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PREGLED GRAMATIKE ENGLESKOG JEZIKA ZA 1. RAZRED PRESENT SIMPLE: Use: 1. to express a habit: I get up at 8 o’clock. Marta drinks coffee every morning. 2. a fact which is always true Cows eat grass. Snow falls in the winter. Iz rečenica koje smo naveli kao primjer jasno je kako Present simple koristimo kako bi izrazili naše navike, one radnje koje su dio nas i naše svakodnevnice. Tako imamo rečenicu, I get up at 8.00. (Ja ustajem u 8 sati.) kojom izražavamo našu naviku o jutarnjem buđenju. Usto, Present simple koristimo kako bi izrazili činjenice koje su uvijek točne pa tako imamo primjer Cows eat grass (Krave jedu travu), što je opća istina o kravama pa je i izražena present simpleom. Jednako je i s rečenicom Snow falls in the winter, što je također uvijek istinito jer snijeg i pada samo zimi. Form: 1. positive sentences: I drink coffee. We drink coffee. You drink coffee. You drink coffee. He/ She/ It drinks coffee. They drink coffee. So, it is obvious that the verb gets suffix –s or –es only in the third person. 1

Pregled Gramatike Engleskog Jezika Za 1. Razred.

Oct 26, 2014



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Page 1: Pregled Gramatike Engleskog Jezika Za 1. Razred.




1. to express a habit:I get up at 8 o’clock.Marta drinks coffee every morning.

2. a fact which is always trueCows eat grass.Snow falls in the winter.

Iz rečenica koje smo naveli kao primjer jasno je kako Present simple koristimo kako bi izrazili naše navike, one radnje koje su dio nas i naše svakodnevnice. Tako imamo rečenicu, I get up at 8.00. (Ja ustajem u 8 sati.) kojom izražavamo našu naviku o jutarnjem buđenju.

Usto, Present simple koristimo kako bi izrazili činjenice koje su uvijek točne pa tako imamo primjer Cows eat grass (Krave jedu travu), što je opća istina o kravama pa je i izražena present simpleom. Jednako je i s rečenicom Snow falls in the winter, što je također uvijek istinito jer snijeg i pada samo zimi.


1. positive sentences:

I drink coffee. We drink coffee.

You drink coffee. You drink coffee.

He/ She/ It drinks coffee. They drink coffee.

So, it is obvious that the verb gets suffix –s or –es only in the third person.

Vidljivo je kako se u Present simpleu glagolu samo u trećem licu jednine dodaje nastavak –s ili –es. Važno je napomenuti kako taj nastavka izaziva promjenu kod glasa y ukoliko se on nalazi iza suglasnika, npr. He carries a new suitcase. Gdje je y prešao u i, (carry-carries). No, ukoliko se glas y nalazi iza samoglasnika ne dolazi do promjene. She buys bus ticket every day. Dakle, y ostaje nepromijenjen, (buybuys).

2. negative sentences:

-to make a negative sentence we use verb do or does + not, so we have do not or don’t and does not or doesn’t.


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Doesn’t is used only in the third person singular.

Mark doesn’t ride a bike. -- this is a negative sentence, but positive sentence is:Mark rides a bike.

So, it means that we mustn’t use the verb rides with suffix –s in negative sentence, but we have to use infinitive.

Niječna rečenica u present simpleu se tvori tako da upotrijebimo don’t i glavni glagol u infinitive u svim licima množine te u prvom i drugom licu jednine. Dok doesn’t i glavni glagol koristimo samo u trećem licu jednine. Dakle, valja još jednom napomenuti kako nam se glavni glagol u niječnoj rečenici mora vratiti natrag u infinitiv i ne smije imati nastavak –s ili –es u niječnom izrazu.


Matt buys himself coffee every morning.Matt doesn’t buy himself coffee every morning.

...doesn’t buy....correct/točno

...doesn’t buys...incorrect/ netočno

3. question

-we also use do or does. Does is used only in the third person singular.

Does Matt ride a bike every day?Do you have this CD?

Dakle, u upitnim rečenicama imamo isto pravilo o korištenju glagola do/does. Does se koristi samo u trećem licu jednine i to tako da zamijeni mjesto sa subjektom i dođe na prvo mjesto. Sva druga lica koriste do, a pritom zamijeni mjesto sa subjektom.



We use present continuous to express an activity happening now: They are playing in the garden.He is drinking coffee at the moment.

So, both sentences express and activity which is happening at the moment of speaking. In the present continuous we often use adverbials, such as at the moment or now.

Pogledamo li dvije rečenice koje smo upotrijebili kao primjer jasno je kako te rečenice izražavaju radnju koja se događa u trenutku govora. Npr. They are playing in the garden.


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(Oni se igraju u vrtu.), jasno je da se radnja odvija u trenutku govora. Dok u drugoj rečenici imamo i priložnu oznaku at the moment/ u ovom trenutku, koja nam pomaže da odredimo vrijeme u kojem se radnja odvija. Usto, valja napomenuti kako je učestalo i korištenje priložne oznake vremena now/sada.

1. positive sentences:

- to make a positive sentence in the present continuous we use the present form of the verb be + -ing.


I am drinking coffee. We are drinking coffee.You are drinking coffee. You are drinking coffee.He/She/It is drinking coffee. They are drinking coffee.

So, we use AM/ARE/IS (the present form of the verb be) and the full verb with –ing.Thus, we only have to be careful when we are choosing the correct AM/ARE/ISform.

Dakle, kada tvorimo jesnu rečenicu u present continuous, trebamo izabrati pravilan izraz prezenta glagola BE, koji AM/ARE/IS, potom glavnom glagolu dodamo nastavak –ing. Važno je izabrati pravilan oblik glagola BE, tako za prvo lice jednine koristimo AM, za treće lice jednine koristimo IS, dok za drugo lice jednine i sva lica množine koristimo ARE.

2. negative sentence:

- to make a negative sentence we use AM/ARE/IS + NOT + -ING

Thus we have:

I am not drinking coffee. or I’m not drinking....

You are not drinking coffee. or You aren’t drinking.....

He is not drinking coffee. or He isn’t drinking.....

Dakle, kada tvorimo niječne rečenice glagolima AM/ARE/ IS dodamo negativnu riječ NOT, s tim da onda imamo i kratke oblike kao što su ‘m not, aren’t, isn’t.

3. question:

- to make a question we only use inversion:

Are you drinking coffee?


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Is she drinking coffee?

Are they drinking coffee?

Dakle, kako bi napravili upitnu rečenicu samo trebamo zamijenti mjesta pomoćnog glagola BE i subjekta.


1. Use the present continuous or the present simple. /Nadopuni rečenice koristeći present simple ili present continuous glagola u zagradama.


A: Is Janet in, please?

B: Yes, but I think ( I/think) she’s busy at the moment. She is washing (she/wash) her hair.

A: 1-______________(I/think) of buying a new computer.

B: But computers 2- ____________(cost) so much money. What’s wrong with the one we’ve got?

A: 3-_______________(it/get) out of date now.


A: Your new trousers 4-____________(look) nice.

B: Thank you, the trouble is 5-___________________(they/not/fit) properly. 6-______________(I/not/know) why I bought them, really.

2. Complete the sentences by putting in the verbs in present simple form. / Nadopuni rečenice koristeći present simple glagola u zagradama.

1. My friend is finding life in Paris a bit difficult. He___________(not/speak) French.2. I’ve got four cats and two dogs. I _____________(love) animals. 3. No breakfast for Mark, thanks. He _____________(not/eat) breakfast. 4. What’s the matter? You____________(not/look) very happy. 5. Don’t try to ring the bell. It______________(not/work) properly. 6. Matthew is good at badminton. He______________(win) every game.7. We always travel by bus. We ____________(not/own) a car.


1.1- I am thinking2- Cost


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3- It is getting4- Look5- They don’t fit6- I don’t know.

2. 1. doesn’t speak, 2. love, 3. doesn’t eat, 4. don’t look, 5. doesn’t work, 6. wins, 7. doesn’t own.



We use the past simple for something in the past which is finished.

Emma passed her exam last year. tj. Ema je prošla ispit prošle godine.

Elvis died in 1977. tj. Elvis je umro 1977. godine.

Jasno je iz gore priloženih rečenica kako past simple izražava radnju koja je počela i završila u prošlosti. U određivanju vremena u kojem se radnja odvija svakako nam pomažu i priložne oznake vremena kao što su gore u rečenicama podebljane last year(prošle godine) i in 1977 (1977. godine).


a) positive form:

-In English regular past form has –ed or –d suffix. Thus regular verbs in English have these suffixes in the past form:

It happened very quickly. - > regular verb happen + ed = happened

The car crashed into the van. - > regular verb crash + ed = crashed

They arrived at 6 o’ clock. - > regular verb arrive + d = arrived

- on the other hand, irregular past form is characteristic of the irregular verbs. Irregular verbs have to be memorised because without past simple form of these verb you are not able to make past simple sentences.

Vicky won the game. - > irregular verb win has past form won

I had breakfast at six. - > irregular verb have has past form had

Some important irregular verbs:

Base form Past simpleBe was/were

Become becamedo didEat ateFeel feltHave had



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I drove a car. We drove a car.

You drove a car. You drove a car.

He/ She /It drove a car. They drove a car.

Vidljivo je, dakle, kako se jesna rečenica (positive sentence) u past simpleu tvori na sljedeći način:

Subjektu se dodaje glagol u prošlom vremenu čija prošla forma zavisi o tome da li je glagol pravilan ili nepravilan. Stoga pravilni glagoli dobivaju nastavak –ed ili –d, dok nepravilni glagoli imaju uvijek isti izraz/formu koja mora biti naučena iz tablice nepravilnih glagola engleskoga jezika. Tako je gore navedeno nekoliko glagola koji su među najčešćima u uporabi. Ispod tablice nalazi se konjugacija nepravilnog glagola drive (drove), iz koje je vidljivo da glagol u rečenicama koje su u past simpleu ne mijenja oblik kroz lica nego uvijek ostaje isti. Ovo pravilo vrijedi i za sve pravilne glagole, npr. I arrived at 6 o’ clock. She arrived at 6 o’clock.

b) negative form and question:

- in negatives and questions we use did 1. negative sentences:Negative form is did not or didn’t:

The car didn’t stop at the crossing. – >this is a negative sentence, while positive one is:The car stopped at the crossing.

