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Prodinger | GFB Imagebroschuere

Mar 16, 2016



PRODINGER | GFB WIRTSCHAFTSBERATUNG has been a leading partner for medium-sized companies for more than 50 years - A competence centre with a strong network and a wide range of services for your projects, requirements and undertakings.
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Page 1: Prodinger | GFB Imagebroschuere

Prodinger|gFBc o n s u l t i n g g r o u p

t a x c o n s u l t i n g

a u d i t i n g

R E s t R u c t u R i n g s E R V i c E s

c o n s u l t i n g

i n V E s t M E n t s E R V i c E s

M a R K E t i n g s E R V i c E s

h o t E l t o u R i s M c o n s u l t i n g

w w w . p R o d i n g E R - g f b . a t

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horst armstorferproDingEr tax consultingsaalfelden | Mittersill

Josef bernhoferproDingEr tax consultingZell am see

andreas fetz proDingEr tax consultinglech

birgit haslauergFB invEstMEnt sErvicEsZell am see

Roland haslauergFB consulting Zell am see | salzburg | innsbruck Wien

Regina KammerstetterproDingEr tax consultingsalzburg

hannes hallergFB MarkEting sErvicEs München | innsbruck | linz | salz-burg | velden | Zell am see | Wien

Manfred leitingerproDingEr tax consultingsalzburg

stephan KalinkagFB MarkEting sErvicEs München

barbara huber und adam huberproDingEr tax consultingaltenmarkt

wolfgang hoffmann proDingEr tax consultingproDingEr rEstructuring sErvicEssalzburg | innsbruck

Markus göllner proDingEr tax consultingsaalfelden

gabriele oberhausergFB HotEl tourisM consulting


sabine beran-MüllerproDingEr tax consultingst. Johann im pongau

paul seitingerproDingEr tax consultingZell am see

peter wacker proDingEr tax consultinginnsbruck

Manfred schekulinproDingEr tax consultingst. Johann im pongau

lukas prodingerproDingEr tax consultingZell am see

stefan RohrmoserproDingEr tax consultingZell am see

christoph MagauerproDingEr tax consultingsaalfelden | Mittersill

gerhard petrigFB consultingproDingEr rEstructuring sErvicEsZell am see

M a n a g i n g t e a m / c E o s p R o d i n g E R | g f b c o n s u l t i n g g R o u p

hubert VogelsbergerproDingEr tax consultinginnsbruck


ulrich wiedemaierproDingEr tax consultingBad Hofgastein

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. T




& S





Competence . Safety . Performance .

PRODINGER | GFB WIRTSCHAFTSBERATUNG has been a leading partner for

medium-sized companies for more than 50 years - A competence centre with a

strong network and a wide range of services for your projects, requirements and


Our longterm experiences support you in managing your company in a sound and

secure way. We guide and accompany motivated people on new business paths with a

pioneering spirit, ideas and innovations.

PRODINGER | GFB CONSULTANTS – your reliable business partner.

W W W . p r o D i n g E r - g F B . a t

Prodinger|gFBc o n s u l t a n t s

rEgional ExpErtisE WitH vision.

rEgionallY BasED.

gloBal in our tHinking anD action.





R E N E w




R E P O w E R

Prodingert a x c o n s u l t i n g

Prodingera u D i t i n g

Prodingerr E s t r u c t u r i n g s E r v i c E s

gFBPArTnerc o n s u l t i n g

gFBPArTneri n v E s t M E n t s E r v i c E s

gFBPArTnerM a r k E t i n g s E r v i c E s

gFBPArTnerH o t E l t o u r i s M c o n s u l t i n g


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Permanent changes in legislation and the business environment keep us and our

clients on our toes. Ongoing adjustments and optimisation are needed. Our team

provides you with support on all tax-related issues. It is not a question of the size

of a company or which industry it is in, but of your requirements and challenges in

the field of taxation.

A l t e n m a r k t | B a d H o f g a s t e i n | I n n s b r u c k | L e c h | M i t t e r s i l l | S a a l f e l d e n | S a l z b u r g | S t . J o h a n n i m P o n g a u | Z e l l a m S e e

Independent Member of GGI Geneva Group International |

Prodingert a x c o n s u l t i n g

liFE itsElF is coMplicatED EnougHR E S I M P L I F Y




& paYRoll accounting


c o M p a n i E s

b u s i n E s s s t a R t - u p sR E s t R u c t u R i n gcoRpoRatE succEssion

V a l u a t i o npaRticipationslEgal foRMPanta rhei – everything flows....

