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 1 (Common for Old & Revised Syllabus) INDIAN INSTITUTION OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING GRADUATESHIP EXAMINATION Preliminary August 2012 Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100 IE 001 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Notes: 1. Answer any Five Questions. 2. All qu estions carr y equ al marks. Q1. Wri te an es say on a ny one o f th e fo llowin g in a bou t 500 wo rds .20 a. The benefits of and th e probl ems caused by t he artificial damming of rivers b. Th e i mp ortan ce of vocationa l guidance in schools c. The advantages of travelling Q2. Write a descriptive report on any two of the following: 20 a. A v isit t o a Residential School f or Blind b. A visit to a Sugar factory c. Pr in cip le s and operati on of a Sol ar Co ok in g Stove Q3. a) Suppose y ou want to take a car loan from State Bank of India. Write a letter to the Chief Manager, SBI branch of your locality requesting him/her to send you all the information related to SBI Car-loans. 10 b) As su me that you ar e A nant Das, th e P ur ch as e Man ager of Alpha Engineering Company, Salt Lake City, Calcutta. Your company sent an order for 15 HP Scanners( Model Scan Jet 3200C) to National Systems Limited, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bangalore-560100 on July3, 2012, but you received only 12 scanners. Write a letter to Suresh Gautam, the G.M. (Sales and Marketing) of NSL, making a complaint and asking him to send the remaining 3 scanners. Also ask for a proper compensation for the what you suffered. 10 Q4. a ) As a Corporation Counsellor of y our ward y ou are very much concerned about the water supply adequacy for your people. You want to motivate them for rain-water harvesting. So you have organized a meeting with the help of Secretaries and Heads. Draft a circular to be sent to each and every house, society and business unit, etc. in your ward asking them to attend the meeting organized by you in this regard. 10 1

Preliminary August 2012 (IE001 to IE006)

Oct 06, 2015



Preliminary August 2012 (IE001 to IE006)
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  • 1(Common for Old & Revised Syllabus)


    Preliminary August 2012Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100

    IE 001 BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONNotes: 1. Answer any Five Questions.

    2. All questions carry equal marks.

    Q1. Write an essay on any one of the following in about 500 words.20a. The benefits of and the problems caused by the artificial

    damming of riversb. The importance of vocational guidance in schoolsc. The advantages of travelling

    Q2. Write a descriptive report on any two of the following: 20a. A visit to a Residential School for Blindb. A visit to a Sugar factoryc. Principles and operation of a Solar Cooking Stove

    Q3. a) Suppose you want to take a car loan from State Bank ofIndia. Write a letter to the Chief Manager, SBI branch ofyour locality requesting him/her to send you all theinformation related to SBI Car-loans. 10

    b) Assume that you are Anant Das, the Purchase Managerof Alpha Engineering Company, Salt Lake City, Calcutta.Your company sent an order for 15 HP Scanners( ModelScan Jet 3200C) to National Systems Limited, ElectronicsCity, Hosur Road, Bangalore-560100 on July3, 2012, butyou received only 12 scanners. Write a letter to SureshGautam, the G.M. (Sales and Marketing) of NSL, makinga complaint and asking him to send the remaining 3scanners. Also ask for a proper compensation for thewhat you suffered. 10

    Q4. a) As a Corporation Counsellor of your ward you are verymuch concerned about the water supply adequacy foryour people. You want to motivate them for rain-waterharvesting. So you have organized a meeting with thehelp of Secretaries and Heads. Draft a circular to be sentto each and every house, society and business unit, your ward asking them to attend the meetingorganized by you in this regard. 10


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    b) Draft a letter to be sent to Non GovernmentOrganizations (NGO) requesting them to depute peopleto attend the programs you have organized against childlabour, to be implemented in association with theorganization CRY (Child Relief and You). Assume theneedful details. 10

    Q5. Write a report on the Training and Placement Cell of youracademic institution evaluating the following two factors andsuggesting improvements. 20a. The type of data available b. The service it provides

    Q6. You are the Co-ordinator of Sports Tournaments held by yourAcademic Institution throughout the year. Assume differenttypes of sports activities scheduled to be conducted in the year2011-2012, the expenses for them, number of participants ineach, and the feedback of students taken at the end of theacademic year. Present the data in proper tables and drawbar graphs and pie charts representing above details. Assumeneedful data. 20

