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producer database user’s guide - · PDB producer database user’s guide To Purchase a Completed Report Find your desired report on the Report Summary list and

Apr 04, 2019



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producer databaseuser’s guideC O N T E N T S

What is PDB?

Get started

Producer Database Landing Page

PDB Detail Report

Insurance Carrier Report

PDB Batch Report

Company Specialized Report (CSR)

National Producer Number Report

Company Appointment/Termination Report (CAR)

Company Appointment Reconciliation Report (CARR)

Company Appointment Renewals


Account Summary















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user’s guide


Welcome to the National Insurance Producer Registry’s

producer databaseWe appreciate your business and would like to help you become acquainted with the available informati on. This guide will assist you through your fi rst few ti mes working with the Producer Database (PDB). If you should have any questi ons, please call us at (816) 783-8467 or email at marketi [email protected].

What is the PDB?The PDB is a repository of comprehensive producer license information provided by the State Insurance Departments. It is designed to assist insurers in exercising due diligence in the monitoring of producers to reduce the incidence of fraud.

These are the products available that utilize the data in PDB.

· PDB Detail Report (PDB)

· PDB Batch Report (PDB Batch)

· Insurance Carrier Report (ICR)

· Nati onal Producer Number Report (NPN)

· Company Specialized Report (CSR)

· Company Appointment/Terminati on Report


· Company Appointment Reconciliati on

Report (CARR)

· Company Appointment Renewal Invoices

· Alerts

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user’s guide

Get startedThe web address for NIPR is From NIPR’s homepage you can access a variety of information such as the National Associati onof Insurance Commissioners homepage by clicking on the NAIC Link; access the states’ web-sites by clicking on the link to Departments ofInsurance sites; read current updates about NIPR in the latest New Releases; view upcoming events that NIPR will be att ending soon; sign up to become a member of the Focus Group.


To access PDB, go to NIPR’s homepage htt p:// click the Log In to PDB> Link. You will be directed to the User Log-In Page.

Enter your User ID, i.e. 83xxxx, and pass-word. These were provided to you when you set up an account with NIPR. Keep them safe-guarded, as you are responsible for their usage. Now click on Login

Enter your User ID, i.e.

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Producer Database Landing PageThe landing page is your homepage for the PDB. From the landing page you are able to select reports to request, view the status of previously requested reports, purchase your reports and view/download your reports. In additi on to being a centralized place to view your acti vity within the PDB, NIPR Marketi ng can send you a personalized message that will display on your homepage. All noti fi cati ons regarding the PDB data will be listed here as well.

To Select a Report to RequestSelect a report from the Create Reports menu on the left hand side of the screen.

To View the Status of Requested Reports:Find your desired report on the Report Summary list. To browse your reports use the page forward and back butt ons, or click on the specifi c page number. View the Status in the Status Column.

Statuses are:

Pending: The request has not completed yet

Complete: The request is complete and the report can be purchased

Failed: An error has occurred during the processing of the report. Please

submit your request again

You will only be able to select from the reports that have been assigned to you by your Administrator.


Reasons for Failure:No data was found for the producers and states submitt edA system error occurred during the processing of your request

Reasons for Failure:

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To Purchase a Completed ReportFind your desired report on the Report Summary list and verify the Status in the Status Column is Complete. Click the blue Purchase link next to the Completed status..

A window will pop up displaying the price for the report, contract rates may apply. Click the yellow Purchase butt on if you sti ll wish to purchase the report, at this point you will be charged.

Click the yellow Cancel button if you do not wish to purchase the report, no charge will be incurred.


Click the yellow Cancel button if you do not

You will have 7 days to purchase your report. Aft er 7 days have passed, if you have not purchased your report, it will be de-leted and no charged will be incurred.

You will have 7 days

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PDB Detail Report

The detail report will provide informati on about agents/pro-ducers, agencies or companies from all the states that are supplying informati on.

Select Detail Report from the Create Reports Menu

You will be directed to the PDB Detail Search page. On this page you will enter in search criteria to fi nd your desired producer in the PDB that you wish to retrieve a report on.

To Perform an Individual Search

Select the Person tab from the left hand side of the screen. The following fi elds will be available to search by: SSN, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, and NPN.


To Delete or Cancel a ReportFind your desired report on the Report Summary list. Click the yellow Delete butt on next to the report. The Delete butt on will remove the report from your report list and therefore cancel the request if the report has not yet com-pleted.

If you delete a report that has previously been purchased, the charge will not be reversed. If you delete a report that has previously been purchased, the charge reversed.

Select the Person tab from the left hand side of the screen. The following fi elds will be available to search

Select Detail Report from the Create Reports Menu

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Enter your desired search criteria and click Search.

Individual Search Criteria Rules:

When searching by SSN the Last Name is required. No wildcard is allowed on the SSN. The enti re SSN must be entered

When searching by Last Name the SSN, NPN, or First Name is required

When searching by First Name or Middle Name the Last Name is required. Wild-card is only allowed on either the First Name or the Last Name but not both

When searching by Last Name at least 2 characters must be entered, including spaces, before the wildcard can be used

When searching by First Name at least 2 characters must be entered, including spaces, before the wildcard can be used

When searching by Middle Name at least 1 character must be entered, including spaces, before the wildcard can be used

When searching by NPN no wildcard is allowed. The entire NPN must be entered

Wildcard is denoted by asterisk (*).

For example, we will be using “John Doe”. We entered the last name “Doe” and the first name as “Jo*” This was done because the PDB entry could be listed as John or “Jonathan”, depending on how the state(s) sup-plied the informati on. Aft er entering the informati on click Search. The system will search the PDB and provide a listi ng of entries matching the informati on entered. This is called the “Person Search Results” screen.

Enter your desired search criteria and click Search.

Wildcard is denoted by asterisk (*).


For example, we will be using “John Doe”. We entered the last name “Doe” and the first name as “Jo*” This was done because the PDB

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For our example this “Person Search Results” screen shows all individuals with the last name “Doe” and a fi rst name starti ng with “Jo”. This screen will also display the Nati onal Producer Number, resident state, and date of birth to help identi fy the correct entry.

Up to this point you have not been charged. Once You click on the name “Doe John B” you will be taken to the Producer overview screen. Once you select your report type and click submit you will be charged.

John B” you will be taken to the Producer overview screen. Once you select your


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This is the fi rst page of the “Detail Report”. Under the name is the Resident State and Nati onal Producer Number. This is a 10-digit number shown without the leading zeros. Each enti ty in the PDB is assigned a unique number. This can be used as an identi fi er and should be captured in any spreadsheets or fi les on licen-sing. We know from the previous screen that only demographics and license/appointment informati on available.

This page shows us all the states that have submitt ed data to the PDB on this individual. They are highlighted and underlined. The “*” indicate those states which have submitt ed company appointment informati on. (This is important later on).

You can click on the high-lighted areas to go directly to that state or scroll down the page.

This screen shows the producer’s demographics: date of birth and address informati on and any other names the agent might have used for licensing (i.e. maiden name, middle name, middle initi al). As you conti nue down the page, you will fi nd the license/appointment summary. The license/appointment sum-mary provides the state of licensure, license numbers, issue date, expirati on date, class, resident status, and whether the license is acti ve.


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You will fi nd also additi onal licensing informati on as follows,

Line of authority Authority issue dateStatus

This is individual appointment informati on. Shown are the name of the company, FEIN or NAIC Cocode of the appointi ng company, line(s) of authoity and status, dates and renewal. At the bott om of the report, it will list any Regulatory Acti ons (RIRS), if taken. We will also indicate when no informati on is available for a parti cular item.

You will fi nd also additi onal licensing


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To Perform a License Search

Select the License tab from the left hand side of the screen. The following fi elds will be available to search by: License Number, State, and Agent/Agency.

Enter your desired search criteria and click Search.

License search criteria rules:

When searching by License Number the License State is requiredWhen searching by License Number the wildcard is not allowed. The enti re License Number must be entered.Agent/Agency is required.

To Perform a Business Search

Select the Business tab from the left hand side of the screen. The following fi elds will be available to search by: FEIN, Agency Name, and Enti ty ID.

Enter your desired search criteria and click Search.


Select the Business tab from the left hand side of th fi elds will be available to search by: FEIN, Agency Name, and Enti ty ID.

Select the License tab from the left hand side of the screen. The following fi elds will be available to search by: License Number, State, and Agent/

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Business search criteria rules:

When searching by FEIN no wildcard is allowed. The entire FEIN must be entered

When searching by Agency Name at least 4 characters must be entered, including spaces, before the wildcard can be used

When searching by Enti ty ID no wildcard is allowed. The enti re Enti ty ID must be entered

Wildcard is denoted by asterisk (*).

If more than one record is found to match your search criteria then all records will return in the Search Results hit list. If only one match is found then the hit list will be bypassed.

For Individual results it will contain the Last Name, First Name, Middle Initi al, Date of Birth, Resident State and Nati onal Producer Number of the matches. For Business results it will contain the FEIN, Name, Enti ty ID, and Resident State.

