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The Chosen People The Chosen People Volume XIII, Issue 2 March 2007 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Passover in Brooklyn & Beyond • Passover around the World • Messiah in the Four Cups of Passover • Bible Study: David’s Sin Proclaiming Messiah in the Passover Proclaiming Messiah in the Passover

Proclaiming Messiah in the Passover - Chosen People

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TheChosenPeopleVolume XIII, Issue 2 March 2007



Passover in Brooklyn & Beyond • Passover around the World •Messiah in the Four Cups of Passover • Bible Study: David’s Sin

Proclaiming Messiah in the PassoverProclaiming Messiah in the Passover

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2 The Chosen People

much in that time—and so hasChosen People Ministries.

Telling the Old Story to a New Generation

This year, however, somethingnew has been added—a Passovercelebration by our BrooklynMessianic Fellowship, a newlybirthed Chosen People Ministriescongregation that would makeRabbi Cohn proud.As is always thecase with Chosen People Ministries’Jewish holiday celebrations, Passoverin Brooklyn will be an occasion foroutreach—especially to Jewishseekers.

Peter Shirokov, one of our giftedand energetic young staff memberswho leads the congregation, tells me,“Right now we are planning severaloutreach events and celebrationsduring Passover.We will have aPassover Banquet in Brooklyn,organized by those who attend ournew congregation for the benefit oftheir friends and families. It is a greattime to bring along new people andshare a festive meal that is alsospiritual. Some in the Jewishcommunity rarely think aboutspiritual things, but Passover wasalways about a spiritual message inthe context of a meal.”

The Jewish community in GreaterNew York City is changing—andChosen People Ministries isresponding to the new opportunitiesthat change brings. For example,many recent Russian Jewishimmigrants are moving to thesuburbs, so this Passover, we arehosting a Passover Seder in OldBridge, New Jersey, in the Russianlanguage as an outreach by ourcongregational plant there.

In recent years, that area of NewJersey has become a home for manyyoung families who have movedfrom Brooklyn to the suburbs, andwe want to reach out to them asthey seek to connect to their

CelebratingPassover inBrooklyn

& beyond

The Search for theAfikomen

After the meal is finished,the leader of the Seder letsthe children search for theAfikomen (dessert), which

was wrapped in anAfikomen bag or napkin

and hidden before the meal.

On April 12, 1892, the year that ChosenPeople Ministries’ founder Rabbi LeopoldCohn arrived in New York City, TheBrooklyn Eagle, a much-read newspaper inwhat was then the Golden Age of NewYork newspapers, reported the celebrationof Passover—on its front page, no less!

An excerpt from the article informs us,“The ceremonies were of a joyful andthankful nature, and were continued athome where Sadir [sic: Seder: PassoverBanquet] consisting of prayers, reading theBook of Exodus…and singing of PsalmsCXIII to CXVIII inclusive—was observed,the heads of families leading.An elaboraterepast, in which matzoths were the mostimportant article of food, was also partakenof.This was a feature of every home, bothrich and poor, many of the latter havingbeen provided with the necessary matzothsby various charitable societies.”1

In the 113 years since Chosen PeopleMinistries has been in existence, much haschanged in the borough of Brooklyn.Thetrolley cars are a thing of the past and so arethe Brooklyn Dodgers.Yet surprisingly littlehas changed in Brooklyn’s Passoverobservance. Jewish families still gather forservices in the synagogues and at home torecount the story of the Exodus. Celebrantsstill dip the unleavened bread into bitterherbs and tasty charoset. The Jewish peoplehave endured much and accomplished

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spiritual heritage.We know the valueof Passover as a teaching tool toshow how Jesus fulfills God’spromises as revealed in the HebrewScripture and in Jewish history. PeterShirokov says—and I heartily agreewith him—“These celebrations areso full of images of Messiah. ManyJewish people hear such things forthe first time during this season.Wehope and pray that the message willaffect people’s hearts as deeply asGod is willing.”

Proclaiming Messiah in thePassover around the WorldIn ministry centers throughout the

world, Chosen People Ministries willbe celebrating the Passover andpresenting the glorious Good Newsof Messiah’s atoning work as theLord’s chosen sacrifice for ourredemption.

