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2015-16 6E Scholars Present Their Prodigious Papers

Prodigious papers

Jan 20, 2017



Tricia Evans
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2015-166E Scholars Present Their

Prodigious Papers

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Why do people say that others don't define them. When really others are everything. Without other people you, or me wouldn't be here. I get the whole independence idea, but come on. You have help being you. Think of a sentence. Without a capital letter, or a period it's just not a sentence. Look at a book for example. Say you are the cover of the book. People are the pages. Without the pages you have no story. Just being a cover is boring. You are a rock. Everyone around you sculpts you. You are beautiful, unique, but without others you're just a rock. You are not the full masterpiece without others. You are never alone. You are not independent. There are billions of people around you. I love every single one of you. I am most definitely not independent. My name is Mckenzie, and you have changed me.

By Mckenzie

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A light brown coat of dirt stains not just my clothes but my my heart also. A gorgeous outfield trimmed almost too perfect. The sound of leather hitting metal sounds like heaven on Earth. Pumped up parents cheer for their son’s team on the blazing bleachers. The cheer excites me. The chalk sprinkled around the basepaths. Players moving everywhere, stirring like bees. Some kids happy, some sad. In my gut I know that I’ll join the happy train. I see my team warming up, getting pumped up on the field. We all feel confident. We know that we have a good chance to win. In the booth, the announcer says my name. I’m nervous but happy to be there. We are hitting first, and I’m leading off. I spot my opponent. I spot his pitches, and get used to his speed. I step up to the plate.The first pitch is a fastball high. Could have been a strike but called a ball. The next pitch I crank for a bomb. The dugout clears to greet me at home plate. Lots of high fives and pats on the back for me. After my at-bat it was a quick three outs. Over the next five innings their team scored one point and makes a tie game.The situation is two outs, nobody on base, and I’m up to bat. The count is 3-2. I fouled off about 5 pitches and I’m getting tired. I’m looking for an inside and low pitch.The pitch is there and the ball goes high into the air and it might go out!The crowd goes crazy as I round the bases. A walk-off homer is the best way to end a season.My friend and parents gather around to celabrate for me. As the season ends I prepare for next season.

By Kai.D

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Lush, leafy trees rise from the groundRoyal lakes sparkle in the SunMountain tops touch the sky And soar above the clouds

Green grass rolls until it meetsThe rocky terrain that climbs

Until the clouds stop it A brilliant white of snow and iceSparkle at the top of the peaks

These are the mountains of New MexicoBy Caleb

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Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright.

Things Will Be Better

You’re Important.

I’m Capable Of Great Things.

The Best Is Yet To Come.

I’m Lovable.

I’m Strong.

I Can Do This.By Jayson

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Hate Can be Changed By Riley M.Hate is dropped on the daily, haven’t you felt the hate lately.

words stab, thoughts gab

self-esteem was built, but then fell from a tilt.

some people become immune to “It”, But most can’t even imagine “It.”

what if we could change all this.

we could rewind to a time, When we were all fine.

flip things upside down, Like a robot that has been rewound.

conflicts could be cured like cancer, and maybe someone will answer.

maybe if “someone” would stand brave, then the world we could save.

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BELIEVE Wanting to read a book was not easy for me.Looking at everyone with a book in their hands, and me on the beginning of my book.Made me feel dumb.But not anymore. I want to tell you my amazing journey!

It all started in 6th grade. Last year in 5th grade, I had the worst grade ever. I tried really hard to get good grades but they wouldn’t go up. The STAAR was getting closer and closer.

It was the day of the STAAR test. “I can do it,“ I told myself. They told us our grades. I passed my math and reading but not science. I was so happy. I was going to 6th grade!!!!

Im in 6th grade I have the nicest teachers ever ! Their names are Mrs.Evans, Mrs. Sim’s, Mrs. Allumbaugh, Mrs. Fuller. Mrs. Evans, my reading teacher, had an assignment for us. To read a book called CIRCUS MIRANDUS by Cassie Beasley. She gave use all a book to read during the break . I read that whole book by myself! I was very proud of myself that day.

So there was a party after you read the book .We played games,and had snacks . Than it happened, I got to Talk To The Author. “Hi my name is Amara I really didn’t like to read but because of you, I’m reading Divergent. When said that, I started to cry. When I stopped I asked her, Do you BELIEVE in magic ? I do because of reading in book. Cassie Beasley IS my HERO!!!! BY Amara

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PROLOGUE“Are ya sure ya want the mansion on Niagara Falls?” the construction worker asked,

with a slight Texan accent. “Yes of course,” the billionaire retorted. “When I tell you to build the house on Niagara

falls, build the house on Niagara falls.” “This is the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard,” the construction worker muttered under his breath.

The billionaire had little patience for petty little construction workers. CRACK! A bullet sped right into the construction worker’s chest, popping a lung and breaking a rib. The construction worker lost his balance and fell down the falls, mist engulfing him. A couple seconds later the billionaire heard a splash.

50 YEARS LATERAfter fifty years of pollution and climate change, Niagara Falls dried up, leaving a desolate,

muddy trench with a cliff to boot. John Winter and his camera woman, Nichole Trench, were going to explore an abandoned mansion that was fifty years old and in desperate need of repair. ¨I’m so excited!” Nichole exclaimed.

Well, I’m not, thought John. As the blue and white van rattled up the hill towards the mansion, a petrifying smell hit their noses like a truck. “Ugh!¨ John said, holding back a huge need to vomit.

Nichole, who didn’t have a sense of smell, said “C’mon, John, get over it! It’s just an. unpleasant smell, ya slowpoke!“ Nichole inhaled deeply through her nose. “See? Nothing!” Just as Nichole uttered those words, a ham and cheese sandwich, a bag of chips, and lots of stomach acid came flying at Nichole’s face. “Point taken,” she muttered under her breath.

“Um, I’m going to go into the mansion now.” John said, in a hurry to get out of the news van. If you needed to know, the smell was sorta like dead skunk spray that just got vomited on by a rotten egg. Just thought you needed to know.

Five minutes later, Nichole was in her extra uniform. Nichole was prepared for just about everything. Just, not chandeliers. (You will understand in a minute.) ”Who’s the slowpoke now?” John asked playfully.

”Ha ha” Nichole replied sarcastically. John had to breath out of his mouth so instead of smelling dead skunk spray that just got vomited on by a rotten egg, he tasted it.

“Let’s hurry up and get this segment done,” John complained. “Okay,” Nichole replied, “I’m all ready now in three, two, one,” Nichole gave a thumbs up,

which meant the camera was rolling. “Hello!” John exclaimed in a falsely cheery voice, “Today, we will be exploring a fifty year old

dilapidated mansion!” Nichole pressed a button for canned applause. John clasped the doorknob, opened the the door and said, “ It smells like a dead rotten egg that got vomited on by skunk spray!” He swallowed his vomit, laughed at himself, and walked in. Nichole pressed a button for canned applause. “This mansion used to be on top of Niagara falls before all the water dried up and”- John heard the snip of scissors, and an old chandelier came falling onto his head. Nichole was not prepared for that.