    Q7. a) You are in-charge of the Sports Club of your institution.Write a letter to the management to allow you to conductsome competitions to improve the students' participationin sports activities. Also ask them to allocate money forpurchasing certain sports material needed for the club.Assume needful details. 10

    b) Make a proposal to the Directorate of TechnicalEducation, to initiate a program at the EngineeringGraduation level, that will enable the engineeringstudents to contribute to the Water, Electricity andEnvironment Conservation Mission of IndianGovernment through their innovative ideas and projectsand Awareness Campaigns for community. 10

    Q8. Write a precis of about one-third of the passage given below.Also provide a suitable title to the same : 20Stress is a fact of life and individuals react to stress in differentways. The very fact that some individuals deal with stressorsin a positive way indicates that a proper understanding of thephenomenon and its effects is very important. Takingappropriate action to optimize, reduce or prevent stress maybe beneficial both for the organization as well as the individual.Effective stress management can be done at the organizationaland individual level in many different ways.

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    Stress management can be divided into two phases, the first iscoping with stress and the second is counteracting the stressresponse with the help of relaxation response. For coping withstress there are five major methods: avoidance, evasion,diversion, preparation and eustress response. In avoidancemethod the particular stressors are never met. In evasion, thestressors are evaded or side-stepped so as to postpone stressreactions. In diversion, one's mind is distracted from potentialstressors. Diversions can take many forms such as developinga rewarding hobby like drawing, painting, music, photography,gardening, reading, writing etc., regularly going to movies,dramas, hotels; shopping; sports both indoor and outdoor games;going on trips and vacations, or visiting places of religiousimportance. In Preparation method, the individual prepareshimself mentally, nutritionally and physically. In the last methodof Eustress Response, the individual tries to change responsefrom distress to eustress with the help of positive and optimisticmental attitude and regular and regulated physical exercise.The second phase of effective stress management iscounteracting stress response. For this the individual tries toelicit relaxation response simply by having a restful sleep or takinga nap an individual feels relaxed and is able to counter act stress-response. There are various techniques to elicit relaxationresponse. Hess first described relaxation response in a cat. Heelectrically stimulated a specific area of the hypothalamus andelicited what he called ... "a protective mechanism againstoverstress which promotes restorative processes." Walter R.Hess Functional Organization of the Diencephalons (New YorkGrune and Stratton, 1975) p. 40 Like the fight or flight response,the relaxation response is also present in man. Until recently,the relaxation response has been elicited primarily bymeditational techniques including self-hypnosis, meditation,biofeedback, yoga and Breathing exercises. All these techniquesbring out the physiological change in our bodies when we alterthe state of consciousness through non-drug means. Proper useof massage, heat and cold are refreshing and relaxing forcounteracting the stress response on physical side, when usedwith physical exercise.Beyond all these measures, the individual has to develop a stressmanagement philosophy to serve him as a guide. Thecornerstone to this philosophy is the eustress mental approach.Earning one's neighbour's love and respect is a major aspect ofthe eustress mental approach. Another key component is a

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    positive attitude with optimistic outlook. Developing a sense ofhumor is an excellent means of effective stress management.Some tried and tested skills for effective stress managementessentially emphasize on proper management of time. Inabilityto do this results in lack of priorities, failure to delegate,inefficiency and incompetence in task performance. Learning tobe assertive is equally important. Assertive behavior has fourcharacteristics: ability to say 'No'; ability to make requests andask favors; ability to express positive and negative feelings; andability to generate, continue and terminate discussion. Anothermost crucial factor is to learn to understand our emotions.Understanding the anatomy of our anger and learning to controlit is extremely essential. For managing our anger effectively theclassic advice of counting numbers to ten has survived forcenturies. When angry all our energy is spent in being tenseand anxious. Therefore it is vital to relax and compose ourselves.The body's adaptive energy is like an inherited fortune. If we goon spending it without making any deposit, we will squander itaway. If we want it to last longer, we must learn to use it wisely.Recognizing inevitable and learning to accept them is yet anotherway to effective stress management. The individual should learnto come to terms with unpleasant realities since they are thereto say. Accepting them once and for all lessens their stressfulimpact. Life is not always fair and we have to learn to look forsilver linings in every black cloud.Learning a variety of new skills and applying them regularly inday-to-day life helps a lot in managing stress effectively. It isimportant to remember two points: "Treat Stress as Your Friendnot Foe"; and "Anticipate Stress and Be Prepared". EffectiveStress Management makes use of this advice. Effective stressmanagement heavily relies on positive optimistic approach tolook at stress. This approach believes that stress contains ahidden opportunity which opens us a doorway into our innerworlds. We can begin to see more clearly how our well-beingcomes to be at the mercy of the way we think and the way wesee things. As we discover more about these inner dynamics,we can learn how to exercise choice in our responses, thusbecoming masters of our mindsets. This enables us to maintaina healthier state of body and mind. Managing our stresseffectively can also lead to a fuller appreciation of inner natures,and our hidden strengths so that we can free our own resourcesand respond to change more flexibly.


