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Preposições in

Apr 05, 2018



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  • 7/31/2019 Preposies in


    Preposies in, on e under (lugar)

    n, on e underso preposies comumente usadas para comunicar posio ou lugar. In e on,em particular, so usadas de vrias outras formas, mas aqui vamos ver seu uso relativo aposio.

    In muito usada para expressar "dentro de" ou "em". Veja os exemplos abaixo:

    The bottles are in the box.

    [As garrafas esto na (dentro da) caixa.]

    The eggs are in the nest.[Os ovos esto no (dentro do) ninho.]

    On tambm geralmente traduzido como "em". Na maioria das vezes, significa que algo est sobreuma superfcie. Por exemplo:

    There's a cup of coffee on the table.

    [H uma xcara de caf na (sobre a) mesa.]

    There's a mirroron the wall.

    [H um espelho na (sobre a) parede.]

    Underpode ser traduzido como "sob" ou "embaixo de":

    The blue book is under the red book.

  • 7/31/2019 Preposies in


    [O livro azul est em baixo do livro vermelho.]

    Veja que em todos os exemplos acima usou-se on the,in the e underthe. The o artigodefinido no ingls, e pode significar o, a, os ou as.

    No exemplo The bottles are in the box, estamos dizendo que as garrafas esto dentro da caixa ou nacaixa ( uma caixa especfica). Se estivssemos falando de uma caixa qualquer, indefinida,usaramos o artigo indefinido:

    The bottles are in a box. [As garrafas esto em uma caixa.]

    De qualquer forma, usamos um dos artigos (definido ou indefinido) para distinguir de algummodo a caixa, mesa, parede, etc de que estamos falando (veja os exemplos dados no inciodesta lio). Poderamos tambm usar this ou that, por exemplo:

    My book is on that shelf. [O meu livro est naquela estante.]

    O importante ter ateno para evitar escrever algo assim:

    The bottles are in box. [As garrafas esto em caixa.]

    There's a mirror on wall. [H um espelho em parede.]

    My book is on shelf. [O meu livro est em estante.]

  • 7/31/2019 Preposies in


    To Be: Yes/No Questions e Information Questions

    Observe a tabela abaixo, e veja a diferena entre as perguntas da coluna esquerda e as da colunadireita.

    (1) She is Mary Collins.

    Is she Mary Collins?[Ela a Mary Collins?]

    Who is she?[Quem ela?]

    Yes, she is.[Sim, (ela) .]

    She is Mary Collins.[Ela a Mary Collins.]

    (2) They are from France.

    Are they from France?[Eles(as) so da Frana?]

    Where are they from?[De onde eles(as) so?]

    Yes, they are.

    [Sim, (eles/as) so.]

    They are from France.

    [Eles(as) so da Frana.](3) The socks are brown.

    Are the socks brown?[As meias so marrons?]

    What colorare the socks?[Que cor so as meias?]

    Yes, they are.[Sim, (elas) so.]

    They are brown.[(Elas) So marrons.]

    As perguntas da coluna da esquerda so chamadas de Yes/No questions (perguntas sim/no),pois a resposta ser necessariamente sim ou no. muito comum usarshort answers para essasperguntas. Veja mais alguns exemplos:

    Are you tired? [Voc est cansado/a?]

    No, I'm not. [No, no estou.]

    Are they engineers? [Eles(as) so engenheiros(as)?]

    No, they aren't. [No, no so.]

    Is she Japanese? [Ela japonesa?]

    Yes, she is. [Sim, ela .]

    As perguntas da coluna da direita so chamadas de information questions (mais ou menos"perguntas informativas" ou "de informao"). Elas comeam com as chamadas question words -nesta lio estamos usando who, where...from e what color. As respostas para estas perguntas,

    como voc v, nunca comeam com sim ou no.

  • 7/31/2019 Preposies in


    Adjetivos Possessivos

    Veja a correspondncia entre os adjetivos possessivos em ingls e portugus:adjetivos

    possessivosexemplos significados


    my My hairis black.My bicycles are new.

    O meu cabelo preto.As minhas bicicletas so novas.

    teu(s) ouseu(s)

    tua(s) ousua(s)

    de vocs

    yourWhere are your

    brothers?Your skirt is beautiful.

    Onde esto os seus/teus irmos?A sua/tua saia bonita.

    dele hisHis name is Mark.

    This is his mother, Jane.O nome dele Mark.

    Essa a me dele, Jane.

    dela herHer cats are small.This is her house.

    Os gatos dela so pequenos.Essa a casa dela.

    deles, delas their Look! It's their car! Veja! o carro deles(as)!

    Perceba que apesar de frequentemente dizermos em portugus 'a casa dela', 'o meu cabelo','os teus irmos', etc, no ingls no se usa o artigo definido the (que significa a, as, o ou os)

    frente de my, your, his, here dos outros adjetivos possessivos.A minha casa ---> My house e no The my house

    Os teus irmos ---> Your brothers e no The your brothers

    Veja que my, his, her, our, their, your so sempre usados antes de "algo" ou "algum" (antesde um substantivo ou expresso substantiva), e nunca sozinhos na sentena.

    I saw my old caryesterday. Eu vi o meu carro antigo ontem.

    This is our brother. Esse o nosso irmo.

