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Present tense

Nov 14, 2014




Power Point of Present Tense in Spanish
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Page 1: Present tense


Indicative Mood

Page 2: Present tense

Regular –AR VerbsRegular –AR Verbs

Take the –AR off and add the following endings:






Page 3: Present tense

Example: Take the Example: Take the –AR–AR off of the verb off of the verb comprarcomprar and add the endings from the and add the endings from the

last slide.last slide.






I buy, I do buy, I am buying You buy, you do buy, you are buying He/she buys, he/she does buy, he/she is buying We buy, we do buy, we are buying They buy, they do buy, they are buying

Page 4: Present tense

Regular –ER VerbsRegular –ER VerbsTake the –ER off and add the following endings:






Page 5: Present tense

Example: Take the Example: Take the –ER–ER off of the verb off of the verb comercomer and add the endings from the last and add the endings from the last







I eat, I do eat, I am eating

You eat, you do eat, you are eating

He/she eats, he/she does eat, he/she is eating

We eat, we do eat, we are eating

They eat, they do eat, they are eating

Page 6: Present tense

Regular Regular –IR–IR Verbs Verbs

Take the –IR off and add the following endings:

-o-o -es-es -e-e -imos-imos -en-en

Page 7: Present tense

Example: Take the Example: Take the –IR–IR off of the verb off of the verb vivirvivir and add the endings from the last slide.and add the endings from the last slide.






I live, I do live, I am living

You live, you do live, you are living

He/she lives, he/she does live, he/she is living

We live, we do live, we are living

They live, they do live, they are living

Page 8: Present tense

““Special” Verb ChangesSpecial” Verb ChangesThere are certain verbs that have an irregular first-person

singular only; all other forms in the present are regular

cabercaber to fitto fit quepoquepo caercaer to fallto fall caigocaigo

dardar to giveto give doydoyestarestar to beto be estoyestoyhacerhacer to doto do hagohagoponerponer to putto put pongopongosabersaber to knowto know sésétraertraer to bringto bring traigotraigovalervaler to be worthto be worth valgovalgoverver to seeto see veoveo

Page 9: Present tense

““Special” Verb ChangesSpecial” Verb ChangesVerbs that end in a vowel followed by –cer–cer and –cir–cir

change cc to zczc in the first person singular only.

Some examples:ConoConocercer to knowto know conoconozczcooMereMerecercer to deserveto deserve meremerezczcooOfreOfrecercer to offerto offer ofreofrezczcooPertenePertenecercer to belongto belong pertenepertenezczcooReconoReconocercer to recognizeto recognize reconoreconozczcooTraduTraducircir to translateto translate tradutraduzczcooConduConducircir to driveto drive conduconduzczcooProduProducircir to produceto produce produproduzczcoo

Page 10: Present tense

““Special” Verb ChangesSpecial” Verb Changes

Some common irregular verbs in the present tense are:

DECIRDECIR IRIR OíR OíR SER SER TENER TENER VENIRVENIR (to say)(to say) (to go)(to go) (to hear) (to hear) (to be) (to be) (to have) (to have) (to come)(to come)

Yo Yo digo digo voyvoy oigo oigo soy soy tengo tengo vengovengoTú Tú dices dices vasvas oyes oyes eres eres tienes tienes vienesvienesÉl Él dice dice vava oye oye es es tiene tiene vienevieneNosotros decimosNosotros decimos vamosvamos oímos oímos somos tenemos somos tenemos venimosvenimosEllos Ellos dicen dicen vanvan oyen oyen son son tienen tienen vienenvienen

Note that the verb Note that the verb “haber”“haber” is also irregular. is also irregular. The present tense form of The present tense form of “hay”“hay” means means “there is”“there is” and and “there are”.“there are”.

Page 11: Present tense

““Special” Verb ChangesSpecial” Verb Changes

Verbs that end in a vowel followed by –ger–ger and –gir–gir change gg to jj before the –o ending.

Some examples:CoCogerger to catch, grabto catch, grab cocojjooEscoEscogerger to chooseto choose escoescojjooProteProtegerger to protectto protect proteprotejjooRecoRecogerger to pick upto pick up recorecojjooExiExigirgir to demandto demand exiexijjooDiriDirigirgir to directto direct diridirijjoo

Page 12: Present tense

““Special” Verb ChangesSpecial” Verb Changes

Verbs ending in –guir–guir change gugu to gg before the –o ending.

Some examples:

DistinDistinguirguir to distinguishto distinguish distindistinggooExtinExtinguirguir to extinguishto extinguish extinextinggoo

Page 13: Present tense

““Special” Verb ChangesSpecial” Verb Changes

Verbs that end in –cer and -cir change the “c” to “z” before the “-o” ending.

For example

ConvenConvencercer to convinceto convince convenconvenzzooEjerEjercercer to practiceto practice ejerejerzzooVenVencercer to overcome to overcome venvenzzoo

Page 14: Present tense

““Boot” Verb ChangesBoot” Verb Changes

The “Boot Verbs” that end in “ar” and “er” that have a stem change from the letter “e” to the letters “ie” occur in all forms except “nosotros” and

“vosotros”. Take the ending off and choose the vowel that is closest to the end of the stem as the one to change.

For example

CERRAR (to close) QUERER (to love, want)Cerr (stem) Quer (stem)

Yo cierro quieroTú cierras quieresÉl cierra quiereNosotros cerramos queremosEllos cierran quieren

Page 15: Present tense

““Boot” Verb ChangesBoot” Verb Changes The following is a list of commonly used verbs that follow the

pattern of cerrar and querer:

comenzar to start, begin defender to defend

despertar (se) to wake up descender to descend

empezar to start, begin encender to light up

fregar to wash, scrub entender to understand

nevar to snow sentar (se) to sit down

pensar (en) to think (of, about) recomendar to recommend

Page 16: Present tense

““Boot” Verb ChangesBoot” Verb ChangesSome “ar” and “er” verbs have the “o” change to “ue” in all

forms except the “nosotros” and “vosotros”. Take the ending off the verb and change the vowel closest to the end in the

stem that remains:

For example

CCOONTAR NTAR (to count, to tell)(to count, to tell) VVOOLVER LVER (to return)(to return)CCoont- nt- (stem)(stem) VVoolv- lv- (stem)(stem)

Yo Yo ccueuentonto vvueuelvolvoTú Tú ccueuentasntas vvueuelveslvesÉl Él ccueuentanta vvueuelvelveNosotros Nosotros ccoontamosntamos vvoolvemoslvemosEllos Ellos ccueuentanntan vvueuelvenlven

Page 17: Present tense

““Boot” Verb ChangesBoot” Verb ChangesSome verbs that are conjugated

like contar and volver are:

Acordar (se) deAcordar (se) de to rememberto remember dolerdoler to hurtto hurtAcostar (se)Acostar (se) to go to bedto go to bed lloverllover to rainto rainCostarCostar to costto cost movermover to moveto moveEncontrar Encontrar to findto find poderpoder to be able toto be able toMostrarMostrar to showto show resolverresolver to solveto solveProbar (se)Probar (se) to try, to taste; to try onto try, to taste; to try onRecordarRecordar to rememberto rememberSonarSonar to ring, soundto ring, soundSoñarSoñar (con)(con) to dreamto dreamTronarTronar to thunderto thunderVolarVolar to flyto fly

Page 18: Present tense

““Boot” Verb ChangesBoot” Verb Changes

The verb jugar (to play) is a u stem verb conjugated like contar. It is the only u->ue stem-changing verb in Spanish.

YoYo jjueuegogoTúTú jjueuegasgasÉl Él jjueuegagaNosotros Nosotros jjuugamosgamosEllos Ellos jjueuegangan

Page 19: Present tense

““Boot” Verb ChangesBoot” Verb Changes

Spanish spelling rules require h to precede all present tense forms of oler, except nosotros and vosotros.