    Preliminary/A August 2012Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100


    Notes: 1) Answer Any Five questions.2) All questions carry equal marks.

    1. Define each of the following terms and give examples of each:Production Possibility Frontier, Scarcity, Value, Price, andWealth. (4+4+4+4+4 = 20)

    2. How National Income is determined in macroeconomicsthrough consumption, saving and investment function? (20)

    3. Define economic development. What are the variousindicators of development? How development differs fromthe process of growth? (4+8+8 = 20)

    4. Define the concept of agricultural inputs and productivity.Discuss the impact of co-operative movement on agricultureand agro - based industries. (10+10 = 20)

    5. Define Economics from the viewpoint of scarcity of resources.Establish the relationship between need, want and demand.Illustrate the concept of utility and value. (6+6+8 = 20)

    6. Define the term GDP. What is the difference between GDPand GNP? Define the term National Income. How NationalIncome is determined? How is National Income not equal toGNP? (2+4+2+8+4=20)

    7. Distinguish between the roles played by the Public and thePrivate sector in Indian industrial development. How doesGovernment promote small scale industry in India? (10+10=20)


    (Common for Old & Revised Syllabus)

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    8. Write notes on Any Two: (2X10=20)(a) Law of diminishing marginal utility(b) Agro-based industries in India(c) Causes and nature of unemployment problem in India(d) Government's National Population Policy


  • 7(Revised Syllabus)


    Preliminary August 2012Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100

    IE 002 ELEMENTS OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGNotes: 1) Answer Any Five questions.

    2) Marks are indicated in the right margin.

    Q1. a) Define Productivity? Explain the significance of it?[10 Marks]b) Explain the technique of Work Sampling? [10 Marks]

    Q2. Define Production Planning & Control? Explain thefunctions of it? [20 Marks]

    Q3. a) Define Ergonomics? What are it's applications? [10 Marks]b) What are the different elements of JIT? [10 Marks]

    Q4. a) Define Time Study? Explain the step by stepprocedure of it? [10 Marks]

    b) Define Method Study? Explain the step by stepprocedure of it? [10 Marks]

    Q5. a) Explain the technique of Value Analysis witha suitable example? [10 marks]

    b) What is the role of an Industrial Engineer ina typical Indian Business organization? [ 10 marks]

    Q6. a) Explain the technique of Concurrent Engineering?[10 marks]

    b) What are the goals of a typical Business Organization?[10 marks]

    Q7. a) What do you understand by Plant Layout? [10 marks]b) Explain the technique of Design for Manufacturability?

    [10 marks]1

  • 82

    Q8. Write notes on following: [20 Marks]a) Value Stream Mappingb) Supply Chain Logistics

  • 9(Common for Old & Revised Syllabus)


    Preliminary August 2012Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100

    IE 003 MATHEMATICS FOR ENGINEERSNotes : 1) Answer any Five questions.

    2) Each question carries 20 marks3) All questions must be written in the same answer book.4) All parts of the same question should be answered together.

    Q1. (a) If x 0 3x(1 acosx) bsinxlim 1,


    + =

    Find a and b. (07)

    (b) For what value of "k" is the following functioncontinuous at x = 0 : (07)


    x 01 cos4xf(x) ,8x

    x 0

    = =

    (c) If (cos x)y = (cos y)x, Find dydx . (06)

    Q.2. (a) If y = exSin x; Prove that 2

    2d y dy2 2y 0.

    dxdx + = (07)

    (b) Find 2

    2d ydx at = 2

    pi when x = a ( + Sin ),

    y = a (1 cos) (07)(c) Using differential, to find the approximate value of

    3 0.026 , up to three places of decimals. (06)

    Q.3. (a) Examine the function f(x, y) = y2 + 4xy + 3x2 + x3for extreme values. (07)



