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Design for Advertising Producing and evaluating
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Page 1: Pro forma for all work

Design for Advertising

Producing and evaluating

Page 2: Pro forma for all work

Task 6: Advert Development

With this piece of work I knew what I wanted to do so I got the work looking how I wanted it to very quickly. This was good as it saved me time to be able to concentrate on a few other ideas that I hadn’t thought of and so had to come up with.The only thing I was not happy with at with my first version is the outer glow around the tagline “Balance your life energy” was dark and not anything like as vibrant as I wanted it to be. This was because of the blue background.To change this and make the outer glow bright I tried a few different things but the one that the solved the problem was duplicating the text layer and changing the outer glow to white with the layer at the bottom. This allowed orange to look bright and eye catching as you can see in the second screenshot.The natural and colorful appearance of my advert reflects that of many drinks companies that sell their product as a healthy beverage. One of these is Ribena. I liked their adverts and gained some inspiration from them but wanted my adverts to look brighter and more vibrant as I believe this coveys energy and life more.

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Task 6: Advert Development

With my last advert being very design based, I wanted to experiment with an idea and more of an advertising concept in this one. Here rather than being so visually exciting and eye-catching, I have used information from a pretend lab experiment to attract the attention of the audience.I am trying to sell my product as a healthy energy drink with one of my target audiences being middle aged women. This group of people may feel alienated from the advertising and culture that seems to surround energy drinks such as Monster Energy and Relentless. With this advert my idea was to try and attract them by reminding them that in effect, a cup of tea or coffee is an energy drink, and that my drink as an alternative is something newer, more exciting and healthier. Again I was quite pleased with the result I had quite quickly. If I had a long time on this I would work on making the can and mug look more as though they were really sat on the table. As they are I think they look a little 2D and as if they have just been stuck on the page.One thing that I changed was the Mezameru logo and the top line that reads “make the right decision this morning” were not standing out enough. TO bring them out of the page and make them easier to see and read I just added an outer glow to them.I cant think of an exact advert, but this idea of persuasive adverts using supposed expert power (the viewer can see a scientific experiment has taken place) is one I have seen and so wanted to use myself.

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Task 7: Product Development

The drink I am designing is called Mezameru, this is a Japanese word that means to awaken, because of this I thought it would be stupid to not design an advert in a Japanese style.Japanese adverts often have very bold quite minimalistic designs with two or three colours in them, this is why I only used white, blue and orange in mine. Along the left hand side is the word Mezameru in Japanese with the first letter “目” in a drinks can, keeping the purpose of the advert; for a energy drink, obvious.Arguably the most iconic prints in Japanese history is The Great Wave of Kanagawa, and when people think of Japan, especially western people, this is one of the first things they think of. Because of this I decided to use it in my advert to give it and in turn my drink the oriental feel I want it to have.Oriental food is very popular at the moment and one of the reasons for this is very healthy. The whole Asian lifestyle to many is one of health and wellbeing and so I think that targeting this area for my healthy energy drink is one that will work well.

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Task 6: Final Advert

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I think the technical qualities of my work are quite good. I experimented a lot with different effects such as outer glows, drop shadows and changing the blend modes. Because I was aiming for such a specific and quite easily recognisable advert type I didn’t really decide to keep many of these effects.The style is very simplistic with bold type and shapes and the only effect that is seen often in Japanese advertisement is an outline around objects and type to make them stand out more. To achieve this effect I added a stroke around the text. I think this worked very well and made the text stand out and fit in with the oriental style.I created the poster and then realised I needed to fit my brand in there somewhere. I found this quite hard to decide where to place it as I didn’t want to ruin the simplistic and clean look my advert has. I put the logo in the top left and didn’t like how the logo completely contrasted the rest of the colours and design. I played around with a few of the merging effects and thought that “Colour Burn” worked the best and mad the colours similar and the logo didn’t stick out as much.I still wasn’t happy with the way the way the logo looked so I took out the sun beams from it and changed the colour of the type and sun to the same orange as the background and gave them a white stroke to make them stand out. I think this gave the advertisement as a whole a better look and the logo no longer stuck out looking as though it shouldn’t be there.

