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Minutes of Regular Council Meeting January 9, 2017 6:30 PM Town Hall, Council Chambers Page 1 of 6 Present: Mayor David Reid Reeve Walter Stack Councillor Ted Strike Councillor Dan Lynch Councillor Lynn Grinstead Councillor Tom Burnette Councillor Frank Dugal Absent: Also Present: Michael Wildman, CAO Maureen Spratt, Town Clerk Kaila Zamojski, Deputy Clerk Jennifer Morawiec, GMCS/Treasurer Glenn Arthur, Director of Recreation Janet Carlile, Museum Curator John Okum, Fire Chief John Steckly, A/Director of Public Works Deanna Streifel, Environmental Eng. Officer Robin Paquette, Town Planner Lindsay Wilson, MEDO Laura Garbuio, Human Resources Officer Cassidy Marshall, Payroll/Finance Specialist 1. Call to Order Mayor David Reid called the Council meeting to order at 6:30 PM and welcomed those present. 2. Roll Call The roll was called, with all Members of Council being present. Mayor Reid noted that he hoped everyone had a great Holiday and that he is looking forward to what 2017 has to bring forward. 3. Adoption of Agenda Resolution No. 001-17 Moved by Dan Lynch Seconded by Tom Burnette Be It Resolved That the agenda for the Regular Meeting of Council dated Monday, January 9, 2017 be adopted, with an amendment to Item# 18, an addition of a closed session item. Resolution CARRIED As Amended 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest None 5. Question Period None 6. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings Resolution No. 002-17 Moved by Lynn Grinstead Seconded by Ted Strike

Present: Also … · Arnprior Strategic Plan • Strategic Plan - 2013 to 2017 – 2013 Key Priority Area &

Aug 15, 2020



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Minutes of Regular Council Meeting January 9, 2017

6:30 PM Town Hall, Council Chambers

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Present: Mayor David Reid Reeve Walter Stack Councillor Ted Strike Councillor Dan Lynch Councillor Lynn Grinstead Councillor Tom Burnette Councillor Frank Dugal


Also Present: Michael Wildman, CAO Maureen Spratt, Town Clerk Kaila Zamojski, Deputy Clerk Jennifer Morawiec, GMCS/Treasurer Glenn Arthur, Director of Recreation Janet Carlile, Museum Curator John Okum, Fire Chief John Steckly, A/Director of Public Works Deanna Streifel, Environmental Eng. Officer Robin Paquette, Town Planner Lindsay Wilson, MEDO Laura Garbuio, Human Resources Officer Cassidy Marshall, Payroll/Finance Specialist

1. Call to Order Mayor David Reid called the Council meeting to order at 6:30 PM and welcomed those present.

2. Roll Call The roll was called, with all Members of Council being present. Mayor Reid noted that he hoped everyone had a great Holiday and that he is looking forward to what 2017 has to bring forward.

3. Adoption of Agenda Resolution No. 001-17 Moved by Dan Lynch Seconded by Tom Burnette Be It Resolved That the agenda for the Regular Meeting of Council dated Monday, January 9, 2017 be adopted, with an amendment to Item# 18, an addition of a closed session item.

Resolution CARRIED As Amended

4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest None

5. Question Period None

6. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings Resolution No. 002-17 Moved by Lynn Grinstead Seconded by Ted Strike

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Minutes of Regular Council Meeting  

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That the Minutes of the Regular & Special Meetings of Council listed under Item #6 a & b on the Agenda, be adopted (Special Meeting of Council – December 5, 2016; Regular Meeting of Council – December 12, 2016).

Resolution CARRIED

7. Awards/ Delegations/ Presentations a) Presentations

i) Tabling Draft 2017 Budget - CAO The CAO provided a presentation tabling the 2017 Draft Budget & new 20 Year Long Range Capital Forecast, attached as Appendix A, and forming part of these minutes, and responded to questions. Mayor Reid expressed his gratitude for the level of effort put into this document, and thanked staff for their hard work thus far.

ii) Comparison – Tax, Debt & OMPF – Mayor David Reid

The Mayor provided a presentation attached as Appendix B and forming part of these minutes, and responded to questions.

iii) 150 Events in 2017 – MEDO

The Marketing & Economic Development Officer provided a presentation on the proposed 150 Events to take place in 2017, attached as Appendix C and forming part of these minutes, and responded to questions.

8. Public Meetings None

9. Matters Tabled/Deferred/Unfinished Business


10. Staff Reports None

11. Committee Reports and Minutes None

12. Notice of Motions None

13. Reeve’s Report From County Council None

14. Correspondence & Petitions

a) Correspondence Package No. I-17-JAN-01

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Resolution No. 003-18 Moved by Dan Lynch Seconded by Tom Burnette That the Correspondence Package No. I-17-JAN-03 be received as information and filed accordingly.

Resolution CARRIED

Councillor Dan Lynch noted the following: Item #2 – Page 3 – Information from the Province of Ontario – Celebrate Ontario’s 150th

Anniversary in 2017 o The Province of Ontario Lieutenant Governor’s Visionaries Prize wants to elevate

Ontario’s profile in our country and the world by recognizing you—our young, creative thinkers. This is your opportunity to identify and address the challenges that Ontario will face over the next 50 years. This prize is about the public good. If you are selected, you will get the chance to present your idea to an audience of government, business, and innovation sector heavyweights. Submit an essay (maximum 800 words) or video (maximum 2 minutes) containing a visionary idea in one of six categories (or all six if you so choose) about the future of the province and a matter of important public policy. Up to 6 finalists in each category will be chosen. Submissions close March 2017.

Item #2 - Page 7 – Information from the Province of Ontario – 2017 Regulations to Lower Household Costs and Increase Consumer Protection

o New 2017 Regulations dealing with Lower Household Costs They include: - Doubling the maximum refund of the Land Transfer Tax to $4000 for first time home buyers - Reducing our electricity bills by the 8% of the HST - No longer treating child support payments as Income - Requiring travel Agents to display the total price for travel services - Lowering the maximum total cost of borrowing for a payday loan from $21 to $18 per $100.00 borrowed

Item #2 - Page 15 – Information from the Province of Ontario – 2017 Volunteer Recognition Programs

o Province’s Ministry of Citizenship & Immigration invite organizations to nominate their volunteers to be recognized for their achievements. New this year at 35, 45, 55, 65 years of service pins. As well there is a Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers with a deadline of 15 January 2017.

Item #3 - Page 18 – Information from the County of Renfrew - By-law No. 1-17 (County Committee Appointments)

o County of Renfrew Appointments: Congratulations to our colleague, Reeve Walter Stack in being selected as

the Chair of the Finance Committee.

