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COMUNICAREA NONVERBALA IN TIMPUL INTERVIULUI LA ANGAJARE Drd. Mihaela Liliana Stroe General manager Acta Nonverbal 5 iunie 2007, ANSIT

Prezentare Ansit 5 Iunie 2007 1

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Drd. Mihaela Liliana StroeGeneral manager Acta Nonverbal

5 iunie 2007, ANSIT

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Cine sunt eu…

• Profesie: profesor limbi straine si sociolog• Trainer si doctorand in comunicare nonverbala (domeniul

psihologie sociala in cadrul Universitatii Bucuresti)• General manager al companiei de training si consultanta in

comunicare ACTA NONVERBAL (• Consultant acreditat in instrumentele Human Synergistics de

investigare a culturii organizationale

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Testimonials“After being very stressed and studying, the day of the exam

arrived. The organization of the exam was excellent, nice people, smiling faces, trying to make us forgetting about our nervousness. …..This exam seemed very hard. The problem is that I’m not sure about any of the answers, that means that I cannot say if I have passed the exam or not. Reading on the computer screen was very difficult. Anyway I can’t read too much on screen because I get very tired and I prefer to print what I have to read”.

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Testimonials “If the computer has a big screen I’m

relieved because I can see the whole text from one edge to the other. Good that you mentioned the air conditioning!”

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Testimonials“ I took the pre-selection tests last week at the centre in Brussels. The

organization was good, with some few exceptions: the exam hall was extremely hot! When I breathed in my throat ached. Of course, we weren’t allowed to have water in the computer room! Although I was wearing a blouse with short sleeves I almost died from the heat!So, be aware to dress properly, eventually to take a pill in cause your throw is hurting you from heat or from the air conditioning. They were using a microphone in the next room, and they disturbed our test of verbal logic. At the end of the course we noticed the earplugs, but I can’t use such things because I start to feel dizzy . ..the verbal logic seemed very hard, because it is difficult to read so much on the computer screen. It is difficult to concentrate for such a long period. You need to be calm and relaxed.”

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Testimonials “Did you think that you might be rejected because

you are overqualified? My idea is that EPSO rejectes the candidates that were suspected using an assistant position as a ladder to other jobs. An employer needs to hire candidates who meet the job requirements, and to avoid emplying someone who is overqualified for the job.”

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Testimonials “In this phase of the contest the term over-qualificated

DOESN’T EXIST ! As long that a candidate fulfills the conditions of the

Notice of Competition, s/he can’t be excluded for the above mentioned reason. EPSO has the duty of evaluating the professional knowledge and qualities of the candidates.

This issue might arise after the EPSO contest and after the publication of the reserve list. At that moment institutions are invited to choose candidates from the list. For example, keep in mind that every secretarial job has special requirements according to the expectations of the person or the team where the secretary will work”.

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Testimonials“I’m sure that an assistant position, isn’t interesting for somebody with

a Master’s degree. You’ll see that people who are no more competent than you are administrators due to the competition they chose, and that they earn more money then you.My impression is that they recruit just people who are “good” at the job and are adaptable, and less the overqualified, as In the long term, they will be frustrated or will quit the job, and they will have to start the recruitment process from the beginning .

That’s why this process is not easy. You have to prepare for a competition at your own level (as administrator). It is the only way to be happy with yourself and with the EU in the long term.”

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Testimonials“ After I passed the pre-selection trial, my

envelope with documents was lost on the way. “

TIPS:• So don’t forget, (between the happiness of the

success and the stress of sending the documents on time) to send the necessary envelope with confirmation of receipt!

• Keep to the deadline!

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Testimonials“Dear Mrs. Popescu,

After having examined your file, The Selection Board of the above-mentioned competition regrets to inform you that your application has not been accepted.

Consequently, you can’t be admitted to the written tests of the competition. Contrary to the conditions laid down in the notice of competition: either you did not send in an application at all or the the application you sent arrived after the deadline of 08/01/2007”

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Testimonials“ I sat the exam….I was only just in time, because traffic

in Bucharest is infernal…So, my advice is to leave home early to avoid surprises. When I went into the room, they gave my 2 white boards and 2 markers for the numerical questions and I requested an office calculator. I also found a set of ear-plugs on the table and I used them.

Questions about EU, like those on numerical and verbal reasoning, were medium difficult and some were really tricky, but I was able to do them in the time allocated. I had some minutes left at the end to revise some.”

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Testimonials“ Stress is always unnecessarily

exaggerated in such situations….”

“ My advice for pre-selection tests is to do a lot of practice with a time limit…because lack of time can very easily block your reasoning capacity and cause panic!”