    Her motheris a teacher.A me dela professora.

    Em portugus, usamos as palavras meu, minha, dele, nossa, etc... da maneira mostrada nosexemplos acima e tambm "sozinhos":

    Esse carro meu.

    Aquela blusa dela.

    No ingls, no se usa my, his, their, etc. nas sentenas acima, mas sim os pronomes possessivos(mine, yours, theirs, etc.) que sero assunto de outra lio.

  • 7/31/2019 Preposies in


    Dizendo as Horas

    Uma das maneiras mais comum de se perguntar as horas :What time is it? [Que horas so?]

    (Outras maneiras so Have you got the time? e Do you know what time it is?)

    Aqui vai a forma mais simples de dizer as horas: basta dizer a hora e depois os minutos.What time is it? [9:15]

    It's nine-fifteen.

    What time is it? [11:10]

    It's eleven-ten.

    What time is it? [02:30]

    It's two-thirty.

    Para dizer as horas inteiras:What time is it? [01:00]

    It's one o'clock.

    What time is it? [07:00]

    It's seven o'clock.

  • 7/31/2019 Preposies in


    There is, There are Afirmativo e Negativo

    There is e there are representam o nosso h ou existe(m). A diferena que usamos there ispara uma s coisa, pessoa ou situao. Quando dizemos que h mais de uma coisa ou pessoa, usa-se a forma plural there are. Veja os exemplos:

    formalonga formacontrada exemplos significados

    there ish, existe

    there'sThere is a man in the car.There's a fly in your soup.There is a new store here.

    H um homem no carro.H uma mosca na sua sopa.

    H uma loja nova aqui.

    there areh, existe


    There are 40 students in myclass.

    There are two dogs in thehouse.

    There are 10 people in thefamily.

    H 40 alunos na minhaclasse.

    H dois ces na casa.

    H 10 pessoas na famlia.

    Veja que em portugus falamos na conversa de todo dia "Tem um homem no carro" ou "Tem40 alunos na minha classe" ao invs de usar h. No ingls, no se usa o verbo have (ter) para isso.

    There is a man in the car. e no Has a man in the car.

    There are 40 students in my class. e no Have 40 students in my class.

    Veja como fica a negativa de there is e there are:afirmativa

    negativa(forma longa)

    negativa(forma contrada)

    negativa(forma contrada)

    There is There is not There's not There isn't

    There are There are not --- There aren't

    Alguns exemplos:afirmativa negativa

    There is a man in the car.There is not a man in the car.

    [No h um homem no carro.]There's a fly in your soup.

    There's not a fly in your soup.[No h uma mosca na sua sopa.]

    There is a new store here.There isn't a new store here.[No h uma loja nova aqui.]

    There are 40 students in myclass.

    There are not 40 students in my class.[No h 40 alunos na minha classe.]

    There are two dogs in the


    There aren't two dogs in the house.

    [No h dois cachorros na casa.]There are 10 people in thefamily.

    There aren't 10 people in the family.[No h 10 pessoas na famlia.]

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    Usa-se there isn't anyou there aren't anypara se dizer no h 'nenhum'. Veja os exemplos:There isn't any milk in the refrigerator [No h (nenhum) leite na geladeira]

    There aren't any apples in the basket [No h nenhuma ma na geladeira]

  • 7/31/2019 Preposies in


    There is, There are interrogativo

    Veja na tabela abaixo como fica a forma interrogativa de there is e there are:afirmativa interrogativa

    There is Is there?

    There are Are there?

    Abaixo esto exemplos de sentenas afirmativas passadas para a forma interrogativa:afirmativa interrogativa

    There is a man in the car.[H um homem no carro.]

    Is there a man in the car?[H um homem no carro?]

    There's a fly in your soup.

    [H uma mosca na sua sopa.]

    Is there a fly in your soup?

    [H uma mosca na sua sopa?]There are two dogs in the house

    [H dois cachorros na casa.]Are there two dogs in the house?

    [H dois cachorros na casa?]

    There are 10 people in the family.[H 10 pessoas na famlia.]

    Are there 10 people in the family?[H 10 pessoas na famlia?]

    Veja as respostas curtas (short answers) para as perguntas acima:pergunta

    short answer


    short answer


    Is there a man in the car? Yes, there is.No, there is not.No, there's not.No, there isn't.

    Is there a fly in your soup? Yes, there is.No, there is not.No, there's not.No, there isn't.

    Are there two dogs in the


    Yes, there are.No, there are not.

    No, there aren't.Are there 10 people in thefamily?

    Yes, there are.No, there are not.No, there aren't.

    Any uma palavra muito usada em perguntas com there is e there are. Neste uso especfico,anysignifica aproximadamente 'algum(a)':

    Are there any apples in the refrigerator? [H alguma ma na geladeira?]Yes, there are. [Sim, h.]

    Usamos anyna resposta tambm com o sentido de 'nenhum(a)':

    Is there any milk in the refrigerator? [Tem (algum) leite na geladeira?]No, there isn't any. [No, no tem (nenhum).]

  • 7/31/2019 Preposies in


    Presente Simples Afirmativo

    Usamos o Present Simple para falar de fatos reais, hbitos e rotinas.I live in So Paulo. [Eu moro em So Paulo.]You work for a big company. [Voc trabalha em uma empresa grande.]