The situations companies find

themselves in are subject of

change and should continuous-

ly be adjusted. We know how

to act based on our wealth of

experience - experience of real


BUSINESS TAX | PERSONAL TAX | TAX SPECIALS & the extraordinary. We have a passion for tax. We develop the optimal concept for our clients and guide your tax strategy direction.

So you always are aware of your company. Comprehensive, indi-

vidual and without bells and whistles. We view the elaboration

of the monthly tax documents as a way of saving our customers

time and money.

Sound bookkeeping enables us to draw up your

annual financial statements in proper time. In this

way you timely see whether you have reached your

goals and where you need to act in the current

year. Reached your targets or just missed them?

We are always available

for our clients and can

solve even difficult situ-

ations individually and


Maybe you don’t really want to think about a tax inspection. but – even if things turn unpleasant, we are always at your side and – provenly – fight very successfully for your RIGHTS AND FREEDOm TO CHOOSE.

W W W . p r o D i n g E r . a t


Benchmarking – only the coMpaRison with thE bEst shows your po-sotion. Thanks to our large customerbase we can – anonymously –always find out what shapes the best.

N E W – O N L I N E A C C O U N T I N G


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W W W . p r o D i n g E r - W i r t s c H a F t s p r u E F u n g . a t

thE iMpoRtancE of audits and the competences of auditors are very clear to our clients

these days. Alongside statutory audits, we carry out all kinds of audits according to national and international


cREatE tRust aMong YouR businEss paRtnERs with ouR sERVicEs.

In order to create a basis for ongoing corporate strategies, company information is drawn up from the unbiased and

critical perspective of external auditors and consultants.

spEcial audits in ExtRaoRdinaRY coRpoRatE situations.

Whenever something special is required, you need experience, the right people and often a great deal of sensitivity.

Talk to us about it!

a u D i t i n g


R E L I A N C E trust nEEDs control


coMpaniEs going thRoughdifficult phasEs need help quickly.

fRoM a to Z…

From employment law to break-up values. These issues can only be solved by flexible teams of experts.

Whether you’re faceing short-term liquidity problems, financing issues, restructuring processes, or insolven-

cy, which is sometimes necessary and beneficial – all of the really difficult phases of running a company are


ouR REstRuctuRing nEtwoRK EnsuREs a soft landing!

We employ 30 tax accountants, 6 lawyers, 7 business consultants and a multitude of staff to care about you.

Specialist teams are set up according to the magnitude and type of requirements. Whether two, ten or even

more experts are needed depends on the necessities of the individual situation. From a pool of around 280 staff,

we select those who best suit your demands.

intERdisciplinaRY, fast, whatEVER thE siZE of YouR coMpanY

As a virtual company we always have access to staff who have the most experience in the given situation.

A large number of sucessfully implemented solutions provide us with a substential range of experience in the

complex field of legislation on the restructuring of companies.

Prodingerr E s t r u c t u r i n g s E r v i c E s

W W W . p r o D i n g E r - r E s t r u c t u r i n g . a t

corporatE start-up 2.0R E N E w


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market dynamics steadily create new challenges and opportunities. Companies being capable

of reinforcing their market position will succeed over the long term. We develop concepts with

impact. We provide innovative and competent guidance for your company.

s t R a t E g YInflexible strategies quickly become outdated in an increasingly volatile corporate environment. Tracking attractive

opportunities, developing creative ideas, transformating them into new business concepts and their passio-

nate realization will become core building blocks for your success.

We support medium-sized companies in the development and implementation of new, effective

strategies in business and finance.

gFBPArTnerc o n s u l t a n t s

R E T H I N K DYnaMic sHapEs FuturE


o u t o f t h E b o x

f i n a n c i n g

Financial markets are in massive upheaval. The financial rules are being rewritten. Risks and oppor-

tunities are being reassessed. Companies are confronted with rising costs of borrowing, restrictive

allocation of loans and the requirement to provide enhanced collateral. Basel III and enforced regula-

tions will further intensify this process. We develop new, effective and innovative concepts in finance

designed to cushion this pressure and develop new financing opportunities. Continuous financial

management sustainably secures these benefits.