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Item #5 - Page 32 – Information from Ottawa Valley Business – December 2016 Newsletter

o WSIB - Good news for the businesses in Town effective January 1st, 2017 the WSIB rating will go down by 5%.

Item #7 - Page 45 – Information from the Ontario Building Officials Association - Thank You Letter

o Staff Recognition: Extend our thanks to our Chief Building Official, Jacques Benoit, who was

recognized for his participation in the 60th Annual Meeting of the Ontario Building Officials Association. Another example of how our staff going beyond what is expected of them. Well done Jacques.

Reeve Walter Stack noted the following:

Item #1 – Page 1-2 – Information from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) – Memo Regarding 2017 Budget and Municipal Levy

o There have been over 1,200 appeals, submitted to MPAC regarding property. Reeve Stack requested staff provide information, as to what the Town of

Arnprior local situation is, with regard to this topic, and what will happen to the Town as a result of these appeals.

Item #2 – Page 5-6 – Information from the Province of Ontario – New Policing Rules Go Into Effect January 1, 2017

o There are new rules surrounding policing and Police Stops, implemented by the OPP.

Mayor David Reid noted the following:

Item #2 – Page 7-8 – Information from the Province of Ontario – 2017 Regulations to Lower Household Costs and Increase Consumer Protection

o Reductions in Hydro for the province of Ontario is good news, however those savings are going to need to come from other sources, which will most likely be provincial taxes.

15. Bylaws/ Resolutions a) By-laws Resolution No. 004-17 Moved by Lynn Grinstead Seconded by Frank Dugal That the following by-laws be and are hereby enacted and passed:

i) By-law No. 6655-17 – Re-appointment to Committee of Adjustment/ Property Standards Committee (Lynch)

ii) By-law No. 6656-17 – Appointment to Committee of Adjustment/ Property Standards Committee (Samuel)

iii) By-law No. 6657-17 – Interim Tax Levy iv) By-law No. 6658-17 – Prohibit Construction of Groundwater Wells

Resolution CARRIED

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16. Announcements

Councillor Dan Lynch made the following announcements: This Friday at the Arnprior Legion is the start of the Annual Knights/Legion Euchre

Challenge. Registration begins at 6:30 pm with the games to start at 7:00 pm. The Optimist Winter Carnival kicks-off this weekend with numerous events taking place

over the next few weeks. Check out the Town of Arnprior 150 Events Passport for more details.

17. Media Questions None

18. Closed Session Resolution No. 005-17 (8:20 PM) Moved by Tom Burnette Seconded by Dan Lynch That Council move into closed session regarding one (1) matter to discuss a personal matter about an identifiable individual including municipal or local board employees; labour relations or employee negotiations pursuant to Section 239 (2)(b)(d) of the Municipal Act, 2001 (Employee).

Resolution CARRIED

Resolution No. 006-17 (8:31 PM) Moved by Lynn Grinstead Seconded by Ted Strike That Council resume to open session.

Resolution CARRIED

Resolution No. 007-17 Moved by Tom Burnette Seconded by Dan Lynch That Council authorize the CAO to request that the Town’s benefits provider extend employee’s extended health and dental benefits to age 70.

Resolution CARRIED

19. Confirmatory By-Law Resolution No. 008-17 Moved by Dan Lynch Seconded by Walter Stack That By-law No. 6659-17 being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Regular Meeting of Council held on January 9, 2017 and it is hereby enacted and passed.

Resolution CARRIED

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‘qinutes of Regular Council Meeting

20. Adjournment

Resolution No. 009-17

Moved by Lynn Grinstead

Seconded by Ted Strjke

That-this meeting of Council badjourned at 8:32 PM.

ç ‘—‘ ResolutipnjCARRIED


Lynn Grinstead, Deputy Mayor Maureen Spratt, Town Clerk

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Michael Wildman, CAO

Tabling of 2017 Draft Budget and


Council Meeting – Monday, January 9th, 2017

Draft Operating and Capital Budget


Typewritten Text
Appendix A
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Guiding PrinciplesArnprior Strategic Plan

• Vision: Sustainable financial model: Measured by debt ratios and a sound long range financial plan in place

• Vision: Improved infrastructure: We have an implementable 10 year capital plan including a lifecycle strategy for all assets. (Note: New 20yr LRCF in 2017)


Guiding PrinciplesArnprior Strategic Plan

• Strategic Plan - 2013 to 2017– 2013 Key Priority Area & Action Plan

• Financial Model (2013 Budget, 10 Year Long Range Capital Forecast, Resolve & Improve Financial Issues)

– 2014 & 2015 Key Priority Areas• Infrastructure, Economic Development and


– 2016 & 2017 Key Action Plan Item• Town Centre/Square Completed


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Guiding PrinciplesArnprior Strategic Plan

• Strategic Plan Refresh – 2015 to 2019 –now extends the plan by two years

– Official Plan “Arnprior Centric” (2015 start)

– Downtown Revitalization (2015-2017)

– Waterfront Development (2018-2019)

– Recreation Master Plan Implementation (2015-2019)


Budget Approach

• 2017 Draft Operating Budget– Comprehensive review of every line item

– 3 Year Trend Analysis of every line item

• The “Pay-as-you-go” principle continues to be the vanguard in order to avoid new long-term borrowing, pay down debt and to build reserves to fund future expenditures


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Financial Controls

• Since 2013 several new financial controls have been established.

• Two key controls implemented are the 80% rule and expenditure earmarking

• CAO has implemented the 80% rule on Discretionary Spending to control and mitigate cost center overages


Financial Controls

• CAO requires “earmarking” to be identified prior to allowing overages to ensure that there is either an offsetting revenue or cost savings wherever possible, pursuant to the Delegation of Authority By-law


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Financial Controls - Results


Revenues Expenses Variance

2015 Budget 16,840,896$ 16,840,896$ -$

2015 Actuals 17,001,756$ 16,901,046$ 100,710$

Variance ($) 160,860$ (60,150)$ 100,710$ Variance (%) 0.95% -0.36% 0.59%

Total 2015 Revenues and Expenses were within 0.59% (less than 1%)of total Budgeted Amounts.