  • 102

    (b) Evaluate 2

    2x x 1 dx(x 2)(x 1)

    + +

    + + (07)(c) Evaluate



    1 x dx0 1 x (06)

    Q.4. (a) Form the differential equation of the family of curvesgiven by the equation:

    (x a)2 + 2y2 = a2, Where 'a' is an arbitrary constant. (07)

    (b) Solve y x dydx = a(y2 + dydx ) (07)

    (c) Solve y xy1 = 2(1 + x2y1), y(1) = 1 (06)

    Q.5. (a) Find the coordinates of the focus axis, the equation ofthe directrix and latus rectum of the parabola y2 = 8x. (07)

    (b) Find the equation of the hyperbola where foci are(0,12)and the length of the latus rectum is 36. (07)

    (c) Find the equation of the ellipse with major axis along thex-axis and passing through the points (4,3) and (-1,4). (06)

    Q.6. (a) Show that the following vectors are coplanar2i j + k, i 3j 5k, 3i 4j 4k. (07)

    (b) The position vector of a particle at time t isr = cos(t 1) i + sinh(t 1) j + t3 k; Find the value of' ' such that at time t = 1, the acceleration is normalto the position vector. (07)

    (c) Find the angle between the normal to the surfacexy = z2 at the points (1,4,2) and (-3, -3, 3). (06)

    Q.7. (a) If the directional derivative of = ax2y + by2z + cz2x atthe point (1,1,1) has maximum magnitude 15 in the

    direction parallel to the line x 1 y 3 z ;

    2 2 1

    = =

    Find the values of a, b and c. (07)

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    (b) Using Green's theorem evaluate c(x2y dx + x2 dy) wherec is the boundary described counter clockwise of thetriangle with vertices (0, 0), (1, 0), (1,1). (07)

    (c) Find the fourier series of the function f(x) = x2 over theinterval (-pi , pi ). (06)

    Q.8. (a) Find the Laplace transform of tt


    e sintf(t) dt.t

    = (07)

    (b) Find the Inverse Laplace transform of ( )( )3s 2

    s 3 s 1+

    + + (07)

    (c) Solve the following system of the equation's usingCrammer's rule: (06)5x 7y + z = 11

    6x 8y z = 15

    3x + 2y 6z = 7.

  • 12

    (Old Syllabus)


    Preliminary August 2012Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100


    Notes : 1) Answer any five questions.2) All questions carry equal marks.

    Q1. a) Considering any five applications of your choice, mentionthe role of computers in data processing for applicationsunder consideration. (10)

    b) Explain with neat sketch the anatomy of computers.Also mention its merits and demerits. (10)

    Q2. a) Draw a flow chart to merge two arrays of size a and band sort a+b elements such that array [0] contains thesmallest element. (10)

    b) Explain different types of storage devices with theircharacteristics. (10)

    Q3. a) Explain with example the various operations performedon file. (8)

    b) Discuss normalization with various dependencies. (12)Q4. a) Explain how registers and bus affects the speed of CPU

    with an example. (8)b) Explain any five UNIX commands that deals with security

    and pattern searching and also mention its related DOSCommands if available. (12)

    Q5. a) Explain with example the various operations performedon file. (8)

    b) Explain sequential and random methods in fileorganization. (12)

    Q6. a) Explain in what way the list of components (register,memory, clock speed, bus, cache memory) affects theprocessor speed. (10)


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    b) Construct an ER diagram for following banking scenario:A bank has branches. Branch maintains Accounts andoffers loan. Customers can hold accounts and can alsoavail loans. (10)

    Q7. Write a note on any four of following: (4x5)a) Daisy Wheel printerb) Constraints in RDBMSc) Graphics plotterd) OCR devicese) MICR Devices

  • 14

    (Revised Syllabus)


    Preliminary August 2012Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100


    Notes : 1) Answer any five questions.2) All questions carry equal marks.

    Q1. a) Explain different types of Operating systems. (25)b) Discuss the printing devices and types of charts in

    spreadsheet. (25)

    Q2. a) What are the various applications of internet and IT intoday's era. (25)

    b) Discuss any five input and output devices with diagrams.

    Q3. a) Explain anatomy of computer system. (10)b) What is desktop publishing? Discuss few spreadsheet

    applications. (2x5)

    Q4. a) Write note on system analysis and design (10)b) Explain various types of storage media and memory.