· Cash and liquidity strategies

· Basel III action pack

· Equity building

· Portfolio- and bond financing

· keys to integrate market investors

W W W . g F B - u n t E r n E H M E n s B E r a t u n g . a t

f i n a n c i a l c o n t R o l l i n g

Transparency in numbers secure sound decision-

making. create trust among business partners and leed to substantial improvement in

profits. This is achieved through clear reporting, the optimisation of structures and the identification

of sources of profit and loss. We offer comprehensive know-how and

solutions for sectors such as hotel businesses, cable car operators, transport, food production,

manufacturing, engineering, automotive industry suppliers, construction and related sectors, wood

processing and energy generation.


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With GREEN BUSINESS Solutions, GFB CONSULTING has been a partner for companies that consistently turn

green ideas into successful business strategies since 2008.

Y o u r r o a d t o s u c c e s s w i t h g R E E n b u s i n E s s s o l u t i o n s :


d R E a M i n g g R E E n was made for dreamers.

t h i n K i n g g R E E n is t ransforming into a revolut ion for our generat ion.

go i n g g R E E n is the v i ta l chal lenge for our planet .

Recognition and an improved image as an environmental socially responsible pioneer with financial gains via new

customers and new markets, independence from oil, gas, etc. thanks to the astonishing concept of renewable

energies, drastically reduced energy costs, benefits and protection for an attractive and liveable environment –

numerous projects and implementations guarantee the successful realisation of such concepts.

for real estate

solaR MobilitiEsfor hotel business

ElEctRic VEhiclEsregional charging networks for EnERgY concEpts

for tourism destinations

solaR EnERgY

autonoMY in EnERgYfor business parks

Numerous reference projects guarantee green business success.

thE financial landscapEis shapEd bY changingMaRKEts.Securing wealth is of absolute priority in this turbulent environment.

Sound and sustainable investment of corporate and private assets thus be-

comes a key factor for financial success. GFB INVESTmENT SERVICES stands

for clear analysis, sound investment concepts, systematic implementati-

on, the ongoing documentation of results and market-adjusted strategies.

count on us!

· The 4 “S“ of success: Safety, Substance, Spreading and Selection

· Cash- and Portfolio management

· Green business investments

· Life-cycle investments

· Tax-optimised investment

gFBPArTneri n v E s t M E n t s E r v i c E s

W W W . g F B - i n v E s t M E n t . a t

R E M I N D HinDsigHt crEatEs tHE Basis For vision


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gFBPArTnerH o t E l t o u r i s M c o n s u l t i n g

hotEls are our passion – that is why we fully concentrate on strategy and marketing advice.

Three, four or five hotel stars, with or without superior quality. Whether it is a hotel, inn or holiday village – the goal

remains the same: winning guests, gaining their loyalty, and keeping an eye on turnover and occupancy. The ideas we

develop for you simply have to benefit your everyday business. Concepts are our duty – implementing them with and for

you is the freestyle part, practical and taylor made.

ideas are only as good as their realisation – we are your external personal marketing manager!

- Hotel strategy consulting

– Product management, pricing management

– Communications strategies: Guests, regular guests, new guests

– Full-service advertising agency

– marketing planning, budgeting, financial controlling

– Operational marketing and implementation

– Coaching for businesspeople and reception staff

W W W . g F B - H o t E l c o n s u l t i n g . a t

R E P O w E R tHE rigHt iMplEMEntation lEaDs to succEss


gfb paRtnER MaRKEting sERVicEs is one of the leading full-service marketing agencies in Austria, South Tyrol

and Southern Germany. 45 marketing and advertising professionals are specialised in the fields of tourism, the hotel

business, sports and leisure. GFB offers integrated concepts, creative thinking and strategic action.