Vladimir Pikman, who directs theMission’s branch in Germany, seesPassover not only as a familycelebration and outreach, but also asan opportunity to strengthen tieswith the churches. He recently wroteme,“Almost all our groups andcongregations [they are in 14different cities] are planning to doPassover Seders. Usually, we invitethe believers who belong to ourcongregations, and their families andfriends. It is also a good opportunity,of course, to invite Jewish peoplewho are not yet believers in theMessiah. In some cases, we will alsoinvite German Christians toparticipate with us in these events.This is a very big encouragement foreverybody who comes, for it alsodemonstrates a miraculous unity thatJews and Gentiles have in theMessiah.

“Our major Seders this year willbe held in Berlin, Munich andDüsseldorf.We have sent invitationsto many people to come andcelebrate with us in Berlin and havealready received many confirmations

from people coming from differentparts of the country.We areexpecting several hundred people! It is interesting that many of theChristians who are coming are goingto bring their Jewish friends.”

We will be hosting Passovergatherings in Canada, the UnitedStates, South America, Germany,France, Ukraine, Russia, GreatBritain,Australia and, of course,Israel—and wherever else ChosenPeople Ministries has a presence.

Celebrating Passover at Home!

Although Passover services areheld in the synagogue, the focus ofthis joyful observance is in the home,where families gather to look backwith wonder at the past, withgratitude for the present and withhope for the future. No Passover maytruly be said to be complete withoutat least one guest at the table.

Of course, it is our hope thatmany of our Jewish people willdiscover that Jesus the Messiah, thisLamb of God and Bread of Life, isthe ultimate “Guest” at Passover.TheSeder points to Him!

Passover is a wonderfulopportunity to bring the story ofGod’s love alive in an unforgettableway. It is an especially movingexperience for Jewish friends whowill be touched by your hospitalityand may respond to the story ofMessiah’s redemptive love revealed inthis vivid way.

Contact us if you would like toattend a Chosen PeopleMessianic Seder in yourarea—a great way tointroduce your Jewishfriends to the Messiah!Call 1-888-405-5874for more information.

For Zion’s sake,


Zhava’s Chocolate

MacaroonsWhat’s a meal without dessert? EveryJewish mother loves the excitementthat follows when dessert is finallyrevealed—but on Passover, we needto be a little more creative. Thesechocolate macaroons (sort of likecookies only better!), one of myspecial recipes, are sure to bringsmiles to your Passover table!

3 egg whites 1 cup sugar1/3 cup cocoa powder

(unsweetened)2 cups shredded coconut

(unsweetened)1 teaspoon vanilla extractjust a pinch of salt

First mix the sugar and cocoatogether. Then in a separate bowl,beat the egg whites (adding the pinchof salt) until stiff peaks begin to form.Slowly sprinkle the sugar and cocoamixture, and blend into the egg whites.Then fold in the coconut and vanillaextract. That’s it! Now line a bakingsheet with parchment paper, and dropthe mixture by spoonfuls about aninch apart. Bake them for 15-20minutes at 350°F, and then share afew!

Makes about 3-4 dozen.

Dr. Mitch GlaserPresident


March 2007 3

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4 The Chosen People

There is no more meaningfulcelebration in Jewish life than that ofPassover. It is deeply rooted in Jewishhistory and an essential partof Jewish identity.

But Passover is also aswide as it is deep,because Jewishcommunitiesaround the worldhave added their ownparticular flavors byelaborating upon alreadyexisting traditions or evencontributing their own.Abrief tour of some of them can addto our appreciation of how thecreativity of the Jewish people hasadorned the ancient story and thetime-honored traditions of theExodus.

Passover EssentialsThe essentials of the Passover are

the same today as those we findrecorded in Exodus.Yet, as Jewishhistory has unfolded, Passovertraditions developed, and by the timeof Jesus, such innovations wereevident.The Passover was no longercelebrated in exactly the same way,“…with a belt on your waist, yoursandals on your feet, and your staff inyour hand. So you shall eat it in haste.It is the LORD’s Passover”(Exodus 12:11).

The Gospels tell us that thedisciples reclined at the PassoverSeder. It was certainly not eaten inhaste, as the upper room discourse in

John confirms. Some believe that thecustom of reclining is of Persian

origin and came to symbolizethe freedom of the Exodus.

The Mishnah (part of theOral Law) specifies that

even the poorest Jewmust recline atPassover (Pesachim

10:1). Likewise, thefour cups of wine,

around which thecelebration is

structured, also arestipulated in the Mishnah

and are nowhere mentioned in theHebrew Scriptures but are looselyimplied from the four expressions ofredemption in Exodus 6:6-7 (TalmudYerushalmi).

However, the unleavened breadand the bitter herbs still play thesame prominent roles they had in thebeginning.The Hallel (Psalms ofPraise) is still recited.Also, anotherimportant exception is that the lambis no longer sacrificed because of thedestruction of the Temple.

As the Haggadah, the liturgicalbook used during the Passover Seder,developed over the centuries,additional readings and songs wereadded to the earlier portions ofScripture and Psalms.The song“Dayenu” (“It Would Have BeenEnough for Us”) is a relatively recentaddition as is the spirited “ChadGadya” (“An Only Goat”).Thesesongs are a vivid demonstration ofJudaism as a living tradition that is

constantly finding fresh application inwhatever time and place the Jewishpeople may be found.

Customs of Passover around the World

Some of the customs that areparticular to a specific Jewishcommunity relate to the elements ofthe Seder Plate, which are the bitterherbs, the egg, the parsley, the shankbone and the charoset (a tastyconfection that is meant tosymbolize the mortar from whichthe Jewish people made bricks asthey toiled in their slavery toPharaoh).The four cups and theunleavened bread complete the ritualfoods of the Seder.

Different Passover customs oftenoriginate in the distinction betweenthe Sephardic and Ashkenazic Jewishcultures.The Ashkenazic Jewishpeople trace their roots to Germanyand Eastern Europe; the Sephardic toSpain and the various countries inand around the Ottoman Empire towhich they fled as a result of theSpanish Inquisition.

For example, the Ashkenazic Jewsmake their charoset with apples andwalnuts. However, the SephardicJewish people sometimes substituteapples with a thick liquidmade from boileddates. Thecenturies-oldJewishcommunity inVenice makescharoset as aconcoction ofchestnut paste andapricots.The Jewish community ofPersian descent is both creative andcolorful, and is known to useoranges, pomegranates and evenbananas for their charoset withpistachios instead of walnuts.

Likewise, maror, the bitter herbs,comes in different forms dependingon the geographical location.


Passoveraround the


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March 2007 5

Horseradish is the stapleof the Ashkenazic Jews,but in Sephardic landsthe preferred choice issome form of lettuce.

The breaking of themiddle of the three cakesof matza (unleavenedbread) is a universalPassover tradition that isespecially meaningful to MessianicJews, because it symbolizes theaffliction of Messiah (Isaiah 53).Some Sephardic Seders feature theleader trying the difficult feat ofbreaking this middle matza into theshape of Hebrew letters.

Another tradition not foundamong the Germans and EasternEuropeans is one that is practicedamong Afghani Jews, who fashion

whips from scallions or leeks. Duringthe singing of “Dayenu,” Sedercelebrants use them to beat eachother (gently!) in memory of theirancestors who suffered under thewhips of their Egyptian taskmasters.

Making Passover Your Family Tradition

As you can see, Passover is a timewhen the creative energy of theJewish people around the world canfind full expression as the story ofMoses the Deliverer is told andretold.The themes of freedom frombondage and the consecration toGod’s will are as relevant today asthey ever were.

Passover is a wonderful familycelebration from which Jewish andChristian homes alike derive great

blessing. Passover is also a wonderfuloutreach opportunity for Jewish andnon-Jewish seekers. It is the old storyof redemption and liberation madecomplete through faith in Messiah,the Lamb of God, who died for oursins and was raised from the dead.Sources consulted:

• Kolatch,Alfred J.“The Jewish Bookof Why.” Middle Village:Jonathan DavidPublishers, 1979.

