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H<nwouwca For Madison Twp. Ordinance Passes With No Opposition; Junkie, Peddler License Fixed; Requests Presented An ordinance-creating a planning boaj-d was passed on final reading Thursday at a meeting ol the MadW . son, Township Committee in the Town Hall at Browntown. Pew questions were asked at the hearing prior to thc passage of the measure, 'which went through on the Unanimous votes oi the .two committee members present, Chair* . man James W. Wheatley and John C. Crimmins. Leon Arrowsmith was .the absentee. ' ' The ordinance provides for a board of seven members consist* ing of the chairman of the Town- ship 1 Committee, ono of tho officials of the township, to be appoihted by thc township committee chair- man; a member of the Township Committee, to .be .appointed by it, . and four ^citizens of thc township, \ to be named .<by thc committee ’ chairman. . With thc exception of the three' township officials, members of thc board shall -hold ho otffcr lYiurilcipal ' ofTico and all will .serve without pay.. . .:........ ......... , ...... - . Terms Are Fixed ? Term 4 of office for the members of the board is set by thc ordinance as follows: Township committee , chairman, township official and other'members of the governing body shall serve torms corrcspond- Tng-fo- tKp1r~o!Ttelai~tcniires7— 'The terms of thc other four members' shall be' ofter two, three and four years, respcctiyely. Thereafter the tern> of each shall be four years. - Chairman of the Township Com- . mittce was also grunted tho right at his discretion, to appdrnfc a'C iti- zens Advisory Committee, following the organization of the board, oc- ’ cording to thc ordinonce. Powers of.the planning board are stated in the, ordinance as follows: “It shall be within the power of tho planning board to make and adopt a master plan. for the physical development of thc township, in- eluding any areas outside of bound- .* aries of said Township of Madison. Such plan, in all rcspccts shall con)ply with and take into conslder- atlon thc matters mentioned and contained in* section 40:55-6 of the Revised Statutes. . “T h e planning board • so estab- lished and Its successors - in office are hereby authorized to adopt regulations governing the ' subdivi- sion of land within its jurisdiction and to approve plots showing new streets ;or highways and lo deter. ' inlric and 1 fix-tho inlnlmum size of lots and to establish building lines ' except where the same have already been established : ‘ !‘Thp planning board shall have the authority to act as the zoning commission under full authority t of an act entitled: ‘An act to enable municipalities to adopt zoning ord- —.Jnances limiting and restricting therein, buildings and structures, according to thoir construction, and thc nature nnd extent of their uses, and tho repeal of sundry laws* .cd A pril 3, 1028.” 11 Regulate Junk Yards Another ordinance regulating soli citors, pcddlcrsl junk dealers, junk yards and used car lots was offered by Borough Attorney David Kaplan for first reading Thursday night Debate resulted over the question of junk yards and Walter Vohdin, municipal Democratic, leader, sug- gested that the regulations on such establishments be left to thc new planning board. . . One change, incorporated into the ordinance ut tlic suggestion of At- torncy Kaplan dcscribcd a junk yard specifically as “an establish- ment storing junk for resale or pthcrwlsc.” ^ i ; Pees quoted in thc proposed ^iffrflnancc arc as follows: Solicitors, ^$25!~peddlcr5,'~$13:—peddlers “ with vehicles, $25; auctions, $25; junk yard, $25; junk dealer, $25; used cah lots, $25. Cv-\— Concerning the permission grant- ed previously to County Gas Co., to lay 1000 feet of gas main in Middlesex Rd-, between Route 4 and Valley Dr., Attorney Kaplan announced that the- gas company had agreed to post a $ 10,000 bond guaranteeing restoration of the road to Its present condition. Final per* mission was approved. Taxpayers Have - Request -------- Member National Editorial Association — New Jersey Press Association — Monmouth County Press Association 82nd YEAR — 7th WEEK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1950 Single Copy Six Cents Frank -Kalning -ot_ tbe -Madison Townshij?._.TaxpayerS ’ Association brought iwo requests before the committee. The first asked for a commission to study the Faulkner Bill on municipal government and the second requested aid fur thfc tax collector. Mr. Kalning said tifat Madison Township collected onb05,pcr cent - of its taxes each year and that “it is a disgracc, year after year, (o be thc lowest In the county in collec- tions.” * Attorney Kaplan argued that ttie law made no. provisions for depu- tlzing an individual to aid the tax collector in soliciting, thc taxes. Mr, Kalrilng and Waited Becker, presi- dent of the association, argued that mittce from the taxpayers group would be willing to assist at a dollar a year, if necessary, or at nothing a yrfir. The attorney promised to look further into the m atter,. Imposed By Martin Two Get $100 Fines, Two Others Jail Terms For Disturbances; $9? In Traffic Fines ... Two men were fined $100 each and two others were sent to Jail for disorderly offenses involving drunk- eness In the borough during (he past week; _ Walter Gussenheimer,' Perth Am- boy, was pickod yp loitering Aug. 9 and Edwin Schultor, Lakowood, Monday. T^hese two paid the $100 each. Lawrence Wright, Middle- town Township artd Joseph Lad- jack, Marlboro, were arrested at 4:15 a.m. Monday for causing a dlstufbaricQ Ot the'rolh'ODd station,- *They drew 30-day county jail terms from, .Recorder.. James H ..Martin. Eleven traffic offenders were fined a total of $96 in fines and costs, James Ashe, South Amboy, was fined $7 and $3 costs for fulling to stop after his car struck a truck operated -by- Anthony, P i p e r n o. Lower Main St, Matawan, at Sta* 4ion~£laza!Lon—*_5,i_A_liaffic violations charge against Mr. Piper- no as a result of this accident wift dismissed. The Amboy man awaits hearing on a rccklcss driving charge Matawan* Township preferred against him for a sccond^crash that day, -a - few - minutes -after .... the Station' Plaza accidcnt.' . \ . Potc.r Peterson-.jr., . Old Bridge, was fined $7 and $3 costs for operat- ing a cor on Main St. Aug. 0 with- out lights. Jack Lee, 35 Cliffwood Way, Laurence Harbor, paid $3 and $3 costs for operating a car without plates. . George A. Carroll, 10 Third St, Keyport, puld $5 and $3 costs for passing thc double •„white, line on Route 34. Herbert T. Ppntcr, Point Pleasant, paid the iyJmc' fine for improper passing. / Raymond Dill, Old Bridge, failed to slow down ut the Broad and Little Sts., intersection and was assessed $7 and $3. costs. Reid Dickerson, Asbury'Park, also was firmed the same am ount for this of- fense on Aug.3. Richard Percy 'I^ufsvillC. Ky., was nabbed on Route 34 for having no driver’s liconsc for •lbfj9..-He.pai& $7 and $3 costs. JullW 'S.'Varga; New Brunswick,.hitd _no license or registration in his possession Aug 0 and paid $2 fine and $3 costs.- Illegal use of spotlight on Route 34 cost Arnold F. Morris, Asbury Park, $7 and $3 costs. He also paid $2 and $3 costs for passing.qn the. wrong side. Maurice Spain jr., East Orange. also passed Improperly on thc hfghway Aug. 7 and paid $7 fine nnd $3 costs. Matawan Police were complain- ants in all eases. .... Double Trouble 7 While trying lo Und the Mala- : wen Township Hall* ^ Tuetdey night to pay b fine on • summons ior pasting a red light at Route 35 and. Cliffwo©d--Ave. o.n -Auej.' 4. Robert J. Disbrow, Browha Lane, W$st Keansburg, was nab* bed by Malawan Borough cops fox passing a stop street sign and given, another summons. Township Magistrate Luther A. A.* Foster »Wd ihat in view of ihe hard luck Disbrow was hav- ing with traffic laws, he would be ienient and set the Une for iho township offense at $2 and $3 costs: Gypsy Band Was No Problem Here Recceived Permission For Emergency Stand Because Of Need For Medical Assistance. . The band of gypsies who caused Madison Township Policc Chicf Otto Kcngetter so much trouble before they left that municipality,' apparently posed no problem to Matawan. officials whcn they made a sdvcral day emergency stopover in-the-borough •Thc gypsy caravan, numbering some 15 nuto trailers, asked per- mission from Mayor John W. Apple- gate lo set up cump on the Kcoygh trqck on Upper Main Si, in the: Freneau section. The leaders ex- plained that several of thc party, Including three women and a man were ih need of emergency medical attention. During the period of thc gypsies' stay in Matawan, Policc Chief John J. Flood reports, the camp was inspected by borough health offi- Second Baptist To Enlarge Building Drive For Funds Under : Way; Addition Will Triple Seating Capacity Of Church Second Baptist Church of Mat- awan has put in the hands of con- tractors for estimates plans for ari addition tcrthc church edifice at 45 Orchard St.-, which—would-incrcase the'present seating capacity of tho auditorium from , 150 to- over 400, according ,to the Rev. W. J. Hutcheson, the pastor. .. The _pnstor. .and official board now ore conducting • a drive for funds to raise the money rjeeded to defray thc cost of the. addition, estimated roughly to be $ 10, 000 . The congregation has divided inlo ■three groups, according to the Rev. Mr. Hutchcson, to put the fund raising on a competitive basis. By Jast report, thc ladies group had gone out ahead of ihe men's group and tho young popples' group in pushing lhe drive. Thejadlcs group submitted a report of $307-51 raised recently. , The addition will extend the church building on the south side by 18 icet and to tho rear by 40 feet. Thc pulpit amfcgcholr loft will be moved ljack .in aqwrdancc with this extension in the rear of the building, : r ; ; ___ Thc Sccond Baptist Church bulid- rlng was' crectcdln 1801 and was 'enlar&xf In 101*; . it Has a present enrolled 1 memborshlp of 1B7, aceord- ing 'to the Rev. Mr. Hutchcson. Luther Ahdcrspn heads -the board oC trustees and William Cheek thc bonrd of deacons. M. W. Wicker, 1 Franklin St., Mutawan, Is church clerk who receives contribution to the building fund drive.' Democratic Record Ellis Succeeds Flood As Health Inspector The Matawan Borough Board of Health, meeting Monday, accepted the Resignation df Police Chief John J. Flood as acting sanitary inspector and 'named Henry Ellis, Main St., lo fill the vacancy. Chief Flood said his duties as head of thc police department, prevented his continuing to serve as health Inspector. Thc resignation, accepted by the board with regret, waa effective as of' Aug, 15. Mr. Ellis will serve- us acting sanitary inspector until Dcc. 31. as appointment to this office is made annually by thc board. The borough ^oard was informed that a second check of the local Ukcs by thc State Department of Health revealed the writers suitable for bathing. The second test was madali)n„Jiily„ initial one on July 0. Injuries To Two- In Broad St. Crash Two persons were injured In n crash of thclr cars at Route 34 and PFoad St, Matawan, 11:30 p.m. yesterday. : . . Both of the victims, Augtat Zimmerman, Carlstadt and' Mur- garct A. Lciiyy. Texas Rd., Mut- awan, were taken lo a Keyport ciais and~TKilIccr^ept~a^trh^^iR;ek | physlclgn by Matawan—First-Aid cn- the Bite.-■Bcforc-the-band'pulled out..Monday,_ChicLxJ.P??d checked with business places in the area to bc ccrtain no money was ow^cd the storekeepers. ................ From - Motawan, the-gypsics-'ap- /Mjrently moved across the Middle- sex County line ln^o Madison Town- ship whero they ran afoul of Chicf Kengcttcr. Their first catnp there was set up near thc Old Bridge traffic circle. Ordered to move, thc gypsies then established another camp at Route 9^4. Again ordered on, „the, third* Madison Township camp Was established on Route 4. Chief Kcngetter. said* ihat when the gypsies for the fourth time Ignored an order to leave Madison J<jwnshlp, ho recruited, thC, Jaid «X ftatcrpoHcc!^ other members of hi* department and several special 1 officers. Whcn the law reacht-i .the Squad.— Mies—Leavy—was-treated for shock and possible cort^.wion and released. Mr. Zinunermnn 'waj taken to Hazard Hospital whqrc ho was operated on 7 thii morning for injuries to his- left arm . . ....... The accident reaulU'd. according to MHtawan Police when tlie V. im- merman car «nnlng west on the highway crashcd intc^lhe I^eavy cai crossing Route 34 o;i Broad St. The Leavy car was pifchcd around in tljc same direction as thc Zimmer- man car by impact. Skidmarks of 100 feet wtfrc measured back of the Zimmerman car, policc wjid. Mayor, Weinstein S Cite AdvahcementsVjln Borough; Urge Suppdrt For Candidates Mayor John W. ApplewtC/'anS Borough Attorney .. Leo ... Weinstein were the speakers ut a wcll-at^end' ed meeting of tho Matawnn.Dftuvo cratlc Club held Thursdoy ln^ the meeting rooms of tlib, Washiiigtort Hose Co, The rriceting . W«S^on* ducted by Allan •'Fancher, 'club president.« . , * Mayor Applegate, DcjnocjiiUc nominee for, conyrcasman, in Third District, spoko on national and state affairs und reviewed Ot length the achievements and reel'd in thc Borough of Mntawan of tho present .Democratic . administration. Thc speaker cited thc responsibility concerned with* thc proper conduct* ing of "■municipal uffairs and * for that reason, he said, the Dernoi^atlc organization, in <presenting c^ndl. dates' for municipal office, .“have been most careful’ to offer mefi of capability and cxpfcriencc.” —Mnyor— ^-Applegate- Wc must realize that elections aro hot popularity contests, but the culmination of the sacred trust of of thc citizens who'sts votes and opinions must govern under our Democratic forin -of administration,1 ' Thc mayor added thut the Demo- cratic organization should- be "very prbud of thc benefits that haye comc to tho Borough ,of Mutawan under Democratic leadership und thnt for tho flrst time In muny ycurs, taxes und bond lndebtcdncos have been reduced and thc borough freed from deficit financing. Wc believe thnt the voters of Mat- uwun look to thc f:icts dnd will-not be fooled by a lot of icing on a cake that Is filled with crrtpty promises, personal greed and am* bltions,’’ he concludcd. , Mr. Weinstein presented u sum- mation the coming clcction und urged an intensive campaign by local workers,to insure the party's succcss’ in- Novcipber. Mr*, Margaret Devlin announced thnt plans are being Completed fin* thq club's . pipnic. ^ Ihe date bo ahtioun'ced:' ' . 1 Announcement wris, made'. of • thn reception for cu^didatc^to be held by the Monmouth County Demo- cratic Club at the West End Cuslno on Aug. 29. Arrangements arc being made for thu Mulawtm group to attend this, affair. Mayor Applegate will be ono of the,guests of honor. . TO SHOW ANTIQUES—One of the-attraction* al ih* third annual Monmoutli Fair Bt the Monmouth ontlrmH-1 Jockey Club Au?. 2B will be the exhibit of antlauea by more than 10 dealen of this and neighboring states, Mrs. Lillian Boichen, center, and Charles Vendirvoer, at ihe right, Freeliold entlque^dealon in charge of-the-show, are discussing plant for.tho exhibit wllh Edward H. Feltus. left, executive director of tho Mon- mouth County Historical Association. * ......................... New Draft Call ” I^jtal Draft BoardrtceivctT iW third call for-an additional 2T> inc-n. Man Succumbs In Police Car Autopsy Discloses BaysKbre Resident Victim Of Cardiac Condition Frank Bonkoskj, 50, of 78 Second St, West Keansburg, who died-ln a state police car enroute to thc county Jail Sunday was the victim of an “acute curdiuc condition ag- gravated by a psychosis,” accord- ing to report of an autopsy by County Physjclun Julius A. Toron. Arraigned before Raritan Town- ship Magistrate Seymour ft. Klein* berg Sunday following his arrest th a L— morning—on__n._.dleorder]y. charge, Bonkoski was sentenced lo 30 days In the county jail for ob- servation. Keyport State Police reported that Bonkoski, in a policc car. wilh Troopers ‘Robert Mount and George Armstrong, and his brother, Peter Bonkoski, suddenly became violent and was restrained, after a brief ulrugglo, from leaping out of thc vehicle as it pussvd through Matawan Township. Thc brother, Peter-Bonkoski. who lives in Ofarfge, was summoned W West Keansburg.whew Frank Bon- koski- bccnmo-vipletitr- ----------- -The-7 i>oHee- ear - *top|>ed - at - the Lloyd Hd.-Clark .St. Interaction in Mhiawhn'Td'wnsl)}}y,]~lo~'uUowlUc prisoner to $*it. At’the same lime, Mulawan aria keyport First Aid Squads were culled, along wilh o Keyport physician: While await- ing the arrival of rwdleal aid. police’ said, Frank Bonko.-ikl suddenly be - came limp und liipsud into a coin;* and when the physician arrived the man wan dead. Frank Bonkoski i:; survived by his mother, Mrs. Viet/*rio Bonkoski. Bast Orange', ami ‘ seven brother? and sWers j/r addition io Peter. Services were held in East Orange tbbj.mornlng and burial was in Ml. OH vet Cemetery, Bloomfield. . PREPARE FOR COUNTY FAIR AT JOCKEY CLUB Among the attractions at -thc iwlil be awarded, and b<|uaro dune* third annual Monmouth Fulr at. tho ing with music by f'Thn Corn HuhU* Monmouth Park Jockey Ciub Aug. I ers.” ' .......... 20 will bo an exhlbit/of antiques! Entries for tho horso show, an by Viiorc than v40' dculors of New {added attt'uellon at thlfl yeiir'R fair, Jersey and other states under tho direction of Charles Vandcrvcer nDd Mrs. Lillian ppschon, Freehold antlquo dcalors. ' Doops, of Spring Lake and Hast Orange, will present a show of fall fashions, directed by Mrs. Edward W. Scudder jr.. Fair Haven, und other entertainment, directed by Mrs. Philip Isdln, w ill Includc games for adults for which prizes have been coming in at a rate to indlcaic that many well known shore riders will- compete, accord* Ing to Mrs, Alfred King,-Rumson, who Is directing the show. _____ Not tho least of the .attractions will be mere thiui M old cat's of tho early lOOO's yhlch will be driven under Utclr own power to the fair, by owners from all parts of the HtidcTa.s well as from neigh- headed for new and less troubled areas In-South Jersey.. . ...... ........... . ..Nowiig the time to advertise those , ....... ...................... ....... . unused artldcs for sale. AAmalladr , BicycJe* ' in the classified column will turn) Visit our modem well'Stockcd toy them into cash for you. . ; _ {basement Keyport Hardware.. Card of Tfianks . t The -family of-tlic late ,M;<tti»ew’ _______ _ Kotlces to report »»t Room U Post f Crosbie wishes to thank all tho,ve‘ Route 4 campsite it was found lhatl® ^cfr Building, Red Bank, on A ug/w ho assisted In any way during the gypsies had loft, apparently i a-^n- for_ physical ex- their rcccnt bereavement, cspccfaliy Matawan Rotary Hear Road Costs Burden On Taxpayers In Heavy Truck Use Of Highways Decried By Auto Chib Officer The unfairness nf present high way taxes In- New Jersey and th<j resulting hardship on private motorists and property owners was pointed .out today by Fred D. Stolljes, vice president of thc New Jersey Automobile Ow;ier«,. In jt luticheon talk before tho. Matawan Rotary Club nt Buttonwood Manor. Ho was introduced by • the Rev. Warren Layton, club president. “Passenger car ownera pay' too inuch,and big trucks pay too little," Mr. Stclljcs dcchircd, saying that If lnn*mile unll Js used lo measure highway use, passenger car owncrH each pay about $0.29 more than their share of highway costs-—-an overpayment of $7,070,000 lust year. "On the same ton-mlle basis big trucks underpay their share - nf highway conts by as much as $431.20 M year, according to Mr. Stollpcs. Apply that Nuin to even n portion of the state's thousands of big trucks ami you gut some inkling of tho si/.c of New Jerwy's.missing high- way revenues," he safd, "If big trucks, especially from out-of-stale, paid thulr fair share, there would bo--faw— highway—problems,-—Im pointed' out. There Is no true relationship In thc present highway tax structure between the amount of taxes paid and the amount of benefit obtained from highway use, Mr. Sk*IJJc:« wild, and explained thut In 11M 0 highway user taxes—gas taxes, reg- islr&lion and license fae*>—aeceu»l- ed for 87 per cent of all highway expenditures whllo today they pro- vide only .15 per cent of the totul. * This ineana that local property ioxew__aro .hying diverted to malt*? up tlic J_5 per cent difference. Hit* speaker said, stressing owners aro fx*w ;uiylng almout ii.ilf of ali street and road costN whetljer or pot- llwy owp. an autorjioljllc. A majpr iitrp in solving the No *i J<“rHry ‘ ‘ highway problem,: Mr, Stellje* believes, would Im n rori. centrulcd public effort to buck tlir State Tax Policy Cojnmlsiioa’-< recomuindatlon that a mileage to*< be adopted on u)l motor currlrr* of 8000 pounds or moro. Thi revenue from such a tax Inn* bei.-n eftinujted at $9,000,000, half of< ^wlilelfPcould go to relieve loiful taxes or to reduce license fees. Nine Drivers Fined > By Magistrate Foster Nino 'drivers puld ' Hncs jn Mat- awan Townnhlp tniltlq court ‘dur* ing -ihijy past week. * M u glstt‘i»U> Luther A. Foster ^U'UsUM. _ Robqrt 1 ''T.'-lJetindkl, Holmdel, Wun given a suspended sonicncp *for parking nt' ah intersection .1 on Atlantic Avp. H o .w a s nnseKscd $1 costs. Patrolman 1 Charles. Ariano, townahlp pollco, was complainant. , Four drivers were guilty of pass* lug the signal light improperly al Route 35- and Cliltwood Ave, op complaints signed by Patrolman Alexander Ktobes. Fined were Kdwnrd nates, • Mutawan; Louis Pcnua, Orange; David Wolsen, Brooklyn, and John Jackson, Lohtj Branch. Ciirniolo Tioinhlno, Wust New Brighton, S. I. was fined $5 and $1 costs on each count for not having a driver’s license and regis- tration in his poHKPsslon whcn tho car he wus driving wuu In col. Msion on Amboy Hd. with a Hollo bus ou Aug. 4. Seymour Li’wla Newark, was lined $5 nnd (3 eoHts for rldln/t the wrong aide oi* the road-on Route [14 and William Dewar, Don- ville, paid Mjo same penalty for speeding on that highway , Keyport Soldier Wounded In Korea amfnation went out Tuesday. If Yeu^Wjwt A Good Deal In a new ct1 lac'd car, call Jinf Cline at Matawan 1*0071 or Mat« awan 1-20J2J. Jfptf—Adv Rev. CofTcy, Rev, MeGuirc und the Day FuiMjrAi'Home. wjfpudv. •" Open Friday unlit H o'clock to S6rvo -you wtfll. wjfp Ktryport Hardware Co Equipment eod §vppUsi< . ._. ^ . . • F a r m " ^ G a r d e n -—-H o m e — Try our fccrvlcc. Conover Brothers Phortc Ilolmdcl 11-0121. Wickatunk Card ol Thanlcf Tlie family of Msgr. Jj>hn 1», Burke on«fli'> :^rYVMl)kUmU of Bl Joseph's.. Chu^cif, Keyport, wish |p (bank cvtryune^-fbr tbrir cxpm- *loy» of ij^rnpathy during the lllncu nnd death of our beloved pustor. Pfc. Richard Meadway 'Slightly' Injured, According To Report From Defense Dept. l'fe, Richard B. Mcadwny, 20, non of C-iareheo 13. Mendway of 73 Ful - ton Hl„ Keyporl, and thu lato Mra, Meadway, lam been ‘/slightly wounded” while lighting In Kore.i, ' 17c. Meodw.ty was one of foltr New. nil*n »h Kmc <:ii!(ii/i l t y 11 hi No, Jj:i, released by tin* Department- of l.jefeiiMJ RimHiiy fiiglit^..................- ...................... . He was alliiched to ihu Army Medieul' Corps In .tljo • Klgldh Ciivalry Regiment flnfuntryh. He wiiii Mailoiird in Tokyo' iifid bad been inking luboriilary technician training at O miUu when called la Ihf Korean himi . iVc. Mcadwny entered the Army al the bcgJwdag of World War II nnd served hi tho South Pacific arm. lie hurt two idsters, Mrs. L o I h Phillips of Keyjwrl anil ftfrs. Jean Ifalch of Jockhoavilb'i Kill. boring atutes. The cars will oom* polo for pri/oa mul will race nround iho Irack at OioMMporl, ProeiHHlK from tho fair will go to tho Monmouth County -Historical Association of which Mra, William C. Hiker, iloluutcl. Is pi'cHldunt, Mrs. Arthur Cowon, also of Holm- del, is general chairman iisnlatcd by_n i;omn»ltteo of wouion from nil purls of the county. ’The fair will open nt 1 p.m, and continue throughout the afternoon, closing at 7 p.m. Admission Is freo but a tea o f HO cents, will bo charged far parking emu, Dinner-Dance Of Alumni Is Aug. 23 Matawan High Grads Sigh Lou Michaelson's Orchestra For Affair . At Crystal Brook The Malayan High School Aim mil A ssiocla tlon'a third muiujil dlhmu'-diinco to be . held at th<> Cryr.ttil Brook Inn ou Wednesdiiy, Aug. 23, pjoinlnt.'S to he one of thc high spota of the Minimcr socltd ^.easou far locid rciildentfi, . I.ou Mlehaehion and hln orcheatra hnve been secured tn provide dance musjc which will follow Iho turkey biimiuot 'planned by the group. Mr. Miehaolson, who is currently featured at tlic oxrluslvc Monmouth Hotel In Hprlng Lake, *oon will begin a long engugement at the Cryiitnl Uroalc, Ho will bring So tlic papular shoro are.i night apol his own particular brand of danoe rhythm wh|eh Iuih brought wide popiihirily la hla eomi^limtlon. •The recently rebuilt --.Cry stal Urook, whleh has berni i^aleeornted In the iihiM uuAlern marirtcr, fil'd- >>erve:< its re|Mltutlon for One fond well prepared iihd iicrvi'd. Aet.'old* Ing ta hunt|u<'t elnilraam. Mlltau T, M(evea?ion o t Maiatvarh the fi»an* agement lae* promlited nn mitfilond- Ing dlnm-v to mink thi* uiTiilr In tin- memory of nil- Maliiwnn grad - uates. Tlie [nu Is conv’eiihdly located iuiil thi’eir mluutes belaw Hed Hiinlc on Hotile Ilfi, ltn lii'mitl* fill ground* nnd ganli'tiH nre a guldepoht for .shan- travelers, Tiekehf muy bo obtained illreelly from (*mi nil In Cl entile, Milford Noalis. Wray Ingram, John Kah Bill Stiatton or Calvin Hell of Malawan. In adldhon,-Mr, Hlevt'Ox non of Matnwau In lioldlag a limited number for those who. contact him by telephone at Mntawan Matawah Not To Get 1 Two Classes To Be: V- J' . Held In Fire House; School Election On ' Repairs Postponed Six of the *«lght clnsarooma in Morgunvillu • Schooli In. -which u - devastating explosion occurrod Aug. 1, will bo ready for use when school opens noxi month,' Trank Dugan, dlslrlttt clerk of tlio Marlboro Town- ship Bourd of Educatlonr disclosed this morning. Tho pupils dlHplaccd from the other two rooms will probably bo housed In tho Morgan- yllle Firchousc ucross tlVo Bti'cet, according to prciseni plans. This building Is‘being renovated for the purposo, Mr. Du^bn stated. ^ .. There in no plan for housing any of tha.Morgunvlllc pupiis in Mata- wun schools by urrungomcnt with tho Matawun Township Board of Education, Mr. ‘ Dugiin dcclarcd. Mntawan bourd members hnd, felt this u lildlhood In dlscusrdhg half- " session plans at thoir Aug. 7 meet- ing. a Tho spccial school clcction to bo held Aug. 20 for Morganville, voters . •to act on a proponal to bond tlio . school district for $40,000 to repair, tho dumugo done. -by-th« explosion hus boon indefinitely * postponed, Clifton T, Dnrknlow, attorney for th«-Marlboro' board, announced thin morning. Complications with Uio Jewjd advertising made it Imposslbla to carry through tho election as planned, ho rovcnlcrtt Repair Plans '. Aylin Pierson, Perth Anibuy ar- chitect, who designed tho htructura damaged bv the c\xnloslon. submit* Report Polio Cose Card of Thanks i ^r-Ww-wlsh •'WMhttitk-^vwyotrt-'Who- itt any v.'ay extended 'sympathy during our rpcent-tnwnf-wifr-und moiijer, eiijMfdully Rev. Kalhei*, nd.-itivrs, frkhds and neighbors, aba the Kro^man Fiinerid Home, Freehold. Michael I t Colllna and Family, jfptf adv.. A. flu w a rd - William!!, ..Kvypa.!.'!'. public health olflciT, re|)oilef| fint- inday that one ol polla Imd hoen dlagno.'ied In Keypm-t 'l‘he victim/ ve^yeiir-old' hnyr lm*» he«‘n removerl !</ Ihe polio w«»d of Momnotith Memarial ilaspltol. 'ih;.' yoiingnter. in reported lo have ahowu hnproveinent. This Is the /ll/d raw of Infantile piunlysls re- ported In Keyport this year. * Taajljnaiia.rt'MlKmeaieri ' ImmcdluU) delivery. Lhnlled quantity.- Keyport Hardware Co, Card o(, Thanks SlfH.'cjc lli'inKi* t<i neighbor;!, friends ;md rel;itlvi*H who cf-nt llowi-'i’M . exU fah'd ev>ndoh.'iu:es /uaj^ 4u.:.-ujiy._ .wuy- ..provided ._us^ltlaa/.:fr oirasioiied by the loss of aur belovnl —wife- and • <uo|hcr, Agnea K. Willtiiihori, especially to th'.* Itev. H. Oouglas Merrlam. tha Ilev. 'Ilioman A, f.’olley,. Hr. A. h ( ’a/Haoi/io, ubd /oeo>ber> of the Cliffwood Volunteer Flr« C.V>, ami Hr Li'Cths Auxiliary. . " J/ Kdgnr Wilkinson, J. FAiiur WllkluMan jr., Mrs. Kdwln Walling. Jfpl7‘—Adv. led the plans on which tlio board wus .basing ltn proposal to tho vol» ’ era. ' Tho bond issue would uso $Jo, 700,M) t>f th o $9»,744,4tt b o rro w in g inm-gln of th e. tpwnshlp_ presently,. . avnllablo. Tho dllTcrcnce would bu - ehargod... ta the._.borrowlng rapacity of thn school board, to make up tiin $40,000 figure, . Thu bourd in continuing Its in- vostlgalhm Into the blast and Iuih retained Mr. llurluihiw, of Barka- low. iV .McClowan, l'VeohuUt regular i.’ounsd fiir iho .w‘hiud_board and township, to represent tlio Interest of the township iu connection with the damage. Thu bonrd iiionibors mild that nil the advice, nf tho attorney ll wns felt to be In tho "best Intercut of tho township that the details nf liny Investigation niiuto by It hhould not nl U\l>( time be revealed/' Monmouth County .School Super- Ihtbiuloiil Joseph Cluytoifliua :.bftQU... nmdstiug the bourd In getting rcudy for school oponlng In Scptenibcj*. There are iwo others schools In tho township In addition to tlic oiw:. Ut Morguuvlllo, located In Marlboro Village) and In Hobtti UvlllcN. but there lit little room in' them for re- ceiving an overllow from Morgan- ville. , 1 . Coaster Carnival * Interest Mounting Drivers From; Matawan, Union Beach; Laurence Harbor To Compete In Keyport Races ' Tho list of attniotlans for Key* liort'rt ill'si Conster Carnival con- Himes lo grow, Carnival Director Hob Ocluj unnnuneed this week that a parade feuturjag the racing curs and drivora will atart the fesllvltles.moving un. tho uvtmlng of Aug. :i(f, Tho ICeyport |rlro />eparto>ent(Hugh.* and Drum Corps, under tho | direction of Daniel Harris, will bead the line of mut'ch. They will aUo provide inuslu throughout the evening for tho affair which Ihe Keyport Business- iiion'ii Annodatlon Is aiding in sponsoring. •Mrr Ochs remindn-nil -those w ho--- wl»li to he Included la this Coaster (,‘ainlvol to gel Iheh* entries' to him. . The deadline has been sol for Aug. 211. Any entries leeevled qftet* tills date wiil not be honored, On<r thing la certain, Keyporl drivers will bo receiving competition from Mut< awan, Lnurenco lliirbar and Uhl>>u lleaeh rara aj)pIiea|lons hate been received from.drivers hi these communities . . . . . / ' Detailed Information will fin mailed each contestant after Aug, X\ telling them the nice procedure. time of welgh-lu aad all otht*r perUneuT’ 'dida cuneeirdiig tho pro- gniin,— ------------------- ---- ___________ _________ • Special Jockey liatii huvu .bCi'h added to the already nianslvu ilst 'of . fine pri/es. Kach driver will ic- eelve" ont' "i»r tlicKe oh race “day,—A lt‘" ' pri/es, with tlio exception of Iho deluxe bicycle, will be un dlhplny in ttie window of the Thomas Store, W. Kronl aiul Bnmd Sts,, Keyport* * Harry 'J'Jiomas, atari' owner, having don.ited space fur the display, Former Pastor To Be Honored Here Aug. 23’ A . i.WliiU'Civ’Jtlf>iifil...J.covi‘ re<i... d l i h - ^ujiper will be held WcdhO&d^y* Aug. %I. in tfK'_ Jechh'e jrooin of ___ the First presbylarlan Church. Matiiw.m at 0;*M) o'clock in honor of the former pastor, the Rev. Robert it Berger and Mrs, IJergfr. The I^ov. und. Mrs. Berger have been vacationing In Ferrisburg, V t.’ ..... nrid—w ill—sinp*->tV: visit---fiiendR In Mutawan from Mohduy until Timm- day" rottUt ia ~tholrf homo h\ Ctirthufv, M a 1'

PREPARE FOR COUNTY FAIR AT JOCKEY CLUB …nwouwca For Madison Twp. Ordinance Passes With No Opposition; Junkie, Peddler License Fixed; Requests Presented An ordinance-creating a planning

Mar 11, 2018



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Page 1: PREPARE FOR COUNTY FAIR AT JOCKEY CLUB …nwouwca For Madison Twp. Ordinance Passes With No Opposition; Junkie, Peddler License Fixed; Requests Presented An ordinance-creating a planning


For Madison Twp.Ordinance Passes With No Opposition; Junkie, Peddler License Fixed; Requests Presented

A n o rd in an ce-c rea tin g a p lann ing ■ boaj-d w as passed on fina l read in g

T hu rsday a t a m eeting o l th e MadW . son, T ow nsh ip C om m ittee in the

Tow n H all a t B row ntow n.Pew questions w ere asked a t the

h ea rin g p r io r to th c passage o f the m easure, 'w h ich w en t th ro u g h on th e U nanim ous vo tes o i th e .tw o com m ittee m em bers p resen t, Chair*

. m an Jam e s W. W heatley a n d John C . C rim m ins. L eon A rro w sm ith w as

. th e absentee. '' T he o rd inance p rov ides fo r a board o f seven m em bers consist* ing of th e ch a irm an o f th e T ow n­sh ip 1 C om m ittee, ono o f tho officials of the tow nship , to be appo ih ted by thc tow nsh ip com m ittee c h a ir­m an; a m em ber of th e T ow nsh ip C om m ittee, to .be .appo in ted by it,

. and fo u r ^citizens o f th c tow nsh ip ,

\ to be nam ed .< by thc com m ittee ’ chairm an .

. W ith th c excep tion of th e th re e ' tow nsh ip officials, m em bers of thc board shall -hold ho otffcr lYiurilcipal

' ofTico an d a ll w ill .serve w ith o u t pay.. . .:........ . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . - .

T erm s A re F ixed ?‘ Term 4 o f office fo r th e m em bers

o f th e board is s e t by th c o rd inance as follows: T ow nsh ip com m ittee

, cha irm an , tow nsh ip official and o th e r 'm e m b e r s of th e govern ing body shall serve to rm s corrcspond-

“ “ Tng-fo- tKp1r~o!Ttelai~tcniires7—'T h e te rm s of thc o th e r fou r m em bers ' shall b e ' ofter tw o, th re e an d fou r y ears, respcctiyely . T h e rea fte r th e tern> of each shall be fou r years.

- C hairm an of th e T ow nsh ip Com ­. m ittce w as also g run ted tho righ t a t h is d iscre tion , to appdrnfc a 'C i t i ­zens A dvisory C om m ittee, fo llow ing th e o rgan ization of the board , oc-

’ co rd ing to th c ordinonce.P ow ers o e p lann ing bo ard are

s ta ted in th e , o rd inance as follows: “I t shall be w ith in th e pow er of

tho p la nn ing board to m ake and adop t a m a ste r plan. for the physica l d eve lopm en t of thc tow nsh ip , in ­e lud ing any areas outside o f b o u n d ­

.* a ries o f said Tow nship o f M adison.S uch plan, in all rcspccts shall

• con)ply w ith and take into conslder- a tlon th c m a tte rs m en tioned and con ta ined in* section 40:55-6 of the R evised S ta tu tes. .

“T he p lann ing board • so e s ta b ­lished an d Its successors - in office a re h ereb y au tho rized to adop t regu la tio n s governing the ' su b d iv i­sion o f land w ith in its ju risd ic tio n and to app rove p lo ts show ing new s tre e ts ;o r h ighw ays and lo d e te r.

' in lric a n d 1 fix -tho in ln lm um size of lo ts and to establish bu ild ing lines

' e x c ep t w h e re th e sam e h ave a lread y b ee n estab lished : ‘

!‘Thp p lann ing board shall have the au th o rity to ac t as the zoning com m ission un d er fu ll au th o rity

t o f an ac t en titled : ‘A n a c t to enable m un ic ipa lities to adop t zoning ord-

— .Jnances lim iting and res tric ting th e re in , bu ild ings and stru c tu res , accord ing to thoir construc tion , and thc n a tu re nnd ex te n t of th e ir uses, and tho repeal of su n d ry laws*

“ .cd A pril 3, 1028.”11 R egu late Ju n k Y ards

A n o th er o rd inance reg u la tin g soli citors, pcddlcrsl ju n k dea lers , ju n k y a rd s an d used ca r lo ts w as offered by B orough A tto rney D avid K ap lan fo r first read ing T hu rsday n ig h t

D ebate resu lted ov er the question o f ju n k y ard s and W alter V ohdin, m un ic ipa l D em ocratic , le ad er, sug­g ested th a t the regu la tions on such e s tab lishm en ts be left to th c new p lan n in g board . . .

O ne change, inco rpo ra ted in to the o rd inance u t tlic suggestion of At- to rncy K ap lan dcscribcd a junk y a rd specifically as “an e s ta b lish ­m en t s to rin g ju n k fo r resa le or p thc rw lsc .” ^ i; P ees quoted in thc proposed

^iffrflnancc a rc as follow s: Solicitors, ^$25!~peddlcr5,'~$13:—p e d d le rs “ w ith vehicles, $25; auctions, $25; ju n k yard , $25; ju n k dea le r, $25; used cah lots, $25. C v - \—

C oncerning the perm ission g ran t­ed p rev io u sly to C oun ty G as Co., to lay 1000 feet o f gas m ain in M iddlesex Rd-, be tw een R oute 4 and V alley D r., A tto rney K aplan announced tha t the- gas com pany had ag reed to post a $10,000 bond g u a ran tee in g res to ra tion of th e road to Its p resen t condition . F in a l per* m ission w as app roved .

T axpayers H av e - R e q u e s t--------

Member National Editorial Association — New Jersey Press Association — Monmouth County Press Association

82nd YEAR — 7th W EEK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1950 Single Copy Six Cents

F ra n k -K aln ing - o t_ tb e -M adisonTow nshij? ._ .TaxpayerS ’ A ssociation b rough t iwo requests before th e com m ittee. T he first a sk ed fo r a com m ission to s tudy th e F au lk n e r B ill on m un ic ipa l g o v e rn m e n t and th e second requested a id fu r thfc ta x co llector.

Mr. K aln ing said tifat M adison T ow nsh ip collected o n b 0 5 ,p c r cen t

- o f its taxes each y e a r and th a t “it is a d isgracc, y ea r a fte r y ea r, (o be th c low est In the coun ty in collec­tions.” *

A tto rn ey K ap lan a rgued th a t ttie la w m ade n o . p rov isions fo r depu - tlz ing an ind iv idual to aid the tax co llecto r in soliciting, thc taxes. M r, K alrilng and W aited B ecker, p re s i­d en t o f th e association, a rg u ed th a t

m ittc e from the ta x p ay e rs g roup w ould b e w illing to assist a t a d o lla r a year, if necessary , o r a t noth ing a yrfir. The a tto rn ey prom ised to look fu r th e r in to the m a t te r , .

Imposed By MartinTwo Get $100 Fines, Two Others Jail Terms For Disturbances; $9? In Traffic Fines ...

T w o m en w ere fined $100 each and tw o o th e rs w ere se n t to Jail for d iso rd erly offenses invo lv ing d ru n k - eness In th e borough d u rin g (he past w eek; _

W alte r G ussenhe im er,' P e r th A m ­boy, w as pickod y p lo ite rin g Aug. 9 a n d E d w in S chu lto r, Lakow ood, M onday. T^hese tw o paid th e $100 each. L aw rence W right, M idd le­tow n Tow nship artd Jo seph Lad- jack , M arlboro, w e re a rre s te d at 4:15 a.m . M onday fo r causing a dlstufbaricQ Ot the 'rolh 'O D d station ,- *They d rew 30-day county ja il term s fro m , .Recorder.. Jam e s H . .M artin .

E leven traffic offenders w ere fined a to ta l o f $96 in fines and costs,

J a m e s Ashe, S o u th A m boy, w as fined $7 and $3 costs for fu lling to stop a f te r his c a r stru ck a tru ck opera ted -by- A nthony, P i p e r n o. L ow er M ain S t , M ataw an, a t Sta* 4ion~ £ laza!L on—A .ug*_5,i_A _liaffic v io la tions charge aga in st M r. P iper- no as a resu lt o f th is acc iden t wift dism issed . The A m boy m an aw aits hea ring on a rcck lcss d r iv in g charge

Matawan* T ow nsh ip p re fe rred aga in st h im for a sccond^crash th a t day , -a - few - m in u te s -afte e S tation ' P laza ac c id c n t. ' . \ .

Potc.r P e te rso n - .jr ., . Old Bridge, w as fined $7 and $3 costs fo r o p e ra t­ing a cor on M ain S t. Aug. 0 w ith ­out ligh ts . Jack Lee, 35 Cliffwood W ay, L aurence H arb o r, paid $3 and $3 costs for opera tin g a ca r w ithou t p la tes. .

G eorge A. C arro ll, 10 T h ird St, K eypo rt, puld $5 and $3 costs for passing thc d oub le •„ w hite, line on R oute 34. H e rb e rt T. P p n tc r, P oin t P lea sa n t, paid th e iyJmc' fine for im p ro p er passing. /

R aym ond Dill, O ld B ridge, failed to slow dow n ut th e B road and L ittle S ts., in te rsec tio n and was assessed $7 and $3. costs. Reid D ickerson, A s b u ry 'P a rk , a lso was firmed th e sam e a m o u n t fo r th is of­fense on A u g .3 .

R ich ard P ercy 'I^u fsv illC . Ky., w as nabbed on R oute 34 fo r having no d r iv e r ’s liconsc fo r •lbfj9..-He.pai& $7 a n d $3 costs. J u l lW 'S . 'V a rg a ; N ew B runsw ick ,.h itd _no licen se or reg istra tion in his possession Aug 0 and paid $2 fine and $3 costs.-

I lleg a l use o f spo tligh t on Route 34 cost A rnold F. M orris, A sbury P a rk , $7 and $3 costs. He also paid $2 and $3 costs fo r p a ss in g .q n the. w rong side. M aurice S pain jr ., East O range. also passed Im properly on th c hfghw ay A ug. 7 and paid $7 fine nnd $3 costs.

M ataw an P o lice w ere com plain ­an ts in a ll eases.

.... Double Trouble 7W hile try in g lo Und the M ala­

: w en T ow nsh ip Hall* T ue tdey n ig h t to p a y b fine on • sum m ons io r p a s tin g a red lig h t a t R ou te 35 and . C liff wo©d--Ave. o.n -A uej.' 4. R o b e rt J . D isbrow , B row ha L ane, W $st K eansburg , w as nab* b ed b y M alaw an B orough cops fox passing a stop s tree t sign and g iv en , an o th e r sum m ons.

T ow nsh ip M agistra te L u th e r A. A.* F o s te r »Wd ih a t in v iew of ih e h a rd luck D isbrow w as hav ­in g w ith tra ffic laws, he w ould b e ie n ien t an d set th e Une fo r iho to w n sh ip offense a t $2 and $3


Gypsy Band Was No Problem Here

Recceived Permission For Emergency Stand Because Of Need For Medical Assistance.

. T h e band o f gypsies w ho caused M adison T ow nsh ip P olicc C hicf O tto K cnge tte r so m uch troub le befo re they le f t th a t m unicipality ,' ap p a re n tly posed no prob lem to M ataw an. officials w hcn they m ade a sdvcral day em ergency stopover in -th e-b o ro u g h

•Thc gypsy ca ra v an , num bering som e 15 nuto tra ile rs , a sk ed p e r ­m ission from M ayor Jo h n W. A pp le­gate lo se t up cum p on th e K coygh trqck on U pper M ain S i , in the : F ren eau section. T he le ad ers e x ­p la in e d th a t sev e ra l o f th c party , Including th ree w om en and a m an w ere ih need o f em ergency m edical a tten tion .

D u rin g the period o f th c gypsies' s tay in M ataw an, P o licc C h ie f John J. F lood reports, th e cam p was inspec ted by bo rough h e a lth offi-

Second Baptist To Enlarge Building

Drive For Funds Under : Way; Addition Will

Triple Seating Capacity Of Church

Second B ap tis t C hurch of M at­aw an h a s p u t in th e hands of con­tra c to rs fo r es tim ates p lans fo r ari ad d itio n tc r th c chu rch edifice at 45 O rc h a rd St.-, w h ich—w o u ld -in c rca se th e 'p r e s e n t sea ting capacity of tho au d ito riu m from , 150 to- o v e r 400, a cco rd ing ,to the Rev. W. J . H u tcheson , th e pastor.. . T he _pnsto r. .and official board now o re co nduc ting • a d r iv e fo r funds to raise the m oney rjeeded to d e fray thc cost o f the . add ition , es tim ated rough ly to be $10,000. The congrega tion has d iv ided in lo ■three g roups, accord ing to the Rev. M r. H utchcson, to p u t the fund ra ising on a com petitive basis. By Jast rep o rt, th c ladies g roup had gone o u t ahead o f ih e m en 's group and tho young popples' g roup in pu sh in g lh e d r iv e . T h e ja d lc s group su b m itte d a rep o rt of $307-51 raised rece n tly . ,

T he ad d itio n w ill ex ten d the ch u rch bu ild in g on the south side by 18 ic e t a n d to tho re a r by 40 feet. T h c p u lp it amfcgcholr loft w ill be m oved ljack .in aq w rd an cc w ith th is ex tension in the r e a r of thebu ild ing , : r ; ;___

T hc S ccond B ap tist C hurch bulid- rlng w as ' c r e c t c d l n 1801 and w as 'en lar& xf In 101*; . i t Has a p resen t en ro lled 1 m em borshlp of 1B7, aceord- ing 'to the Rev. Mr. H utchcson. L u th e r A hdcrspn heads -the board oC tru s te e s and W illiam C heek thc bonrd o f deacons. M. W. W icker, 1 F ra n k lin St., M utaw an, Is church c le rk w ho rece ives con tribu tion to th e bu ild ing fund d r iv e . '

Democratic Record

Ellis Succeeds Flood As Health Inspector

The M ataw an B orough B oard of H ealth , m eeting M onday, accepted th e Resignation df P olice C hief Jo h n J . F lood as acting san itary in spec to r and 'n am ed H enry Ellis, M ain S t., lo fill the vacancy. C hief F lood sa id h is du ties as head of th c police depa rtm en t, p reven ted h is con tin u in g to serve as hea lth Inspector. T hc resignation , accepted b y the b o ard w ith regret, waa effec tive as of' Aug, 15.

Mr. E llis w ill serve- us ac ting san ita ry inspec to r un til Dcc. 31. as a ppo in tm en t to th is office is made an n u a lly by thc board.

T he borough ^ o a rd w as inform ed th a t a second check of the local U kcs by th c S ta te D epartm en t of H ealth revea led the writers su itab le fo r ba th ing . T he second test was m adali)n„Jiily„ od._thc in itia l one on J u ly 0.

Injuries To Two- In Broad St. Crash

T w o persons w ere in ju red In n crash o f th c lr ca rs a t R oute 34 and PFoad S t , M ataw an, 11:30 p.m. yeste rd ay . : . .

B o th of the victim s, A u g ta t Z im m erm an, C a r ls ta d t a n d ' Mur- g a rc t A. Lciiyy. T exas Rd., M u t­aw an, w ere taken lo a K eyport

ciais an d ~ T K ilIccr^ep t~ a^ trh^^ iR;ek | physlclgn by Mataw an—F ir s t-A idc n - th e B ite .-■B cforc-the-band 'pulled out..M onday,_ChicLxJ.P??d checked w ith business p laces in th e a rea to bc cc rta in no m oney w as ow^cd the s to rekeepers. ................

F rom - M otaw an, th e -g y p sic s - 'a p - /Mjrently m oved ac ro ss the M idd le­sex C oun ty line ln^o M adison T ow n­sh ip w hero they ran afou l o f C hicf K engcttcr. T h e ir first ca tnp th e re w as se t up n e a r th c O ld B ridge traffic circle. O rd ered to m ove, thc gypsies then estab lished an o th er cam p a t Route 9^4. A gain o rdered on, „the, th ird * M adison T ow nship cam p Was es tab lished on R oute 4.

C h ie f K cngetter. said* ih a t w hen the gypsies fo r th e fou rth tim e Ignored an o rd er to leave M adison J<jwnshlp, ho re c ru ited , thC, Jaid «X ftatcrpoHcc!^ o th e r m em bers o f hi* d ep a rtm en t and severa l sp e c ia l1 officers. W hcn th e law reach t-i .the

S quad .— Mies—L eav y —w a s - tre a te d fo r shock and possible cort^ .w ion and re leased . M r. Zinunermnn 'waj taken to H azard H ospital w hqrc ho w as o p era ted o n7 th i i m orning for in ju rie s to his- le f t arm . . . . . . . . .

The ac ciden t reaulU'd. according to MHtawan P o lice w hen tlie m erm an ca r « n n ln g w est on the h ighw ay crashcd intc^lhe I^eavy cai crossing R oute 34 o;i Broad St. The L eavy c a r w as pifchcd a round in tljc sam e d irec tion as thc Z im m er­m an c a r by im pact. S k idm arks o f 100 feet w tfrc m easured back of the Z im m erm an car, policc wjid.

Mayor, Weinstein S Cite AdvahcementsVjln Borough; Urge Suppdrt For Candidates

M ayor J o h n W. A p p lew tC / 'a n S B orough A tto rney .. Leo ... W einstein w ere the sp eak e rs u t a w cll-at^end' ed m eeting of tho M atawnn.D ftuvo c ra tlc C lub held T hu rsdoy ln^ the m eeting room s o f tlib, W ashiiigtort H ose Co, T h e rriceting . W «S^on* duc ted by A llan • 'F anche r, 'club p re s id e n t.« . , *

M ayor A pplegate, DcjnocjiiUc nom inee fo r , conyrcasm an, in T h ird D istric t, spoko on national and sta te affa irs und rev iew ed Ot leng th the ach ievem en ts and r e e l 'd in thc B orough of M ntaw an of tho p re sen t .D em ocratic . adm in is tra tion . T hc speaker cited thc responsib ility concerned with* thc p ro p e r conduct* ing of "■ m un ic ipa l uffairs and * for th a t reason, he said, the D ernoi^atlc o rganization , in < p resen ting c^ndl. d a te s ' fo r m unicipal office, .“have been m ost ca re fu l’ to o ffer mefi of capab ility an d cxpfcriencc.”—Mnyor— ^-Applegate- Wc m ust realize tha t elec tions aro

hot p o p u la rity contests, b u t the cu lm ination o f the sac red tru s t of of thc citizens who'sts vo tes and opinions m ust govern u n d e r our D em ocratic forin -of ad m in is tra tio n ,1'

T hc m ayor added thut th e D em o­cra tic organ ization should- be "very p rbud of th c benefits th a t haye com c to tho Borough ,of M utaw an u n d e r D em ocratic lead ersh ip und thn t for tho flrst tim e In muny ycurs, taxes und bond lndebtcdncos have been reduced and th c borough freed from deficit financing. Wc believe th n t the vo te rs of M at­uw un look to thc f:icts dnd w ill-no t be fooled by a lot of ic in g on a cake th a t Is filled w ith crrtpty prom ises, personal g reed and am* b ltions,’’ h e concludcd., M r. W einstein p resen ted u sum ­m ation th e com ing clcc tion und u rged an in tensive cam paign by local w o rk e rs ,to in su re th e p a rty 's succcss’ in - N ovcipber.

Mr*, M arg are t D evlin announced th n t p lans a re being Completed fin* thq club 's . pipnic. ^ I h e date bo ahtioun'ced:' ' ‘ . 1

A nnouncem en t wris, m ade'. of • thn recep tion for c u ^ d id a tc ^ to b e held by the M onm outh C ounty D em o­cra tic C lub a t the W est E nd Cuslno on Aug. 29. A rrangem en ts arc being m ade fo r thu M ulaw tm group to a tten d th is , affair. M ayor A pplegate w ill be ono of t h e ,guests o f honor. .

TO SHOW A NTIQU ES—One of th e -a ttra c tio n * al ih* th ird an n u a l M onm outli F a ir Bt the M onm outh o n tlrm H - 1 Jo ck ey C lub Au ? . 2B w ill b e th e ex h ib it o f a n tlau ea by m ore th a n 10 d e a le n of th is a n d neighboring

states, M rs. L illian B oichen , c e n te r, and C h a rle s V end irv o er, a t ihe righ t, F ree lio ld en tlque^dealon in charge o f-the -show , a re d iscussing p la n t fo r .th o e x h ib it w llh E dw ard H. F eltu s. le ft, execu tive d irec to r of tho M on­m outh C oun ty H isto rical A ssociation. * .........................

New Draft Call” I^ j ta l D ra f t B o a r d r t c e i v c t T iW th ird ca ll fo r-an add itional 2T> inc-n.

Man Succumbs In Police Car

Autopsy Discloses BaysKbre Resident Victim Of Cardiac Condition

F ra n k Bonkoskj, 50, of 78 Second S t , W est K eansburg , w h o d ie d - ln a s ta te police ca r en ro u te to thc coun ty Ja il S unday w as th e v ictim of an “acu te curdiuc condition ag­gravated by a psychosis,” accord­ing to rep o rt of an au topsy by C ounty P hysjc lun J u liu s A. Toron.

A rra igned before R a ritan T ow n­sh ip M agistra te S eym our ft. Klein* berg S unday fo llow ing his arres t t h a L— m o rn in g —on__n._.dleorder]y. charge , B onkoski was sen tenced lo 30 days In th e county ja il for ob­servation . K eypo rt S ta te Police rep o rted th a t Bonkoski, in a policc c a r. w ilh T roopers ‘ R o b ert M ount and G eorge A rm strong, and his b ro th e r, P e te r Bonkoski, suddenly becam e v io len t and w as restrained , a f te r a b rie f ulrugglo, from leaping o u t o f thc vehicle as it pussvd th ro u g h M ataw an Tow nship.

T hc b ro th e r, P e te r-B o n k o sk i. w ho lives in O farfge, was sum m oned W W est K eansbu rg .w hew F ran k Bon- koski- b ccnm o-v ip le titr- -----------

-The-7 i>oHee- e a r - *top|>ed - a t - the L loyd H d.-C lark .St. In te ra c tio n in Mhiawhn'Td'wnsl)}}y,]~lo~'uUowlUc p risoner to $*it. A t’ th e sam e lime, M ulaw an aria k e y p o r t F irs t Aid S quads w e re culled, a long w ilh o K eypo rt p h y sic ian : W hile aw ait­ing th e a rr iv a l o f rw d lea l aid. police’ said, F ra n k Bonko.-ikl suddenly b e ­cam e lim p und liipsud in to a coin;* and w hen th e physician a rrived the m an wan dead.

F ra n k Bonkoski i:; su rv ived by h is m o ther, M rs. Viet/*rio Bonkoski. Bast O range', am i ‘ seven b ro ther? an d sW ers j / r add ition io P ete r. S erv ices w ere held in East O range tb b j.m orn lng and b u ria l w as in Ml. OH v et C em ete ry , Bloom field. .


A m ong th e a ttrac tio n s a t - th c iw li l b e aw arded , and b<|uaro dune* th ird ann u a l M onm outh F u lr at. tho ing w ith m usic by f'Thn Corn HuhU*M onm outh P a rk Jockey C iub Aug. I ers.” ' ..........20 w ill bo an e x h lb i t /o f an tiq u es! E n tries for tho horso show, an by Viiorc th a n v40' dculors of New {added attt'uellon a t thlfl yeiir'R fair,Jersey and o th e r sta tes under tho d irec tion o f C harles V andcrvcer nDd M rs. L illian ppschon, F reehold an tlquo dcalors. '

Doops, of S p ring L ake and Hast O range, w ill p resen t a show of fall fashions, d irec ted by M rs. Edw ard W. S cudder jr .. F a ir H aven, und o ther e n te rta in m en t, d ire c ted by Mrs. P h ilip I s d ln , w ill Includc gam es fo r adu lts fo r w hich prizes

have been com ing in a t a ra te to indlcaic th a t m an y w ell know n shore r id e rs will- com pete, accord* Ing to M rs, A lfred K ing ,-R um son ,who Is d irec ting the show . _____

Not tho least of the .a ttrac tio n s w ill be m ere th iu i M o ld cat's of tho ea rly lOOO's y h lc h w ill be d riven under Utclr ow n pow er to the fair, by ow ners from all p a rts of the HtidcTa.s w ell as from neigh-

headed fo r new an d less troub leda rea s In -S o u th J e rs e y .. . ...... ...........

. ..N owiig th e tim e to ad v e rtise those , ....... ...................... ....... .u nused a r t ld c s fo r sale . A A m a lla d r , BicycJe* 'in th e classified co lum n w ill tu rn ) V isit o u r m odem w ell'S tockcd toy them in to cash fo r you . . ; _ { b a se m e n t K eypo rt H a rd w a re . .

C ard o f T fianks .t T h e -fam ily o f- tl ic la te ,M;<tti»ew’

_______ _ K otlces to rep o rt »»t Room U Post f C rosb ie w ishes to than k all tho,ve‘R oute 4 cam psite i t w as found l h a t l ® ^ cfr B uild ing , Red Bank, on A u g /w h o assisted In any w ay du rin g th e gypsies had loft, ap p a re n tly i a- n - for_ physical ex - th e ir rccc n t be reav em en t, cspccfaliy

Matawan Rotary Hear Road Costs

Burden On Taxpayers In Heavy Truck Use Of Highways Decried By Auto Chib Officer

T he un fa irness n f p resen t high w ay taxes In- New Je rsey and th<j re su ltin g hard sh ip on p riva te m o to rists and p roperty ow ners w as po in ted .o u t today by F red D. S tolljes, vice p res iden t of thc New Je rsey A utom obile Ow;ier«,. In jt lu ticheon ta lk before tho. M ataw an R otary C lub n t B uttonw ood M anor. H o w as in troduced by • the Rev. W arren L ayton, c lub presiden t.

“P assenger ca r ow nera p a y ' too in u c h ,an d big trucks pay too little ," Mr. S tc lljc s dcchircd, say ing th a t If

lnn*mile un ll Js used lo m easure h ighw ay use, passenger ca r owncrH each pay abou t $0.29 m ore than th e ir share o f h ighw ay costs-—-an o v erpaym en t of $7,070,000 lust year.

"On th e sam e ton-m lle basis big tru c k s underpay th e ir share - nf h ighw ay conts by as m uch as $431.20 M year, accord ing to Mr. Stollpcs.A pply th a t Nuin to even n portion

o f the s ta te 's thousands o f big trucks am i you gut some ink ling of tho si/.c of New Je rw y 's .m iss in g h igh­w ay revenues," he safd, "If big trucks, especially from out-of-stale, paid th u lr fa ir share, the re w ould b o - - fa w — highw ay— prob lem s,-—Im p o in ted ' out.

T here Is no tru e re la tionsh ip In th c p resen t h ighw ay tax s tructu re betw een the am ount of taxes paid and the am oun t of benefit obtained from h ighw ay use, M r. Sk*IJJc:« wild, and exp la ined thu t In 11M0 h ighw ay u ser ta x es—gas taxes, reg- islr& lion and license fae*>—aeceu» l- ed fo r 87 p e r cent of all h ighw ay exp en d itu res whllo today they p ro ­vide only .15 per cen t of the totul. * This ineana th a t local property

ioxew__aro .hy ing d ive rted to m alt*? u p tlic J_5 p e r cen t difference. Hit* sp eak er said, s tressing ih iit.p roperty ow n ers aro fx*w ;uiylng almout ii.ilf o f ali s tre e t and road costN w hetljer o r p o t- llw y ow p . an autorjioljllc.

A m a jp r iitrp in solv ing the N o *i J<“rHry ‘ ‘ h ighw ay p ro b le m ,: Mr,S tellje* believes, w ould Im n rori. cen tru lcd pub lic effo rt to buck tlir S ta te Tax Policy C ojnm lsiioa’-< recom uindatlon tha t a m ileage to*< be adop ted on u)l motor currlrr* o f 8000 pounds or moro. Thi rev en u e from such a tax Inn* bei.-n e ftinu jted a t $9,000,000, half of< ^wlilelfPcould go to relieve loiful ta x es o r to reduce license fees.

Nine Drivers Fined >By Magistrate Foster

Nino 'd r iv e r s pu ld ' Hncs jn M at­aw an Tow nnhlp tn iltlq court ‘ dur* ing -ihijy p as t w eek . * M uglstt‘i»U> L u th e r A. F oster ^U'UsUM. _ ’

R obqrt1''T .'-lJetindkl, H olm del, Wun given a suspended sonicncp *for p a rk in g n t ' ah in te rsec tio n . 1 on A tlan tic Avp. H o .w a s nnseKscd $1 costs. P a tro lm a n 1 Charles. A riano, tow nahlp pollco, w as com plainant. , F o u r d riv e rs w ere gu ilty of pass* lug the s ignal ligh t im properly al R oute 35- and C liltw ood Ave, op com plaints signed by P a tro lm an A lexander Ktobes. F ined w ere Kdwnrd nates, • M utaw an; Louis Pcnua, O range; D av id W olsen, Brooklyn, and Jo h n Jackson, Lohtj B ranch.

Ciirniolo T io inh lno , Wust New B righton , S. I . w as fined $5 and$1 costs on each count fo r nothaving a d r iv e r’s license and reg is ­tra tion in his poHKPsslon w hcn tho ca r he wus d riv in g wuu In co l.Msion on A m boy Hd. w ith a Hollobus ou Aug. 4.

S eym our Li’wla N ew ark, w as lined $5 nnd (3 eoHts for rld ln /t th e w rong aide oi* th e r o a d - o n Route [14 and W illiam D ew ar, Don- ville, paid Mjo sam e p ena lty fo r speeding on th a t h ighw ay ,

Keyport Soldier Wounded In Korea

am fnation w en t out Tuesday.

I f Y eu^W jw t A Good DealIn a new ct1 lac'd car, ca ll J in f C line a t M ataw an 1*0071 o r Mat« aw an 1-20J2J. Jfp tf—A dv

Rev. CofTcy, Rev, M eG uirc und the D ay FuiM jrAi'Home. w jfpudv .

•" O pen F rid a yu n li t H o 'clock to S6rvo -you wtfll. w jfp K tryport H a rd w are Co

E qu ipm en t eo d §vppUsi< . ._ . ^ . .

• F a r m " ^ G a r d e n -—-H o m e —T ry o u r fccrvlcc. C onover B rothers

Phortc I lo lm dcl 11-0121. W ickatunk

C ard ol ThanlcfTlie fam ily of M sgr. Jj>hn 1»,

B u rke on«fli'>: rY V M l)kU m U o f B l Joseph's.. Chu^cif, K ey p o rt, w ish |p (b an k cvtryune^-fbr tb r i r c x p m - *loy» of ij^rnpathy d u rin g th e l l ln c u n n d dea th of o u r beloved pustor.

Pfc. Richard Meadway 'Slightly' Injured, According To Report From Defense Dept.

l'fe, R ichard B. M cadw ny, 20, non of C-iareheo 13. M endw ay of 73 F u l­ton Hl„ K eyporl, and thu la to Mra, M eadw ay, lam been ‘/s lig h tly w ounded” w hile lighting In Kore.i,' 17c. M eodw.ty w as one o f foltrN ew . nil*n »h Km c<:ii!(ii/i l t y 11 hi N o , J j : i , r e l e a s e d b y t in* D e p a r t m e n t - o f l . je f e i iM J R i m H i i y fiiglit^..................-...................... .

He w as a lliiched to ihu A rm y M edieul' Corps In .tljo • K lgldh C iivalry R egim ent flnfuntryh . He wiiii M ailoiird in T okyo' iifid bad been inking luboriila ry techn ician tra in in g a t O miUu w hen called la Ih f K orean h im i.

iVc. M cadwny en te red the A rm y al the bcgJw dag o f W orld W ar II nnd served hi tho S ou th Pacific arm . lie hurt tw o idsters, Mrs. L o I h Phillips of K ey jw rl anil ftfrs. J ean Ifalch of Jockhoavilb 'i Kill. •

boring atutes. T he cars w ill oom* polo fo r p ri/oa mul w ill race nround iho Irack a t OioMMporl,

ProeiHHlK from tho fa ir w ill go to tho M onm outh County -H istorical A ssociation of w hich Mra, W illiam C. H iker, ilo luu tc l. Is pi'cHldunt, Mrs. A rth u r Cow on, also of H olm ­del, is genera l cha irm an iisnlatcd by_n i;omn»ltteo of w ouion from nil purls of th e county . ’T he fa ir w ill open n t 1 p.m, and continue th roughou t the afternoon, closing at 7 p.m. A dm ission Is freo but a tea of HO cents, w ill bo charged far p a rk in g emu,

Dinner-Dance Of Alumni Is Aug. 23

Matawan High Grads Sigh Lou Michaelson's Orchestra For Affair . At Crystal Brook

The M ala y an High School Aim mil A ssiocla tlon 'a th ird muiujil dlhmu'-diinco to be . held a t th<> Cryr.ttil Brook Inn ou Wednesdiiy, Aug. 23, pjoinlnt.'S to he one of thc high spota of the Minimcr socltd ^.easou fa r locid rciildentfi,. I.ou M lehaehion and hln orcheatra hnve been secured tn provide dance m usjc w hich w ill follow Iho tu rkey biim iuot 'p lanned by the group. Mr. Miehaolson, w ho is cu rren tly fea tu red a t tlic ox rlu s lvc M onm outh Hotel In Hprlng Lake, *oon w ill begin a long engugem ent a t the Cryiitnl Uroalc, Ho will b ring So tlic p apu lar shoro are.i n ig h t apol his ow n particu la r brand of danoe rhy thm w h |eh Iuih b rought w ide popiihirily la hla eomi^limtlon.

•The recently r e b u i l t--.Cry stal Urook, whleh has berni i^aleeornted In the iihiM uuAlern marirtcr, fil'd- >>erve:< its re|Mltutlon for One fond well p repared iihd iicrvi'd. Aet.'old* Ing ta hunt|u<'t eln ilraam . M lltau T, M(evea?ion ot Maiatvarh the fi»an* agem ent lae* promlited nn mitfilond- Ing dlnm-v to m ink thi* uiTiilr In tin- m em ory of nil- M aliiwnn g ra d ­uates. Tlie [nu Is conv’eiihdly located iuiil th i’eir m luutes belaw Hed Hiinlc on Hotile Ilfi, ltn lii'mitl* fill ground* nnd ganli'tiH n re a guldepoht for .shan- travelers,

Tiekehf muy bo obta ined illreelly from (*m i nil In Cl entile, M ilford Noalis. W ray Ingram , John Kah Bill S tia tto n o r Calvin Hell of M alaw an . In adldhon,-M r, Hlevt'Ox non of M atnw au In lio ldlag a lim ited n u m b e r fo r those who. contact him by te lephone a t M ntawan

Matawah Not To Get

1 Two Classes To B e : V- J'. Held In Fire House;

School Election On ' Repairs Postponed

Six o f th e *«lght clnsarooma in M orgunvillu • Schooli In. -which u - devasta ting explosion occurrod Aug.1, w ill bo read y fo r use w h en school opens noxi m on th ,' T ra n k D ugan, d lslrlttt c lerk o f tlio M arlboro T ow n­ship Bourd of E d u c a tlo n r disclosed th is m orning. T ho pupils dlHplaccd from th e o th e r two room s w ill p robab ly bo housed In tho M organ- y llle F irchousc ucross tlVo Bti'cet, accord ing to prciseni p lans. This bu ild ing Is ‘being renovated for the purposo, Mr. D u^bn stated . ..

T h e re in no p la n for housing any of th a .M o rg u n v lllc pupiis in M ata- wun schools by u rrungom cnt w ith tho M ataw un T ow n sh ip B oard of Education, M r. ‘ Dugiin dcclarcd . M ntaw an bourd m em bers hnd, fe lt th is u lild lhood In dlscusrdhg half- " session plans a t th o ir A ug . 7 m eet­ing. a

Tho spccial school clcction to bo held Aug. 20 fo r M organville, voters . •to ac t on a proponal to bond tlio . school d is tr ic t fo r $40,000 to rep a ir , tho dum ugo done. -by -th« explosion hus boon indefin itely * postponed, C lifton T, D nrknlow , a tto rn ey for th«-M arlboro ' board , announced thin m orning . C om plica tions w ith Uio Jewjd adv e rtis in g m ade it Im posslbla to c a rry th ro u g h tho election as p lanned, ho rovcnlcrtt

R ep a ir P lans '.A y lin P ierson, P erth A nibuy a r ­

chitect, who designed tho h truc tu ra dam aged bv the c\xnloslon. submit*

Report Polio Cose

C ard o f T h an k s i^r-Ww-wlsh •'WM httitk-^vwyotrt-'W ho- itt any v.'ay ex ten d ed 'sym pathy du rin g o u r r p c e n t- tn w n f -w if r -u n d m oiijer, eiijMfdully Rev. Kalhei*, nd.-itivrs, f rk h d s and neighbors, a b a th e Kro^man F iinerid Home, F reehold.

M ichael I t C olllna and Fam ily, jfp t f adv..

A . f l u w a r d - W i l l i a m ! ! , . . Kv yp a. ! . ' ! ' . p u b l i c h e a l t h o l f l c i T , r e | ) o i l e f | fint- i n d a y t h a t o n e c .i t.e o l p o l l a I m d h o e n d l a g n o . ' i e d In K e y p m - t ' l ‘h e v i c t i m / v e ^ y e i i r - o l d ' h n y r lm*» he«‘ n r e m o v e r l !</ I h e p o l i o w « » d of M o m n o t i t h M e m a r i a l i l a s p l t o l . ' ih ; . ' y o i i n g n t e r . in r e p o r t e d l o h a v e

a h o w u h n p r o v e i n e n t . T h i s Is t h e / l l /d r a w o f I n f a n t i l e p i u n l y s l s r e ­

p o r t e d In K e y p o r t t h i s y e a r . *

T aajljna iia .rt'M lK m eaieri 'ImmcdluU) d e liv e ry . L hn lled

quantity .- K eyport H ardw are Co,

C ard o(, ThanksSlfH.'cjc lli'inKi* t<i neighbor;!,

friends ;md rel;itlvi*H w ho cf-nt llowi-'i’M. exU fah 'd ev>ndoh.'iu:es /uaj^ 4u.:.-ujiy._ .wuy- ..provided ._us^ltlaa/.:fr o irasio iied by the loss o f au r b e lovn l —w ife- and • <uo|hcr, Agnea K. Willtiiihori, especially to th'.* Itev. H. Oouglas M errlam . tha Ilev. 'Iliom an A, f.’olley,. Hr. A. h ( ’a/Haoi/io, ubd /oeo>ber> of the Cliffwood V olun teer Flr« C.V>, ami Hr Li'Cths A uxiliary . .

" J / K dgnr W ilkinson,’ J . FAiiur WllkluMan jr.,

Mrs. K dwln W alling. Jfp l7 ‘—A dv.

led the plans on w hich tlio board wus .basing ltn proposal to tho vol» ’ era. '

Tho bond issue w ould uso $Jo, 700,M) t>f tho $9»,744,4tt borrow ing inm-gln of t h e . tpwnshlp_ p resen tly ,. . avnllablo. T ho dllTcrcnce w ould bu - ehargod... ta the._.borrowlng rapac ity of thn school board , to m ake up tiin $40,000 figure, .

Thu bourd in con tinu ing Its in- vostlga lhm Into the blast and Iuih re ta ined Mr. llurluihiw , o f B arka- low. iV .McClowan, l'VeohuUt reg u la r i.’o u n s d fiir iho .w ‘h iu d_boa rd and tow nship , to rep re sen t tlio In terest of the tow nsh ip iu connection w ith the dam age.

Thu bonrd iiionibors mild tha t nil the advice, nf tho a tto rn ey ll wns felt to be In tho "best In tercut of tho tow nship th a t the de ta ils nf liny Investigation niiuto by It hhould no t n l U\l>( tim e be rev ea led / '

M onm outh C ounty .School S uper-Ihtbiuloiil Joseph C luy to ifliua :.bftQU...nmdstiug the bourd In g e tting rcudy fo r school oponlng In Scptenibcj*.

There are iw o o thers schools In tho tow nsh ip In ad d itio n to tlic o iw : . Ut M orguuvlllo, located In M arlboro Village) and In Hobtti UvlllcN. b u t th e re lit little room in' th em fo r r e ­ceiv ing an overllow from M organ­ville. , 1 .

Coaster Carnival * Interest Mounting

Drivers From; Matawan, Union Beach; Laurence Harbor To Compete In Keyport Races '

Tho list of a ttn io tlan s fo r Key* liort'rt ill'si C onster C arn ival con- Himes lo grow , C arnival D irector Hob Ocluj unnnuneed th is w eektha t a p arade feu tu rjag th e racingcurs and d riv o ra w ill a ta r t the fe s llv ltle s .m o v in g un. tho uvtmlng of A ug. :i(f, Tho IC eyport |r lro />eparto>ent(Hugh.* and D rum Corps, u n d e r tho | d irec tion of D anielH arris, w ill bead the line o f mut'ch. T hey w ill aU o provide inuslu th roughout th e evening fo r tho affa ir w hich Ihe K eyport Business- iiion'ii Annodatlon Is a id in g insponsoring.

•M rr Ochs rem indn -n il -those w h o --- wl»li to he Included la th is C oaster (,‘a in lvo l to g e l Iheh* en tries ' to him . . T he deadline has been sol fo r Aug.211. Any en tries leeevled qftet* tills d a te w iil not be honored, On<r th ing la certain , K eypo rl d riv e rs w ill bo receiv ing com petition from Mut< aw an, Lnurenco lliirb a r an d Uhl>>u lleaeh rara aj)pIiea|lons h a te been received fro m .d riv e rs hi these com m unities. . . . . / '

D etailed In fo rm ation w ill fin m ailed each con testan t a f te r Aug,X \ t e l l i n g t h e m t h e n i c e p r o c e d u r e . t i m e o f w e l g h - l u a a d a l l o th t* r

perU neuT ’'d ida cuneeird iig tho pro-g n i i n , — ------------------- ---- ___________ _________

• Special Jockey liatii huvu .bCi'h added to the a lread y nianslvu ils t 'of . fine pri/es . Kach d r iv e r w ill ic- eelve" ont' "i»r tlicKe oh race “day,—A lt‘" ' p ri/e s , with tlio excep tion of Iho deluxe bicycle, w ill be un dlhplny in ttie w indow of the Thom as S tore,W. K ronl aiul B nm d Sts,, Keyport* * H arry 'J'Jiomas, a ta ri' ow ner, hav ing don.ited space fu r the disp lay ,

Former Pastor To Be Honored Here Aug. 23’

A . i.WliiU'Civ’ Jtlf>iifil.. .J . c o v i ‘ r e < i ... d l i h -

^ujiper w ill be held WcdhO&d^y*A ug. %I. in tfK'_ Je c h h 'e jro o in o f ___th e F irs t p re sb y la rlan C hurch . M atiiw .m at 0;*M) o'clock in honor o f the fo rm er pastor, the Rev. R obert i t B e rg e r and M rs, IJergfr.

T he I^ov. u n d . Mrs. B erger havebeen vacation ing In F errisbu rg , V t . ’.....n rid —w ill—sinp*->tV: visit---fiiendR In M utaw an from M ohduy u n til Tim m - d ay " rottUt ia ~tholrf homo h\ C tirthufv , M a 1'

Page 2: PREPARE FOR COUNTY FAIR AT JOCKEY CLUB …nwouwca For Madison Twp. Ordinance Passes With No Opposition; Junkie, Peddler License Fixed; Requests Presented An ordinance-creating a planning


DEATHS. M rs. H e n ry R eiboldt

M rS f 'f# n a Reiboldt, 62, w ife ofH enryi.R eiboldt, 27 E igh th S i., W*±t K eansburg ; d ied W ednesday, Aug. 0, 1950.' in -M onm outh M em orial H ospital.

B o m In N ew ark , she w as thc d au g h te r of , th e la te Joseph and S usan ICort)! Cox. , M rs. VJleHjohltw fls_a" c h a r te r niember-'Ofth&^-W estK e a n A u rg F ire - Cc*, L a d ie s -A u x ­ilia ry a n d ^ r e l ie f investiga to r for R a r i ta n T ow nship. . ... -

- J n a d d itio n - to .t»er_ husliand,_ fihe- Is. su rv ived by a son, H enry fle i-b'oldt, W est K eansbu rg ; three

. daugh ters , - M rs. A lfred Walling, .M rs. Joseph Schuuller, both, ot West K eansburg ; and Mr9. F red Wise,

“ K eyport; a b ro ther, C harles Cox- U nion, a n d th re e sisters, Mrs. F lo rence M ncLean, B few ster, N. Y.; Mrs. S usan C randall, Belleville: M rs. ’ E d ith Kenriedy, F lshkili, N. Y.; 13 g randch ild ren and one great* grandch ild . .

S ervices, under, thc d irection of th e Daniel* A, H e f lly F uneral H om e, B elm ar, w e re held at 11 o.m. S a tu rd ay a t th e residence w ith lh e R ev .'S too t, pasto r of S t M ark’s Episcopal C hurch, K eansburg , ofTJ* e la ting In te rm en t w as in F air- m ount Cem etery, N ew ark.

C arl W. Schiich6nnia ler -C arl W. Schlichenm aier, 79. of

U atfrel 7VY5.J W est K eansbiirff, d ied n t his hom e Vri'day,' A ug.' XI, 1050.

te r a long illness. He w as the o p ^ a to r of a pou ltry fa rm a t fifs hom cyfajv23 years.

M r. Scullcheijipaicr* befo re en te r­ing the ch icken farm in g business, w orked a s ' o k iln b u rn e r fn hfs n a tiv e G erm an y and in the U nited

K eansbu rg M ethodist Chureff.; S u rv iv in g a re Jils w ife Currie

(S im pfendorfer) Schlichenm aier, tw o eons, C harles and W illiam , o t home, and a daugh ter, Mrs. M arie Separles, K eansburg. r ;

A rra n g e m e n ts w ere in charge of th e J o h n - J . Ryan H om e fo r F u n ­erals, K eansburg.

' K enneth A. J a n s ie n $K enneth A. Janssen , seven*weck*

o ld aon o f H arry an d D orothea H caly Janssen , died F rid ay , Aug. 11, 1050, a t h is hom e, P h a lan x Rd., L in ­croft. A ccording to Dr. J u liu s A. Toren, county physician, death w«*s du e to a p lu g of m ucous clogging th e w in d pipe, . •

T he in fan t had been fed shortly before h e w as discovered dead in

. 'h is c rib b y h is m other. Besides

lT h u rs Jday) a fternoon a t 2 o’c lc A a t the Day F u n e ra l Home, K eyport, w ith- th e R ev .j E. J a y Amoy, pasto r of th e M ethod ist. C hurch , ClifTwood, ‘ officiating. . In te rm en t w ill be in C e to w o o d C em etery , K eyport. '

■ P V /oiier M. W alilnglon *.W alter W; W ollington, 42, K fy-

port, d ied W ednesday, Aug. 9, 1950.Born in N ew ! York, he w as the

soq o f th e la te W altcr^B. ond M arie (M ueller) W a liln g lo n ^ JH e W as^a

.veteran, of W orld War .He Is su rv ived by h is wife.'.M rs.

M arie (C allahan) W allington. K ey­p o r t ’ ; . -7 • *" ’ •

Services w ere under the .d irection of th e Bedle F u n era l Home, K ey­port.*

M rs. L eon C ham pagne 'M rs. H elen M. Cham pagne, 62, of

64 B ergen St., East K eansburg , died Saturdoy, A ug . 12,' 1050, ln the M iddletow n Tow nship F irs t Aid Squad am bulance w hile en ro u te to R iyervlew Hospital. M rs. Cham* pagne had lived in East K eans­burg 21 y ea rs . :.

She w aa a jnem ber of B ayshore Council, D augh te rs of A m erica, an d thc L ad les A uxiliary of W ilbur J . P rice P ost, A m erican Legion, and past .p res iden t of L adies A uxiliary , K eansburg P ost, V eterans o f .F o r­eign W ars. ,

S urv ivo rs a re her husband,-L eon, p. d augh ter, H elen, liv ing a t home, und a son, Joseph, T renton.

A rrangem en ts "were - u n d e r dlreo* tion of th e J o h n J . R yon H om e for Funerals,' K eansburg. ^

F ra n k M ajorF ran k M ajor, 08, of 217 A tlan tic

St.. k ey p o rt, d ied suddenly TXiesdoy m orning, A ug. IS, 1950, in h is gro» ee ry s to re a t 212 A tlan tic . S t. fo l­lo w in g a hesTrt "altack.” D r.'F raners ' W. H olm an w os called b u t Mr. M ajor d ied before th e physician arrived . %

Mr. M ajor w as born in 'W illiam s­burg, Vo-, an d lived In K eypo rt for m ore th a n 50 years. He w as ch a ir­m an of the B oard of D eacons of th e Second B aptist C hurch , TC6y- port, and su p erin ten d en t o f the S unday school of th a t church . Ho w as a' m em ber of the N ational Asso­ciation fo r thc A dvancem ent of the Colored P eop le ond of th e K eypo rt C olored C ivic A ssociation. M r. M ajo r aUg w os ac tive in th e w ork of th c Sea C oast B ap tist Association.

M r. . M ajor, a m em ber o f tho K eypo rt B usinessm en's Association, w as one of tho leading Ncgfo businessm en o f ' the bayshore. He w as nn extensive p ro p erly holder

MR. AHD M RS. TOBIL M OCCI \ ..... ........ ........w ho w ere m arried S a tu rday a fternoon a t a cerem ony p e rfo rm ed In the Cliffwood C om m unity M ethodU l C hurch b y th* pasto r, th e R e r , E. Jay A m ey, M rs Mocci, Ihe fo rm er MUs O lo ria E ra ldL l i th e d a u g h te r o f M r. and M n . F ra n k E ra ld l, C liffwood. T h e b ridegroom la lh e so n of M r. and M rs. Jo h n Mocci, L ow er M ain Bl~ M a la w an ,. B o th M r . ,a n d Mr». Tobll M occi a re g raduates o f M ataw an H igh Bchool. F o llow ing th e cerem ony -•-recep tio n 1 waa held _at Jh®. hom e of ih e _ b rid e ,a p a rents.

h is paren ts , K enneth is su rv ived by *n Keypprt* ond besides h is grocerya b ro ther, L aw rence, and sister,P a tr i c ia . .........

T he J o h n E. Day F u n e ra l Home,R ed B ank w as In chargc o f buria l S a tu rd ay oftcrnoh. • ......................

........ . A lb e r t . G. H artley .r A lb e r t G .,H artiey rM adison Town

’ jfihfp’s ' bu ffd /ng in spec to r tlio last fou r years, d ied sudden ly a t h is hom e. 400 P rospect Ave., \Laurence H arbor, M onday m orning , Aug. 14, JP50, H e w as 00 y e a rs old. «

B o m i n Y orkshire, 'England, Mr. H artley cam e, to th is coun try as .a

, young m an . H e cam e to M adison ’ Tow nship ab o u t 21 y ea rs ago.

Ho w as a build ing con tracto r by tra d e , an d continued In tha t occupation a f te r be ing appo in ted as M adison Tow nship bu ild ing In­spector. , '

H is only im m ediate su rv ivo r is ' h is w ife, M adge. Tho couple hod

no ch ild ren . *

H ector B. Dowd H ecto r B . Dowd, 46, o f 71 T hird

Ave., Long Branch, w ho d ied F r i­day, A ug. 11, 1930, in th c M onmouth M em orial H ospital, Long Branch, afte r be ing ta k en Ul In the Safew ay S tore, M ataw an, in w hich he w as re lief m anager, w as w ell-know n" in M ataw an. .

M r. Dowd w as b o m ” ln Ireland, th e son o f B ornard an d Em ily Dowd, b y whom h e Is survived. O th er su rv ivo rs arc; h is widow, Mrs. B ridge t Dowd; fou r sons, Jam es, H ector jr ., W illiam and

~ C f ia n e ro r Long B fSflcivnrT ifiugiF ter, Em ily Dowd a lso o f^ L o n g Branch, and several b ro th e rs ond sistcrB in Ireland. H e w as a com­m unican t o f S ta r o f th e Sou Church, Long Branch, and a m em ber of thc church’s.; H oly Nome Society.

Georg© X. A bdo<Ieorgo K; Abdo,. 35, of 712

S eventh St., Union Beach, husband of* M rs. A dele Abdo, d ied Sunday, Aug. 13, 1950, at his la te residence follow ing a long illness.; -H e waa b o m In Lebanon, Syria, and m oved to U nion Beach fromN e w ark five years ogo. -..........................•' H e is lucvlVed, besides h is wife,

"by 'o rioT arb ther, N arrior.'df Lebaftort, Syria.

F unera l services w ere Ifcld yos- tird a y ~ (W e d n e sd a y ) m orning T i l .0

ta n . from th e Day F unera l Home, K eyport, nnd a t 10 a.m. a solemn $ g h m ass of requiem - w as cole* tira ted a t th e Holy F am ily ch u rch , U nion B each, by \hc Rev. Edw ard

' R , S u llivan , pastor. In te rm en t fo llow ed h i the fam ily p lo t in St. Jo sep h 's C em etery , K eyport.

’ * ' ■ 1 A ugust Botuiet, A ugust Bonnet,. 57, ot 44 Wayside

' £>r,’“<jUffwood,‘ died* sudden ly ' nt h is la te residence M onday, Aag. l4 ,k

.. .M50^.. JMh. _B onnet%.WiJ? th o s o n of ih o 'la te .4 “W illiam and Barbura (fengle) B onnef. ‘• I f e w a s -a v e te ra n o f w o rld W ar

I ' a n d iv a s a. m em b er o f L t . Les lie J . -R u m b ie l P o st 104, Veterans of

-fo rfe if j^ W A raro t N e w a rk ,. He was : S Jra tiW d eng lneer o f the C ity of

JfewntukivIb «urv lv*4 by two

& o t t i ^ p J o b n , * o f XSmidt*, • and N ew ark . ">”* p.

* F u n e ra l r s e rv ic e s wni^bef'-H eld'thls

s to re w as in terested in several o th e r com m ercial eftferprldcs, in ­clud ing a truck ing business. M r M ajor w as d Republican le ad e r In th e F o u rth D istrict. 1

H e Is su rv ived by h is wife, E liza; Ave daugh ters , M rs. R u th Brow n, B rooklyn , N. Y>; M rs.. A n ­to inette W a id rcn ,-F a ir . H aven; «nd the* M isses M ary A lice and L eanna nnd Mrs. L ucy Lawaon, o f K eyport th re e sons, A rth u r and Calvin, K eyport, and Dr. B enjam in M ajor, S t Louis, Mo.; one b ro th e r, Sam, of W illiam sburg , Va.; one sister, M rs. P e a r l Palln , K eyport; 17 grand* ch ild ren an d one great-g randson .

F u n e ra l serv ices wiU .b e >ield ot 2:30 p.m. S unday from the Second B aptist C hurch , K qyport, w ith tho Rev. R o b ert S. K elsey, pastor, otficiatJntf. In te rm en t, u n d e r tho d ir e c t io n . o f the F . L eon H arris F u n e ra l H om e, w ill b e In P rospect C em etery , M ataw an Tow nship , •

F riends m a y call a t h is la te re s i­dence S a tu rd a y afternoon and ev e­ning. , .

BIRTHS' D ellaP ie tro :

A d au g h te r w as b o m in S outh A m boy M em orial H ospital re c e n tly to Mr. and M fs. F ran k -D ellaP ie tro , 36 B roadw ay, K eyport.

S h ra b le .......M r. and M rs. H aro ld Shrcb lo , 80

M ornlngsido Ave., L a u ren ce Har* bor, a re th e p aren ts of a d au g h te r ^ n l a s T w c e i c in ihc S o u lh A m b o y M em orial H ospital.

- F ilt lu iA d au g h te r w as b o rn rece n tly In

S ou th A m boy M em orial H ospital to M r. a n d M rs. W illiam P ittlus, 10 A tlan tic S t , K eyport.

D re n e nM r, and M rs. M elvin Dreeson, 142

S horeland C irc le , L aurence H arbo r, a re the> p a te n ts of a d au g h te r born la s t w eek in S o u th Amboy M em olal H ospital. “

M ittenA d a u g h te r w as born rece n tly -ln

thc S ou th A m boy M em orial Hos- p lta l to M r r a n d - M rsr H ugh- M itten of 217 R olond W ay, L aurence H a r­bor.

W arw ick ,A son w aa born Sunday, Aug. 11,

1950, in M onm outh M em orial H os­p ita l to M r. and M rs. S am uel W ar­w ick, E ig h th St., K eyport,

_ JohtotonA son w as born W ednesday, Aug.

IV, 1030, i n M onm outh M em orial H ospital lo M t. an d M rs. A lbert' Johnspn, i5 “ St. P e te rs K ean s­burg.- - - -----

FU tenischer .M r. i» n d -M rs ..U ^ rry F lken tscher,

0 G rove P I., K eansburg, o re the p a ren ts o f a g irl born W ednosday, A ug. 1950, in M onm outh M»> m orio l H ospital. ■

MEMORIALSM oaum iB l W ork ,

, , . . Mgfawar U . • . 'X*Tport. H. J.

. Phone Kayp^rl 7*1114 ’ t

ENGAGEMENTSSpafford-G allopo

M r. and M rs. Joseph Gallopo, N in th a n d F lorence Aves, U nion B ea^ i, h a v e announced the engage­m en t o f th e ir dau g h te r, A ngelina, to F ra n k SpafTord, son of W illiam SpafTord ond the la te M rs. SpafTord, of K eypo rt. N

M iss G allopo U a g rad u a te ,o f K ey p o rt H igh School an d ra ise s and breeds p r iz ^ w in n in g collies.

M r. SpafTord a tten d ed K eyport schools ond Is em ployed by A pex, Inc., P e r th Amboy.

No d a te has been se t for.' the w edding,

D ennli-D oL oikeyM rs. G eorge M ugnnnot, 34 M ain

St., M ataw an, h a s announced the engagem en t of hep sister, B arba ra

i u m m o r V C n e r a i snvica rf n n m r t t u r f , • . . Mc»dto M l •»

Lady Attendant, Non-Sectarian I

DAY -Funeral Home]301 M ip l^ PI. KEYPORT i

Tel. KEyport MJ52

Ann D eLoskey to ,E a rl E. Denrtls, 30 B roadw ay, JK cyport.

M iss D eLoskoy' is a g rad u a te of St. M ary 's H igh School, S ou th A m ­boy, and is em ployed vby E.— t. d u P o n t St . deN em ours C o .,. Inc., P arlin . , '

M r. D enn is a t ten d ed the- K ey p o rt public schools and is em ployed a t H anson -V anW lnk le • M unn ing !Co., M ataw an. H e served tw o y ea rs In the U. S. N avy in th e E uropean T heater. 1 -

Miss DiPaolo IsFeted At Shower

■ '' ' '

Cliffwood Girl To Be ’ Married Oh SeTpr. Srlri

Church CeremonyA su rp rise ftligiifelt'jneous bridol

sh o w er w as given -on A ug. 8 / 1950, fo r M iss A nn Di -Puolo, ClifTwood, t j y ' M fif. M argnret S tran ie ro ,“ K ey­port, Miss C a th erin e M cG rath, Miss Rose'; F edele nnd M rs, W illiam D i Paolo, of ClifTwood.. aL lh e . hom e o f M rs. S tran ie ro , Route 36, K ey ­port. v ‘ •

M iss Di P ao lo w ill becom e the b r id e of A nthony S tran ie ro on S u n ­day , S e p t . 'S / in -St. Joseph 's C hurch , K eypp rt. a t 4 o’clock. * ’' G ifts w e re arranged in and a ro u n d a w ish ing w ell, ‘ and th e co lo r schem e fo r decora tions w as ln w hiter uqua a^id p ink.

G uests a tten d in g w ere M rs. M ary D iPaolo, M rsA W illiam biP ao lo , M rs. S am u e l Fedelc, Miss F ann ie Fedele, M rs. A deline K ram er, Mrs. C harles V reeland , M rs. F ra n k RafTa, M rs. H enry A leksiuk, M rs. M ary Iucobucci, M rs. R ose Ju rew icz , M rs. R ose W atson, Miss Theresa DJBJase, Miss. Ca^m clla P itts , M iss M adeline D eFelice, M iss Rose Izzarelli, Mrs. A n to in e tte G ranato . t M rs .. A nn K isclvig, M rs. D an D ow ney, M rs. F an n ie Iacobucci, Miss A nne laco- buccix Mrs. A she, Mrs. Tessie G uisti, M iss A deline Foti,' Miss A n n 'F e r ­ra ra , M iss Angie- D alfonzo, M rs. F anny K ronijw ski, ClifTwood. '

A lso M rs. D anie l D iPaolo, M rs. R osalie S tran ie ro , M rs. M ary Stran* iero* -M rs. - O rozio -S tran ie ro , M rs. P . LoSapio, Miss L ena S tran iero , M rs. A n to ine tte G uisti, M rs. Joseph S tra n i^ ro r -M rs r—Jr-^xranato i—Mrs.- Jo h n G rana to and Miss Mary. G ran ­ato, K eyport. . .

A lso M iss M ary K ordan, P e r th A m boy; M rs. Y ola DiBiase, M rs. E. Rock, M rs. Rose DiBiase* M rs. C onnie K losek an d M rs. S h irley DiBiase,’ Morgftn; M rs. A lm a~ B en­son, M rs. . F ran c is . S tran iero ... Mrs. M innie S tran ie ro , M rs. J . R eilly , M rs. V lvlun M oreno, M rs. Rose P o llitto , M rs. A da F o rm a n ,-M a ta ­w an ; the M isses Adel, Sadie, Jefifilc, A bruzzese, M rs. R . A brurzcsc, N ew ­a rk ; M rs. A n to in e tte Chom lc, U nion B each ; M rs. A nn Cannizzaro, Keans*



Fresh . Jersey Peaches, Fresh .-Irrigated;-' Corn, -Fresh Picked Tomatoes,'; Jersey Irish Cobbler


BO W N E'S Country Corner StandHIGHWAY S-28 ; New'Brunswick ftoadOne Mile from Main St. MATAWAN

b u rg , and Ms?. Rose M cG rath *and M iss S ally Yanos, S outh Amboy.; .

G ifts W ere sen t by M ra .'"A n n Jan n o s , M organ, and Mrs. A ugusta M cG rath , M rs. Rose L am pugnan l, M n . Jo seph ine L evendow skl, .Miss ttfig te DiBfflse. M « . C. P i t t s Olid M rs. F o li of C liffwood.

FUNERAL SERVICESMr*. J a m e s 'E . W ilk lnJon .

M rs. A gnc» 'E lizabeth W ilkinson, 879 S herw ood D r.. Cliffwood B eachr w ife o f:M a taw « n Tow nship P olice C apt. Jam es E. W ilkinson, d ied T hu rsday , A ug. 10, 1950, a t h e r la te res id en ce : follow ing:- a— long illness.

F u n e ra l serv ices w e re h e ld S u n ­day afternoon a t 2 p jn . ot th e D ay F u n e ra l Home, K eyport, w ith the Rev. H. D ouglas M errlam , p a s to r of th e ‘Jfeyview ' P re sb y te r ia n ’ C hu rch ,' Cliffwood, offlclfltlrvg; 5 In te rm e n t follow ed in C edarw ood C em etery , K eypo rt. *• .

M rs. W ilk inson Was b o f n \ in O range an d h ad ; lived In Cliffwood fo r th e past 21 years, .........

S he Is su rv ived , besides h e r h u s ­band, by one: son, Jam es E. Jr., a t hom e; one d a u g h te r , . M rs. A gnes W alling o f W est K e in sb u rg , and h e r m other, Mrs.: A gnes K ennedy, Cliffwood. .

DIVORCES4 W a llin g .■

P orM r v.. - . j ’t l t r a p n . . _______

S u p e rio r C o u rt J u d g e D onald M c­L ean g ran ted the fo llow ing decrees of d ivorce in F reeho ld Tuesday:

A nne E. W alling, P oo le Ave., K eyport, from Irv in g L. W alling, F lo rence Ave., K eyport, on grounds of desertion . .

F lorence* R . ^M cG uire) - P o rte r , H am ilton Ave., M ataw uri’Tow nship,

fW|iUCD0n>s9S.iPorter,> R av ine C r.v M a B w a n r lo r cruelty.- A separate^ s u it by M r. PbtUir aUe<U)*.ndewt-,.. tiori w as dism issed. ' - .

H elen P e te rso n , Je rsey C ity , from . C arl W ^ e te f a d n , -84 S hndy S ide

A ve., K eansburg , fo r c ru e lty . .. v

Lawson R^covet/ngT h e fam ily of CK arlea lJ iw aon . 32,

H urley S t . a K eypo rt borough em ­ployee in ju red w hen trapped In a cave-in A ug. 7. yes te rd ay .rep o rted h im ap p a re n tly im proved - ........ -

S t o k e r and p l o w e r O w n er* , S p e c ia lly p repared B u c k w h e a t n o R ice C o a l—Wo C U n fe e n Im m edlat< D e llv o r r . ’ S t u l t t ' ■ , - w j t f

'( i/e d tw k /A

Modern OU IIeat preserves a proud American

rightrr^independertee,You buy ypur fuel (ront th e , dealer you etioose. You know that his natural

neighborly intesest, together with the spur of

competition, combine to give you muqtutlM

...... asiuraua of the best possible servicc,.' ■ i ? '

Continuing, considerate aftentioff lT/iiTr

one of tiie advantages of Modern Oil Heat.

Yes,“America’s Best Automatic Buy* bringi benefits in the best

American tradition.



S in cooperation with the FUEL1 OIL FOUNDATION

It’s Later Than You Think

School Opens Sept. 6Have

-the-children’s clothes ■- cleaned how

and give them a clean' fresh start.

• , . T'T '

Broad St. CleanersHarold A. Woolley. Prop.

S to re end P lan ! D txt . to Boro P a rk in g L o t

78 Broad Street a Keyport

^ h o n e , K «yporl 7*0144 F re e P lckup a n d b e l lr e r y "O psraiing Our Own Dry:

Cleaning P lant on PremlMi."



D iH y * u d ’ fl* iu rd ijr i ^9 A .M . lo 8 P .M . ,

F r ld a y i 0 A .M . io 0 P .M . W ednesdays fi A .M . io 12 Ifoan

30 W. Front St., Keyport KEyport 7-2020


Better Plumbing and

Cellars Pumped Oil Burners

Electric Water HeatersJ O B B I N G

P ro m p tly A lt*nd*d To.M M u U . K « f . 7-lS>0

1 n o t i c e ! ! ! ■■■;■:T o , B e tle r R .a u l t , 1>< um c h .c k your h ea lin g p l u l . . . . ■




<S a l» and sV rriee T im e P a y m e n t A rran g edC all o r W rite S4-H our.S»rTlee w ith a u n it*

Universal Home Heating Engineering ServiceP . O. B ox 102 M ATAW AN. H. J . T e l. M ai, 1-0M8J

RO SS W .M A G H A N AGENCY Real Estate— Insurance

1^8 Main Street MATAWAN, N. J .Telephone Mntawan 1-0003



Tel. KEyport 7-0490 — 7-2941STUDIO I . ln lh » UNITED CIGAH STO R E BUILDING

M K i t c h e n C a b i n e t s — A p p l i a n c e s I

f J. L. SCHANCK & SON Hu „ . .. Heating — Plumbingm Contractors^ Fuel Oil — Burner ServiceI


n [f ] 36 K ^ 7 i l O O ^

F u e l O i lKey.

B u r n e r S e r v i c e

Pearl’s Beauty SalonV F orm erly D O R O TH V S --■■■■ - ^ ,

6 W. Front S t . KEYPORT

AUGUST SPECIAL-—Beginning Aug. 2 1 ; continuing to Aug. 3 1


Includ ing H aircu t and S ty lin g . CA LL K EY PO RT 7-2883

FOR. 98

A Gift Shop o f Distinction and Personality• Ceramics • Salad Sets

f f | $ U • Pin-up Lamps • Brass Nite Lamps* Numerous other Dainty Gift Items

VALLEY DRIVE GIFT SHOPRoute'34 Next to Elsie’s Milk Bar M A T A W A N


Tel. M A taw an 1-1097

S e l f

S e r v i c e

" FRED RA PO LLA . P rop . y

2 Lower Main Street ’ Matawan, N. J.WE DELIVER Phone MA 1-1687


CHOPPED B E E F ..49* lb.



FRYERS4 lb . •▼ •tag*

4 5 * lbSylvaiTFarm

BUTTER1 lb. roll




6 5 * ib.Kraft’s Sliced % lb. pkg.


CO FFEE -L -Jb * -caa . . . . .

8 3 *

FR EE !!!4 lu l l ■!>• P lu i l c le e Tea Spoons

a u t co lo n

- F L A G S i A -T. F

TEA (48) BAGS 49‘

a s

Frozen Codfish4 3 *

1 lb.p f e g . .

