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Prevensi DVT pada Pasien Non Bedah

Feb 07, 2018



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  • 7/21/2019 Prevensi DVT pada Pasien Non Bedah





    Pembimbing: dr. Kartika Widayati, SpPD-KHOM

    Presentan: dr. Levina Prima Rosalia

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    Deep VeinThrombosis


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    Strong risk factor

    (odds ratio >10)



    Penggantian sendi


    Operasi mayor

    Trauma mayor

    Cedera spinal cord

    Moderate risk factor

    (odds ratio 2-10)

    Arthroscopic knee surgery

    Kateter vena sentral



    Gagal nafas

    Terapi pengganti hormon


    Terapi kontraseptif oral

    Stroke paralitik


    Riwayat VTE


    Weak risk factor

    (odds ratio

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    VTE pada Pasien Medically ill

    Pasien yang dirawat di RSresiko VTE lebih tinggi 100X

    Tanpa tromboprofilaksis, insidensi DVT pada pasien RS :

    16-55% dan pasien bedah ortopedi mayor: 50-60%. PE5-10% kematian di RS150-200 ribu kematian

    per tahun di AS

    Sebagian besar (78%) pasien memiliki 1 faktor resiko

    VTEmenetap sampai beberapa minggu setelah pulang

    Profilaksis VTE keselamatan pasien

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    VTE pada Pasien Critically ill (ICU)

    Perubahan koagulasi darah, inflamasi, & respons imun

    Imobilisasi, ventilator, sedasigejalanya terkaburkan

    silent VTE

    Insidensi VTE tanpa profilaksis : 15-60%:

    DVT: 28-32%, bisa sampai 60% pada pasien trauma &

    70% pada stroke iskemik akut

    PE fatal: pada hemiplegi: 1-2% 40-50% pasien DVT simtomatikdidapatkan PE

    asimtomatik saat skrining

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    Pasien rawat inap dengan sakit akut & peningkatan resiko

    trombosis tromboprofilaksis antikoagulan: LMWH, UFH

    dosis kecil 2-3x/hari, atau fondaparinux (Grade 1B)

    Pasien rawat inap dengan sakit akut & resiko trombosis

    rendah profilaksis tidak direkomendasikan (Grade 1B)

    Pasien rawat inap dengan sakit akut & perdarahan/resiko

    perdarahan tinggi tromboprofilaksis antikoagulan tidak

    direkomendasikan (Grade 1B)

    ACCP Guideline (2012)

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    Pasien rawat inap dengan sakit akut & resiko trombosis

    & perdarahan/resiko tinggi tromboprofilaksis mekanik:

    graduated compression stocking(Grade 2C)/

    intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) (Grade 2C).

    Bila resiko perdarahan & resiko VTE menetap gantidengan obat (Grade 2B)

    Pasien rawat inap dengan sakit akut yang diberitromboprofilaksis direkomendasikan diberikan sampai

    imobilisasi selesai/sampai saat pulang (Grade 2B)

    ACCP Guideline (2012)

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    Pasien sakit kritis tidak direkomendasikan skrining DVT

    rutin dengan USG Dopler (Grade 2C)

    Pasien sakit kritis direkomendasikan pemberian LMWH

    /UFH low dose dibandingkan tanpa profilaksis (Grade 2C)

    Pasien sakit kritis dengan perdarahan/resiko tinggi

    tromboprofilaksis mekanik dengan GCS/IPC (Grade 2C)

    sampai resiko perdarahan ganti obat (Grade 2C)

    ACCP Guideline (2012)

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    Nilai faktor resiko VTE dasar pasien


    Nilai faktor resiko VTE tambahan pada pasien alasan

    hospitalisasi, operasi, trauma, penyakit

    3 Nilai resiko perdarahan & kontraindikasi profilaksis VTE

    4 Formulasikan keseluruhan penilaian (risk-benefit)

    5 Tentukan cara dan jenis profilaksis VTE

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    Total Score Incident of DVT Risk Level


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    Penilaian Resiko Perdarahan

    Perdarahan mayor (butuh transfusi 2 unit produk darah

    dalam 24 jam)

    Perdarahan kronis yang signifikan >48 jam

    Bleeding disorder (misal: hemofilia) Lesi intrakranial/spinal

    Perdarahan sistem saraf pusat

    Koagulasi darah abnormal

    Trombositopenia (AT < 50,000/l)

    Disfungsi trombosit berat (uremia, obat-obatan, MDS)

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    Penilaian Resiko Perdarahan

    Penyakit gastrointestinal ulseratif/ulkus peptikum aktif

    Obstructive jaundice/kolestasis

    Prosedur operasi mayor dengan resiko perdarahan tinggi

    Penggunaan obat-obatan yang mempengaruhi proses

    pembekuan darah (antikoagulan, antiplatelet, NSAID,

    agen trombolitik)