On the list locate your desired producer by either paging through the matches or fi ltering the matches. You may fi lter the list by First Name, Last Name, or State for Individuals and FEIN or Agency Name for Agen-cies. To browse the list click the forward and back butt ons or click on a specifi c page number.

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After locati ng your desired carrier click the Select button. You will be directed to the Report Opti ons page.

At this point you have not been charged.

PDB Detail Report Options PageAft er selecti ng your desired producer you are directed to the PDB Detail Report Opti ons Page. On this page you will have the opportunity to narrow down the set of data that is returned in the report.

Select a Report Type

Select one of the six available report types from the bott om left -hand menu

Report Types:

All Available Info: Returns all informati on available in the database for the producer including Demographics, Licenses, Appointments, Regulatory Ac-ti ons, etc.

License Only: Returns all License information and Regulatory Action informa-ti on available in the PDB.

Appt/Term Informati on: Returns all of the Appointment and Terminati on informati on and Regulatory acti on informati on available in the PDB.

Regulatory Acti ons Only: Will only return all of the Regulatory Acti ons available in the PDB.

All Resident State Data: Returns all informati on related to the producers resident state(s) and all Regulatory Acti on informati on.

Customized Report: Allows you to further narrow down the results of the report.


Select one of the six available repor menu

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Select a Customized Report

Select Customized Report from the Report Type menu. Additi onal options will display for you to choose from.

Additi onal Report Opti ons:

Select All: Returns all informati on available in the database for the producer including Demographics, Licenses, Appointments, Regulatory Acti ons, etc.

Show Demographics: Returns all Demographic informati on and Regulatory Acti on informati on available. Demographics include names, addresses, and date of birth.

Show License Info: Returns all License informati on and Regulatory Acti on informati on available in the PDB

Show Appt/Term: Returns all of the Appointment and Terminati on informati on and Regulatory Acti on informati on available in the PDB.

After selecti ng your desired options, select which states you wish to return on the report. You may select one to all states. If you selected Show License Info then you will also be able to select a specifi c license status to return on the report.

License Statuses:

· Acti ve

· Inacti ve

· Acti ve, including Future Licenses (Licenses that have not yet taken eff ect.)

· All categories

If you selected Show Appt/Term then you will also be able to select specifi c company appointments to re-turn on the report by selecti ng one to all of the companies listed under the Available Companies secti on.

The list of companies you are allowed to choose from is based on your list of affi liati ons for your company.

Aft er selecti ng your report opti ons click the Submit butt on and your report will return shortly. Once you have clicked Submit you have been charged. However, if you want to change the report opti ons selected aft er viewing the report you may do so without being charged again. Simply close the report that was returned; change your report opti ons, and click Submit again.13

Select Customized Report from the Report Type menu. Additi onal options will display for you to choose from.

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If you decide you do not wish to run a report on the selected producer click the Cancel butt on, no charge will be incurred. You will be directed back to the search page where you can choose a diff erent producer from the Hit List or perform a new search.

Insurance Carrier Detail Report Select Insurance Carrier Report from the Create Reports Menu. You will be directed to the Insurance Carrier Search page. On this page you will enter in search criteria to fi nd your desired insurance carrier in the PDB to retrieve a report on.

To Perform a Company SearchSelect the Company tab from the left hand side of the screen. The following fi elds will be available to search by: Cocode, Company Name, and FEIN.

Enter your desired search criteria and click Search.

Company search criteria rules:

When searching by Cocode no wildcard is allowed. The enti re Cocode must be entered.

When searching by FEIN no wildcard is allowed. The entire FEIN must be entered

When searching by company name at least 4 characters must be entered before wildcard can be used.

Wildcard is denoted by asterisk (*).


If you decide you do not wish to run a report on the selected producer

Select Insurance Carrier Report from the Create Reports Menu. You will be directed to the Insurance Carrier Search page. On this page you will

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To Perform a License Search

Select the License tab from the left hand side of the screen. The following fi elds will be available to search by: License Number and License State.

Enter your desired search criteria and click Search.

License Search Criteria Rules:

License Number and State are required. No wildcard are allowed.

If more than one record is found to match your search criteria then all records will return in the Company Search Results hit list. If only one match is found then the hit list will be bypassed. The list will return the Company Name, Cocode, FEIN, and Domicile State.

Locate your desired company on the list by either paging through the matches or fi ltering the matches. You may fi lter the list by Company Name, Cocode, FEIN, and State. To browse the list click the forward and back butt ons or click on a specifi c page number.