Thus, it is obvious that in a negative sentence the full verb has to go back to the infinitive....didn’t + stop... is correct...didn’t + stop... is incorrect

For example: I posted the letter yesterday. // I didn’t post the letter yesterday. I ate pizza last night. // I didn’t eat pizza last night.

Dakle, jasno je iz gore navedenog kako niječne rečenice (negative sentences) u engleskom jeziku tvorimo uz pomoć glagola did koji u niječnim rečenicama poprima oblik did not ili didn’t. Ovdje je važno napomenuti kako u niječnim rečenicama nakon upotrebe glagola didn’t moramo glavni glagol vratiti natrag u infinitiv.

2. questions:When forming questions we also use did, but now, in questions, subject and verb did are changing places.

James unlocked the doors. ------- Did James unlock the doors?Jenny wrote a letter yesterday. ------Did Jenny write a letter yesterday?

So, once again when we make a question and when we use did our full verb has to go back to infinitive.


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BUT: Marta rang me yesterday. ----- Who rang you yesterday?When we have WHO question word than we do not use the verb did, and the full verb stays in the past simple form.

Valja zapamtiti da pri tvorbi upitnih rečenica u past simpleu koristimo glagol did koji pritom zamijeni mjesto sa subjektom, tj. ide na prvo mjesto u rečenici. Nakon što smo upotrijebili glagol did, glavni glagol u rečenici vraća se natrag u infinitiv. Iznimka je pitanje koje počinje zamjenicom WHO kada ne upotrebljavamo glagol did nego samo koristimo glavni glagol u past simpleu.



It was raining at three o’ clock.

This sentence means that at three o’ clock we were in the middle of a period of rain. The rain began before three o’clock and stopped some time after three. So, we are stressing the length of time.

Soft music was playing.

This sentence means that we heard the music at that particular moment, but it was playing before we heard it and it stopped some time after we heard it.

Prva rečenica It was raining at three o’ clock. (Kišilo je u tri sata), označava trenutak u prošlosti kada smo mi svjedočili kiši, ali uporaba glagola was raining označava da je počelo kišiti prije nego smo mi vidjeli da kiši i da je ta kiša prestala u nekom trenutku nakon što smo mi vidjeli da kiši. Dakle, uporabom past continuous naglašavamo trajanje radnje u prošlosti. Isto vrijedi i za drugu rečenicu gdje smo mi u jednom trenutku čuli kako svira nježna glazba, ali glagoli was playing naglašavaju kako je glazba svirala i prije nego smo je mi čuli i kako je svirala i nakon što smo je mi čuli.


The past continuous is formed of the past tense of be (was/were) and an –ing form.

1. positive sentences:

Mary was playing the piano.

Mary is the third person singular noun, so we use was form of the verb be, and verb play is accompanied with the - ing form.

They were skiing in Switzerland.

They is the third person plural pronoun, so we use were form of the verb be, and the verb ski is accompanied with the –ing form.


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I was running. We were running.

You were running. You were running.

He/ She / It was running. They were running.

To sum up, the first and the third person singular use the form was, while all the other use the form were.

Dakle pri tvorbi jesnih rečenica u past continuousu koristimo was/were (tj. prošli oblik glagola be, vidi tablicu 1.) i glavni glagol kojem se dodaje nastavak –ing. Jasno je iz prethodne konjugacije kako u prvom i trećem licu jednine koristimo WAS, dok sva ostala lica koriste oblik WERE.

2. negative sentences: - to form a negative sentence we use was/were + not

so we have: was not or wasn’t and were not or weren’t

Mary wasn’t playing the piano.

They weren’t skiing in Switzerland.

Jednostavno se da zaključiti kao pri tvorbi niječnih rečenica u past continuous pomoćnom glagolu was/were dodajemo not dok sve ostalo ostaje isto. Ipak, važno je paziti na to u kojem se licu nalazi subjekt kako bismo upotrijebili pravilan oblik pomoćnog glagola.

3. question: - to form a question in the past continuous, our verb was/were changes place with the subject:

Was Mary playing the piano?

Dakle, u upitnoj rečenici kod past continuousa pomoćni glagol was/were i subjekt zamjene mjesta.


- we often use the past simple and past continuous together when one (shorter) action comes in the middle of another (longer) one.

He broke his leg when he was skiing.

In this sentence the shorter action (broke) is expressed in the past simple tense, while the longer action (was skiing) is expressed in the past continuous tense. To conclude, the shorter action interrupts the longer action. So, to express shorter actions we always use past simple, and to express longer actions we use past continuous.


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Dakle, iz rečenice He broke his leg when he was skiing jasno je da u engleskom jeziku možemo u jednoj rečenici koristiti i past simple i past continuous. I to na sljedeći način, past simple izražava radnju koja je kraće trajala te je prekinula dužu radnju koju izražavamo past contionuousom. Jednostavnije rečeno ako imamo situaciju u kojoj jedna radnja prekida trajanje druge radnje u prošlosti, onda onu radnju koja prekida označavamo past simplom, a onu koja je prekinuta past continuousom.

Na primjer, ako nam je zadatak ponudio sljedeću rečenicu:

When/he/carry/ a suitcase/ he /drop/it/ on his foot.

