very basic but really, really good training in just the core stuff you need to START OUT with. This is training wheels for graphic design. You won’t become a pro overnight. But this gets you on the RIGHT PATH and that is the PURPOSE. We updated screen caps last year. None of the basics in Photoshop Elements change much. You got a lasso. Paint bucket.

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Patterns. Gradients. This is what we teach here. BASICS. To me, if you’re really SERIOUS and don’t want to just hire out all graphics, you need this. Get “training wheels” to walk you through my famous 12-step formula I taught around the world in 120 seminars Fill in the blanks and click a button. The ORIGINAL fill-in-the-blanks letter software. This is NOT about magically creating sales letters. It’s like TRAINING WHEELS for my 12-step formula to FORCE you to use it and walk through the process mentally. I found in teaching this in 120 seminars that people would not actually DO the formula I taught. So I decided to create a way to FORCE FEED it. THAT is why I created Push Button Letters that then spawned the whole entire genre of sales letter creation software, MOST of it sold as a magic pill without understanding the GOAL which is to get you to MENTALLY PROCESS and walk through a precise, step-by-step FORMULA. Need a target market? If you’re struggling to find a target market, I think this can help. It isn’t the ONLY thing you need. It isn’t like “the answer.” But I really think if you delve into the tool it talks about that you can really gain a deeper understanding of what is SELLING in the market. That is the purpose of it. Money Getting Secret: On December 3, 1998, I Discovered A "Money Getting" Secret That I've Repeated 122 Times -- And You Can Use This Same Secret Starting 2 Hours and 58 Minutes From Right Now!

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The Road Not Taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim Because it was grassy and wanted wear,

Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I marked the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,

I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost