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Presentation - Supernatural & Paranormal Experiences

Apr 10, 2018



Murtaza Ali
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  • 8/8/2019 Presentation - Supernatural & Paranormal Experiences


    Everything you can imagine is real.

    - Pablo Picasso

    Supernatural &

    Paranormal Phenomena

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation - Supernatural & Paranormal Experiences



    Paranormal research Anecdotal


    Contrasting Views

    Committee for the Scientific

    Investigation of Claims of the

    Paranormal (CSICOP)

    Paranormal Subjects (Ghosts,Stigmata, Crop-Circles etc.)

    The Paranormal in Religion

    Paranormal and Perinormal

    What are we going to discuss?

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation - Supernatural & Paranormal Experiences


    Paranormal is a general term that

    designates experiences that lie outside

    the range of normal experience or

    scientific explanation.

    The supernatural is anything above or

    beyond what one holds to be natural

    and exists outside natural law and the

    observable universe.

    Para and Normal - it is described as

    anything that is beyond or contrary to

    what is deemed scientifically possible

    What is Paranormal & Supernatural?

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation - Supernatural & Paranormal Experiences


    An anecdotal approach to the paranormal

    involves the collection of stories told about the


    Charles Fort (18741932) is perhaps the best

    known collector of paranormal anecdotes.

    Fort is said to have compiled as many as 40,000

    notes on unexplained paranormal experiences.

    He collected events include teleportation,,

    inorganic materials of an amazing range, crop

    circles, unaccountable noises and explosions


    Paranormal Research Anecdotal Approach

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation - Supernatural & Paranormal Experiences


    Indistinct from Nature

    Some events occur according to physical

    laws, and others occur according to a separate

    set of principles external to known physics.

    Incorrectly attributed to Nature

    All events have natural and only natural

    causes. Human beings ascribe supernatural

    attributes to purely natural events.

    Part of a Larger Nature

    According to this view, the supernatural is

    just a term for parts of nature that modern

    science and philosophy do not yet properly


    Contrasting Views on Supernatural Phenomena

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    CSICOP is a U.S. non-profit organization.

    It encourages the critical investigation ofparanormal and fringe-science claims

    from a responsible, scientific point of


    On November 30, 2006, the organization

    further shortened its name to "Committee

    for Skeptical Inquiry" ("CSI", pronounced


    Committee for the Scientific Investigation ofClaims

    of the Paranormal

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation - Supernatural & Paranormal Experiences


    A ghost is the soul or spirit of a

    deceased person or animal.

    Spirits are the energies of deceased

    loved ones and friends who have died

    and gone into the Light.

    The ghost story is ubiquitous across allcultures from oral folktales to works of


    A 2005 Gallup poll found that about 32

    percent of Americans believe in ghosts.

    Ghosts, Spirits and Hauntings

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation - Supernatural & Paranormal Experiences


    Psychokinesis is a term coined by

    publisher Henry Holt.

    Examples of psychokinesis could

    include distorting or moving an object,

    and influencing the output of a random

    number generator.

    Teleportation is the transfer of matterfrom one point to another, more or less


    Teleportation has been widely utilized

    in works of science fiction and fantasy.

    Psychokinesis & Teleportation

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation - Supernatural & Paranormal Experiences


    A crop circle is a sizable pattern

    created by the flattening of a

    crop such as wheat, barley, rye,

    maize, or rapeseed.

    Crop circles have become the

    subject of speculation by

    various paranormal, ufological,

    and anomalistic investigatorsranging from proposals that

    they were created by bizarre

    meteorological phenomena to

    messages from extraterrestrials.

    Crop Circles

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation - Supernatural & Paranormal Experiences


    Suggested locations on which life mighthave developed include the planets

    Venus, Mars and some moons of Jupiter

    and Saturn.

    Many scientists are actively engaged inthe search for unicellular life within thesolar system, carrying out studies on thesurface of Mars and examining meteors.

    Unidentified flying object (UFO) is thepopular term for any apparent aerialphenomenon whose cause cannot beeasily or immediately identified by theobserver.

    Extraterrestrial life & UFOs

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation - Supernatural & Paranormal Experiences


    Vampires are mythological or

    folkloric beings who subsist by

    feeding on the life essence

    (generally in the form of blood) ofliving creatures.

    A werewolf, also known as a

    lycanthrope is a mythological or

    folkloric human with the ability toshapeshift into an

    anthropomorphic wolf-like


    Vampires and Werewolves

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation - Supernatural & Paranormal Experiences


    Stigmata are bodily marks, sores, orsensations of pain in locationscorresponding to the crucifixion

    wounds of Jesus Christ, such as thehands & feet.

    The blood from the wounds is said tohave a pleasant, perfumed odor,known as the Odor of Sanctity.

    Stigmata are primarily associated withthe Roman Catholic faith. Manyreported stigmatics are members ofCatholic religious orders.



  • 8/8/2019 Presentation - Supernatural & Paranormal Experiences


    Reincarnation is believed to occur when the

    soul or spirit, after the death of the body,

    comes back to life in a newborn body.

    This phenomenon is also known as

    transmigration of the soul or


    This concept prevails in Hinduism, Jainism,

    Sikhism and Buddhism.

    Judaism, Christianity and Islam do not

    believe that individuals reincarnate.

    Reincarnation & Past Lives

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation - Supernatural & Paranormal Experiences


    Palmistry or chiromancy is the art ofcharacterization and foretelling the futurethrough the study of the palm.

    Significance of the Left and Right Hand

    The left hand is controlled by the right brainreflects the inner person, the natural self andthe lateral thinking. It could even beconsidered to be a part of a person spiritualand personal development.

    The right hand reflects the outer person,objective self, influence of socialenvironment, education, and experience. Itrepresents linear thinking.

    Chiromancy & Palm-Reading

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation - Supernatural & Paranormal Experiences


    Pyramid power refers to allegedsupernatural or paranormalproperties of the ancient Egyptianpyramids and objects of similar


    Model pyramids are said to preservefoods, sharpen or maintain thesharpness of razor blades or

    improve health.

    Some people thought that theyfunction as a thought-formincubator, trigger sexual urges, andcause other dramatic effects.

    Pyramid Power

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation - Supernatural & Paranormal Experiences


    A time slip is an alleged paranormal

    phenomenon in which a person, or group

    of people, travel through time via

    unknown means.

    One of the best-known, and earliest,

    example was reported by two English

    women, Charlotte Anne Moberly (1846 -

    1937) and Eleanor Jourdain (18631924).

    They believed they slipped back in time in

    the gardens of the Petit Trianon at

    Versailles from the summer of 1901 to the

    period of the French Revolution.

    Time Slip The Disputed Time Travel

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation - Supernatural & Paranormal Experiences


    Religion tends to view paranormal

    phenomena as intentionally performed

    by a higher power, often to benefit the

    spiritual lives of humanity.

    Examples include the scriptural parting

    of the Red Sea by Moses to the visions

    of the Virgin Mary.

    Shamans are often thought to possess

    the power of healing and the ability to

    travel outside their body.

    Paranormal The Religious Viewpoint

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation - Supernatural & Paranormal Experiences


    perinormaldescribes a phenomena

    that were once thought to be

    paranormal, but have since been

    explained by science.

    The "Pregnant Man - When doctors

    went to remove what they thought

    was a tumor found a human being

    inside the man's abdominal region.

    The man's twin brother had been

    growing inside his abdomen for 36


    Paranormal and Perinormal

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation - Supernatural & Paranormal Experiences


    The End