Prije nego pokušamo riješiti zadatak trebamo shvatiti tj. procijeniti koja je radnja trajala duže a koja kraće. Dakle, on je nosio torbu te ju je ispustio na svoju nogu. Jasno je iz konteksta da je nošenje torbe radnja koja je trajala duže, dok je ispuštanje torbe radnja koja je trajala kraće. Stoga ćemo nošenje torbe izraziti past continuousom, a ispuštanje torbe past simplom.

Naposljetku, nakon što smo sve pravilno i logički razmotrili pišemo rečenicu ovako:

When he was carrying a suitcase, he dropped it on his foot.


1. Use past simple or past continuous of the verbs in brackets. / Nadopuni rečenice koristeći past simple ili past continuous glagola u zagradama.

It (1)_____(be) a fine day when I(2)________ (start) out on the last part of my walk around the coast of Britain. The sun (3)__________(shine), and a light wind(4)______(blow) from the south- west. I was pleased that it(5)________ (not rain). I (6)______(know) by now that I did not like the rain. In fact, I(7)_________(hate) it. I(8)________ (walk) along the cliff top and then down into the lovely little fishing village of Welburn, past a cafe where people(9)_________ (have) morning coffee.

2. Use past simple of the verbs in brackets to complete the text./ Nadopuni rečenice koristeći past simple glagola u zagradama.

Two people died (die) in a fire in Ellis Street, Oldport yesterday morning. They (1)________(be) Herbert and Molly Paynter, a couple in their seventies. The fire (2)_________(start) at 3.20 a.m. A neighbour, Mr. Aziz, (3)____________(see) the flames and (4)____________(call) the fire brigade. He also (5)__________(try) to get into the house and rescue his neighbours, but the heat (6) __________(be) too great. The fire brigade (7) ______________(arrive) in five minutes. Twenty fire-fighters (8)________(fight) the fire and finally (9) ___________(bring) it under control. Two fire fighters (10)____________ (enter) the burning building but (11) -__________(find) the couple dead.

3. Make a sentence by using past simple and past continuous. /Načini rečenice koristeći past simple/past continuous.

a) he/break/ his leg/when /he/ ski__________________________________________b) she/ loose / her passport/ while/ she/ shop_________________________________


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c) the phone/ ring/ when/I /leave / the house_________________________________d) when/I /leave/they/play/ in the garden/____________________________________e) his hair/ catch/ fire/ when/ he/ cook/chips________________________________f) while/ we/ play/tennis/ it/ start/ to rain/__________________________________g) when/I/ phone/ Simon/ he/have/ a shower________________________________h) I/do/ my homework/ when/Jane/ arrived_________________________________


1. 1) was, 2) started, 3) was shining, 4) was blowing, 5) wasn’t raining, 6) knew, 7) hated, 8) walked, 9) were having

2. 1. Were, 2. Started, 3. Saw, 4. Called, 5. Tried, 6. Was, 7. Arrived, 8. Fought, 9. Brought, 10. Entered, 11. Found.

3. a) He broke his leg when he was skiing. b)_ She lost her passport while she was shopping. c) The phone rang when I was leaving the house. d) When I left, they were playing in the garden.e) His hair caught fire when he was cooking chips.f) While we were playing tennis, it started to rain.g) When I phoned Simon he was having a shower. h) I was doing my homework when Jane arrived.



3. to express a habit:I get up at 8 o’clock.Marta drinks coffee every morning.

4. a fact which is always trueCows eat grass.Snow falls in the winter.

Iz rečenica koje smo naveli kao primjer jasno je kako Present simple koristimo kako bi izrazili naše navike, one radnje koje su dio nas i naše svakodnevnice. Tako imamo rečenicu, I get up at 8.00. (Ja ustajem u 8 sati.) kojom izražavamo našu naviku o jutarnjem buđenju.

Usto, Present simple koristimo kako bi izrazili činjenice koje su uvijek točne pa tako imamo primjer Cows eat grass (Krave jedu travu), što je opća istina o kravama pa je i izražena present simpleom. Jednako je i s rečenicom Snow falls in the winter, što je također uvijek istinito jer snijeg i pada samo zimi.



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4. positive sentences:

I drink coffee. We drink coffee.

You drink coffee. You drink coffee.

He/ She/ It drinks coffee. They drink coffee.

So, it is obvious that the verb gets suffix –s or –es only in the third person.

Vidljivo je kako se u Present simpleu glagolu samo u trećem licu jednine dodaje nastavak –s ili –es. Važno je napomenuti kako taj nastavka izaziva promjenu kod glasa y ukoliko se on nalazi iza suglasnika, npr. He carries a new suitcase. Gdje je y prešao u i, (carry-carries). No, ukoliko se glas y nalazi iza samoglasnika ne dolazi do promjene. She buys bus ticket every day. Dakle, y ostaje nepromijenjen, (buybuys).

5. negative sentences:

-to make a negative sentence we use verb do or does + not, so we have do not or don’t and does not or doesn’t. Doesn’t is used only in the third person singular.

Mark doesn’t ride a bike. -- this is a negative sentence, but positive sentence is:Mark rides a bike.

So, it means that we mustn’t use the verb rides with suffix –s in negative sentence, but we have to use infinitive.

Niječna rečenica u present simpleu se tvori tako da upotrijebimo don’t i glavni glagol u infinitive u svim licima množine te u prvom i drugom licu jednine. Dok doesn’t i glavni glagol koristimo samo u trećem licu jednine. Dakle, valja još jednom napomenuti kako nam se glavni glagol u niječnoj rečenici mora vratiti natrag u infinitiv i ne smije imati nastavak –s ili –es u niječnom izrazu.