By Hayden

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It is going to be like that. I am going to have this, and I will get that. Wait, let me back up. I am planning my future. Everything is going to be just extraordinary. Nothing is going to happen that will hurt me, my family, or my future. There is only one word for my future, perfect. My future is going to be perfect. In my elementary years, my dad and I are going to have so much fun going to daddy daughter dances, daddy daughter donut days, and I can’t wait to go shopping with my mom. The best part is, when I get older my daddy will give the love of my life the blessing to to marry me. After that big step, my dad will do the honor of walking me down the aisle and give me away. Now I have started my journey. I am going to start a family and be happy, as happy as can be, on cloud nine. But that was just a dream. All I was dreaming of was thrown in the trash. My future has changed. My future is not at all going to be like that because, well let me rewind.

It was the beginning of June and he was getting sicker and sicker. That day came around- he is gone, not coming back, dead, my dad is now dead. My kids will never have a grandpa, and no I am not going to build a fort, or paint, or play piggy-back with my dad. The worst of all is I will never get to come home and say,’’ Hey dad I got a one on my choir contest, or hey dad I got a 90 on my really big math test, or hey mom, daddy is calling.’’ My life has changed forever,and it will never be the same. It has changed for Eternity. By Madilyn

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Impossible Everything is impossible I will never think I will do something greatHopeless, incapable, absurd Is the wayAchievable, obtainable, possible Is idiotic Not trying Is how we coped with things Striving Was meaningless Thinking unworthy, impossible (Now, read the poem backwards)

● Champe

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Football- Two teams line up on the field beginning a miniature war. When the whistle blows, it is your time to shine and you have to get serious.During the game you can show no fear. The game feels like it could never end going by so slowly. It is a battle to see who can make the most touchdowns.Football has always been a good thing for me because whenever I need to just get out of the house, I can just go and throw the ball. It is always a back up. Football is just a great sport. Over all it has reminded me how you have to work hard no matter what you are doing, and as long as you work hard in life you can get anywhere.

By Seth C. Football

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The WorldDear Mrs. Evans

I am here to talk to you about our world. I know most people would think, what does a 6th grader know about the world? But those people are wrong because kids have a voice too. Everyday things are being destroyed and never coming back, so if we don’t know how to fix them, stop destroying them. I hear a lot of people that talk trash, even in front of kids and I think that’s a bad influence. That’s one reason why our generation is worse and it will keep getting worse until we fix it. We think we solved all are problems like racism, religion, war but they’re not solved, and if we don’t soon, these problems will be carried through our generation. Don’t get me wrong. Our world is still gorgeous. Matter of fact, I love it! What I’m saying is, the way we’re going won’t make the world last. I know most people would just say that’s how it just is these days but that’s not true. We still have a chance to change it. Even one nice thing can help, but it up us to decide.

Sincerely, Victor

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What does it feel like to lose someone? Sadness falls upon you when tragic things strike your life. A moment when you saw what you had and now miss it. A stab in the heart that makes your eyes bleed tears. The gray clouds have blocked the sunshine from meeting your skin. The paler and more melancholy your heart gets the more you fight. You fight back the tears. Someone has been ripped away from you. If you cry you won’t be able to stop. You sit in silence and wait for the moment when you drown yourself in salty, clear tears that take you away with each drop. No other feeling except your loneliness. Sorrow feels your body; you ache when you move. You can’t wait for that person to visit you, because your last goodbye has already passed. Then, you thought it was horrible knowing they were laying on their deathbed. Now you’d do anything to go back to stare into their eye’s one last time. Squeeze their hand a little harder thinking, they won’t be able to slip away this time. Life is life though; there’s a beginning and an end. That same pain will be making it’s way deep into your soul. How will you handle that, be strong for that person? No, you will be selfish and grieve so hard you’re curled up in a ball sobbing. The rain has come and it will stay until you let go. Those simple little things you loved about them makes you want to cry. Your vision will start getting blurry again. Your heart will start picking up pace.They’ve slipped away. Your heart slows down. You hope you won’t bring anyone that much pain one day. The sun will touch your skin again if you let it. Your eye’s will quit tearing up. The clouds will eventually fade away. You’ll see in color again. That one symbol will put you back under those clouds and the sun from touching your skin. Smile though and be happy you knew them. Grief is a stage longer for some than others. Don’t let it shut you down. It’s always good to see some shade so you don’t get sunburned. Don’t be as white as snow though. When a wife loses her husband. There’s no explanation to the pain one feels. When a mother wants to hold her baby one last time. When you lose a friend. You won’t ever be able to replace the love you had for them. You may try to, but you can’t replace a bond like that. Losing a mother or father, a brother or sister. Grief kicks in. Makes you feel like you’ve been hit by a bus. Tears you up from the inside out. You want to feel happy again. You may try to talk to them, but you can’t anymore. You don’t even want to think they’re gone yet. You wanna think you’ll be able to see them.Your heart goes numb. You cry when you’re alone. When others are around. You drop your feeling in the depths of the sea. They don’t stay down there forever. Maybe grief takes a whole nother hit on you. All you can do is cry even when people are around. Maybe you’re the one who will never let it out. What stage are you or what stage will you be? Everyone goes through grief one way or another. It’s your choice on how to handle it though. You get to pick. Nobody ever wants to have to pick in that kind of situation though. We do and we take it really horrible. You may cry for someone, but you will never be able to cry the same way that they do.Grief may tear you apart, but it depends on how strong you are in the situation.

Grief by Kenzie

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Trio Troubles JAHZIEL Based On A True Story ¨Hey Kayden, how is it going in class,¨ I said. ¨Great except for the fact that I got a detention.¨ ¨Really why dude,¨ I felt like something really bad happened in reading class today. Oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I am Jahziel and my two best friends are Jake and Kayden. We go to Lakeview elementary and it is pretty fun there, but telling you this is boring compared to you learning from the story.

¨I got in trouble just for sticking up for my friend dude. That is preposterous right man,¨ Kayden said. ¨That maybe is, she able to do that or what?,¨I murmured under my breath. Briiiiiiiiing. ¨That´s the bell man, see ya later.¨ ¨Alright see you,¨ he said back.KAYDEN I need to get payback for what she did, maybe prank her, start rumor´s ugh. I hate that teacher. She´s so annoying in every way. ¨Psssst, Jake over her man,¨ I whispered to him. ¨Uhhhhhh why are you whispering? You pretending to be a ninja or something?¨ He said, ¨No dimwit I have to tell you something,¨ I said, ¨Oh here we go again Kayden you calling me names and expecting me to come to you. Well you know what I´M DONE WITH YOU, ¨ he shouted, ¨And how about you SHUT YOUR MOUTH.¨ Poooooow. ¨It´s about time somebody told you that you aren´t the strongest man on the earth.¨ Jake said in anger. To Be Continued-Jahziel

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The Case- by Haven with Roslyn