    Anestesi aksial regional atau pungsi lumbal Resiko jatuh yang tinggi

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    The IMPROVE VTE Risk Modelprobabilitas VTE akut sejak

    admisi sampai dengan pulang

    The IMPROVE Bleeding Risk Modelprobabilitasperdarahan mayor sejak admisi sampai 14 hari kemudian

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    Profilaksis VTE

    Primary prophylaxisobat/metode fisik yang

    efektif mencegah VTE

    Secondary preventiondeteksi dini dengan

    skrining dan terapi VTE subklinismahaljarang


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    Profilaksis VTE - Farmakoterapi

    Unfractionated heparin (UFH) atau low molecular weight

    heparin(LMWH) subkutan

    Fondaparinux subkutaninhibitor activated Factor X (Xa) Rivaroxaban oralinhibitor langsung faktor Xa

    Dabigatran etexilate oralinhibitor trombin

    Warfarin oral

    antagonis vitamin K

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    Profilaksis VTE - Mekanik

    aliran darah vena dengan kompresi eksternal

    stasis vena dan stagnasi darah

    Intermittent pneumatic compression devices (IPCs)

    Kontraindikasi: iskemi kaki karena PAD Segera dimulai secepat mungkin

    Resiko perdarahan kombinasi atau ganti dengan


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    Profilaksis VTE - Mekanik

    Graduated compression stockings


    Meta-analysistidak efektif

    dalam prevensi VTE pada pasien

    stroke iskemik

    resiko ulkus kulit dan nekrose

    Venous foot pumps (VFP)

    Data tentang efikasi terbatas

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    PenelitianPenelitian HASIL

    Tapson et

    al, 2005

    Tromboprofilaksis masih underused di RS di Amerika

    3778 rekam medis pasien dipilih secara random di 38 RS

    Pasien AF dengan resiko tinggi stroke: 54.7% dapat warfarin, 20%

    tidak mendapat aspirin/warfarin

    Operasi ortopeditromboprofilaksis 85%

    Bergmann et al,


    ENDORSE global surveyn = 37,356 pasien di 32 negara

    Resiko VTE bervariasi tergantung diagnosis medis (global rate 41.5%)

    Profilaksis VTE diberikan pada hanya 39.5% pasien beresiko

    Samama et al,


    MEDENOX studyn = 1102

    Pasien >40 tahun, hospitalisasi 6 hari, imobilisasi sebelumnya 3 hari

    Enoxaparin 20 mg atau 40 mg/hari vs placebo, 1-14 hari

    Skrining DVT dengan venografi/USG pada hari 6-14

    DVT: Enoxaparin 20 mg 15%, 40 mg 5.5%, placebo 014.9%, RR 463% (p

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    Cohen AT et


    ARTEMIS studyn = 849

    Pasien rawat inap >60 thn dengan CHF, PPOK eksaserbasi

    akut, infeksi akut, kemungkinan akan immobile 4 hari

    Fondaparinux 2,5 mg/hari vs placebo, 6-14 hari

    Skrining DVT dengan venografi pada hari 6-15

    DVT: Fondaparinux 5,6%, placebo 0, 5%, RR 46,7% (p = 0.029)

    Perdarahan mayor masing-masing kelompok: 1 orang

    Penelitian HASIL

    Leizorovicz et

    al, 2004

    PREVENT studyn = 3706

    Pasien rawat inap >40 thn dengan penyakit akut, membutuhkan

    rawat inap 4 hari, imobilisasi sebelumnya 3 hari

    Dalteparin 5000 IU/hari vs placebo, 14 hari

    Skrining DVT dengan USG pada hari 21

    DVT: Dalteparin 2,77%, placebo 4.96%, RR 45% (p = 0.0015) Perdarahan mayor: Dalteparin 0.49%, placebo 0.16%

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    Glynn RJ et

    al, 2007

    39,876 perempuanaspirin dosis rendah 100 mg setiap 48 jam

    vs placebo selama 10 tahun

    Insidensi VTE pada kelompok aspirin 1.18 vs 1.25 per 1000

    orang tahun pada kelompok placebo

    Aspirin meningkatkan resiko perdarahan

    Penelitian HASIL

    Li Wang et al,


    11,135 rekam medis pasien

    Kejadian VTE lebih rendah pada pasien yang mendapat

    profilaksis dibanding yang tidak (1,3% vs 2.99%, HR 0.37)