Select the License tab from the left hand side of the screen. The following fi elds will be available to search by: License Number and License State.

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Aft er locati ng your desired carrier click the Select butt on. You will be directed to the Report Opti ons page.

At this point you have not been charged.

Insurance Carrier Detail Report Options PageAft er selecti ng your desired company you are directed to the Insurance Carrier Detail Report Opti ons and Customize Page. On this page you will have the opportunity to narrow down the set of data that is returned in the report.

Select a Report TypeSelect one of the fi ve available report types.

Report Types:

All Available Info: Returns all informati on available in the database for the company including Demo-graphics, Licenses, Regulatory Acti ons, etc.

License Only: Returns all License informati on and Regulatory Acti on informati on available in the PDB.

Regulatory Acti ons Only: Will only return all of the Regulatory Acti ons available in the PDB.

All Domicile State Data: Returns all informati on related to the company’s domicile state and all Regula-tory Acti on Informati on.

Customized Report: Allows you to further narrow down the results of the report.

Select a Customized Report

Select Customized Report from the Report Type menu. Additi onal opti ons will display for you to choose from.

Additi onal Opti ons:

Select All: Returns all informati on available in the database for the company including Demographics, Licenses, Regulatory Acti ons, etc.

Show Demographics: Returns all Demographic informati on and Regulatory Acti on informati on available. Demographics include names and addresses.

Show License Info: Returns all License information and Regulatory Acti on information available in the PDB.

At this point you have not been charged


Select Customized Report from the Report Type menu. Additi onal opti ons will display for you to choose from.

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Aft er selecti ng your desired opti ons, select which states you wish to return on the report. You may select one to all states.

If you selected Show License Info Only then you will also be able to select a specifi c license status to return on the report. License Statuses:

Acti ve

Inacti ve

Acti ve, including Future Licenses (Licenses that have not yet taken eff ect.)

All categories

Aft er selecti ng your report opti ons click the Submit butt on and your report will return shortly.

Once you have clicked Submit you have been charged. However, if you want to change the report opti ons selected aft er viewing the report you may do so without being charged again. Simply close the report that was returned; change your report op-ti ons, and click Submit again.

If you decide you do not wish to run a report on the selected carrier click the yellow Cancel butt on, no charge will be incurred. You will be di-rected back to the search page where you can choose a diff erent carrier from the list or perform a new search.

Once you have clicked Submit you have been charged. However, if you want to change the report opti ons selected aft er viewing the report you may do so without


If you decide you do not wish to run a report on the selected carrier click the yellow Cancel butt on, no charge will be incurred. You will be di-

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PDB Batch ReportIf you have a large number of producers to enter, you can enter them in a Batch Request. This Batch Request will return the same infor-mati on as the Detail Report

Select Batch Report from the Create Reports menu on the left hand side of the screen. You will be directed to the Format and Method screen. Select the format and method you wish to enter producers by.

Available Formats:

· SSN, Last Name


· State, License Number, Agent/Agency

· Nati onal Producer Number/Enti ty ID

Available Methods:

· Manual: Manually enter producers one at a ti me

· Text: Copy and Paste a list of producers into a text box

· Format Examples:

· SSN, Last Name = xxxxxxxxx, Doe

· State, License Number, Agent/Agency = MO, xxxxxx, Agent

· Only one record per line may be entered

· File: Upload a .CSV or .TXT fi le of producers

· Format Examples:

· SSN, Last Name = xxxxxxxxx, Doe

· State, License Number, Agent/Agency = MO, xxxxxx, Agent

· Only one record per line may be entered

You may use multi -formats and methods to enter producers within a single session.


Select Batch Report from the Create Reports menu on the left hand side of the screen. You will be directed to the Format and Method

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Aft er selecti ng a method the appropriate entry box will display. Enter your producers accordingly. For Example if you select State, License ID, Agent/Agency as your format and Text as your method the following screen displays.

Aft er entering several records it would look like this

Aft er clicking the Add Records butt on, the sub-mitt ed producers will display in the Submitt ed Records table.

All producers will be noted as either Valid and In-valid. Click the Invalid Records tab to view invalid entries. If you have any invalid entries you may re-enter the producer with correcti ons. You may also delete any producers from the list of submit-ted records.

Aft er entering all producers you wish to return on the report you may select which states you wish to return on the report. You may select one to all states. (Not all states will return data for the producers submitt ed).


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You may also enter a report ti tle of your choosing or use the pre-populated-default ti tle. Then select the format you wish to receive the report in. Avail-able formats for the PDB Batch report are DHTML or XML. Finally, if desired, schedule the report to run at a later date and ti me. This is recommended for larger requests.