    They play tennis every afternoon. [Elas jogam tnis toda tarde.]It rains a lot in London. [Chove muito em Londres.]

    I work eu trabalho

    you work voc trabalha

    he works ele trabalha

    she works ela trabalha

    it works ele(a) trabalha

    we work ns trabalhamosyou work vocs trabalham

    they work eles(as) trabalham

    Perceba que, ao contrrio do portugus, o ingls no possui muitas variaes na conjugaodos verbos no presente. A nica exceo feita para a terceira pessoa do singular (he, she, it)que, na maioria dos verbos recebe a letra "s" no final.

    Alguns exemplos:

    We drink coffee every day. He drinks coffee every day.

    [Ns bebemos caf todo dia.] [Ele bebe caf todo dia.]

    Mark and Luke read comic books. She reads the newspaper.

    [Mark e Luke lem gibis.] [Ela l o jornal.]

    You eat vegetables. It eats vegetables.

    [Vocs comem legumes.] [Ele(a) come legumes.]

    O verbo have (ter, possuir) uma exceo a essa regra:I have two sisters. Jane has two sisters.

    [Eu tenho duas irms.] [Jane tem duas irms.]

    They have a green shirt. Donald has a blue shirt.

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    [Eles tm uma camisa verde.] [Donald tem uma camisa azul.]

    Nem todos os verbos recebem apenas a letra "s" no final. Os verbos terminados em -ss, -o, -sh, -ch ou -x normalmente recebem "es" para a terceira pessoa do singular (he, she, it):

    I go to the park every Sunday. My mothergoes to the beach every Friday.

    [Vou ao parque todo domingo.] [Minha me vai praia toda sexta-feira.]

    You wash your car. He washes his bike.

    [Voc lava seu carro.] [Ele lava a bicicleta dele.]

    They fix cars. He fixes motorcycles and bikes.

    [Eles consertam carros.] [Ele conserta motos e bicicletas.]

    J para os verbos terminados em y, precedido de consoante, descarta-se o "y" e acrescenta-se"ies". Para os verbos terminados em y mas precedidos de vogal, basta acrescentar o "s" comona regra geral.

    I study English every day. My motherstudies French at university.

    [Eu estudo ingls todo dia.] [Minha me estuda francs na universidade.]

    I play the piano. She plays the piano.

    [Eu toco piano.] [Ela toca piano.]

  • 7/31/2019 Preposies in


    Presente Simples Negativo

    Veja a formao do presente simples no negativo:negativa forma contrada significado

    I do not work I don'twork eu no trabalho

    you do not work you don'twork voc no trabalhahe does not work he doesn'twork ele no trabalha

    she does not work she doesn'twork ela no trabalha

    it does not work it doesn'twork ele(a) no trabalha

    we do not work we don'twork ns no trabalhamos

    you do not work you don'twork vocs no trabalham

    they do not work they don'twork eles(as) no trabalham

    Note que, ao contrrio do verbo to be - que apenas inclui a palavra "not" para formar anegativa, os demais verbos precisam do que chamamos de verbo auxiliar "do". Na terceirapessoa, o verbo "do" se transforma em "does".

    do not = don't

    does not = doesn't

    I don't have a car. She doesn't have a house.

    [No tenho um carro.] [Ela no tem uma casa.]

    They don't watch TV at night. He doesn't listen to the radio in the morning.

    [Eles no assistem TV noite.] [Ele no escuta rdio de manh.]

    You don't wash the dishes. He doesn't wash the dishes.

    [Voc no lava a loua.] [Ele no lava a loua.]

    I don't do my homework at 8 pm. She doesn't do her homework at school.

    [Eu no fao minha lio s 8.] [Ela no faz a lio dela na escola.]

    Lembre-se que na conversa do dia-a-dia, as formas contradas so usadas com mais freqncia doque as no contradas.

  • 7/31/2019 Preposies in


    Presente Simples Interrogativo

    Veja como formado o presente simples interrogativo:

    interrogativa significadoresposta curta(short answer)

    resposta longa

    Do I like ice cream? Eu gosto desorvete?

    Yes, I do.No, I don't

    Yes, I like ice cream.No, I don't like ice cream.

    Do you like icecream?

    Voc gostade sorvete?

    Yes, you do.No, you don't

    Yes, you like ice cream.No, you don't like ice


    Does he like icecream?

    Ele gosta desorvete?

    Yes, he does.No, he doesn't.

    Yes, he likes ice cream.No, he doesn't like ice


    Does she like icecream?

    Ela gosta desorvete?

    Yes, she does.No, she doesn't.

    Yes, she likes ice cream.No, she doesn't like icecream.

    Does it like icecream?

    Ele(a) gostade sorvete?

    Yes, it does.No, it doesn't.

    Yes, it likes ice cream.No, it doesn't like ice


    Do we like icecream?

    Nsgostamos de


    Yes, we do.No, we don't

    Yes, we like ice cream.No, we don't like ice


    Do you like icecream?

    Vocsgostam desorvete?

    Yes, you do.No, you don't.

    Yes, you like ice cream.No, you don't like ice


    Do they like icecream?

    Eles(as)gostam desorvete?