• Atlantic BaptistUniversity

• National JewishOutreach Program

• Neot Kedumim Newsletter

The four cups of Passover are an integral part of the Passovercelebration.They stand for each of the four promises theLord makes to His people in Exodus 6:6-7.

The Cup of Sanctification“I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.”

The Cup of Deliverance“I will rescue you from their bondage.”

The Cup of Redemption“I will redeem you with an outstretched arm.”

The Cup of Praise“I will take you as My people.”

The ministry of Messiah speaks to each of these four promises:Messiah sanctifies us – “And for their sakes I sanctify Myself, thatthey also may be sanctified by the truth” (John 17:19).

Messiah delivers us – “And you shall know the truth, and the truthshall make you free” (John 8:32).

Messiah redeems us – “But when the fullness of the time had come,God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeemthose who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons”(Galatians 4:4-5).

Messiah is our joy – “These things I have spoken to you, that Myjoy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full” (John 15:11).

Jesus the Messiahin the

Four Cupsof Passover



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Through Jewish Eyes

The record of King David’s failuremay be traced in 2 Samuel fromchapters 11-24. Its tragic results areone of the strongest proofs of divineinspiration of Scripture, for it wascertainly not normal for scribes torecord the failures of ancient NearEastern monarchs. Here Israel’sgreatest hero and king is viewed as acommon adulterer, a deceitful manand a murderer.

THE SOWING OF SINDavid, the sweet singer of Israel,

who had enjoyed such long andsweet communion with God, still hadthe flesh within him. And because hefailed to mortify its lusts(Colossians 3:5), he exchanged thejoys of divine fellowship for a defiledconscience. He also ruined his soul’sprosperity and brought down uponhimself a storm of calamities.

His sowing of sin began withidleness. Instead of accompanying hisarmy to Rabbah to engage in battle, heremained at home.While in that idle,listless mood, David yielded to the lustof the flesh and its power.

His first sin was allowing himself tobe captured by the beauty of Bathsheba,the wife of Uriah the Hittite.The factthat Bathsheba was married and thewife of one of David’s outstandingwarriors did not deter him. David tookher and had sexual relations with her.Obviously, a man of God should haveconducted himself in an entirelydifferent manner.

When Bathsheba became pregnant,David devised a plan to hide his sins. Butall his schemes were unfruitful.As a lastresort, he sent Uriah to the battlefront tobe killed by the enemy.This sinfulscheme was abetted by the treachery ofJoab, Uriah’s own commanding officer.

One by one the commandments ofGod were broken.To covet, commitadultery, bear false witness and thencommit premeditated murder was tobreak four of the Ten Commandmentsof God. Furthermore, David wasconvinced that his authority as kingwould enable him to get away with hisevil plan.

THE REAPING OF SINEven though David repented

bitterly of his sin, God repaid David inkind (Leviticus 24:20), for sin hasconsequences and carries with ittemporal judgment.

David suffered for his sin fourfold.First, Bathsheba’s baby died. Second,Absalom humiliated David(2 Samuel 15:6; 16:22). Third,Tamar,his daughter, was raped (2 Samuel 13),and; fourth, his sons Amnon,Absalomand Adonijah were slain (2 Samuel13:29; 18:14,15; 1 Kings 2:25).

Tragedy after tragedy came to Davidin his family and to his kingdom—aprophetic fulfillment, which longbefore, Moses had outlined as thetemporal judgments of God that wouldcome upon Israel’s disobedient kings(Deuteronomy 27-30).The swordwould never depart from David’shousehold, and there would beinsurrection in his kingdom.


David’s sins and God’s chastisementhave sobering lessons for believerstoday. No believer, king or commoner,may disregard the law of God withoutserious consequences. Cover-up for sinresults in multiplied difficulties. Sin notonly separates us from God, but alsoproduces evil influence on others.

On a more hopeful note, repentanceand forgiveness restore fellowship withGod. In our next issue, we willconsider the repentance of David. �


b y D a n i e l G o l d b e r g , T h . D . , D . D .