Johnny: Did you hear about the case with Fred Weasley?Jenny: Yeah crazy he was your best friend huh?Johnny: Yeah. Well i have some great news!Jenny: What is it?Johnny:You and me will be going to solve the case!Jenny: um great!Johnny: I know right? We are going over tomorrow to gather clues.Jenny: Cool see you tomorrow{The next day comes and they are at the mansion.Jenny looks worried but says she’s fine]Johnny: Man, Fred was brutally murdered but we are here to gather evidence. (puts on gloves)Hey Jenny are you ok?Jenny : Yeah, I’m fine it’s just the blood you know?Johnny : oh yeah,let’s get back to work.{They gather all they need and take it back to the lab>]Greg : Well seems that the guy who killed him wanted to make sure no one will find it.Mary : Yeah that’s why they put it in the abandoned mansion.[Next day later they find fingerprints]Johnny : Greg,Mary this is amazing we will have this person locked up soon.Jenny : I know right.Um do you know whose finger prints they are?Mary : No clue,but we do know something.Johnny : What is it?Greg : Well this person had a partner in crime with them.Johnny : Wow these people must have wanted revenge.Mary : Most likely. We will hopefully have the results tomorrowJohnny : GreatJenny : That’s greatGreg : All we have to do is let it work all night then we find our answerJohnny : Well it’s pretty late maybe we should go homeJenny : I’ll lock up!Greg : Ok? Well see you guys tomorrow

Johnny : ByeMary : Bye[Everyone leaves and Jenny locks up then goes home.Later that night the murder seeked into the lab and stops the process of the finger prints]Mary : This is just great!Greg : I know we lost all the fingerprints!Johnny : What are we gonna do?Mary : I guess we have to find more evidence..Greg : That’ll take forever you know?Johnny : Why don’t we just go back to the crime scene and double check that we didn’t miss anything.{Jenny shows up late]Johnny : Hey Jenny bad news we lost all the fingerprints.Jenny : That stinks well sorry I was late I had a um doctor's appointment.Mary : That’s fine well you two are going back to the crime scene to find more evidence.Greg : We need all we can get.Johnny : Are you ready Jenny?Jenny : Um yeah is it just us or is like the FBI going to be there too?Jonny : Just us.Jenny : Ok just wonderingMary : Well you better be going time's a wastin.{They leave the lab and head off but Mary finds something strange.Johnny : So what do you think the murder wanted with Fred?Jenny : I don’t know maybe they felt like something just had to happen.Johnny : Why did you go to the doctor?Jenny : I had a hu-[The phone rings ,Jonny answers it then hangs up]Jenny : What was that about?TO BE CONTINUED…….

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RegretShards of my own reflection lie there on the floor, Chill my heart and soul straight to their core. I look at the scattered pieces, and what do I see? The past, present, and future. My reality. Fear flurries through my mind, for I cannot comprehend, How came from such a bright beginning, to such a dark end. I see my reflection, the impossible scattered puzzle, And the memories of broken dreams, I never will be able to muzzle. The fear of the unknown haunts me, as I wait my imminent death. And I’ll regret what I’ve done with my life, until my last dying breath.

Problem SolvingProblem solving is such a bore. Problem solving can be a chore. I’d rather be doing something so much more fun, Like riding my bike, or going on a run. But alas, this time problem solving has won, For if I want to do these things, my work must be done. So I’ll work and work my problems that need solved...Oh, Wait! I’ll copy off of my partner, and they won’t know I’m not involved…

FamilyFather, mother, sister, brother. They all need each other. Through every bit of love and light, All for one another, they would give their life. Helping find what has been lost, Fighting to survive, at any cost. A listening ear to you they would lend, Listening is a gift to receive and send. They are there when you’re happy, and when you cry, Anything for you. Even if they’d die.

HappinessHappiness is the motivation of life. Joy, the laughter of the morning rain. The sun shines upon the smiles of children, And the moonlight kisses your head goodnight. LIfe awaits a new day in the morning, And happiness awaits your return to the light.

DepressedSadness deepens. My face, a pale shade of grey. I say I’m fine, But only I know the darkness that lies behind the mask. My thoughts spiral into the abyss. I can’t get out. I’m all alone. I’m not fine….I’m depressed….

The Real MeI never really understood the concept of life, Just to the point to where I knew it was mine. I go on like a drone, not wondering what could be, Or even giving thought of what could happen to me. But I will be brave, bold, and beautiful tonight, For I want to live, not just survive. So now I’m myself, because now I see, That being a drone was not the real me.

Mrs Evans.You’re a wonderful teacher Mrs. Evans, An angel sent from heaven. I hope you know that I'm really gonna miss ya’ ‘Cause I’ve known

you since I was 11. By Halie

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I was in school one day reading after the ambitious test, waiting until the clock struck the next hour out of the field. Then out of the blue, the words on my book started to turn into ink. Then it turned into a hand and grabbed me from my seat and pulled me into the book. I saw a white light which started to turn into a forest just like my book. Then I fell into a pond. Out of the trees a monster from my book came to chase me so ran to a cave. I noticed it was the monster’s cave, so I ran again. A man pulled me out of the way telling me that if I wanted to get back home, I had to get the copy of the book. I left to get it, but the monster got me. I noticed it was my teacher; that’s when things got horrific. So I gave her my homework that I forgot to give her in class then she left me alone. I went to get my book. As soon as I touched it, I woke up in class and this is the funny thing. I was drooling.

By Miguel H

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You betrayed meI was there whenHe broke your heart into A million pieces You made me feel like I was specialBut I was just another one ofYour toys to throw aroundYou screamed and shouted At meYou acted like you were queenI helped you through the strugglesIn your lifeBut you only talked to Me when you needed SomethingHe shattered your heartI tried to put themBack together But then you broke mineI tried to forgiveYou wouldn’t give me a chanceI’m done trying I hope you forgetWhat you saidBy Cassidy B

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“Ouch!” Elise had fell and scraped her knee. She had basically run away because her dad passed away and her mom was never the same. Now the jewel of peace and hope is forever tied around her neck. She is now in the meadow, the birds are singing, the flowers are calmly dancing in the wind.

There were vines wrapped around the trees but there was this one vine and it was special. The thing that made that vine special was that it glowed in the dark night. The next morning Elise went to go check on the vine and it was gone, once she turned around there was so many of those vines moving around a bush. She went to go look behind that bush and she found a woman wrapped in so many long roses, and flowers forming her clothes. Elise asked who she was and she answered, “My name, well I’m Mother Nature. I control plants and animals. I need that jewel because people are burning the forest and polluting the water with disgusting trash that they call resources . They are hurting the land and destroying it. Please I need that jewel!”

“I will keep it safe until you need it back, all animals will watch over it , and all poison ivy plants will strike anyone that is within a mile of it” Elise tells her. “Thank you,” as she heads to find her sister her sister ran away a week ago. “Hello Skyler ahh!”

“Where have you been ? You scared me. We don't have time we have to find mother nature!” Wham!The two girls got scooped up and they were taken back to the castle by Mother Nature. She had given back the jewel and left.

