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1 PRIMARY MATTERS Scotch College Junior School Newsletter 16 September 2016 FROM THE HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL Family Day Well, despite the rain that preceded our Family Day, we were able to once again conduct a very successful program. Our amazing ground staff performed a minor miracle by removing all of the surface water from the Melville Oval so that the boys could run in relatively dry conditions throughout the morning. Although we did eventually have to cancel the hurdles races, as the ground was just a bit too slippery for the boys’ safety, all other events went ahead unhindered. It was another great day for our Junior School community and for the boys as they all strived to earn valuable points for their respective Houses. The team spirit displayed by the boys and their excellent support for all boys, regardless of athletic ability, always leaves me feeling very encouraged. There were many examples of camaraderie and sportsmanship throughout the morning as the boys tried their hardest to win and then congratulated each other in such a genuine manner at the finish line. Once again I would like to thank the JSPA for their terrific organisation of the various stalls and to all of our parents who volunteered to take a turn at serving or cooking. We are very grateful for the tremendous support we receive each year from parents. I would also like to thank all of the Junior School staff who helped to run the various events and, in particular, Mr Paul McMahon and Mr Dean Gregory for their organisation and leadership of the program. I now look forward to another successful Family Day in 2017, perhaps with a little more of our usual sunshine! Staffing News It with a significant degree of sadness that I inform our parent community that Mrs Megan Bates has decided to resign from her teaching role here at Scotch. Mrs Bates has been a teacher with us for a number of years and has proven herself to be an excellent educator and a much loved teacher. Mrs Bates has also been our Teacher-in-Charge of Snowsports where she has been an excellent communicator, organiser and supporter of the Snowsports program. Mrs Bates has decided that the time is right for her to focus her energies on her own family for a few years whilst her sons, Campbell and Ethan, make their way through their Junior School years. We are very sorry to lose Mrs Bates as a teacher and colleague but understand that her family is her first priority. Although she is resigning, she won’t be completely lost to the Junior School as she will still be part of the parent community and the Snowsports program as well as being available to us to fill short term replacement teaching roles. I know everyone will join me in wishing Mrs Bates all the best and thanking her for all she has done for the boys, parents and staff here at Scotch. We will have further opportunity to farewell Mrs Bates closer to the end of the year. Bradshaw House Chapel Service Tuesday afternoon saw the boys from Bradshaw lead the Senior Primary boys in a Chapel Service in the Littlejohn Chapel. The theme for this service was Love and the boys, under the guidance and direction of their Head of House, Mrs Emilie Ireson, did a great job in reflecting on this theme.

PRIMARY MATTERS - Scotch College, Melbourne

Feb 19, 2022



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Page 1: PRIMARY MATTERS - Scotch College, Melbourne


PRIMARY MATTERS Scotch College Junior School Newsletter 16 September 2016

FROM THE HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL Family Day Well, despite the rain that preceded our Family Day, we were able to once again conduct a very successful program. Our amazing ground staff performed a minor miracle by removing all of the surface water from the Melville Oval so that the boys could run in relatively dry conditions throughout the morning. Although we did eventually have to cancel the hurdles races, as the ground was just a bit too slippery for the boys’ safety, all other events went ahead unhindered. It was another great day for our Junior School community and for the boys as they all strived to earn valuable points for their respective Houses. The team spirit displayed by the boys and their excellent support for all boys, regardless of athletic ability, always leaves me feeling very encouraged. There were many examples of camaraderie and sportsmanship throughout the morning as the boys tried their hardest to win and then congratulated each other in such a genuine manner at the finish line. Once again I would like to thank the JSPA for their terrific organisation of the various stalls and to all of our parents who volunteered to take a turn at serving or cooking. We are very grateful for the tremendous support we receive each year from parents. I would also like to thank all of the Junior School staff who helped to run the various events and, in particular, Mr Paul McMahon and Mr Dean Gregory for their organisation and leadership of the program. I now look forward to another successful Family Day in 2017, perhaps with a little more of our usual sunshine! Staffing News It with a significant degree of sadness that I inform our parent community that Mrs Megan Bates has decided to resign from her teaching role here at Scotch. Mrs Bates has been a teacher with us for a number of years and has proven herself to be an excellent educator and a much loved teacher. Mrs Bates has also been our Teacher-in-Charge of Snowsports where she has been an excellent communicator, organiser and supporter of the Snowsports program. Mrs Bates has decided that the time is right for her to focus her energies on her own family for a few years whilst her sons, Campbell and Ethan, make their way through their Junior School years. We are very sorry to lose Mrs Bates as a teacher and colleague but understand that her family is her first priority. Although she is resigning, she won’t be completely lost to the Junior School as she will still be part of the parent community and the Snowsports program as well as being available to us to fill short term replacement teaching roles. I know everyone will join me in wishing Mrs Bates all the best and thanking her for all she has done for the boys, parents and staff here at Scotch. We will have further opportunity to farewell Mrs Bates closer to the end of the year. Bradshaw House Chapel Service Tuesday afternoon saw the boys from Bradshaw lead the Senior Primary boys in a Chapel Service in the Littlejohn Chapel. The theme for this service was Love and the boys, under the guidance and direction of their Head of House, Mrs Emilie Ireson, did a great job in reflecting on this theme.