    Penggunaan profilaksis berhubungan dengan biaya healthcare

    lebih rendah


    study, 2003

    Enoxaparin (40 mg/hari) vs UFH (5000 IU 3x/hari) selama 10 hari

    pada 665 pasien kardiopulmoner beratsama efektifnya

    PRIME study,


    RCT double blind Enoxaparin (40 mg/hari) vs UFH (5000 IU

    3x/hari) pada 959 pasien resiko tinggi VTE seimbang, namun

    efek samping Enoxaparin lebih sedikit

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    Alex C Spyropoulos, Charles Mahan. 2009. Venous Thromboembolysm Prophylaxis in The Medical

    Patients: Controversies and Perspectives. The American Journal of Medicines. Amir Qaseem, Roger Chou, Linda L. Humphrey,Melissa Starkey, Paul Shekelle.2011.Venous

    Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in Hospitalized Patients: A Clinical Practice Guideline From the

    American College of Physicians.American College of Physicians

    Caprini, J A.2005.Update on Risk Factors for Venous Thromboembolism.Elsevier

    Chee M. Chan, Andrew F. Shorr. 2010. Venous Thromboembolic Disease in the Intensive Care Unit.

    Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

    Deborah J. Cook, James Douketis, Donald Arnolda, Mark A. Crowther. 2009. Bleeding and venous

    thromboembolism in the critically ill with emphasis on patients with renal insufficiency. Current Opinion

    in Pulmonary Medicine

    Frederick A. Anderson, Frederick A. Spencer.2003.Risk Factors for Venous

    Thromboembolism.Circulation.American Heart Association

    Deborah Cook , Maureen Meade, Gordon Guyatt, Stephen D. Walter, Diane Heels-Ansdell, William

    Geerts, Theodore E. W, D. Jamie Cooper, Nicole Zytaruk, Shirley Vallance, Otavio Berwanger, Marcelo

    Rocha, Ismael Qushmaqi, Mark Crowther. 2011. Prophylaxis for Thromboembolism in Critical Care

    Trial Protocol and Analysis Plan.Journal of Critical Care 26, 223.e1223.e9.

    Graham F P Lawrence LK Leung, Jess Mandel, Stephen A L. 2011. Prevention of venous

    thromboembolic disease in medical patients.UpToDate.


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    Li Wang, Nishan Sengupta, Onur Baser.2011.Risk of venous thromboembolism and benefits of

    prophylaxis use in hospitalized medically ill US patients up to 180 days post-hospital discharge.

    Thrombosis Journal

    Jean-Francois Bergmann, Alexander T. Cohen, Victor F. Tapson, Samuel Z. Goldhaber, Ajay K.Kakkar, Bruno Deslandes, Wei Huang, Frederick A. Anderson. 2010. Venous thromboembolism risk

    and prophylaxis in hospitalised medically ill patients: The ENDORSE Global Survey. Blood

    Coagulation, Fibrinolysis and Cellular Haemostasis

    National Health and Medical Research Council. 2009. Clinical practice guideline for the prevention of

    venous thromboembolism (deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism) in patients admitted to

    Australian hospitals. Melbourne: National Health and Medical Research Council

    Sarah M Adriance, Claire V Murphy.2013.Prophylaxis and treatment of venous thromboembolism in the

    critically ill.International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science

    Susan R. Kahn, Wendy Lim, Andrew S. Dunn, Mary Cushman, Francesco Dentali, Elie A. Akl ,

    Deborah J. Cook, Alex A. Balekian , Russell C. Klein, Hoang Le , Sam Schulman, M. Hassan Murad.

    2012. Prevention of VTE in Nonsurgical Patients Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention ofThrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice

    Guidelines. Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th Edition: ACCP Guidelines

    Scott M Stevens, James D Douketis. 2010. Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis in Hospitalized Medical

    Patients: Current Recommendations, General Rates of Implementation, and Initiatives for


    Wheeler A.2005.Venous thromboembolism in medically ill patients: identifying risk and strategies for

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    Cedera spinal cord



    PPOK berat



    Vena varikosa


    Kadar estrogen tinggi

    Inflammatory Bowel

    DiseaseSindrom Nefrotik






    Riwayat VTE

    Kateter vena


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    Inherited thrombophilia:

    Factor V Leiden mutation

    Prothrombin gene mutation

    Protein S deficiency

    Protein C deficiency

    Antithrombin (AT) deficiency

    Rare disorders: Dysfibrinogenemia

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    1. Assess level of mobility, VTE and bleeding risk for every adult patient

    admitted to SUHT, including ambulatory patients: (1) Complete national risk

    assessment tool, and (2) document assessment in the relevant section on

    the patients drug chart. Medical patients who are NOT expected to have

    significantly reduced mobility relative to normal state are not regarded atincreased VTE risk and do not need to be risk assessed further