By Christian. C

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We get up early in the morning to start our trip for vacation, To me it felt like we left right before we went to bed, because of how dark it was. As we started to leave it was cool and the beautiful sky started to show. We were headed to Oklahoma, Turner Falls. My mom said we were going to have lots of fun because of how much we all adore swimming, It took longer than it was supposed to to get to Turner Falls because we had to keep stopping and getting gas and food for the babies to eat. As we got to Oklahoma, we just couldn`t seem to find Turner Falls,so we had to ask some people for directions, When they told us the directions, it was just down the street. We had to wait in line for about twenty minutes to pay. It took us about ten minutes to find the tightened up spot for us to camp. We had two tents and all seven of my brothers tried to cram in one tent which of course it didn`t work out for them. So some of them had to come to our tent which they didn`t like. I thought it was extremely funny that they didn`t get to sleep all together like they wanted to. Later on that night when it got dark, we ate s’mores and told scary stories, My little sister was the first one to fall asleep, so me and my brothers drew on her face. When my oldest brother fell asleep, we put whip cream on his face and he woke up because of how cold it was. We all acted as if nothing happened. After all I ended up having big bunches of fun. My mom always said, don`t judge a book by its cover, and I ended up judging where we went for vacation and I ended up having bunches of fun. So after that, I started trying new things and in the end I ended up liking them. So don`t judge a book by its cover because you never know what it`s gonna be like. In the end I think you will love it so try new things every now and then.

BY Gabby

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When a rabbit came along it saw a fox. The fox was hungry for rabbit and the hare to run away but the fox got really close so the rabbit’s tail got eaten away. That is not where it ends because the rabbit grew his tail back, so when his tail grew back he got out of his hole. How do you think that he escaped from the fox? The rabbit got out past the fox and the rabbit ran to a magical place so the magical past is where you see cotton candy trees and lollipop bushes. The rabbit turned into a different color and it was purple. When the rabbit was safe in a world that has no foxes, he went to the rainbow river and drank water. He turned the colors of the rainbow. The rabbit did not care but went and laid down in his hole. He slept happily ever after.

By Amber Rabbit Hole

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When I started drawing is when I was 7. I would get the Sunday newspaper and read the cartoons. After I read the newspaper, I would draw the cartoons and sometimes I would mess up on it but I would keep trying and get it right and get better at it.

By Adam

When I started drawing

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12 Year Old With Mental Issues ArrestedBy MasonWhy?The boy told authorities his name is Parker. When asked what his last name was, he responded by saying that his father didn’t fill in the last name on his birth certificate. So that makes his name ¨Parker,Last Name¨ When asked about his last name, Parker said.¨I don’t really care. Right now I´ve got to find the “Kasha Ven”

The “Kasha Ven” is a terrorist group famous for killing the Smith’s. The Smith’s were multi-billionares!

The boy was found with a robot which apparently is a state of the art machine. Authorities believe that the boy stole the robot from someone with a lot of money. Parker claims he is the son of Amy and Will Smith. Police say there was no resemblance between them. Police say the boy and the robot made a run for it and are now hiding out somewhere in northern England. If the boy really is looking for the “Kasha Ven,” they are mainly located in western France. The “Kasha Ven” has started moving toward England and buying boats. Is this a Coincidence?

New York Times

More Info?

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That 1 day

Rows and Rows of flowersRows of color I watch time go byLike a speeding carI watch wind blow flowers downLike trees in the wind bending backA big glass building Looking like the mirror in the showers A warm breeze on your neckA pounding waterfall Hitting the pond hard on waterI wonder what it feels like to be a flower Just for one day! By Kyle K.

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Introduction“Go now!” the police yelled as my city was on fire because of the explosion on Coulter and Boulevard. Two

hours later, I’m sitting in an alley writing in my journal while I’ve lost my family and my friends. I am the survivor.

SurvivorChapter 1: The beginning of the end

“Why?” is what I ask myself these days. “Why would I make this happen?” That’s right, I helped (well sort of) with the explosion. I ran into this man, and he kind of looked like Einstein so I said, “Hey Einstien! What’s the square root of your face, because I wish you could solve it!”

Then I guess he took it seriously because he said, “I use every cream on it!” “Who does it? Your mom?!” I threw back “Well at least I don’t make bad jokes!” . Then I lost it “I bet you can’t make an explosion bigger than your moustache!” I shouted. “I can make something out of my life! You’ll see!” then he stormed off.

Chapter 2: Another survivorI’m so hungry. I don’t know where to go. I’ve been living in this alley for 3 days already! “I’m so hungry and

bewildered! Can anyone hear me!” Then I cry my soul out to anyone that anyone that can hear me. All of a sudden I hear a noise from the bush. I get my fist ready to attack, then came out Looks like a maltese with brown spots. It didn’t have a name tag so I named it Resistance because he survived with me. He’s asleep now, but later I’m going to teach him how to defend himself. Right now I think I might as well get some sleep too.

Emrie C.

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A Painting Like This

I walk alongside a paintingI mumble to myself Something like“It feels lonely”And I begin my long process in my headOf why?Why is it lonely?Why does it feel differentFrom the rest?And why do I feel this way?BewilderedThat’s it, bewildered And I realize,every painting has its own story,Its own background, some happy, some sadAnd some like this.

By Reagan

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You’re wondering!!!!! You’re probably wondering who I am. I will tell you! Unless you know what I’m like and things about me. I’m really graceful and you see me in your dreams. I’m always looking over you. When I’m busy I send your guardian angel to make sure you aren’t getting in trouble while I’m gone. It’s getting really late I have to save the day! Bye for I shall be back tomorrow to save your day and keep all the villains away. You will be safe because you are in the arms of Jesus

Always remember that Jesus and his army of angels are there looking over you. You are worthy to go through those gates of heaven. You should thank them for making you how you are. Worthy in your own special ways even Jesus and the army of angels say the same thing.They see your past and what’s going to happen next. To thank them for this life you have in your hands, pray and say thank you to them and soon you will see how good that did you. One of these days you will be let out of a cage and meet the world and be a guardian angel to somebody one of these days. But you’re not ready for that so you will sit in the cage till you have completed your mission. So far you are almost there.

Those are my own words of wisdom and you are worthy!!

By Cali

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Mighty Sun Giant.

The sun rises, as high, as it can.It reaches out its hands to me,To lift me up, teach me, and grasp me around my collar.It teaches me tricks, so one day I’ll rise as high, I’ll be nigh, like you the great sun.I know you shine brightI can’t imagine what fire might burn around you, butYou still go on and live, The great mighty Sun Giant

Who am I

ByKyle R.