• Forecast little to no surplus for 2016

2017 Operating Budget Format

• Column 1 – 2016 Actuals – Note: these are unaudited amounts and

some invoices remain outstanding at point of printing

• Column 2 – 2016 Budget

• Column 3 – 2017 Draft Budget

• Column 4 - Budget Variance 2016 vs 2017


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Operating Budget Impacts

• Standard Impacts– OMPF (increase)

– Salary Related & Benefits• COLA, Benefit increases

– Utility Increases

– Insurance

– Policing

– Winter Control


Operating Budget Impacts

• Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF)– 2017 allocation amount is $1,108,300 which

$137,500 higher than the 2016 budget of $970,800

• Benefits– Manulife benefit premiums are increasing for

Health and Dental (4.0% overall - $12,000)


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Operating Budget Impacts

• Utility Charges– Trending for Hydro & Gas utilities are being

monitored. Staff are taking measures to adjust the draft budget accordingly, however, it will be prudent to plan for continued increases as part of the Town’s long range forecasts.

– The Town is enrolled in various programs to help mitigate these increases such as the LAS Electricity Billing program.


Operating Budget Impacts

• Insurance– Going to market with an RFP for Insurance

Services resulted in a 13% ($25,000) cost savings for insurance premiums for 2016 and a soft cap of 2% increase for 2017.

– The re-evaluation of buildings by our insurer in 2016 resulted in an additional increase of $10,000


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Operating Budget Impacts

• Policing Services– Based on the new policing costing model, the

per unit cost for policing has increased from $396.37 in 2016 to $398.85 in 2017 and the total number of households for Arnprior has increased resulting in an increase to budget of $44,167.

– Shift in Town funded administrative resources at the OPP building to OPP responsibility in spring of 2017 – savings of $37,650 in 2017


Operating Budget Impacts• New impacts

– Winter Control• Expanded sidewalk program and sidewalk

contract increase ($)

– Downtown Revitalization Financing• Debt repayment added to Levy, Water,


– Downtown Maintenance• Additional summer student to maintain

downtown core and added operation costs


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Operating Budget Impacts

• New impacts– 0.5 FTE Public Works

• Shift in 50/50 position to 100% PW

– Museum Weekend Hours• Pilot project for 2017

– Seasonal Market• Pilot project for 2017 – Additional revenues for

vendor fees and some expenses for set up (barricades, etc)


ConsiderationsSelf-Sustaining Cost Centers

• The following programs are established as self-sustaining cost centers:– Wastewater Services

– Waterworks Services

– Waste Management

– Cemeteries

– Protection, Inspection and Control (PIC)


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Water / Wastewater Cost Centres

• In 2015, to meet statutory requirements, Council had a 10 Year Water/Wastewater Rates Study completed– The 2017 budget is built based on the Rate


• Additional new pressures on the Water cost center will require a revision to the Rate Study to ensure sufficient collection of funds.


Water / Wastewater Cost Centres

• Staff will be preparing recommended amendments to the Water/Wastewater Rate Study after responses to the CWWF and OCIF Grants are received in Q1.


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Waste Management

• 2016 was the 3rd and final year of a 3 year phase-in increase in the Garbage Rate– $130 in 2014, $135 in 2015 and $140 in 2016

• 2017 Draft Budget includes a rate increase to $155 based on estimated contract pricing (from 2016 extension), which are currently in the tendering process. – The increase will be required to breakeven

and maintain pace with growth in future years.


Waste Management

• Staff will confirm a recommended rate at time of award (Feb 2017) for integration into the final budget, prior to adoption.


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• The 2017 Draft Budget includes the increase in cemetery rates and reduction in OPSS Internal Equipment Rates, as approved by council on November 28, 2016.

• The adjustments will assist with cost recovery of the cost center and a forecasted small surplus to be transferred to the Cemetery Reserve Fund.


Protection, Inspection and Control (PIC)

• The PIC cost center is projected to generate a surplus of $9,310 in 2017.

• The 2017 Draft Capital Budget includes a vehicle for the CBO funded through the Building Reserve Fund, to match other corporate users.


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Protection, Inspection and Control (PIC)

• Pending approval of the capital request for a vehicle, the operating budget includes:– Gas, oil and lubricants, licenses, mechanical

and insurance costs as well as the removal of mileage allowance

• The current mileage usage for the CBO is similar to the Waterworks Supervisor, which is 3,300 kms annually. – Save on annual mileage costs of $1,782


Protection, Inspection and Control (PIC)

• Should the mileage on a Town owned vehicle be approx. 3,300 kms, the total estimated annual cost would be $1,690 (which has been included in the budget)


Personal Vehicle Town Vehicle

Insurance $800

Fuel $500

General Maintenance $300

Plate Renewal $90

Mileage Reimbursement $1,782

TOTAL $1,782 $1,690

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Net Operating Expensesby Department


Draft 2017 Budget• The Draft 2017 budget includes Reserve

and Reserve Funds contributions of $4,051,517 which is $207,960 higher than 2016 contributions of $3,843,557.

• Contributions include:– For levy based cost centres – no increase but

maintains 2016 contribution levels

– Increases in Gas Tax funding and self-funding cost centers (water, wastewater, etc)


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Draft 2017 Budget

• Draft 2017 Capital Budget includes expenditures of $5,883,845 which require funding in 2017 and the Downtown Financing of $1,249,126 for a total expenditure of $7,132,971, in keeping with the Downtown Financial Plan.


Reserve & Reserve Funds





Winter Control Reserve 25,000                 

Election Reserve 7,000                   

Marketing & Economic Development Reserve 15,000                 

Protection, Inspection, Control (PIC) 9,310                   


Reserve Funds

Landfill Reserve Fund 51,000                 

Wastewater Reserve Fund 380,842               

Water Reserve Fund 317,220               

Development Charges Reserve Fund 560,000               

Gas Tax Reserve Fund 246,691               

Capital Expenditure Reserve Fund 2,165,920

Cemetery Reserve Fund 13,600                 

Museum Reserve Fund 5,000                   


OCIF Formula Contribution 254,834               


Total Contributions to Reserve / Reserve Funds 4,051,417            

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Pay-as-you-go Expenses


 2017 Capital 


Expenditures from Reserves

Marketing & Economic Development Reserve 20,000                 

Building Reserve 25,000                 


Expenditures from Reserve Funds

Gas Tax Reserve Fund 251,409               

Development Charges Reserve Fund 1,630,876            

Wastewater Reserve Fund 1,210,935            

Water Reserve Fund 934,060               

Capital Expenditure Reserve Fund 2,805,857            


OCIF Formula Contribution 254,834               


Total Expenditures from Reserve / Reserve Funds 7,132,971            

Works in Progress (WIP)

• 2016 Capital Projects– Some will carry over into 2017, or may yet to

have final invoicing completed when the draft budget was prepared.

• A WIP by-law will be provided with more up to date year end information before deliberations on February 21-22, 2017.


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Reserve Balances

• Reserve & Reserve Fund Balances– Balances provided herein are best estimates

using information available at the time of preparing the draft budget and may not have been finalized and are unaudited.