Matt buys himself coffee every morning.Matt doesn’t buy himself coffee every morning.

...doesn’t buy....correct/točno

...doesn’t buys...incorrect/ netočno

6. question

-we also use do or does. Does is used only in the third person singular.

Does Matt ride a bike every day?Do you have this CD?


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Dakle, u upitnim rečenicama imamo isto pravilo o korištenju glagola do/does. Does se koristi samo u trećem licu jednine i to tako da zamijeni mjesto sa subjektom i dođe na prvo mjesto. Sva druga lica koriste do, a pritom zamijeni mjesto sa subjektom.



We use present continuous to express an activity happening now: They are playing in the garden.He is drinking coffee at the moment.

So, both sentences express and activity which is happening at the moment of speaking. In the present continuous we often use adverbials, such as at the moment or now.

Pogledamo li dvije rečenice koje smo upotrijebili kao primjer jasno je kako te rečenice izražavaju radnju koja se događa u trenutku govora. Npr. They are playing in the garden. (Oni se igraju u vrtu.), jasno je da se radnja odvija u trenutku govora. Dok u drugoj rečenici imamo i priložnu oznaku at the moment/ u ovom trenutku, koja nam pomaže da odredimo vrijeme u kojem se radnja odvija. Usto, valja napomenuti kako je učestalo i korištenje priložne oznake vremena now/sada.

4. positive sentences:

- to make a positive sentence in the present continuous we use the present form of the verb be + -ing.


I am drinking coffee. We are drinking coffee.You are drinking coffee. You are drinking coffee.He/She/It is drinking coffee. They are drinking coffee.

So, we use AM/ARE/IS (the present form of the verb be) and the full verb with –ing.Thus, we only have to be careful when we are choosing the correct AM/ARE/ISform.

Dakle, kada tvorimo jesnu rečenicu u present continuous, trebamo izabrati pravilan izraz prezenta glagola BE, koji AM/ARE/IS, potom glavnom glagolu dodamo nastavak –ing. Važno je izabrati pravilan oblik glagola BE, tako za prvo lice jednine koristimo AM, za treće lice jednine koristimo IS, dok za drugo lice jednine i sva lica množine koristimo ARE.

5. negative sentence:


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- to make a negative sentence we use AM/ARE/IS + NOT + -ING

Thus we have:

I am not drinking coffee. or I’m not drinking....

You are not drinking coffee. or You aren’t drinking.....

He is not drinking coffee. or He isn’t drinking.....

Dakle, kada tvorimo niječne rečenice glagolima AM/ARE/ IS dodamo negativnu riječ NOT, s tim da onda imamo i kratke oblike kao što su ‘m not, aren’t, isn’t.

6. question:

- to make a question we only use inversion:

Are you drinking coffee?

Is she drinking coffee?

Are they drinking coffee?

Dakle, kako bi napravili upitnu rečenicu samo trebamo zamijenti mjesta pomoćnog glagola BE i subjekta.


1. Complete the conversation by using present continuous of the verbs in brackets. /Nadopuni razgovor koristeći present continuous glagola u zagradama.

A: What are you doing (you/do)?

B: I’m writing (I/write) a letter to a friend. He is a DJ. Vicky and I (1)___________(try) to organize a disco.

A: That sounds a lot of work. How(2)____________(you/find) time for your studies?

B: Well, as I said, Vicky (3)_____________(help) me. (4)_____________(we/get) on all right. (5) ____________(we/not/spend) too much time on it. (6)_______________(it/not/take) me away from my studies, don’t worry about that. Oh, sorry, (7)_____________(you/wait) for this computer?

A: Yes, but there’s no hurry.

B: I (8)_______________( correct) the last bit of the letter. I’ve nearly finished.

2. Complete the conversation by putting in the present simple forms. /Nadopuni razgovoor koristeći present simple glagola u zagradama.

A: Do you like football (you/like), Tom?


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B: I love (/love), I am a United fan. (1)_____________(I/go) to all their games. Nick usually(2)____________(come) with me. And (3)___________(we/travel) to away games, too. Why (4)_________________(you/not/come) to a match some time?

A: I’m afraid football (5) ___________(not/make) sense to me- men running a ball. Why(6)______________(you/take) it so seriously?

B: It’s a wonderful game. (7) ____________(I/love) it. United are my whole life.


1. 1.- are trying, 2.- are you finding,3.- is helping, 4.-We’re getting, 5- We aren’t spending,6- It isn’t taking, 7.- are you waiting, 8.- I am correcting

2. 1.- I go, 2.-comes, 3.-we travel, 4.- don’t you come, 5.-doesn’t make, 6.- do you take, 7.- I love



We use the past simple for something in the past which is finished.

Emma passed her exam last year. tj. Ema je prošla ispit prošle godine.

Elvis died in 1977. tj. Elvis je umro 1977. godine.