Aft er completi ng all selecti ons Submit the report. You will be directed to the Landing Page. Your request will display in the Report Summary listi ng with a status of Pending. Once the status is complete you may purchase the report.

Depending on the amount of informati on gathered, the report could take a while to generate.


Depending on the amount of informati on gathered, the report could take a while to generate.

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*License Number is always returned when either License or LOA opti ons are selected.

**If an LOA opti on is se-lected the LOA name will be returned as well.


Company SpecializedReport (CSR)The company Specialized Report allows you to create a report specifi c to your needs by selecti ng from the various fi elds in the PDB.

Select Company Specialized Report from the Create Reports menu on the left hand side of the screen. You will be directed to the Report Op-ti ons page.

On this page you may select up to four of the eleven opti ons available.

Opti ons are:

· License Opti ons: *

· License Class

· License Expirati on Date

· License Issue Date

· License Acti ve Status

· Resident/Non-Resident

· Line of Authority Opti ons: **

· LOA Acti ve Status

· LOA Issue Date from <date> to <date>

· Regulatory Acti on Opti ons:

· RIRS Penalti es/Fines/Forfeitures

· Reason for Acti on

· RIRS Date of Acti on from <date> to <date>

· RIRS Eff ecti ve Date from <date> to <date>

is always returned

Select Company Specialized Report from the Create Reports menu on the left hand side of the screen. You will be directed to the Report Op-

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Aft er selecti ng your opti ons, click Submit Opti ons. You will be directed to the Format and Method screen.

Select the format and method you wish to enter producers

· Available Formats:

· SSN, Last Name


· State, License Number, Agent/Agency

· Nati onal Producer Number/Enti ty ID · Available Methods:

· Manual: Manually enter producers one at a ti me (up to ten per screen).

· Text: Copy and Paste a list of producers into a text box.

Format Examples:

· SSN, Last Name = xxxxxxxxx, Doe

· State, License Number, Agent/Agency = MO, xxxxxx, Agent

· Only one record per line may be entered

· File: Upload a .CSV or .TXT fi le of producers

Format Examples:

· SSN, Last Name = xxxxxxxxx, Doe

· State, License Number, Agent/Agency = MO, xxxxxx, Agent

· Only one record per line may be entered

You may use multi -formats and methods to enter producers within a single session. A maximum of 10,000 valid producers may be submitted for a single report.

Aft er selecti ng a method the appropriate entry box will display. Enter your producers accordingly. The submitt ed producers will display in the Submitt ed Records table.

You may use multi -formats and methods to enter producers within a single session. A maximum of 10,000 valid producers may be submitted for

Aft er selecti ng a method the appropriate entry box will display. Enter your producers accordingly. The submitt ed producers will display in the

Select the format and method you wish to enter producers

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All producers will be noted as either Valid or Invalid. Click the Invalid Records tab to view invalid entries. If you have any invalid entries you may re-enter the producer with corrections. You may also delete any producers from the list of submitt ed records.

Aft er entering all producers you wish to return on the report you may select which states you wish to return on the report. You may select one to all states. Not all states will return data for the producers submitt ed.

You may also enter a report ti tle of your choosing or use the pre-populated default ti tle. Then select the format you wish to receive the report in. Avail-able formats for the CSR are DHTML, CSV, or XML. Finally, if desired, schedule the report to run at a later date and ti me. This is recommended for larger requests.

All producers will be noted as either Valid or Invalid. Click the Invalid Records tab to view invalid entries. If you have any invalid entries you

Aft er completi ng all selecti ons Submit the report. You will be directed to the Landing Page. Your request will display in the Report Summary listi ng with a status of Pending. Once the status is complete you may purchase the report.

Reports will stay available for 7 days before they are deleted.


Aft er entering all producers you wish to return on the report you may select which states you wish to return on the report. You may select one

Reports will stay available for 7 days before they are deleted.

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Aft er selecti ng a method the appropriate entry box will display. Enter your producers accordingly.

The submitt ed producers will display in the Submitt ed Records table.

Request a National Producer Number Report

Select Nati onal Producer Number Report from the Create Reports menu on the left hand side of the screen. You will be directed to the Format and Method page. Here, you will have to select the method you wish to enter producers by.

· Available Formats:

· SSN, Last Name

· Available Methods:

· Manual: Manually enter producers one at a ti me (Up to ten per screen).