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The boys used Bible readings, quotes from well-known writers and philosophers, videos and hymns to highlight the theme. Sebastian Poon (6A) played a lovely piece on the violin ‘Sicilienne’ by von Paradis which was a highlight of the service. The address to the boys was delivered by Reverend Campbell, who used the message from the Good Samaritan as a focus for his message. I am grateful to all of the Bradshaw Year 6 boys for their leadership throughout this chapel service. Year 2 Strings Concert Our Year 2 boys all participate in an Introductory Strings program that culminated in a wonderful concert in the Geoffrey McComas Theatre on Wednesday afternoon. The Year 2 boys performed a musical adaptation of Bob Graham’s picture storybook, ‘Buffy.’ It was a lovely concert with all of the boys demonstrating how far they had progressed since the beginning of the program. The Year 3 String Orchestra followed on with two beautifully played pieces and the Year 4 String Orchestra, who performed ‘Playground Antics’, completed the concert. It was terrific to see the progression of the boys’ playing abilities as they move from Year 2 to Year 3 to Year 4. My thanks to all of the music staff involved, in particular to Ms Sue Hamerton who had spent many hours preparing the boys for their concert and Mr James deRozario who completed the journey following Ms Hamerton’s departure a few weeks ago. I am sure all of the parents, grandparents and other family members would have enjoyed the concert as much as I did. Well done to all of the boys on their performances. End of Term I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of the boys a very happy holiday. They have all worked hard this term, through a pretty cold and wet winter and I think are all ready for a little downtime and some well deserved rest and recreation. If you are taking a break as a family and doing some travel then I wish you a safe and enjoyable time. For those remaining in Melbourne, I hope the boys are able to use their two weeks off to recharge their batteries and to do the things that boys love to do, whatever that may be for your sons. I also wish all of our Junior School staff a very well deserved break and hope they take this opportunity to refresh and recharge in readiness for what is always a very busy and hectic final term at Scotch. Jon Abbott

This last week of term has certainly been a busy musical week. On Tuesday afternoon, we enjoyed listening to Sebastian Poon (6A) play a violin solo as the reflection item in Bradshaw House Chapel Service. He played ‘Sicilienne’ by von Paradis, accompanied by Ms Julia Piggin. On Wednesday afternoon, parents and boys from Prep-Year 4 were a supportive audience for the Year 2 String Concert in the Geoffrey McComas Theatre. This concert showcased all Year 2 boys who have been participating in two terms of compulsory string lessons. The Years 3 and 4 String Orchestras also provided the audience with a glimpse of what is coming up for the Junior Primary String students as they progress through the school. Special thanks to Head of Strings, Mr James deRozario and his team. On Friday morning, the Junior Primary boys enjoyed a short presentation from the Years 5 and 6 Choir. They sang a Torres Strait Island song and dance, as well as a three part unaccompanied Kodály piece ‘Ladybird’.