    Yes, they do.No, they don't

    Yes, they like ice cream.No, they don't like ice


    Perceba que, ao contrrio do verbo to be - que apenas invertido na hora de fazer perguntas,os demais verbos precisam do que chamamos de verbo auxiliar "do". Na terceira pessoa, o verbo "do"

    se transforma em "does".

    Do you like your teacher?Yes, I do.

    No, I don't.

    Voc gosta do seu professor? Sim, eu gosto.

    No, eu no gosto.

    Does he study Spanish?Yes, he does.No, he doesn't.

    Ele estuda espanhol? Sim, ele estuda.

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    No, ele no estuda.

    Note que para formar a resposta curta (short answer), basta responder, aps "yes" ou "no" como sujeito e o auxiliar. Caso contrrio, todo o complemento da frase necessrio.

    Do we live in Rio de Janeiro? Yes, we do (curta)

    Yes, we live in Rio de Janeiro (longa)

    Does she speak Japanese? Yes, she does.

    No, she doesn't speak Japanese.

    Ateno! O verbo have, apesar de apresentar uma irregularidade nas frases afirmativas para a3 pessoa do singular (he has, she has, it has), funciona como os demais verbos na forma

    interrogativa. Ou seja, ao utilizar odoes

    para fazer a pergunta, utilizamos a forma have e nohas, que s utilizado em afirmativas:

    Does he have a new car? Yes, he does.

    No, he doesn't.

    Does she have a pet? Yes, she does.

    No, she doesn't.

  • 7/31/2019 Preposies in


    Presente Simples: Advrbios de Frequncia

    Como voc j sabe, o Present Simple trata das questes do dia-a-dia e da rotina. Portanto,geralmente esse tempo vem acompanhado de advrbios que indicam a freqncia com que osujeito realiza uma ao:

    We always brush our teeth after lunch. [Sempre escovamos nossos dentes aps o almoo.]Peterusually plays basketball in the club. [O Peter geralmente joga basquete no clube.]

    Always: 100%

    Usually: 85%

    Often: 70%

    Sometimes: 50%

    Occasionally: 35%

    Rarely: 20%

    Never: 0%

    A pergunta para esse tipo de informao : How often...?

    How often does you brother eat lunch? Once a day. [Uma vez por dia.]How often do you study English? Twice a week. [Duas vezes por semana.]

    How often do you brush your teeth? Three times a day. [Trs vezes por dia.]

    How often do they go out? Four times a month. [Quatro vezes por ms.]

    How often do you take a shower? Every day. [Todo dia.]

    How often does Debora smoke? Never. [Nunca.]

    Posio do advrbio:My boss is neverlate. (depois do verbo to be)

    I never drive on Mondays. (antes dos demais verbos)

    I sometimes eat dinner. OR Sometimes I eat dinner.

  • 7/31/2019 Preposies in


    Presente Simples: Yes/No Questions e Information Questions

    Aqui vemos novamente aqueles dois tipos bsicos de perguntas: yes/no e information questions.

    O primeiro tipo, yes/no, trata apenas de perguntas cuja resposta simplesmente "sim" ou "no".

    yes/noquestion significado


    Do you work? Voc trabalha?Yes, I do.

    No, I don't.

    Does she work in themorning?

    Ela trabalha demanh?

    Yes, she does.No, she doesn't.

    Does he speak English? Ele fala ingls?Yes, he does.

    No, he doesn't.

    Do they have friends? Elas tem amigas?Yes, they do.

    No, they don't.

    O segundo tipo faz uso de "question words" no incio da frase e a resposta traz a informao quebuscamos:

    information question significado short answer

    What do you do? O que voc faz? I'm a lawyer.

    Where is the hospital? Onde o hospital? It is near the school.

    How many eggs do youwant?

    Quantos ovos voc quer?3.

    (I want 3 eggs.)

    What? - O qu? Qual? What's your name? What do you do at night?

    Who? - Quem? Who is your favorite singer?

    When? - Quando? When do you study? When is your birthday?

    Where? - Onde? Where do you live? Where is the post office?Which? - Qual? (escolha limitada) Which do you prefer - pizza or hamburger?

    How? - Como? How are you? How do you go to school?

    How many...? - Quantos(contveis) How many cars do you have? How much...? - Quanto (incontveis) How much money do you have?

    Podemos, ainda, fazer combinaes como "What time...?" (A que horas...?), "Which color...?" (Qual

    cor...?) etc.

  • 7/31/2019 Preposies in


    Preposies (tempo)

    Para falar de fatos ou rotinas, comum utilizarmos expresses como "aos sbados", "demanh", "s 3 da tarde" etc. Veja como dizemos estas expresses comuns em ingls:

    Perodos do dia:

    IN AT

    in the morning

    at nightin the afternoon

    in the eveningDias, meses e anos:

    IN ON

    (meses)in Januaryin February

    in March

    (domingo, segunda-feira,tera-feira...)on Sundayon Monday

    on Tuesday...

    (datas)on the 17th of July

    on July 17thon July 17 2008

    (estaes)in the winter

    in the summer

    (anos)in 1980in 2008

    On Wednesdays, On Saturdays significa "toda quarta-feira", "todo sbado"... Horrios:

    AT FROM... TO

    at 5 o'clockat 3 AM

    at midnightat six-thirty

    I work from 9 to 5 every


    She goes to the gymfrom Monday to


    Ateno: no usamos preposio antes de "last", "next" e "this".

