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Page 1: Presentation Oct 2013



Wednesday 30 October 13

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We developed a new

Digital Sponsorship Inventory which engages fans, extends brand exposure beyond the event, and delivers measurable results.

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We use our special techniques to capture a FanPic, a 360º multibillion pixel image of fans at an event.

We launch this FanPic within 24 hours of the event and invite fans to find, tag themselves and share the image with friends.

Each image they share is branded with the sponsors story...

FanPic & Tagging...

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After FanPic is launched, fans can visit the FanPic page and login through facebook

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Once logged in, users can browse around the massive image.Each FanPic is over 20 billion pixels in size. To put that in perspective, if you were to print out a FanPic it would be 60 x 30 metres in size!

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Users can zoom right into the crowd….

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and find themselves at the event

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Once spotted.....

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Fans can tag themselves and their friends, and share it with their family and friends on Facebook

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Once the fan image is captured, they are prompted to share the picture as a branded Facebook story and photo



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I’m Here!

Each user generated branded story and photois displayed on the fans’ newsfeed, timeline and other Facebook properties.

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Find me at Old Trafford!

This branded image is visible by all of the users’ friends, increasing a brands’ reach and exposure beyond the event.

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1 tag = 100’s of impressions

130 is the average number of facebook friends

FanPic application measures each time a story or photo

is shown to user friends.

An impression is a story shown to a user.

An impression may appear in a users newsfeed,

timeline, ticker and application aggregations.

Wednesday 30 October 13

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Case Studies

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9,256 fans tagged themselves

VENUE / Old Trafford FANS / 75,500

CLIENT / Chevrolet PERIOD / 10 days


Branded FanPic Visits

Average Time Spent

Facebook Stories & Photos Generated

127,560 3:06 28,000

Twitter Stories Shared

12,3% of match attendance

Users generated over

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6,285fans tagged themselves

VENUE / PGE Arena FANS / 30,000



Branded FanPic Visits

Average Time Spent

Facebook Stories & Photos Generated

52,000 3:52 3786


21% of match attendance

Users generated over


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Public Address


Big Screeninfomercials

at event

LEDPromosat event

Match ProgramAdvert

Inclusion in event


The results shown previously can be achieved through our activation guidelines, which outline best practice for clients to achieve the results we have become accustomed to. These guidelines are in place to inform fans about each FanPic through multiple communication channels.


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Project Management

ObjectivesRecognition & Optimisation



We provide not only cutting edge technology but also proven activation guidelines, application customisation and full project management of each campaign.


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Deep Facebook integration allows us to create target group profiles of your fanbaselimited not only to their demographics but also their interests.

Social Profile Analytics and Reporting

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Exposure and Awarness

Quality Data Capture CRM

Fan Experience Enhancement

Fan SocialProfiling

Merchandising Opportunities

What can we deliver?

New Revenue Streams

Surveying Opportunities

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Beyond Tagging...

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We hide items in the crowd and around the venue and invite fans to find them. Once found, fans answer trivia questions to collect points.

At the end of a journey, we ask them to leave their personal data, email or mobile to be notified about the competition results.

Quality data is captured to be used in our clients’ future marketing campaigns.

Treasure Hunt

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With the FanPic ‘Treasure Hunt’ feature, items are hidden in the crowd and around the stadium.

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Fans are invited to find these items.

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Once found, fans are prompted to answer a series of questions.

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These questions can be game related trivia, or primary research for the brand.

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Once a set amount of items are found, we ask fans to leave their personal data, Quality data is captured for brands to use in future marketing campaigns.

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We also allow fans who weren’t in attendance at the event to also take part in the FanPic. They can add their photo to the ‘Virtual Stadium’, and feel like they were there!

This is a perfect way to engage a global audience.Once logged into Facebook, the fan’s profile picture is added to the stadium…

Virtual Stadium“Wish you were here?”

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CASE STUDYWednesday 30 October 13

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Primary ObjectivesBuild facebook and twitter communityEngage with global audienceBrand exposure

Secondary ObjectivesExtensive Fan ProfilingFan Experience Enhancement

Features UsedVirtual StadiumCustomised User Journey

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Virtual Stadium allows a global fan base to still be a part of the experience “Virtually”.

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Fans can select the ‘Wish you were here’ feature and add their Facebook profile photo to the virtual stadium

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The global audience is activated, engaged and all results are measured

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The gamification aspect of FanPic encourages the retention of fan engagement over a series of FanPics.

We have created powerful game features, which allow fans to collect points and climb the FanPic Leader Board. These points and badges are collected through tagging, adding virtual tags and taking part in games built into the FanPic to enter fan circles.


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Liverpool FC

During the 2012/2013 season, Liverpool FC launched the LFC FanPic SuperFan game allowing fans to compete for the SuperFan title and to win an experiential dream prize.

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Liverpool FC wanted to introduce gamification to retain fan engagement over a series of FanPics for the full season

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This included Virtual Stadium to engage their global fan base as well as ‘Vote for Player’ giving fans the opportunity to have their say on who the fan’s man of the match was.

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Using the Treasure Hunt feature allowed fans to collect more points

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Points are added up and converted to badges, allowing fans to compete against each other for a dream prize at the end of the season

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Fans can see their progress in the Leader Board and compete against each other for the top spot

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168,250 12,560 672,000Competition Participants

Number of fans who tagged themselves on at least 9 games

Badges Collected

The results were huge, with over 160,000 competition participants. The main objective of retaining engagement over the series of FanPics was effectively met with over 12.5 thousand fans tagging themselves in at least 9 FanPics.

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84,120 fans tagged themselves

VENUE / Anfield FANS / Av. 45,000

CLIENT / Liverpool FC PERIOD / 17 Matches


Branded FanPic Visits

Average Time Spent

Facebook Stories & Photos Generated

940,500 3:25

10,9%retention of fan engagement

Users generated over

In total, 84,120 individual tags were captured giving an average tag rate of over 10%. The gamification aspect to the FanPic campaign generated a total of over 14 million branded Facebook Stories and Photos and attracted 940,500 FanPic page visits.

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Story so far...

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18 months2,245,000 fans captured

5,600,000 FanPic page visits

57,541,000 branded posts & photos created

302,850 “I was there” moments shared

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Brands we’ve promoted


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Events we’ve captured

• Champions League qualifiers

• Premiership Rugby Final

• Euro 2012 Qualifiers

• Euro 2012 Fanzones

• 6 Nations

• English Premier League

• Belgium Premier League

• Norwegian Premier League

• Liga Total Cup Final

• Breeders Cup

• MLB World Series


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Fans Reactions

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Huge Crowd Pho



them we are takin


we upload huge imageto our fast servers

it’s readyin


after the event

Direct Marketing CampaignsWe can design competitions, which will capture email addresesof visitors, to be used for post event marketing campaigns

Measure EffectivenessNumber of Facebook impressions and clicks on postsbranded page views and time on site

PROCESSit takes us


8-10 minutesto photograph

1000’s of fans

we stitch,

customise with branding

& use our application

to make facebook tagging


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See Examples on

social media tagging application

[email protected] +353 1 4100 600 @huggity

Wednesday 30 October 13