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We welcome some new instrumental staff next term in temporary full time capacities for Term 4 only. Ms Elaine Chin will be Head of Piano, as Ms Teresa Lavers will be on long service leave. Mr Dave Musk (Brass department) will be on long service leave, and will be replaced by Ms Louisa Trewertha. Mr James deRozario (Head of Strings) will also be on long service leave, so the String department will be led by Mr Adam Merange, supported by Ms Emily Cameron and Mr John Officer, as well as itinerant staff. A reminder that the Years 3 and 4 Concert is early in Term 4. All boys from these year levels are involved on Thursday 13 October at 2.00pm in the Ian Roach Hall. Family and friends are most welcome to attend. Tickets are not required. A letter has been sent home regarding this. Solo recitals are also next term. Information will be published in the newsletter in the first week back in Term 4. If you ever miss a music letter, they are available on the My Scotch page, or in hard copy from the Junior School office. Jenni Thom Head of Junior School Music [email protected] PE AND SPORT Physical Education It has been a nice week for ducks in PE with very wet conditions forcing classes inside, and at times sharing gym space. House indoor soccer competitions have been loads of fun, with the boys enjoying the change of pace from athletics. Year 1-6 boys have been playing round robin indoor soccer games with a softer ball in the gym with some classy skill sets on display. Prep parents have received a swimming assessment form this week that needs to be completed and returned to the Junior School office. Prep and Year 1 boys begin their Swimming Program on Monday 17 October. A reminder that a note from home is needed if a boy is injured, ill or unable to participate in daily PE or sport, thank you. Family Day Many thanks to Mick Smith and the Grounds and Maintenance staff for their commitment to ensuring all was ready for Family Day last Saturday. The weather conditions were quite good after all the rain we have had. Apart from the hurdles, all events ran smoothly and to time, which is a credit to all concerned. Our Junior School staff worked like a well-oiled machine, while the boys enjoyed the football field-like conditions in hotly contested races. With only 2 points separating the first two teams after the completion of all events, it really was an exciting day and congratulations to all Houses for their enthusiastic efforts. 2016 FAMILY DAY RESULTS Junior School Flyer (handicapped race for the top 2 runners in Years 3 to 6)

Winner Cooper Stanley

N L Emerson Cup for Field events Healey 1st Waller 2nd Bradshaw 3rd Campbell 4th

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J F Rusden Cup for Individual Track events Bradshaw 1st Healey 2nd Waller 3rd Campbell 4th Marshall Baton for Relay events Bradshaw 1st Healey 1st Waller 3rd Campbell 4th W T Davies Challenge Cup for overall winning House Bradshaw 1st Healey 2nd Waller 3rd Campbell 4th

Special thanks to Mr Dean Gregory and Mr Chris Moore for their support and guidance. It was a great team effort. We also bid farewell to Mr Chris Moore who has been a student teacher in the PE and Sport department for the past five weeks. We wish Chris all the best in his future career and hope he looks back on Scotch fondly for the lessons learned. Mr Moore is a 4th year student at Victoria University and has been with the PE classes and Sport on and off throughout the year. Good luck Mr Moore! It was also an exciting time for boys who broke long standing school athletic records. New records were set by:

Marcus Von Hagt U13 Triple Jump 10.07m (old record set in 1998 of 9.60m by E Whitehead)

George Burney U13 Shot Put 7.52m (old record set in 2015 of 7.40m by H Robenstone)

Harrison Winneke U13 800m 2.30.25sec (old record set in 1989 of 2.30.3sec by A Simm)

Mac Debeljak U12 100m 13.02sec set at APS (old record set in 1997 of 13.10sec by E Whitehead)

Interschool Sport Basketball trials for the Year 5 and 6 ‘A’ teams have been held over the past two weeks. More than 20 boys from each year level came out to try for a spot on the ‘A’ teams and all boys are to be congratulated for their commitment and dedication to the school. For the first few weeks there will be little change from the ‘A’ teams to the ‘B’ teams unless injury or illness necessitate a change. Boys will move between the two ‘A’ teams at each level and between the ‘B’ teams at each level. The teams are merit based with Year 6 having 5 teams and Year 5 having 4 teams this year. Year 6 ‘A’ Teams Daniel Fletcher Connor Nio Rupert Simmons Miles Tan Mackenzie Allen Marcus Von Hagt

Adam Donaghey Tiernan Lim Joon Sam Norman Benjamin Moors Jordan Chahin Rupert Hand Alec Gaudin Sebastien Richardson Henry Strang Nicholas Evans

