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2 Organizacija / Organization Pokrovitelji Njihova Kraljevska Visočanstva Prestolonaslednik Aleksandar i Princeza Katarina Patrons eir Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine Organization Committee / Organizacioni odbor e Royal Medical Board / Kraljevski Medicinski Odbor Academician prof. dr Dragan Micic Prof. dr Aleksandar Ljubic Prof. dr Ida Jovanovic Prof. dr Dragana Jovanovic Academician prof. dr Dusica Lecic-Tosevski Prof. dr Nevena Secen Doc. dr Lukas Rasulic Mr sc. med. Tomislav Stantic Mr sc. med. Ana Jovicevic e Serbian American Medical Board / Srpsko Američki Medicin- ski Odbor Co-chair Dr Ana Stankovic, MD, FACP, FASN email: ana_stanko- [email protected] Co-chair Dragana Cupic, MD email: [email protected] Co-chair Nada Milosavljevic, JD, MD email: nada_milosav- [email protected] Ervin Kocjancic, MD Zivojin Pavlovic, MD Ljuba Stojiljkovic, MD e Serbian Canadian Medical Board/ Srpsko Kanadski Medicinski Odbor Chair, Goran Popovic, MD email: [email protected] Petar Vlaovic, MD Petar Erdeljan, MD Mirjana Besir, MD Svetlana Milenkovic, MD Milos Popovic, MD Ivan Pasic, MD Aleksandra Mejia, MD Petar Lugomirski, MD Izzeldin Abuelaish, MD Jerry M. Maniate, MD Natasa Veljovic e HRH Crown Princess Katherine Humanitarian Foundation Gordana Dancer, MD, MA email: [email protected]
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Page 1: Preliminary Programme SDMC 2013


Organizacija / Organization Pokrovitelji Njihova Kraljevska Visočanstva Prestolonaslednik Aleksandar i Princeza Katarina

PatronsTheir Royal HighnessesCrown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine

Organization Committee / Organizacioni odbor

The Royal Medical Board / Kraljevski Medicinski Odbor

• Academician prof. dr Dragan Micic

• Prof. dr Aleksandar Ljubic• Prof. dr Ida Jovanovic• Prof. dr Dragana Jovanovic• Academician prof. dr Dusica

Lecic-Tosevski• Prof. dr Nevena Secen• Doc. dr Lukas Rasulic• Mr sc. med. Tomislav Stantic• Mr sc. med. Ana Jovicevic

The Serbian American Medical Board / Srpsko Američki Medicin-ski Odbor

• Co-chair Dr Ana Stankovic, MD, FACP, FASN email: [email protected]

• Co-chair Dragana Cupic, MD email: [email protected]

• Co-chair Nada Milosavljevic, JD, MD email: [email protected]

• Ervin Kocjancic, MD• Zivojin Pavlovic, MD• Ljuba Stojiljkovic, MD

The Serbian Canadian Medical Board/ Srpsko Kanadski Medicinski Odbor

• Chair, Goran Popovic, MD email: [email protected]

• Petar Vlaovic, MD• Petar Erdeljan, MD• Mirjana Besir, MD• Svetlana Milenkovic, MD• Milos Popovic, MD• Ivan Pasic, MD• Aleksandra Mejia, MD• Petar Lugomirski, MD• Izzeldin Abuelaish, MD• Jerry M. Maniate, MD• Natasa Veljovic

The HRH Crown Princess Katherine Humanitarian Foundation• Gordana Dancer, MD, MA email: [email protected]

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Prof dr Slavica Djukic Dejanovic MinisterMinistry of HealthRepublic of Serbia

Dear participants,

On behalf of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia and on my behalf I would like to thank HRH Crown Princess Katherine and her Foundation for organizing the fourth consecutive Serbian Diaspora Medi-cal Conference held in Belgrade.

This year’s conference is an opportunity to welcome a large number of doctors from our Diaspora who came to share their knowledge and experience with their Serbian colleagues. To our country’s satisfaction, their exper-tise is recognized and known in the world and their potential and support our country means a lot, especially regarding the inclusion of Serbian medicine in the global health trends. These people are the true ambassadors of Serbia abroad.I am certain that connecting doctors from the Diaspora with doctors from their homeland and the exchange of experience and wide range of knowledge will enable the evaluation of their professional knowledge and profes-sional achievements, for the health benefit of the citizens of Serbia.

I would like to once again thank all colleagues that are present with us here and I believe they will enjoy their stay in Belgrade. Also, I am confident that the successful cooperation between our Health Institutions and In-stitutions in which you work abroad will continue in the future and I wish you much success in that.

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Београд, мај 2013.

Драги учесници, чланови Организационог одбора, говорници и гости,

Велико ми је задовољство да вам пожелим добродошлицу на “Четврту Конференцију српске медицинске Дијаспоре 2013”. Најлепше вам хвала што сте дошли, посветили нам ваше драгоцено време и пружили подршку.

Идеја за организовање конференције потекла је из многобројних састанака и дискусија с нашим лекарима у земљи, као и са лекарима који живе и раде у иностранству. Задржали смо мото “Медицина у свету и у Србији”, јер се модел који он представља показао као веома успешан, и на њему желимо да наставимо да ширимо нашу делатност.