    I'm going to New York next month.I saw Jeff this afternoon.

    Last week we ate sushi.

  • 7/31/2019 Preposies in


    Presente Contnuo

    Utilizamos o presente contnuo para indicar aes que esto em andamento. Ou seja, estamos"no meio" da ao. Sua forma

    Verbo to be + verbo+ING

    I'm watching TV. Estou assistindo TV.She is dancing. Ela est danando.afirmativa forma contrada significado

    I am working I'm working eu estou trabalhando

    you are working you're working voc est trabalhando

    he is working he's working ele est trabalhando

    she is working she's working ela est trabalhando

    it is working it's working ele(a) est trabalhando

    we are working we're working ns estamos trabalhandoyou are working you're working vocs esto trabalhando

    they are working they're working eles(as) esto trabalhandoAteno: os verbos que terminam em VC (vogal + consoante) dobram a ltima letra, desde que

    essa slaba seja tnica:

    Sit --> sitting swim --> swimmingRun --> running forget--> forgetting

    Veja este caso: open --> opening / visit --> visiting (no dobra-se a letra pois, apesar de terminar emVC, no a slaba tnica)

    Por fim, os verbos que terminam em "e" perdem a vogal final e acrescenta-se "ing":have havinglive livingmake making

    What are you doing? I'm having a sandwich. [O que voc est fazendo? Estou comendo umsanduche.]

    Presente Contnuo Negativo

    Veja a formao do presente contnuo na negativa:

    negativa forma contrada significado

    I am not working I'm not working eu no estou trabalhando

    you are not workingyou're not workingyou aren't working

    voc no est trabalhando

    he is not working he's not working ele no est trabalhando

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    Passado Simples To Be

    O verbo be geralmente significa serou estarem portugus. Veja sua formao no tempo passadosimples, com sentenas afirmativas:

    afirmativa significado

    I was eu era/fui / estava/estive

    you were voc era/foi / estava/esteve

    he was ele era/foi / estava/esteve

    she was ela era/foi / estava/esteve

    it was ele(a) era/foi / estava/esteve

    we were ns ramos/fomos / estavam/estiveram

    you were vocs eram/foram / estavam/estiveram

    they were eles eram/foram / estavam/estiveram

    I was at home yesterday. [Eu estava em casa ontem noite.]

    He was late for the meeting this morning. [Ele estava atrasado para a reunio esta manh.]

    They were my friends in high school. [Eles eram/foram meus amigos no ensino mdio.]


    forma longa




    I was not I wasn't eu no era/fui / estava/estive

    you were not you weren't voc no era/foi / estava/esteve

    he was not he wasn't ele no era/foi / estava/esteve

    she was not she wasn't ela no era/foi / estava/esteve

    it was not it wasn't ele(a) no era/foi / estava/esteve

    we were not we weren't ns no ramos/fomos / estavam/estiveram

    you were not you weren't vocs no eram/foram / estavam/estiveram

    they were not they weren't eles no eram/foram / estavam/estiveram

    You weren't sick last year. [Voc no estava doente no ano passado.]

    It was not his fault. [No foi culpa dele.]

    We weren't tired after the flight. [Ns no estvamos cansados aps o vo.]

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    Passado Simples To Be (Interrogativo)

    Para formar a interrogativa de be, tudo que necessrio passar o verbo para a frente do sujeito.

    afirmativa interrogativa

    I was Was I?

    you were Were you?he was Was he?

    she was Was she?

    it was Was it?

    we were Were we?

    you were Were you?

    they were Were they?

    Veja alguns exemplos:

    afirmativa interrogativa

    I was right.

    [Eu estava certo(a).]

    Was I right?

    [Eu estava certo(a)?]

    You were happy.

    [Voc era feliz.]

    Were you happy?

    [Voc era feliz?]

    Laura was Spanish.[A Laura era espanhola.]

    Was Laura Spanish?[A Laura era espanhola?]

    We were late.[Ns estvamos atrasados]

    Were we late?[Ns estvamos atrasados?]

    You and Tom were at school.[Voc e o Tom estavam na


    Were you and Tom at school?

    [Voc e o Tom estavam na escola?]

    They were doctors.[Eles(as) eram mdicos(as).]

    Were they doctors?[Eles(as) eram mdicos(as)?]

    Considere as perguntas da tabela acima, como Was I right?ou Were you happy?Veja que elas podemser respondidas com um simples Yes (Sim) ou No (No). Mas no ingls h tambm uma forma muitocomum de responder que conhecida como short answer(resposta curta). Veja alguns exemplos:


    short answer


    short answer


    Was I right?[Eu estava certo(a)?]

    Yes, you were.[Sim, voc estava.]

    No, you weren't.[No, voc no estava.]

    Were you happy?[Voc era feliz?]

    Yes, I was.[Sim, eu era.]

    No, I wasn't.[No, eu no era.]

    Was Laura Spanish?

    [A Laura era espanhola?]

    Yes, she was.

    [Sim, ela era.]

    No, she wasn't.

    [No, ela no era.]

    Were we late?

    [Ns estvamos atrasados?]

    Yes, you were.