    2. Balance risks of VTE and bleeding

    If any VTE risk factors identified, offer VTE prophylaxis, ensuring that there

    are no contraindications. Do not offer pharmacological prophylaxis if bleeding

    risk outweighs risk of VTE.3. Reassess VTE & bleeding risk within 24 hours of admission and whenever the

    clinical situation changes. If the VTE or bleeding risk changes during the

    admission the VTE prophylaxis must be reviewed and adjusted as


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    Guideline ACP

    Recommendation 1: ACP recommends assessment of the risk forthromboembolism and bleeding in medical (including stroke)

    patients prior to initiation of prophylaxis of venous

    thromboembolism (Grade: strong recommendation,

    moderatequality evidence). Risk factors for bleeding with anticoagulant therapy include older

    age; female sex; diabetes; hypertension; presence of cancer;

    acute or chronic alcoholism; liver disease; severe chronic kidney

    disease; peptic ulcer disease; anemia; poor treatment adherence;

    prior stroke or intracerebral hemorrhage; presence of bleeding

    lesions; bleeding disorder; and concomitant use of aspirin,

    nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antiplatelet agents,

    antibiotics, statins, fibrates, and steroids.

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    Guideline ACP

    Recommendation 2: ACP recommends pharmacologicprophylaxis with heparin or a related drug for venous

    thromboembolism in medical (including stroke) patients

    unless the assessed risk for bleeding outweighs the likely

    benefits (Grade:strong recommendation, moderate-qualityevidence).

    Recommendation 3: ACP recommends against the use of

    mechanical prophylaxis with graduated compression

    stockings for prevention of venous thromboembolism (Grade:strong recommendation, moderate-quality evidence).

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    Guideline Australia

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    Guideline Australia

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    Guideline Australia

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    Guideline Australia

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    Penilaian Resiko Perdarahan

    Pasien critically ill di ICUresiko perdarahan

    Sebuah penelitian RCT di ICU223 pasien on

    ventilatorperdarahan mayor pada kelompok terapi

    nadroparin 6.5% vs placebo 2.7%

    Penelitian prospektif 100 pasien di ICU90% pasien

    mengalami perdarahan (70% minor, 20% mayor)

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    ACCP Guideline

    In outpatients with cancer who have no additional risk

    factors for VTE, we suggest against routine prophylaxis with

    LMWH or LDUH (Grade 2B) and recommend against the

    prophylactic use of vitamin K antagonists (Grade 1B).

    Remarks: Additional risk factors for VTE in cancer outpatientsinclude previous VTE, immobilization, hormonal therapy,

    angiogenesis inhibitors, thalidomide, & lenalidomide.

    In outpatients with cancer and indwelling central venous

    catheters, we suggest against routine prophylaxis withLMWH or LDUH (Grade 2B) and suggest against the

    prophylactic use of vitamin K antagonists (Grade 2C).

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    ACCP Guideline

    In outpatients with solid tumors who have additional risk

    factors for VTE and who are at low risk of bleeding, we

    suggest prophylactic dose LMWH or LDUH over no

    prophylaxis (Grade 2B).

    In chronically immobilized persons residing at home or at a

    nursing home, we suggest against the routine use of

    thromboprophylaxis (Grade 2C)

    For long-distance travelers, we suggest against the use ofaspirin or anticoagulants to prevent VTE (Grade 2C).

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    ACCP Guideline For long-distance travelers at increased risk of VTE (including

    previous VTE, recent surgery or trauma, active malignancy,

    pregnancy, estrogen use, advanced age, limited mobility, severe

    obesity, or known thrombophilic disorder), we suggest frequent

    ambulation, calf muscle exercise, or sitting in an aisle seat if

    feasible(Grade 2C). For long-distance travelers at increased risk of VTE (including

    previous VTE, recent surgery or trauma, active malignancy,

    pregnancy, estrogen use, advanced age, limited mobility, severe

    obesity, or known thrombophilic disorder), we suggest use of

    properly fitted, below-knee GCS providing 15 to 30 mmHg ofpressure at the ankle during travel (Grade 2C). For all other long-

    distance travelers, we suggest against the use of GCS(Grade 2C).

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    Vitamin K Antagonist

    Warfarin, coumarin, tecarfarin

    Inhibition of the vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylation

    of coagulation factors II, VII, IX, and X

    Efeknya delayed sampai faktor pembekuan normal

    (protrombin) hilang dari sirkulasi36-72 jam setelah


    Parenteral anticoagulants and warfarin should OVERLAP by

    four to five days when warfarin is initiated in patients with

    acute thrombotic disease

    Use of the INR The INR is the PT ratio obtained by testing a

    given sample using the WHO reference thromboplastin.

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