BANANAS2 lbs. 251

Page 3: PREPARE FOR COUNTY FAIR AT JOCKEY CLUB …nwouwca For Madison Twp. Ordinance Passes With No Opposition; Junkie, Peddler License Fixed; Requests Presented An ordinance-creating a planning


Musicians Can Join Orchestra

Invitation Extended To Bayshore Residents

' ByR ed Batik GroupM usicians of the bayshore - a re a

a re inv ited fo jo in w i th . in s tn im en- » ia iis i i r I trQ in ..lM . P&pk Jn -p isy Jn s

u n d e r th e bato n of F ranco A utorli entfnertt associa te ' conducto r .'of th e N pw VorU P h ilh a rm o n ic 'O rc h e s tic d u rin g the 1950-51 season 'o f th e $ h o re Syrnplxpny O rchestra , w hich h as scheduled a series of th ree co n ­ce rts beg inn ing Nev.< "26. ’ T w o yiolinlstsf, ' b o th from /K e a n sb u rg , Represented.': th is ar£a ? season. T hey a rc Muriel* A ckerm an arid N ancy S try k e r." " v •

A pplications for- m em berehlp’ in th e o rchestra m a y be ob ta ined from D avid J . £ !lis, business m anager o t th e o rgan ization a l 708 M attison


Ave., A sbury P a rk , o i^P au ) JSeldln, m cihbersh lp cjhuirman, a t 00 Mon* m ou th St., R e d :B a n k ,

T i r s t reh ea rsa ls fo r th e g roup w ill beg in in S ep tem ber, w ith M r. A u to ri p e rsona lly co n d u c tin g ,'w ith c p n c e r t 'd a te s 's o t for'N O v; 26, F eb , 1& and A pr.-29 in S t. Jam e s A udi­to rium , R e d B ank . M r, A uto ri now Is en d in g th e sum m er season con- d u c tin g -th e C h au tau q u a Sym phony O rchestra a n d .h a s conduc ted such o rganizations as Buffalo P h llh n r niohic, .Toronto P h ilharm onic , NBC Sym phony, a n d C am egfa ' “P ops” O rchestras, H e had p rev iously con ducted fo r opera w ith * th e P e n n ­sy lvan ia G ran d O pera Com pany In P h iladelph ia , C hicago C ivic O pera C om pany , a n d thc Rovinia O peraCom pany. ' ....... ; - . -

O u tg row th of. an idesr in * th e m inds o f a h a n d fu l o f m usicians, th e shore o rchestra w ill beg in its second season equ ipped to p resen t soveral m a jo r \v o rk s . 'T H e '''g ro 'u p w aa .o rig in a lly p lanned a s .a .s m a l l ensem ble, b u t response -from o th e r m usic ians m ade it possible to e x ­p and th e ir idea an d p resen t an o rchestra rep resen tin g a ll necessary

-.^sections: s trings, brass, w oodw inds an d percussion. E xpansion of cach o f these sections is be ing p lanned du ring the com ing season, to ex tend th e range o f th e orchestra . -

T h e se le c tio n of w o rk s to be a c ­com plished b y tho 'm usic ians ' in

. th e ir th ree concerts w ill be decided fo llow ing conferences w ith M r. A uto ri. 'R ie conduc to r h a s su g ­gested fea tu re d so lo ists a n d a r ­ran g em en ts o re now u n d e r w ay to b rin g nationally -know n a rtis t^ tp R ed Bank to perform .


'g & L . _j ^ iC fl i

''J u f jU tr / ' U -m oiilh-o ld 'p r ic e w in n in g A n flu r *l*er i i show n w ith ' h iro w n « r , Carm »n.CauUj-Hplmd?l.T@ V*nsM P' e K eypo rt H igh School | l u d « n t ’ra f te r w in n ing ih a b ee i c a t t l e . cham pionsh ip F rid ay • ! ih* tWfl- day M onm oulh-C ounty 4-H fc lu b F a ir a t f re e h o ld . . . . . • •

--------------- | --t . ■ •A la rg e ' p a r t o f th e ' 000; l)oys an d

g irls_w ho ‘m a k e -u p th e .M pnm ou th £ o u rity 4-H C lubs exh fb iied . the result«r'Of th e ir tolentff a t th e fo u rthp n n u n J ^ o u n ty ^ H -F a i r h e id -F r id a j t - joon-.< jruyr 4o w el7—< llady*-H ym e,end S a tu rd a y on the F reeho ld High School a th le tic field.

M ost of.the Judging w as com pleted F r id a y an d a m a jo r event, tho dress te v u e , w a ^ .h e M in the F reeho ld ■high School aud ito riu m ^ n F riday n ight.

TOe exh ib its covered -a w ider ran g e th a n lr\ an y fo rm er year. T h e F reeho ld C h am b er o f Com m erce sponsored a m erchand ise show in th e h ig h . School gym nasium and Included such item s ps electric add ­ing .m ach ines, jew e lry , appare l, e lec tr ic app liances and fu rn itu re .;

D ealers deployed ab o u t th e . a th ­le tic fie ld b ro u g h t m achines w hich p low , "spray, m ow an d bole sw aths Up to a ro d w id e a n d o th e r im ple­m e n ts sm all enough to w ork a back­y a rd garden . • •

T h e d a iry and b ee t ca ttle exh ib it W ere tw o m a jo r a ttrac tio n s and th e g ran d 'cham pion s tee r, an : A ngus, w as exh ib ited ; b y ; a K ey p o rt H igh S eh o o l. studen t,' C arm en Casola of C raw fo rd s C orner. H is sister, Lu c ille ,t "won' a- b lue -ribbon for- th e s te e r she entered,

C o u n ty Club' A gen t " L e o n a rd 'B . ^Williams . jr.,.. superv ised ; the a g r l c u l tu ra l and livestock exh ib its and M rs. L o m a K. W hite, county hom e i^ent, the d ress ,rc v u e and hom o

etff>rtoHJlc exh jb its .T h e B usy B eaver C lub of M ala­

w an, w on several home, economics aw ard s /{ d e lu d in g : , ;

S e ren a A nderson , tow el, apron; D iana D igging p o tho lder, - upron.

Calvary Groups Prepare Program

Fellowship, Young Adult, Mother’s Groups

Discuss Plans. ■; ...M rs. G eorge P o w e lso p ,. ,a d u lt

counsello r foiM hc in ic r in o ^ n tc fcl* low sh lp , M r. T h c o d o re .-S tro b e l, a d u lt ad v iso r fo r th e sen io r M etho­d is t Y outh F ellow ship ,. M rs. Theo*

j dore S trobel, su p erin ten d en t o f: the | you th d iv ision o f th e chu rch school,

an d the Rev. C harles R , Sm yth, j pastor, recen tly m et a t th e hom e of 1 M r. ond M rs. S trobel \o o u tline the p lans fpr th e y o u th 'p ro g ra m in tho C alvary : M ethod ist C h u rch , K e y ­port, fo r the~fa ll and w in te r. B oth

f.the sen io r .a n d in term ed ia te 'fe llow * sh ip w ill launch th e ir p rogram s S unday . Sept. 10. \

i On T uesday evening,' a g roup of th e young, adult^ ..of, U»c congrega* tion m et w ith P a s to r S m y th to ex* p io re the “p o ss ib ili ty o f o rg n n itin g a young a d u lt fellow sh ip in the chu rch e a rly , th is full, A_ su rvey Will b e m a d e 1 and th e in te res ts o t th e young a d u lts d e te rm in ed before th e n e x t g e n c rr l m eeting of thegroup. ~ ' . *— T h e - p rogram com m ittee o f - the M other's A ssociation; m e t a t th<* hom e of the chairm an , M rs. W arren Wygkofr, M ain S tM oh W ednesday eveliihX inV a d d itie u ' io ; OUUiMltiy th e p rog ram s f o r th e association, p ro jec ts w jjre . d iscussed and ^Mrs. H a rry R oberts, president, rep o rted on ihe renovations in th e nursery room. The flrst m eeting in the ' fa ll w ili b e . a d in h e r m e e iln g w ith J h e fa thers o f th e chu rch school.-ehll-

tow el. S h irley Jones , tow el. Joan L em aire , tow el. S u s a n . M cDonald, sew ing b o x - B arb a ra Jariw ich,. sew ­ing ‘box, apron. Connie Sickles, blouse. Peggy* A nne Read,.- slip. M arg a re t C ham berlain , blouse. , .

M arg a re t ' W eigarid of H azlet, re* celved a b lue ribbon recognition for h e r en try of costuipc je w e lry and L ucillo - Cnsola, H olm del,- fo r anex h ib it of tom atoes. ....... \ ': M em bers o f o th e r a rea clubs who received aw ards and th e ir exhibits inc luded : - > . :

R oberliv illa -B everly E lsenm an, baske t of flow*

ers, p e tticoat. G ladys C atton , ch if­fon, cake , tow el, sew ing box . S andra Boyce, apron, tow el, vnse o f flowers. Todd F ung , doc rabb it, beans. Shir, le y . Eckel, Mewed fru it. W alter S ch lrber, b uck r a b b i t /d o c rabbit.

drcn us special guests,M rs. A; C. B row n, p re s id e n t nf

the W om an's Socie ty o f C hristlon Service, held a n execu tive commit* tee m eeting w ith h o r ofticers in tho parsonage o n W ednesday ' evening,

Moloney Will Open New Meat Market In Keyport‘ . Jo h n M oloney, p ro p rie to r of the M oloney 'M e a tM a r k e t , M ain * St., M atnw an announced today th a t he had leased, th e bu ild ing ut 32 W . F ro n t S t., K cyporl, an d as soon as m iiio r a l te ra t io n s ’a re com pleted ho w ill open ono o f the m ost m odern re ta il m e a t m arkets in the bayshore uroa. \ - , , • • „

M n M oloney h as . been opera ting r e ta U ^ m e a t .m a rk e ts - s ln te 1WH w h ile n ls fa th e r ow ned an d 'o p e ra te ed n .s im ilar estab lishm ent back in 1874 in B ayonne und re tired u fto r W orld W ar I ,- tu rn in g the business o v e r to h is sons. , .

Jo h n M oloney a t 'p n e tim e opcr* a^od seven m ai'keU in Je rsey C ity an d in Uayonnc. HU b ro th e r rrh o m a s now «w »s one o f the llig* Uest independen t retu il m en t s to res ip Long Island" C |ty » . ,

•M r. M oloney could not glvo a deO nllc da te on the open ing o f h is n e w K uyport m arket, s ta tin g tha t i t w ould depend en tire ly on the o w n er of the bu ild ing und the coh* tra c to r ns to w hen th e s to re w ould be ready for occupancy. H o , w ill co n tin u e the xtorv at-.MulawQii. ,

H avo you re a d th e dQitslQed adaT

Real Estate

Insurance .. ... ... I • “ _

• Homes • Farrns • Country Estates ~~

VAN’S AGENCYM »ln Si., H ichw ay 34

M A T A W A N * P h o n . M A is ^ .n 1 -H e i — M i l l

Dependency RideEx-Leathernecks Who Desire To Reenlist Advised On Ruling

M /S gt, W , B, Staley, M arino Corps rec ru itin g sergean t, dhnouneed to* day th a t the . M arin e . C orps is huW accepting ex-M arin ra fo r reenlist* m en t W*gardlca* of th e ir present dependency status. S ince th e o u t­b reak o f th e K orean s itu a tio n ,m an y v e te ran m arin es w ith dopendcats have app lied fo r re i'n lis tm en t, and th is w aiv ing o f the M nrine Corps dependency joguluU ou w ilj otToet jn6ny young m en o f th is area .-

M /Sgt. S ta ley also im noufued th a t ex-M arinas* hav ing been d is­cha rged w ith th e ran k of m usle r sergean t, teclm ieai seVgeunt or s|fiff

se rg e a h trre e h lls tin g w ith in 90 days o t d ischarge w ould be appo in ted to tho ra n k o f one g rade below that h e ld a t tim e of discharge* AU e x ­M arines hav ing been d ischarged in th e ra n k ’, o t p riva te , firs t class or obavo Arc o ffe r td strtpei! :Jbt:.some ran k , th e 1 pnygrndc to ■ w hich ap* p o in ted depend ing upon tim e elups- e d since d ischarge, .

T im 1 M arine : .C orps. R tc ru llln g OlTice for th is a re a is-locuted In the P o st O ffice B uilding, N ew Brim s- Wick, te lephone n u m b e r NB 2-3484.

Fine Farm Workers ,Krne.i(a Q uiras, 23, of G uatem ala,

Open a Charge Accounta t th a


T iL K ay . MOOS ,

ond C e c n io 'B c j ,e3, 23, o f P u e r to Rico, m ig m n j fa rm w orker* , w e ro fined M0 cach And $3 costs «ac ti on dU orricry conduc t charges w h en a rra ig n ed T hursduy bofqrc K eypo rt.M agistrate H erb ert R o thenberg . v

TOo tw o m en w ore a r re s te d a f te r- a lleged ly tu rn in g in n false a larm W ednesday m o rn in g a t 2 o'clock from -B ox 2»3, B road and F ro n t S ts.1

P i c k u p a n d- v ............- ........

prompt Delivery< E X P E R T DRY CLEANIHO

Keyport CleanersPhona '

Keyport 7-0133. K eypo rt B ranch on Bf,a Opp, P o tt OH!«« (YUtawan 3 i»ncht i l l Main St,’

DESIRABLE PROPERTYBusiness - Professional - Residential


Call T. FRANK APPLEBY AGENCY, Inc.. M ain St. and M sltU on A t*.. A tb u ry P ark , N. J .

;■ “ ‘ - tA ; p .^ -a ao o ) ' ..............................■ ■ ■ * ■ / , , ■ .

M orlgafl# Lo«n C o rr« ipo fid»n li lo t Iho

HOW ABD BA V INO S IN ST IT U T IO N ,, of N .w irk , K. J.

R o b e r t H ay. R e ti r e s F r o m T e le p h o n e C o .

R o b ert H ay, of 108 S um nietfle id A ve., L au rence H arbo r, for n ea rly 22 yea rs w ith th e bu ild ings and sup plies forces of tho N ew Je rsey Bell T e lephone Co., re tired recen tly from th e te lephone business. .. F o rm erly . assigned to th e com

pany 's m e tropo litan d iv ision bu ild ’ Ing forces in N ew ark , M r., H ay

- gpent} thc~clostng year o r-go -trf-hi* ca re e r in K eyport, an d is now t a

-p erm an en t- res id en t o f L au rence H arbor, ‘w h e re h e ' liv e s ,w ith h is w ife. ._ '

A m em ber o f th e H . B, M cCully C h a p te r ,T e le p h o n e P ionee rs of A m erica, M r. H ay h a s no definite p lan # fo r re t ire m e n t beyond follow ' ing baseball, h is fav o rite sp o rt, v ia television.. A lso w ith tho c o m p a n y 'is a son,

Jam es G,, p re sen tly w ork in g a s an ih s ta lle r ;in th e com pany’s m etro po litan div ision .

Workers Still Are Needed At Arsenal...^ T h e ' 'h e lp wanted** sTgrt ^Ts” still o u t a t R a rita n A rsenal, M etuchen.

- TA n un»pec lfied> .num feer,o |J*g j^ 'riiclans a re w an te d to h e lp ex' ped ite w a r *m a|erials to th e w a r fron t, a cco rd ing to a n announce* m en t b y th e ch ie f o f th e office of civ ilian personnel.J T he greatest need , i t w as s ta t­

ed, is fo r m e n (ra ined as a u to m e­chanics, w oodw ork ing m ach ine ap* o ra to rs,‘f ire con tro l in s tru m e n t r e ­p a irm e n ^ an d a r t i l le ry m echanics,> Q ua lified ', p ersonne l should ap*

-p ly . a l- ih a -a tse n a rs - in a in . g ate , d a ily betw een ft a .m . an d 4 p .m .

i Complete Excavationj ■■ •; E x c a v a tio n a t C lif fw o o d B e a d i. fo r

the h e w ed ifice 4o house a c t iv it ie s i f .th e B a y v ie w 1 P resb yte rian C h u rc h , h a s been com pleted and

' the 's b tv e y o r is 'e xp e cted - to fin ish h is w o rk th is w e e k , p re lim in a ry to the la y in g o f th e concrete footings, J r A s o£ ,.M onday, a to ta l orH,|7616 8a» 4)een. : sub scrib ed *rtnTV*ah^and, p ledges to Ih e b u ild in g d r iv e ..

U U l T Z ' S r U t L M W






E Q U I P M E N T S S ER V IC Er u n o iL - v w o w ii 'C O A LKEYPORT 7 -2 1 0 4 ••KEYPORT



W e - have In stock M ate ria ls fo r every construction* new ' <Jcb«. ,


SUPPLIES INC.Ch»«s*quak«-MorrU!cmn niL; m u Inlarsaciloa Hlghiray 4, - Two M llis Iforth of Matawan

P. O. BOX 172



Service On All Makes


283 Upper Main St. MATAWAN, N. J .N aar H ig h w a y .. . -

O PEN D A ILY 8t30 A . M. to 6 P . M - FRIDA Y EV EN IN GS TIL L 9 P.M .*

Now .S ta r t in g O ur 30 th Y ear Tal. M A taw an 1-1603

. Building situated about 60 feet from corner of main biiiiness section, fully improved.and in good condition; three apartment!, suite of officps, all rented. Offers will he considered on basis of bid, cash payment ahd terms offered. V,

BRO W N H O LD IN G CO.52 W. Front Street KEYPORT

Tel. KEyport 7-3030


Phone KEyport 7-1S48

. .

1 5 'M inute A u to L aundry

Esso Verified Lubrication


M a t t r e s s e sW a a r* s la g ia v oat g ig aa tie M ld *Saxm nar C learan ce on

INNERSPRING MATTRESSES8o>»* i l ig lu l r td lM .. . . m a t tliqhttj ripptt. AU u u b l* .

SURPRISE STOREWkrc Y*sr B«(; Bsyt Msrt

7 -11 E. Front St- Keyport, N. J.- ...Free Delivery— Tel. 7-3020 ;

B e lte ry e tir /m e ... /A y e m * Living

PROMPT DELIVERIESB u i l d i n g M a t e r i a l s

f o r e v e r y n e e d .


Building Materials Plan Book ServiceStock and Custom Made MillMrork

Sutphin Avenue MATAWANT . l . M A t iw a n 1-2091

y is»ses>ssss»s»esss>s»seses«s«s»«ssssi sss»eses>M »>»s»»s<s»>ot<»es«e>*—'





B E S T - D R E S S E D “W A G O N ” • Attractive; m odern-dellveiy-equipniont-li—

one of our m any Shell Fuel Oil ‘'extras1'—« '• m atter of pride with thlsforward-looklnftcom -.....

psny. Neat and trim In appearance—equally ... n ea t In operation—our equipm ent keepi your

hom e In m ind . . . tries to live up to the stand* ard* you hare set. Our truck#—parked before your <toor—are always In their “ Sunday beat."



Six Corriers — Highway 35

KEYPOBT, N. Y.■v . . ' • ’ -




49: 5 9 1--- -----—' ■ ' 11

S H O R T R I B S O F B E E F 49 lbV LEGS and RUMPS



59-. 69Vi i 1Shoulders of Genuine SPRING LAMB......... ..49* to*




T U R K E Y S .' O ver IB ib i.

.. 49*m i b .

W D L O N E Y ’ 5 M A R K E T S- . —r jv p Quu& iif'

1 * 0 M 4 .IN S t r e e t *•" *»». wmk M A T A W A N

Page 4: PREPARE FOR COUNTY FAIR AT JOCKEY CLUB …nwouwca For Madison Twp. Ordinance Passes With No Opposition; Junkie, Peddler License Fixed; Requests Presented An ordinance-creating a planning


I H Efctabllahed 1B69 TeL* Keyport T-3030 Mats w an Township, Malawan Borough

-• Published Every Thursday at _. Keyport, Monmouth County* xf. J .


J,-M abel B row n... Charles. E. s t u iu . . .

Editor..Associate Editor

SUBSCRIPTION: RA TK H Payable, In Adyanc* .

Q neV ear (within State) . . . . . . . . f 13.00One Year (outside State) ? ....* .* 3JWSix Months ............ **wThree Months ........ * •"

Executors and administrator* -o f estates have the right to setect the

-‘oewspapeis tn which they fes^re toelr notices printed. If the right exercised the surrogate .will hjake the selection and the notice w ill prob­ably appear In some newtoaper that you would not have selected. Frtend? of The Journal having buslneM with

‘IW lWiTOBatey office will do ;weU to te a r th is u mind. . • , •

i. occupied by sijcb, error.

Entered as second-class matteiv&t the post office at Matawan, N. J ., under the act of M arch 3,1879. ’ . * t»-._

' THURSDAY, A UGUST 17, 1050


- A sh o rt tim e ago, in th e little ‘ t6 w n o f Oswego;' O re;,-the m em bers

: ; of a. ch u rch . p a s s e d r e s o l u t i o nw hich said, in pa rt: "Resolved: <3Chat 'w e '. . . p ro te st in every possible m an n er all profiteering,' scarc-buy-i h g 'a n d ; hoarding:

“T ha t w e renounce a ll indiv idual gains w hich m ust b o -h a d a t ..the

"fexpehse of gene ra l secu rity ; ' -•• ■- “.That w o p ledge ourselves n e ith e r w ord o r deed to con tribu te to

fea r o r ha tred , being aw are th a t the p re sen t em ergency challenges

—Ou r tnora l-aa-w eH -flS -phyelcalcour.age .-. . .: ‘T h a t w e u rge all likq-m lnded citizens to Join u s in th is reso lu ­tio n ." . ......................... ........... ...’ • I t w ould be a g rea t th in g fo r th is co u n try If. a t th is c ritic a l m om ent

r In h isto ry ,1 resolQtions of- th a t c h a r­ac te r w ere to have national circu la­tion and adherence. T here can be no excuse fo r th e hoarder, and he deserves only contempt. H e u n d e r­m ines h is country . H e b rings on scarcity fo r every ‘ hon est and p atrio tic person. :, I t is to the g rea t c red it o f re ta il m erchandising th a t it Is resisting ecaro-buying and th a t lt is n o t ta k ­ing advan tage o f conditions' to u n ­necessarily raise prices. Both chain and independen t re ta ilers h ave an ­nounced tha t they w ill res is t oil u n w arran te d ^ price rises w ith all th e ir m ight. • •

— - T he -h ig h e st - officials h av e -said th a t th e re is p len ty of goods fo r Hli, and th a t ra tion ing und k Jndre4 con­tro ls a rc not needed.


R esidents o f M ataWan Township! P lease .be notified th a t th e re w ill be a m ass m eeting of the M ataw an Tow nship T axpayers A ssociation on T ucsday evening , ca lled a t 8:30. T he d a te is A ugust 22, tljo place .is

.! th e St. Jam es Parsonage, D elaw are Ave., - ClifTwoodj V ital- subjects,

co ncern ing ou r com m unity Will be . discussed nnd wc ask , yo u r co­

operation in o u r organization w hich has as its goal—the bette rm en t of M ataw an Tow nship.' Signed ,

'j : ' 'WilUam M. Frost,' P re s id e n t

. t o the Editor: '•I t la too bad th a t wc do not have

ipore m en on the board of education Who arO strong enough <6 stop tho foolish ch a tte r on the board. S e l­dom do w o read in tho press an account of a board of education m eeting w hcn educational problem s w ere discussed. Instead we read of

- argum ents betw een board m em bers . about m inor afTalrs th a t a rc moro

- o r less-foreign to education. ........ri T hey critic ise, “ tha t cha racte r’ Who w rite s m isleading....icrtlcles.

l_T hey-ilnd-fauU -w ith .-T ha-M ataw anJo u rn a l fo r lack of assistance in the ' bu ild ing program . In short, i l you do not ngrcc with th e board you arc criticized bu t thc * board fails to offer figures and facts. .

' ii A n artlc la app earin g . ln. The Mat;. . . aw an Jo u rn a l 'somc .time ago, s tated

. th a t the num ber of pupils enrolled ill th e high school today Is abou t the sam e as It w as before tho new Wing containing e igh t' room s w as tfulU.' Does tho board ’ publish figures .refu ting this s tatem ent? no. W hy not? .^ J u s t before" the last election, the

, ' to a rd ‘‘sen t“ l'e ttb rt' hbme“ w itK ' the ch ild ren -te llln g th e paren ts th a t If they did not vote fo r tho bond

■ .. i& iv v tiic gram m ar schppl w ould bo on h a lf time. The board also said: “O n th e first day of 1990-31 school

’— rt •••the—board - may - -operate-.-tho, <ttementary schools, k indergarten

• . • th rough olght grudes, on hulf-clay sessions A h a lf day session Is n Aye h o u r session w ith one group s ta r tin g o t 0 a.m , and term inating life schoo l-schedu le at 1 p.m. and

. th e o th e r g roup s tarting the session 12 p.m . w ith thc te rm inating

h o u r se t a t 5 p.m.** Last w eek an a r tic le ' in T h e M atawan, Jou rnal

* fitated th a t a h a lf day session J3 BpV O jg w n i^ h iitiJ tio u c L -JV h lc h -is ttA redt? W ill th e bo ard please give i i the. co rrec t flguro?_ _ _T A ia in ,: th c .ib o a n t s ta te tG h a i the

f-.-. la n d w h ich th e y wiph to .p u rc h ase

t on R a v in e D r . I s th is tru e? We ve been to ld th a t It Is not on

, R a v in e D r ._ b u t th a t i t b a c k of ' tb e cem etery-arid that th ere is o n ly

r r * t^ ;n a r ro w - ro ad w ay - le a d ip g iro m . I k v in e D r . b ack to the ground ,

th ls co rrect? W i l l the board : p jla s e g iv e us th e facts? : '

^o J n ast w ce k ’a paper a b oard

p ressed .confidence ih a t if six. m ore room s w e re p u t on halfj.sesslon , th e p a re n is w ould becom e d is­gusted w ith conditions a n d como o u t "to- Vote* .-thus.- im p ly ing - th a t it m a y ' n o t b e - necesssay i;to p u t six room s on ha lf tim e b u t th a t It m ig h t be a good th in g to do th is in o rd e r to -c a rry the election. I t this th e p ro p e r a ttitu d e for a board m em b er to take? • • ; ; ; • Y .

I t w ould appear from various s tatem ent* of board m em bers tha t th e board is m o r e ' de term ined to Jorce a hgavy school deb t upon the taxpayers, than to really im proveschool cond itions .. ............... -.............

- Signed,F a ir P lay .

Looking BackwardITEM S ABOUT F O L K S AMD


th b e r w a s re p o rte d .to

T en Y ears Ago |(Issue of T hursday , Aug. 15, 1040) A recep tion fo r R ep.' W illiam H.

S u tph in , fo rm er M ataw an m ayor, ru n n in g fo r re-election to Congress, w ill bo held a t the hom e o f M r. and M rs. H ow ard H eight in Sea G irt, S a tu rday . G iffo rd , R eeved M al- aw anr-w lll -en tertairr-tho gathering singing Irish ballads.

T hore w ill b< 1300 - ch ildrenen ro lled In . d is tr ic t schools for th e te rrii s ta r t in g ’ S e p t .4,. S uper­vising P rinclpn l Jo h n S. M cCurdy announces, ■

R obert -Cf. Thix ton w as re-elected vice, com m ander of_ the MpnmouLh County* organization o f the A m er­ican Legion. ' '

M rs. M arguerite R . L a ird en ter- ta lnod a t n- luncheon— an d -bridge M onday a t h e r Jack so n St. res i­dence in honor of Mrs. F re d M. B urlew , also of M ataw an , I t was the honored guest’s b irthday .

Mrs. W arren D onnell and M rs. W. C. N oddings atendcd a m eeting of th e M onm outh C ounty Council ofP a ren ts a n d T eachers In LongB ranch M onday.

'M r. and Mrs. tlcm i J . B u ttlng- hauscn Jr., of G len R idge spent from F rid ay un til M onday w ith Mr. a n d 'M rs . R alph H errick . G uests c f Mr. und M rs. H errick on S a t­u rd ay w ere Mr. an d M rs. C. B rad­fo rd-B row n Jr. o f . Belleville;.! Mr. a n d M rs. C, B radford Brown, sr., N orth B ergen; and C arl W onder, H artfo rd , C o n n .' .. t Mr. an d M rs. M ortim er O 'Connor, a n d son, B ernard , of N cw -Y ork, w ill a rriv e Tuesday to spend a tw o-w cck vacation o t the hom o of M r. and Mrs. L eroy Bergen.' "Mrs! H enry H utchinson und Mrsi W illiam B.; D uncan a rc enjoying vacations in O cean G ro v e ,r • .

The Mieses B arb a ra B urlew and Peggy H ostettor le f t Sunday lo r Island H eights w h ere th e y w iil speiid a tw p-w cbk v a c a t io n . .

M rs. Lew is .Boyce is confined to the h o s p ita l 'a s a re su lt o f in ju ries sustained in a fall a t h e r hom e on M ain S t_T uesday . '

. T w enly , Y ears Affd''(Issue of F riday , A ug. 15, 1030) P ho tographs of tw o m en a rre s te d

in C incinnati w ith $7000 in trav e le rs checks in th e ir possesion bea ring the sam e se ria l num bers as .those ta k en a t T hc M ataw an B ank In the recen t h o ld u p liaVe b ee n fo rw arded fo r study as to possible id en tity by persons in th e bunk a t thc tim e of th e crlmo. • 1 '

New Je rsey M nterlals Co.’ Inc., organized by A nthony G uadugno, of W est O range, s ta r ted opera tions this w eek on th c p lan t p ro p erty located on tho p lo t of land ju s t sou th of thc high school o n ‘B road St.

R ichard B urlew opened up garage . business in Browntown., S aturdny. , < ’

Miss Mar^gnrot D evlin w as- thc guest T hursday in New Y ork of M iss Louise P earson , h e r fo rm er room m ate a t G eo rg ian C ourt Col*lege. - - - • " * ...

Mrs. Clydo Ferguson, o f New Rochelle, N. Y w n s the g u es t of MrSr-JT-ST-HarriB,-Tuofiday-«nd-Wod- ncsday. Miss Eliza fB. A rrow sm ith and Miss Ju lia D. A rrow sm ith gave a luncheon in he r h ono r und inv ited a num ber of Old M ataw an frie n d s of M rs. Ferguson, • , . ,

P ostm aste r F . R. T hom pson w as operated o n ycste rduy in a N ew Y ork hospital.' Miss M argare t DominicV, .M lsi E tta B aicr and M iss Amy Baler sta rted th is w eek on a tcn-day autom obilo. tr ip w h ich w ill toko them up in to Canudu before th e ir re tu rn . •

F o r iy Y o a r iA g o(Issue o f Thursday,”Augr 18,1010) R ecord j pota to crop y ie lds are

reported - th is y ea r ..from : farm s .in the area aVound M utaw an. Jam es H ickey estim ate’s- his land iti pro* tiucing . potatocs-Tit-thc^ ra te ‘’-of-;190' ba rre ls pci* oerc. C harles P. C on­over,' Jo n a th a n I. Holmes. G a rre tt LongHtrcet, W illiam C raw fprd , and the Dr. R oberts and G eorge T. Jo n es farm s urc a ll y ie ld ing above theaverage crops. ' t ...............

Tunis R. Schenck, N ew ark , spent T hursday here. Mr. S chenck Is one of M ataw an’s . la rgest p ro p erty ow ners and is hav ing p u t dow n a substantial w alk along his fron tage o n -M uinS t.v“S o irth 'o fM ldd lesey"S t;'

Capt. S. C. Thom pson gavo out the .contract.for,_h’ls .n p w jyousc on M ain S t n e a r M iddlesex S t. on Tuesday. G eorge Langan, K eyport, w as tho successful b idder.

Miss H elen T erhune has opened h er farm house a t S p rin g g a l le y again and has a .num ber o f younglady friends aa.-her guests. - .......

“B ud"' Sm ith has sold h is F ord autom obilo to Dr. E rv in . , “ Bud” h a d hla ca r abou t tw o m onths, und ev iden tly d id n o t And It tra c tab le

M r . 'a n d M rs,, il. A. S m ith 'h a v e , issued inv ita tions id th e m arriag e o f th e jr daugh ter, M iss M abel A delaide, to, M r. R o b e rt S ealey J r M iss Sm ith h a s , & e*n. te p d iin g in th e M ataw an G raded School. M r. Sealey is- in business in N ew Y ork and is th e nephew of M r. and M rs. If. A . B ushnell, of M ataw an.

J o h n EnU , w ho w as unab le to get o u t of th e w ay qu ick ly because he h a s a w ooden leg a n d glass eye, w as rim dow n by. a m o to ris t w hile he w aa .s itting alongside th e ro ad nea r tho b ric k y a rd in C liffwood, H e w as th ro w n 15 fee t by th e ac ­cident, land ing on. h is face and closing h is good eye. H e Was left ’to take care o f h im self by the unconscionable d riv e r. .

Baptist Church Election Is Held

Balloting Takes Place' * At Annual Meeting Of

Old Bridge ParishE lection of officers fea tu red thc

ann u a l m eeting of th e congregation of the Old B ridge B ap tist C hurch.

T hc pastor, thc Rev. A lb ert L. E a stm an /p resid ed . . - ^ - -_ E lected w ere: M rs. F ra n k R oth, church cierk ; M rs. H aro ld G reen, financial secre tary ; C larence B u r­lew , tre asu re r; - F ran k T. Hellas*m ann, B erna rd S parling ( A rchioBcrihem. and M r. B urlew , deacons; C harles P. H lllycr, M r. H citzm ann, M r.. .Burle\v» L eighton A ppleby, H oroid G reen and M r. S parling , trustees, v - —

Sunday school officers elected w ere: Mr. B urlew , superin tenden t; H arold F. F o rd , a ss is tan t supcrln - Tenaem i~ A lbert W. A ppleby. secre- ta ry -tren su rer; R ussell T u rn e r, as- s tetan t sccro tary -txeasurer.

M r H lllyer, sen io r dcacon, re p o rt­ed th a t w ork had been sta rted on thc new addition to tt?e church building. The ad d ition w ill Include tw o lu v a to rie s-an d a large, k ltchcn . on tho basem ent floor level. A la rg e r bap tis try and add itiona l S un ­day'"'school room s o n tho church aud ito rium level a rc con tem plated la te r , h e stated.

A donation w as voted to the South A m boy B aptist C hurch fo r he lp In repairing dam age due to tb e M ay 10 explosion. **•

T hc resignation of A r th u r B row n us Sunday s c h o o l' su p erin ten d en t w as acccptcd. M r. B row n is m oving to«.Springfield P a.