    [Sim, vocs estavam.]

    No, you weren't.

    [No, vocs no estavam.]

    Were you and Tom at school?[Voc e o Tom estavam na escola?]

    Yes, we were.[Sim, ns estvamos.]

    No, we weren't.[No, ns no estvamos.]

    Were they doctors?

    [Eles(as) eram mdicos(as)?]

    Yes, they were.

    [Sim, eles(as) eram.]

    No, they weren't.

    [No, eles(as) no eram.]

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    Passado Simples Afirmativo - Outros Verbos

    Usamos o Past Simple para falar de fatos ocorridos no passado e, na maioria das vezes, ele vemacompanhado de expresses que indicam o tempo da ao: yesterday(ontem), two hours ago (duashoras atrs), last week(semana passada), in 1980 (em 1980) etc.

    I lived in So Paulo im 1999. [Eu morei em So Paulo em 1999.]

    You worked for a big company. [Voc trabalhou em uma empresa grande.]

    They played tennis yesterday. [Elas jogaram tnis ontem.]

    It rained a lot in London last year. [Choveu muito em Londres ano passado.]

    afirmativa significado

    I worked eu trabalhei

    you worked voc trabalhouhe worked ele trabalhou

    she worked ela trabalhou

    it worked ele(a) trabalhou

    we worked ns trabalhamos

    you worked vocs trabalharam

    they worked eles(as) trabalharam

    Perceba que, ao contrrio do portugus, o ingls no possui nenhuma variao na conjugaodos verbos no passado simples. Bastou acrescentar -ed no final do verbo. Isso ocorre paratodos os verbos que chamamos de verbosregulares.

    Alguns exemplos:

    We watched TV last yesterday. [Ns assistimos TV ontem.]

    You washed your car. [Voc lavou seu carro.]

    Ateno: as regras de ortografia que aprendemos para a terceira pessoa do singular nopresente valem para o simple past:

    study - studied I studied English in 1999. [Eu estudei ingls em 1999.]

    play - played He played the piano. [Ele tocava piano.]

    stop - stopped The police stopped the blue car. [A policia parou o carro azul]

    plan - planned We planned to go to London. [Nos planejamos ir a Londres].

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    Alguns dos verbos mais comuns em ingls so os chamados verbos irregulares. Isso pois eles noseguem a regra de acrescentar -edpara formar o passado nem obedecem a uma regra especfica.Veja alguns exemplos:

    Presente Passado Simples (irregulares)

    I run everyday. I ran last night.

    I speak English with Tom. I spoke Spanish with her.

    You write an email in the morning. You wrote an email last Sunday.

    I have a blue car. I had a green bike.

    I drink a lot of coffee. I drank water.

    I put the book on the table. I put the pen on the desk yesterday.

    Aqui vai uma lista com o passado dos verbos irregulares mais comuns.

    be - was/were

    begin - beganbreak - brokebring - broughtbuild - builtbuy - boughtcatch - caughtcome - camecost - costdo - diddrink - drankeat - atefall - fell

    find - foundfly - flewforget - forgotget - gotgive - gavego - wenthave - hadhear - heardknow - knewleave - leftlose - lostmake - mademeet - met

    pay - paidput - putread - read (l-se "rd")ring - rangsay - saidsee - sawsell - soldsit - sitsleep - sleptspeak - spokestand - stoodtake - took

    tell - toldthink - thoughtwin - wonwrite - wrote

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    Passado Simples Negativo e Interrogativo - OutrosVerbos

    Passado Simples Negativo: o presente usamos o auxiliar do/does + notpara as frases negativas. Parao passado, atulizaremos apenas o did+notpara todas as pessoas (sujeitos).

    negativa forma contrada significadoI did not work I didn'twork eu no trabalhei

    you did not work you didn'twork voc no trabalhou

    he did not work he didn'twork ele no trabalhou

    she did not work she didn'twork ela no trabalhou

    it did not work it didn'twork ele(a) no trabalhou

    we did not work we didn'twork ns no trabalhamos

    you did not work you didn'twork vocs no trabalharam

    they did not work they didn'twork eles(as) no trabalharam

    Note que utilizamos o auxiliar did + a palavra not para formar a negativa. Na forma contrada,utilizamos didn't (did + not).

    Repare que utilizamos o auxiliar did not + infinitivo. Ou seja, no usamos "I didn't played" ou"He didn't came", mas sim "I didn't play" e "He didn't come".

    Lembre-se que na conversa do dia-a-dia, as formas contradas so usadas com mais freqncia.

    Passado Simples Interrogativo

    No presente usamos o auxiliar do/does antes do sujeitopara as frases interrogativas. Para o passado,utilizaremos apenas o didpara todas as pessoas (sujeitos).

    interrogativa significadoresposta curta(short answer)

    resposta longa

    Did I work? eu trabalhei?Yes, I did.

    No, I didn't.Yes, I worked.

    No, I didn't work.

    Did you work? voc trabalhou?Yes, you did.

    No, you didn't.

    Yes, you worked.

    No, you didn't work.

    Did he work? ele trabalhou?Yes, he did.

    No, he didn't.Yes, he worked.

    No, he didn't work.

    Did she work? ela trabalhou?Yes, she did.

    No, she didn't.Yes, she worked.

    No, she didn't work.