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Year 5 ‘A’ Teams Harrison Cameron Mac Debeljak Gus Furphy Alexander Gray Tom Handbury Jordan Hassoun Charlie Hume Spencer Hunter Will James Cooper Lord William McNamara Justin Nguyen Cooper Stanley Ben Sutherland Edison Wang Harrison Winneke Thomas Winneke

Please remember the A teams train before school and the B teams after school. Year 5 and 6 Water Polo teams train before school from 7.00am – 8.00am on Tuesdays. Year 6 Touch Rugby will train after school on Tuesdays. Golf and Sailing do not have weekly training, only the Wednesday participation. Training times and Term 4 Sport Fixture are attached. Year 4 boys are thinking about what sport they will choose for 2017. Selections will need to be made early next term. Choices are Cricket, Swimming, Softball, Tennis and Table Tennis. Swim Squad – Training Term 4 The Senior School Swim season will continue in Term 4. Only Year 6 boys are invited to train with Senior School. Training will be from 6.30am – 8.00am every Monday and Friday morning. Please let me know if your son would like to join the senior squad during Term 4. Year 4 and 5 boys will be invited to join the squad in Term 2 2017. Go Scotch! Paul McMahon Head of Sport and PE [email protected] SNOWSPORTS The Australian Championships were held from Wednesday 7 September to Sunday 11 September at Perisher, NSW. Scotch College Junior School finished 2nd in the overall championship results. Congratulations boys! Results: Div 4 Alpine GS – A Team 8th Henri Lempriere Lachie Brown Fergus Ross

Mackenzie Allen

Div 5 Alpine GS – A Team 3rd Edward Hill Henry Heyburn Max Boykett Mikey Beaton-Wells

Div 5 Alpine GS – Individual Medal 3rd Edward Hill Div 6 Alpine GS – A Team 5th Edward Ross Henry Aberdeen William Wood

Lachlan Wang Div 4 SkierX – A Team 12th Mackenzie Allen Henri Lempriere Fergus Ross Div 5 SkierX – A Team 2nd Edward Hill Henry Heyburn Max Boykett Div 5 SkierX – Individual Medal 2nd Edward Hill

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Div 4 Moguls – A Team 9th Thomas Muscatello Henri Lempriere Jimmy Suttle Div 5 Moguls – A Team 1st Edward Hill Nicholas Luscombe Max Boykett Div 5 Moguls – B Team 7th Thomas Luscombe Henry Heyburn Josh Gaudin Div 5 Moguls – Individual Medal 1st Edward Hill Div 5 SNB GS – A Team 7th Edward Hill Max Boykett Duc.Luu Div 4 SNBX – A Team 9th Oliver Weir Charlie Fox Div 5 SNBX – A Team 3rd Edward Hill Duc Luu William Wood Div 5 SNBX – Individual Medal 2nd Edward Hill Div 5 XC – A Team 1st Edward Hill Mikey Beaton-Wells Henry Heyburn Div 5 XC – Individual Medal 1st Edward Hill Div 5 XC Relay – A Team 2nd Edward Hill Mikey Beaton-Wells Henry Heyburn Congratulations again to the boys and a huge thank you to the parents and supporters who facilitate their participation in the program. I would also like to thank Mr John Croxford who attended the Nationals to support our boys. I look forward to seeing you at the Presentation evening on Wednesday 12 October in the Cardinal Pavilion. A formal invitation and booking details will come out shortly. Megan Bates Teacher in Charge – Junior School Snowsports [email protected] SCIENCE NIGHTS The very popular Science Nights will be held next term on Wednesday 19 October and Thursday 20 October 2016. The evenings are open to all children and parents from Prep to Year 6. An email will be sent out on Monday 3 October with a Trybooking link. Bookings will open at 6.00pm on Tuesday 4 October. There is a limit of 150 people or 45 family groups per night. A family group can consist of up to 6 people. Junior School Office [email protected]

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Despite the wet weather Family Day was a great success. We would like to say a big thank you to all the parents who kindly volunteered their time at the cake, BBQ and swap shop stalls. Your help is much appreciated and these stalls would not have been possible without your valuable assistance. The organisation of the stalls is always a very big job, so a special thanks to the coordinators of these stalls - Michelle Wang (cake), Cathy Sheehan and Melissa Stanley (BBQ) and Sarah Furphy (swap shop). They all worked tirelessly to ensure these stalls were a success. We would also like to thank the Franklyn-Miller family for generously donating a signed Liverpool Football Club Soccer Jumper to the JSPA. The winner of the auction with the highest bid for this prize was Sam Brown. Racquel Richardson and Susie Vertigan JSPA Co-Presidents 2016 [email protected] [email protected]