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The BeachAfter hours upon hours of riding in the car which felt like minutes,we finally arrived at the beach. We went to drop all the stuff off at the hotel. Then we hit it to the beach to see the beautiful sunset; it was so fascinating. The next day we went deep sea fishing, and caught some gigantic fish. After the deep sea fishing we headed down the shoreline and went surfing, and boogie boarding. The surfing was so cool. I caught a huge wave, and the boogie boarding was so amusing for the most part. Until I went way out to where the big waves were and I saw a Black Tip Shark. It scared me so bad I almost fainted. The next day was our last day at the beach so we had to make it our best. So we decided to have a football tournament on the shoreline. It was so fun because when you ran on the sand it was so soft it felt like you were running on millions of pillows. When we were done we were so tired that we just went to the hotel and swam, but lucky us they were having a pool party. And we won one of the activities so they gave us slushies. And to wrap up the trip we had s’mores down at the pool. The chocolate was so flavorful, it just melted in my mouth. This was the best trip ever. By Caden H.

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I’ve learned a lot this year about hard work and putting pride in your work and not to be serious all the time and have fun. So I came up with something that people would be jubilant about.

Special Summer

Summer is great Summer is warmSummer doesn’t come late Summer is gloomy

Summer is never stormySummer is a splish splash Summer never comes to a crashSummer fights the cold Summer makes you bold Summer falls in love

Summer steals your soulSummer sends you on a journeySummer hops on you like a bunnySummer brings you back to learn Summer puts you on another year to burn

By Christian G.

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Standing there I felt insane

Something in my headMade me feel berzerk

A headache that could never be erasedThe clock ticks reluctantly

It’s making me mad

Tick-tock-tickI want to curl up

And tantrum

But what’s the pointI wait

Maybe I’ll be released

Tick-It stops

All of everything is gone.

By Roslyn

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The thought is like a dream, but it feels like miles away. Steps won’t bring you closer. Anxious to reach your destination knowing your life will change patiently you work more knowledge into your brain. Go ahead your life is waiting. Your work pays off one day. Finally you can take your first steps. Only see your goals and don’t believe in failure, cause I know the smallest voices they can make it major. You have gone off to college. Your features in the making don’t let yourself quit. To me you are succeeding. By Ashley M.

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Crosswords The crossword puzzle everyone knows how it works: the definitions, the blanks. You get the picture. Life. A crossword puzzle is just another game of life. You think you have to have that one thing, so you can be popular. News flash popular people are not the best people in the world! You may need (want) to be that really popular kid. Some people actually need real things like food or hope. Well let’s say life gave me the bad feelings where I wanted to be that popular girl. Life made it feel like the worst decision I made. By Ashley

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As I traveled down the pessimistic cavern,I felt grateful for the supplies my family had given me. Something told me this would take a while. All I have to do is get back the magic crystal to redeem my family. Oh sorry I forgot, my name is Garroth Marsden, my magic weapon is a flashlight. I kept walking for what seemed like an eternity, but I finally found the portal to the cave of crystals. I was told it would take you to a far away place, then you had to find another portal. My parents told me and my two brothers that we had an older sister that got lost while trying to find the second portal, but whenever they almost said her name, they burst into tears. Maybe I could find her.

I slowly walked into the portal,I felt like I was hit in the back of the head.When I awoke, a girl much older than me, I guess a young adult, was looking over me, she had odd pink hair that looked almost like my white hair. “Oh good, you’re awake, and they said I would never be able to heal anyone with my type of magic,” she said like she was proud.

All I had to say was, “W….who are you?” She replied quickly, “My name is Luna M-” I jumped up and grabbed my flashlight and ran out

the door saying, “Thanks Luna but I really have to go find this crystal for my family. My name’s Garroth Marsden by the way!” I thought the portal would be at the tallest tower,so I ran for it. My family said always watch your back, so I would check my back every now and then. Wait am I being followed? I just saw a hooded figure. I pulled out my flashlight and cast a speed spell so the hooded person couldn't follow me. I ran further and further into the unknown.

By Grayson .

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ExtraordinaryIn a magnificent forest there was a flower. It wasn’t like other flowers. It was a dull flower with not one spot of color.There was a girl that came every evening to gather water from the well.The girl lived in a small village and had no family. She tried blending in with everyone so she wouldn’t be so different.She began taking walks through the forest to keep herself content.One day as she was walking she came across the dreary flower.She then realized something.Every flower has its differences, but that's what makes it special.

By Tatyana

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The Glass Everybody has heard of the glass, that is half full, but at the same time is half empty. Well it just depends on the way you look at it. I mean whose glass is it? Who thought of it? No one knows right? But think about this. Let’s say it’s your glass and you’re looking at it. In your cup is water, clear water. To me I think it means the present, right in the middle. The full glass before you drank it, is the past. The empty glass after you drank it, is the future. Which do you want to think about? Well, then I wonder why is there water, not apple juice or coffee, or even coke? Just. Water. Clear water, because it doesn’t matter what has happened or what is going to happen. Just the moment you live in. Right now. Now is that moment going to be half full or half empty? Good question, right? By Avree

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Boom, Bang, Boom! What was that noise? That almost sounded like a car crash.Let’s go look come on….OMG it was !!

Let’s cut to the chase. It’s your fault not mine, ha. ‘’You need to pay more attention.’’Once the cops showed up they made sure everyone was ok. Oh yah, my name is Lily Mae. I really love

going outside.We live in the big city and there are lots of crashes.”

Later that day, there was another car crash. Are you serious people? Learn how to drive. It finally stopped and we went out for dinner. Next thing you know we got in a crash it wasn’t that bad. So we just went home andfixed the car.

That was the worst day of my life but I lived and I am glad that I did.

By Caidynce

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Mystery ManI’m still running for my life as the mystery man is still chasing me. We’re

going into the woods as I’m wondering will I ever make it out alive or will I still be caught in his clutches. As I’m running I trip and fall and my head

hits a rock. As I’m laying there on the forest floor my life flashes before me my birthday, school, my life.I’m thinking to myself get up,get up, I hear

footsteps getting closer and closer. The man looks down and smiles and says, “I've got you now.” My eyes open as I realize it was just a dream

when I get up the mystery man is at my window.By Amiah. P.

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The LetterBy Lexi T.

Today I got the weirdest note ever. It went sort of like this…. March 27, 2116

Dear Cheyanne, It’s Easter Sunday here in London and as always I have nothing to do. Of course you

have something to do. I mean you invited me to Africa last year. But enough about last year. 2 days ago I had the twins and I’m still in the hospital with our annoying little sister and dearest mum. Besides me, how are Isaac and you holding up after the divorce?

Best wishes, Susan Mahogany.

Weird right? I almost wrote back I’m in London like you but that would be plain RUDE. Of course rushed to the birth recovery center and took my little sister to the house while mum stayed with Cheyanne. I established I was going to stay in London this year. Then left. Anyways I have to watch the Gurgle Ups Club which is a stupid baby show. My sister climbs everywhere I really don’t know how mum puts up with her. It’s always, ”Sis can I have this” no “Well can I have that” no then she starts crying. Besides that, my day has been wonderful. Until next time bye diary.