V acation B ible School w as r e ­ported in progress w ith M iss E liza­beth A lbert, ch ild evangelist from A tlan tic C ity, d irecting . A n av e r­age of 55 ch ild ren arc- in a ttendance dally . Tlie school w i l l d o s e tom or­row , F r id ay ,’

D ue to Uie add itiona l am oun t of business being tran sacted a t the p roscnt tim e, i t w as decided to hold congregation m ee tings, m on th ly . in ­stead o l qu arte rly . T h e n ex t m e e t­ing w ill bq held S ept. 12.

Club Entertains Dutch Clergyman At Supper

The Rev. Law rence A. Bodayn of D ordracht,. H olland, w as guest of honor nt a supper gard en p a r ty given by the m em bers o f the M at­aw an Mothccs* Club, and th e ir h u s ­bands, a t ‘the hom o o f M rs. W, W. W ieland, W eldon Rd., Tuesday. The Rev. M r. B odaan . th an k ed thc m em bers fo r parce ls sen t to him fo r d istrib u tio n - fo llow ing ‘W orld W ar U. He ou tlined h js exper- ien^ds during the period ofc G e r­m an occupation and as a hostage in a G erm an p rison carnp.

A ttend ing w ere M r. arid M rs H enry L uhrs, M r. an d M rs. M yron Diggin, M r. an d M rs. W illiam C. Ludi, M r. and M rs. P e te r Read, Mr. and M rs. A lfred R aven, M rs. to u i s Beckcr, M rs. Jam e s S tr e e t Mr. tm d Mrs. A. E dgar P alm , M r. and Mrs. K url C laus, M r; and M rs. O tto . S trohm ingdr, ~M r, and M rs. J o h n • L C ham berlain , * Mr.| and Mrs. W alter P ik e , M rs. M ilton G unkel, M r. and M rsL_ C h a r le s

County Legion 1Aiudfiary Meets .

Plans Made For State Department Sessions; List Committees y'-

M onm outh C ounty A nvejiqan Legion WVuxt l ia r ie r met^-viftriday n igh t a t th e P o s t H om ec-ir^L ong B ra n c h . ' v£rs. M abel Hoy,. Long B ran ch , r e t i r in g , county presiden t, presided. S he gave h e r rep o rt on h e r post tw o m o n th s’ ac tiv ities and announced th a t, in conjunction w ith th e C oun ty Americarf_*Le^lon, u, hospitalized veterans com m lttcc had been fo rm ed and incorporated. S he h as been appo in ted to serve on th a t com m ittee fo r* tw o yea rs and M rs. E lino r C hurch , B rad ley Beach, county chaplain , h ad been appo in t­ed to serve for Jive years.

T h e re w ill b e an an n u a l fu n d ­ra ising function, said funds to bP Used exclusively to 'b cn e ilt hosp ita l­ized • veterans. T h is function w ill be held on the S atu rday preceding A rm istice D a y / . This y e a r th e re w ill be a dance a t Sea G ir t Inn on Nov.' A, \ Mrs. Isabella Rodrigue*. H ighlands, M rs. I ren e V ahS auter, F a ir H aven, and Mrs. E d ith -Early, F reehold , w ere appoin ted to a com* m ittce to establish ru les and rcgula-U ons., to. b e .fo l lo w e d by futjJtrft,tre a su re rs J n . t h c . keeping ^o f th e books. . '

L e tte rs of thanks w ere read from M rs” A lice H iJn tingtbrir dcp a rtm en t p re s id e n t and M rs. RuUv. -Evans* departm ertt vice p r e s i d e n t fo r courtesies ex tended and g ifts p re ­sen ted a t M onm outh C ounty’s con'- ven tiO T m n — June:— A nnouncem ent w as ' m ade o f the Golden Jub ilee ce leb ra tion to b e held a t H ighlands from A ug. 16th th rough A ug. 26 w ith “P a trio tic N igh t” to b e held on A ug. 25 w hen . all posts ond un its are .Jn v ltc d to b e thc guests of Tw ifiligh t- P ost, an d - Unit., o t . High? lands.' ■ ’ ............

R cp o rts ‘ w o rd mode b y M rs. RodrlgUez, m em bership ; M rs. A nne C hcrney , U nion Beach, coupons an d M rs. E sthe r M cCarthy, B radley Beach, publicity , l t w as voted th a t thc county w ould sponsor M rs. Ho.^ as a de legate to - th e N ational con* ven tlon to bo h e ld tn Los Angeles( in O ctober. F in a l arrangem ents w ere m ade to partic ipa te in tho D epartm en t C onvention w hich w ill b e held in A sbu ry P a rk o n S ep t; 7, 6 and 0. A ll sessions w ill-be held

C L A S S I F I E D A D SJVew^JerMr

publish** wishes lo a ir* neilee tha t the Crime Ac* la th e t i a te oJ

d*eej»tlv«. 'b t btislesZna* » d v e r i lw S B r ^ M n b* of > . ttftSftittMfioyand punished b r a floe no* exceeding il.OOO o i f j^U tot a period not exceeding one. yesv or bollu

risonmenl la the county


and economical estimates on carpet­ing, linoleum. Venetian blinds, ver­satile and slip covers, call 'J o h n Scoras, representative'of Sears Boe-- bilcTc~l& Co;, . P erth _ Amboy 4^000

port 7-201T plan.

*Use our eaBy payment .... w jtf

until 3u30 p.jn.;' from 6 p.m. on, Key­- — TM. " -----------------------

BULLDOZING■ 'service .cheap: - land clearing, cellar excavations,, fill d irt

and top soil. Estimates freely given. Call Matawan l-1020-M-l. _______wJUHOME OWNBBSf—We specialize in

carpenter and mason repair woric, no down payment} convenient te rnu arranged; estimates cheerfully given. Local sales representative for famous Coleman oil heater. $7.95 per month; no down payment. Morris Home Improvement CO.. 805 Shore Rd., Union Bcach. Tel. Keyport 7-014gR. wjtfCHROMIUM—Nickel and B tass Elec-

tropIaUng and polishing household and industrial artlclM. G uaranteed work. Monmouth Plating i t Polishing Co. 113 W. Front SL, Hed Bank, TeL Red Bank 5-1177. W JtfItTENITURE Upholstery Cleaning and

Bug Shampooing.' Reasonable rates. Pickup and delivery service. __Phone Keyport Cleariers & Dyers, Keyport 7-01W. - * wjtfHOBE31T BOZZA "'CO.. BUILDERS.

Complete homo alterations and re* s a ir service, porch enclosers, additions, storm sash, roofing, siding, hardwood floors, plastering, concrcte sidewalks, driveways, briefcwork, chimneys* ilre-§ laces, built, repaired, cleaned.' 54

ccoftq St., Keyport. Telephone Kev- pdrt;V-tW03> .'“*■ ...... .. r ’ w jtfWE are now accepting second year

television service contracts;formation call a t our store.

for in- Bright

Spot- Radio Shop,- a7 - Er -F ront- St., Keyport. Tel. Keyport 7-0722.1 real trea t to invite your friend to Join y o u 'a t the. Rollo Post House

LANDSCAPING—BuUding and main­tenance of your grounds our spec­

ialty; fop^'solirwairure; fertiliser, limer X,. Lucas, Stono Rd. Tel. Keyport 7-1413. . wJlO-5LAWNMOWERS sharpened and re­

paired; saws filed; brazing and welding; w ill pick lip; all work

uaranteed; hprse shoeing done: fen- Jers welded and repaired. Wm. M. Smith, 68 Matn St., Keyport, formerly of M atawan... TeJ..K eyport 7-1157J. L

.............................. . WJ31


Apply Cochrane Chemical Company. 191 Main-St.. Matawan, N. J . J17EXPERIENCED auto mechanic, with

possible experience on trucks or buses. Inquire Rollo Transit Corp.. :Ke?port. - ... w jtfEXPERIENCED s e w i n g operators

wanted; steady work. R. & C. Mfg. Co.. Union ana Park Aves., Union Beach. Tel. Keyport 7-1400. . ..;WJ17SALESLADY wanted, age 29 to 35,

_ „ _ __ _ retail" store In M atawan;. n gooda t Iho A sbury PasJt- JIIfih School I n ^ c s U n ^ '^ i ^ y " B ats

tlwork; Balary plus commUslon; six hour, -day; 38 hour week. _ .Reply by

and tho K ingsley A rm s H otel w ill be h ca d q u arle rs i o f th e -a u x il ia ry j The P as t P res iden ts’ d in n e r , w ill be held a t th e . K ingsley A rm s on T hursday , Sept. 7.

M nndoviile, the Rev. W arren L a y ­ton an d Mrs. Layton, and Mr. W lclund.

Mew Members WelcomedA apeclal m eotihg w as called bj*

tho M urlboro G ardens C ivic Asso­ciation a t tho M organviilci F ire - house T ucsday evening . H. P. Tark , pcsl^cd. 0 , .

A lm ost th c e n tire • m cm borsh lp was. p resen t and th ree now fam ilies, recen tly tak ing —u p .-residence In M arlboro G ard en s ,. w ere w elcom ed ln to_tho_a8 sic ia tio n rT h ey "w cj,d :M rr and-M rgr F rod -Ludorm an, -fo rm orly of M ntaw an;' Mr, and M rs. R. Solar?, fo rm erly of. N ew Y ork C ity, and; M r. anil M rs. H en ry ftydfcl, . ■!

•r Biayview -S erv iccs^ '" ;-rrh e BayvleW P rdsby te rlan C h u rd i

w ill hold identical serv ices a t 8 and, -11 a.m. S unday lii th c ClifTwood C ivic Center. T he pastor, Iho Rev., R. Douglas M erriam , w ilt p rcach o n 1 ’G ideon's Band/* . . , •

'Hie Sunday school w ill m eet at 0:45 a.m. . * . , "

Tho board of dcacons w ill m eet a t, 7:45 p^m. J n the homo of E rnest F .“Hub'bYrd, 1317 C liitw ood D r ,“

State Fire- Aid Foi- Holmdel Discontinued

N otice of the d iscon tinuation o£ s ta te fire pro tection fo r H olm del Tow nship w as received, by the' tow nship com m ittee Thursday, r A ccording to B ernard W .;B a rt^ Jett of the S ta te F o res t F ire £ e rv lc $ thc n um ber o f Arcs in iip lm d e l and, A tlan tic Tow nships have been too few to m e rit th e scrv iccs of u Are w arden. I t w as rccooimctfdcd, how ever, Iha t the * com m ittee, pass an o rd inance adoptfri£ Arc reg u la ­tions s im iio r to those enforced b y thc p resen t w arden! '

William McFarland . ; Honored * On Birthday

W illiam M cF arland, H olm del Rd., C raw fords C o m e r, q e lc b ra tc d \h is 87th b irth d ay S atu rday . T h a t a f te r­noon M r. M cF arland w as p resen ted w ith a , la rge cab in e t m odel te le ­vision Bet by a n u m b e r o f H olm del T ow nsh ip friends,

M r, M cF arland re tire d lu s t spring as a m em ber of th e H olm del Tow n sh ip C om m lttcc a f te r serv ing aB u com m itteem an ov er 30 years.

wrllthg to U ox ATln caro7of th is new s­paper. . . wJ17NURSE wanted; must bo New Jersey.

registered; steady ' position; good salary.*. .For lnlormation call Keyport 7^2027. ‘ ■ • wJ17


KEYPORT BANKING CO. Savings > Bank Book No. 12821 - lost recently;

paym ent' stopped. - M uriel Marvin.H.p. 1, Box.46, Matawan.


1930 Chevrolet ;Cbach. good condition; .Alfred" Bllottl. jg Uth j i t . Matawan.^^

NO DOWN PAYMENT e'48 Crosley sedan . . . *47 Crosley sedan . . . .*40 Pontiac sedan . . . .*38 Buick coupe . . . . . . - ah'37 Ford sedan

. . . . . S405 $290•..........|275.* ... $190 . . . . $ #0

TERMS AND.TRAflES*48 Kaiser sedan ......... . $1370•47 Kaiser sedan ....... . $1150*49 Crosley sta. wagon . . . . . >690•48 Crosley sedan . . . . . $ 405

STRAUB MOTORS, INC. K alser-Frazer D ea le r .

Crosley Distributor Sales and Service -

Highway 35 ond Clark St.Tel. KEYPORT 7-1008Open Evenings till 0 . Except Saturdays -


F O R S A L EFANCY bantu itr chickens ond roosters}. . cheap Marie . Sarabuchello, 614A tlantic Ave., Matawan. J17COLDSPOT refrigerator, good condl- -- tlon< Tel.-MatatVan-1-0600,—Mrs. -V,

Fredda, 15 Schenck Ave., Matawan.HORS# MANURE.'cow m anure, hen

manure, by the ton delivered; also wood, stove leng th and fireplace. Tel. K eyport 7-0432. JtfPALMEft- M in1nc-cliitch- nnd_B uar^ur

Fosd motor, also w ater manifold. H enry Case, 1161 Hawthorne Way, Cliffwood Bcach. Tel. Mat. 1-0681M.

: • wJ24*MAGIC CHEF kitchen

new 1946; very littlegas range, used; . four

burner, pilot light, oven_c°ntrol and alarm clock. * Phone Keyport 7-2865), — M/m*

PEACHES for canning dlrcct from farm. Tel. iMlddlclown 5-0286R.

Laurel Avo. Box 209k R.F.D., Keyport.» wJ17

LEONARD refrigerator, excellent eon- ditlon, $45; Easy Washer, excellent

condition, reasonable. Tel. Middletown 0-O286R. Laurel Ave., Box 2Q8, R.F.D.. Keyport. ’ wJ17MAGIC CHEF gos range; also Frigid-

alre. Call Keyport 7-0101 any m orn­ing. , wJ17LUMBER USED—Roofers,

4x12 heavy timber.1-2239R.

2x0’s; also Tci. Matawan-

WJ17*USED refrigerators; good condition;

reasonable. Call Teto’s Inc., Keyport 7-2700. . . . w jtf

" fAA.l& HELP. WANTED 7 ' Masons. ,Taxt Drivers. Oflbearcr,Bookkeeper (outo), Bojter (bread), Tullors, Busliclmen, L inotype and Intcrtypo Operators. Machinist

), Lotho Operators,, Millingivlachino Operators, Machinists.

<Tool;iind Dio Makers. Mechanical , Inspectors. Radio Research Me*1 chanic, Plumbers, Spotter (silk), Meat Cutters, Auto Body Repair­man. Radio Repairmen, T urret ■ Lathe Operator, Machinists (bench), sho rt Order Cooks, Dishwashers, Gardener, Farm. Laborers, Dairy Farmers, Houseman, Polishers, Drill Press Operators, Punch Press

. Operators, Onset Pressmen.

Apply in person to:


48 E. Front St, - Red BankNO FEES CHARGED

. WJ17

Givic-Assn;-Meeting-T he ClifTwood Civic A ssociation

w ill hold Its re g u la r m eeting W ed­nesday , <Auif. 23. There w ill be nom ination and c lcc tion of oflicers. Tho association is con tinuing th e w eek ly social gam es and ca rd p a r­ties ' every., Tuosday evening in thc Cltftwood^ Civic ' C en te r a n d , w ill sponsor a tw iligh t-m oonligh t sail from K bnnstm rg /to N ew . Y ork on S a tu rd a y , Aug! 20. Thc b oa t leaves K eansbu rg o t 6:30 and tlckc ts muy bci. p ro cu red a t tho dock,

B r o w n i e T r o p p M e e t s ;M organvllle 'Brownlo T roop .C6

m e t Tuesday a t tlio hom o o f tho lcador, M rs. Thom as M aresca, and w o rk ed on a p ro jec t , o f m ilk ing p lastic ash trays to be p resen ted to th e ir fathera. “ A l l ' memfclcrs t jf 'th e troop, w ith the excep tion of P a tty G ale and SUzanne Bfeckcr. w ero p re sen t io r th e m eeting w h ich w ill be th e la s t uKUl tho reopen ing of school" ; ■' *

Chapel Seryice S u n d ayHoly Com m union w ill be g iven a t

th e 0 a,in.- serv lco Sunday In tho C hapel of O u r . •Savlbur, C heese­quake. T he R ev. 11. G. P urchase of P ?Inc6ia p w n r c o n a u c l~ t l i6 sefvTceT

Choir Hold* PjcnicS t, Jo se p h 's C hurch C hoir held

its first annual- p lcnltt S unday In Cnd^sequAke S ta te Park! C hoir m em bers and th e ir guests en joyed a p rogram of gam es and th c usual picnic refreshm ents.

' Plan Church Supper..T he W om en's Society, for, .C hrist­

ian ' S c rv lc e -o f th e ClifTwood M clh- od ls t^C hurch w ill hp ld a cafe teria ' su p p er a t> th o .ch u rch on T hursday , Aug. 24. S u p p e r w ill be served from 5:30 u n til 8 o 'clock.

'-Z « tte rh e ad i,-b llU ie ad il V t»U m e n l« , oanU . c irc u la rs , posters, in fa c t a n y k ind o f p rin tin g m a y bo obtained a t th is office p rom ptly and a t reaso n­able p rices . M ay tfe h ave yo u r order fo r th a t n t t t Job?

... ■ . .. ^ .

FEMALE HELP WANTEDPBA . Operator, Stenographers, Dayworkcrs, Counter Girls, Wait­resses, General Houseworkers (live-in), Hand Sewers. Engine Lathe -Operators, Drill Press. Operator. Soldcrers, Assemblers, Coil Winders.

Apply in person to:: N—J STATE EMPLOYMENT__

SERVICE43 E. Front St, .. Red Bank



Machine a n d Hand Pressors, Couples (llvc-ln), Sewing Machine

.Operators. - • •

. Apply In .ponon to:N. J . STATE EMPLOYMENT

. , SERVICE . -48 E. Front St. 'Red Bank


WJ17FEMALE — Experienced operators,

steady work, /ood pay. R ite StyleSpoctawear»-l(U^N..-Feltus-St;r-6outh-Amboy.7 TcU-South Amboy 1-0037.PLUMBEft—Musi 'be first class me- _ chahlfy otherwise do n o t ' apply. Call a t 235 Main St., Keyport. Pitone Keyport 7-0350. WJI7MIDDLE nged Woman to live in and

care for school age child of working parents; own room with private bath; not expectcd to do ncavy housework; all electric appllnnces including dlsh- washer. Tel. Kevnort 7.2863J.


GOOD "home for kittens, two months old: also cats, malo or female. Call

Matawan 1-283BM any evening. :

R eal Estate For SaleTWO lots,. 20x100 .each, shade trees; i .Holmdel-Keyport Road, between K axlet Station and. Highway 35. Cash. Reasonable for quick sale. Box 418, Monmouth Bcach. N. J .. w ’ wjl7

H O U S E S - F O R S A L E

HOMES, FARMS, BUSINESS PROP­- BRTQ5S. Insurance. 100% Veteran Mortgages. L ist.yourj> ropcrtles> rtth us. Buyers waiting. Hen and Mattie Smith, Renltor, iftlfc Main S t Tel. M atawan 1-2287. ' w jti

REBUILT SPRAYER. Myers nil pur- ^ pose In fine condition. ' Conover Brothers, Myers Pump and Sprayer Sales and Service, w ickatunk. Tel. Holmdel 7-8121. w jtfUSED TRACTORS—Massey-Harris 144,

also reconditioned Caac D.C. w ith all new tires. Conover B ro th e r, Sales and Service, Wickatunk. Tel. Holm-’ d(Jl 9-6121. - ‘ WjtfVENETIAN - BLINDS—$2.98 each, all

sizes to 38* Wide -x 84" long. The m odem blind w ith completely enclosed m etal head and baked enamel flexible s tee r slats: custom b linds-a t new low prices; estimating and delivery free; satisfaction ‘ guaranteed. Kai*l A.Frtintz,. S18 Seventh St., Union Beach. Tel. Keyport 7-2816W. • w jtfPICK-UP BALER—New Holland, new

or used: also almost new Massey- H arris self propelled combine. Conover Brothers Sales 6t Servlco, Wickatunk. TeU Holmdel 7-6121. w jtfBUTCHER BLOCK 38x24, $25; 1/6 h.p.

motor. $10; .both good ' condition.■ - - wj25--tfKey.


ONE bedroom, large bed; a real home with every privilege, steam heat,

bath with hot water. Call early in day, Matawun 1-2002M. J17*THREE-room apartm ent w ith private

bath; unfurnished; ■ heat and hot w ater supplied; Holmdel Road, H arle t Phono Koyport 7-0332-W-2. wJ17

LOFT. 30x70. Louis Costa,.80 First S t , Keyport. Tel.

^Keyport 7-1535.* wjtf

; , ........... w jtfSIX room.’apartm ent with bath; all

.Improvements; hot water supplied; adults only; available Sopt.' 1. Write Box M in care of this newspaper.



BUNGALOW—4-5 rooms, unfurnished, central heating system; wanted tiy

reliable adult family in ClifTwood Beach; will decorate.' attend premisesupon agreement; best references. Please stato full particulars and price. P. O. BoX 328,'Cliffwood Beach. 117*

C lasslfled -ad* r e s u l t aply.

Quick Battery Service COLOT’sT~M«tawan

. H ave j o u re a d th e cdastdJled adlfj^

Dr. Mark B. Muscafella* - - Optometrist

H . J .U l M a l n S t . M a la v a . M A la v o n 1-0231/OfTfce hours by appointment.

F R E S H F R U I T S A N D V E G E T A B L E S•• D i r e c t f r o m F a r m t o t h e H o > n e . ~

. P i c k e d a u d D e l i v e r e d D a i l y .B n e la lU e In S W E E T C O H N , L IM A B E A N S , T O M A T O E S '

• , a lto O K H A and F R E S H E G G S. ' "A NY TH IN G GROW N . . . w e have it.” ..................

P A T S Y E S P O S I T O & S O N S 1 F A R M ) -M ATAW AN. If. J . '. L ■ T«l. M A taw an 1-0JI3M

M R . F A R M E R Y o u N e e d £

S a f e D e p o s i t B o x • ,

P r o t e c t i o n . . . ,

Fire dnd w in d are y o u r ty/o big farm destroyers.-*

F ire , s o easily started in s u m m e r Irom d ry grass arid veg e ta tio n , a n d Jn winter Irora hot stoves. Is

~~ hard to stop without c ity .....f i r e - f i g h t i n g a p p a r a t u s . close at hand. . ,

K eep yo u r Im portan t - p a p e r s s e c u r e f r o m / f r o

• and accidental loss^Tii a '• , sa le deposit h o i ren ting ■}'

lor a tew c e n t s a w e e k . / Rent a box n e x t time y o u ; c o m e to to w n . ■

A T A W A N B A N KM tU e u M u t ,

N e u t f f & U e y ,




An FHA Loan will make it easy to finance repairs and improvements, providing cash needed fo r labor and materials. Yqu enjoy a m ore attractive and comfortable home while paying in convenient monthly installments with terms as long as three ,yearsL ' ' "

The loan you need can be promptly arranged, enabling you to cairy out : your plans without delay. Come in and see us ^bout details. :

F A i m f E R S & M e h c h a n t s

— ] ^ a t i o i v a l B m k ......■ M A T A W A IV , RIEW J E R S E Y


Organized 1830 — Oldest 'Bank ir\ Monmouth County ft

Old “Doc” P ickett u£ed to say: -

Just keep rowin’ the boat and you won’t have riiuch tirne to rqek it. r ~ ‘

After a Hard Day at the Office—nothing tastes better than Buttonwood Manor PRIME RIBS OF BEEF!

I t’s am azing how quickly Buttonwood Manor -good food will restore good humor 1 — ” z

All Buttonwood Manor beef is chosen-by "' experts! „ ___ __

before it reaches our kitchens, where it is cook- car a lasting finish is to tiy ed with the skill and care it deserves! *...i- - — -

Served today'anB'every day!

.. ....A good way to Widen the straight and narrow path is fo r more people to walk i t

M eet Y our F rien d s In O a r


to beat a tra in to a cross­ing.

roira FAV O RITE


O p e o f . ‘‘N e w Jersey** F a v o r i t e D in in g

.R o o m * .f ■'

Member Matlonal Restaormnt Assn.

HIGHWAY 4-34, N im b n l l . 1. S IU . H ol.I A u l

P h an * M alaw an 1-21M) M a n ' a J

t L ounga 12JS3 M A T A W A N , N . J .

Page 5: PREPARE FOR COUNTY FAIR AT JOCKEY CLUB …nwouwca For Madison Twp. Ordinance Passes With No Opposition; Junkie, Peddler License Fixed; Requests Presented An ordinance-creating a planning


Fred M. BurlewsFete Matawan Couple

' ? On Occasion Of 25thWedding Anniversary

—• A- - su rp rise d in n e r p a r ty w as , g iv e n 'a t S h ip A hoy, Sea B righ t, In

• h o n o r of th e s ilv e r , w edd ing a n n i­versary . o f M r. an d M rs. P red M. ButJ4w, W yckoff St.,. M ataw an, on

Jijonjlay- even ing by q g roup o ffriends. T h e d in n e r w as a rranged by M rs, W illiam H. S u tph in , M rs.’

,>Milton F. S tevenson and .Mrs. W il­liam G. F itzpatrick , a ll o f M at- aw an . *

- ' M r . . B urlew waa .b o rn in M it- afrari, Ihe w n '; p f . M rs. H e rb e rt B u rlew o f iVlairt S t / and , the la te M r.. B u rle w ..' H e : was g raduated Iro m M ataw an H igh School, BucHr.

: . n e ll U n iversity and H a rv a rd 'L a w : SchooL-:- H<} has conducted a legal

_' p rac tic e in M ataw an for th e past 30 • : y e a r s . : - . V - • • --^rvrV

M rs .'1 B urlew , the fo rm er . M iss M arg a re t,B ru ce , Is the d a u g h te r o f M rs. ‘C harles. H . B ruce of R ock­v il le C enter, L . I., an d the ia te

-H cv . M r. B ruce. She becam e the L‘ b ride of M r. B u rle w on Aug. 15;j 1&25, .in . th6 m anse of the Flrat^

., P re sb y te rian C liu rch o f M ataw an, w ith h e r fa th e r oflic ia ting at the

- ' cerem ony. T hey have one dough* ',t,rJ:t^tB f; 'Ell2abutH A nne, a s tu d en t a t

S tpehens College, Colum bia, Mo. M rs. B urlew is a m em ber of the

i J t f o mafa's C lub of .M ataw an and. th e M onm outh C hapter, DAR, o t

Bank. M n B urlcw is a mem* h e re o f th e M onm outh C ounty B ar

’ A ssociation .'- ; .A tte n d in g th e d in n e r w ere M r.

M atawan Personal Item s

a n d M rs. S pafford W. Schanck, M r. and M rs. F itzpa trick , M r. ahd M rs. S u tp h in , M r. and M rs. J o h n

L ; Tasstni, Wr. and Mrs. R. L.C a rtan , M r. and Mrs. R aphael D ev lin , D r. Conover B urlew and

. M rS i-_B urlcw , M ayor J o h n W. • AppIcgatcv^WilHum T ay lo r Sutph in ,

M r. and M rs. C harles C. Schock sr., L eo . W einstein, M r, nnd M rs.

- fitevenson und son, M ilton S tevcn- so n jr .. M iss E lizabeth B urlcw of M ataw an ;- Mr. und -M rs. Jacob W yckoff an d Mrs; Oscar- O schw ol^ o f R ed B ank; M r. and M rs. W a lter J , E bbe ls of R ockville C enter; Mr. an d M rs. W a lter J. R lcilcy of P e r th A m b o y .

Morganviile Fire Co. 'Fair,* Realizes $ 13 1 1

O ffjcers of the M organviile Vol. _ S ^ F irc -C o .A announce the to ta l p ro fit

o f tho fa ir and aw ard in g of the •' d ee p freeze un it, am ounted to

- ‘ $1311.16. fo r th e w eek. T he deep freeze un tt w as aw arded to E dw ard

’ fcbnrad o f 8710 LefTerts B lvd., R ich­m o n d H ill, N. Y., w as n o t acccp tcd iBs. such, and a chcck w as sent fo r $300 a s requested . ,

T h e fa ir w as a social a s .w e ll as • a financial success and the firew orks 'h e ld on bo th F r id ay and S a tu rd a y n ig h t w ere favorably" praised . The

‘f i r e m a n ’s N ight, h ighlighted by the presence of 14 outside com panies, w as the clim ax of W ednesday eve-

•;*'"T'ning;- T h e airp la jfc contest on M on- ‘ d a y n ig h t w as w on by W illiam

_ ' M enz, RD 1 O ld Bridge, w ho w as aw arded $50.

"W e o f th e com pany wisfi to {hank all^ those~w ho con tribu ted to th e su p p o rt of th is - fa ir and w ill

. e n d e av o r to supp ly con tinued * s^ fv lc e and social even ts ln the

fu tu re ,” C h a rle s Plosky, com pany -p residen t, said.

Ladies Aid Society Plans For Food Sale

•' T he re g u la r A u g u s t m cettng .o t • the L ad ies A id S ocie ty of th e Bay

v ie w P resb y te rian C hurch , Cliff w o o d B each, w ill be held tom orrow- (F riday ) a fte rn o o n in the ClifTwood C iv ic C en ter. . R efreshm en ts w ill be served a t 1:30 by the hostesses. M rs. B elle Ashe, Mrs. B ertha Blshof

a n d M w. S oph ia-B uchaa— D evotionsw ill b e led by M rs. J u n e Hughe3, fo llow ing w hich M rs. B uchan -‘w ill p res id e a t the business session. 'F in a l 'p la n s w ill be m atjc fo r the

. s a le to b e conducted n e x t day, S a tu rd a y . ■

.Mjv . A lice T icm onn Is cha irm an o f th e , bazaar and food sa le to be

! / heldt a t th e ch u rch property , co rner W. C oncourse an d G reenw ood Avo.,

. C liffw ood 'B each , from 9 a.m . to 3 ^ p.m . on S a tu rd a y . A dvancc o rders

m a y be p laced b y telephon ing M rs. T lcrnann, M ataw an 1-1670R.

— —:Ir»-caso-ot ra irv -th e-a fta ir- w ilL lje tra n sfe rre d to th e Cliffwood C ivic

M rs .-E .E . V an N ostnm d re tu rn ed T hu rsday .n ig h t from a t r i p ’through '

E n g lan d .. S he also v is ited h e r son-iifrlaw and d au g h te r ,- M r, and M rs. Jo h n H M iller, In H opkin ton .M ass. . .. .- i__ _______

M iss Carol D el Basco, M orristow n Rd., w as a w eekend g u es t o f M iss A rlene G y llenham m er in P e lham , N, Y . • , *

T he Rev, and M rs. C heste r A. G allow ay, and ch ild ren , a r e spend ­ing a vacation a t O cean G tave .

Miss Peggy Bruce. is v isiting h e r u ncle and aun t, M r, and M rs. R oger M cLcan a t Bayheadi /

-M r. an d M rs. S id n ey D cckcr are vacation ing a t C ape. M ay. .

M iss M ary G ray D avis o f W ax- haw , NV C., h a s been th e g u es t of M r. and M rs. A ngus F. Davis for sev era l days. • • . „

M r. and M rs. D avid B fu ce spen t S a tu rd a y in N ew Y ork -G Ity w here ih c y a ttended a p erfo rm an ce ot th a R adio C ity M usic H all. ;

M r. and M rs. .W illiam H u n te r of E a st B runsw ick and M r. and M r^. F loyd D orc o f Chicago, 111., w e re S u n d ay d in n e r guests o f Mr. andMrsrTJdhfi D .‘ Staples:* :...

M r. and M rs. J o h n son ^C artanw ere guests of. M r. and M rsrT lo ss M aghan in P o in t P lea san t S atu rday ,

Sam uel Thom pson, NcV/ Y ork C ity , wus a F r id a y -g u c a t - of his b ro th e r, C ap t. F . C. Thom pson.

Severpl M ataw an res iden ts ' cn ; Joycd._a_ p icn ic a t R oosevelt P a rk , M etuchen, le s t T hursday. Those In the p a rty w e re M rs. C alv in P e a r c e ; and d au g h te r, Sandra, M rs. K a rl M. C laus and ch ild ren , J a n e t, K aren a nd S klppy, M rs. M. G u n k lc and

C enter.

C l i f f w o o d S e r v i c e *

— r"P ro d ig a l o r W iw ^ ’ w ilU -ba_ tha. serm on topic of the Rev. E t Ja y A m ey a t the e v ^ in g w orsh ip serv ice o f the Cliffwood Com ­m u n ity M ethodist" C hurch Sunday a t 8 p.m. .. Y outh F ellow sh ip w ill m eet a t G race M ethodist C hurch , Union Beach a t 6:30 Sunday evening. P ra y e r m eeting w ill .be held W ed­nesday evening a t 8; S unday school. 10 a.m . S unday . T h e chu rch bus

■•-wiU„ o p e ra te r .th c sc -* c rv ic c s irr -

CorrectionT h e nainc o f M iss C onnie H euser

.w as in a d v e rten tly 'o m itted from the list of M alaw an m odels a t ihe fash ion ih o w -J ic ld la st W ednesday by, ihe^iM at8w an_W om an*» R cpub- ilean C lub a t" Itie JT ip rn e .o f H arry

‘ M ay* . ' ' ’ • . ■

'P u r in a F e t t l ' s t a r t Baiyy a i l d o an d T u rk e y s w ith . S t f r to ^ - S th e eoxrp lete fo o d . S lu ltfc . v j t t

ch ild ren , B ruce, S usan , und J im m y , and M rs. A ngus F. D avis and son, R ichard . ‘‘ • ’ ‘

M rs. A nna O ’N eill Is on tw o-w cck vacation fro m h e r position In N ew Y ork C ity.. . * • .

M r. and M rs. Joseph H . S tan ton and ch ild ren , E llen a n d ^Joseph jr ., re tu rn ed T h u rsd ay a f te r v is it­ing M r. and- M rs. S. R ob inson ' in B ridgeport, Conn.

Mrs. Soph ie W einstein has re ­tu rn e d from a vacation ln the. Cats- k ill M ounta ins, N .'Y .‘_ .