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Tuesday 4 October Term 4 Begins Students Return Summer Uniform

Thursday 6 October Year 5 Interschool Sports Training Starts

Friday 7 October 3.10pm Year 2 Sleepover – JSAH

Monday 10 October Year 1 Parents’ Brunch Year 3 Parents’ Walk and Coffee Morning

Tuesday 11 October Year 6 Interschool Sports Training Starts

Tuesday 11 October to Wednesday 12 October Year 5 Sovereign Hill Camp

Wednesday 12 October Years 5 and 6 Interschool Sport Starts Snowsports Presentation Evening – Cardinal Pavilion

Thursday 13 October Year 2 Parents’ Coffee Morning 2.00pm Years 3 and 4 Concert - IRH

Friday 14 October 8.45am Year 4 2017 Orientation and Assessment Day (new boys and current Year 3 boys) 9.00am JSPA Committee Meeting – RR Year 4 Parents’ Coffee Morning

Monday 17 October to Friday 21 October 8.30am Prep and Year 1 Swimming Program

Tuesday 18 October 1.40pm Years 3 – 6 Chapel 6.45pm Years 3 to 6 Guitar Recitals – JCR

Wednesday 19 October 7.00pm Science Night - JSAH

Thursday 20 October 7.00pm Science Night – JSAH

Sunday 23 October Year 2 Mother and Son Event

Tuesday 25 October String Recitals 3.30pm Prep to Year 2 JSAH 3.45pm Year 3 JCR 3.45pm Year 4 KHA 6.45pm Year 5 JCR 6.45pm Year 6 KHA

Thursday 27 October 2.15pm Prep to Year 2 Chapel Year 4 Parents Christmas Party

Friday 28 October Prep Parents’ Coffee Morning Year 6 Parents’ Lunch

Monday 31 October EXEAT – School Holiday Year 3 Halloween Trick or Treat Activity

Tuesday 1 November MELBOURNE CUP – Public Holiday

Thursday 3 November 6.45pm Year 3 – 6 Brass Recitals – KHA 6.45pm Years 3 – 6 Woodwind Recitals – JCR

Thursday 3 November to Friday 4 November JS Strings Camp

Friday 4 November 8.30am Year 6 Drama Bump In – GMT

Monday 7 November to Friday 11 November Year 4 Bike Ed – Groups 1 and 2

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6A1 Blue Basketball

Alistair McPherson Scotch College Junior School

Gym Tuesday Morning 7.15am – 8.00am

6A2 Red Basketball

Mr Moloney Luke James (Gap)

Scotch College Junior School

Gym Tuesday Morning 7.15am – 8.00am

6B1 Blue Basketball

Ms McMenamin Scotch College Junior School


Tuesday Afternoon

3.25pm - 4.20pm

6B2 Red Basketball

Mr Strempel Luke James (Gap)

Scotch College Junior School


Tuesday Afternoon

3.25pm - 4.20pm

6B3 Gold Basketball

Rosemary Morris Scotch College Junior School


Tuesday Afternoon

3.25pm - 4.20pm

5A1 Blue Basketball

Ms Pride Luke James (Gap)

Scotch College Junior School

Gym Thursday Morning 7.15am – 8.00am

5A2 Red Basketball

Joel Adams Scotch College Junior School

Gym Thursday Morning 7.15am – 8.00am

5B1 Blue Basketball

Mitch Horne Scotch College Junior School


Thursday Afternoon

3.25pm - 4.20pm

5B2 Red Basketball

Mr Tuffin Scotch College Junior School


Thursday Afternoon

3.25pm - 4.20pm

Year 6 Touch Rugby

Mr Colwell Adam Burton (Gap)