Task 6: Advert Evaluation

Here you can see the red outline around the white text just like the white outline around my orange text (top)

Here you can see the logo before and after I added the colour burn effect and on the right the adapted logo.

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I think the aesthetic quality of my work is high. I wanted to aim for the piece of work to have a Japanese style and so looked at oriental and Japanese design traits and replicated them as best I could.The large bold imagery and text is one thing I liked and used in my design. Because the written Japanese language is so intricate and decorative, it often is a large feature in the designs of posters etc. so I made the word “Mezameru” in Japanese a large part of my design.The decision to adapt the usual Mezameru logo to make it fit in with the rest of the advert was a good one I think. It gives the advert a sense of uniformity and everything fits and looks good together. The white outline around the text again gives it the same bold look that the other elements have and it conforms to the usual appearance of Japanese advertisement.The Great Wave of Kanagawa looks good in the picture and ties in to the Japanese theme. The blues in the wave really go with the orange of the background and the wave has a lot of white in it making the wave stand out of the page and makes it fit in with the rest of the graphical elements that have a white border.I think their are connotations of a wave like this that can aid my product. For example freshness, movement and to some extent power and energy, but not the high fuelled power of the likes of Monster Energy, I think it connotes a more natural and gentle energy that works well for my drink.

Task 6: Advert Evaluation

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Including the simple silhouette of a drinks can in the top right corner rather than just a rectangle or circle works well I believe. It makes the advert a little more exciting and different rather than just having the a simple shape but it also reinforces and reminds an audience what the advert is for and links back to energy drinks. The purpose of this advert is a bit more subtle as there is no photograph of the product so this can graphic is needed.I really like the way the whole advert links and everything fits in together. This makes it look professional, clean and pleasing to look at.As you can see to the near right is a less developed version of my advert before I added in the tag line. I thought that the empty space under the logo made the advert look a little too bare and so I wanted to add something in there fill the space. On the far right you can see my finished advert with the text inserted, I think this gives the advert a more balanced feel and also adds some more information about the purpose of the advert and helps sell the product.

Task 6: Advert Evaluation

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The text I have used for the tagline in the advert is the same as the type in the logo. This logo was taken from and is an oriental themed font. I looked for a while to find it as many were very intricate and hard to read. I think this type is still easily recognisable as being an oriental style and it connotes this theme well, but it is still clear and easy to read. Adding the stroke to it pulls it out of the page and makes it even easier to read.On the final you can also see I added the drinks website where more information can be found. This text doesn’t intrude too much on the design as a whole and will allow viewers to visit the website to find out more information such as where the product is available to buy.

Task 6: Advert Evaluation

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There area few ways I could improve my work slightly I think. I am overall quite happy with the way my final has turned out however and so there is not really anything I can point out that I would like to change, I can only specify things I would be interested to experiment with to see how it comes out.One of these is the wave. I wanted to see what a more simple wave design would look like and so looked at a few more simplistic wave line drawings like the example on the right.As it is the wave in my final it is quite detailed and is a different colour to the rest of the advert, it is not that I do not like it, I think it works very well, but I wanted to see what it would look like the same colour with less detail. I made a quick mock up of what it would look like and you can see this to the right. Taking out the blue and making it the same colour as the background now gives the advert a very minimalistic appearance that I think is very interesting.Another thing I would have liked to try is experimenting with making it look as though the work “Mezameru” in Japanese was pouring out of the can, or that the sea was flowing out of the can in some way. The reason I didn’t allocate some production time to testing this out is that there is a risk it may have disrupted the simplistic oriental theme of my work, but on the other hand it could've added a more fluid and interesting dynamic to the overall advert.

Task 6: Advert Evaluation

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I had previously just been using a wave image I had taken from a painting and so I Rota-scoped this and inserted my own wave graphic instead. I think this worked better than the painting as the colours are clearer and I like the more simple appearance it has. I was also able to delete the boat by recreating the image in this way which is a good thing as the boat was irrelevant to the advert.

