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Prayer and Fasting Time for Nordic Countries by Abdillah Suyuthi Member of Imam Office MST Muslim Society in Trondheim Trondheim Oslo Presented in the Monthly Seminar II MST Trondheim, 05 February 2011 N O R W A Y N O R W A Y
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Page 1: Prayer time-for-nordic-countries-rev1 english

Prayer and Fasting Time for Nordic Countries

byAbdillah SuyuthiMember of Imam Office MST

Muslim Society in Trondheim



Presented in the Monthly Seminar II MSTTrondheim, 05 February 2011







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First of all, let us realize the extremities location of the Nordic countries…

There are consequences:1. The length of the day2. The time for twilight

rise/set & sun rise/set3. The time difference

between twilight rise/set & sun rise/set

Where is Norway?>57°North

It’s indeed located at “very top” of the world!

twilight = ashfaq

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Consequence #1: The Length of the Day

Trondheim:-The shortest: 4.5 hours.-The longest: 20.6 hours.

Realize the extremities


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Length of the day
















Makkah:-The shortest: 10.8 hours.-The longest: 13.5 hours.

Note:The length of fasting is few hours longer than the length of the day.

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DecJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov14:00






DecJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov00:00






Consequence #2: The Time for Twilight Rise/Set Time

Realize the extremities


Twilight & Sun Rise Time

Twilight & Sun Set Time

Twilight rise/set Trondheim

Twilight rise/set Makkah

Sunrise/set Trondheim

Sunrise/set MakkahThere is a period of time, when the twilight never disappear from the night NO perfect night.

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Consequence #3: The Time Difference between Twilight Rise/Set Time and the Sunrise/Set Time

Applying 1.5 hours time difference between the twilight rise/set time and the sunrise/set time for us here could be questionable.

DecJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov







Time difference Trondheim

Time difference Makkah

Realize the extremities

locationFixed 90 mnts time difference Makkah

There is a period of time, when the twilight never disappear from the night NO perfect night.

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From old prayer time schedules (during normal period)...

While according to the shari’ah…

90 mnts 90 mnts


180180 morningevening

It is a fixed 90 mnts!

It is a fixed degree!

Time Difference between Twilight Rise/Set Time and the Sunrise/Set Time



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But, why Umm Al-Quraa’ in Makkah decides to use a “fixed 90 mnts”, instead of fixed degree?

Umm Al-Quraa’ only uses a fixed 90 mnts between Maghrib and Isha, NOT between Shubh and Sunrise.


This is understandable, because:• In Makkah, a relatively constant difference (< 90 mnts)

between Maghrib and Isha.• Umm Al-Qura’ assumes that all muslims pray Maghrib in the

beginning of the time, not when the end of the time.

The problem comes when the fixed 90 mnts was brought to the extreme latitude (Oslo, Trondheim), because:

• The difference between Maghrib and Isha is vary throughout the year.

• The difference is > 2.5 hours!• It means: setting up a fixed 90 mnts, leads to let

muslims pray Isha before the time comes!

?Difference between Shubh & Sunrise

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It is understandable that Umm Al-Quraa’ does not fixed 90 mnts between Shubh and Sunrise, because:

• It could lead to pray Shubh before the time comes.• It also related to the start of fasting, such that the muslims do

not start their fasting earlier (unnecessary burden).

The problem comes when the fixed 90 mnts was brought to the extreme latitude (Trondheim), because:

• The difference between Shubh and Sunrise is vary throughout the year.

• The difference is > 2.5 hours!• It is OK for having Shubh at 90 mnts before Sunrise,

because it is still in Shubh time.• But, it also means: muslims start their fasting after

Imsha’ (the forbidden-time) comes!

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Now, we all realize the extremities location of the Nordic countries and its consequences…

There are consequences:1. The length of the day2. The time for twilight

rise/set & sun rise/set3. The time difference

between twilight rise/set & sun rise/set

Norway: >57°North

twilight = ashfaq

In turn, this lead us to the awareness of the period division throughout the year: NORMAL period and DIFFICULT period.

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Normal period vs difficult period…Normal day & night:

• Normal sunrise/sunset, and/or• Normal twilight rise/set


NO normal day & night:• NO sunrise/sunset, and/or• NO twilight rise/set

DecJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov00:00






Twilight & Sun Rise Time (Trondheim)


The limit of difficult period is determined based on the existence of the red-twilight throughout the night.

NO twilight rise/set

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Normal period vs difficult period…Now, what Muslim scholars said about the NORMAL period?

• The hadith scholar, Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani, mentioned in Fath al-Bari (2/62): "The [primary] texts pertain to common and normal circumstances and not to what is uncommon."

• In the same book (2/199), he cites Imam Abu al-Fath ibn Sayed al-Nas al-Ya'mari, "Rulings are contingent upon what is common and not on what is uncommon."

• The luminary and Hanafi scholar, Ibn 'Abdin, wrote in Rad al-Muhtar 'ala al-Dur al-Mukhtar (2/123): " … the general texts are construed in reference to what is prevalent and common and not in reference to what is uncommon and unknown.“

• Sheikh Ibn Taymiyah, the Hanbali scholar, mentioned in Mukhtasar al-Fatawa al-Misriyyah (1/38): "The [prayer] times, which Jibril (pbuh) taught the Prophet [pbuh], and which the Prophet [pbuh] taught his community, are those which the scholars mentioned in their books, and which refer to normal days.”