W W W . g F B - M a r k E t i n g . a t

gFBPArTnerM a r k E t i n g s E r v i c E s

innovation is a natural coMpEtEncE R E C R E A T E


tailoREd planning Positioning, brand development, product development, development training, custom-

tailored advertising, sales and media planning. adVERtising MatERials Corporate design, printed matter,

folders, flyers, brochures. ONLINE Websites, mobile sites, Facebook, blogs, newsletters, banners. classical

adVERtising Press and media cooperation projects, online, radio, TV, cinema, out of home, direct marketing,

cross media. onlinE adVERtising Websites, mobile sites, apps: iPhone/iPad/Android, newsletters, online

and mobile campaigns, SEO/SEm, Smm, social media, reporting, optimisation. businEss coopERation

Planning and implementation of measurable business cooperation projects for regional tourism organisa-

tions, destinations, cable cars, hotels/hotel groups. salEs E-commerce, online sales, booking platforms,

voucher systems, online auctions, direct marketing, mICE, events.

gfb Marketing sERVicEs offices Innsbruck, Linz, munich, Salzburg, Velden, Vienna, zell am See. gfb Mar-

keting sERVicEs network of Partners Amsterdam, Athens, Bratislava, Budapest, Bucharest, Prague, Sofia,

Warsaw, zagreb, zurich.

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pRodingER tax consulting bad hofgastEin Prodinger, Wiedemaier und Partner SteuerberatungsgmbH & Co kGmartin-Lodinger-Str. 7 | 5630 Bad Hofgastein | ÖsterreichTel.: +43 6432 8383 0 | Fax: +43 6432 8383 7001 | mail: [email protected]

pRodingER tax consulting innsbRucKVogelsberger Hoffmann Prodinger & Partner GmbH & Co kG TIVOLI office | Olympiastr. 17/5 | 6020 Innsbruck | ÖsterreichTel.: +43 512 33 411 0 | Fax: +43 512 33 411 7 | mail: [email protected]

pRodingER tax consulting lEchProdinger, Fetz & Partner Steuerberatungs GmbH & Co kGNr. 582 | 6764 Lech | ÖsterreichTel.: +43 5583 3802 | Fax: +43 5583 3802 3400 | mail: [email protected]

pRodingER tax consulting MittERsillProdinger, Hilzensauer & Partner - Steuerberatungs GmbH & Co kGzellerstraße 2 | 5730 mittersill | ÖsterreichTel.: +43 6562 6296 | Fax: +43 6562 6296-5020 | mail: [email protected]

pRodingER tax consulting saalfEldEnProdinger & Partner Steuerberatungs- & Wirtschaftstreuhand GmbH & Co kGLeopold-Luger-Straße 1 | 5760 Saalfelden | ÖsterreichTel.: +43 6582 725 35 | Fax: +43 6582 725 35 1 | mail: [email protected]

pRodingER tax consulting salZbuRgProdinger Hoffmann & Partner Steuerberatung GmbH & Co kGInnsbrucker Bundesstr. 83 a | 5020 Salzburg | ÖsterreichTel.: +43 662 833 388 0 | Fax: +43 662 833 388 3 | mail: [email protected]

pRodingER tax consulting st. Johann iM pongauProdinger & Partner St. Johann Steuerberatung GmbH & Co kGPremweg 6 | 5600 St. Johann im Pongau | ÖsterreichTel.: +43 6412 4077 | Fax: +43 6412 4077 99 | mail: [email protected]

pRodingER tax consulting ZEll aM sEEProdinger & Partner Wirtschaftstreuhand - Steuerberatungs GmbH & Co kGAuerspergstraße 8 | 5700 zell am See | ÖsterreichTel.: +43 6542 73661 | Fax: +43 6542 72996 | mail: [email protected]

pRodingER auditingkarolingerstraße 1 | 5020 Salzburg | ÖsterreichTel.: +43 6412 4077 | Fax: +43 6412 4077 99 | mail: [email protected]

pRodingER REstRuctuRing sERVicEs Prodinger Restructuring Services GmbHInnsbrucker Bundesstr. 83 a | 5020 Salzburg | ÖsterreichTel.: +43 662 833 388 0 | Fax: +43 662 833 388 3 | mail: [email protected]

pRodingER tax consulting altEnMaRKtProdinger Huber & Partner Altenmarkt Steuerberatungs GmbH & Co kGEnnspark 450 | 5541 Altenmarkt | ÖsterreichTel.: +43 6452 4882 | Fax: +43 6452 4882 82 | mail: [email protected]