Jasno je iz gore priloženih rečenica kako past simple izražava radnju koja je počela i završila u prošlosti. U određivanju vremena u kojem se radnja odvija svakako nam pomažu i priložne oznake vremena kao što su gore u rečenicama podebljane last year(prošle godine) i in 1977 (1977. godine).


c) positive form:

-In English regular past form has –ed or –d suffix. Thus regular verbs in English have these suffixes in the past form:

It happened very quickly. - > regular verb happen + ed = happened

The car crashed into the van. - > regular verb crash + ed = crashed


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They arrived at 6 o’ clock. - > regular verb arrive + d = arrived

- on the other hand, irregular past form is characteristic of the irregular verbs. Irregular verbs have to be memorised because without past simple form of these verb you are not able to make past simple sentences.

Vicky won the game. - > irregular verb win has past form won

I had breakfast at six. - > irregular verb have has past form had

Some important irregular verbs:

Base form Past simpleBe was/were

Become becamedo didEat ateFeel feltHave had


I drove a car. We drove a car.

You drove a car. You drove a car.

He/ She /It drove a car. They drove a car.

Vidljivo je, dakle, kako se jesna rečenica (positive sentence) u past simpleu tvori na sljedeći način:

Subjektu se dodaje glagol u prošlom vremenu čija prošla forma zavisi o tome da li je glagol pravilan ili nepravilan. Stoga pravilni glagoli dobivaju nastavak –ed ili –d, dok nepravilni glagoli imaju uvijek isti izraz/formu koja mora biti naučena iz tablice nepravilnih glagola engleskoga jezika. Tako je gore navedeno nekoliko glagola koji su među najčešćima u uporabi. Ispod tablice nalazi se konjugacija nepravilnog glagola drive (drove), iz koje je vidljivo da glagol u rečenicama koje su u past simpleu ne mijenja oblik kroz lica nego uvijek ostaje isti. Ovo pravilo vrijedi i za sve pravilne glagole, npr. I arrived at 6 o’ clock. She arrived at 6 o’clock.

d) negative form and question:

- in negatives and questions we use did 3. negative sentences:Negative form is did not or didn’t:

The car didn’t stop at the crossing. – >this is a negative sentence, while positive one is:The car stopped at the crossing.

Thus, it is obvious that in a negative sentence the full verb has to go back to the infinitive....didn’t + stop... is correct...didn’t + stop... is incorrect


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For example: I posted the letter yesterday. // I didn’t post the letter yesterday. I ate pizza last night. // I didn’t eat pizza last night.

Dakle, jasno je iz gore navedenog kako niječne rečenice (negative sentences) u engleskom jeziku tvorimo uz pomoć glagola did koji u niječnim rečenicama poprima oblik did not ili didn’t. Ovdje je važno napomenuti kako u niječnim rečenicama nakon upotrebe glagola didn’t moramo glavni glagol vratiti natrag u infinitiv.

4. questions:When forming questions we also use did, but now, in questions, subject and verb did are changing places.

James unlocked the doors. ------- Did James unlock the doors?Jenny wrote a letter yesterday. ------Did Jenny write a letter yesterday?

So, once again when we make a question and when we use did our full verb has to go back to infinitive.

BUT: Marta rang me yesterday. ----- Who rang you yesterday?When we have WHO question word than we do not use the verb did, and the full verb stays in the past simple form.

Valja zapamtiti da pri tvorbi upitnih rečenica u past simpleu koristimo glagol did koji pritom zamijeni mjesto sa subjektom, tj. ide na prvo mjesto u rečenici. Nakon što smo upotrijebili glagol did, glavni glagol u rečenici vraća se natrag u infinitiv. Iznimka je pitanje koje počinje zamjenicom WHO kada ne upotrebljavamo glagol did nego samo koristimo glavni glagol u past simpleu.



It was raining at three o’ clock.

This sentence means that at three o’ clock we were in the middle of a period of rain. The rain began before three o’clock and stopped some time after three. So, we are stressing the length of time.

Soft music was playing.

This sentence means that we heard the music at that particular moment, but it was playing before we heard it and it stopped some time after we heard it.

Prva rečenica It was raining at three o’ clock. (Kišilo je u tri sata), označava trenutak u prošlosti kada smo mi svjedočili kiši, ali uporaba glagola was raining označava da je počelo kišiti prije nego smo mi vidjeli da kiši i da je ta kiša prestala u nekom trenutku nakon što smo mi vidjeli da kiši. Dakle, uporabom past continuous naglašavamo trajanje radnje u prošlosti. Isto vrijedi i za drugu rečenicu gdje


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smo mi u jednom trenutku čuli kako svira nježna glazba, ali glagoli was playing naglašavaju kako je glazba svirala i prije nego smo je mi čuli i kako je svirala i nakon što smo je mi čuli.


The past continuous is formed of the past tense of be (was/were) and an –ing form.

4. positive sentences:

Mary was playing the piano.

Mary is the third person singular noun, so we use was form of the verb be, and verb play is accompanied with the - ing form.

They were skiing in Switzerland.

They is the third person plural pronoun, so we use were form of the verb be, and the verb ski is accompanied with the –ing form.

I was running. We were running.

You were running. You were running.

He/ She / It was running. They were running.

To sum up, the first and the third person singular use the form was, while all the other use the form were.

Dakle pri tvorbi jesnih rečenica u past continuousu koristimo was/were (tj. prošli oblik glagola be, vidi tablicu 1.) i glavni glagol kojem se dodaje nastavak –ing. Jasno je iz prethodne konjugacije kako u prvom i trećem licu jednine koristimo WAS, dok sva ostala lica koriste oblik WERE.