See theBible

6 The Chosen People

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March 2007 7

heard the Gospel many times. When Frank visited him,they had a wonderful conversation about Messianicprophecy and how it was possible to be Jewish and toreceive Jesus as Messiah. Edward promised to givewhat Frank had told him serious thought. Frank kept intouch with the family, but wasn’t able to see him againdue to Edward’s failing health. Then Frank heard thatwith only a few hours left to live and in great pain,Edward finally received the Lord. Edward’s son, who isa believer, said that after his decision to accept Jesus asthe Messiah, Edward’s pain left him and he was atpeace. Early the following morning, Edward wenthome to be with the Lord.

FIVE NEW MISSIONARY FAMILIESJOIN CANADIAN STAFFChosen People Ministries’Canadian Director Joe Gray isrejoicing at answered prayers fornew workers in the mission fieldin Canada. They are:

Marcello and Diana Araujo - Marcello and Diana areboth Jewish believers. Marcello has seventeen yearsof missionary experience ministering among Jewishpeople. Gifted in the arts, Marcello will be helping todevelop creative outreach events in the Toronto area.

Vladimir and Anna Bortsov - The Borstovs areoriginally from Kazakhstan. Vladimir will be a full-timemissionary among the more than 100,000 Russian-speaking Jewish people of Toronto. Anna, who sharesVladimir’s passion for Jewish evangelism, has beenserving as a church ministries coordinator.

Jim and Candi Lagnese - The Lagneses are churchplanters in Oakville, Ontario. He also ministers withthe Mission’s Toronto Messianic Fellowship and hasalready seen fruit from his ministry among Jewishpeople.

René P. , who found the Lord through a Jewish believer, came to Canada several years agofrom his native Switzerland. He and his wifeare awaiting the Lord’s leading among Jewishpeople in Canada.

Michael and Chantal Wodlinger - Michael is a Jewishbeliever who came to the Lord two years ago throughthe ministry of our Toronto staff. He has a doctorate ineducation and has many years of experience in thatfield. Now, he will coordinate missionary training anddevelopment for Chosen People Ministries in Canada.Please pray that our new Canadian staff members willbe able to raise their support quickly and becomefruitful in their work.

MINISTRY OUTREACH INTEL AVIV SERVES THE POORJesus the Messiah has special words of comfortfor the poor. Chosen People Ministries’ staff andcongregants in Tel Aviv are heeding His wordsto care for the downtrodden through partici-pation in a soup kitchen ministry there. Also,another Israeli ministry— a drug rehabilitationcenter—is growing tremendously. Now theyhave three apartments and over twenty addictsin their program. Several people have come toour congregation from this ministry. Some ofthem are helping in our worship services, andothers are helping in the soup kitchen ministry.So please pray for these people with “specialneeds,” who have turned to Messiah forrestoration, as they grow in their spiritual walk.

A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEMWhen Dov, a little Russian Jewish boy, received theLord at a Chosen People Ministries service in Torontolast year, his first concern was for his immediatefamily. When staff members Vladimir and AnnaBortsov learned from Dov’s mother that he could nottravel in their family car because they did not have acar seat, the Lord provided a secondhand one thatthey were able to give to Dov’s mother. She was sooverwhelmed with this attention and love that shecalled and asked to meet to “talk about yourorganization and your faith.” Vladimir and Anna metwith Dov and his parents. After almost four hours ofquestions and answers, Dov’s mother gave her life toMessiah! Please keep the other family members inprayer.

JEWISH MAN FINDSREST IN THE LORDChosen People Ministries’ Frank Potter,a faithful servant of Messiah inPhiladelphia, was asked to visit Edward,an elderly Russian Jewish man who wasquite ill with cancer. Known and caredfor by many believers, Edward had

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The Chosen People newsletter is published monthly by Chosen People Ministries. For more information or to receive The Chosen Peoplenewsletter, write to: Chosen People Ministries, International Headquarters, 241 East 51st Street, New York, NY 10022. In Canada,write to: Box 897 Station B, North York, ON, M2K 2R1. In Great Britain, write to: P.O. Box 47871, Golders Green, London, NW11 1AL( In Australia, write to: Celebrate Messiah Australia, PO Box 304, Caulfield, South Vic 3162, Australia( Editors: Zhava Glaser, Andrew Sparks; Staff Writer: Alan Shore; Design: Lois Gable.