Yo hueloTú huelesÉl huele Nosotros olemosEllos huelen

Page 20: Present tense

““Boot”Verbs ChangesBoot”Verbs ChangesSome verbs that end in –ir have an e->ie stem change. The

stem has a change in all forms except the nosotros and vosotros. An example of this is the verb:

PREFPREFEERIR (to prefer)RIR (to prefer)prefprefeer-r-

YoYo prefprefieieroroTúTú prefprefieieresresÉlÉl prefprefieierereNosotrosNosotros prefprefeerimosrimosEllosEllos prefprefieierenren

Page 21: Present tense

““Boot” Verb ChangesBoot” Verb ChangesSome verbs that are like preferir are:

DivDiveertir (se)rtir (se) to have a good timeto have a good time

MMeentirntir to lieto lie

RefRefeerir (se) arir (se) a to refer toto refer to

SSeentirntir to regretto regret

SSeentir (se)ntir (se) to feelto feel

Page 22: Present tense

““Boot” Verb ChangesBoot” Verb ChangesSome verbs have an o->ue stem change in all

forms except the nosotros and vosotros.

DDOORMIR RMIR (to (to sleep)sleep)

ddoorm rm (stem)(stem)YoYo ddueuermormoTúTú ddueuermesrmesÉlÉl ddueuermermeNosotrosNosotros ddoormimosrmimosEllosEllos ddueuermenrmen

Morir (se) (to die) is conjugated like dormir.

Page 23: Present tense

““Boot” Verb ChangesBoot” Verb ChangesSome verbs that end in –ir have an e->i stem

change in all forms except the nosotros and vosotros.

PEDIR (to ask for)Ped- (stem)

Yo pidoTú pidesÉl pideNosotros pedimosEllos piden

Page 24: Present tense

““Boot” Verb ChangesBoot” Verb ChangesThe following verbs have a spelling change in their

stem like the verb pedir.

DespDespeedir (se)dir (se) to say good=byeto say good=bye

MMeedirdir to measureto measure

RReeír (se) (de)ír (se) (de) to laugh; to make fun (of)to laugh; to make fun (of)

RepRepeetirtir to repeatto repeat

SSeervirrvir to serveto serve

SonrSonreeír (se)ír (se) to smileto smile

VVeestir (se)stir (se) to dress; to get dressedto dress; to get dressed

All forms of All forms of rreeír ír and and sonrsonreeír ír

have an accent mark on the stem vowel have an accent mark on the stem vowel íí..

Page 25: Present tense

““Boot” Verb ChangesBoot” Verb Changes

The verb seguir is conjugated like pedir but has the following spelling change in the yo form:

YoYo ssiigogo

TúTú ssiiguesgues

ÉlÉl ssiiguegue

NosotrosNosotros sseeguimosguimos

EllosEllos ssiiguenguen

Page 26: Present tense

““Boot” Verb ChangesBoot” Verb ChangesVerbs ending in –uir add a y following the u in all forms

except the nosotros and vosotros forms.

INCLUIR (to INCLUIR (to include)include)

YoYo incluincluyyoo

TúTú incluincluyyeses

ÉlÉl incluincluyyee

NosotrosNosotros incluincluiimosmos

EllosEllos incluincluyyenen

Page 27: Present tense

““Boot” Verb ChangesBoot” Verb Changes

The following verbs have a spelling change in their stem like the verb incluir.

ConcluirConcluir to concludeto conclude

DestruirDestruir to destroyto destroy

HuirHuir to fleeto flee

InfluirInfluir to influenceto influence

Page 28: Present tense

PRESENT TENSEPRESENT TENSETo describe an action happening now. (Now I see Anna. Louis is arriving at the gate.)To express actions that take place regularly, in a habitual way. (Usually I buy fruit at the supermarket.)To describe events that will take place in the near future. (I am discussing the plan at the meeting tomorrow.)To ask questions,especially requesting permission or someone’s opinion or preference. (Do you drink coffee or tea?)To tell facts considered unquestionable or universal truths. (Five plus fifteen is twenty.)To describe a past event, making it more vivid. This is called the historical present. (The first man gets to the moon in 1969.)To express hypothetical actions introduced by sí. (If the train arrives, we are leaving.)

Page 29: Present tense

PRESENT TENSEPRESENT TENSEThe translation of the present tense of the verb ayudar

(to help) would be:

• Ayudo—I help, I am helping, I do help• Ayudas—You help, you are helping, you do help• Ayuda—He helps, he is helping, he does help• Ayudamos—We help, we are helping, we do help• Ayudan—They help, they are helping, they do help

NOTE: The English helping verbs—am, are, is, do, and does are included in the Spanish verb and are NOT translated separately.