5. negative sentences: - to form a negative sentence we use was/were + not

so we have: was not or wasn’t and were not or weren’t

Mary wasn’t playing the piano.

They weren’t skiing in Switzerland.

Jednostavno se da zaključiti kao pri tvorbi niječnih rečenica u past continuous pomoćnom glagolu was/were dodajemo not dok sve ostalo ostaje isto. Ipak, važno je paziti na to u kojem se licu nalazi subjekt kako bismo upotrijebili pravilan oblik pomoćnog glagola.


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6. question: - to form a question in the past continuous, our verb was/were changes place with the subject:

Was Mary playing the piano?

Dakle, u upitnoj rečenici kod past continuousa pomoćni glagol was/were i subjekt zamjene mjesta.


- we often use the past simple and past continuous together when one (shorter) action comes in the middle of another (longer) one.

He broke his leg when he was skiing.

In this sentence the shorter action (broke) is expressed in the past simple tense, while the longer action (was skiing) is expressed in the past continuous tense. To conclude, the shorter action interrupts the longer action. So, to express shorter actions we always use past simple, and to express longer actions we use past continuous.

Dakle, iz rečenice He broke his leg when he was skiing jasno je da u engleskom jeziku možemo u jednoj rečenici koristiti i past simple i past continuous. I to na sljedeći način, past simple izražava radnju koja je kraće trajala te je prekinula dužu radnju koju izražavamo past contionuousom. Jednostavnije rečeno ako imamo situaciju u kojoj jedna radnja prekida trajanje druge radnje u prošlosti, onda onu radnju koja prekida označavamo past simplom, a onu koja je prekinuta past continuousom.

Na primjer, ako nam je zadatak ponudio sljedeću rečenicu:

When/he/carry/ a suitcase/ he /drop/it/ on his foot.

Prije nego pokušamo riješiti zadatak trebamo shvatiti tj. procijeniti koja je radnja trajala duže a koja kraće. Dakle, on je nosio torbu te ju je ispustio na svoju nogu. Jasno je iz konteksta da je nošenje torbe radnja koja je trajala duže, dok je ispuštanje torbe radnja koja je trajala kraće. Stoga ćemo nošenje torbe izraziti past continuousom, a ispuštanje torbe past simplom.

Naposljetku, nakon što smo sve pravilno i logički razmotrili pišemo rečenicu ovako:

When he was carrying a suitcase, he dropped it on his foot.



I took the book the back to the library when I had read it.

Past perfect is used to talk about the things before the past time. So, it is clear that the subject had read the book before he took it back to the library. Thus we use had read to express the activity which happened in the past but before the past action.

Dakle, past perfect koristimo kako bismo izrazili radnju koja se dogodila prije neke radnje u prošlosti. Tako u rečenici I took the book back to the library when I had read it, sasvim je jasno da je naš subjekt


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najprije pročitao knjigu pa ju je tek onda vratio. Tako je vraćanje knjige u knjižnicu izraženo past simpleom (took), a radnja koja se odvila prije te radnje u prošlosti (tj. vraćanja) izražena je past perfectom (had read).


1. positive sentences:

The past perfect is formed of had + a past participle.

I had written a letter. We had written a letter.

You had written a letter. You had written a letter.

He/She/It had written a letter. They had written a letter.

Thus, we can conclude that the form is always the same. However, we have to memorize the past participle of the irregular verbs, while regular verbs have the suffixes –d or –ed.

Dakle, past perfect se tvori od glagola had i past participa. Jasno je iz primjera da je oblik glagola iti u svim licima. Ipak, valja napamet naučiti past particip nepravilnih glagola, dok pravilni glagoli na sebe primaju nastavke –ed ili –d.

2. negative sentences:

Negative sentences are formed of had + not + a past participle.

The shorter form of had + not is hadn’t.

So, it would be:

I hadn’t written a letter.

She hadn’t written a letter.

Niječne rečenice se tvore tako da se glagolu HAD pridruži niječna riječ NOT, a kraćeni oblik glasi HADN’T.

3. questions:

Questions are formed by inversions. Thus, the verb changes place with subject.

Had he written a letter?Had they written a letter?Had we written a letter?

Pitanja kod past perfect tvore se inverzijom tj. tako da pomoćni glagol had i subjekt zamijene mjesto.


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1. Put the verbs in the past perfect. / Stavi glagole u zagradama u past perfect.

1. We had no car at that time. We _______________(sell) our old one.2. The park looked awful. People______________(leave) litter everywhere.3. There was no sign of a taxi, although I _____________(order) one half an hour before.4. I spoke to Melanie at lunch-time. Someone _______________(tell) her the news earlier.5. I was really tired last night. I _____________(have) a hard day.

2. Put one verb in Past simple and one in Past perfect/ Umetni jedan glagol u Past simpleu, a drugi u Past Perfectu.

1. Lisa 1- ____________(give) me a lift because I 2-___________(miss) the bus.2. I 3- _______________(thank) her for everything she 4.-______________(do).3. When I got to the office, I 5.- ________________(realize) that I 6.- ____________(forget)

to lock the front door.4. When they 7.-______________(finish) their work, they 8.- _________(go) home.