– Balances are estimates based upon a number of variables such as status of carry-over WIPs, progress payments yet invoiced, and offsetting grants applied to final project costs.


ContributionsReserve & Reserve Funds

• The Reserve and Reserve Fund Policy sets annual contribution requirements for a number of reserve funds and set minimum balances for others.

• All annual contribution requirements for reserve and reserve funds are being met in the 2017 draft budget, but minimum balances have not been achieved for reserves.


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ContributionsReserve & Reserve Funds



(w annual requirements)

2017 Estimated 






ARNPRIOR CAPITAL RESERVE FUND 4,507,065 Yes Consistent with the required funding set out in the LRCF

DEVELOPMENT CHARGES 279,794 n/a Variable based on DC's Collected and utilized

STAYE CRT DRIVE WATER & SEWER (891,438) n/a Variable based on DC's Collected and utilized

LANDFILL SITE 1,535,262 Yes Not less than $51,000 annually

GAS TAX REVENUE (0) n/a Variable based on AMO Agreement


WATER (1,384,512) Yes

WASTEWATER 627,609 Yes Not less than $50,000 annually  pursuant to LRCF requirements

PARK DEVELOPMENT 103,293 n/a Variable based on cash‐in‐lieu amounts collected and utilized

MUSEUM 67,330 n/a

PARKING LOT DEVELOPMENT 26,312 n/a Variable based on cash‐in‐lieu amounts collected and utilized

*Reserve and Reserve Fund balances are unaudited and do not include final adjustments

 for 2016 operating and capital surplus or final interest allocations. 


               Reserve Policy Requirements

available every 4 years, based not less than $28,000 to hold the 


Not less than $50,000 annually  pursuant to LRCF and Water 

Financial Plan requirements



Minimum Reserve & Reserve Fund Balances


2017 Estimated Minimum  Minimum  Amount Req'd  Reserve Policy

Balances    Limit Met Balance For Min Balance Balance Limits

RESERVES & RESERVE FUNDS (w minimum balances)* 

WORKING CAPITAL 389,989 No 413,226 (23,237) Approx. 5% min / 10% max of Levy

INSURANCE STABILIZATION 95,223 No 100,000 (4,777) Not less than $100,000

BUILDING SERVICES 212,495 No 326,180 (113,685) Not less than two years budget & capital

GRANTS TO ORGANIZATIONS 600 No 5,000 (4,400) $5,000 min / $10,000 max

LEVY STABILIZATION 258,223 No 450,000 (191,777) Not less than $450,000

WINTER CONTROL  115,000 No 406,925 (291,925) 50% min / 100% max of budget

POLICE RESERVE 164,499 No 168,916 (4,417) Not less than 10% of Police Budget

MARKETING & ECON DEVELOP 66,842 No 100,000 (33,158) Not less than $100,000

ALBERT/MALLOCH CEMETERY 61,733 No 100,000 (38,267) Not less than $100,000

TOTAL 1,364,605 2,070,247 (705,642)

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ContributionsReserve & Reserve Funds

• Council approved minimum reserve balances are not yet achieved for some of reserve and reserves funds that have set minimums, 2016 surpluses and/or other funds should they become available will be recommended to be allocated to reserve & reserve fund accounts.


Budget Approach

• 2017 Draft Capital Budget– Capital projects over $10,000 are taken from

the Long Range Capital Forecast

– Mandatory “M” projects have been included in the Capital Budget (Refer to Capital Tab)

– “M” projects include mandatory or mission critical projects (required by law, based on Council direction or approved plans, etc.).


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• In addition to projects identified in the 2016 LRCF, the draft 2017 Capital budget includes investment in:– Corporate Policy Review - Procurement

• Peer review of the procurement policy due to increase in legal requirements

– Public Works Garage Roof Repairs• Replacement of the east roof, repairs to west

and center roof due to leaking (H&S)


Capital– Hydraulic Water Redundancy Review

• Review of Town’s water distribution system

– Chemical Media for Bay Products Scrubber (WPCC)• Chemical media for odour control

– Marina – Main Dock Repairs• Various maintenance repairs to the main docks

– NSC – Booking Software• Current software expiring, implement online



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Capital– Canada 150th

• Festivities and Activities

– Downtown Lighting/Banners• Decorative lighting/banners for the Downtown

– PIC – Vehicle CBO• Properly identified Town vehicle required for




• Grant funding of $267,500 from the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund for the D.A. Gillies Building Remediation project. – Includes exterior/interior remediation work

and humidification improvements.

• Grant provides 50% of project costs, while the application was for 70% grant funding.– Project included in 2017 capital with

remaining 50% funded from the CERF


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• D.A. Gillies Building Remediation Project– While the project moves into 2017 capital,

there is a $500,000 project removed from the LRCF in 2022

– Overall savings of $267,500


Capital Budget By Department


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20 Year Long Range Capital Forecast



• Long Range Capital Forecast (LRCF) is a snap shot in time of known future Budget & Infrastructure pressures.– Significant reliance upon Town Master Plans

and the Asset Management Plan

• LRCF is a dynamic tool which is reviewed and updated annually.

• LRCF is in “today’s dollars”


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• Year to year, LRCF is subject to changes in priorities, funding, emerging legislation or trends, etc.

• Many factors can impact a LRCF including, pace of growth, inflation, updates to Asset Management Plans, Water & Wastewater models, other Master Plans, etc.



• With the 2015 LRCF, Council approved the Downtown Revitalization project including a financing strategy of a rapid 5 year loan repayment.

• With this financing commitment, the LRCF has taken into account the reduced capital funding capacity over the five year 2017-2021 loan repayment period.


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Shift to 20 Year LRCF

• Given the nature and longevity of municipal infrastructure staff have developed a 20 Year long range capital forecast (previously 10 years)

• Increasingly detailed Asset Management Plans and key Master Plans/Studies assist in providing more robust data for an extended LRCF.


Shift To 20 Year LRCF• For planning purposes, varying levels of

accuracy exists depending timeframes in the LRCF. Generally speaking: – 1-5 Year Timeframe

• Projects are generally set, limited change in value/year

– 6-10 Year Timeframe• Very probable to occur as forecasted – value/year may

fluctuate somewhat

– 11-20 Year Timeframe• Longer range and subject to adjustments as years draw



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Asset Management Plan• Some of the increases in the total capital

investment in the LRCF are in part due to the annual updating of the Asset Management Plan (AMP) modeling, which sets recommended service levels.

• The AMP model is updated based on on-going studies such as pavement condition analysis, CCTV, flow monitoring, water modeling, etc.