M rs. E ya rt V. Sllcox, K eyport, en te rta in ed th e T hursday A fternoon B ridge C lub. P r iz e w in n e rs w ere M rs. G era rd Devlin, M rs., Joseph B aler, and M rs. J. R aym ond K ct- chel. . O ther guests w ere M rs. G eorge C herry , K cyport; M rs; F red N oble, H olm del, and M rs. W illiam R. C raig , M rs. R ichard E rdm ann Jr., M rs. L e R o y . S ickles, M rs. P a u l Egans; M rs. R enssa lacr L. C prtan and Mrs. E dw ard Wi ~CuH-le of M ataw nn. -

M sr. F ran k . H. Bliss, M rs. J . R ay m ond K ctchcl, M rs. LeRoy Slckcls, M rs.?R alph W. H errick , M rs. Rcns* sa lac r L . C artan , M rs, H arry K ahn, M rs. R ichard E rdm ann jr., .Mrs. W illiam R. C raig, M rs. P a u l Egan, Mrs. W illiam W asm uth and M rs. Joseph B a le r w ere . W odncsday guests of M rs. F red N oble, of H o lm d e l,,a t h e r sum m er hom6 a t M untalokong.

M rs. Rhoda L eFavrc, R ed Bank, is v isiting M rs. Leonard Brow n.

D avid B ergen of B arrington . 111., sp en t a few days th is w eek w ith his uncle and aun t, Mr. and M rs. Edw in H. D om inick. ‘ v ^

M r. and M rs. O rville W arm an, and children , E lizabeth and M iriam , of M ctuchcn, w ere Sunday guests of M rs. W arm an 's p a re n ts , ' M r. and M rs. W. R u lon Sm ith.

Mr. and M rs. W alter R lc ilcy , P erth A m boy, have re tu rn ed hom e a f te r spending a few days as th e guests of D r. ond M rs, C onover B urlew .

M iss M argare t L. T e rh u n e , M iss E lizabeth L ougbncy and MJss E llen K elly aro .spending the m onth of A ugust a t tho H otel Essex-Sussex S p rin g Lake*./ M r. and M rs. J ,.R ay m o n d K etchel a rc e n te rta in in g M r. an d M rs. H a irison T ra v ja -o f - ^ t la n t lc H igh­lan d s nnd Mrd; M arguerite R. L a ird ut d in n e r ton igh t (T hursday).

' M r.^ a iid Mrs.' R u s se ll " A T G .;.S fe i- le r a re spend ing tw o w e e k i_ in P e n n sy lv a n ia . .They w i l l v is i t M rs . S te t le r ’e s is te r , M iss E liza b e th S h e l­le y in M echan icsbu rg and M r. S te tle r ’s m oth er. in M ldd leburg . .

-Mias J&an T a y lo r fs ' oh vacation from her positioh w ith C om m ercial Sol v en ts C orp ., N e w Y o rk C ity . She Is spend ing th is w eek a t W indham , Iff.'if. M r. a n d 'M rs . W a lter .T aylor and M r. an d M rs. F lo^d Y onkauskc d ro v e h t r to W indham .over, the w eekend. - . ,

M rs. W illiam P endcrgast, ahd daugh ter, Jea n n e , h av e re tu rn ed iro m v is itin g re la tives in Boston, M ass. . ■, ' ■ ‘ -

M rs. E lva B arb an e ll of Brooklyn, N. Y., w as a w eekend guest of h e r b ro th e r 'an d sister-in-law , Dr. and Mrs. W illiam H. Peqgel.

A .p a r ty o f young - people le ft S a tu rd a y to spend-B w eek a t P o in t P le a sa n t T hey a re th e Misses. A nn C artan , C onnie H euser. C aro l Craig,' M ary J a n e C am pbell, D iane Dennis, B arba ra O w ens, L inda Lybeek, C aro l S cho ttc , P a tric ia Egan, Jonnc Loop. L ic il lc S chrappa, Jo an D cvcr-' caux an a K a th e rin e Otto. T hey a rc being chaperoned ' b y Miss C arton 's grandm other, M rs. W illiam M oore, oT SeaTord, D ei;” M iss Peggy D evlin ' sp en t the w eekend w ith them , and the M ftses W ilda Janssens and N a n c y -- B a r k e r- ;w lll—sp end --from today u n til S a tu rd a y there.

M atthew F eldm an o f G reen and W hite V illage, Is a .m cd lcar p a tie n tln F it k in H o sp ita f. ..........

M r. and M ra. Jam es S hanhon of R evere B cach, F la., arc> v isiting M r. and M rs. H aro ld Z iegler.

M rs. R u th Eovino a n d s o n .TTIcRael, sp e n t W ednesday in New Y ork C ity, to m ark the occasion o f M ichdcrs b irth d ay . M lchaol ap ­peared on J o h n n y O lsen 's R um pus Room te lev ision p rogram a t 12 noon.

M r. and M rs. E. S to ry H allock and sons, S anford and P ete r, a rc o a unau tom obile t r i p to C alifo rn ia .— .

M rs. Jam ds M cCornlck and ch il­d ren , P a tric ia and Jack , h ave re ­tu rn ed hom e, a f te r V isiting M r. and M rs. John L oy in T y ler H ill, Pa.

T h e M isses M onica and M ary A nn M eyer h av e re tu rn ed from a tr ip to Europe. T hey arriv ed hom e on the N orw egian A m erica liner S.S. S ta- vangc rfjo rd . •

M r. and M rs. P e te r R ussell and son, John, have re tu rn ed to B rook­lyn, N. Y. a f te r v isiting M rs. C ath ­e rin e Brnndigon and fam ily.

M r. and M rs. C. R andolph H euser en te rta in ed a t u venison d in n e r on Sunday. T h e ir guests w ere M r. and M rs. J o h n M orrell of K eyport, and M r. .and M rs...H . E llery K ing of 'M ataw an. ■ , •

M rs. Elvvood C lay ton has re tu rn ed from visiting re la tiv es In" the Now E ngland .s ta tes :

M r. and M rs. B enjam in Rocco and Children, C eleste antT V incent, a rc spend ing th e sum m er w ith M r, and M rs. M anoco, Long B ra n c h . '

M r. and Ms. L eR oy B. C ollins a re en joying a tr ip to th e G aspc Pen insu la and N ova Scotia. M r. Collins is on vacation from his posi­tion a t The M a^awdn i Bank.

FrcderictciB blpf. ofjAW ticon spen t M onday v is it in g ;h ls 'moLher, Mrs. M urgarct B aler. -

M r. and M rs. Louis k o rte n h a u s have m oved in to th c tr new hom e on Doyle’s, Rd., F reneau .

M r. and M rs. E dw ard T ay lo r w ere Sunday guests of Mre. G re ta C h il­ton, F p lr H aven . ' < •.

Mrs. P au l Egan, Mrs. F ra n k H. Bliss, Mrs. M arguerite R. irf ilrd and Mrs. E dw ard W. C u rr ie otc a tte n d ­ing a dessert b ridge today (T hu rs­day) at the Sea B rig h t Y ucht Club sponsored by the D em ocratic Club o f Sea B righ t. '

M r .und Mrs. F. H ow ard Lloyd jr. a rc v is iting Mr. and M rs. F red ­erick R oberts ln F airfield , Conn,

M rs. W illiam R. C raig en te rta in ed her b r id g e -c lu b T uesday evening. P rize w in n e rs w ere Mrs. ‘‘E dw ard W. C urrie . M rs. F ran k H. B liss ahd Mrs. M arguerite R. L aird .

Dorothy Welle Is Guest At Shower'

Hazlet Girl Will Wed ' Alphonse. Scatzp In

Keyport Chuj-ch. • , _ ■ " _ ' 1- ’■ • * ‘ ■

M iss M arle JU c c i-ao d M ra^ H arry Johnson o f M ataw an; w e fe h o s t esses a t a b rid a l show er, fo r. Misa D orothy W elle, H azlet, rece n tly a t th e hom e o f M rs. L. H opler, th e s is te r o f the fcride-to-bc. '

M iss W elle w ill b e m a rr ie d to A lphonse Scalzo on S a tu rd ay , Aug. 26. 1S50, at fo u r o 'c lock In th e .G c th - scfnanc L u th e ran C hurch , K eypo rt.

A lig h t b lu e sp rin k lin g can had s tream ers connected to th e gifts- The ta b le w as a ttrac tiv e ly deco r­ated w ith b luo cand les and thftro w as a cen terp iece o f flow ers, .

T hose p resen t w e re M rs. E thel H oplcr, M rs. Louise Buotc, M rs M yrtle D cbcle, K eypo rt; M rs. Elea* nor W elle, M rs. M argare t V lebrock , M iss N orm a ‘ B ahrenburg , JHazlet; the M isses O live and A llcc S teven son^ L a u ren ce H arb o r; M lss Roso F edelc, C llffw ood; M rs. G crjird Scalzo, K ean sb u rg ;' Mrs, C la ra S lo rak , D unellcn ; M rs. A nna W elle and' th e M isses C aro l A nn arid F h y KUs.-WeUc._BlQQmflfild,.__ :___ ___

A lso M rs. A da Law rcncc, M rs. F ran ces B arkow ski, M rs. E lean o r p r l a s k ^ M r^ ._ G raceJV 'a ccu re lla J, M rs. A nn V accarella, M iss C arm cla Tom asello, M iss F rancos Scalzo', M iss M innie Bucco, M iss M argie K elly , M iss ' A nn - Ja s tra b , ” M rs. C atherine Ricci, Miss Peggy O 'D on­nell a n d M rs. LutH ef /H o p lc r of M atiawan. •

G ifts w ere sen t by M rs. E. Kleiber-,—Port-M onm outh i-M rs.—A im. Scalzo and Miss M arie N unzlato, M ataw an; M rs. C. O pncr, K ean s­burg ; M rs. A lbert W ello sr., M rs, Q corgc W elle, Mrs. D oris W elle, Mrs.* Thom as Sullivan . M rs. D oris M atyas and Miss M ario Engel, Bloom field. ■

Bride-To-Be |Guest At Shower Here Sunday

Miss Jo an C hippendale of Sotsey C liy, w ho Is to bccom c th e -b r id e of H urold S m ith o( Jackson St M ataw an, S atu rday , A ug. 20, w as guest o f hono r a t a cocktail sh o w er held a t the hom e o f M rs. R a lp h D olan, .A tlan tic Ave., M utaw an, ro; ccntly . , .

G uests w ere : M rs. Jo h n C hippen­dale, M rs. E ugcno C arro ll of Je rsey C ity ; Miss B arbara R ounds and M iss L o rra in e R ounds.o f N ew Y ork ; M rs.: A l D eB lasio o f Union; M rs.'M atth ias Scho ttc , M rs. C harles Zum bano^ M rs. F ra n k Loscoc, M rs .. Cfcbrgo Loscoc. M rs. H aro ld ,S m ith , M rs. P p u l D olan, Miss N ancy ' Smith, M ataw an.

Friends Give Shower For, Mrs. Raymond Boyce

A su rp rise show er w as g iv e n , for M rs. Raymoha*BoyccV-Keypo rt, in,it T h u rsd ay evening, 'b y M rs. E ^ w a r^ D erechallo , Cliffwood, and M rs. Theodore Close, L aurence H arbor, a,t the hom e oL M rs. Jo h n W lnans, U nion Beachr*-—. ;

Gifts w ore a rran g e d in a bassin­e tte w hich w as triim ncd iri pink', b lue and whitfc.. A la rg o sto rk stood over th e gifts, .; i

G uests w ere. M rs. H. R eddington, M rs. G one Dl Qlum butUstu, M n . Jo seph P crno , M rs. F ra n k Boyer, M rs. M yrtle Boyce, M rs. G eorge E. Boyce, M rs. Jessie Good, Mrs* R. A pplegate, M rs. Ju stu s Cam p, Mrs. W ilfred H oltslahdcr, M rs. W illinm M cG ovorn an d Miss J o an M cGov­ern, a ll of K eyport. .. Also; M iss Carol K inhafer, Mrs,

C arlton K in h afe r an d Mrs. Joseph Phillips, H olm del; *Mrs. John Elllsi Isclln ;- M rs. Jo h n Callum url, Mrs, R ichard; R eam er and Mrs,' W illinm K eough, K eansburg; M rs. W alter Isem an, M rs; G eorgo Iiousm on, Mrs. Jb h n M cA rthur, M rs. Edw urd A ndorson, C llffw ood; M rs. Joseph McCoy, M rs. S tella P a tte rso n , Mra> James G orm lcy, JM rs. R ose K olod- zicJ. M rs, A . A dam acs, M rs.-tYanccb PattlscM . M rs.. E dw ard M asson, Mrs, Jo h n W lnans, Miss H elen T ierney a n d -M Is s - E d ith - Masson, - U nion Bcach.

Wesleyan Club Makes— Plans For Activities

A ctivities fo r th e full- nnd w in te r w ere p lanned by m em bers o f the W esloyaii C lu b ' of the F irs t ' Mctli- odist C hurch o f M ataw an, u t n bcach party held a t Long B ranch recently , The_club,. ,wliich docs-noL

Linen Shower For Miss Mary Munning

Affair Held On Sunday Afternoon At Home Of Mrs. M. L. Nealis

M rs. M ilford L. N calls, Mr«. p h l l ip M unning and M rs. W illiam C. B en n e tt en te rta in ed a t a linen ghpvfrcr S u n d ay a fte rnoon a t the hom e o f M rs. Ncalis, M atnw an, In fi o n b F o f " M is s^ a ry-M u n n in g r Ma tA-w a n . ; - ' : .......— -* 1 ..............................................

M iss M unning w ill be m arried lo F rederick H ankins of K eyport, on S atucd iiy ,. Sept* i.Qi_J.n_ St.^ Josephus C hurch , K cyport, a t 11:30 a.m.

G uests w e re Mrs. F red llaijk ins, nf K eyport; M rs. N icholas M unning, Mrs. M ary Btclt, M rs. W illiam C. L ud i. Mrs. N ina W eir, M rs. O tto O stc/ifcld, M rs. A llan R. A.. D ceber, Mrs. C. S to ry H allock, M rs. G. J. S te rlin g T hom pson Jr., Mis* K a th ­e rin e S pringhorn , J a n e Dev^lin, M iss' A nn G uaaagno ahd M issP a tric ia B row n o f M ataw an^ ...

^ jlfu^urere sen t by M rs/F re d e rick T ibbetts, M iss.E lino r H nnklns, M iss M ary J a n e C osta and M rs. S tephen K apushy o f K eyport; M n u-John P.- H ou rih an o f M etuchen; M rs. A lfred

TherftacK“ (>r~Garden C ity , t , 1.; Mrs. H aro ld B eam , M iss B e tty Beam J and M iss J e a n T hixton , of M ataw apj fH pnd -M m F /F e l i te l o f U n io n Bench.

Hazlet Couple Fly To Europe

Buddy Ziegler Marks Birthday With Party

tB u d d y # Z ieg le r, son of M r. und l t o jH p g b ld Z iegler j f . /C h u r ih St.,

ce leb ra ted h is /fo u rth b lrth m y ^ Z n u ^ sd ax « w lliw 'ip law nparty a t {t <53/ -

G uests w e ld M fi/(E fn tl,- S hannon of R evere Bcach, F la., and Mrs. S tan ley E llison and son, Mrs. F ra n k M artin und son, Mrs. D orothy P cn n q tti and duugh tc r, D iane, Mrs Jack S hepherd , and d augh ter. Judy, M rs. R u th Eovino, and children M ickey, P e te r and P aul, Mrs. H aro ld Z iegler, Miss M artlp Lutz, M iss Ju d y Z lcg lc r an d Mrs. H urold Z ieg ler jr.

10 y ea rs from today , th e la tes t w rink le In te lev ision s e ts can be y o u rs and y o u car) p a y f o r i t w ith | en joyed d in n e r - a t yo u r l iv in g s N O W in U. S . Sav ings I V alley Inn . H olm del, Thursday* and Bonds. ; " M ater att^nd^d the th e a tir . '

Mr.,Mrs.Koppehberger Leave Monday; Other News Of A te a .............

M r. and M rs. A nthony Koppcn. b c rg fr , H u/Jet, le ft M ohduy m orn­ing from Jd lcw ild A irpo rt to v isit I re hind, G erm any; a n d [ th e B a v a r ia n Alps. T h ey w ill be gone abou* flve~w f!oks-and“ M rrK o p p c n b e rg e r w ill bu w ith h is m o th er ln.MMnlqh.. Gcr,» on th e occasion of h e r 70lb b irthdny . T h ey w ere d riv e n lo the a irp o rt by M r. and)M rs, Jack Lane,H o ifn 4 erR d .7 'H az io rr •

Mr. and M rs. P ierson D ean, B eth ­any Rd., Hazlef, hnve re tu rn ed front ji m otor tr ip th rough New E ngland.

Mrs. P e te r O. W elgand sr., Holm- dcl'R d ., H azlet, Is a m cdical p a tien t In M onm outh M em orial H ospital.

M r. and M rs. C y rus Ross an<f M r. and . M rs. Ja m e s N cfdlngeri H zalct, and M rs L illie H ughson. K eyport, sp en t ih e w ^ckend^ wTth’Mrs. femma RadclifT. In U ensonville, N . Y. -M r . und M rs. R udolph C hval ahd furmly, Brsiilley Lane, llaz lc t, have re tu rn e d from a tw o^w cek vocation io V erm ont, L ak e C ham plain , N. Y , and M ontrea l, Can.

M rs. Ja m e s C, G lenn, M rs. L illie ughson, M rs. F ran k M cC leaiter,

M rs. R o land E rhm oni, M rs. Cyru5 Row, - M i^ -W H lis m - B aroesr -M r# Jan ie s N eid inger/ M rs. Willlhm U rstad t an d M rs. H endrick B enne tt

the P leasan t

Legion Officers Will Assume Posts In Sept. .

A m erican Legion P ost 170, M at aw an. he ld th e ir a n n u a l election of officers for tho cotntng yea r re ­cently ; T h e new officers w ill assum e th e ir d u ties ih S eptem ber.

T he officers aros R obort CorncIl, com m ander; Tom llo rn c tt , first vico com m ander; A nthony Conzllna. -second— vico—com m ander;—G eorge Butch, th ird vice com m undcr; R obert;P « )trJdge , a d ju ta n t ; T hom as W alling, h isto rian ; C lifford Brow er, chap la in ; Jo h n W, A pplegate, judge udvocatc; E a rl Biichinun, sergeant* a t-a rm s; R obert W oolley, trcusurcr,

Club Take* Boat TripM e m b ra o f the Luylbnltm Club

o f the F ire t M ethodist C hurch of M ataw un, en joyed a tr ip to New Y ork on th e A tlan tic lllgh lunds b oa t recon tly . l l io y visited tho S ta tu e - -o f -L lb i’-rty- a n d - th e —Bat*.le ry . ; __ ________^

Those In the group w ere the Rev, und M rs. W arreh S. U iy ton , Mr. and M tnr R hea Longittrect.- Mrs. -IJetty Robinson, M iss n u th R inglcd. Miss B ertha F c tte re r, M iss ._Cathorino Boyce. R obert M uller, Earl Je»iyi>. AI M cF ayden and C harles,


M tta w a aSth h o tiu on the r lfh t pa il the dam.’ R A D IO R EPA IR IN G


IT’S HARDER!A nd because O ld Com * pany’j Lehigh premium an­thracite Is harder, it lasts longer, gives a steady even h e a t . . . '.................. '

R. IT CARTAN" "Main S t .

m eet d u rin g the ' sum m er month*, w ill rosum o nctlvitloa Sopt. 20.

M einbers o f the c lub a ttend ing w ere; The Rov. W arren 8 . L ay ton and ' M rs. Layton, M r, and Mrs. H arold Thorsen , Mr. and M rs. Jucl; H yer, M r, and M rs. J uq C ushm un and '"Bohi . Jeffrey , M r." an d " Mrs. W nltcr P ike , M r. and M rs Wilbth* Schneider, M r and’ M rs. -Rhou Long* stree t, M r. and Mrs Thom ns Slddona, M r. und Mrs. C harles D einken.'

Carole Brandigon Has Birthday Party. Mrs. C a th e rin e B randigon, Rnvlno Dr., M utaw an, cn tcrtu lncd ut hor hom e In ce leb ra tion of the fifth b irthday of h e r dnughter, Carole.

Those p resen t wero: Sully Ellen P richard , P a t r i c i a McCbrmnelc, Nancy_ B randigon, A ndrea Rosen* thul, D iane L e e 4 H ensley, Citrolyn Husemun, G lo ria ;F a r ie ll6 t M arin, Curol, G race und M iehclo M orizio, Lnrc.tUi Bugge, C arol A nn Schnol- der, J u d y Lnw rcnce, M ichael and P e te r Z clw ak , 'F re d ) Brandigon! F ran k and . Thom as _ M osca and R onald Johnson! .

listed By PastorsSermon Topics And

* Special Events For • Coming Week Reported

S erv ices • in M ataw an chu rchcs h av e b ee n announced fo r .this com ­ing Sunduy us follows; . •, F irs t M sihodlst

T he Rev. O. Bell Close wiU bo th e guest p rcuehcr lit the 11, serv ice in th e absonco of the paelor. Tlie Rev. Mr. Closo Is now re tire d f r o m .th e ac tive pastora te, b u C h as served soveral churches ctn N ew Jersey , P eople of the con\* m un ity uro inv ited to a ttend . C h u rch school w ill convene a t a.m . w ith W illiam L. Salm on cotF d u c tin g the devotions.^ ' T rin ity E p U co p s l....: Tho eleven th S unday a f te r T r i­n ity , ho ly com m union w ill be ut fitSO a.m . T hursday, S t Bartliolo* m ew 'a D ay, holy com m unton w ill »bc g lfe n a t Q n.m.

F irs t P re ib y U rU n • Because tho pastor, the Rev.

C heste r A. G allow ny, is on vucotlon, th e re w ill be a guest p roacher ut Sundny’s reg u la r serv ice on“ Sun' day m orning. M usical selections for (ho serv ii’e ■ inc lude the follow ing organ selections: P reludo , "L clbstnr Je su ,” P u rv ls j postlude, “From liittvc iv A bavo r' J rs . B«ch; offoi' to ry , "D uo ■Pastorale," G ullm imti and tfa spyclul nolo by Mi's, Nlcl&cn, /!C om e U nto H im," G. 1*\ H andel. . .

The you th servlco n t '0:45 a.m.* In tho lcc tu re room w ill bb in churgo o f Joseph D lotrJch, fo rm er e ld e r of t he Wood - R idge P re sb y te r ianC hurch . He a lso .w il l p resen t the message, Y oung pcoplo and th e ir pu ren ts a rc inv ited to uttend.4 Second B tpH si

Tho pastor, the Itev, W Uilu’n H utcheson, w ill p reach u t tho S unday m orning sorvico on the topic: ‘T h e C hurch T h a t Succoed8.,‘ Thi* Jun io r nnd you th choirs w ill partic ipa te (n th o 's e rv ic e s of \yor- sill p. i ....

. K oyport Reform ed Hew l.uula II, Clilnmun, puutor o f ’

th e .R eform ed C hurch, C oeym ans,j N. Y., u m em ber of tho church a n d ' the son uf Mr. and M rs, Louis. Q. Chism un. of K eyport, w ill preuclt th e serm on a t tho 10:4fl a,ni. service.

F irs t C hurch of C h r is t Scientist "M lndM is thu Huhject for S unday,

Aug. 20, G olden Text; "Ulesiicd bn th e nam e o f Uod fo r evor and ever; fo r w isdom and m ight ura hU; . . . h e g lvc th w isdom un to Uio w ise, and know ledge to them thn t know undorntaudlng." ID a n ld 2:20, 21). S erm on; Passiigns from the K ing Jam es vorslon of th e ' Bible Include: . “A cquain t now thyself w ith him , ond bo at peaco; the reby good shall com e unto Ihoo. It thciu re tu rn to the A lm ighty , 'thou aliiilt

b^ b u ll t up,, th o u s h a ll p u t away, in iq u ity f a r from th y tabernacle*.'* (Job 22:2i, 23 )/ C o rre la tive passages from ‘'Sclence^yid H ealth w ith K ey lo tho Scriptures'* by M ary BakOr Eddy include: - v t y /

*|Thcrc can b e b u t ono Mind, bc- cfluiw’-th e re is b u t one God; and If- m o rta ls clulm ed no othor Mtnd a n d accopted no other, sin w ould bo unknow n. W e cjm havo b u l ono M ind, if thu t one is * Indnito." (p, 4G0) .................. ..........

Mn, Clifford W. Hulsart Honored Gueit At Meet

Mrs. Cllffot'd W. H ulsart, Muln S t , M ataw an, UO y ea rs o f age, w as guest of h ono r ut a m eetlng 'O f tho L adles A id Soclcty- of the; F irs t P rcsb y tc rlu n C iiurch of M atuwun, T hursday , a t the hom e of M rs. W illiam C. Noddings, Ravliio D r , M ataw an. Each m em ber b rough t a box lunchcon and a dessert and b o W a g o was served by tho hostess.

The sum of $t0 w as-colloctod for ch m ch activities. Tho noxt moot* Ing w ill be hold o n T hursday , Sept. 14, ut tho homo of M rs. F loyd T. T aylor, M ain St., M utawun,

Those a ttend ing T hursduy w ore M rs. L a w re n c e ‘ J . A ttkcn , p res i­dent; M rs. J , Fred S tcveiu , M«s, ft. B. Davies. M rs. W. R ulnn Sm ith, M rsr-D . E .-C orbett,-M r»;- C arrie K C onover,. Mrs. A llan J , M orrison, Mrs.- T u n is It.- Schenck, Mrs. Cr W illiam Ludi, M rs. F lorence Holser, M rs, J . F . ltob lnson , M rs , . H arry W ollsr Mr*. F . • W, Korni'y, Mra, W illluin D eForest, Mrs. John L am ­bert. M iss K itty Tom kins, Mrs. WUllanv 11. Diggin, Mrs. .S tephen C. 'l^jom pson, M rs, A niie Applcgnio, M rs. W illiam A. Clos^, Mi% (Slmoru )< attner, Mrs. B irger H elgesen, Mrs. A ugust Sochi, M rs, P Icm i Rasmus* sen, M rs. C arolyn P o rry , and(laughter, MiiHe Louise, and S an ih E llen Noddings.

Hove you read tlio classified ndiT

B r a d e v e l t P r i e s t - . • S e i e k l n g C h i p l a i n c y! (A iinouncem cnt w as m ade laii\ w eek U wt .tbQassis tan t pasto r . of. S u G abricl'ti C atholic C hurch , B radevelt, h as : ro^ ceivcd perm ission f r o m , B ishop G eorgo W . A hr to apply fo r $ com ­m ission, us A rm y chapl& lh..

F a th e r Sheehan, a nutlvo o l B rooklyn, was a cu ra te a t S i Jm n es - Church) Red B ank, bef^ci).. beintf tra n sfe rre d to B radcvclL - H e * ha#;: vo lun teered fo r chap la in tior'vlcct, on d -Is now aw aiting resu lts of h E application . V ! ^ .

W edding Announcflm enU ; ^p rin ted prom ptly on puuoldd b rid a l book snow -w hite vellum th is office. . u ; :



ONE 6 A i m mi



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AUGUST CLEARANCE...............• For . ■ " " ’



Reduced from3.98 to

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Nurses' Uniforms 2.08 upWhito Nylon Hosiery , 1,09


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Union Beach, New Jersey Many Extra Attract tons


Calling all firejncn to Firemen’s Night TUESDAY, AUG. 22 — FIREMEN’S NIGHT

Cash Prizes tp Visiting Firemen and Auxiliariesr. If ra in .o n T hu rsday , A ug, 32, Ihe nex t c lee r n lg h t^

THURSDAY, AUG. 24 — CELEBRITY NIGHT /• ” Guest Star Entertainment *SAT. AUG. 26—GRAND AWARD—1950 BUICK



Page 6: PREPARE FOR COUNTY FAIR AT JOCKEY CLUB …nwouwca For Madison Twp. Ordinance Passes With No Opposition; Junkie, Peddler License Fixed; Requests Presented An ordinance-creating a planning


La Zare’s Out Of Softball Journey

Pater«on*Doverr Stop , Keyport Team Which

Took District Honors. L oZ are’g .S h o ^ .was e!irnlnated

' tb e qualify ing ro iw d of p lay lo r the ' .ti tle in C lass AA Jn the state

• tou rney .‘e t E lizfiotth w hen the ; P ate rson D overs edg td the?y 2-1 In •n th rilling contest EM urday night. ;T he K eyport team had m oved into gtnte play by annexing K jec row n in

»its division ' for the MofimQuth- }Ocean d is tr ic t by de/ea ting .. Rivoll B ar of A sbury P ark .- T he K eyport te am ’s bid for sttfte h o n o rs looked good in ' the eaWy

•’ ; stages of tho contest w hen the); picked up o ru n In (he sccond on [ jp h n n y R eardon’s single and a , th roe-base "erro r b y P a te rson out*

']**: A d d er Don Lime. Tony Dragottn;,'L a Z a re ’s hu rle r, Was whizzing them ; iii nnd appeared se win on any .k in d of y lead.

, U was not to be. In the fourth. J’.the r a le i’son pitcher, P e te r McNnb,»took- <i step tow ards w inning his f ow n-gam e by d rillin g a .hard h it t<v ‘le ft w hich w as good for tw o bas<>8 iw h en -Jo e -B ritan u k let -the -ball K*t •aw ay from him . Vul D eckcr dum ped

_ ja _ h it over the infield and McNtib *ocored: :to - t i e - tho count..- .Tuck jM acFodycn singled to ce n te r but > G eorge . Jacobs th row to R eardon cu t dow n D ecker a t th ird . L nZ are’s

^followed th is - good play*" with bad jnlscuo when Ray Boyce tossed

- to ‘ th ird tor . a„ cu tdow n play on jM ocFndyon on G eorge M cGinnis' Jfly ball. Thc .ba ll got aw ay from

'-|M att-G oucci“ On<l—bounded-in to -the- :stands, M cFadyen - scoring w hat proved to be tho deciding run .

‘ ■ T he K eyport ’ team hod a la st


. T he LaZar*'* Shofts ol K eyporl player* show n above w on the Claa* AA XHrlilon o i the M onm outh O cean Counly cham pionship and dropped a c ld te decision to the -P a ftrco n Drover* In S la te T ourney play.

-- - -T ^ f t . ,p la y a ra jn ,th e ^ictw io. J jack ro w ^ jB fl l o r i g h l f S t a n Jaffa, ■ G eorge Jacobs Jr„ A t Caruso, John R eardon; Tony D ragotta, M alt Coucci. M anny L a Z are ,, jpo n io r. B o tib m ro w j Joe B riian ik , , B6b Zamp*ilo, cap tain ; El Barker,' manager/ Billy May, Tony D »Lucea/ H ay Boyce, O gden1 Schanck* ▼eleraus' ca tcher. A*ai absent w hen th e p ic tu re w as token. . . ' ' ' ;*• .

•golden chance to do som ething in i th e seventh inning. Bob Zam pello .go t on through an e rro r and G eorge

. . . Jacobs. ..drilled,., a single, moving ,Znm pcllo--along} Bob M ansfield 'W cn trin to run fo r 'Ja co b s . An In- | field out put both runners in scoring : position. Spike. A ldrich w en t in to

* ‘b a t fo r Coucel. He lofted a fly Into 2tho outcq garden thnt looked ns . though i t w ould d ro p safe ly fo r a ’h it good to score the tw o runs

L aZ are 's nccdqd tp w in , b u t. a desperate dlvlnff catch b y M ike

. .A v lin o snared It fo r the th ird out.; i t w as a hair-ra ising end to a s te llar contest all the way. t

. P a te rson D orers (2) ,AB R H

K ravzc, 3b ............. . . . 4 0 0. . 'G iam ottl, 2b ............ . . . 3 0 1

. .McNab, p . . . 3 1 ■ 1; Docker, lb .............. . . . 3 0 1

; . M cFadyen, r f . . ...i 3 1 2"" ’.M cGinnis, ss ........ .. . . . 3. 0 • 1

: L im e, cf . . . . . . . . .. . . 3 ' 0 0‘AvllnO, SL • • • . . . 3 0 1

• MoKcnzJo, I f ....... .... . . . 1 , a ... 0K ady, If ............ . . 1 'o’ 0

— —

.............. . LaZore's27 i

ID •2 7

AB R H- Brltanok; If i . r 3- .0 0Moyt lb .................... . . . 2 0 0Zam pello, ss ............ . . . 3 0 flJucobs, c f . . . 3 ;o '1Dragottoi, p . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ’ o 0Boyce, rf .................... . . . 3 0 0Bcarcfon, 2b ........ . >. 2 1 1Coucci, 3b . . : .......... . . . 1 0 a

„ * Coru’so, c .......... . . . .2 0 00 a

b-A ldrlch ................ . 0 (J— —

23 1 2

L O O K I N GO V E R -

a —B an fo r Jacobs in 7th. b —‘Batted for Coucci in 7th.B uns batted in; D cckcr; stolpn

Junior Rifle UnitNRAA Approves Club Guided By Keyport Police Captain -

Pollee Capt. Joseph J. M orley, o f 3 West F irs t St., Kfcyport, h as been

, appointed instructo r o f the K eypo rt Ju n io r Rifle Club, i t w as announced in W ashington. D. - C., , by tlie Notional n ifie A ssociation as It granted th e .organization q Jun io r d u b cha rte r, in the N BA 's n a tiona l youth program . f i

M em benhIp^1n^tho~ 'T iew — club; w ftich "w ill devote “ itse lf t o _ th o Various phases of ta rget Bhootlng,

‘ |s open ' to boys; o r g irls u n d e r 18 ■ ;ycarB. of ago. U nder tho Instruction

of Capt. M orley, tho youngsters w ill -— le a rn —th e fundam en ta ls . .of ...r if le

shooting' i«nd tho correct w ay . to, han d le firearm s solely, v.. E lected officials of th e new club a re : P residen t; F rank Slovenz, 190 Broad S t.; vice president: G eorge p o s t 200 Broad St.: executive p rcsl- dent: W illiam G ranger, 242 M ain

V;. S t : secre tary : R obert W alters, 10 • Walling* T err.; Ircasutcrr'G fcO lfge

D av is ; 140 M ain St.. a ll of K eyport.

• At Wrestling Clinic. M nrshnll n . WhlMeld o f H d ’T .