    Did it work? ele(a) trabalhou?Yes, it did.

    No, it didn't.Yes, it worked.

    No, it didn't work.

    Did we work? ns trabalhamos?Yes, we did.

    No, we didn't.

    Yes, we worked.

    No, we didn't work.

    Did you work? vocs trabalharam?Yes, you did.

    No, you didn't.Yes, you worked.

    No, you didn't work.

    Did they work? eles(as) trabalharam?Yes, they did.

    No, they didn't.Yes, they worked.

    No, they didn't work.

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    Did you like your teacher? Yes, I did. [Voc gostava do seu professor? Sim, eu gostava.]No, I didn't. [No, eu no gostava.]

    Did he study Spanish? Yes, he did. [Ele estudou espanhol? Sim, ele estudou.]No, he didn't. [No, ele no estudou.]

    Repare que utilizamos o auxiliar did + infinitivo. Ou seja, no usamos "Did you played...?" ou"Did he had...?", mas sim "Did you play...?" e "Did he have...?".

    Passado Contnuo

    O past continuous utilizado para descrever aes que ocoreram por determinado tempo no passado.It was raining last night.My father was walking at the park.

    Geralmente essas aes so interrompidas por aes tambm no passado (usamos opast continuousjuntamente ao simple past)

    When we arrived the teacher was writing on the boardThe dog was sleeping when the cat jumped.

    It was raining when they talked on the phone.afirmativa significado

    I was working eu estava trabalhando

    you were working voc estava trabalhando

    he was working ele estava trabalhando

    she was working ela estava trabalhando

    it was working ele(a) estava trabalhando

    we were working ns estvamos trabalhando

    you were working vocs estavam trabalhandothey were working eles(as) estavam trabalhando

    The boy was sleeping during the class. [O menino estava dormindo durante a aula]You were playing basketball. [Voc estava jogando basquete]

    Passado Contnuo NegativoVeja a formao do passado contnuo na negativa:

    negativa forma contrada significado

    I was not working I wasn't working eu no estava trabalhando

    you were not working You weren't working voc no estava trabalhando

    he was not working He wasn't working ele no estava trabalhando

    she was not working She wasn't working ela no estava trabalhando

    it was not working it wasn't working ele(a) no estava trabalhando

    we were not working We weren't working ns no estvamos trabalhando

    you were not working You weren't working vocs no estavam trabalhando

    they were not working They weren't working eles(as) no estavam trabalhando

    Veja alguns exemplos:Mary wasn't dancing at the party. [A Mary no estava danando na festa]They weren't selling the new cell phone. [Eles no estavam vendendo o novo telefone celular]

    Passado Contnuo Interrogativo

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    Veja a formao do passado contnuo na interrogativa:

    interrogativa significado resposta curta

    Was I working? eu estava trabalhando?Yes, I was.

    No, I wasn't

    Were you working? voc estava trabalhando?Yes, you were.

    No, you weren't

    Was he working? ele estava trabalhando?Yes, he was.

    No, he wasn't.

    Was she working? ela estava trabalhando?Yes, she was.

    No, she wasn't.

    Was it working? ele(a) estava trabalhando?Yes, it was.

    No, it wasn't.

    Were we working? ns estvamos trabalhando?Yes, we were.

    No, we weren't.

    Were you working? vocs estavam trabalhando?Yes, you were.

    No, you weren't.

    Were they working? eles(as) estavam trabalhando?Yes, they were.

    No, they weren't

    Veja alguns exemplos:

    Were we learning grammar or vocabulary? [Estvamos aprendendo gramtica ou vocabulrio?]

    Was it raining after the match? [Estava chovendo aps a partida?]

    Note que em um dilogo entre duas ou mais pessoas, I, we e you so usados em perguntas erespostas. Veja um exemplo de dilogo:

    - Were you watching TV around nine o'clock? [Voc estava vendo TV l pelas nove horas?]

    - Yes, I was. I was watching a movie. [Sim, eu estava. Eu estava vendo um filme.]

    - Were you and your brother playing soccer at the club this morning? [Voc e o seu irmo estavamjogando futebol no clube hoje de manh?]

    - No, we weren't. We were in school. [No, no estvamos / a gente no estava. A gente estava naescola.]

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    Futuro (will)

    Veja a formao do futuro com will:

    futuro simples forma contrada significado

    I will work. I'll work. Eu trabalharei

    You will work. You'll work. Voc trabalharHe will work. He'll work. Ele trabalhar

    She will work. She'll work. Ela trabalhar

    It will work. It'll work. Ele/Ela trabalhar

    We will work. We'll work. Ns trabalharemos.

    You will work. You'll work. Vocs trabalharo.

    They will work. They'll work. Eles trabalharo

    WILL - Uso

    Entre as diversas formas de indicar o futuro em ingls, utilizamos a estrutura WILL + VERB paraindicar:

    1. Previses "simples", geralmente com incerteza, sobre algum evento futuro.

    I think I will go by bus. [Acho que irei de nibus]

    Brazilwill win the next World Cup. [O Brasil ganhar a prxima Copa do Mundo].

    2. Decises que foram tomadas no momento em que a pessoa est falando:

    Jessica: My house is a mess! I need to clean all the rooms. [Minha casa est uma baguna. Preciso

    limpar todos os cmodos.]