1. 1.- had sold, 2.- had left, 3.- had ordered, 4.- had told, 5.- had had.2. 1.-gave, 2.- had missed, 3.- thanked, 4.- had done, 5.- realized, 6.- had forgotten, 7.- had

finished, 8.- went.


A passive form is a form of be + past participle.

We distinguish between the past participle of regular and the past participle of the irregular verbs. Past participle of the regular verbs is the same as the past simple form. So regular verbs have suffixes –ed or –d. For example, work-- worked. On the other hand, irregular verbs have the form which is always the same and it has to be memorized.

Base form Past simple Past participlebe was/were been

become became becomedo did doneeat ate eatenfeel felt felthave had had


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write wrote written

Pasiv se u engleskom jeziku tvori od glagola be + past participa. Valja znati da u engleskom jeziku razlikujemo past particip pravilnih glagola i past particip nepravilnih glagola. S tim da je past particip pravilnih glagola isti kao i past simple pravilnih glagola. Dakle, glagolu se dodaju nastavci ed ili –d. Nepravilni glagoli imaju zaseban oblik koji se treba naučiti kao što je bio slučaj s past simpleom nepravilnih glagola. Past particip nepravilnih glagola nalazi se u 3. stupcu. Prvo zlatno pravilo u tvorbi pasiva jeste znanje upravo tog trećeg stupca jer bez njega bi bilo ne moguće tvoriti pasiv rečenica u kojima se nalaze pravilni glagoli.

It is also important to know the object of the active sentence becomes a new subject of the passive sentence. For example:

They bake bread here. (ACTIVE SENTENCE)

S V O Adverbial

In passive sentence, we use the object (BREAD) as a new subject.

BREAD is baked here.

Drugo zlatno pravilo pasiva je ono koje kaže kako object aktivne rečenice postaje subjekt pasivne rečenice. Tako je u našem primjeru imenica BREAD u aktivnoj rečenici bila objekt, a u pasivnoj rečenici prelazi na prvo mjesto u ulogu subjekta.

When it comes to passive, the verb BE is extremely important. In the passive sentence verb BE has to be in the same tense in which the active sentence is written. For example:

They bake bread here. (ACTIVE SENTENCE) -- present simple

Bread is baked here. (PASSIVE SENTENCE)-- active sentence is in present simple, so we need present simple of the verb BE, and the full verb be is regular, so we only add suffix –d.

Treće zlatno pravilo pasiva je to da nam u pasivnoj rečenici glagol BE mora biti u istom vremenu u kojem se nalazi aktivna rečenica. Tako je u našem primjeru aktivna rečenica bila u present simpleu pa nam je stoga i glagol BE bio u tom istom vremenu. S obzirom na činjenicu da nam glagol BE ima sljedeće oblike u present simpleu: am/are/is, a kako je imenica bread u trećem licu jednine birali smo opciju is.

Kako bi olakšali izbor pravog oblika glagola BE, poslužit ćemo se sljedećom tablicom:

TENSE VERB BEPresent simple am/are/is

Present continuous am/are/is beingPast simple was/were

Past continuous was/were being


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We baked the bread.

Najprije odredimo subjekt (we), glagol (baked) i objekt (the bread). Sada znamo da nam subjekt pasivne rečenice mora biti imenica the bread, nakon toga određujemo vrijeme u kojem se nalazi rečenica. Kada smo utvrdili da je rečenica u Past simpleu, znamo da nam glagol be u pasivnoj rečenici mora biti u tom istom vremenu. Pogledamo u tablicu te zaključujemo kako nam je potreban izraz was jer nam je novi subjekt u trećem licu jednine. Glavni glagol u aktivnoj rečenici je glagol bake koji je pravilan te mu samo dodajemo nastavak –d. Sada kada smo sve to utvrdili možemo načiniti pasivnu rečenicu.

The bread was baked.

It is also important to remember that if the agent is known in the active sentence, we have to mention it in the passive sentence.

Alfred Hitchcock directed Psycho.

Psycho was directed by Alfred Hitchcock.

Workmen were repairing the traffic lights.

The traffic lights were being repaired by workmen.

Dakle, ako nam je u aktivnoj rečenici poznat vršitelj radnje, tada u pasivnoj rečenici dodajemo vršitelja radnje koristeći prijedlog by.


1. Make passive sentences. /Načini pasivne rečenice

a) They don’t make Volvos in Norway.________________________________b) Chef didn’t cook the fish very well._________________________________c) Pilots were piloting the plane all morning._____________________________d) John is playing chess.____________________________________________e) Matthew drinks a new kind of juice. ________________________________f) They play very important match. __________________________________g) Mike builds a tree house. _________________________________________h) Josh eats the sandwich.__________________________________________i) An earthquake completely destroyed a new house_____________________j) Americans speak English language. ________________________________k) Samantha was riding a bike. _____________________________________l) Mark Warn built our house in 17th century.____________________________


a) Volvos aren’t made in Norway.

b) The fish wasn’t well cooked by the chef.


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c) The plane was being piloted all morning by pilots.

d) Chess is being played by John.

e) A new kind of juice is drunk by Matthew.

f) Very important match is played.

g) A tree house is built.

h) The sandwich is eaten by Josh.

i) A new house was completely destroyed by an earthquake.

j) English language is spoken by Americans.

k) A bike was being ridden by Samantha.

l) Our house was built in 17th century by Mark Warn.