· Text: Copy and Paste a list of producers into a text box

· Format: xxxxxxxxx, Doe

· Only one record per line may be entered

· File: Upload a .CSV or .TXT fi le of producers

· Format: xxxxxxxxx, Doe

· Only one record per line may be entered

You may use multi -formats and methods to enter producers within a single session. A maximum of 50,000 valid producers may be submitted for a report.

Aft er selecti ng a method the appropriate entry box will display. Enter your producers accordingly.


A maximum of 50,000 valid producers may be submitted for a report.

Select Nati onal Producer Number Report from the Create Reports menu on the left hand side of the screen. You will be directed to the Format

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All producers will be noted as either Valid or Invalid. Click the Invalid Records tab to view invalid entries. If you have any invalid entries you may re-enter the producer with correcti ons. You may also delete any producers from the list of submitt ed records.

Aft er entering all producers you wish to return on the report enter a report ti tle of your choosing or use the pre-populated default ti tle. A default ti tle is already populated and may be used. Then select the format you wish to receive the report in. Available formats for the NPN are HTML, CSV, or XML. Finally, if desired, schedule the report to run at a later date and ti me. This is recommended for larger requests.

Submit the report. You will be directed to the Landing Page. Your request will display in the Current Re-ports table with a status of Pending. Once the status is complete you may purchase the report.

Company Appointment/Termination Report (CAR)The CAR provides a listi ng of acti ve appointments, terminati ons or appointment/terminati on history for a specifi c company in a specifi c state. The report will give you the Nati onal Producer Number, last four digits of the SSN for individuals or enti re FEIN for business enti ti es, date of birth, line of authority (if reported), effecti ve date of the appointment, renewal date and the acti ve license number.

Select Company Appointment/Terminati on Report from the Create Reports menu on the left hand side of the screen. Then select a company for the list of affi liated companies presented.

Only companies affi liated with you will be displayed. If you do not see a company that should be on your list please contact NIPR Marketi ng at (816)783-8467 or [email protected].


All producers will be noted as either Valid or Invalid. Click the Invalid Records tab to view invalid entries. If you have any invalid entries you may re-enter the producer with correcti ons. You may

Select Company Appointment/Terminati on Report from the Create Reports menu on the left hand side of the screen. Then select a company for the list of affi liated companies presented.

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Aft er selecti ng a company, a list of states in which the company has either ap-pointments or terminati ons will display. Please select which state(s) you wish to receive reports; one state, multi ple states of all states that the company is licensed in.

Each state will return and be billed as a separate report.

Aft er selecti ng your desired state(s), select the type of appointments you wish to return for each state. You may select to have only appointments return, or only terminati ons, or both. Then select whether or not you only want Indivi-dual Producers, Agency Producers or both Individuals and Agencies to return.

Aft er selecti ng your appointment and producer types select what format you would like the report returned. Available formats for the CAR are HTML, XML, .CSV, and Colon-Delimited.

Submit the report. You will be directed to the Landing Page. A request will display for each state you selected with a status of Pending. Once the status is complete you may purchase the reports.


Each state will return and be billed as a separate report.

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The completed report will look as follows:

Company Appointment Reconciliation Report (CARR)The CARR is designed to facilitate the appoint-ment renewal process for Regulators and for the insurance industry. As a NIPR customer you can use the CARR to create a listing of your ac-tive appointments for a specific company in a specific state. This report is similar to the CAR, however, the CARR has the added functional-ity of completing “Not for Cause” terminations, directly from the report. This allows you to reconcile your company’s agent listing against the PDB. The terminations are generated elec-tronically through the NIPR Gateway and sent to the appropriate state insurance department for processing.


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Select Company Appointment Reconciliati on Report from the Create Reports menu on the left hand side of the screen. Then, select a com-pany for the list of affi liated companies presented.

Only companies affi liated with you will be displayed. If you do not see a company that should be on your list please contact NIPR Marketi ng at (816)783-8467 or [email protected].

After selecti ng a company, a list of states in which the company has appoint-ments will display. Only a select number of states currently uti lize the CARR. Please select which state(s) you wish to receive reports on.

Each state will return as a separate report.

Aft er selecti ng your desired state(s), select whether or not you only want Individual Producers, Agency Producers, or both Individuals and Agencies returned.

Then select what format you would like the report to return in. Available formats for the CARR are HTML, XML, and .CSV.

HTML should always be returned

Each state will return as a separate report.


Select Company Appointment Reconciliati on Report from the Create Reports menu on the left hand side of the screen. Then, select a com-

HTML should always be returned

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In the third column ti tled: “Terminati on Reason” the report will default to “Do Not Terminate”. If you wish to terminate a specifi c appointment, you will need to select a terminati on reason from the drop down list. These reasons will vary from state to state, depending on that states valid terminati on reasons.