Asset Management Plan

• Annually, staff have prepared the budget in order to bring investment levels up to (or better than) 2013 AMP recommendations


2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Roads 900,000$     1,900,000$       1,900,000$       1,900,000$       1,900,000$      

Sidewalks 200,000$     200,000$          200,000$          200,000$          200,000$         

Watermains 75,000$       300,000$          300,000$          310,000$          310,000$         

Sewers 200,000$     200,000$          200,000$          200,000$          200,000$         

1,375,000$  2,600,000$       2,600,000$       2,610,000$       2,610,000$      

Recommended Investment Levels

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Investment in Linear AssetsYear Roads Sidewalks Watermains Sewers Total

2010 $250,538 $112,700 $0 $0 $362,938

2011 $109,834 $74,757 $0 $0 $184,591

2012 $449,947 $169,818 $75,002 $112,657 $807,424

2013 $769,404 $129,383 $40,720 $163,615 $1,103,122

2013 AMP  $900,000 $200,000 $75,000 $200,000 $1,375,000

2014  $872,176 $274,217 $178,000 $93,000 $1,417,393

2015  $1,204,358 $196,776 $295,800 $119,443 $1,816,377

2016 $1,279,763 $506,095 $1,819,529 $1,001,443 $4,606,830

2016 AMP $1,900,000 $200,000 $310,000 $200,000 $2,610,000

2017 (Planned)

$897,726 $377,223 $500,709 $480,136 $2,255,794


Investment in Linear Assets

• In 2015 Council approved service levels which set the recommended annual level of investment in linear assets at $2.610M.

• To maintain levels of service, Council committed to an annual investment increase of $75K in linear assets.– Recommend maintaining the additional

$75,000 per year beyond 10 years


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Investment in Linear Assets

YearMin. Investment (+ $75K per year)

Levels of Investment

Actual / Planned (LRCF)

2016 $1,945,000 $4,606,830 Actual

2017 $2,020,000 $2,255,793 Planned LRCF

2018 $2,095,000 $400,000 Planned LRCF

2019 $2,170,000 $1,379,800 Planned LRCF

2020 $2,245,000 $2,605,411 Planned LRCF

2021 $2,320,000 $975,000 Planned LRCF

2022 $2,395,000 $2,225,000 Planned LRCF

2023 $2,470,000 $2,703,506 Planned LRCF

2024 $2,545,000 $3,008,530 Planned LRCF

2025 $2,610,000 $2,567,802 Planned LRCF

TOTAL $22,815,000 $22,727,672


Investment in Linear Assets

• 2017 Capital Budget exceeds the recommendations of the 2016 Updated AMP Results by over investing in sidewalks, watermains, and sewers, but is less than the recommended investment towards roads.

• This is largely due to the Town’s significant investment in the Downtown Revitalization Project.


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Investment in Linear Assets


Asset Type 2016 Updated AMP Results

2017 Draft Budget

Road $1,900,000 $897,726

Sidewalk $200,000 $377,223

Watermain $310,000 $500,709

Sanitary Sewer $200,000 $480,136

TOTAL $2,610,000 $2,255,794

Future Capital Pressures

• The Downtown Revitalization project and other Asset Management Life Cycle projects in 2017 will cause a temporary shortfall in contributions to reserves– assuming no new grants or new borrowing

• The pay-as-you-go model is designed to “over contribute” to reserves as a practice in order to fund occasional short falls such as outlined above.


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Future Capital Pressures

• The Downtown Revitalization project is funded through a combination of reserve funds ($4.4M) and debt bridge financing ($6.0M) over 5 years.

• Rapid debt repayment and use of reserves for a net gain upholds pay-as-you-go principles.


Future Capital Pressures• Reduced funding capacity for future capital

spending from 2017-2021 in order to fund the bridge financing payments ($1.249M)– 4 -6 Year Recovery Period from the drawdown

on the reserve balances.

• Minor adjustments to the LRCF as part of the Financing Strategy. – E.g. Road Rolling Rehab will be reduced for

2018-2021 in the LRCF to offset the reduced financial capacity for bridge financing.


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Reserve & Reserve Fund Continuity Schedule


Reserve & Reserve Fund  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Opening Balance 9,411,455   6,587,501     7,057,135    7,349,784    7,384,313    7,954,585  

Add: Contributions 4,041,517   4,358,760     4,763,776    4,390,715    4,285,076    4,370,271  

Less: Expenditures (5,616,345)  (2,640,000)   (3,222,000)   (3,107,060)  (2,934,100)  (3,716,200) 

Subtotal 7,836,627   8,306,261     8,598,910    8,633,439    8,735,289    8,608,656  

Financing / (Financing Repayment) (1,249,126)  (1,249,126)   (1,249,126)   (1,249,126)  (780,704)      ‐                  

Closing Balance 6,587,501   7,057,135     7,349,784    7,384,313    7,954,585    8,608,656  

Discussion• The impact of new pressures, Down-town

financing and AMP objectives may exceed our ability to fund some projects, which will require annual monitoring

• Adjustments to DC’s, increases in the Water & Wastewater Rate Study may assist in responding to potential shortfalls– this will be reviewed in 2017


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• Maintaining a strong commitment to the pay-as-you-go model will help address funding challenges


Grant Opportunities

• A number of grant applications remain outstanding for the Town of Arnprior. Success on any of the applications will have varying impact on the LRCF– Projects in latter years (i.e. NSC Roof

Replacement, Museum elevator, etc) will shift forward to 2017 if grant funding is received.

• This will result in net savings however would require earlier financial investment from the Town.


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LRCF Format• LRCF includes a Summary Sheet (by

Department) as well as detailed sheets by department and category.

• Expenditures of less than $10,000 are not included

• Funding sources are not determined by a LRCF, this is established through such things as annual Budgeting, DC By-laws, Grants, etc.


LRCF Format

• A column has been included in the LRCF to identify projects derived from a Town Master Plan or Asset Management Plan

• Master Plans and/or the AMP projections may vary from the LRCF projects depending on a number of factors.