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Testimonials“ I had 2 white boards…but I didn’t use the dry

sponge to clean them because they made a strange sound, like rubbing….

Behind me, somebody was reading the tests whispering… How to concentrate in that situation? I don’t want to say that a bad result in the test is due to that people….but how can somebody be so unaware and inconsiderate of other people like this in a competition?”

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Testimonials“ If I take the test again. ..I won’t read the texts 2-3 times,

because there’s no time…..Some things that stressed me: people where moving in the room…one person was arriving, one was leaving…and when you were at your computer, you received the instructions so loud, that everybody heard them ….and you were doing the test….

We have received ear-plugs which were in plastic bags…so, in the middle of test you could hear bags being opened….I didn’t use them! Another thing: I was called by my maiden name (family name before marriage) even though the invitation used my married name……..”

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Scopul workshopului…

• Dezvaluirea indicatorilor limbajului nonverbal• Folosirea/ interpretarea lor corecta in timpul

interviului de angajare• Exemplificare: - Contactul vizual - Expresiile faciale - Gesturile - Miscarile corpului

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Corpul vorbeste!

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Elementele comunicarii nonverbale• KINEZICA- studiul miscarilor corpului• PROXEMICA- perceptia si utilizarea spatiului• TERITORIUL si spatiul personal• ARTEFACTELE NONVERBALE• EXPRESIILE FACIALE• OCULEZICA- contactul vizual• HAPTICA- atingerile cutanate• VOCALICA- paralimbajul• OLFACTICA- semnalele olfactive• CRONEMICA- perceptia si semnificatia utilizarii timpului

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De ce folosim comunicarea nonverbala?

• Comunicarea nonverbala- pe cat de interesanta, pe atat de controversata

• Oamenii comunica pe 3 cai: - verbal: toate mesajele transmise prin intermediul cuvintelor; - paraverbal: intelesul dat unui mesaj prin tonul, ritmul si volumul vocii; - nonverbal: tot ce inseamna comunicare netrasmisa prin cuvinte sau intonatie

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Atitudine pozitiva!

• Intrati pe usa cu zambetul pe buze

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Congruenta nonverbala/ incongruenta nonverbala

Comunicarea optima se produce atunci cand emit continutul in mod congruent cu vocea si limbajul corporal!

Astfel, cautati congruenta cu ceea ce este spus in cuvinte!

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PRIVIREA• Durata mentinerii contactului vizual• Moduri de a privi:

- privirea oficiala; - privirea de anturaj; - privirea intima; - privirea laterala;

• Directii spre care putem privi si ce inseamna ele

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Zambiti cu ochii!

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Privirea corecta in timpul interviului

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Triunghiul vizual (denumit “bull’s eye”)

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“Ochii sunt oglinda sufletului”

• Daca vorbim cu cineva care ne place, il privim in ochi pana la 70 % din timpul discutiei.

• Daca ii suntem ostili, evitam privirea.• Retineti: fata si ochii partenerului de interviu contin o buna

parte din mesajul nonverbal• Un bun comunicator trebuie sa isi privesca partenerul drept

in ochi, dar nu mai mult de 50-60 % din timpul convcorbirii.• Pentru un ascultator este indicat sa realizeze contacte

vizuale de circa 5 secunde, la intervale regulate de timp.• Atunci cand pupilele partenerului de interviu se maresc,

putem cere unele concesii sau putem ridica pretul.

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Dilatarea pupilelor

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Tipuri de priviri

Construim în minte imagini noi Ne amintim imagini deja


Ne imaginăm sunete, expresii Ne amintim sunete deja auzite

Ne gândim la senzaţii şi Vorbim cu noi înşine,

rememorăm emoţii simţite în diverse situaţii lucruri ce ţin de fiinţa


Sursa:Adaptare după John Grinder şi Richard Buntler - „Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis”, Real People Press, 1981

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Expresiile faciale- To do’s

• Sa fie naturale• Sa fie potrivite situatiei• Sa fie expresive• Sa fie pozitive

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MIMICA• Fata umana are 80 de muschi mari si mici care prin combinatii

diverse reusesc sa exprime un numar nelimitat de expresii;• Fiecare jumatate a fetei, respectiv a corpului, este contralata

de catre emisfera cerebrala opusa;• Mimica este de departe componenta cea mai usor de observat

a limbajului trupului• Indicii ale unui zambet fals: durata, montajul, localizarea,

simetria;• Tipuri de mimica: - mimica agitata; - mimica linistita;• Prozopologia- studiul gurii tinand cont de barbie, maxilar,

buzele superioara si inferioara, de nas si nari.

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Expresiile faciale universaleFericirea

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Expresiile facialeTristete

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Expresiile facialeSurpriza

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Expresiile facialeFrica