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The 74 year old man rocked back and forth in his rocking chair wondering if he would ever see his kids again. He hasn’t seen his kids in about six years since his wife passed away in an accident. There he was just sitting there with no one to talk to because a couple of years ago he had a horrible stroke and now he may not ever get to speak again. When the man looks out the window he sees children running around outside. It reminds him of the time that his family was whole. He felt so gloomy, like the deepest depths of the ocean. There is a huge hole in his heart. That night, the man went to bed contemplating about all of the memorable years he spent with his five blessings and his adoring wife. The next morning, the man's three sons and two daughters went to wish their dad a happy birthday. When the man awoke, he had an amazing day with his wonderful children. The man was overwhelmed that when he went to sleep the next morning the man hedid not awake from his sleep.

January 21, 1998 at 8:18 am Orlando Patterson took his last breath.

By Alex

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I run and run until I’m out of breath and hide behind a thick tree.“We need to call our home base!” Max yells over the now distant

screeches of what was behind us. We now got through the first task to getting the jewel. We turn around

so our backs are toward the tree. I let out a sigh and like the first task I just wait for a sign for the next task to happen. About a few minutes later, Max whispers in my ear that he sees a monkey that starts looking at us. The monkey has a crooked nose and a square rim around his eyes. When I blinked the monkey has turned into an old man. He looked very much like the monkey except that he has less hair and looked like a human.

“Sorry to bother you but if you are looking for the jewel you will have to solve my riddle!” His voice sounds just like an elderly person’s would.

“We are looking for a jewel!” Max speaks up but still trembling. “What appears once in a minute twice a moment but never in a

thousand years.” I think about it and I have heard this one before I’m familiar with this

one I haven’t told you something yet because I wanted it to be a surprise but the riddle man that looks for jewels.

By Carson

The Riddle Man

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TrustIsn’t meant to be broken.

I’m not to be played with; you should take me serious.

I’m in love with the handful of people who keep me sacred.

I try my hardest to stay with you and her but…

You don’t take me serious.

When I first came to you and her, I kept you and her zipped together,

but now your zipper broke.

If you don’t take me serious you could lose a big part of your life.

Be part of the handful of people.By Kaydence

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The Big Catch or Was It

It was a sunny Sunday morning when I started to get ready to go find something extraodinary that would also be awesome to see. If not then I would be melancholy. I headed out with a big yearning to find just something. As I was driving I was still trying to find something but there was still nothing.Till then I saw something out the corner of my eye. To be continued…

By Adan

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Achieving Success

The difference between being average and being amazing is curiosity. Hard work pays off in the end and when it’s all done you know that you didn’t hold anything back. It doesn’t matter the consequences, in the end it’s how much effort you put into it.

“ Believing in yourself is the first secret of success.” -KushandwizdomAverage is being ok with where you are and you feel like you don’t need to push anymore. Average is being the same as others and giving up on your destination. If you are successful you go above and beyond the average person. You set higher goals with greater determination to reach them. If you are an amazing person, you a unique individual.

“ What you do in the dark makes you shine in the light.” -NikeIt’s not what the person beside you is achieving for it’s how you get better and achieve your personal goal.

By Megan

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The cheese man got ready for battle with the Swiss Cheese and his army. “ I’m so vengeful they ran me out of town. Well let’s see what Cheese President has to say about that when I eliminate his people with an airstrike on Cheeseland. “ said Swiss Cheese . “ Everybody get in your cheese copters. It's about to get cheesy and not the good kind! “ Feeling aggravated the cheese force clarified the plan and got moving.

Now it’s time for the final battle. Time to convey we’re better than Swiss Cheese and that's final. “Cheesemen, they have a vile constitution. I will remove them from their disgusting planet and this will make them bow down to me in their coffins.”

By Tivon

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BY Wendy

I may not be smart

And I may not be real but the journey ahead

is to be healed . The road is not me

Neither is the journey, but I am the one telling your story . As the road I have

said is not what it seems, it leads to be freed.

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Sometimes in life we come upon difficulties; they make us break down and give up on life. It makes us feel like we are very little and have no hope on our dreams, but we can keep on trying because in the long run things will come to a happy ending. It’s like when you are on a road trip and you get lost. You search and figure things out to get back on the right track and you will end up where you need to be. You just need to skip over troubles and get back on track. You will always end up where your destination is.

By Jacelyn

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An I’m possible Dream

Have you ever had a dream? It sounds insane sometimes to think about whether you can or can’t do it! For some people being an astronaut or an actress or actor or even a makeup artist for an actress or actor is a dream. People tell you it’s impossible and you can’t do it. Thing is though it’s not impossible. People tell you to grow up and start being real, and you think to yourself that your dream is real. For years people make you give up on your dream so it won’t become reality, but right now you’re capable of anything you wish for. You’re a person who with a little hard work can do it, and prove them wrong. By Dalanie

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My brother was very sad because my German shephard had died the day he was going to get his shots. After that was a moment of silence. I always wanted to do animation and I thought if I could draw, and also think of ways to make characters. If I draw I’ve decided to call my animation the diZNY Brothers. We would make movies that are animated and movies that are not animated. My brain thinks of a lot of things especially my German Shephard and my family and mostly the one that I love most of all is my baby brother and my animation.

By Maximus

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6th grade has been good. I had a bad year in 5th grade but now I have changed because the teachers are nice. Last year I felt confused because no one took the time to explain it to me and this year teachers take time with me. I have made good friends this year. Jacob, Hayden and Grayson are my friends.

By Wolfie

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Prologue Long ago the Tajar lived in what is now called Pinewood Valley. They were miners who spent their lives in mines. They lived deep in the mines in a gorgeous city carved into the rock of the cave. One day a miner found a fiery red stone. But when they touched the stone, they burst into flames. When the king heard about the stone he wanted to add it to his crown. But when the miner first found it, a great spirit awoke. You see the stone was the spirit's heart and it wanted to protect it. So when the stone was added to the crown the spirit came and burnt them all to a pile of ash. And the spirit, now knowing the stone was safe, went back to sleep. And centuries passed with the stone undisturbed.

By Jacob

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Sometimes I sit and wonder, What is my purpose?Who am I on the inside?

Within myself I dwell in my thoughts,As the Holy Spirit surrounds me,

Once my heart has been filled,I walk away a wiser self,

This is the time to… think,About others before yourself,

This is the time to… love, Like no others have ever seen before,

This is the time to…do.



y Lost in Thoughts

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October 15, 3019. I ran down tp the little people’s homes. Giving them happy dreams in exchange for their sad gloomy dreams. It’s pretty easy; you just have to have a dream catcher. But those are hard to get. But that’s not why you are here. We need to help some kids from the dark sleep, nightmares. I jumped in the window of a kid’s room, and I did my magical best. He was suffering in his dreams and I felt like a bad person. “WE HAVE TO GO SAVE HIM!” I said. I waited for a second or two nope. He’s not coming. I heard screaming and crying. I ran to the boy saying, “It’s alright!” The boy looked up screaming,”No! Don’t hurt me!

I said, “It's ok, get up.” But when I looked up, there was a big blurry thing above me.