Please rememberChosen People

Ministries in yourwill. “I will blessthose who bless

you.” (Genesis 12:3)

Printed in the USA.N0703 Visit us on the Web at Our Spanish website is ©2007 Chosen People Ministries.

The Chosen People NewsletterChosen People Ministries has been taking the love of the Messiah to Jewish people worldwide since 1894.Chosen People Ministries U.S. Board of Directors: Mr. John Holbrook, Jr., Chairman • Mr. Roy Adams • Dr. Darrell Bock • Mr. Jeffrey Branman • Ms. Cindy Forbes • Dr. Mitch Glaser • Dr. Gregory Hagg • Mr. Eugene Johnson • Mr. Tom McHugh • Dr. John L. Pretlove • Mr. David Schiller • Mr. Gary W. Smith • Dunewood Truglia, Esq. • Mr. David C. Weland Serving in: Argentina • Australia • Canada • France • Great Britain • Germany • Israel • Mexico • Moldova • Russia • Ukraine • United States

The Messianic Passover Haggadah is a must for those whodesire to conduct their own Messianic Passover Seder or to gain adeeper understanding of this important event. This Haggadah hasbeen prepared to show God’s redemptive grace in the Passoverthrough the death, burial and resurrection of His Messiah, Jesus,and to symbolize God’s spiritual redemption of His people.Messianic Passover Haggadah (#3008) . . . . . . . . . . . $6.95US

Our own How to Prepare for a Passover Dinner bookletincludes directions, helpful hints, and suggested menus. How to Prepare for a Passover Dinner (#1031) . . . . . . . . . . . $6.95US

The Passover Feast has been observed annually by the Jewishpeople for more than 3,400 years, and this feast is certainlyimportant to Jewish people. But why should it be important toChristians? This tract gives three reasons why: Christians will knowour Savior better, will more fully understand the Lord’s Supper andwill have a more intelligent witness to our Jewish friends.The Importance of Passover - Tract (#2004) . . . . . . . . . . . $0.50US

In Your presence is fullness of joy. Psalm 1 6 : 1 1

Carlisle, Pennsylvania, will once again be the lovely setting of Simcha (Joy),Chosen People Ministries’ annual Messianic retreat in partnership with Son ofDavid Messianic Congregation of Wheaton, Maryland. The theme will be Hopefor the Future — Looking for Messiah’s Return. We hope you will join us forwhat will certainly be a wonderful time of worship,teaching, fellowship and fun!

Our staff has planned a full program of Word-centered workshops andother activities for adults, teens and children. There will also be programsoffered in Russian.

This year’s featured speaker is Dr. MichaelRydelnik. An internationally respectedauthor and speaker, he serves as the directorof Jewish Studies at Moody Bible Institute inChicago. Dr. Rydelnik will be bringing fourmessages on Israel & Prophecy.

Workshops on biblical and contemporary life issues,outreach and family life include:

� Exploring Messiah in Jewish Literature � ChosenPeople Ministries around the World � Jewish EvangelismYour Way � Responding to Antisemitism � GodlyCaring for Aging Parents � Models for Marriage inMessiah � Hope for the Parents of Prodigals

The Matza Tash (unity) is a pouch with threecompartments for matza— a vivid illustration of the unityof God’s nature. This white Matza Tash is beautifullyembroidered. Made in Israel.Matza Tash (#5026) . . . . . . . . . . . $22.95US

This silver Seder Plate is made in Israel andbeautifully displays the seder elements.

Seder Plate (#5024) . . . . . . . . . . . $28.95US

Each of the four times the KiddushCup is filled during the Passover

meal, the story of God’s redeemingwork among His people is illustrated.

This silver cup is about three inches tall.Made in Israel.

Kiddush Cup (#5025) . . . . . . . . . . $22.95US

Complete Passover Set includes matza tash, plate and cup (#5027) . . . . . . . . $65.95US

Carlisle, PennsylvaniaMay 25-28, 2007

For more information and rates contact:

Chosen People Ministries,241 East 51st Street, New York, NY 10022


Order online at, or for phone orders in the U.S. call 1-800-333-4936.Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery. See more Messianic Jewish resources at

Bringing to Life the Story of God’s Love at Passover