Наш главни циљ је да у Србији окупимо наше лекаре из Дијаспоре, као и међународне здравствене стручњаке и да их удружимо са лекарима из Србије. Ове године успели смо да окупимо више од 80 српских лекара из иностранства који ће бити наши Амбасадори добре воље. Они ће поделити своја искуства и знање и тиме подржати домовину кроз стварање шире мреже солидарности и пријатељства.

Србија је прошла кроз велике промене током протекле деценије, и многе од њих неизбежно су се догодиле и у систему здравствене заштите. Овде смо да бисмо допринели развоју система здравствене заштите у Србији, како би постао ефикаснији и приступачнији за све наше грађане.

Мој супруг, Престолонаследник Александар и ја захваљујемо нашим партнерима: Министарству здравља Републике Србије под вођством наше Министарке здравља проф. др Славице Ђукић Дејановић, Министарству спољних послова, Канцеларији за сарадњу с Дијаспором и Србима у региону Републике Србије, Медицинским факултетом Универзитета у Београду, Светској здравственој организацији, Универзитетској дечјој болници и Лајфлајн хуманитарним организацијама у Чикагу и Торонту на подршци коју су пружили мојој Фондацији, као и на одличној сарадњи између њих самих.

Такође, топло се захваљујемо свим лекарима из иностранства на доброј вољи и разумевању, а изнад свега на жељи и одлучности да помогну нашој земљи и нашем народу. Велику захвалност упућујемо и нашим лекарима из земље, који су за нас прави хероји. Ваша сарадња и пријатељство које ће се развити захваљујући овој конференцији обезбедиће бољу здравствену заштиту за све грађане наше земље.

Унапред се радујемо нашем поновном сусрету на нашој Петој Конференцији, која ће се одржати у Београду, од 19. до 21. јуна 2014. Мој супруг и ја желимо свим учесницима веома успешну Конференцију.

Њ.К.В. Принцеза КатаринаКраљевски Двор, Београд

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Belgrade May 2013

Dear Participants, Members of the Committee, Key Speakers and Guests, It is a pleasure to welcome you to the “The Fourth Serbian Diaspora Medical Conference 2013”. Thank you very much for coming and for giving us your valuable time and support. The concept for this conference originated from numerous meetings and discussions with our doctors at home, as well as with our doctors who live and work abroad. We kept the motto “Medicine Worldwide and in Serbia“ as it proved to be successful model on which we would like to expand.

Our main goal is to gather doctors from the Diaspora as well as international medical experts to join together with doc-tors in Serbia. This year we have gathered more than 80 doctors from abroad who will be our Ambassadors of good will. The doctors from abroad will share their experience and knowledge thus supporting the homeland by creating a wider network of solidarity and friendship. Serbia has gone through great changes during the last decade, and many of them inevitably happened in the health care system. We are here to support and to contribute to the health care system in Serbia and to improve it to become more efficient and more accessible for all citizens.

Serbia needs to benefit much more from the knowledge and experience from doctors who work and live in the Diaspora, as well as from other experts. You are a great resource and a very valuable one to Serbia.

My husband Crown Prince Alexander and I would like to thank our partners: The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia under the leadership of our Health Minister Prof. dr Slavica Djukic Dejanovic, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Office for Diaspora of the Republic of Serbia, Faculty of Medicine University of Belgrade, World Health Organization, Serbian Diaspora Medical Boards, the University Children’s Hospital Belgrade and Chicago Lifeline Humanitarian Organization for the support they gave my Foundation and the excellent cooperation between all of them.

We warmly thank doctors from abroad for their good will, understanding and above all their determination to contribute and help our country, doctors and our people. Our grateful thanks also goes out to our homeland doctors, whom we consider our heroes. The cooperation and friendship that will develop thanks to this conference will assure better medi-cal care for all citizens in our country. We look forward to seeing you again at our Fifth Conference, 19-21 June 2014 in Belgrade. My husband and I wish all participants a very succesful conference.

Best wishes,

HRH Crown Princess KatherineThe Royal Palace, Belgrade

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• Aleksandar Mijović, MB BS, PhD, FRCPath, Consultant in Hematology / Transfusion Medicine, King’s College Hospital, London, and NHS Blood and Transplant; Honorary Senior Lecturer, King’s College Lon-don School of Medicine, London, UK

• Aleksandar Radošević, MD, Msc, Radiologist, Section for abdominal radiology, Department of Radiology, Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, Spain

• Ana Stanković, MD, PhD, COLA, FACP, FASN, Medical Director of Peritoneal Dialysis at DaVita Derry Dialysis and Medical Director of Nephrology at Parkland Medical Center; Vice Chief of Staff and Chair of the Peer Review at Parkland Medical Center- Nephrology and hypertension, Parkland Medical Center, (HCA Inc.), Derry NH, USA

• Brian Weinshenker, MD, FRCP(C), Consultant, Department of Neurology; Professor of Neurology, Col-lege of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA

• Christine Park, MD, Director, Simulation Technology and Immersive Learning, Associate Professor, North-western University--Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA

• Dane K. Wukich, MD, Chief, Division of Foot and Ankle Surgery; Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery; Assistant Program Director, Orthopaedic Surgery Residency University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Director, UPMC Comprehensive Foot and Ankle Center Roesch-Taylor, Pittsburgh, USA

• Dejan Budimirović, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry & Behavio-ral Sciences, Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Attending Pediatric Psychiatrist, Department of Psychiatry, Kennedy Krieger Institute; Medical Director, Fragile X Clinic, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

• Dimitrije Jakovljević, MD, PhD, Koskela City Hospital, Helsinki, Finland

• Dimitrios Linos, MD, Ph.D., Professor of Surgery, Athens Medical School, Athens, Greece

• Dragan Nenadić , MD, ESA, ESICM, Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists, London, UK; Specialist in Anaesthesia and Resuscitation, Kent&Canterbury Hospital, East Kent Hospitals, NHS Trust, Canter-bury, UK

• Dusica Babovic Vuksanović, MD, MMedSc, Professor of Medical Genetics - College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Consultant - Department of Medical Genetics, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA

• Goran Petković, MD, Consultant radiologyst, Head of the ultrasound division, Nykøbing Falster Sygehus, Denmark

• Goran Popović, MScH,DScN,PhD,MD(A), Clinical Professor & Program Manager, Health Science CE Periop & Perianesthesia Programs, Mohawk/McMaster University, Periop Ed-SJHH, Hamilton, Director GPA Health Consulting, Hamilton, Canada

• Ioannis Vlachos, MD, Consultant – Coordinator, Orthopedic surgeon, Orthopedic Department, Mitera Hospital, Athens, Greece

• Ivan Ćirić, MD, FACS, Emeritus Professor, Neurosurgery, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, USA

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• Ivan Pašić, Hon.B.Sc., M.D., Ph.D., Resident Physician, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto, Canada

• Jerry M. Maniate, MD, M.Ed, FRCPC, Chief, Medical Education & Scholarship, St. Joseph’s Health Centre (Toronto), Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine Educator Researcher, Wilson Centre Academic Educator, Centre for Faculty Development, University of Toronto, Canada

• Jovan P. Antović, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Coagulation Research, Department of Molecular Medicine & Surgery, Karolinska Institutet Attending physician, responsible for routine hematology & coagulation, Clinical Chemistry, Karolinska University Laboratory, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden

• Konstadinos A. Plestis, MD, Director of Aortic Surgery, Advanced Heart Physicians & Surgeons Network, P.C., Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, North Shore LIJ, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, NY, USA

• Ljiljana Vasović, MD, PhD, Director, Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Laboratory, MMC, Bronx, Medical Director, Metro Blood Service, Yonkers NY, Associate Director Blood Bank, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, Assistant Professor of Pathology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York, USA

• Ljuba Stojiljković, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, Department of Anesthesiology, Center for Education in Medicine, Simulation Technology and Immersive Learning, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA

• Lola Veljović, MD, Psychiatrist at the Department of psychoses, Vestfold Sykehuset, BUPA Tønsberg, Drammen, Norway

• Maria Vogiatzi, M.D., Harold and Percy Uris Associate Professor of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism Chief, Pediatric Endocrinology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY, USA

• Marina Hodolič, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department for Nuclear Medicine, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia

• Milica Brkić, MD, MSc, Senior Research Analyst for Fuld & Company Inc., London, UK

• Milorad Čupić, M.D. FACA, Clinical Professor, University Of Illinois Medical School, Anesthesiology, Mercy Hospital And Medical Center; Chairman of the Department of Anesthesiology; Director of Pain Management Center; President of Prairie Anesthesiology Group; Chicago, Illinois, USA

• Mira Irons, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School; Associate Chief, Division of Genetics Children’s Hospital, Boston; Assistant Professor Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA

• Mirjana Pavlović, MD, PhD, Research and Adjunct Professor, Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science – Bioengineering section, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, USA

• Nada Milosavljević, MD, JD, ABPN, ABIHM, Director, Integrative Health Program, Massachusetts General Hospital, Instructor, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

• Nikac Tomanović, M.D., D.E.A.A., M.R.C.A., East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, Cantrebury, UK

• Olivera Peković, MD, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York, USA

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• Patricia A. Ford RN-EC, BA(N) ,MHSc, GNC (C), Clinical Nurses Specialist / Adult NP, Geriatric Services, Assistant Clinical Professor , McMaster University, Canada

• Peter Mazzone, MD. MPH, Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Main Campus, OH, USA

• Prof Simon Stokley, Teaching Fellow in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Cambridge University Judge Business School, Cambridge, UK

• Snežana Mijalković, MD, M.S., Consultant Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist (ECP), Auckland, New Zealand

• Snežana Milanović, MD, MSc, Instructor in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Attending Psychiatrist, MGH Center for Women’s Mental Health, USA

• Steven Campbell, MD, PhD, Professor of Surgery, Residency Program Director, and a member of the Section of Urologic Oncology in the Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute at Cleveland Clinic; Urology Department, Solid Tumor Oncology, Cleveland Clinic Main Campus, Cleveland, OH, USA

• Tatjana Taylor Stanković, MD, M.Sc.Med., PhD, Professor in Cancer Genetics, School of Cancer Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK

• Vesna Bryn, MD, MSc, Pediatrician, Head of the Department for children’s Neurology and Rehabilitation, Lillehammer, Norway

• Vesna Garović, MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Mayo Medical School; Consultant, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN; Pregnancy-related Hypertension and Kidney Disease (PHKD) Clinic; Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA

• Vesna Pirec, M.D. Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of Illinois at Chicago; Chief Medical Director, Insight Behavioral Health Centers, Chicago, Il, USA

• Vid Stanulović, MD, MSci, Medical Safety Officer, ADDS - Advanced Drug & Device Services, Quai Alphonse le Gallo, Boulogne-Billancourt Cedex, France

• Vincent Anaf, MD, PhD, Head of Clinic, Department of Gynecology-Obstetrics Hôpital Erasme-U.L.B.; Professor of Clinics of Gynecology-Obstetrics at the Faculty of medicine 3rd doctorat – ULB and Faculty of Kinesitherapy and Osteopathy; Professor of Gynecological Surgery; Department of Gynecology, Aca-demic Hospital Erasme, University of Brussels, Belgium

• Zoran Ivanović, M.D., MSc, PhD, HDR, Scientific Director at French Blood Institute, Aquitaine-Limousin Branch (Directeur scientifique de l’Etablissement français du sang Aquitaine-Limousin), Bordeaux, France

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• Aleksandar Ljubić, MD, PhD, Professor, Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade; Consultant, Institute for Gynecology and Obstetrics, CCS, Belgrade, Serbia

• Ann Pešić, Honorary Consul, Irish Consulate, Belgrade, Serbia

• Bela Balint, MD, PhD, Prof., Dr, Head of the Institute of Blood Transfusion and Hemobiology, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia; and Institute for Medical Research, University of Belgrade, Serbia

• Cane Tulić, MD, PhD, Professor of Urology, Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade; Urology Clinic, Clini-cal Centre Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia

• Dijana Jovanović, MD, PhD, Professor of Internal Medicine, Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade, Neph-rology Clinic, CCS, Belgrade, Serbia

• Dragana Jovanović, MD, Professor, Medical faculty, Belgrade University, Director of Institute for pulmon-ology and lung diseases, Clinical Center Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia

• Dušica Lečić-Toševski, MD, PhD, Corresponding Member, SANU, Professor of psychiatry, Medical Fac-ulty, University of Belgrade; Director, Institute of Mental Health, Belgrade, Serbia

• Gordana Teofilovski-Parapid, M.D., Ph.D, Chairperson for studies in English, Faculty of Medicine, Univer-sity of Belgrade, Serbia

• Ida Jovanović, MD, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics, Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade; Consultant, Uni-versity Children Hospital, Belgrade, Serbia

• Jasna Mihajlović, MD, PhD, Head of Department of Nuclear Medicine, Oncology Institute of Vojvodina, Sremska Kamenica, Serbia

• Jelena Drulović, M.D., PhD, Professor of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade; Consult-ant, Clinic of Neurology, Clinical Centre of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia

• Miljana Grbić, M.D., Šef kancelarije, Svetska zdravstvena organizacija, Beograd / Head of the World Health Organisation, Belgrade, Serbia

• Nataša Milićević, MD, Prim, Founder of the Center for Palliative Care “BELhospice”, Belgrade, Serbia

• Predrag D. Stevanović, MD. PhD., Assoc Prof., School of medicine, University of Belgrade; Director of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Clinic, Assistant Director of Clinical hospital center, University Clinical Hospital Center, “Dr Dragisa Misovic-Dedinje”, Belgrade, Serbia

• Predrag Miljić, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, Medical Faculty, University of Bel-grade, Hematology Clinic, CCS, Belgrade, Serbia

• Milena Todorović, MD, PhD, Prof., Dr, Clinic for Hematology of CCS, Belgrade, Serbia

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• Slobodan Obradović MD, PhD Assistant, Institute for Blood Transfusion and Hemobiology of MMA, Bel-grade, Serbia Clinic of Emergency Medicine of MMA, Belgrade, Serbia

• Svetlana Đukić MD, PhD, Assistant Professor Medical faculty, Kragujevac University; Internal Medicine Specialist, Hematology clinic, Clinical Centre Kragujevac, Serbia

• Vesna Bjegović-Mikanović, MD, MSc, PhD, Vice Dean for Continuing Education, Medical Faculty, Bel-grade University

• Vladimir Đukić, MD, PhD, State Secretary, Ministry of Health, Republic of Serbia

• Vladimir Kanjuh, Academician Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia

• Zoran Trifunović, MD, MSc, Cardiac Surgery Clinic of MMA, Belgrade, Serbia

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PRVI DAN Četvrtak,16.maj10.00 –14.00 PREDKONFERENCIJSKARADIONICAMedicinski fakultet Svečana sala: Dr Subotića 8, Belograd, Srbija

18.00 –19.00 REGISTRACIJA19.00 –20.00 KOKTEL DOBRODOŠLICEKraljevski Dvor: BulevarKneza Aleksandra Karađorđevića 96, Beograd

DRUGI DAN Petak, 17. maj08.00 –09.00 REGISTRACIJA09.00 –10.00 ZVANIČNO OTVARANJE, KONFERENCIJA SRPSKE MEDICINSKE DIJASPORE 2013Hotel Metropol Palace: Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 69, Belograd, Srbija

10.30 –13.30 PLENARNA SESIJA13.30 –14.30 RUČAK


HIRURGIJA, ANESTEZIJA I RADIOLOGIJAMetropol Palace: Bul. Kralja Aleksandra 69

PALIJATIVNO ZBRINJAVANJEMetropol Palace: Bul. Kralja Aleksandra 69

PSIHIJATRIJA I NEUROLOGIJAPlava sala, 5. sprat, Institut za mentalno zdravlje, Palmotićeva 37, Belgrade, Srbija

ŽENSKO ZDRAVLJEMedicinski fakultet, Svečana sala, Dr Subotića 8, Beograd, Srbija

PEDIJATRIJAAmfiteatar, Univerzitetska dečja bolnica, Tiršova10, Beograd, Srbija

TREĆI DAN Subota, 18.majRazgledanje Beograda

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DAY ONE Thursday 16 May 10.00 – 14.00 PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP Medical Faculty main conference hall: Dr Subotica 8, Belgrade, Serbia

18.00 – 19.00 REGISTRATION 19.00 – 20.00 WELCOME RECEPTIONThe Royal Palace: Bulevar Kneza Aleksandra Karadjordjevica 96, Belgrade

DAY TWO Friday 17 May08.00 – 09.00 REGISTRATION 09.00 – 10.00 OFFICIAL OPENING, SERBIAN DIASPORA MEDICAL CONFERENCE 2013Hotel Metropol Palace: Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 69, Belgrade, Serbia

10.30 – 13.30 PLENARY SESSION13.30 – 14.30 LUNCH



SURGERY, ANESTHESIA & RADIOLOGYMetropol Palace: Bul. Kralja Aleksandra 69

PALLIATIVE CARE Metropol Palace: Bul. Kralja Aleksandra 69

PSYCHIATRY and NEUROLOGY Blue Hall, 5th floor, Institute of Mental Health, Palmoticeva 37, Belgrade, Serbia

WOMEN’S HEALTH Medical Faculty main conference hall, Dr Subotica 8, Belgrade, Serbia

PEDIATRICS Amphitheatre, University Children’s Hospital, Tirsova 10, Belgrade, Serbia DAY THREE Saturday 18 May Sightseeing

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16. 05.2013.


Venue: Svečana sala, Medicinski fakultet / Main Conference Hall, Medical FacultyAddress: Dr Subotića 8, Belgrade, Serbia

Moderator: Vesna Bjegović-Mikanović, MD, MSc, PhD, SerbiaGordana Teofilovski Parapid, MD, PhD, Serbia

1. “Nova dostignuća u medicinskom obrazovanju u SAD” / “New advances in medical education in the USA”, Christine Park, M.D., PhD, USA

2. “Uticaj kognitivne pristrasnosti na izradu plana i programa u medicinskom obrazovanju”/ “Influence of cognitive bias on curriculum design in medical education”, Ljuba Stojiljković, MD, PhD, USA

3. “Prezentacija istraživanja vezanog za neinvazivni test kojim se otkriva rak u ranoj fazi razvoja”/ “Presenta-tion of research: Non-invasive tests capable of identifying cancer early in its course”, Peter Mazzone, MD, MPH, USA

4. “Studija genoma raka kroz analizu genomskih copy-number promena”/ “Studies of cancer genomes through analysis of genomic copy-number changes”, Ivan Pasic, Hon.B.Sc., M.D., Ph.D., Canada

5. “Klinički i molekularni aspekti Neurofibromatoze tipa 2 i Švanomatoze”/ “Clinical and molecular aspects of Neurofibromatosis type 2 and Schwannomatosis”, Dusica Babovic Vuksanovic, MD, MMedSc, USA

6. “Nacionalna zdravstvena služba Engleske i novi zakon o zdravstvenoj i socijalnoj zaštiti”/ “NHS England and a new Health and Social Care Act”, Milica Brkic, MD, UK



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17. 05.2013.

9.00 – 14.30 The Royal Hall, Hotel Metropol Palace, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 69, Belgrade9.00 – 10.00 ZVANIČNO OTVARANJE / OFFICIAL OPPENING

Uvodne reči / Keynote speeches:

• Njegova Svetost Patrijarh srpski Gospodin Irinej / His Holiness Patriarch Irinej• NJ.K.V. Prestolonaslednik Aleksandar/ HRH Crown Prince Alexander• Ministar zdravlja Republike Srbije/ Minister of Health, Republic of Serbia• Ministar spoljnih poslova Republike Srbije/ Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Serbia• Šef kancelarije za saradnju sa dijasporom i Srbima u regionu Vlade Republike Srbije/

Head of the Serbian Government Office for Cooperation with Diaspora and Serbs in the Region• Dekan Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu/ Dean of Medical Faculty,

University of Belgrade• Dekan Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Novom Sadu/ Dean of Medical Faculty,

University of Novi Sad• Direktor Kliničkog centar Srbije/ Director Clinical Centre Serbia• Predsednik Srpskog lekarskog društva/ President of the Serbian Medical Association• Nj.K.V. Princeza Katarina Karađorđević/ HRH Crown Princess Katherine


1. “Smernice Svetske zdravstvene organizacije”/ “World Health Organisation guidelines”, Miljana Grbić, M.D., Šef kancelarije, Svetska zdravstvena organizacija, Beograd / Head of WHO, Belgrade

2. “Zdravstvena zaštita u SAD: Bolnice, lekari, modeli osiguranja I zakon o pristupačnosti zdravstvene nege” / “US Health Care: Hospitals, Physicians, Insurance Paradigms and the Affordable Care Act”, Ivan Ciric, MD, FACS, USA

3. “Zajednički rad: Kako timovi mogu da utiču na brigu o pacijentima”/ “Working Together: How teams can impact patient care”, Jerry M. Maniate, MD, M.Ed, FRCPC, Canada

4. “Premošćavanje praznina u obrazovanju – Uloga centara za hirurgiju minimalnog pristupa”/ “Education Bridging the Gaps- Role of the Centre for Minimal Access Surgery”, Goran Popovic, MScH,DScN,PhD,MD(A), Canada

5. “Medicinske inovacije usmerene na pacijente, razvoj novih uslužnih proizvoda”/ “Patient centered medi-cal innovations, development of new services products”, Prof Simon Stokley, UK

6. “Otkrivanje nepoznatih neželjenih delovanja lekova: uloga kliničara i nauke”/ “Detecting unknown ad-verse drug effects: role of clinical and academic institutions”, Vid Stanulovic, MD, MSci, France

13.30 – 14.30 LUNCH

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17. 05.2013.

14.30 – 18.30The Royal Hall A, Hotel Metropol Palace, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 69, Belgrade, Serbia


Moderator: Prof Dr Bela Balint, MD, PhD, Serbia

Uvod u sesiju/ Introduction of the session Academician Vladimir Kanjuh, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Serbia

1. “(Auto) kalemljenje matičnih ćelija: od osnovnih istraživanja do kliničke primene”/ “Stem cell (auto)grafting: from basic research to clinical practice”, Prof Bela Balint, MD, PhD, Prof. Slobodan Obradovic MD, PhD, Prof Milena Todorovic, MD, PhD and Academician Vladimir Kanjuh, MD, PhD, Serbia.

2. “Mobilizacija matičnih ćelija hematopoeze za autologne / alogene transplantacije”/ “Mobilisation of hematopoietic stem cells for the autologous / allogeneic transplantation”, Aleksandar Mijović, MB BS, PhD, FRCPath, UK

3. “Krioprezervacija matičnih i progenitorskih ćelija hematopoeze amplificiranih ex vivo iz CD34+ ćelija krvi pupčane vrpce”/ “Cryopreservation of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells amplified ex vivo from cord blood CD34+ cells”, Zoran Ivanović, M.D., MSc, PhD, HDR, France

4. “Procedura optimizacije transplantacije progenitorskih ćelija hematopoeze”/ “Optimizing Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Transplant Procedure”, Ljiljana Vasović, MD, PhD, USA

5. “Novi koncepti u istraživanju adultnih matičnih ćelija sa razvojem novih strategija: naša iskustva u svetlu rastućeg broja informacija”/ “New concepts in adult stem cell research with development of new strategies: personal experience in the light of significance of growing information”, Mirjana Pavlović, MD, PhD, USA

6. “Savremeni aspekti u lečenju osteoartitisa kolena”/ “Current views in the management of the knee osteoarthritis”, Ioannis Vlachos, MD, Greece

7. “Intramiokardna aplikacija matičnih ćelija u toku operacije koronarnog bajpasa”/ Intramyocardial Application of Stem Cells during CABG Surgery”, Zoran Trifunovic, MD, MSc and Prof Bela Balint, MD, PhD; Belgrade, Serbia.


Moderator: Prof Dr Dijana Jovanović, MD, PhD, Serbia

1. “Hiperurikemija i lečenje gihta, sa posebnim osvrtom na hronične bubrežne bolesnike”/ “Hyperuricemia and Gout Management, specifically addressing Chronic Kidney Disease patients”, Ana Stankovic, MD, PhD, COLA, FACP, FASN, USA

2. “Eksperimentalni modeli u proceni hronične bubrežne insuficijencije – naša iskustva”/ “Experimental models in the assessment of chronic renal failure - our experience”, Dijana Jovanovic, MD, PhD, Serbia

3. ”Balkanska endemska nefropatija – ljudski model programirane smrti ćelija”/ “Balkan endemic nephrop-athy - a human model of the programmed cell death”, Marina Savin, MD, PhD, Serbia

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14.30 – 18.30The Royal Hall B, Hotel Metropol Palace, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 69, Belgrade, Serbia


Moderators: Prof Dr Predrag D. Stevanović, MD. PhD., SerbiaProf Dr Cane Tulić, MD, PhD, SerbiaProf Dr Jasna Mihajlović, MD, PhD, Sremska Kamenica, Serbia

1. “Aneurizma i disekcija torakalne aorte. Novi pristupi u XXI veku”/ “Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms and Dissections. New approaches in the XXI century”, Konstadinos A. Plestis, MD, USA

2. “Bolest dijabetičarskog stopala i amputacija”/ “Diabetic foot disease and amputation”, Dane K. Wukich, MD, USA

3. “Laparoscopska andrenalektomija, koji je pristup najbolji?”/ “Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy which is the best approach?” Dimitrios Linos, MD, Ph.D., Greece

4. “Laparoskopski barijatrijski hirurški tretman u lečenju komplikovanog dijabetesa Tipa 2 kod gojaznih pacijenata”/ “Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery for Treatment of Complicated Type 2 Diabetes in Obese Pa-tients”, Mehram Anvari, MB BS, PhD, FRCSC, FACS, Goran Popovic, MScH,DScN,PhD,MD(A), Canada

5. “Lečenje lumbalnog bola korišćenjem radiofrekventne energije””The treatment of low back pain utilizing radio frequency energy”, Milorad Cupic, M.D. FACA, USA

6. “Program ubrzanog oporavka nakon hirurškog tretmana”/ “The program of accelerated recovery after surgery treatment”, Dragan Nenadić , MD, ESA, ESICM, UK

7. “Sub-Tenonov blok – anestezija izbora za operacije frontalnog segmenta oka”/ “Sub-Tenon’s block – anesthesia of choice for operations of the frontal eye segment”, Dr Nikac Tomanović, M.D., D.E.A.A., M.R.C.A., UK

8. “Lečenje kliničkog T1b tumora bubrega u prisustvu normalnog kontralateralnog bubrega: radikalna nefrektomija”/ “The Management of a Clinical T1b Renal Tumor in the Presence of a Normal Contralateral Kidney: Radical Nephrectomy” Steven Campbell, MD, PhD, USA

9. “Lečenje kliničkog T1b tumora bubrega u prisustvu normalnog kontralateralnog bubrega: parcijalna nefrektomija”/ “The Management of a Clinical T1b Renal Tumor in the Presence of a Normal Contralateral Kidney: Partial Nephrectomy”, Cane Tulic, MD, PhD, Serbia

10. “Radiologija u Španiji: Abdominalne nevaskularne interventne procedure”/ “Radiology in Spain: Abdominal nonvascular intervention procedures”, Aleksandar Radosevic, MD, Msc, Spain

11. “FCH PET/CT – novi pristup u personalizovanom lečenu kod pacijenata sa karcinomom prostate”/ “FCH PET/CT – a new approach in personalized medicine in patients with prostate cancer”, Marina Hodolič, MD, PhD, Slovenia

12. “18F-FDG PET/CT kod limfoma”/ “18F-FDG PET/CT in lymphoma”, Jasna Mihajlovic, MD, PhD, Serbia

13. “Analogno digitalni jaz - kako ga prevazići” / “Analog digital gap - How to get over it?”, Goran Petković, MD, Prim, Denmark

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14.30 – 18.30The Royal Hall C, Hotel Metropol Palace, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 69, Belgrade, Serbia


Moderator: Prof Dr Dragana Jovanović, MD, PhD, Serbia

1. “Menadžment bola u palijativnom zbrinjavanju”/ “Pain management in palliative care”, Miodrag Cupic, MD, PhD, Chicago, IL, USA

2. “Uloga medicinskih sestara u palijativnom zbrinjavanju”/ “Nurse Practitioner Role in Palliative Care”, Pa-tricia A. Ford RN-EC, BA(N) ,MHSc, GNC (C), Goran Popovic, MScH,DScN,PhD,MD(A), Canada

3. “Sprečavanje pada u gerijatrijskoj populaciji” /“Fall prevention in geriatric population”, Olivera Pekovic, MD, USA

4. “Gerijatrijska iskustva u palijativnom zbrinjavanju”/ “Geriatric experiences in palliative care”, Dimitrije Jakovljevic, MD, PhD, Finland

5. “Palijativno zbrinjavanje: uloga dobrotvornih organizacija”/ “Palliative care: The Role of Charitable Or-ganisations”, Natasa Milicevic, MD, Prim, Serbia

6. “Uloga sveštenika u palijativnom zbrinjavanju”/ “Role of ministers of religion in palliative care” Goran Popovic, MScH,DScN,PhD,MD(A), VP Serbian Orthodox Diocesan Council of Canada

7. “Palijativno zbrinjavanje u Irskoj – lično iskustvo”/ “Palliative Care in Ireland – Personal Experience”, Mrs Ann Pesic, Honorary Consul, Irish Consulate, Belgrade, Serbia

14.30 – 18.30Blue Hall, 5th floor, Institute of Mental Health, Palmoticeva 37, Belgrade, Serbia


Modertor: Dusica Lečić-Toševski, MD, PhD, SerbiaJelena Drulović, M.D., PhD, Serbia

1. “Integrativni tretmani anksioznosti i stresa”/ “Integrative Treatments for Anxiety and Stress”, Nada Milosavljevic, MD, JD, ABPN, ABIHM, USA

2. “Ravnoteža između zakona i odgovornosti u lečenju psihijatrijskih pacijenata u Norveškoj”/ “The balance between legislation and liability for the treatment of psychiatric patients in Norway”, Lola Veljovic, MD, Norway

3. “Lečenje hormonski nastalih poremećaja u toku životnog veka žena”/ “Treating Hormonally Induced Mood Disorders Across Women’s Life Span”, Snezana Milanovic, MD, MSc, USA

4. “Spektar poremećaja kod autizma”/ “Autism Spectrum Disorders”, Dejan Budimirovic, MD, PhD, USA

5. “Perinatalna mentalna oboljenja: zašto i dalje previđamo dijagnozu?”/ “Perinatal Psychopathology-why are we still missing it?”, Vesna Pirec, M.D. Ph.D., USA

6. “Devic Neuromielitis optika: Novi uvid u heterogenost i patogenezu inflamatornih bolesti CNS-a”/ “Devic’s neuromyelitis optica: New insights into the heterogeneity and pathogenesis of CNS inflammatory disease”, Brian Weinshenker, MD, FRCP(C), USA

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15.00 – 18.30Amphitheatre, University Children Hospital, Tirsova 10, Belgrade, Serbia


Moderator: Prof Dr Ida Jovanović, MD, PhD, Serbia

1. “Upotreba redosleda celog genoma u pedijatriji”/ “The use of whole genome sequencing in pediatrics”, Mira Irons, MD, PhD, USA

2. “Rast poremećaja kod dece”/ “Growth Disorders in Children”, Maria Vogiatzi, M.D., USA

3. “Kongenitalna i rano stečena oštećenja mozga kao uzrok psiho-motornog zaostajanja u razvoju kod dece – briga i obaveze društva, iskustva iz Norveške”/ “Congenital and early acquired brain damage as cause of psycho-motoric lag in the development of children – concern and obligation of the society, experience from Norway”, Vesna Bryn, MB BS, MSc, Norway

4. “Razvoj novih strategija za ciljno lečenje pedijatrijskih akutnih limfoblasnih leukemija”/ “Developing new strategies for targeted treatment of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia”, Tatjana Taylor Stankovic , MD, M.Sc.Med., PhD, UK

5. “Dečje aritmije i ablacije katetera”/ “Pediatric arrhythmias and catheter ablation”, John Papagiannis, MD, PhD, Greece

6. “Klinički i molekularni aspekti Neurofibromatoze tipa 2 i Švanomatoze”/ “Clinical and molecular aspects of Neurofibromatosis type 2 and Schwannomatosis”, Dusica Babovic Vuksanovic, MD, MMedSc, USA

15.00 – 18.30Main Conference Hall, Medical Faculty, Belgrade University, Dr Subotica 8, Belgrade, Serbia


Moderators: Prof Dr Aleksandar Ljubić, MD, PhD, Serbia Prof Dr Predrag Miljić, MD, PhD, Serbia

1. “Žensko zdravlje – problemi u Srbiji” / “Women’s Health – Issues in Serbia”, Aleksandar Ljubić, MD, PhD, Serbia

2. “Bol i endometrioza”/ “Pain and endometriosis”, Vincent Anaf, MD, PhD, Belgium

3. “Dijagnostika protrombotičkih stanja i trombofilija (žensko zdravlje)”/ “Diagnostics of thrombophilia in wom-en’s health”, Jovan P. Antovic, MD, PhD, Sweden

4. “Ginekološka onkologija iz sistemske perspektive”/ “Gynecologic Oncology from the Systemic Perspective”, Sn-ezana Mijalkovic, MD, M.S., New Zealand

5. “Onkološka ugentna stanja i vanredne situacije”/ “Oncologic Urgencies and Emergencies”, Jerry M. Maniate, MD, M.Ed, FRCPC, Canada

6. “Glomerularne bolesti u trudnoći”/ “Glomerular Diseases in Pregnancy”, Vesna Garovic, MD, PhD, USA

7. “Različite tehnike za lečenje endometrioze debelog creva”/ “Different techniques to treat large bowel endome-triosis”, Prof Vincent Anaf, MD, PhD, Belgium

8. “Menoragija izazvana poremećajima krvarenja”/ “Menorrhagia caused by bleeding disorders”, Svetlana Djukic MD, PhD, Serbia

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18. 05.2013.

9.00 – 11.00Posete bolnicama za učesnike iz Dijaspore / Hospital visits for Diaspora participantsTo be arranged with moderators

11.00 – 16.00 Obilazak Beograda / Sightseeing – Optional / Departure


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Page 20: Preliminary Programme SDMC 2013


Najava sledeće konferencije

5. Konferencija srpske medicinske Dijaspore 2014 19 – 21. jun 2014Beograd, Srbija

Save the date

5th Serbian Diaspora Medical ConferenceFond Nj.K.V. Princeza Katarina

19 – 21 June 2014Belgrade, Serbia

Contact:Tel: +381 11 306 4090Fax: +381 11 306 4040

Email: [email protected]