The Dreamgiver

To be continued

By Fox

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OK so I’m not your normal everyday person you walk by on the street. I am different. Well I’m like a red bird in a sea of black birds. My name is Rachel Joy Hendricks. I know, normal name, normal house, normal pets, normal famil, normal sister, but not normal life. Every morning I wake up and stare at the ceiling while my mom comes in my room and the same soft voice calls to me,”Good morning, today’s going to be a great day and you get to be apart of it.” When I finally get up and eat breakfast and take my pills and get dressed I sit down, well technically I’m always sitting down, and I think. I think about today and what it will be like. Will people stare and laugh and whisper and gossip and do what all those normal people do? My first day and it could all be ruined by one small thing.

Changed You changed me You changed my life You made me laugh So hard I cried I am changed forevermore I guess it's time to return the favor By EmmaKateI dedicate this to Mrs.Fuller

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It was the first day to live in Amarillo. I was sad to move away from the place I knew best. The part that I hated the most was leaving my friends and my dad. I didn’t want to move but had to. I wanted to live with my dad but my mom wouldn’t let it happen.My mom tried to cheer us up by saying, “There is more stuff to do here than there.” We went to the apartments and loaded up our stuff and went to sleep. In the next three days I went to school. I was nervous to go to school. I was thinking, the students won’t like me or even the teachers. I went to meet the teachers and they were nice.T o me it looked everyone was happy to see a new student. I went to math to start my day. My first day was nice. I was excited to be out of school because it was the longest day of my life. I started to enjoy going to school and got used to it.By Bryson

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The Lost Dog Once there was a boy and his mom, dad and their dog.The dog was the boys best friend. They go everywhere together. They were so close that they would play together every single day. Until one day, the dog ran away. The family didn`t know why or how, but when the boy came home, his mom and dad told him that the dog had run away. The boy, Chris, was very, very sad, so they put signs on poles everywhere around the city.

They never found him all week or the next week or weekend and the family was upset. Until one day when Chris was walking to school. He found him and man he was so happy. He got Josh and ran home and told his mom and dad. They had a big feast at home that night.

Josh never ran away again because he was afraid of not having a family so great or special.Chris and Josh are best friends and brothers.

By Madison

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There was a kid and he grew up in a small village that had knights in shining armor and he wanted to be a knight just like them . Fifteen years later he has a quest and he needs to save a bride. He came across a bridge over lava and he was not scared so he ran. As he hurried, the bridge snapped and he narrowly escaped.Then he went into the castle and saw a dragon. He threw his sword at his eyes and then went to go get the bride. He ran out and his helmet fell off as she screamed. Then he said, “I’m not going to hurt you and she worked her way out and ran away from him. He said, “Stop, I’m not a monster.Then next day he went looking for her and finally bumped into her and she said, “ Sorry.” They began to talk. Three years later they got married and had six kids and he went to his village and said, “I’m not returning. I’m going to live my life with my wife.

By Casey


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The Hero “Hey, What are you doing?” Hi my name is Kay and this is the day I saved a zoo.My

dad’s zoo in fact.He owns a petting zoo. Well back to the case. While I was feeding the horses, I heard a person start to

yell.It sounded like one of the ticket booth people.Later I saw a unfamiler face come in and I know everybody who comes in. I ran over to him and told him he’s not suposed to be around here. He said,”I can come around here if I want to.”

I ran to my dad’s office and told him,”Dad there’s a stranger in the zoo!” Then he jumped to his feet and grabbed the phone.While he called the cops,I tried to stop the stranger. When the cops got here I managed to get the stranger to the gate.

The cops thanked me.The stranger went to jail in his home town.I was on the news although I didn’t want to be, but they made me.

When I grew up the police wanted me to join.I was totally shocked.They really needed me, so I said yes. I needed a job anyways.

By Cheyenne

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Prodigious PaperIt’s the end of the yearAnother assignment is dueWhat teachers are thinkingI haven’t a clue

Teachers are crankyStudents are tiredWarm weather is comingSleeping is much desired

As I sit down to writeMy mind is blankI dream of vacationThis assignment really stank (stunk?)

By Beau

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Chapter 1

Dog BoyHello there my name is Jackson, but people call me Jack and I hope that you are people. I have a secret and I

think you might want to hear it. I’m not a human, but in fact I’m a dog.Not just a dog a very special dog that can’t just talk and look like a human. I take off the magical collar and green, blue,and brown swirl around me. See now I am a talking dog, and this is my story.

My story starts at the pound when a girl named Julianna looks right into my eyes and that’s when I knew that today is the day I get adopted. So she goes up to the counter and asks for the papers for that dog, and points at me. The guy givers her a paper,collar, and a dog bowl, and she is done signing the papers and gives it to the guy.

The guy comes over and unlocked my cage and puts a collar and leash on me and hands it to her. We walk to the car and it felt like hours when we got to this beautiful house with a giant sycamore tree in the front yard and grass all over the ground that looked so beautiful from my view at least.

There was a cool red van outside on the driveway, and when I got inside I was so excited about meeting my new family. There were three kids, one baby, one middle aged kid, and one teenager. The first kid I went to was the teen aged kid, but Julianna had the leash and wouldn’t let go,but shortly after they came to me and showed me a lot of affection.

Then Julianna put the magical collar on my neck and next thing I know green, blue, and brown swirl around me to turn into a teenaged boy. They scream and I scream too.”What happened to my good looking body? Then back to a dog while they were letting it all out.So now you should get the jist here that my new mom gave me a new collar that changes me into a human boy.

I do know that there will be troubles on the way, but it might be better living a human and dog existence than a regular dog life.

By Diego

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DreamsDreams don’t last forever.They can come true or be in your head. Either way they don’t last forever.Dreams can be goals but goals most of the time take hard work.You can succeed or fail just know that you tried your hardest.If you succeed don’t think about how it limited you think about the succession.Dreams don’t last forever.Go and give your dream your best shot.

By Dylan

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Hello My name is Morgan . I am from Amarillo, Texas, and I am fourteen years old . I am writing this story inspired by something big in my life! I am in the eighth grade and I go to Blueways Junior high. I grew up in a broken home until I was about ten years old. I was in a foster home by eleven years old. Now I live in a loving home in Nashville, Tennessee. Okay, enough about my back story; let’s talk about what inspired me . This is when I was about thirteen years old . My mom, Nichole, said I would go to Greenhaven which was a summer camp and there was a little boy named Jadyn, Jadyn had Down Syndrome. I was his mentor. We were getting prepared for a hiking trip; however, I had to take medical classes for me to be able to take Jadyn on the hiking trip.

Yay! We’re going on the trip, and we are super excited. It was exactly four o'clock and Jadyn fainted and broke out into a seizure like the spaced out ones. It was just a stare. I had to make sure he could hear me and stay awake . I called the ambulance and they were there by four eleven . After that they got him back to normal he was fine and back to smiling. You're probably all wondering what does this sad story have to do with why I was inspired, well I was inspired to be a doctor for down syndrome children . I already take college classes and I also go to regular eighth grade classes . But I also wrote this story to inspire you to try all new things!