Scotch Copse / Junior School


Tuesday Afternoon

3.25pm - 4.20pm

Year 6 Water Polo

Mr Gregory Mrs Cotton

Scotch Pool Tuesday Morning 7.00am - 8.00am

Year 5 Water Polo

Mr Frost Mrs Cotton

Scotch Pool Tuesday Morning 7.00am - 8.00am

Year 5 and 6 Sailing

Mrs DiNatale N/A N/A N/A

Year 5 and 6 Golf Mr Marr

Mr Croxford N/A N/A N/A

Paul McMahon Head of Sport and PE Scotch College Junior School

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GSAC Glen Eira Sports and Aquatic Centre (200E Boundary Road, Bentleigh East) MSAC Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre (30 Aughtie Drive, Albert Park)

12 October 19 October 26 October 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 November



St Kevins (green) @ Boroondara

Sports Complex

Caulfield Grammar Malvern /

Scotch 6A2 (red) @ Boroondara Sports


Brighton Grammar (blue) /

St Kevins (green) @ Wilding Centre

St Kevins

St Kevins (blue) / Carey Grammar

Kew @ Boroondara

Sports Complex


Brighton Grammar (blue) / Carey Grammar Kew @ Boroondara

Sports Complex

Wesley College St Kilda / Brighton

Grammar (red) @ MSAC

Haileybury Castlefield /

St Kevins (blue) @ Boroondara

Sports Complex



St Kevins (blue) / Carey Grammar

Kew @ Boroondara

Sports Complex

Caulfield Grammar Malvern /

Scotch 6A1 (blue) @ Boroondara Sports


St Kevins (blue) / Haileybury Castlefield

@ Boroondara Sports Complex

Brighton Grammar (blue) / St Kevins

(green) @ Wilding Centre

St Kevins


Wesley College St Kilda / Brighton

Grammar (red) @ Brighton Grammar


Brighton Grammar (blue) / Xavier

Burke Hall @ Boroondara

Sports Complex

St Kevins (green) / Wesley College

St Kilda @ Wesley College

Games Hall



Melbourne Grammar /

Caulfield Grammar Malvern

@ Melbourne Grammar Grimwade

Xavier Kostka Hall / Geelong Grammar

Toorak @ Boroondara Sports


St Kevins (blue) / Haileybury Edrington

@ Haileybury Edrington

Melbourne Grammar /

St Kevins (green) @ Melbourne

Grammar Grimwade


Wesley College St Kilda / Geelong Grammar Toorak @ Boroondara

Sports Complex

St Kevins (blue) @ Wilding Centre

St Kevins

Xavier Kostka Hall / Haileybury Edrington

@ Haileybury Edrington


BASKETBALL St Kevins (blue) @ Boroondara

Sports Complex

Caulfield Grammar Malvern /

Brighton Grammar @ Brighton Grammar


Melbourne Grammar @ Melbourne

Grammar Grimwade

Xavier Kostka Hall / Xavier College

Burke Hall (black) @ Boroondara

Sports Complex


Caulfield Grammar Malvern / Haileybury

Castlefield @ GSAC

Brighton Grammar / Xavier Kostka Hall

@ Boroondara Sports complex

Wesley College St Kilda /

Haileybury Castlefield

@ Boroondara Sports Complex



Haileybury Newlands / Melbourne

Grammar (white) @ Boroondara

Sports Complex

Caulfield Grammar Malvern

@ Boroondara Sports Complex

Melbourne Grammar (blue)

@ Melbourne Grammar Grimwade

Brighton Grammar / Melbourne

Grammar (white) @ Boroondara

Sports Complex


Brighton Grammar / Haileybury Newlands

@ Boroondara Sports Complex

St Kevins / Xavier Burke Hall (red) @ Boroondara

Sports Complex

Haileybury Castlefield / Haileybury Newlands

@ Boroondara Sports Complex



Haileybury Castlefield @ MSAC

BYE Haileybury Edrington

@ Haileybury Edrington

St Kevins @ St Kevins

Wilding Centre BYE

Haileybury Newlands @ Haileybury


Brighton Grammar (red)

@ Scotch College

Haileybury Castlefield

@ Scotch College



St Kevins (green) @ St Kevins Heyington

Brighton Grammar (red) @

Brighton Grammar

Melbourne Grammar @ Melbourne

Grammar Grimwade

Haileybury Newlands

@ Haileybury Newlands

BYE Carey Grammar Kew

@ Carey Bullen Sports Fields

BYE St Kevin (blue) @ St Kevins Heyington

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GSAC Glen Eira Sports and Aquatic Centre (200E Boundary Road, Bentleigh East) MSAC Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre (30 Aughtie Drive, Albert Park)