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I think my final piece fits its purpose well. It would work well in a magazine and I think advertises the product well. The orange colour is very eye catching and taking on the style of a Japanese advertisement is strange in Britain and would further entice a reader to look at what the advert is promoting.The branding is quite subtle and this follows the Oriental theme and I think adds interest to the advert, rather than glaringly obvious styles of organisations such as Coca-Cola. The brand is still quite well placed I think and things such as the can graphic and the tagline let the audience know what the purpose is.I have added Mezameru’s website into the design and this would allow viewers of the advert to easily find out more information about the drink or where to buy it.

Task 6: Advert Evaluation

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I think that because I had such a good idea of what I wanted to do with most of the work I had already planned in my head and so when I actually came to production everything ran very smoothly. I had planned to do a bright advert based on ones the likes of Ribena release, and so was able to complete that advert quite easily and quickly. I was able to do the same with the second one I had in mind, concentrating on a selling point rather than a more design orientated advert.With these two designs completed relatively quickly I had more time to research Japanese advertising and put together the last advert design that turned out to be my favourite and the one I chose as my final.Because this was one that I researched and approached with a more open mind think my development was very good. I really thought about each design decision and this is why I think the end result is a better, more rounded one that I am very pleased with.If I could've planned better and developed better it would only be to have gone into the designing of the first two adverts more openly so I could’ve developed them and made them better.

Task 6: Advert Evaluation

As you can see I did much more development in my oriental inspired advert than in the other.

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Task 7: Product Development

This is the first can packaging design I came up with. Keeping with the Japanese theme I added in a rising sun graphic around my Mezameru logo as this is a very easily recognisable and makes people think of Japan.This is the main graphical feature of the design and so the can looks very simple and clean. I have used an orange similar to the one in the magazine advert so that a house colour could be set up. I have also included the tagline “Balance your Life Energy” as a similarly worded message is included on the magazine advert. I believe these links between product and advertising make for a well rounded and professional company appearance.I decided that the sideways repeated graphics on the original can design may be a little small and could appear better and so I decided to experiment with a variation with just one graphic spread across almost the whole can. With this variation I decided to make the rising sun beams come out from all around the logo rather than just the top. This allowed the graphic to cover more of the can and because of it being bigger it would attract the attention of customers easier.I think the repeated use of yellow circles throughout the design looks nice and is bright and eye-catching and will attract the attention of a customer.I think that this design is quite bland and a little too simple. The graphics are too square and look as if they have just been pasted onto the can rather than fluidly designed for the cans packaging. Even with the variation with the bigger graphic I don’t thing enough of the can is filled. This makes the can look a little boring and so I decided to go with a more complex design next.

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Task 7: Product Development

With this packaging I kept the rising sun graphic from my last flat-plan but I wanted a much more complex and interesting design than in the previous one. I also kept the colours as I think that these things worked well in the last design it was just not complex enough.Initially I took the variation of my first design, took away the sun rays around the bottom of the logo and added in a Japanese style water graphic. I used different shades of blue with this and I think this gave a very nice textured effect and made the water seem more fluid.After completing my first design with the single graphic covering the whole can I had the idea of further playing on the Japanese theme and splitting the can in half, duplicating and flipping the graphics but changing all the writing on the right hand side to Japanese. I think this worked very well and added an interesting new element to the design of the can. The decorative appearance of the written Japanese language is very aesthetically pleasing and complex, so added to the appeal of my can greatly.I really like the balance this split design gives the can, I think it is very nice and the bright colours along with the complex design catches the eye of a audience.Eventually after the production of the design I chose to be my final I decided to make this flat-plan the design for the “Light” version of my energy drink. I made this decision because the design is full of very bright colours with a lot of white. This makes the can design seem very light and so fits the drink perfectly I believe.The bright natural colours along with the water and sun all have connotations of health and wellbeing and so this further makes the design fit as the Light drink packaging.

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Task 7: Final Packaging- Flat-plan

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Task 7: Final Packaging- On can.