X ieytfort, a s tuden t a t B la ir : A c& depiJV is a ttend ing a w restling c l l n i ^ t ; L eh igh U niversity, Bcthle*

:hem ,'•Fa,/ fo r tw o weeks. T he clinic. - I s -JaiL cborge o f Billy Sheridan .

v e te ra n ; L e h ig h w restling coach, -^ luL^jU tfU coU ege _and prep school

w re J ^ e K ^ s rf# :"dbhctycs^j1J attend .

e LA ZA RE’S SHOES trium phs over the . Scars team , Em pire B ar und Rivoll, leading the Shoem en to the cham pionship of M onm outh and Ocean Counties in Class AA soft­ball cam e too’"la te" 'to ."be ca rried in last w eek’s ed ition of th is new s­paper. Just th e sa/no, we wish to c o n g ra tu la te - th e m fo r the m ost notublo trium ph eve r seorcd by. _u softball team from th is area . *^fTc shore team s had the advantage of hom e field and homo fans support, bu t Tony D rago tta 's fas t ball equalized nil tha t. B eing .c lim ina ted in the qualifying round o f stute play by the P aterson D overs wns no disgrace. John B eardon te lls us th o t it is the opinon o f Dragmtn, w ho has seen plenty of slate cham pionship softball tou rneys in his time, tha t the P ate rson team w as the toughest s tum bling block LaZare's could encounter. It w of Just the Shopm en's bad luck to run itito*' th is outl)^ Ai'fil. In c id e n ta l^ the LnZare's p layers blam e th e ir fcillurc to ’ rep ea t in the ^Bayshore League us due to thu t ■ lack of pysohologlcal edge which alw ays alTccts defending champions.•j.- - - j ........

i {• KEVPORT’S FIR ST TRY at ,nn organized rccrea tion program

1 is going over sw ell w ith pa ren ts and thc small fry and. Incident­ally . also d raw ing atten tion froin,

.-fiome in terested .M u taw an cHU -=aons. As -yet the p rogram has

only rcachcd th e younger k id s In - K eyport, but Bob Oehs, w h o 'h as

done a grand Job of d irec ting the •project, assures U3 th a t th is w ill be revised to Include the upper- age brackets com e cooler wen-

J h o r . F or instance he has p lans fo r at least a slx -tcam basketball lenguo-und. the call to in terested m anagers will go out in thc fall.

.-This league w ill play one eve­n ing each w eek. A lso on the agendh a re p lohs for an o th er

-cage loop to .ta k e in a ll you ths n o t afTlliuted w ith u reguh ir School^ fiyo, T hia c ircu jt . w ill

•■'-.oporritb/, oh . S a tu rd a y . mornlnga. ;'Ft»rrthb^oldcv;i{'uys_b^Bijuijn'

bro^don out th ro u g h .lhe beun j.r. Oehn plans* n ’ VoHeybrtll'ieSBUo* and a com ponent program w hich Will p e rm it th e m en who cd de?lre_icF£get'. in. one even ing . a . . w eek of h ea lth fu l cxerclso and recjeatiqn . Then too, Ochs suys,If 'th e dem and .w arrants, a pro- grn_rn- fo r gal c o u r t add lels ' could be set up. F o r the youngsters du rin g the long w in te r after-- boonsr~ iH i> "^rom w lon—a irc c tn r- feels th a t bow ling fo r the kids

-w ould lit n icely Into the sports p ic tu re / He said th is w eek tha t ho Intends to contact Al Schwflrck, m anager o f the , K ey­po rt Kec alleys, to sec if those facilities could bo secured nt a ra te thu t w ould fit a teen-ager's pockctbook. Ochs feels this w ould be possible ff a p lan to ease thc pinboy situation could be developed. This lu tto r idcii is one close to "Looking I t . O ver's” h e a rt and one th a t wc hove urged" on num erous occa-

-s lo n s .—;,Key port._:jiftd—M ataw an. „ too,' J‘!w ays . hns..i)rpduced goo d ... bow lers and fo r the locul good pf .o hea lth fu l sp o rt w e w ant IP sec the younff b lood <|evolop nn > in te res t ln 'lh o gamo. Wo in o n - - tion M atnw an in connection w ith

-the-p lan-.bcca use.. w e .d a n ’L. th ink— th e re w ill be too m uch objection frop) Ochs if tho boys and girls from sou th of th e N .Y .& L . B. tracks show u p o f an a /ternoon.

.unifbrni3 a n d ’o th e r 'a sse ts , b u t tha t iflea seem s lo h ave gone aw ry. Be these things sis th e y ;m a y , the re ' is no dbubt but tha t m any a fan w ho used to w atch_thc A ngels in uction wIIl"TmjTQiii“ ih c i r _p ass in g -fro m ~ th r football arenas. - ^ h e n they w ere Ir th e re the ClilTwood S trong Boys usually guve the crow d plenty ot action and there w ere som e colorful perfo rm ers In the lineup. A s the p ic tu re focuses now th e . Shore League w ill Include the Lonfe Brunch Ind ians,, th e , Red . Banft Legion, the Leonardo F ield Club, the Poin t p leuaan t PellccnB tund the Belm ar Y cllow jackets. f/eodless to .1 say the Leonardo eleven w ill huve*all the bayshore back ing und It would not bc su rp rising to eoc several of the b e tte r p layers from N atuw an und K eyport in action w ith the Lions. .• • • , • » ■ •

• RACING RETU/tN In m utuel rot'onue has m ounted Jn this state lo thc poin t- w here N ew Jersey is now th ird in the country. ' Thc 1049 figures nre as follows: Now Y ork—$424,279,* G2fl; Californin . — $294,009,227; New Jersey—$l5.r>,123,900; Illinois

. —$110,075,759. This Is an im ­pressive Bhowing Indeed for' a state thbT hud no racing a t all Ave yeurs ugo. We understand tho t u new m ove, is underw ay w hich, >lf carried through , m ight oven push Now Jersey into the second spqt. .The w ord dow n ihe shore Is th a t M onm outh Jockcy Club OfTiclals arc being asked to co-operato \ lu pushing fo r a change in racing dates tit the OccanpQrt (n ick to- ta k e In thc period w hen th e re is no, racing

• in New York. • This, of course, appears to be in for opposition from . A tlantic C ^y, b u t if a n ­other. Jersey track Is to be built in Hudson County, th e re w ill have to be overlapping some- whore. * T here appears no m ore logical fimo for such overlapping than w her\ the Now Y ork City tracks arc not doing . business find all thc com petition in ihe m etropolitan area betw een tracks ii con/lned to th is state. *

Boathouse Team Bests Clubmen 7-1

Gain Right To,Match With Union Beach SAC Softbailers Sunday

T he B oathouse so ftbailers of U nion Beach gained the r ig h t to ipect the borough’s leugue rcp< resen ta tlvc in Che B ayfhore circu it, th e U nion Bcach Social & A th le tic C lub, team, nex t Sunday m orn ing a t Cottage P a rk field by d efea ting th e C lub 30 nine last w eekend 7-1 in a con test to do te rm lnc w hich independen t te a m ‘should m eet the U nion Beach leogue aggregation.

The Boathousem cn m ade su re of a trium ph early by s t r i n g flve tlme^ in the first. Al K npushy 's doub le w ith the bases loaded sent i* th e flrst tw o runs and a hom er b^ h is b ro ther, Steve, accounted fo r th ree m ore . W ith such a lead and th e ir h u rle r , Ed,. P etty , in , finefettle , lhe B ojlhousem en, couldcoast th rough the game a f te r thai.:

; B oethou te (7) i t

OkT Bridge Bow* To Keyport Team Again; Kelly Hurl* Well

' St. Jo seph 's ball Jossers got back in strldo in I.ow er M iddlesex CY O L eague p lay S unday w h p n t h ’y bounced back from th e ir defea t by ; S a y re v ille . the previous . .week to down O ld B ridge 5-1. M ike K elly w as on th e m ound fo r th e K eypo rt team and had w h a t it toOk all the way. T h e gam e w as p layed on the Oak Shadcs$ficld.: ;E d Boysen, doing m otind d u ty /o r O ld B rid g e ,' y ie lded the first r u m of the gam e in th e fourth . W ith one o u t in th a t frahne,- Jo e Bucco’ singled and A l S igism ondi w alked. Bucco m oved-to th ird und SigUmonidl to second on Kelly’s In­field ou t. S tan -Sakow ski d rilled .ah it to cen ter, scoring both' ruBBers*

T h e visitors, o f te r- th re a ten in g repea ted ly *in _ th fi‘ ea rly Innings, scorcd th e ir only ta lly In the s ix th . H inM e T otten led off w ith a h it in th is fram e, b u t K elly fanned the n ex t tw o batters. M uzzey w alked, advancing ' T otten ' to second fro m w here h e scored on Boysen'fl safe, rap. The nex t b a t te r g round cU t'lo end the uprising. ' .

S t. Joseph’s got the run .back in th e ir h a lf of th e inning. Ducco got tw o bases on G oodrich’s e rro r and. K elly scorcd thc K eypo rt right- fielder, w ith u line single.

Thc home side finally pulled aw ay from Old B ridge in the eighth. Ja c k 'D e F e lic e sta rted the firing inf th is fram e Wtth a s ingle and Bucco pounded out a tw o-bagger to score

Tide Table. F oU o irisg chart, Is, lo r . S andy H ook • (the H o ts« h o « ) lo P o rt f t f o n r o o u t h . f o y g e r p c r t .S o u U t A m boy an d o ther R a ritan Bay pelxmu add 10 m inu tes. Fox Aa- b u ry P a rk su b trac t 15 m inu tes. F o r B ay H ead on B arnegat Bay. a d d 0 hours. 20 m in u te s . F o r Bad B ank, o n N avealnk RiTer< add 2,

, h o u is / a m ihu te i. 7 ...... .——*— ——^ . r H igh Low

. Aug; 16-24 (E.S,T.) --------F r id ay m orn ing , . . . 11:04 4:42 F rid ay a fternoon . . . llt30 SdO S a tu rday m orn ing .. 11(57 5:27 S a lu rd a y a fternoon . —■— BilBS unday m o rn in g . . . . . 12fU 6:23 S unday a fternoon . . . ’ 12:54 7t29 M onday m orning . . . 1:15 7:31M onday afternoon . .. 1:56 7i43

•T uesday m o rn lhg .T ;; - -’2:24 -2148 Tuesday afternoon .. 3:06 -9:49 W ednesday m orn ing . 3:41 0i55 'W ednesday e tte rn o o n 4:46 10i49

- T hu rsday m orning .. 4:52 10t57T h u ttd a y a fternoon . 4:17 11:44

Upset Pelicans

^ 8 tr» w U .U ii« r .X M ^Wjti

NEW S TH A T TH E Shore F oo t­ball Leaguo w ould operato in 1950 a s a Hvc-qlub circu it, and th a t thc .Cliffwood A ngels- ond * R um son wouiH be outrbrihjEfs^no'raised eye* brow a here . T he A ngels lo s t m oney last season a t th e gate and from ^ c r e d i te d rep o rts we hove boen h e a d in g th r o u g h o u t tH e- sum m er, no re a l en thusiasm to shake {he k in k s o u t of the ClifTwood flnQhclal opsi-atipna . waa I n . cvldencc, ..In add itio n to su ffering from custom er anem ia , the Angols had a few to u g h .in ju ry b reaks and these rnn MP te rrific m c d ica l b ills .. A d d to the se w oes the fac t th a t the boys w ho .hA voibeen. ca rry in g the Cliff* w ood b an n e r for so long.and .sd w ell ard getting o ld e r and you have the m a jo r reasons i for. th e ’ dem ise of thftyftlub. / Therie, jyfia ta lk awlillo oflctf O* th e A ngels tiirnm g over to th e ClilTwood. Boys C lub th e ir

Tickets Still AvailableFansv deslrlng_ tickets nnd trans'

portutlon to the Y ankee S tadium tom orrow ^F ^iduy j' ^ lg h r^ fo r 'tlK’, •program ' sponsored by th e Mon- m outli County F edera tion of Holy Nume Soalplics In honor o f Georg6 StirnweiHji. o£. L incroft. S t. Louis D row ns’ Inflelder, may secure them by contacting Thom as Sullivan, Sydney Avc„ Union Beach. A bus Will Ienve the Holy F am ily Church, Union Beach, a t 5:45, T hc tickct^ -for—tho—Y an^oo-B m w ns-gam o-aro- iii a specially resurved section b e ­tw een th ird base nnd hpnie plate,

Fine Driver $100R obert F . Mondu, W est Orange,

a rres ted by R a ritan Tow nship police for driv ing a f te r h is license h ad been revoked and for falling to have u reg istration was fined $100.


Wally Campbtll-Frank Schn«ld*r Sum -Mallacn*Jimmy Oclaney - - L»noy Brown-Charuy<-Cy«r - . - P irk tr Bohn-Cd S ed en - Gordon Oidfo/d-Charley M ukatel T?nJT Battla-Lsnny Blomgren

-V P*l*r»-Bud F a rte ll--------------- -

Saturday, 8:30 P; M.ADM ISSION t l

P hene L . B 6-26SO



* -■ AB n B"E. K apushyi ifis . . . . . . . 4 0 6B ccklund, 2fcr . . , . . , . . . 4 l . ..b:F ragasso, ir .......... . . . 6 i 0,C ahill, 3b . : . 3 ' 0 0P otty , p . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 2


A. K npushy. ^lb — ... n 2G rctncr, cf . ........ ; . .. 2 . 1S, tfapushy, 3b . . . . . . . 3 \ 1DiSlnssio, c . , . . . . . . . 3

_ • A0 1,

'*■ C lub 3623

(1)7 0

‘ - ’ , AB R HL lndc, c .................. . . . 4" 1M. Doylne, c f .......... . . . 3 ' 0 2.Rosato, p ............ , . . . 3 0 0Jo e W unsch, ss ___ ., 3 0 0J o h n W unsch, If , 0 2L. W unsch, 3b ........... 0 0C orhart, l b ................ . . . 2 0 0W heatley, 2 b ;___; . . . . 3 a 111. Devine, r f ............ . . . 3 0 1

him . .S ig ism ondi ro lled to D ar rnon, b u t K elly ogaln helped his ow n ca u se 'a lo n g w ith a sa fe drive th a t scored Bucco. ,

Score by inninga:1St. Joseph 's (5)

ABJas trab , - If . . . D eFelice, 3b .Bucco,- r f ........S igism ondi, lbK elly, p ........Sakow ski, c . . Leavy, ss . . .F lzzi, 2b ' ........H oulduy, cf . , Rossi, r f .........

K urezeski, 3bXet5on. ss . / ,........D arm on, lb ..........|Goodrlch, c ..........;T p tten , If . . . . . . . . .P rom insk i, 2b B e ll, 'cf .M uzzcy, r f ............Boysen, p ____. . .

3 . . . . 4 . . . 4 .... 3 . . . 4 . . . 4. . . . 3 . . . 3 . . . 3

o• p

31O ld Bridge (H r

AB. . 4 . . >, . 3 . . 4 . . 4 . . 4 , . 3 ... . . 2


Unbeaten Shore Team . Has :To Come From

. Behind To Win 4-3. ,Tho. M onsacs -btfijBli? thn eccond

M ntaw an tcarh to fall befo re the ajl^conquering ^march o f th e Point P leasan t Pelicans when _they bow ed to th e shore tearn 4-3 u n d e r lights bn th e P o in i P ieastint H. S. field.

T he M ataw an A. A- h ad succum bed th re e n igh ts ea rlie r. ^ ". T lie M onsacs gave^-their lyaun ted foe som eth ing ' to-' w o rry ab o u t beforp;;thcy y le lded . 'The'’ very flrst tim e a i b a t they tagged Len M organ, P elican hpE’r r , fo r tw o runs. W ith one out, Lucky Em m ons wus w alked ond J a c k T ay lo r uncorked a blazing trip le , scoring th e M ataw an first sacker, T ay lo r himffelf counted on an lnficld o u t to g ive th e v is ito rs a2-O lead, - J .1..--The- P o in t P lea sa n t unbeaten rccord looked, in a bod _woy a s tlie gam e w en t along w ith Pelican ba tte rs unab le to d en t th e offerings Of OzzIq Johnson, Mortsacs speed- bailer. .F in a lly , in -the .f if th , the hom e fans b rea th e r easier .when M orgnn w alked, H arry_ H erb ert singled , a sacrifice advanced them , and Buck Lange delivered a safe clout to tie the score. /

Ir. the s ix th - th e P elicans gained th e ir w inning m argin. Bu& Lepine led off w ith a h it an d -tW o bad infield e rro rs le t h im , com plete, th e circuit. T h e crack in his suppo rt upset Johnson for th e m om ent, 'and he w alked tw o m en tel flll th e bases, then com m itted a b a lk w hich let Bub Schorpu score, the w inn ing run.

T h e n e x t inn ing the . Afrnrisiics camc- brick ot th e jf foem cn w hen Bus Butcs singled a n d -B ill B aird scored him w ith a double. T h is w os as fa r as th e uprising .go t, how ever, but i t closed the gap,4o. y lc to ry -for the P elicans to one-run scored on the bulk, w hich had , th e -Monsacs l e v i n s , the. field strongly, question-! jng th e ru iing w h ich 'co s t their^ th e gam e. , . •’ • , ; '

<4)A B R X||

Herbert,* 3b r. . 3 1* 1M cIntyre, s s i . . v. 3 . 0 0L ange, l b ......... 4 0 2B ritto n rrf- ;v ,- 2 : O' - 0K roner'te r, r f ........... 2 0 0G ray, cf i . .» . . . ' 4 0 ' 0Lepine, :c 4 1 2B ehrm an, If ........... 3, 0 f 0S ch arp e ,.2 b — . . . . . . . . 3 1... 0M organ, p : . . . . . . • • • > .. . 2 1 0

'M onsacs (3)

Russell, If . . ... ........./• 4 ■ 0 1Em mons, l b - . . . ............ 2. 1 0T aylor, ss 4 . 1 tJackson, 3b , r. • • ............. 3 0 flW right, c ............ ............ 4- 0 1Rackley; c f .. 4 . 0 0Bates, r f ___ 4 1 - 1 -Holfhes.'^"2LP7Y;.-. 1 •• 0 - 0Baird, 2b . . . . ............ 1 0 ,1Johnson, p ........ .......... . 3 Q 0

■: so 3‘ GM onsacs . .* 200 N 000 loo—nP o llcans ........ k.000-022 OOx—4

Compton. On Luzon ,.. P fc /jC arl F . Com pton, son o f Mr. an d M rs. L e ro y ’Com pton, 17 B road ­Way, K ey p o rt,. recently u r r iv e il . in ih e ..P h ilipp ines an d .-.hns... hipen a s ­signed^■; to -an. o lr b^fid g ro u p of P h ilip p in es ,C om m and, (A ir Force), und T h irteen th A ir F o rce o t Cluric A ir F o rce Bdse in .C en tral Luzon.

A .;g ra d u a te of .K ey p o rt J lig h Scho'61, ’’ C 6rhpton ' Jolricd tMQ ‘ -Air F orce in F eb ru a ry . 1049. . ,

(r fa W ih . A c a d *THEATRES

O ld B ridge . S t Joseph’s

: - - ? 2 1 7. 000 001 000—1

000 201 02x—5

Ferguson In Navy 'John (Bullet) F erguson, son of

♦Mr. and Mrs. R obert F erguson , 705 C en te r St., Union Bcach, has en ­lis ted in .the U. S. N avy and le f t on A ug. 10 fo r thc G rea t L akes T ra in ­ing S tation , H e a ttended K eyport H igh S chool. j


H O W T H B U S A T . K


BROKEN ARROWJn Technicolor

SU N . ih ru TUES.

Edmond O'BRIEN


• S ta rts W ED. -

A na BLYTK ‘ .Farley GRANGER


Television In L ounge


O il B u rn e r ond B o ile r C leaning S ervice. G et th e m ost o u t o f you r f u e l O il D olla r S tultx . w ltf

27 1 7C lub 3 0 . ^ ; . j 000 010 0—1 •B oa iho tijc '.J iv , $02 ooo' 7

Tel. Matawan l-3SeS

r i l u - S a ^ _ A .u g .J8 4 1Malinee Set. a t 1:45 '

Under My SkinJohn Osrtield Luihsr Adler

' ali<^

R a n g er o f C h erok ee - S trip

M o n le H a te * »

Bevival Feature Saturday Night a t MS

13 Rue Madeleine Jam esCagney .

Sun„ M on. - . Aug. 20.21

The Big HangoverVan Johnson - Elisabeth Taylo*

. 1--------— -.. t i io - — ••..................*„.i,The Wolf Hunters

Kirby, Orant - Jen ciayion '

Tues,, Wed,, T hurs. ‘Aug. 22-23-24

The Big LiftMontaomexjrCllti - Paul Douglas


Post Time First Race 2 P .M .

B etting on D ally D o u b le .' C loses 1:45 P . M.

a m p l e p a r k i n o s p a c e A dm ission S1.20 (incl. tax )

. R eserved b ox seats 12,40


P a r i - m u t u e l B e t t i n gTEH RACES W EDNESDAYS.

. r A ND BATUHDAYS . NINE 'ON OTHER w e e k d a y s




Phone Keansburg 0-0200Continuous Performance Dally

From 1:30 P . M, -

T hurs.. Fri., Bat,' A ug, 17-18-19

CACEDw ith •

E leano r P a rk e r a lio

GREAT RUPERTJ im m y D u ran te - T e rry Mciore1

Sun., M on. A ug. 21-22


M o n ls o m W Clift - P a u l P^ug lM

T ue ,.. W ed. A ug. 22-33


• w ith '

C lifton W ebb • , J e a h h e C rain

Thura* F tU Bat. A ug. 24-28-26;


C a l l B u ts e ll - M acD onsld C a re y

. - : •' " .a lio : . ,

LOVE THAT BRUTE,. , , w ith

Je a n P e le rs :* K e e n s n W yn n P au l Douglaa


Claudette COLBERT


JOE PALOOfcAHpmphrey Takes

j A Chance

SU N . Ih ru TfTES.M ail. MONTCZ - Ion HALL



’ E » » rr W .d n .,d « y 2 p jn .

Charlie McCarthy, DETECTIVE


TODAY, TOMORROW, SAT. Aug. 17-18-19M ailn .e T oday Bnd Tom orrow a t 2 P .M .; E ve. 6i4S

C o n tln u o u i S a lu rd a y SlBTling n t l:4&

ll.frtn, DUOmi CB.IM • WWlKE MU M 0 n » MnKU.f.'.Iwbi, • DwoU r«if)ci. WiBtw by Kitilv.

N EW S CARTOON ; M USICALSp«c!iil A dded A ttr a c l lo n — "BA TTLE OF K O R EA "

S a lu rd a y M allnaa O nly — "CODY O F TH E PON Y EX PR ESS"

SUNDAY and MONDAY Aug. 20-21

NEW S - CARTOON SPO RTC ontinuous S undoy S ta r t in g 'a t 1:45

M alinee M onday S ta rtin g a t 2 P.M .; EVtt~6i4S




THE STORY OF BOB AND SALLYShown to separate audiences

' ; ronlyWomen 2 PM. and 1 PM .

- .........Men 9 P.M. - ..........

F B I 4 m l-S A T ........ G o r d o n McBEA


i n T c c h n le o J o r • "

• -p lu s —


lold by \ r l h i u G odlr.y

S U N . th ru T U E S .. A m BLYTH

r u l » r OHAHOEB


KIDDIE M ATINEE E r c r r T ue i. 2 P .M .

■ T * l» * l» lo n - ln Lcn>ng«.......

S lu m Dally a l 1*0. 7iM mat »M PJM.a t Strand, nad s a n k - r m b t U

Al Iha CailUm n i l . y m U d SiOO PM.Cant, a .la rd o r . fg rn d .r I U llo U d .n .

JU E S D A Y and WEDNESDAY Aug. 22-23M atinee Both D ay s a t - 2. P.M.r Zri. 6:45


H o u s i e h y

he R iver* w >usuc rn u n E

llf lll ll IIIIIIIKI I

Dinnerware to the Ladies at All Performances


* “ M i n . STEWARTA u g . 2 4 - 2 S - 2 6



H u a o a i B ^ i i

FrL. 4ai.,-Aug.: Ifl.lf"Sergeant Y ojk" '

^ e lih O i i f C eop«J alma —>

Castta" Ott lb* ffadson' w ith John Garfield

Bxtra Fri. Western Feature "Eagle's Brood"


Sub., Mon., Aug. >0-21 "Dakota LU"

' . ( In . clnecolor) , w iib George Montgomery

— plu# —• • .'Dick PotreU .bv . "M rs. Mt^ce'*

( x t n M oa. Olaaeware Fre*' . “to-U w Ladlee -^- -

C stia Moa. OfOdal ' Mr*. Amartca ContealTseSw W#«U Atig. t t - t )

/ ' ^'Buecaaeef's Girl"• with -Yvonne DeCarlb *

Ptua In p fn b a WU1 miTe A p lm a rc ira u• - _ •wtlh' ; .. '

Plaphapte -Poq**-PonUe


TrL, Sal*, Avg. 1V-JI . “ Chicago DeadUne" . -

wUh AUn l>add .. — al**—1 • ‘

"Th* -Younger Brothers"- E xtra - Bat.* MMnight " Horror Show ,

'T raafeeiulaln Meets W olteian"

Extra Friday Mrs. America Contest

Sun., Moo., Aug, 20-21 . "Captain China"

withJohn Payne * O. Ruuetl

— ptua —Too Lale For Tears"

Extra Mod. Nighl Glassware F ree to iho la d le s


Tae*^ W«L, Aug. U - l ) 1 ~ 1 -"Guadalcanal Dtary"1 w ith Pvestoa Foster J

plus — ."Purple H eart"

- w ith Dana Andrews.Extra Tues. Jflia .......A rchery 7 P .M . '

- • -Extra We<L Wit# Homo Shoe Pitching

Contest 7t00 P.M.. tCasb ^ r ls a l) • E A T O N T O W H -

^ a o v n a s * » < i o v i u i a »

w o

S aaia 31 a* lataM aiya ' t r t t k C M .


P M t tm iH f t w t - e m »w w f w » " T tw w H W tW T

Page 7: PREPARE FOR COUNTY FAIR AT JOCKEY CLUB …nwouwca For Madison Twp. Ordinance Passes With No Opposition; Junkie, Peddler License Fixed; Requests Presented An ordinance-creating a planning


Summer Bowling Loop ■, Action Tightens A* Campaign'End Nears'

-• W ith the end of the cam paign in th e Sum m erfrB ow ling League only a few w eeksT n the offing, the K ey ­p o r t C leaners and C. 8e y f. M arine* o f L aurence H arbor, a re locked iri a tie fo r th e lead . Both com bine? h av e cn 18*12 reco rd and each club h o ld s only e edge- on the th ird p iace V arlese C onstruction,

. /w hich- in tu rn (*nJoys a tw o-gam e m arg in on A m erican Legion, now in fo u rth plocc. , v

T he C leaners and M arines hooked u p in a - r e g u la r m atch Monday* on th e -K cyport Rec a lleys w ith the H arb o rites g rabb ing a 2-1 decision, H ow ever the C leaners s tayed in the th ick o f th e flght by posting a 2-1 w in ov&j. Rosehill T ruck ing ln the

-ro ll off fft a postponed- m a tc h .. .I l l o th e r m atches decided M onday thu Legion tu rn e d back K eypo rt Rec reb tion 2-1 a n d V orlese C onstruction sh u to u t Rosehill 3*0. '

T ony W ickley of V arlese, took h igh se t ho n o rs w ilh a 073 to ta l on gom es of 220-207-244. Jo h n O verly hod a 252 score fo r th e best gam e of the night. O th e r bo w ler* ,w ith top scores w ere: P ete . F ischler,- 202 O verly , 214; C liff Ya&ger, 204; F red W eiss, 203; Jo e M usca^ella; 211 ;'E d Cosiic, 201; F isch le r, 205-201; Johll D avino, 220; S teve S iovenz, 205 F red K ruser, 21,r>-203; A n d y Dioda- to, 211*247. *

T h e stand ings: •• .. W L

C. & w . M arines . . . . . . . . . w 12K ey p o rt C leaners 18V a fTese~ConsTrTicUun~~77r. 17— A m erican L eg ion . . . . . . . . . 15 ..Rosehill T ru ck in g . ^......... 12K ey p o rt R ec rea tion . . . . . r* 10• T he scores: ...... . ..........

,'' V arlese C onstruction tO)J . . W ickiey 220 207F . V arlese v . . . . . . .1 5 0 140.C Y aeger .............. 177 180

. * j i


' - . 5 5 9 533R osehill T ruck ing (0)

N. M ancini ............ 173 147 157B .' B iebcr . . . . . . . . . 146 194 154J . O verly k.. T 104 .140 252

513 490 503. K eypo rt C leaner* (3)

P . F isch le r 107 202 1G8J . D i i l io n ................... 101 145 167J . D avino . . . . . . . . . 105 183 19Q‘ ' ------ ------ w > -

463 530 - ■ 525’ Rocehill T ruck ing (1)

V. M ancini 174 171- 135B. B ieber . . • ' ........ 108 188 107J . O verly . . ’. . . . . .V. 214 152 165

, . : ,5 5 0 . 511 407,i-j V . 'W S i l H i h * ) ' ' ' : 'W eiss » . . . ...........103' 203 178M uscarella : .......... 182 211 150E. Costlc .................. 192 201 191

- 507 015 525. \ K eyport C leaners (1)

P . F isch le r ............. 205 201 172J . D illibn ............... 107 -145 , 130J . D avino . . . . . . . . 190 155 220

...... 502......501 572K eypori R ecreation (1)

L .\M an ia ................... 191 179 104A. B enne tt .......... 147 105 . . .A. S chw arck ....... 171 102 182S. S io v e n z ................................... 205

. 509 500 551A m erican Legion t2) . .

S , K ru se r .............. 190 192 213C. B rideau ............ 188 182 107A. D iodoto 181 211 247

505 5ar) 029

Plan 50-Lap Stock Car,j Trophy Race Saturday

A m id season 50-lap trophy 'race w ill hold tho spo tligh t In stock Car racing c irc les , a t L ong B ranch S tadium , S a tu rd a y n ight, w ith all th e crack d r iv e rs of th e A tlan tic

_S tock-~C ar._H acinc..C lyb„fllated__tocom pete. T h e m arathon g rind is also th e m idw ay m ark in th e ch a m ­pionsh ip series being he ld a t the sho re "racing p la n t ahd w ill c o u n t heav ily in the p o in t s tandings. j

F ra n k S chneider, w ho cu rren tly ; leads in th e standings, ’ m ay And W aliy C am pbell a tough n u t to crock in S a tu rd a y ’s classic. Camp* bell b lasted the 35*lap record a t Long B ranch, la st w eek, w hen he clipped over 20 seconds off a fo rm er S ch n e id er m a rk ot 10.02:82. Camp*

Jx r ll h as signed fo r the 50-lap m id season cham pionsh ip ev e n t as"~Kas

- s u ch _~bthcr r a n k in g chaufTeure a s S am M oiloch, * J im m y - D elaney, P a rk e r Bohn. L enny B rpw n. .p h ar-

. le y M uscatel, '^L en n y Blom grenj T ony B attle , A i P e te rs and Bud

' T a r r e l l . ..........." " " ' ....... .............A n a ll-g irl ev e n t w h ich h as b e ­

com e s teady racing ty re a t Long B ranch, w ill h av e V era L ang shoot­ing fo r h e r th ird s tra ig h t tr ium ph .

I S chneider, B cljn tir, in h is No, 77, th e ca rt th a t haa b ecom e know n as thes ’‘Jinx c a r’1' tat V tall S tndlum ,

w ill be in ac tion aga in , 'T b e m idget show on W ednesduy

n ig h t w ill aga in b r in g in the . to p ­flight pe rfo rm ers from A :R ,p .C .,'thc n a t lo n ’e la rg e s tf u id g c tH w to r u c in h ' association. A m ong th jT sle lla r d r iv ­ers w ho w ill b e on h a n d w ith tlie lr hlgh-'pow er M eyer»D r n k e "lOfTon- housers a re F red P ete rs. D utch Schaeffer, N ick F orno ro , L en D un. can, Jo h n n y Thom pson and FrcU M eeker. A niong those d riv in g the com m ercially converted •* • m idgels, th e favorites inc lude 'J(»c Bur*da, Red M arlow , Tony M ilrtlno- und D ick Dowd. . •

A il program s a re schedu led for an 8:30 pm. s ta r t ..

•' Bob :O c h i, 'd ire c to r of the K ey p ert R ecreation C om m ittee program* p o ie i w ith th e p rl*ew inn in^yow ners-and i Ih e ir e n lr ie i a t Ihe conclusion of p e t show held S a tu rd a y a t tlia G ram m ar School PUy* ground. B esides 'a "p le n tltu d e of dog t. the sm all !<ry exh ib ito rs a lto show ed .ea ts , k itten s , a ’’P uss I* Boots.* an d o th e r an im als, v . « . . • ; i .

Only 2 fer Cent

Betting Totals Almost Hit Last Yeir*s; Stout

Is Leading Rider ■M onm outh P a rk closed its 1950

sum m er racing season in th e p ro ­verb ia l b laze of g lo ry . S low er than usual to g e t underw ay , the. Ocean- po r t track b egan to accelern te its pace in e a rly J u ly , gained speed" s te a d ily tow ards . th e dog d ay s o f th e m onth and th e n .c a m c th rough th e s tre tch like a W hirlaw ay to closely ap p ro x im ate last year' b e ttin g ond a ttendance figures. -

A nalysis of these figures discloses a .m u tu e ls p lo y in 1949 u l $4.8,981,080 fo r a dn iiy average of $1,042,108. This season, desp ite th& w idespread recessiort o n . th e tu r t , w agering reached a to ta l of $47,504,543 fo r nn overage of $1,010,735, a d ro p in per cen tage o f ju s t th re e po in ts. A t­tendance last y ea r-re a c h e d G65.110. Thjs_m ceting , for th e feame 47 day period , it w as 079,040, a d ec line of less than one p e r cent. A ll these figures w ere very sa tisfac to ry to execu tives of th e M onm outh P ark Jockey C lub w ho had geared the ir econom y to a. 10 p e r cen t drop.-

L eav ing the co ld ly ana ly tica l “dope” of the season fo r tho w arm er su b jec t of sport, th e to p r id e r of th e season w as aga in J im m y S tau t, re tu rn in g - to the p roud n icho ho occupied tw o y ea rs ago. By boot- trig ’ hom e "45 w in n e rs th is 7 year; ii b ran d n e ty r^o co rd fo r M onm outh, he* d efea ted F ern an d o F ernundez wh<3 w as close u p - a l l . th e -w ay -to r id e 42 “firsts." Jockey Jo e Cuim one;

la te a rriv a l, sw e p t th rough the

m onth of J u ly like a w hirlW ind and w as g e ttin g close to th e leaders, e n ie rg in g -th ird w ith. 32 w inners. ,

D everne E m ery , a -fo rm e r jockey forced to tho tra in in g ranks by increased w eight, found the win^ ner'a c irc le ju s t 18 tim es to bccomc th e lead ing cond itioner of th e m eet­ing. H e w os fa r in fro n t of M on­m outh 's la rg es t colony o f tra iners.

Tho G eorge D. ’ W idener stable, tak ing dow n th e lion’s sh are of four rich pu rses , w as topi m oney g leaner am ong th e ownerB, uLtbough most a tten tio n w as focused upon .thp

J3 rookm eade S tab le ’s G reek S hip



r .. . See ‘ ‘

STRAUB MOTORS INC.K alaer-F raaar and ;

C ro jley D ealer

Sales and ServiceH ighw ay 35 - C la rk S tree t

Tel. 7-1908 KEYPORT

who, by v ir tu e of tw in v ic to ries in th e $25,000 M onm outh HartdicaD find th e ' $25,000 Choice S tokes, ric h es t events o f tho m eet, wos th e leading w inner am ong th e th o ro u g h b re d s ..

W hy n o t l is t you r fa rm sa le ln th e olaasifled co lum n now. T h e cost ls aouJU Uie resu lts laxtfe.

Wall Stadium Track LisU Top Programs'

T h e hnrd to p .ra c in g ca rs w ill go in to uction tom orrow (F riday) n igh t a t th e W all S tad ium w ith the focus o f n tten tio n d irec ted on aucii fitund-1 ou ts as A xel A nderson, S am Mol- lach, J im D elaney, C harlie M uscatel, Jo h n n y 7 C abra l, Bob Cooke ' and Reds Tom linsqn, any of w hom hns the c a r und d riv in g ab ility to como th ro u g h fo r th e fea tu re w in . T w en ty ca rs a rc aga in scheduled to r u n in lhg_m uJji_on_the R oute 34 tm ck.

T uesday n igh t the ja lopy stock cars, under, the com bined san c tio n ­ing o f S h o rt and Lukcw ood Race C lubs, w ill b rin g to th e h igh -banked oval a n o th e r show p resen tin g th d h a rd d r iv in g tactics w h ich havti. b u ilt th is ja lopy show in to one ot th e m ost popu la r rac in g ev en ts an y w h ere in New Jersey , Ted




Matawan Builders Supply Company138 Lower Main Street ' *

MATAWAN, N. J .Tel. M A law an 1-3S35 W ILLIAM M. STRO TH ER

G enera l C on trac to r


'..... • AND . "



Tel. KEyport 7-0477

M-O League

: Sunday '* R*auU»S pring L uke 3, L nkchu 'rst’ 2. .......A sbury P a rk 12, A tlan tic H igh­

lan d s B (10 Innings.)M ntaw an 7, W hiting 4.H ighlands A. A. 10, B rick T<TOtt>-

sh ip 0* — - ................ ----- - .......- Jacksoh M ills 7, M onm nuth Uench 6 ;tl0 lnnlngs.i .

' f S tand ings - ........- - ? • (Second H alf) :‘ W. L. Pet.Jackson M ills. . , . , . 2 . 0 ntaw an ................. . 1 U 1.000A sbury P u rk . . . . . . 1 0 1.000H igh lands A. A. . . . 2 1 ,.0G7S p rin g L ake .......... . Si ,<J07W hiting .................. . 2 .mM onm outh Bcach . 2 . ,.133'L ftk o h u m ' . 0 ‘ I " .000B rick Tow hshJp . . . . 0 .000Alluhtlfc H Ighlunds . 0 2 .000

Bayshore Playoffs ,Playoffs In lh a B ayahora S oft­

ball L eague w ill s ta r t M onday n igh t an d con tinue n ig h tly u n til th e ti tle l i decided , Jim m y Brow n, league proxy announced today. T h e new and o ld KHB fields w u te d for th a garnet. A ll gam es w ill ba p layed in series of th ree , th e lin t, team a to, w in ' two^. g am es in tho eem i-linalt advanclng to the finals. ,

P a irin g for M onduy’s' games c a n n o t.b e announced u n tll two m ake-up gam es a re p lay ed this vreek, M rJ B row n staled . S ports­m en's . defea ted Cliffwood 9-0 last w eek and the reby clinched th a ti tle fo r tho reg u la r season play. La Z ara 's fo rfeited four gam es th e y had to m ako up b e ­cause of conilicts w ith stnte tou rney dates and th e reb y drop- pod to fou rth . Tho rem ain inggam es, w ill d e c id e thov tJln a l..s tand ings of S St M and Koyport Tlgera, th e tw o o ther team s ln ihe playoffs.

Save M oney, Savti Oil. H ave your F u rnace cltruned ond O il B urner checked fo r h ighest efficiency, S tulta. 7...... ,t .. w jtf

Swim Championship* ■ . At Belvidere Saturday 1

T he New Je rsey Coast Sw im m ing C hum pion ih tp w ill be held h t tho B elvedere Beach Pool. K eansburg. S a tu rd a y a t 8:30 p.m. T here w iti be 13 sw im m ing ahd dlvintf ovents, o'pen^to all f ro n ^ i^ e s soven up to tho open fo r . men antiw om en. E n tries aro expected front ul! ov er tho s la te und com petition is expected to be keen,' w ith the

B e lved e re team , w h ic h , w o n e i ih t

c lim b in g , d iv ln jt j jj& jc a n o e t ilt in g .G old, silver,.and .j> ron& o -rneduU.

w ill be aw ard ed to. th e first Uireo p lnce w in n e r t n ’cnch o v e n t A g irl's • a is d ^ o y ’a w lay tropihy w ill be p re i sen ted in th e c la illn ca tlo n of 12 yours und under, hnd a h igh .point team trophy w iil be givefl to thtV team scoring tho h ighest n u inbe r of poin ts, ^

ATTENTION, Commuters!Ask us about our Special Rates lor Parking

by Day .— Week or Monthly. ;




Earn Service Station ...Station Plaza k MATAWAN

N ex t S unday . -A sbu ry P o rk at Lftkeluirwt. B rick 1 'ow nshlp nt M fituwnn, H ighlands a t Spring Luke W hiting a t M onm outh Bench.

M ills.

vC oal — Coal. P lace yo u r o rd er NOW . S tu ltz .

A re you b u y in g S ecu rity Bonda*


Pete Connelland Hi* Western Pals8 ta ta of R a d b and Television

fea tu rin g

• Curley Joe "• Yodeling Dan '• Pete Connelle Rusty Shannon


Route 1-4 Tel. Enoltihlown 7.0842 '

’We carar io parlies and social anslra . 1

B E L L ’S S U P E R F O O D S P E C I A L S ! ! !Your Complete


^ b e l l p


. CORN BEEF..2 9 V



SPRING LAMB ........... ..............W BEEF CO./A SUPER-MARKET


126 Maiti Street

Phone MAtaw'an 1-1644

RIB L A M B C H O P S 3 9 « lb.SWIFT’S




P R EM4 7 * it.



. 2 pkgs. 2 3 *

I c MINUTE MAID1 1 con of cither Grapefruit Juice■ or Blended Juice for ........ I

v A when you buy 2 cans of Orange Juice.

SALE All 3 for 5 5 ^

.• • m0,e |ir,ttiCal' " nl0re MA6'CM Haa em before. .y o u r n e w 1 9 5 0

Roy- S. Lemaire Plans ’To Enroll At Bucknell

: Roy S. L e m a ire ^ 54 Edgem ere '" U f . ; ' M ataw an ,--h as-b een --ad m itted

t o , t h e f rc ^ im a n ‘ class a t B ucknell U niversity^ iJcw i^burg. P a M w h ere h e w ill b?g in h is s tud ies in S ep ­te m b e r w h en th e college opdhs fo r Its 105th y ea r. R eg is tra r G eorge F d in t announced today. L em aire ia th e son of M r. a n d M rs. L aurence W . L em aire . ■ ■ ; '<

'....LA .-^rad u a te o f M ataw an H igh S cho l w h e re h e p layed ah im portan t p a r t in s c h o o l . a c t i v i t ^ L em aire / t t i l l en ro ll a t B ucknell fn 4 h a libe ra l

course, ...... ‘‘ '*' *** "V jf v,. y

* Follow the crowd to one of the most popular nite spots aldng the Jersey coast where you and your party of friends are assured of a very pleasant evening.


«L DANCING — ENTERTAINMENTMusic by “ Jersey King of Swing" '

- BARON BABICKand His Popular Dance Orchestra

- - / _ '.pi II*— - !■> 1-.............. H I I l M.lHI Dll I I '

TUere will be FREE ADMISSION to theLadies Tpmorrow Night- (Friday). ,

lynaacc CAe/* r n J t a a / > r w


, '* t u [Ija ...

YqirifcefoTa lienp of iiiiibIc In llil» new Matfc ,.../:In'll Uko magic, your reclpei. com# oul Juil l ight. .SinJilcnly you'ro a chef fmlenil of n “oiiuk"—nnd your family nnd n<iout« ohn tnaio lljo <tinr.'irucot Tlmre’t magic, loo, In Cltel'i • new, lilgli Swing Out Droller. No •looping to ulo ' il; anil It latmokelcia! You'll turn out ddlcloui .roa»l« and ptntrirs. Tlio secret? MhIc ChejU Hcd Wheel Itcgulator glvea you ported, Juat-right ovan . heat EVEHY TlMEI Yn, ll'o "Ilkn rnnKlc” cook- lr||t Come teo for youticlfl


f l !

L a u r e n c e H a r b o r B e a c h C a s i n oMM. ■ • p 4 • • • ■ ■ • . ;

Boardwalk Laurence HarborR e f r e s h i n g S e a B r e e z e W h ile Y o u D a n c e

A P P L I A N C ECorner. Front and Main Sts.

717 A rn o ld A t« h u « , P o in t P l n u i i l H W u M if lM I l i M t T o m , H l f i r 102 R o f t n A m u i . H lgh lilo w a U4 M c « 4 Blv L ak tw ood ,

KEYPORT-701 M ain D ln i l , A ib u iy T a rk 7t M onraoulh S lr a t t . Hod Bank 41 E l i ! M ata S l ia t t , F r n h tM t l M em orial P a rk w ay . Long B ranch

MORE w o m e n c o o k O H ^ y j i a q ^ THAN ON ANY Ol III'!' RANOt

Page 8: PREPARE FOR COUNTY FAIR AT JOCKEY CLUB …nwouwca For Madison Twp. Ordinance Passes With No Opposition; Junkie, Peddler License Fixed; Requests Presented An ordinance-creating a planning


. 70 O' OffcElRSDAY, A lM D ^T ’l f l 1950

By Matawan 7-4Mullaney Wild But Foe Is Held In Pinches;

'Marvel Belts Homer• M ataw an . A. A . sta rted second

half of play In :the M ~0 Baseball . League, Sunday, - by ..Journeying, to -W aitings and ta k in g , th a t to w n ’s

team into cam p 7-4. N ex t Sunday \ the A. A. w ill aga in tre k Into the

pine belt to p lay B rick Tow nship.. F o r the first fo u r innings S u n ­day’s gam e w as a standoff. M ataw an' picked up a run in the flrst. The flrst tw o v isiting ba tte rs d rilled g rounders at* W id C rahm er, Whit*

..Ing's Bhortstop, and he booted them- -bo th r-Jaok-L ann ing-w aIked ,_ toJQ iL

the sacks, and Doug M arvel singled hom e Lou Zambito.

Jack M ullaney, M atawan pitchcr, struck a n u n s t e a d y spo t in the .second. T w o 'fiits and a w alk filled

: the sackis and an o th e r WalK forcortin th e flrst W hiting’s run .

*. Both sides scored in th e th ird , M ataw an w hen P au l Zam bito singled, took sccond on:.aj. walk, to M arvel, stole th ird and cam e in on.

’ an infield out. T w o h its and two w alk s again w ere good fo r a W hit­ings run.

. M arvel pu t, M ataw an w ell o u t in . fron t in the fifth w hen he ram ­

med out a hom er after L im ning und- -pau i Zam bito had j i j t ja f e ly r • Mul-

iancy continued tp hrtvc trouble w ith h is control in the Whitings hair of the inning, wulking three men and allow ing a h it for the'hom e side’s third run . , •

In the seventh the_MaUiwan lead reachcd safe proportions w hen Paul Zam bito w as h it by a pitchcd

--ball,~M arvel-singled-«nd~both-cam o- ' hom e on Lou Zam bito’s hit,

. M ataw an (7) 'AB R H

L. Zambito, ss .......... . 0 1 3Devino, r f . . . . . . . i . ..» 0 0Furey , If ..............*........... 5 0 0Lanning, 3b . ............ 4 1 1P.Zumbito, lb 3 2 ...... 2Marvel, cf .............. . 3- 2 3G arito ,' 2U 2 0 0Schanck, 2b .................... 3 1 0N appi, c ....................... , -5 - 0 1M ullaney, p ............., 5 * 0 1

Matawan'Motorcyclist Injured In Accident •

P a u l H olm es,'30, of 4 C hurch St. M atawan, suffered a p o ss ib le -frac ­tu re o f - t h e . : i e ^ M 'r t s t ..Thursday w hen a m otorcycle he w as ppcrat ing ran into the r e a r o f -a tr a ile r truck w hich w as m aking a tu rn in to a drivew ay a t thc W itco C tiem lcal Co., C onvery Blvd., P erth • Ambqy- He w as taken to P erth Amboy G en ­eral H osp ital by a ’passing motorist".

A ccording to P erth Am boy police, the tru c k • w as : operated by- P . L. P rescott o f P leasantvU lc. No charge? have been m ade Against the d river.

Cheesequake And Cedar Grove News

Several Residents Of Area Have Returned From Vacations -

The fo llow ing new s ‘ item s arc reports o f residen ts und ac tiv ities in the ’ C heesequakc-C edar G rove sections ol.M «idj§on .Tow nship:

Those from th is area • a ttending the fashion show, and ca rd , party on .A ug. 8’ sponsored by thc M at- awar** W om an's H epublican Club on thc law n o f thc M ay residence, Main St., M atawan, w ore Mrs. Louis H d se r ... sr.. Miss M aud Lam bcrtsan., Ml'5, D onald Robinson, Mrs. W illiam W asm uth, M rs. Louis. H ciser and M rs. John C ham berlain.

M lw S arah P artridge , Miss E liza ­beth -M oore.. Mrg, ..Thom as Fergis and Jack P artridge , v isited Mr. and M rs. W illiam P artridge , B elm ar, on F riday evening. '

Mrs. M ary D row n ,.and daughter, Jo a n, w ere w eekend guests of Mr.

The • Missc9 H elen -an d Susan P a rtr id g e and J o h n P a rtr id g e Jr. h ave re tu rn ed from New Y ork C ity w h ere they visited th e ir b ro ther- in-law and. s is te r ,M/Sgt. and Mrs. W illiam G riffiths ov er th c w eek ­end,

Mrs. G eorge N ew m an, an d dau g h ­te r, Sue A nn, ce lebrated th e ir b ir th ­days by en te rta in ing on A ug,-fi u t 3 picn ic su p p er on -the te rrace of th e ir home. Their^-guests^^w cre: Mrs. J o h n B ojcar and daugh ters, S usan and H elen, Miss. A rlene M atus, M rs. B. Bulotovich and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V anM aulden of Freehold ; M iss E lizabeth M oore, the M isses H elen ' and S usan P a r t­ridge, J o h n .P a r tr id g e jr. and M rs. M. G cik.'

A rea residents who have rcccntly re tu rn ed from th e ir vacation are: M r. und Mrs. H arry S chnuck, w ho h ave been v isiting in C anada, and >Ir,_und_.M rs^^_arn_es^^Kqisa, who

Missionaries To Conduct Service

Mr.Mrs. Thomas Will Be jAt, Sunday School In Browntown

41W hiting (4)

ABReilly, 3b ....................... 5R. W right, If ........... 4 .C ranm er, ss .;.................. 5A pplegate, ib ........... . . . 4

-N, Ford, c f ................ 5. R. Sloan, c . . .

W-‘ W right, p . Spear, 2b . . . .

.. O, Payne, r f ' .C. Paync^ r f ..

‘ Donaldson, p . Reynolds, c f . a Dovvker,

. 2

. I 2 2

. 2 , 1 . 2 . 1



a-L incd to Schunck for W. W right in 0th Inning.M atuwan v.lOl, 030 200—7W hiting O l6jO l6—4

und Mrs. Johq P nrtridgo o f Elmer.Mr. and M rs. Edw ard Trabalka

aVe the parents” of n son, Edw ard Louis, born on Aug. 7 a t thc P erth Amboy G eneral Hospital. Mrjf. T rabaJka Js the fo rm er Misa D orothy S cbulm cister of Cheese* quake. • — ‘— ; .

This w eek’s aw yrd of thc m e r­chandise club, sponsored by the Cheesequnkc «rFire D epartm ent Ladies A uxiliary w en t to Mrs. Richurd P. C rcssm an,

Mrs. A dele Iierzog . and son, G erald, o f Chccscquakc, and the ir house guests. Miss D orothy Gus- .Weller. G len Uldgc; . the Misses Shirley Lam bereon nnd Ednu Boyce, R obertsville: w ho have been enjoying a vacation nt O cean Beach, re tu rn ed home Snturdoy..> Miss E laine Rosenbohm , B row n­town, w as the guest o f Miss W inona DufTord T hursday afternoon.

Mr, and Mrs. W ellington G raham en terta ined u l a purty on Atffc. U fn honor -of the ir daugh ter, Parol, w ho wns c e leb ra tin g . h e r eighth b irthday . A ttend ing w ere A pril Leo, C ranford; R iehurd Taiptor, E lizabeth; G ary imd D ennis Stocff* Jciy Linden;^ Jnnice-'Crcssm nn, M eta Broadm iak, G erry : K ruscr and Buddy G raham . ■

M r. and Mrs. N athan Crcssm an, and sons, Lnwronco and M elvin, have re tu rned from V irg in ia w here

have been v isiting in F lorida .L aw rcncc C rcssm an s p e n t tw o

days rcccn tly v isiting G erald H erzog a t ,,Ocean' Beach.

Jam es B row n' ls v isiting friendsin Troy, N. Y . ............ - - -

W alter Russell Rourkc of S p rin g ­field, Mass.. is v isiting M r. and M rs. W illiam R ainaud of Brow n- ttiwn; M onday- evening M r. and M rs. . Rainaud, » Miss Jeannette R ainaud • and MK R ourkc w ere guests 0/ Mr. and *■ Mrs. John - E;

I H ardy, E lizabeth.

Patricia A. Miller To Enter Nurses’ Training |

Mias Patricia A of Mr. nnd Mrs. Rudolph B. M iller, ■Freneau, celebrate^, h e r b irthday W ednesday, M iss 'M ille r has e n ­ro l le d - in the S eptem ber class; a t thc O range M emorial HospitoJ School of N ursing, Orange.— Mr,—an d -M rs .-Jo b n -L o ck w o o d -jr- nnd daugh ter of F reneau, visited the fo rm er’s b ro th e r and sister-in- law , Mr. und Mrs. A ndrew D arby, and fam ily. Sea B right, recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Rcinkc Jcnnson, and daughter, L illian, F reneau , w ere S atu rday v isitors of th e ir son, R c in k c ,. n t t h c homo or M r. and Mra. A lbrecht Koch, East F reehold .

Mr, and Mrs. W aller R. H ackm an, C arney’s P o ln t^ sp e n t the w eekend as the guests o f M r. and Mrs. A rth u r C. H all., and o ther F reneau relatives. .

Mrs. Rudolph B. M iller, and daughters, Susan and P atricia , and tyiss Ruth Craw ford, F reneau , were A sbury P a rk visitors Tuesday.

C ards und personal s ta tionery— finest quality and la tes t styles, tcasonubly priced , a t th is office.

‘M r. and Mrs. R ichard Thom as, m issionaries jiome. on furlough , from India , .will .b e ..guests . . a t .: S unday’s seryJcc o f the B row ntow n Sunday School from 9:44 to 10:45. T hey w ill show ''p ictu res and . g ive a gen­eral .talk on In d ia ..

Mr* and M rs..Thom as, ond daugh ­ters, v d y c o an d M ildred , ‘ w ore guests a t the S unday school la st fall. Everyone w as ex trem ely in ­te rested in their, messago a n d the description of th e ir w ork , ^A t that;: .time Mra. Thom as dem o n stra ted the w ay thie ladies dress in JfidTa w ith her daugh ters sang irv^the native language, ^^ ttvfiryone is cordially in v I te d ^ jy a tte n d S u n d a y ’s scrvicc. A collection w ifi b c taken tb assist M r.lan d M rsr.T h o m as-in the ir work. , .

L ast Sunday a t the B row ntow n S unday School th e scrvicc w a s .in ehorgc of severa l teen-age g irls. They w ere thc M isses M ury Lou Bluhotta, D oro thy H oover, Jeun G aub. Susanne P itn e y r~ 'S h irley D rown and N evada Bastedo. Mrs. O ttp Gaub w as a t the piano. The room w as a ttrac tive ly decorated w iht . flowers . b rough t in by the ■glrhr a n d ' others Sundby ; school

| m em bers. ' 'M iller, d au g h te r .r» • M r. and Mrs, P rcd G aub Dnd

daughter, Joan, B row ntow n, spent M onday in 'A sb u ry P a rk iind T ues­day in Seaside H eights. .0

Mr., and Mrs. R alph FOuntoiri Jr. and son, Ronald, Eatow ntow n, w ere i3Unday_Jiight..5UPper_guosj3_of_Mr^and Mrs. O tto G aub, B row ntow n.

M r. and Mrs. P au l B iahotta jr., and children , M ary L ou and John, B row ntow n, w ere T uesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. ‘C harles Bublc of Lakewood. .

Mr. nnd Mrs, W illiam H ocver and daugh ter, D orothy, and N icky P a r alia, B row ntow n, spen t T uesday in K eansburg, . '

Mis$ Betty Lou P itney , B row n­town, was a w eekend g u cs t.o f Miss N ancy P ete rs, A tlan tic H ighlands.

M i^ and Mrs. Bf»rt G aub, Mrs. P au l M olinar, and daugh ters, Ann and A rllnc, of Bow ntow n, visitod M r. nQd Mrs. C harles C roisscttc and fam ily in G reen yin<?, P a„ on Sun- dny. Miss Jonn Croissetc re tu rn ed hom e w ith , them to v is i t t the M ollnnr residence. v

Jam es.G rphom , 90, nnd daughtci^,

M rs. F lynn , of C heesequake, v isited Mrs. A nna F e r r y - on Sunday, a t B row ntow n. -- M iss P hoebe E dga r o f Brooklyn, N.„ Y., and M iss M abel A ckcn of M etuchen^vLsited Mrs. Jam e s F oun­ta in o f B row ntow n T hursday a fte r- non. ’ •

M iss M argare t A nn Logi, W est­field, has been a. g u es t fo r several days a t th e hom e o f M r /a n d Mrs. P au l B iaho tta jr ., B row ntow n.

O tto G aub, B ro w n to w n ,-a n d a p a r ty , of. ou t-oM ow n frie n d s . spen t S a tu rd a y deep sea flsh ing oft B rjclle . D ue tp the ' w ea th e r th e ca tch was sm all a n d no tunasighted . ' . -----

M r. and M rs,. C h a r le s , C rolss^tte

an d fam ily o f G reen L ane, Pa., anil M r. and M rs. M a^ S chw ende ot Sellerevjlle , Pa,, ‘s p e n t W ednesday aa th e guest* of M r. and M rs. B art G au b B row ntow n. M iss Joan C roissette re tu rn ed hom e w ith them altcr. -yiiillDg tlie M isses A n h .s n d A rlln e M oIInaK '"'- v~ -7 '

Flees Mishap Scene .A h it-ru n d r iv e r F r id ay n igh t

s tru c k a ca r ow ned by H ow ard H oehn .of N olans*-C orner, w hich w as p ark ed on. M ain .S t,- M ataw an. M r. H oehn to ld M ataw an police th a t th e car, traveling to w ard Key-" port, k ep t going a f te r s tr ik in g his Vehicle.' ■ ’ • ’ - ' . :> - ' •

Brick Works Laborer » Is Injured In MUhap

Robert. Jones, 32-year-old laborer, w as - rep o rted In serious condition at- P e r ti i . A m boy G enera l H ospital M onday .o f In ju ries suffered S a tu r­day afternoon w hen he fe ll 20 feet from a k iln o t th e O schw ald B rick W orks, L aurence H arbor.

Jones, a res iden t of 8 Sm it\i St., P ^ r th . A inbqy, w as w sh e d to the hosp ita l by the L aurence H orbor F irs t A id .Squad* H e suffered lacerations o f * ther scalp, possib le f rac tu re o f th e 's k u ll , a n d lacera ­tions and possib le f rac tu re of the r ig h t shoulder. .

... m■vjt -in tcresv^ar the W a r Bonda-><H bought d u rin g the w a r . B u y sonijs

B RI GHT S P O T R A D I O S HOP27 E. Frgnt St., Ke;

. PboD f Krfpoxt 7-Wi


MOTOROLAa n d Television


C H A R L IE ’S MATAWAN INNM a t a w a nRte. 9-4 at'Freneau Ave. .

Telephone Maloiwan T-2287

. . S pecializing in , ‘


JUMBO HOT SAUSAGE SANDWICHES- — ' O rders lo la k e but. •Teloviaion n ightly . Cholco W inos and Liquors*

' - ' '•'

. Am irtca '* f.owewt-Pricrd Ntralght W ght .

Ia h v tm J-V ric iiil C a r w ith (V.M H i/ t lr t i- M n t lr U r lv n■ 1 - Optional on all wotlclt af txtm rutl,

Potcer-PacUed S ttvrr S treak Knytn^B—l'hvlrc o t S ix or Kiyht

-W qrid Honotrnrd Hoad iietlord / o r Kconamy nnd Long tJfa

, Tit* M 00I itcatiittul Thtnff on Wheel*

t h e m i t e s o f y o u r l i f e .

Put yourself behind thc wheel o f a wonderful now Pontiac ahd ' discover how .deeply satisfying it is to drive a c a rso beautiful, so thoroughly depend-

'ab le , so truly economical. Ju s t give a P o n tiac plenty, o f exercise and it w ill

vgive you thc happiest miles o f your life!

*r D o lla r•• ' ,. ■ ' ... . .

y o u c a n ' t b e a t a


Lt6 2 -

DOWNES PONTIACw e» M a in St. Phonis 1-2299 M ataw an, N. I.

TAKE NOTICE th a t a public sale of the property hereinafter listed, acquired by The Township o f M atawan in the County of Monmouth, by deeds of conveyance and decrees in Chancery of New Jersey, will be held in the Township H all on Atlantic Avenue, in the Town­ship of M atawan, .in the County of Monmouth, New Jersey, on . .

T u e s d a y , A u g u s t 2 2 , 1 9 5 0 at 11 o'clock in tlie morning (Daylight Saving Time)

. Said sales shall beJie ld upon the following terms arid conditions: v ■ -

The sale will be for^cash. -1 .

. '2 .. Twenty (20% ) per,cen t to be paid a t the time of bid. ,_________ i......... ...........

3. ' The balance of the' purchase price shall be paid in cash w ithin twenty (20) days a fter the sale, together w,ith the sum equivalent to the last annual tax levy, assessed against said premises. ■

4 ., Said premises shall be struck off to the. highest bidder. .

5. The premises will be sold free and clear of all municipal liens to the. date of sale.

6. A t the time of purchase, the bidder, shall sign the conditions of sale. ... •

7. The deed to be delivered will be a Bargain and Sale -Deed, without covenant.

8. Deeds will be delivered a t the office of Ezra W. Karkus, Esq., Township Attorney. 41 Broad Street, Keyport, New Jersey, upon

certification by the- Tax Collector tha t the purchase money, as bid, has been paid.

—•— 9. T he-purchasershall-a lsopay-ai'eason- able fee fo r the draw ing o fth e instrum ent and the recording thereof. ' ,- 10. In case the purchaser fails to comply

with the conditions o f the sale, the property will be resold and the am ount of the deficiency, if any, charged to the defaulting bidder.

11. The right to accept or reject any one or more bids is hereby reserved by the Township Committee of the Township of M atawan, whose formal approval by resolution, to such sales shall be necessary to (the validity thereof. Should the sale no t bring a sufficient sum, the right is hereby reserved to adjourn the sale fo r one week a t the same time and place, .without readvertising, and the further right to adjourn the Sale fo r more than one week, upon adver­tising the same.

Township Assessment MapBlock Lot

7 _..67■ 8 ' 24 '7 150

F i le Ho.

31-501 39-1432-678


C liffw ood B each — S ec tio n 1Block Lot ‘ F ile No.

i'. . 1 .,1 1 ., and ‘12 .■■-A , - , . 3 ^ 6 ? . . .'23 ‘ ' 43-184

i v 3, v y8 220 . 1 43-1908 240 39-103

, 8 262 43-1958 268 ' 39-838 273 , ' . 45-88 .

10 307 45-8913 373 and 374 39-10413 ■ 375 45-9013 ' 376 45-9117 '487 and 488 45-9417 516 45-9518 554 • 45-9818 555 . 45-9920 604 45-10120 629 and 630 45-10221 651 45-10421 663 ■ ............ . 43-228

' 21 671 43-23022 753 and 754 45-10523 776 43-23225 . 799 43-234

___27 885 . . 45J06 _28 929 ' ' ... 43-24228 ' 953 43-24428 ‘ 978 43-248

’ 28 085 . 43-249 ■ (32-744)

28 988. . 45-108 *’34 1285 43-266 '.35 • 1308 < . 43-26735 1311-1313, ind . 43-26836 1355 43-26937 1399 43-27138 1424 > 43-27240 -1473-a n ti-1474— — 43-273

.. 41 1526------ --------- ---- 43-275 -7A 20 Z2 - 17

L qt74 and 7S 29. and 3022 and 23 ■ 20 •<2 1 and 222345 ,

:49 to 53 , : :B, 7 and 8

“ 9 and 10 .23 and 24

, 25 to 29 30 lo 33, inti.34 and 35I, 2 and 325 lo 32, incl.

‘ 3(Uand 3>13 and 14 1 1 and 12 17 and 189 to 12, incl. 19-21, incl.

■ 23 and 24 1 and 2 2 1 , and 2223 and 2424 and 25 42-44, ind .2 1I I , 18 and 19 1 and 25 and 614 and 15 17A and~17B22 to 2527 and 2828 and 29 3335 and 36 40, 41 and. 42 3 to 5, incl.10 and 1 1 • * 3. 4 and 5 ’ '9B and 9C17 ' •

; m d 2]_____

F ile No. 32-684 32-684 32-684 32-666 32-684 32-670 32-684 32-68431-55232-684 32-678 32-684 39-112 38-3731-55032-684 32-68431-54632-684 32-684 32-68430-423 32-684 32-684 32-684 32-684 32-684 32-68431-60332-684 32-684 32-684 32-684

. Lake view Park, (Lefferts Tract) -

L ot .1 '33 lo 39, incl.

FUs No.38-5938-59

W o o d iie ld s

32^684 32-684 32-684 39-38 32-690 32-684. 32-684 32-684 32-684 32-684 32-681 32-684


ClifTwood Beach-Block ' L ot ' ' "42 3143 1 0 7 .................43 115 and 11043 16743 18844 205 '

-S ection 2F l l . Ho. 45-115 32-743 43-279 ^ 43-282 43-283 45-123

Cliffwood Beach—Section .4Block L ot , F ile No.

52 71 ■-) - 43-29052 78 and 79 45-128

Cliffwood Beach P a rk .B lock t o t ..... F llo No.

. B 21 " 43-176C 15 and 16 40-17E 1 and 2 43-178G 7 and 8 „ 39-49G 15 - ......43-180G 16 ......... ............. 43-181J 12 and 13 39-50

_____ : 32-684ISA 32-6843 5 ............ -...... 30-43037 ■ 32-68438 » 32-68439 - - ......32-6846 and 7 . . 32-68425 lo 27, incl. 32-684

. Keyport Heights■ L o t F ii« NO.

Entire Area 30-44660 and 61 30-44665-73, incl, 30-44670 to 78, incl. 30-446

^ 0 to 83, ind . 30-44646 ..30-44B

• 11 r - : 28-24659 to 09, dncl. 30-44670 to 78, incl. 30-44680 to 87, incl. 30-446

L ak ev iew G a rd e n s ' ................ F ile No.

87 to 94. incl. ..... 31-524303 arid 304 31-524

F ile No. 38-45 28-220 38-45 38-45 38-45 32-650 30-41338-6 .....38-4538-4539-15138-4639-152 30-407 39-152 38-49 38-49 38-49 38-49 38-49 38-45 38-45 38-45 38-45

'Loft 157(and 58 '32 to 34, incl.95 to 98, incl.122 to’ 127, in d .391 and 392 393 to 395, incl;405 128364 to 366, incl.369 and 370 371 and 372 375 to 379, incl..

'387 and 388389 - ' ................390 ^ ■ .142 to 147, incl.287 ‘to 291, incl.292 to 296, incl.297 to 301,' incl.302305 to 308, ind .311 and 312 317 to 320, incl.

_246_.and.-247______248 to 250, in c l. . 39-22251 and 252 39-149253 to 256, in d . 38-45260 to 268, incl. 38-45270 & wly. 14 of 271 38-45 “ 38-45

38-45 38-45 38-45 17-14 38-45 38-45

-38-45— 38-45-31-5?6 30-400 38-45 30-414

- 38-45 38-45 38-45 38-4538-4539-153 30-410 38-45 38-4538-4539-150 38-4532-653 ,38-45 ...38-45 „ 38-45 38-45 38-45 38-45 38-45 19-3

165 to 169, in d , 175 lo .177, ind . 181 and 182 191 lo 194, incl. 195 and 196 197 to 199, incl. 227 and 228

- 2 3 0 to 2 34 , in c L —439 and 440-------_447 and 448 -449 and 450 ;'-451 to 453, incl.462 .463 ---------- “ ......465 to 472, incl. 433 to 438, incl. 480482 to 487, Incl. 491 to 494, incl. 495 and ,496 .499 to 507, incl. 423‘ and 424

. 427 to 430, in d . 530 and 531

- 54ji to 547, in c l...548 to 552, incl. 417 to 420; inel. 628 to 630, incl. 652 and 653412 to 414, incl; 674 to 680, incl. 688 to 707, Incl. 715 to 717, incl. 718