12 October 19 October 26 October 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 November



Caulfield Grammar Malvern /

Scotch 5A2 (red) @ Boroondara Sports


Brighton Grammar (blue) /

St Kevins (green) @ Wilding Centre

St Kevins

St Kevins (blue) / Haileybury Edrington

@ Boroondara Sports Complex

Xavier Burke Hall / Brighton Grammar

(red) @ Boroondara

Sports Complex

Brighton Grammar (blue) / Haileybury

Edrington @ Haileybury


Xavier Kostka Hall @ Xavier Kostka


Haileybury Castlefield /

St Kevins (blue) @ Haileybury




Caulfield Grammar Malvern /

Scotch 5A1 (blue) @ Boroondara Sports


St Kevins (blue) / Haileybury Castlefield @ Boroondara Sports


Brighton Grammar (blue) /

St Kevins (green) @ Wilding Centre

St Kevins

Haileybury Newlands (5B1) @ Boroondara

Sports Complex

Wesley College St Kilda / Brighton

Grammar (red) @ Boroondara

Sports Complex

Brighton Grammar (blue) / Xavier

Burke Hall @ Boroondara

Sports Complex

St Kevins (green) / Wesley College

St Kilda @ Boroondara

Sports Complex



Caulfield Grammar Malvern / Haileybury

Edrington @ Boroondara Sports


Melbourne Grammar / Xavier Kostka Hall

@ Boroondara Sports Complex

St Kevins (blue) / Xavier Kostka Hall

@ Boroondara Sports Complex

Brighton Grammar / Haileybury Castlefield

@ Boroondara Sports Complex

Brighton Grammar / Xavier Kostka Hall

@ Boroondara Sports Complex

Wesley College St Kilda /

St Kevins (green) @ Boroondara

Sports Complex

Haileybury Edrington (B1) / Scotch 5B2 (red) @ Boroondara

Sports Complex



Caulfield Grammar Malvern / Haileybury

Castlefield (mag) @ Haileybury


Melbourne Grammar / Haileybury Castlefield

(mag) @ Haileybury


St Kevins (blue) / Xavier Kostka Hall

@ King Club Tulip St, Cheltenham

Haileybury Newlands / Xavier

Kostka Hall @ Boroondara

Sports Complex

Wesley College St Kida / Haileybury

Castlefield (mag) @ GSAC

Wesley College St Kilda /

St Kevins (blue) @ MSAC

Haileybury Edrington (B1) /

Scotch 5B1 (blue) @ Boroondara

Sports Complex


St Kevins @

St Kevins Wilding Centre

BYE Brighton Grammar

@ Scotch College

Melbourne Grammar

@ Scotch College

Haileybury Castlefield

@ Scotch College

St Kevins @

St Kevins Wilding Centre



Burnley Golf Course

Burnley Golf Course

Burnley Golf Course

Burnley Golf Course

Burnley Golf Course

Burnley Golf Course

Burnley Golf Course

Burnley Golf Course


Albert Park Aquatic Centre

Albert Park Aquatic Centre

Albert Park Aquatic Centre

Albert Park Aquatic Centre

Albert Park Aquatic Centre

Albert Park Aquatic Centre

Albert Park Aquatic Centre

Albert Park Aquatic Centre

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invite all members of the Scotch Family

to the official opening of

The Sir Zelman Cowen Centre for Scienceon Scotch’s 165 Birthday,

Thursday, 6 October, 2016 from 6.30 – 9.00pm.

The opening ceremony will take place from 7pm until 7.45pm. Tours will be available from 7.45pm to 9.00pm.

Light refreshments will be served from 7.45-9.00pm.

Guests of honour:Lady Cowen AM and

Dr Alan Finkel AO, Australia's Chief Scientist

To assist with catering arrangements, please indicate names of those attending:

Online: Email: [email protected] Phone: +61 3 9810 4359

Please respond by Wednesday, 28 September, 2016.

T he Of f icial Opening of theS I R Z E L M A N C O W E N C E N T R E F O R S C I E N C E