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Client Services

• Legislated Items– Election, Development Charges, JE

Evaluation, etc. - extended out to a 20 year time frame

• IT Requirements– Server, Desktop, Network, Software,

Telephone, Security, Website upgrades

– Based on estimated lifecycles of current equipment


Fire Department

• 1-5 Years– $15K Fire Hose removed (2020)

– $10K Water & Ice Rescue equipment added (2020)

– Personal Protective Gear (2019-2022) increased by $28K to account for all firefighter gear


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Fire Department

• Rescue / Equipment Vehicle– Possibility for combining two vehicles (rescue

vehicle and equipment van) reviewed by the Fire Department for cost effectiveness

• Business case from Fire Dept attached as supplemental information

– increased from $310K to $330K (2018)


Fire Department• Radio system not included in the LRCF

due to unknown factors still under review by the County:– Type and Cost, Timeline for upgrades,

Funding options (payment plan/lease, lump sum), Capital vs Operating expenditure

• Upon County decision(s) for the radio system, the estimates will be added to the budget or LRCF depending on direction


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Public Works• #25 Loader & Blower

– Moved from 2021 to 2018 - $325K

• #77 & 78 Axle Vehicles– Increased from $230K to $260K

• Library Roof Replacement– Added to 2020 - $70K

• Snow Disposal Facility– Added to 2028-2037 - $1M


Public Works

• Madawaska Street (Elgin to Daniel) – full reconstruction– Strategy is to request the County to mill/pave

in 2018 (approximately 10 year life) with the Town to complete full reconstruction in 2027

– Recent underground infrastructure review shows potential for lasting until 2027


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Public Works - Buildings

• In the 2016 AMP Update, municipal buildings have been added and are broken down into building components– Aligns components with the recent TCA review

• In the latter 10 years of the LRCF, a portion of the component values have been included to reflect the future infrastructure investment that will be required for municipal facilities.


Public Works

• Asset Management Plan (2028-2037)– Roads – annual $1.9M estimate

– Sidewalks – annual $200K estimate


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• Water Meter Reading Equipment– $12K added to 2021

• Check valve on Hartney St 400mm WM– $150K added to 2023-2027

• Rolling Storm Control Measures– As per Stormwater Master Plan




• WPCC Plant Expansion– Shift to years 11-20 of the LRCF

– Sewer separation to defer need

• Building Components (WFP, WPCC, Water Tower, Pump Stations)– Included years 11-20 and based on the TCA

analysis completed (Watson)

– Represents a portion of the replacement values and their given lifecycles


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• Landfill Trigger Mechanism and Financial Liability– $20K added to year 2021

– As per annual landfill monitoring report recommendation

• Asset Management Plan (2028-2037)– Watermain – annual $310K estimate

– Sanitary Sewer – annual $200K estimate


Recreation Department

• Recreation Master Plan– Additional items added to latter 10 years

including but not limited to:• Atkinson St Playground

• Play Structure – McLean Diamonds

• RSP Splash Pad Replacement

• Community Hall Flooring / Room Divider

• Pool Decking

• Hydro Park Fitness Station

• Skate Board Ramps


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Recreation Department

• Waterfront Rehab Removed– Waterfront Feasibility Study underway (Q2 /

2017) with a financial strategy to follow

• Accessible Change Rooms / Bathrooms– Will be reviewing options in 2017 for inclusion

in next year’s LRCF to meet 2025 accessibility deadlines


Community Services

• New section created in LRCF– Includes studies/reviews (Strategic Plan,

Official Plan, Zoning, etc) at varying intervals

– Airport Lands Special Study (OP) added at $150K for 2020


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Summary• Snapshot in time of known pressures

• Supported by master plans and studies

• Varying levels of accuracy and probability– 1-5 years, 6-10 years, 11-20 years

• May be impacted by grant opportunities

• Future debt retirement will help create available funds for capital investment

• Fluid document meant to help inform financial planning



• LRCF will be brought forward to Council after the 2017 Operating and Capital budgets are adopted– 2017 Budgets (tentative February 27, 2017)

– 2017 LRCF (tentative March 13, 2017)


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Conclusions and Recommendations


AMO – Infrastructure Gap

• Much of Ontario municipal infrastructure needs modern upgrades or replacement.

• Growing populations increase the burden on existing infrastructure and fuel demand for new investments.

• It was estimated in 2008 that Ontario faces a municipal infrastructure gap of over $60 billion dollars


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20 Year LRCF Summary

• NOTE: New Downtown bridge financing shown to illustrate short term capital funding. Other long-term financing is embedded in operating budget.


 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3  Year 4  Year 5 Year 1‐5 Year 6‐10 Year 11‐20 Year 1‐20

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022









Client Services 98,000 65,000 55,000 40,000 75,000 333,000 313,000 590,000 1,236,000

340,000 22,000 30,000 49,500 127,000 568,500 1,764,500 2,240,000 4,573,000

Public Works 1,142,000 2,224,000 2,017,000 1,552,000 1,510,000 8,445,000 23,253,500 24,270,000 55,968,500

Environmental 355,000 261,000 995,060 232,000 1,748,600 3,591,660 492,000 29,385,000 33,468,660

Recreation 705,000 640,000 10,000 855,600 220,600 2,431,200 1,561,600 1,086,000 5,078,800

Community Services  0 10,000 0 205,000 35,000 250,000 110,000 225,000 585,000

TOTAL CAPITAL 2,640,000 3,222,000 3,107,060 2,934,100 3,716,200 15,619,360 27,494,600 57,796,000 100,909,960

Downtown Financing 1,249,126 1,249,126 1,249,126 832,751 0 4,580,129 0 0 4,580,129

TOTAL WITH FINANCING 3,889,126 4,471,126 4,356,186 3,766,851 3,716,200 20,199,489 27,494,600 57,796,000 105,490,089



20 Year LRCF Summary

• Annual average investments required to fund all LRCF projects increase over time.

• Current shortfall when considering the annual reserve/reserve fund contributions


Year 1‐5  4,039,898$         4,272,877$          (232,979)$       

Year 6‐10 5,498,920$         4,367,117$          1,131,803$     

Year 11‐20 5,779,600$         4,454,459$          1,325,141$     

*Investment gap calculated using 2017 forecasted reserve contributions.

Average Annual 


Annual Reserve 





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Debt Retirement• One of the key objectives of the pay-as-

you-go model is retirement of debt.

• In 2017 the annual debt payments are $2,881,310 (excludes Sewer Rate debt –funded separately)


Year Debt Payments Available Funds

Year End 2017 (Current) $2,881,310 $0

Year End 2022 (5yrs) $1,632,184 $1,249,126

Year End 2027 (10yrs) $1,177,732 $1,703,578

Year End 2032 (15yrs) $0 $2,881,310

Closing the Investment Gap

• As debt retires, redirecting these funds into capital asset investments, will help cover the forecasted investment gap


Year 1‐5  4,039,898$       4,272,877$         (232,979)$       ‐$               

Year 6‐10 5,498,920$       4,367,117$         1,131,803$     (1,249,126)$   

Year 11‐20 5,779,600$       4,454,459$         1,325,141$     (2,292,444)$   

*Investment gap calculated using 2017 forecasted reserve contributions.