A L T E N m A R k T | B A D H O F G A S T E I N | I N N S B R U C k | L E C H | L I N z | m I T T E R S I L L | m ü N C H E N | S A A L F E L D E N | S A L z B U R G | S T . J O H A N N I m P O N G A U | V E L D E N | W I E N | z E L L A m S E E

gfb paRtnER innsbRucKGFB PARTNER CONSULTINGGFB & Partner Unternehmensberatung Ges.m.b.H.TIVOLI office | Olympiastraße 17/5 | 6020 Innsbruck | ÖsterreichTel.: +43 512 33411 | Fax: +43 512 334117 | mail: [email protected]

GFB PARTNER mARkETING SERVICES & HOTEL TOURISm CONSULTINGOberhauser GFB Hotel- und Tourismus-Consulting GmbHTIVOLI office | Olympiastraße 17/6 | 6020 Innsbruck | ÖsterreichTel.: +43 650 801 8811 | Fax: +43 810 9554 058306 | mail: [email protected]

gfb paRtnER salZbuRgGFB PARTNER CONSULTINGGFB PARTNER mARkETING SERVICESGFB & Partner marketing Services GmbH, GFB & Partner Unternehmensberatung Ges.m.b.H.karolingerstraße 1 | 5020 Salzburg | ÖsterreichTel.: +43 662 849 2590 | Fax: +43 662 849 259 8033 | mail: [email protected]

gfb paRtnER wiEnGFB PARTNER CONSULTING GFB & Partner Unternehmensberatung Ges.m.b.H.Leibenfrostgasse 6/6 | 1040 Wien | ÖsterreichTel.: +43 1 58114 33 | Fax: +43 1 58114 11 | mail: [email protected]

GFB PARTNER mARkETING SERVICES GFB & Partner marketing Services GmbHLeibenfrostgasse 6/6 | 1040 Wien | ÖsterreichTel.: +43 1 58114 33 | Fax: +43 1 25330 3391 45 | mail: [email protected]

gfb paRtnER ZEll aM sEEGFB PARTNER CONSULTINGGFB & Partner Unternehmensberatung Ges.m.b.H.karl-Vogt-Straße 65 | 5700 zell am See | ÖsterreichTel.: +43 6542 72495 | Fax: +43 6542 73316 | mail: [email protected]

GFB PARTNER INVESTmENT SERVICESGFB Investment Services GmbHkarl-Vogt-Straße 65 | 5700 zell am See | ÖsterreichTel.: +43 6542 72495 | Fax: +43 6542 73316 | mail: [email protected]

GFB PARTNER mARkETING SERVICES & HOTEL TOURISm CONSULTINGGFB & Partner marketing Services GmbHkarl-Vogt-Straße 65 | 5700 zell am See | ÖsterreichTel.: +43 6542 74100 | Fax: +43 6542 74100-30 | mail: [email protected]

gfb paRtnER MaRKEting sERVicEs linZGFB & Partner marketing Services GmbHLederfabrik Eingang Ost | 4040 Linz | ÖsterreichTel.: +43 699 1901 5045 | Fax: +43 732 8900 18 44 | mail: [email protected]

gfb paRtnER MaRKEting sERVicEs MÜnchEnGFB & Partner marketing Services GmbHLeonhard-Strell-Straße 19 | 85540 münchen-Haar | DeutschlandTel.: +49 89 4623 72 0 | Fax: +49 89 4623 7230 | mail: [email protected]

gfb paRtnER MaRKEting sERVicEs VEldEnGFB & Partner marketing Services GmbHmartin-Luther-Straße 2 | 9220 Velden am Wörthersee | ÖsterreichTel.: +43 4274 52106 | Fax: +43 4274 52106 30 | mail: [email protected]


W W W . p r o D i n g E r - g F B . a t

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P R O D I N G E R | G F B T E A m

W i r s u c h e n d i e b E s t E n f ü r u n s e r te a m ! w w w . p r o d i n g e r - g f b . a t ( k a r r i e r e )2 8 0 M i t a r b e i t e r i n n e n v o n W i e n b i s l e c h . 

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t a x c o n s u l t i n g | a c c o u n t i n g | r E s t r u c t u r i n g s E r v i c E s | c o n s u l t i n g

i n v E s t M E n t s E r v i c E s | M a r k E t i n g s E r v i c E s | H o t E l t o u r i s M c o n s u l t i n g

Prodinger|gFBc o n s u l t i n g g r o u p

W W W . p r o D i n g E r - g F B . a t