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Task 7: Final Packaging


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I really liked the appearance of my final magazine advert and think it worked very well, both aesthetically and as a promotional item. Because of this I thought it would be unwise to not design a can using the colours and graphical elements of the advert.I think the technical qualities of my work are very good and I used my knowledge of Photoshop to create the look I wanted.I used the wave image from the magazine advert and Rota-scoped it to add a more cartoony effect and also make the colours in it more deep and nice to look at. I chose the colours by using the colour picking tool on the original wave image (below) and then manipulating these colours to get the exact shade I want.Once I had done this I duplicated the image, put a black colour overlay on the duplicate on the image and positioned it below and slightly above the original layer to create a drop shadow effect that I really like. I then merged the layers to make them easier to manipulate and move together.I didn’t like the way the wave looked with the highest part on the right of the flat-plan and so I selected the layer and flipped it horizontally. This looked much better but then when I had moved the black guidelines the wave looked strange just stopping and being cut off. To solve this problem I duplicated the wave layer, dragged the duplicate down and rotated it so the back of the wave followed down the page at the same angle. I then selected all but the needed part of the duplicate wave using the rectangle marquee tool and deleted it. To finish this patch up I merged the two wave layers and then used both the spot cleanser and clone stamp tools to fill in the gaps and areas you could tell there was two wavesand not one. I think I think this worked really well and looking at the image I do not believe you can tell therehas been any duplicating and merging.

Original wave image

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Because I had duplicated the wave graphic so it now stretched from one end of the can to the other I was aware that both ends of the wave would meet, and so would have to line up. To make them line up I dragged a guideline down so that it touched the top of where the wave was cut off on the left so I could see where it had to line it up to on the right.I then used the rectangle marquee tool to make a selection (red box) and pressed “CTRL+T” in order to be able to transform my selection and then dragged the wave up until it met the guideline.This worked well and I didn’t need to do any covering up to hide the fact the wave had been warped as you couldn’t tell. I just de-selected the wave and that’s all that needed to be done.

Here you can see where the waves meet on the can.

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I also used the “目覚める” text with the can graphic from my magazine advert as I really liked this. I then however, had to try and create, with some balance, the same image this time with the English version of the word; “Mezameru”.This was harder than I thought it was going to be because for the type to be as wide as the Japanese lettering it would've had to be very large and then would not have fit on the flat-plan. I tried warping the letters and dragging them out to make them wider but all this did was make the text look strange and distorted.In the end I settled with making the text as large as I could to make it the same length as the “目覚める” . Also instead of just the one character, I put two letters inside the can graphic with the English version and I think this helped give the two graphics balance looked good. I did this by using two text boxes, in one writing “Mezame” and the other “ru”, this allowed me to add the layer styles to each group of text separately. Then all I had to do was ensure they were the same font size, line them up using guidelines and ensuring the “E” and “R” were the same distance apart as all the other letters. Finally I rasterized and merged the layers so that they couldn’t be moved apart.

Another aspect of this work that I found to be technically challenging was the nutritional information. There was a lot of information that all had to be lined up perfectly and neatly in quite a small area. Photoshop sometimes struggles with a lot of text so one thing I did to make this job easier for myself was to type each section of information out in Word and then Copy and Paste it into the flat-plan.To ensure the columns and rows were all neat and in the correct places I used a lot of guidelines and zoomed very close in to nudge text boxes and ensure they were perfectly fitted into the guides I had set.Using this technique and spending some extra time on this part of the production allowed me to fit a lot of information into a very small space without it looking too cramped or squashed, I am very pleased with how this turned out.

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I think the aesthetic qualities of my work are good for this piece of design work. I think the colour scheme worked very well with the magazine advert and so the decision to user the same for the can was a good one.The colours in the design are nice and bright and so catch the eye of the consumer and are visually exciting. They are not, however so bright as to give off a unnatural, artificial connotation to the drink as the neon green in the Monster Energy logo does for example. This works with me wanting my drink to appeal to a more health conscious audience.I think the choice of the wave graphic does work really well as it has strong connotations of Japan and so fits with the name, but also has strong connotations of nature and freshness.Most energy drinks on the market trying to sell themselves as “healthy” feature something from nature. For example the SoBe Rush drinks have two lizards together in the shape of an “S”. I think this works well and so gained some inspiration from them.The energy drink verve however does not feature and images or graphics from nature. The colours and more than that the colour combinations they use are very bright and I don’t think work too well. I think they are too neon and unnatural and there is a danger that this could give off the wrong impression about the contents of the drink. Because of this I have been very carful about the colour scheme I used.