    Paul: I'll help you. [Eu vou te ajudar / Eu te ajudo]

    Wait for me. I'll be back in ten minutes. [Espere por mim. Voltarei em 10 minutes]

    Por isso, perceba que comum usar WILL quando dizemos que vamos ajudar algum que acabou dechegar carregado de compras, que tropeou na nossa frente, etc... ou simplesmente quando tomamosuma deciso qualquer neste momento.

    Futuro (will) negativo

    futuro simples forma contrada significado

    I willnot work. I won't work. Eu no trabalharei

    You willnot work. You won't work. Voc no trabalhar

    He willnot work. He won't work. Ele no trabalhar

    She willnot work. She won't work. Ela no trabalhar

    It willnot work. It won't work. Ele/Ela no trabalhar

    We willnot work. We won't work. Ns no trabalharemos.

    You willnot work. You won't work. Vocs no trabalharo.

    They will work. They won't work. Eles no trabalharo

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    I think this new manager will not work hard.[Eu acho que esse novo gerente no vai trabalhar muito.]

    We won't accept new subscribers.[No aceitaremos novos assinantes].

    Futuro (will) interrogativo

    interrogativo significado resposta curta(short answers)

    Will I work? eu trabalharei?Yes, I will.

    No, I won't.

    Will you work? voc trabalhar?Yes, you will.

    No, you won't

    Will he work? ele trabalhar?Yes, he will.No, he won't.

    Will she work? ela trabalhar?Yes, she will.

    No, she won't.

    Will it work? ele(a) trabalhar?Yes, it will.

    No, it won't.

    Will we work? ns trabalharemos?Yes, we will.

    No, we won't.

    Will you work? vocs trabalharo?Yes, you will.

    No, you won't.

    Will they work? eles(as) trabalharo?Yes, they will.

    No, they won't

    Will you take those medicines?

    [Voc tomar aqueles remdios?]

    Will the United States help the other countries?

    [Os Estados Unidos ajudaro os outros pases?]

    Veja um exemplo de dilogo usando I e you:

    - Will you come with us to the party? [Voc vir conosco festa?]

    - No, I won't. [No, no vou.]

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    Futuro (be going to)

    Veja como formado:

    futuro simples forma contrada significado

    I am going to work. I'm going to work. Eu trabalharei

    You are going to work. You're going to work. Voc trabalharHe is going to work. He's going to work. Ele trabalhar

    She is going to work. She's going to work. Ela trabalhar

    It is going to work. It's going to work. Ele/Ela trabalhar

    We are going to work. We're going to work. Ns trabalharemos.

    You are going to work. You're going to work. Vocs trabalharo.

    They are going to work. They're going to work. Eles trabalharo

    BE GOING TO - Uso

    Entre as diversas formas de indicar o futuro em ingls, utilizamos a estrutura BE + GOING TO + VERBpara indicar:

    1. Previses baseadas em evidncias, sobre algum evento futuro. Temos certeza que algo acontecer.Look at the those clouds! It's going to rain this afternoon.[Olhe aquelas nuvens! Vai chover hoje tarde.]

    That car is going to hit the wall.[Aquele carro vai bater no muro.]

    2. Intenes, planos (note que as decises j foram tomadas).

    I'm going (to go) to France next month. [Irei Frana no prximo ms.]He is going to graduate in December. [Ele vai se formar em dezembro.]They are going to discuss this topic. [Eles discutiro esse assunto.]

    Futuro (be going to) negativo

    futuro simples forma contrada significado

    I am not going to work. I'm not going to work. Eu no trabalharei

    You are not going to work. You aren'tgoing to work. Voc no trabalhar

    He is not going to work. He isn't going to work. Ele no trabalhar

    She is not going to work. She isn't going to work. Ela no trabalharIt is not going to work. It isn't going to work. Ele/Ela no trabalhar

    We are not going to work. We aren't going to work. Ns no trabalharemos.

    You are not going to work. You aren't going to work. Vocs no trabalharo.

    They are not going to work.They aren't going to

    work.Eles no trabalharo

    I am not going tobuy new pants next week.[No comprarei novas calas na prxima semana]

    They aren't going toplay soccer in the winter.[Eles no jogaro futebol no inverno.]

    We're not going to be here tomorrow.[No estaremos aqui amanh.]

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    Futuro (be going to) interrogativo

    futuro simples significado short answer

    Am I going to work? Eu trabalharei?Yes, I am.

    No, I'm not.

    Are you going to work? Voc trabalhar?Yes, you are.

    No, you aren't.

    Is he going to work? Ele trabalhar?Yes, he is.

    No, he isn't.

    Is she going to work? Ela trabalhar?Yes, she is.

    No, she isn't.

    Is it going to work? Ele/Ela trabalhar?Yes, it is.

    No, it isn't.

    Are we going to work? Ns trabalharemos?Yes, we are.

    No, aren't.

    Are you going to work? Vocs trabalharo?Yes, you are.

    No, you aren't.

    Are they going to work? Eles trabalharo?Yes, they are.

    No, they aren't.

    Are you going to study English this weekend?[Voc vai estudar ingls nesse fim de semana?]

    Is Allyson going to get married this year?[A Allyson vai se casar esse ano?]