By : Emily

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What a beautiful day outside! Then a rock came and hit me and knocked the breath out of me! Me and my sister were skipping rocks,then my sister turned it into a competition.She said if she throws it farther than me then I would have to pay her 20 dollars. So then I had no choice but to start a boycott because I don’t even have 20 dollars! Then my sister started a campaign to get what she wanted,but I could not get my parents to stop her because they were not home. I had full custody over her for the afternoon. I should get 20 dollars for that! But I didn’t want to make her even more mad so I gave her what she wanted. I extended my arm and skipped the rock. All I can say is, wow what a supreme throw! Now I better get double that money!

By Autumn Boyd

Prodigious paper

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I walked into school one day only to find two people being very argumentative. Right away I could tell who the conceited antagonist was and was feeling super suspenseful. The more I was listening to their argument the more I became very, very, bewildered about what the argument was about. I needed someone to tell me what was going on in chronological order and really clarify what was going on. After I was told why they were being argumentative, I had an idea of how to differentiate their external conflict. Once everything was settled, everyone felt very relieved that I had found a resolution and nobody was feeling vengeful anymore. For the rest of the day everyone felt very jubilant and grateful instead of feeling, stressful and pessimistic.

Hope you enjoy my short story!!!


BY Tiffany E.

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Miracles Happen

Everybody said that I couldn’t do it, but that day I proved them wrong. The doctors said I wasn’t able to run probably not even able to walk. Right now I’m one of the fastest kids in my class. They said that I was clever. All I did was exercise and eat healthy. It helped my bones to get stronger. I went back to the doctors and they were standing there in awe once I ran in to see them. They told me that they haven’t seen anything like this ever. They said it was a miracle, but all I said was actually caring about myself and staying healthy. That’s the problem these days is people just don’t care what happens to them. I started playing basketball, and I can say that I’m ok at it. But the lesson here is to do things even though you’re told not to do it. Just be the best you, you can be.

This is based on a true story.By Jose

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TIME TO BE REAL Our world is living in a dream

We can't see past the stream

Everything is just not real It's like a bad tasting

meal Maybe life can go dark

I think we need a spark Everything is perfect Till the the one thing gets wrecked

Your life crumbles then you hear a mumble The voice you've been waiting for

But it leaves because you're a bore Sometimes you think what life would be like

If I didn't go down the sink

By Kristyn

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The Mountains The mountains are as sharp as knives and look like

a giant covered them in flour. My favorite place is the Colorado Rockies. The stream cuts through the

mountains like a waterslide. The mountains are like humans they are either evil or grateful. You can always

be like a grateful mountain but when you’re an evil mountain look on the other side. When the mountains

are grateful they are magnificent,but when they are evil they look like a human life is going extinct.

By Christopher

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Flowers they are all around you. I ask you this question because I want to know

Flowers or rainbows?

Will you be the oneThat looks down deep inside andChooses flowers or rainbows? No one will know

Flowers blow in the wind of beauty Rainbows wait for someone to find the gold on the other side Rainbows or flowers? No one will know

By Jasmine

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I was trying to determine if this was the one my grandfather had told me about in my dream. Did he tell me what shade of color it was? I’m not sure, after all it was in my dream so I don’t remember it all. To me it looked as ordinary and plain as any other, I chose to be safe and come back tomorrow.

I came back, but this time I’m with my grandfather. We sit there for over an hour; he tells me stories of when he crossed this bridge. No other bridge will do what this one can do, travel to the past. My grandfather said to me, “You see not just anyone can go travel back in time. It runs in our family, but sometimes it would throw you too far into the future’.” Too far into the future that sounds scary!

The next day he told me that he saw a caveman, But as he was telling some more stories. A flash of white and black light happened, and next thing I knew I was a floating spirit talking to my grandson about a caveman I saw.

BY Tyler.

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Dog Party

´´Slurp slurp,´´ a good morning drink that is what I needed with a sore throat. I walked up to the calendar and now I remembered, that it was my birthday. But since no one else is up I tried to be quiet and not wake anyone. My owners woke up and they did not notice that it was my birthday. The whole day I just slumped in the corner whelping. I was really bewildered why no one was saying anything about my birthday. It was almost dinner time and my brother brought me outside. When we got outside I was so jubilant that there were balloons and cake. When we went inside to eat dinner my brother sprayed me with silly string. I thought, “Ya’ll did remember my birthday!´´ By Makenna

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The darkened night shines with abundant amount of light in the sky. And under a sky full of splendor was a crowd ready to lift their lights up in the sky, to inhabit the moment, which if you think about it, it’s actually quite magnificent.

Archie Smith, Boy Wonder The way the light slowly exits the boy’s room was very mysterious. But the grin on the boy’s face

was an arrogant and delightful smirk. The expressions changed every so often as if he vacated a dream and entered another.

My Journey Across the Wire I was an abundant high off the ground. Under the street s

was a horde of people. It was mind-blowing what I was doing. Yet the air around felt humid. I was terrified, yet the horde cheered me on.

By Cassidy

The Night Lights

Page 72: Prodigious papers

There are some things in life you have experienced, and some things you haven’t. Some boring some extraordinary. They might be tiny or enormous, but whatever it is, most of the time you cherish that and it becomes part of it the rest of your life.

When I’m at my happiest point it’s hunting. It’s my absolute favorite thing to do. And it will be until I’m gone. You just can’t forget those moments, There is no one who can forget them. It always sticks with you. No matter what.

It’s always a feeling of greatness, when your heart starts to pound out of your chest. The rush of energy and excitement, when the animal comes towards you. Your body reacts, all these things start going through your head, am I going to miss, will I spook it, what if it sees me, or smells me?!

When you take the shot, and it hits, it is a sadness. But then again, you have just provided for your family. That’s when you realize how much you are actually shaking. It’s like you’re weak and it takes an effort to stand. But, it’s just the experience of it all. It’s incredible.

By Colton

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Happy Mother’s Day

May 8, 2028

This day is a wonderful day It is the day that we celebrate our love for mothers and others We show how much we love each other No matter what you do, just know that we love you You are kind in every way, our love for you grows everyday The food you prepare is oh so divine, you never escape our mindsI love you to moon and back, even though sometimes I talk to you with smack I just wanted to say Happy Mother’s Day, I hope you get the chance to write back someday

By Halley

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The Dream Giver

The dream giver deftly crept into the room. He cracked a dream egg and poured the magic yolk into the book, the shoe and the baseball cards until one of the kids moved his leg and hit the egg off the bed and hit the book. He tried to stop the egg from hitting the book but he was too late; the magic yolk went all over the book. He tried cleaning it, but it would not come off. The dream giver was sucked into the book which was about a monster attacking somebody which was the dream giver. Then the dream giver was sucked back out of the book before the kids woke up. By Anthony

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Entry Number 17Dark,dark yet darker I

sink into the abyss falling into the void my sanity my mind

my reason all slipping from my grasp

“why?” I say in a hush “why do you wish

this upon me? what did I do to deserve

this? This suffering? This... THIS…” and

then my vision went dark and I felt

nothing...nothing anymore.

By Xan