Task 7: Packaging Evaluation

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I think the addition of the Japanese writing in the design is very good as it gives the company a authentic, oriental feel to it and it also adds to the aesthetic quality of the work. The Japanese written language is incredibly intricate and looks very good because of this I decided to add a small but of text into my design.I think the balance created from the name in different languages works well on the can and having the can graphic at the top with one piece of text with the other adds a more interesting appearance to the can I think.The can graphic obviously links back to the drink that comes in a can but I think the way I have manipulated it so it looks like a silhouette and the first one or two characters of the product name is inside it. This is something that Japanese advertising often does with its text.The bold text with the strokes is also something that is common in Japanese advertising. Because of this I made the text as bold as I could and gave them a thick stroke to make them stand out. This also allowed me to make the text the same colour as the background. I think this gives the design as a whole a simplistic and clean appearance that I like.

Task 7: Packaging Evaluation

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My product is fit for purpose, I believe it is well designed, aesthetically pleasing and will attract to a large audience.I think to the Western World, oriental food and culture is becoming much more popular. By this I don’t mean Chinese takeaways are becoming more popular, but that more authentic and different restaurants are opening all over the place and more people are trying to cook real oriental food at home. People seem to be more interested about trying to find more about a relatively recently quite secretive and disconnected culture.There is a belief that the way the Japanese and Chinese lifestyle is an extremely healthy one that is very concerned with well being and good living, not only in body but also spiritually. This way of thinking is becoming quite popular and because of this I think that using a Japanese theme will attract to a large audience and also will work well with me selling the drink as one that is good for you.It displays all the required information well. The product name is a large feature of the can design and so promotes the brand well. The can is aesthetically pleasing and so this also promotes the brand well, a badly designed can would cause negative assumptions to be made about the drink and the brand. The can is not only to contain the drink, it ,must also make people recognise and like the brand and I think mine does this well.The nutritional information is all present on the can and all legally required symbols and information such as the recyclable sign and ingredients are included.

Task 7: Packaging Evaluation

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I think my planning and development was effective and worked well. From working with the same colour scheme and graphic with the magazine advert I had quite a good idea of what I wanted to do and this helped my planning. I had also already made some mock ups of other ideas for the flat-plan and doing this started the ideas going around and allowed me to have a good idea of what looked good and what sort of things didn’t when producing the final product. My development was also quite good I think and allowed me to get everything just the way I wanted them. For example when I decided I wanted the wave to stretch across the whole can I changed it so it did. I then realised I would have to make it the same height each side and merge them slightly and so changed this slightly until it would work when wrapped around a can.I think that overall my planning and development was very good and there’s not really anything I would've changed. I am very happy with the result I have achieved.

Task 7: Packaging Evaluation

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Task 7: Final Packaging



Here is an idea I had to use another can design I made as the packaging for the light version of the can. I think this works well as there isn't much colour on this can design and the colours are quite bright and so it makes sense this being the “light” version of the drink.This can design mimics many of the design aspects I really liked out of the final flat plan such as the addition if the Japanese as well as the English version of the name.

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Task 8: Web Banner Development

With this web banner I wanted to use the predominant graphical element in all my designs, the wave, and animate it so that is looked as though it was flowing.Firstly I had to find a standard web banner size that would suit the canvas shape I had in mind, which was a relatively square one. To do this I googled “standard web banner sizes” and found this helpful table (top right).Once I had chosen my banner size I went into Photoshop and created a new document, inserting the canvas size before creating.I wanted a background colour that would look interesting and eye catching but also one that fit in with the colour scheme of the can. I chose an orange similar to the orange of the can with a radial gradient to a very light, almost yellow orange in the centre. I think this works nicely as it looks like a sunset and the colours are very natural and nice.I wanted the banner to feature the can itself, so I placed it in the left of the image on a beach. I thought a beach would work nicely here as it fits with the sunset coloured background. The only problem with the can is that it was too small and the logo or brand name couldn’t be seen on it, because of this I had to add in the Mezameru logo near the centre of the banner so people would know what they were looking at.I positioned the wave on the left of the banner and then saved the image (bottom left). After doing this I then warped and moved the wave and changed the colour and position of the different shades of blue in the waveslightly. I did this a few times, savingeach manipulated image as a new JPEG.Finally I uploaded them onto a websitethat allowed me to merge the separateimages into the GIF you can see on thenext slide.