    Q5. a) Explain file management with example. (10)b) What are the applications of network and how

    networking is useful? (10)

    Q6. a) Discuss various generations of computer. (10)b) What are different types of operators used in relational

    database? Explain each with example. (10)

    Q7. Write short note on: (4x5)a) Video Conferencing


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    b) File transfer Protocol.c) News groupd) Voice and information services.

    Q8. Explain E-governance and management information system.(2x5)

  • 16


    Preliminary August 2012Time: 4 Hrs. Max. Marks: 100


    Special Instructions :1) Attempt all Questions.2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.3) Adopt First Angle projection method.4) Use your judgement of data, if required.

    1. Draw an ellipse having a major axis 100 mm and a minor axis60 mm long by the concentric circle method.

    ORA line AB, 70 mm long is inclined at an angle 30 to the H.P.and 45 to the V.P. Its end point A is 10 mm above the H.P.and 20 mm in front of the V.P. Draw the projections of line AB.Assume, complete line to be in the 1st quadrant. [20]

    2. A Semicircular plate of 60 mm diameter rests on its diameteron the HP with the surface inclined at 30 to the HP. Draw theprojections of the plate.


    A cylinder of 50 mm diameter of the base and axis 70 mmlength is having its axis perpendicular to the VP. Draw thethree views of the cylinder. [15]

    3. A right circular cylinder of base diameter 40 mm, axis length60 mm has a point of the base circle on the H.P. with the axismaking an angle 45 with the H.P. and parallel to the V.P.

    ORDraw two views of wing nut with 25 mm nominal diameter. [15

    4. The fig. 1 shows pictorial view of an object, draw the followingviews.

    (Common for Old & Revised Syllabus)


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    (a) Front View from 'X' direction.(b) Top View(c) Right hand side View.


    Fig. 2 shows front view and side view of an object. Draw itsisometric projection about an origin 0. [20]

    5. Fig. 3 shows pictorial view of an object, Draw :(a) Sectional front view, section on A-A.(b) Top view.(c) Side view from right. [20]

    6. Using Auto CAD, write steps to draw the object as shown in fig.4. List out in sequential order, the commands required to begiven to draw the view.


    Write short notes on "FEM". Discuss in brief about any onesoftware of FEM Analysis. [10]

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    Preliminary August 2012Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100

    IE 006 MATERIALS SCIENCENotes : 1) Answer Any Five questions

    2) Figures on the right hand margin indicate the marks.

    Q1. a) What are Miller Indices. Indicate [111] direction (5)b) Explain any three of the following (15)

    (i) Line defect(ii) Volume defect(iii) Ionic bond(iv) Difference in the physical properties of Diamond

    and Graphite(v) Covalent bond

    Q2. a) Draw and explain stress-strain diagram for steel. (8)b) Explain the following any three (12)

    (i) Toughness(ii) Ductility(iii) Charpy Impact Test(iv) Creep

    Q3. a) Explain with neat sketches the mechanism of FatigueFailure. (8)

    b) Write short note on any three (12)(i) Cost Iron(ii) Copper alloys(iii) Austenite Steel(iv) Properties of Aluminum as Engineering Material

    (Common for Old & Revised Syllabus)

  • 212

    Q4. a) Write short note on any three (18)(i) Refractories (63)(ii) Types of Fiber and their use(iii) FRP(iv) Composites

    b) Draw stress strain diagram for composite (FRP) andRubber (2)

    Q5. a) Draw and explain Iron -Carbon diagram (8)b) What are the difference between Annealing and

    Normalizing heat treatment. (4)c) Write short note on any two. (8)

    (i) Work hardening(ii) Tempering(iii) Nitriding

    Q6. a) Explain in detail (any one) (8)(i) Radiographic text(ii) Ultrasonic Test

    b) Write short note on (12)(i) Dye penetration test(ii) Importance of NDT (Non Destructive Test) with


    Q7. Write short note on any four (20)a) Corrosion of metalb) Substitutional solutionc) Classification of Steel (based on carbon percentage)d) Age hardeninge) Ductile to Brittle transition of steel

  • 22

    f) High alloy steelsg) Pitting corrosion

    Q8. a) Explain in detail the process of producing parts bypowder metallurgy techniques (12)

    b) Write advantages and disadvantages of powermetallurgy technique (8)

    august 2012.pdf