Annual Reserve 





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Draft 2017 Budget• MPAC “Phase In” is not a Municipal Tax

Rate Increase, it is an increase or decrease in Assessment due to MPAC’s 4 year current value assessment phase-in.

• Currently the budget as presented could be approved as a $121,096 Tax Revenue increase which includes a 0.8% Municipal Tax Rate increase.– This would maintain reserve contributions at

2016 levels for levy cost centers.



What Impacts the Levy

New Growth

CVA Phase‐InLEVY Municipal 



Set by MPAC and is variable per property

Offsets expenses for new properties

Set by Council

Note: CVA Phase‐In of  ‐1.0% includes all property classes (Residential, Commercial, Industrial, etc.)

$121,096         =             ($29,742)               +            $85,816                 +        $65,022

1.43%           =                   ‐1.0%                +                1.63%                +           0.8%

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Draft 2017 Budget

• A 0% Municipal Tax rate would result in a decrease in the annual reserve contributions for levy based cost centers.

• Staff is recommending a $198,310 Tax Revenue increase which includes a 1.75% Municipal Tax Rate Increase



What Impacts the Levy

New Growth

CVA Phase‐InLEVY Municipal 



Set by MPAC and is variable per property

Offsets expenses for new properties

Set by Council

Note: CVA Phase‐In of  ‐1.0% includes all property classes (Residential, Commercial, Industrial, etc.)

$198,310          =             ($29,742)               +            $85,816                +       $142,236

2.38%           =                   ‐1.0%                +                1.63%                +           1.75%

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Draft 2017 Budget• A 1.75% Municipal Tax Rate Increase

– This equates to a $1.24/month increase for the Average Home with an Assessed Value of $220,250.


Municipal Tax Rate IncreaseAdditional 


Annual Cost 

per Average 

Home Value

Monthly Cost 

per Average 

Home Value

0.50% $40,639  ($7.47) ($0.62)

1.00% $81,278  $1.46  $0.12 

1.25% $101,597  $5.92  $0.49 

1.50% $121,917  $10.38  $0.87 

1.75% $142,236  $14.85  $1.24 

2.00% $162,556  $19.31  $1.61 

What Impacts the Levy


0% with CVA Phase-In 1.75% Increase

1.75% with CVA Phase-In

Annual Increase over 2017 Taxes -$16.21 $31.05 $14.85

Monthly Increase over 2017 Taxes -$1.35 $2.59 $1.24

* Calculated based on Assessed Value Avg Home of $220,250 and assumes a -0.91%

Residential CVA Phase-In for 2017

2017 Municipal Tax Impact

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Overall Tax Rate


Town County* Education* TOTAL

Levy Rate 0.00824541 0.00345406 0.00188000 0.01357947

% Impact on Levy 1.75% 0.00% 0.00% 1.06%

Annual Increase** $14.85 -$6.91 -$3.76 $4.18

Monthly Increase** $1.24 -$0.58 -$0.31 $0.35

*County and Education Rates are based on the 2016 Rates.

2017 Impact Applying CVA Phase-In and 1.75% Municipal Tax Rate

**Calculated based on Assessed Value Avg Home of $220,250 and assumes a -0.91% Residential CVA Phase-In for 2017

Impact of Municipal Tax Rate• Additional taxation revenue will help:

– Respond to decreased 2017 CVA and Supps

– Bolster recovery of reserve fund balances related to the Downtown Revitalization project

– Assist in bringing reserve and reserve fund balances to Council’s minimum balances

– Help address the increasing gap between LRCF infrastructure requirements and funding over the 20 year forecast

– Avoid the need for sharp increases in the future


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Impact of Municipal Tax Rate

• Will help provide increased stability for the pay-as-you-go financial model over the long term

• A municipal tax rate increase of 1.75% is in a range below inflation – 2.1% CPI (Ont. All items)

• Oct 2015 – Oct 2016


Draft Budget Summary – at 0.8% Municipal Tax Increase


2016 2017

Budget Budget % OF TOTAL

TAXATION REVENUE (8,390,592) (8,472,758) 88.4%

ONTARIO MUNICIPAL PARTNERSHIP FUND (970,800) (1,108,300) 11.6%

(9,361,392) (9,581,058) 100.0%

GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1,377,775 1,425,130 14.9%

PROTECTION TO PERSONS & PROPERTY 2,377,793 2,402,660 25.1%

PUBLIC WORKS 1,558,566 1,709,628 17.8%

ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (712,811) (749,062) ‐7.8%

CEMETERY 9,900 (13,600) ‐0.1%

PARKS AND RECREATION 1,086,757 1,066,835 11.1%

GRANTS & SUBSIDIES 372,261 371,215 3.9%

COMMUNITY SERVICES 359,215 378,360 3.9%

CONTRIBUTION TO RESERVES 2,931,936 2,989,892 31.2%


9,361,392 9,581,058 100.0%


Note: Departmental expenditures are shown net of department specific revenues.

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Budget Document


• Tabs 1 to 10

– 1 – Budget Summary

– 2 to 11 – Budget Detail by Department with Budget Notes (Blue pages)

• Supporting Tabs

– Budget Presentation

– Reserve and Reserve Fund Schedules

– Capital Projects

– 20 Year Long Range Capital Forecast

– Debt Schedule

– Community Group Consultations

Schedule of Deliberations


Tuesday, February 21, 2016 Wednesday, February 22, 2016

at 5:00 pm at 5:00 pm

2017 Draft Operating Budget Carry‐over from prior night

2017 Draft Capital Budget 2017 Long Range Capital Forecast

Supporting Documents

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Next Steps

• Deliberations – February 21 & 22, 2017

• Budget Approval – February 27, 2017

• LRCF – March 13, 2017

• County Sets Tax Ratios – by April 30, 2017

• Municipal Tax Rates – May, 2017




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David Reid, Mayor

Comparison Analysis Tax, Debt & OMPF

Council – Monday, January 9, 2017

Typewritten Text
Appendix B
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How does Arnprior Compare?

• The comparatives used are with other Small Urban Municipalities, with similar demographics and challenges

– Level of OMPF Funding

– Level of Reserves/Debt

– Tax and Water Rates


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How Does Arnprior Compare?

• Small Urban Municipalities have unique challenges

– Expected to provide all the services of a Large Urban Centre, without the Tax Base or Economies of Scale

– Provide services to Institutions that serve the Greater Community


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How does Arnprior Compare?