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Task 8: Web Banner Development

I had a lesson where I learnt that you could do timeline animations much like the ones I had been doing on Photoshop but with the addition of “Tweening”. By using the “Tween” tool you can create a few main frames and then let the computer fill in the gaps. This allowed me to do things like fade the Mezameru to the can graphic and doing everything on Photoshop made it much simpler and easy to do I believe.My animation has more steps and so looks smoother than the last, although still choppy, an effect I was going for, I think it is a large improvement on the previous attempt.I also like the fade between the two elements on the left, the can and the Mezameru name. The fade also means I do not have to include the Mezameru logo like I had to in the last slide. This is good as I do not believe the logo blended well into the previous animation’s design and stuck out too much.

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Version 2

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Task 9: Web Banner Development

My first attempt at this animation was also made before I learnt you could create animations in Photoshop.I created many different images of the can moving and erasing or uncovering letters. It first shows Mezameru in Japanese before moving down and deleting the characters and then the word Mezameru in English emerges from the can. Finally the can moves up, deleting the letters and ending up in the same position as it was at the start ready for the animation cycle to start once more.This took a long time and I created many images then only to find out the website I had been creating gifs on had a maximum number of 30 images per GIF. I then had to delete many of my images to fit to the 30 images and this made the finished GIF really quite choppy and stop start.The second attempt was after I learnt about the Photoshop way to do it. The “Tween” tool made it a lot easier and I was able to have a lot of images for a movement and so making a animation look very smooth. I then experimented with making the words fade away rather than just disappear and other effects such as the words flashing.I think this second attempt is good and I am pleased with its outcome. The animations are smooth and the different effects are interesting and eye catching. It is very simplistic and is very similar to the Magazine advert and so would make for a tied in and well rounded promotion campaign if an audience could see similarities between two different methods of advertising on two different media platforms.

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Version 1

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Version 2

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Task 8: Web Banner Development

I had already created a GIF to show a 360 degree view of my can design earlier and I thought this looked good. Because of this I thought it would be a good idea to make a web banner using this GIF.I took all the 18 images I had used for the GIF and placed them on a background similar to the one of my first web banner design. I then added the tagline “Drink Mezameru and become awakened” at the top and inserted the can graphics. Each graphic had to be inserted individually, then saved with the background and the next rotation being added then saved as another JPEG.Once I had done this I could upload all the images onto the website and create the GIF. I think this web banner is simple but works well, the can is given a sense of importance and attention is drawn to it as it is the only animated part of the banner. I think this will make an audience member want to buy the drink or at least remember the advertisement.

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Task 8: Final Web Banner

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I think the technical qualities of my work are very good, I attempted the animation twice on two different programmes and learnt a lot through doing that.Creating all the different layers and manipulating each one slightly so that when played one after another it looked like movement I found both interesting and challenging, especially when animating moving water.To do this I had to make a series of still images look like one moving body of water when placed together in a GIF and although I do not think I perfected this, I do believe I did a good job.I started with the original image of the water, and then selected the main blue body of water and duplicate it separating the dark blue from the light blue.In the Photoshop timeline animation feature if you move a layer in one frame, it moves it in every frame. This meant I had to duplicate the layer of the light blue water I wished to warp, then press the eye next to the duplicated layer on the other frames so it could not be seen on them.By moving the light blue of the water on each frame I was able to give the illusion that the water was flowing upwards into the wave.

Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation

To the left you can see a screenshot showing all the different layers of the light blue water and how I have had to make them all invisible apart from the one created for that layer.

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For the top part of the wave I simply used the magic wand tool to select and duplicated the white area. I then rotated and repositioned it so it looked as though the wave was crashing over.Creating this new layer on the first frame made the layer visible in all the frames I had created, I then just went through and pressed the eye tab to make them invisible in every other frame.This made the wave crash animation work but also made it quite choppy, with there being only two images to cycle through. At first I considered doing more images to smoothen the animation but then I decided I quite liked the stop start look of the animation as it jumps from image to image. It works for an animation of the sea well as the sea is also choppy.For the graphics of the can and the Mezameru name I created both layers, leaving the Mezameru text visible for the first half of the frames and the can for the second half.At the middle of the frames, where I wanted the change to occur, I selected both the can and Mezameru text layers and used the “Tween” tool to create a fade transition in which the text faded away and the can faded into view. I think this simple transition worked well and added some extra interest.

Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation

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I think the aesthetic qualities of my work are good. By using the wave graphic it gives the sense of continuity and roundedness as all the different graphical elements such as colour scheme, motif and font fit together across all of the advertising and packaging.The colours in the background and the use of a radial gradient has connotations of a sunset and I think this is positive, it gives the banner a natural feel by using these colour and also catches the eye of an audience.The animation in the banner is good I think. The wave really does appear as if it is welling and moving and the choppy cuts in the animation only enhance the wave’s appearance.The fade of the Mezameru text to the can I also think works well. It makes the right side of the banner more interesting and works better than just a sharp change between the two images.It was necessary to include the Mezameru name as well as the can graphic because you could not see the Mezameru name clearly on the can as it is too small. To allow the branding to be apparent on the web banner I included both photos and I believe the transition between them is aesthetically pleasing.

Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation

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There are a few opportunities to further develop my work. I think that re-creating all the graphics in a much smaller size would’ve worked to improve the quality of my whole banner. As it is, what I have done is just re-size and shrink down the image so it fits on the canvas size that I set of 336x280 pixels. This canvas is very small but is a standard web banner size so it is necessary to have it that size. When resizing the image so drastically the quality of it is reduced and I think you can notice this on the banner. To resolve this problem I could have re-created the graphic on the smaller canvas so that it would not have had to be re-sized. By increasing the quality of the graphic the web banner as a whole would have looked more professional and good.

Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation

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Task 9: Storyboard Development

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Task 9: Storyboard Development

With this first storyboard I have used the idea I had of pitching the product as a healthier option to tea or coffee; the most common drink to start the day for my target audience. The advert features two middle aged women will be sat at a table, using a depiction of my target audience in my story board will allow my audience to relate easier.The screen is black and white for the majority of the advert and the screen only goes full colour when the coffee drinking woman tries Mezameru. This gives the impression that the drinks heightens the senses and awakens the drinker, I think this is an attractive feature to an audience and it will attract them to the product.Throughout the whole advert the Mezameru can is in colour, I think this adds to the above point and to the attractiveness of the beverage.At the end of the advert I have showed large scale images of the can as well as the light version so the audience can see the whole range of products.

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Task 9: Final Piece

With this storyboard I again pitched the idea against tea and coffee but concentrated more on trying to change my target audiences’ perception of energy drinks. This advert is more fact based and seems more educational, informing the audience that the drink contains little calories and is different to energy drinks they are likely to have seen previously.I have used the Mezameru orange colour for the background to link it in with the product and at the end have presented the companies whole drinks range to show the audience what drinks they can purchase.

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Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation

I think that there are a few opportunities for development with this product. I think the Coffee mug graphic is not very good and is quite obviously just pasted into the page, experimenting with creating a cartoon version of the image or blending it in with the background better, possibly by adding a shadow effect.Apart from this there is only a few minor things such as filling in the space in the wave that is letting the background come through as it looks messy and unprofessional. Other than these small things that can easily be sorted out in a matter of minutes now I have noticed them after a full review of the story board there is not much to do.I think that my product fits its purpose well. It promotes the drink and also explains its advantages. I believe the factual informative feel of the advert will attract the target audience of middle aged women and I believe questioning their likely drink of choice is something that would many people intriguing them to find out for themselves and see if it really is better.

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Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation

I think that I planned and developed the storyboard quite well. I drew it out on paper and worked out what I wanted to do before creating it on PowerPoint so this helped me a lot at producing what I wanted pretty quickly.The idea was pretty well developed from task 6 where I made one of my magazine adverts about Mezameru being better than coffee. This helped me easily make my story board for the television advert. I could have really worked a lot and spent a lot of time thinking of the story better but I was quite satisfied with what I had already and think it works well so was not convinced I needed to.

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You should evaluate your final piece.

Are there opportunities for further development of your work?Are your final pieces are fit for purpose?What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product?

You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.

Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation