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Primary 1 Introductory Briefing 3 March 2018

Primary 1 Introductory Briefing - Ministry of Education

Oct 03, 2021



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Primary 1Introductory Briefing

3 March 2018

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• Communication with Teachers

• Level Programmes

• Assessment

• Expectations

• ICT Resources

• Supporting and Monitoring Your Child

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Communication with Teachers

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Communication with Teachers

• Student Handbook

• Email

• Contact the office at 6442 5416 to leave a message

We seek your understanding that communication with teachers/ staff shouldbe done between 7.30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on working days, unless foremergency cases.

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Level Programme

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4


Introductory Briefing for P1 Parents

Learning Journey (LJ) to Singapore Zoo

Curriculum Experience

LJ to Science Centre

Lower Primary Games Day

Parent-Child-Teacher Conference

LJ to Giant Hypermarket

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Overview of Academic Assessment


• Dates are tentative and subject to changes.

• Termly schedules will be issued at a later date.

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4

Holistic Assessment

(HA) 1


HA 2


9 Apr – 18 May

HA 3


9 Jul – 24 Aug

HA 4


17 Sep – 2 Nov

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Absence from Assessment

• Students who are absent will be given the assessment papers as practiceand the marks will not be included in the overall mark computation.

• Only the following are considered valid during assessments:

Medical reasons supported by a medical certificate (MC) from a doctor;MCs from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners are NOTaccepted except if the TCM clinic is under the purview of a hospital

Bereavement of immediate family members

All other reasons are to be considered on a case-by-case basis subjectto school’s approval.

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Absence from Assessment

• An MC or a copy of the death certificate has to be given to the FormTeacher when the student returns to school to support his/her absence.

• For students who are absent for assessment without a valid reason, a zeromark will be considered for that assessment and this mark will be includedin the computation of the overall total.

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• Be honest.

• Always tell the truth.

• Keep my promise.

• Do not take things that do not belong to me.

• Be responsible for my wrong-doings and have the courage to face theconsequences.

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• Be polite and greet my teachers and classmates.

• Listen to my teachers.

• Raise my hand before I speak.

• Take turns and listen to the ideas and opinions of my classmates.

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• Be ready to learn.

• Pack my own bag and make sure I have the necessary stationery andbooks.

• Always do my best and hand in my work on time.

• Play safely and responsibly.

• Keep my classroom clean and tidy.

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• Don’t say “I can’t”, say “I will try”.

• Do correction and learn from your mistakes.

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• Be kind.

• Say nice things.

• Care for and share with your classmates.

• Help those in need.

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Holistic Development Profile in Report Book

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• Students are to attend school regularly.

• A medical certificate is required if your child is unwell and unable to attendschool.

• A supporting document is required for all valid absences (e.g.bereavement, external examination).

• Parents need to seek School Leader’s permission for all other absencesduring school term.

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• We seek your understanding that the school strongly discourages ourparents from taking their child out of school for overseas leave duringschool term. This is to ensure that they do not miss out importantcurriculum work and learning. We also hope that our parents will workwith us to reinforce the importance of attending school regularly.

• As such, overseas leave for holidays or visiting will not be considered avalid reason.

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• Your child is required to assemble in the school hall/ classroom for flag-raising ceremony by 7.30 a.m. Pre-assembly programmes start at 7.15 a.m.

• Your child is required to bring an English storybook from Mondays toWednesdays and a Mother-Tongue storybook on Thursdays and Fridays.

• Please ensure that your child reports to school punctually. Disciplinaryactions will be taken against frequent late-comers.

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• Wear only the prescribed school uniform/ PE attire.

• No modification is allowed.

• School shoes should be white/ majority white.

• Only black and dark blue hair bands are allowed.

• Jewellery/ Big earrings are not allowed.

• Displaying of religious-related items is not allowed.

• Dri-fit PE T-shirt should be buttoned up to the top and tucked in neatly.

• Wearing of jackets is discouraged during recess. Jacket should not be tiedaround the waist.

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Recess and Snack Time

• Do not give your child too much pocket money. $2 for a meal is sufficient.

• Snack time is at 11 a.m. every day.

• Do prepare healthy snacks for your child. Avoid giving him/ her tidbits,sweets or food that turns bad easily.

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Items NOT Allowed in School

• Game cards or trading cards

• Electronic devices e.g. CD/MP3 players, electronic games, tablets

• Sharp or dangerous objects e.g. scissors, penknives, cutters, metal rulers

• Expensive items e.g. jewellery, Apple watch

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Common Discipline Issues

• Queue-jumping/ Not conforming to spoken and unspoken rules

• Use of hurtful words/ Name-calling

• Rough play/ pushing

• Fighting/ hitting

• Vandalism/ Damaging of things

• Stealing/ Taking things without permission

• Misbehaviour on school buses/ enrichment classes

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Management of Discipline Issues

• Stern Verbal Warning

• Behavioural Contract

• Parent Conference

• Record in Misdemeanour Form

• Record in School System

• Conduct Grade ‘Fair’ or ‘Poor’

• Counselling

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Management of Discipline Issues

• Detention/ Corrective work order

• Suspension

• Caning

• Other actions deemed necessary by the Principal and StudentDevelopment Team (Vice-Principals, Head of Character and CitizenshipEducation Department, Year Heads and Discipline Master)

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Management of Discipline Issues

What should parents do should an incident occur?

• Keep calm

• Contact the Form Teacher to find out more

• Follow up with the Teacher-in-Charge on the actions that best cater to thewell-being of all parties

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Management of Discipline Issues

• Beside having consequences for offences, we take a positive approach toReward, Recognise and Reinforce good behaviours and efforts. This is moreeffective than using punishments to teach and encourage self-discipline.

BGPS motivational stickers Reward Scratch CardCCE passport for student

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Value of the Month

• Every month, the school will focus on one core value and highlight it tostudents. There are pre-assembly talks to teach students these values.

• Form Teachers will use indicators (to be shown later) to demonstrate thevalue of the month during FTGP.

• Students who display the value of the month will receive the Star Award atthe end of the month. Up to three students per class can receive theaward.

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Value of the Month

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Value of the Month

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Good Discipline Award (GDA)

• Awarded monthly based on a set of rubrics and criteria

• Different rubrics are used for Lower Primary (P1-P3) and Upper Primary(P4-P6)

• Holistic and comprehensive approach towards discipline

• GDA is assessed by:

- Reading in the hall- Effective Classroom Leaders

(Upper Primary only)

FT / Co-FT YH / AYH- General discipline- Classroom Cleanliness- Classroom Culture

(Lower Primary only)

SH / Discipline- No. of Offenders

(Summon Slips / Checks at Gates)

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Good Discipline Award (GDA)

• To attain a Good Discipline Award for each month, a class must score aminimum total of 21 points, minimum 2 points for each criteria.

• A deserving class that receives GDAs for any 2 months in a term will have aprivilege in the form of:

Tokens (stationery/ stickers/ healthy snacks)

Express pass for school events such as CE, Fiesta etc.

Game passes

Any other privileges deemed appropriate by CCE Department

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Working with the School

• Check the Student Handbook/ Parent’s File daily for homeworkassignments, worksheets sent back for checking and signing, and letters/notices from the school.

• Remind your child to pack only the necessary stationery and books so as tokeep his/ her bag light.

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Working with the School

• Ensure your child’s daily and regular attendance in school throughout theyear.

• When your child needs to be away from school for reasons known inadvance, submit a letter at least one week in advance to the School Leaderfor her permission, stating the reason for the absence and the period ofabsence. The school will issue an acknowledgement memo.

• When your child is absent from school, contact the General Office to leavea message for the Form Teacher or email him/ her directly.

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Working with the School

• Share information with the school.

Medical Records / Doctor’s Report / Legal Court Documents

• Make sure that your child brings to school the prescribed medication forthe specific medical condition.

Please note that the school is not allowed to administer medication toyour child. The school staff can help to supervise your child while he/she is taking the prescribed medication independently.

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Working with the School

• Always remain contactable and update the Form Teacher should youchange your address or contact number.

• Give the school the authority to care and discipline.

• Be patient, as education is often a slow and long process.

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ICT Resources

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ICT Resources

• MC Online

• KooBits

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User ID

• ‘bgps’ and the last six characters of your child’s BC number

• Example


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• For MC Online- bgps1230t1

• For KooBits- bgps1230

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User ID and Password

• MC Online

User ID: bgps77777F

Password: bgps1230t1

• KooBits

User ID: bgps77777F

Password: bgps 1230

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Login To MC Online

Search for MC Online.

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Login To MC Online

Select the following.

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Login To MC Online

You will see this screen.

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Login To MC Online

Fill in the information.

User ID


School Name

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Login To MC Online




Bedok Green Primary School

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Login To MC Online

You will see the home screen of MC Online.

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Login To KooBits

Search for KooBits.

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Login To KooBits

Select the following.

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Login To KooBits

You will see this screen.

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Login To KooBits

Fill in the information.

User ID


School NameUser ID


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Login To KooBits


User ID


School Namebgps77777F


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Login To KooBits

You will see the home screen of KooBits.

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Login To KooBits

Direct links from BGPS home page

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Other ICT Resources

• English Language-

• Chinese Language-

• Malay Language-

• Tamil Language-

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Supporting and MonitoringYour Child

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Parents as Key Partners

• Key navigators of your child’s growth

• Home and school environments are attuned to each other

Common understanding

Similar rules and expectations

• Home-school collaboration

Better learning

Healthy self-esteem

More positive attitudes and behaviour

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• Build a caring home environment to nurture the social and emotional skills of your child using the S.A.F.E. tips.

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• Commit some time every weekend to play games and have fun together.

• Visit places or take part in events that both of you enjoy.

• Encourage your child to make new friends.

• Create a conducive learning environment for your child’s learning needs

• Make time for daily chats- understand his/ her needs and fears.

• Try out CCE/ FTGP Family Time activities. Parents who use Android candownload the CCE Family Time App.

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• Role model for your child the values/ social emotional competencies youwant to see in him/ her. Share your success stories/ failures with your child.

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• Encourage your child when he makes observations.

E.g. Say “That’s interesting!” and ask why he/ she said that.

• Recognise small successes.

E.g. Say “You’ve made another new friend in class , well done!”

• Appreciate your child’s efforts- focus on the process, not just grades.

• Encourage and point out your child’s strengths, it will build self-esteem.

“Children who are regularly affirmed have a healthier sense of self-worth and experience greater success in overcoming

challenging situations.”

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• Find out what primary schools have in store for students these days.

• Do practical things to ease your child into new routines.

E.g. Plan daily routines together, teach your child new habits likepacking his/ her bag.

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• Teach your child words that describe feelings.

• Acknowledge your child’s emotions.

E.g. “ It is alright to feel anxious about going to school.”

• Understand your child’s needs.

E.g. Start bedtime early. Children needs lot of sleep.

• Make use of teachable moments/ stories /newspaper articles.

• Provide opportunities for your child to practise being caring and helpful.

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Reflection for Parents

10 years from now, what would I like my child to grow up to be?

What kind of values, skills, knowledge and attitudes would I like my child topossess?

What can I start doing right today to grow these values, skills, knowledge andattitudes in my child?

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Thank You!