Aft er selecti ng which appointments you want to terminate, you will click Re-view terminati ons at the top of the page. It will summarize your terminati ons and ask for and authorizing persons name and ti tle. Once you have reviewed the terminati ons, you will need to click Submit.


Submit the report. You will be directed to the Landing Page. A request will display for each state you selected with a status of Pending. Once the status is complete you may purchase the report.

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Your electronic appointment renewal will be displayed. You can Print/Pay the invoice; View the report of appointment renewals; Print the Report; Down-load the Report as text (delimited); and Download the Report as XML.

NIPR collects payment on behalf of the states, and creates electronic renewal transactions that are sent to the state for processing. NIPR currently off ers electronic company appoint-ment renewal invoices for selected States. Visit htt ps://, for the most recent list.

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If you are paying by credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express) or uti lizing the electronic check process, the enti re process will be electronic, and an appropriate receipt will be displayed for you to print. Help screens and NIPR Customer Service are available to guide you through the process.

In additi on to any state fees, the costs involved with this process are:

NIPR Renewal processing fee are based on the number of appointment renewals on the invoice. If you pay by credit card a processing fee of 3.5% of the total will be added. There are no processing fees if you pay using the electronic check opti on.

ACH SET UP: Some banks or companies may require a pre-authorizati on to use this electronic check service. If you need to set up this service with your fi nancial insti tuti on, this NIPR ACH-ID will be required: 9098504041 To correctly update your invoice status, please make payments directly to NIPR as instructed on the website. These payments will be forwarded to the state the same day, and the invoice will be refl ected as paid.

When your payment is received, electronic renewal transacti ons will be sent to the State automati cally update the State license system. The state in turn will upload the informati on to the PDB.

ACH SET UP: Some banks or companies may require a pre-authorizati on to use this electronic check service. If you need to set up this service with your fi nancial

Number of renewals Price

0 to 100 $1.00

101 to 2,999 $ 5.00

3000 or more $10.00

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AlertsIn the complex world of producer licensing, the receipt of ti mely informati on is crucial. The Alerts product is designed to provide noti -fi cati on to users indicati ng a change has been made to data stored in the Producer Database (PDB).

The initi al off ering of Alerts will provide noti fi cati on for the following fi elds:

Resident State License Status Change Non-Resident State License Status Change License Expirati on Date Change Regulatory Acti ons

These Alerts are informati onal only, and it is highly recommended that the Alerts be investi gated before any acti on is taken because of the Alert. Subscribers will have multi ple opti ons for selecti ng producers to track. Alert informati on can be accessed by receiving email noti fi cati ons (Push Method) or the customer can log in and access the informati on at their convenience (Pull Method).

These Alerts are informati onal only, and it is highly recommended that the Alerts be investi gated before any acti on is taken because of the Alert. Subscribers

Push Method Pull Method

$50.00 $100.00

Alert fees are as follows:

Alert charges are monthly per company.


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1. Associate Company

Aft er logging into PDB, you will select Industry Alerts from the Select Report Type Screen. The fi rst ti me you access ALERTS, you will need to associate a company with your password. This will allow you add target individuals from company appointments (this is detailed on page ********, when you will add target individuals).

Select the desired company, and click Submit. This will only apply to in- surance companies. You can only associate one company per password.

If you are an insurance company customer and there are not any com- panies to associate with your Customer ID, please contact NIPR Marketi ng at (816) 783-8467 or marketi [email protected]. If you are non-insurance company customer (Agency, MGA, TPA, etc.) you will need to click the butt on for Conti nue without Appointer Info.

2. Selecting a Delivery Method

You will need to select a delivery method from the Subscriber Profi le page. You will have three opti ons on receiving Alerts:

Email_Att achThis will generate an email to a user specifi ed email address. The Alert will be a fi le att achment to the email. When selecti ng this opti on, you will simply need to enter a contact email and a desti nati on email address. The desti na-ti on email address is where NIPR will send your Alert.

You will need to select a delivery method from the Subscriber Profi le page. You will have three opti ons on receiving Alerts:

Select the desired company, and click Submit. This will only apply to in-

There are 4 steps you need to follow in order to set up your alerts:

1. Associate Company or conti nue without ap-pointer info2. Select a Delivery Method3. Subscribe to specifi c ALERTS4. Adding Target Individuals

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FTP_PushThis will allow NIPR to send the Alert fi le to a user specifi ed locati on. You will need to provide NIPR with the following informati on: Contact email, Server, Directory, Login, Password, and Noti fi cati on email. You will need to work with your IT Department to gather this informati on. The noti fi cati on email is where NIPR will send noti fi cati on that we have sent the fi le to your server.