• Not all Municipalities are the same– The comparatives are not provided to rank

performance, as each Municipality has their own unique challenges

– Rather it is to provide an overall benchmark of how Arnprior compares

– Tax Base, Growth and Property Value Assessments all have an impact on the overall Tax Rates of each Municipality


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How does Arnprior Compare?

• How does Arnprior’s Taxes compare to Ottawa– The Property Value Assessments tell the story


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2015 OMPF Funding


Total Weighted OMPF Uploads

Municipality Housesholds Assess. per HH OMPF $250,000 Home 2015

Smiths Falls 4,314 $190,313 $3,662,600 $1,115 $3,864,600

Prescott 2,168 $189,275 $1,551,100 $945 $988,100

Perth 3,138 $255,397 $1,688,700 $527 $77,000

Renfrew 3,888 $215,384 $1,672,500 $499 $24,400

Hawkesbury 5,250 $176,328 $1,583,700 $428 $4,800

Arnprior 3,808 $245,109 $1,005,100 $269 $3,400

Pembroke 6,498 $208,889 $1,122,300 $207 $4,338,300

Deep River 1,991 $329,327 $511,600 $195 $1,600

Carleton Place 4,265 $303,076 $930,500 $180 $3,900

Clarence‐Rockland 9,278 $273,232 $891,300 $88 $8,300

Brockville 10,661 $244,003 $358,800 $34 $4,731,100

($250,000 MPAC Assessed Home in similar Eastern Ontario Small Urban Municipalities)

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2015 NET Surplus/Debt


Total Weighted NET Surplus(Debt)  

Housesholds Assess. per HH Reserves Debt NET Surplus $250,000 Home

Perth 3,138 $255,397 $10,534,188 $1,010,616 $9,523,572 $2,971

Carleton Place 4,265 $303,076 $13,178,001 $8,674,490 $4,503,511 $871

Prescott 2,168 $189,275 $9,024,214 $9,380,386 ($356,172) ($217)

Pembroke 6,498 $208,889 $15,065,853 $18,778,973 ($3,713,120) ($684)

Clarence‐Rockland 9,278 $273,232 $11,672,985 $19,973,490 ($8,300,505) ($819)

Brockville 10,661 $244,003 $10,388,469 $19,272,766 ($8,884,297) ($854)

Renfrew 3,888 $215,384 $7,757,910 $11,266,250 ($3,508,340) ($1,047)

Deep River 1,991 $329,327 $3,280,599 $6,937,181 ($3,656,582) ($1,394)

Arnprior 3,808 $245,109 $9,913,259 $17,690,554 ($7,777,295) ($2,083)

Hawkesbury 5,250 $176,328 $4,716,681 $16,806,407 ($12,089,726) ($3,265)

Smiths Falls 4,314 $190,313 $5,101,398 $19,800,747 ($14,699,349) ($4,476)


($250,000 MPAC Assessed Home in similar Eastern Ontario Small Urban Municipalities)

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2015 Tax Comparisons


Tax Rate Taxes Water Total % Over Base

Carleton Place 1.240700 $3,102 $895 $3,997 0.0%

Arnprior 1.347222 $3,368 $725 $4,093 2.4%

Clarence‐Rockland 1.266762 $3,167 $967 $4,134 3.4%

Brockville 1.491480 $3,729 $648 $4,377 9.5%

Perth 1.455924 $3,640 $945 $4,585 14.7%

Prescott 1.462472 $3,656 $1,002 $4,658 16.5%

Renfrew 1.402812 $3,507 $1,173 $4,680 17.1%

Deep River 1.477188 $3,693 $1,120 $4,813 20.4%

Hawkesbury 1.690489 $4,226 $684 $4,910 22.9%

Pembroke 1.683754 $4,209 $1,015 $5,224 30.7%

Smiths Falls 1.777319 $4,443 $1,127 $5,570 39.4%


($250,000 MPAC Assessed Home in similar Eastern Ontario Small Urban Municipalities)

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2016 Tax Comparison Ottawa and Arnprior



Property Address








Tax Rate



Solid Waste 



(172 m3)



 Bert Hall  RT $328,000 $328,000 1.343766 $4,408 $140 $758 $5,306

 Bert Hall  RT $386,000 $386,000 1.343766 $5,187 $140 $758 $6,085

 Bert Hall  RT $328,000 $328,000 1.343766 $4,408 $140 $758 $5,306

 Bert Hall  RT $366,000 $366,000 1.343766 $4,918 $140 $758 $5,816

Average RT $352,000 $352,000 1.343766 $4,730 $140 $758 $5,628


Property Address








Tax Rate



Solid Waste 



(172 m3)



 Friendly Cres RT $441,000 $441,000 1.052246 $4,640 $82 $715 $5,437

 Brightside Ave RT $497,000 $497,000 1.052246 $5,230 $82 $715 $6,027

 Shining Star Cir RT $477,000 $477,000 1.052246 $5,019 $82 $715 $5,816

 Hartsmere Dr RT $446,000 $446,000 1.052246 $4,693 $82 $715 $5,490

Average RT $465,250 $465,250 1.052246 $4,896 $82 $715 $5,693

Same home models, with similar finishes and in similar neighborhoods of both Municipalities 

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Takeaway from Comparison’s!

• Arnprior has very competitive Tax and Water Rates, especially given – Level of OMPF Funding

– Level of Debt


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Takeaway from Comparison’s!

• Stay the Course….the Rewards will follow!– Stay committed to the Strategic Goals

– Continue to invest in critical infrastructure

– Stay committed to strong fiscal responsibility and the “Pay As You Go” Model

– Continue to build Reserves

– Continue to pay down Long Term Debt• $1.8 million comes off the books from 2022 to 2032

• That represents over 20% of our Tax Rate


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Lindsay Wilson, MEDO

150 Events Passport

Council Meeting – Monday, January 9, 2017


• Available for pick up at participating events, Town Locations and Tourist Info Centre.

• Available to residents and visitors.

• Families may use one passport or each member may have their own.

• List basic details for 150 events:Name, location, date, time, fee/tickets.


Typewritten Text
Appendix C
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Events Include


• 29 events organized by the Library

• 26 events organized by the Recreation Department & Community Services Branch

• 95 events organized by other businesses and organizations

• 6 multi-date events (e.g. Blood donor clinic, Packers game)

Participating Events

• Will be provided with the Canada 150 stamp and passports for their event.

• Will be responsible for stamping attendees passports.

• For large events check the website for specific stamping location(s).

• Participants may have only one passport stamped.


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• Participants are to drop passports at Town Hall by January 31, 2018.

• A prize will be given to the participant who attends the highest number of events.

• A draw will be done with all submitted passports for a participation prize.

• Staff will be looking for donations from local businesses for prizes.