Web_SSL With this opti on, NIPR will place the ALERT fi le on our server to be picked up at the users convenience. You will need to enter a contact email and a noti fi ca-ti on email. The noti fi cati on email is where NIPR will send noti fi cati on that you have an ALERT fi le to be picked up. This email will contain a link to the locati on of your fi les. You may be prompted to login prior to viewing the reports. The fi les will remain on our server for 14 days. You will be able to view the fi le multi ple ti mes during this ti me.

Email_Att ach and FTP_Push will receive “Push Method” pricing, while Web_SSL is considered the “Pull Method” Once you have selected the delivery method and entered the required informati on you will need to click the ADD butt on.

Email_Att ach and FTP_Push will receive “Push Method” pricing, while Web_SSL is considered the “Pull Method” Once you have selected the delivery method and


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3. Subscribing to specifi c ALERTS

On the Subscriber Profi le page, under the heading of Acti ve Alerts, you will have the opti on of selecti ng the type of change you wish to receive Alerts on.

Lic_Non_Res_Status_Change You will receive noti fi cati on** when the non-resident state of an enti ty changes its license status.

Rirs_Acti on_EntreeYou will receive noti fi cati on** when a regulatory acti on is reported against an enti ty.

Lic_Change_Date You will receive noti fi cati on** when the Expirati on Date of a producers license has changed. This is useful in determining if a producer has renewed their license.

Lic_Res_Status_ChangeYou will receive noti fi cati on** when the Status of the producers resident license has changed, i.e. ACTIVE status to INACTIVE, or INACTIVE to ACTIVE.

** Through your selected delivery method

Next to the ALERT you wish to subscribe to, you will need to select a Sort Order. The Sort Order only indicates the order that the records appear on the report. For each report, there is a set of defi ned columns (NPN, State, First, Middle, Last, Date of Birth, Lic_Name, Before, Aft er). These columns will not change when changing the sorti ng preference. The number of records in the report also does not change. Changing the Sort Order only aff ects the order that the records appear on the report.

You will also need to select a Report Format. The ALERT report can be received in the following formats:

Plain text, Comma Delimited, with Header

Plain Text, Tab Delimited, with Header

Plain Text, Positi on Aligned, no Header

Plain Text, Space Aligned, with Header

HTML Data Table, with Header


You will also need to select a Report Format. The ALERT report can be received

** Through your selected delivery method


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NPN will give the unique identi fi er for ALERTS. The SSN will not be returned as an identi fi er on your alerts.

Another opti on is to upload a fi le of producers. If you are not familiar with delimited fi les, you will want to work with your IT Department to ensure the fi le is in the correct format. Files should have a “.txt” or “.dat” extension. If you need further assistance on the fi le format, select File Help, aft er selecti ng the Upload method.

There are two methods for this, Upload [NPN] File and Upload [SSN, Last-Name] File.

By selecti ng Upload [NPN] File, you must select the delimiter of the fi le you have created (Comma, Space, Tab, Pipe, New Line). Then enter the locati on of the fi le in the box provided, or click Search and locate the fi le on your hard drive.

If you choose Upload [SSN, Last Name] the fi le must be comma-delimited. You will then enter the locati on on the fi le in the box provided, or click Search and locate the fi le on your hard drive.

NPN will be the unique identi fi er for ALERTS. The SSN will not be returned as an identi fi er on your ALERTS.

You have now completed your set up for ALERTS. You will begin receiving your ALERT noti ces by the requested delivery method as changes are made to the PDB. If you have any questi ons, please contact NIPR Marketi ng department at (816)783-8467 or marketi [email protected].


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Account SummaryThe Account Summary allows you to retrieve a history of reports run by you up to two years in the past by report type.

Select the account number, date range, and report you wish to view the history for.

Administrators can view any account under their associated customers. Regular users can only view their own account.

The select View to view the HTML version, or Download(CSV) to receive the report in CSV format.

We hope these instructi ons help explain NIPR Products. If you have any ques-tions, please feel free to call us at 816-783-8467 or email at [email protected].

We value you as a customer and appreciate your business. All NIPR products are designed to be an aid to completi ng the licensing puzzle for regulators and the insurance industry. We welcome your comments to improve our prod-ucts and our service to you - our customer. If we can be of further service, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you.

Administrators can view any account under their associated customers. Regular users can only view their own account.


Select the account number, date range, and report you wish to view the history for.