Source: fatwa from Dar Al-Ifta Al Misriyyah 08.08.2010

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Thus, regarding the great Muslim scholars saying about normal period, we may conclude…

CONCLUSION:During NORMAL period use the ruling mentioned in the primary text, i.e.:

• An-Nisa 103,• Al-Isra 78,• Hud 114,• Thaahaa 130, and• Hadith Jibril + other hadiths.

• Please click this link if wanted to observe it! ?What is the astronomical phenomena related to the

timing for prayer?

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The prayer time according to the shariah and corresponding astronomical phenomena.

• Fajr or Subh corresponds to the first appearance of a white light that spreads laterally across the horizon = true dawn (fajr shadiq).

• Sunrise corresponds to the appearance of the highest point of the sun's disk on the eastern horizon.

• Dhuhr corresponds to the sun passing its zenith - the highest point it will reach that day. This corresponds to the shortest shadow of an object [for that day].

During NORMAL period



Eastern horizon



Eastern horizon


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• Ashr corresponds to the position of the sun such that:

– LS: length of the shadow.– LSZ: length of the object's shadow when

the sun is at its zenith.– LO: length of the object. – The corresponding angle changes with

respect to time and place.

• An alternative time for Ashr, considering Ashr prayer as Wustha prayer, is the middle between Dhuhr and Maghrib.

The prayer time according to the shariah and corresponding astronomical phenomena.

During NORMAL period ASR








LS = LSZ + LOLS = LSZ + 2xLO

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Considering Ashr prayer as Wustha prayer based on the following hadith.

narrated by Imam Tirmidzi

ح ق�ال� �س� ن� أ ن� ب �ك� م�ال ع�ن �ة� ب �ي ق�ت �ا �ن د�ث ح�

�ا �ن د�ث ح� �م�ع ن �ا �ن د�ث ح� ص�ار�ي� ن� األ �ا �ن ح�د�ث و

ق�ع ق�اع� ال ع�ن �م� ل س� أ ن� ب د� ي ز� ع�ن �م�ال�ك

م�و ل�ى �س� �ون ي �ي ب� أ ع�ن � ح�ك�يم ن� ب

ق�ال� ة� �ش� ع�ائ �ن أ ه�ا ع�ن �ه� الل ض�ي� ر� ة� �ش� ع�ائ �ي ن ت م�ر�

� أ�غ ت� �ل ب �ذ�ا إ ف�ق�ال�ت م�ص ح�ف<ا �ه�ا ل �ب� ت ك

� أCي ف�آذ�ن �ة� ي اآل ه�ذ�ه�

ة� } و�الص�ال� �و�ات� الص�ل ع�ل�ى ح�اف�ظ�وا و�س ط�ى { ال

�ي� ع�ل م ل�ت� ف�أ �ه�ا ت آذ�ن �ه�ا �غ ت �ل ب �م�ا ف�ل

ة� و�الص�ال� �و�ات� الص�ل ع�ل�ى ح�اف�ظ�وا�ه� �ل ل و�ق�وم�وا ع�ص ر� ال ة� و�ص�ال� و�س ط�ى ال

ول� س� ر� م�ن �ه�ا م�ع ت س� و�ق�ال�ت �ين� �ت ق�ان�م� ل و�س� ه� �ي ع�ل �ه� الل ص�ل�ى �ه� الل

�و �ب أ ق�ال� ح�ف ص�ة� ع�ن �اب ب ال و�ف�ي �ص�ح�يح �ح�س�ن �ح�د�يث ه�ذ�ا ع�يس�ى

Qutaibah had told us, from Malik bin Anas, he said: Al Anshari had told us, Ma'nu had told us, Malik had

told us, from Zaid bin Aslam, from Al Qa'qa' bin Hakim from Abu Yunus ex-servant of 'Aishah, he

said: 'Aishah radliallahu 'anha ordered me to write a mushaf for her, she said: “When you arrive at this

ayat, tell me: “Keep all of (your) prayers and (keep) Shalat Wustha.” QS. Al Baqarah 238. When I arrive

at the ayat, I told her. She dictated me: “Keep all of (your) prayers and (keep)

Shalat Wustha and Asr prayer, stand up for Allah (in your prayer)

with khusyu’.” Aishah said:”I heard this from Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam.”” In this

matter, there is similar hadith from Hafshah. Abu Isa said this hadith is hasan shahih.

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Considering Ashr prayer as Wustha prayer based on the following hadith.

narrated by Imam Bukhari in his Shahih

�و ح ر� �ا �ن ح�د�ث ح�اق� �س إ �ا �ن ح�د�ثم�ح�م�د� ع�ن �ام ه�ش� �ا �ن ح�د�ث

ض�ي� ر� Xي�ع�ل ع�ن �يد�ة� ع�ب ع�نص�ل�ى Cي� �ب الن ع�ن ه� ع�ن �ه� الل

�ه� ن� أ �م� ل و�س� ه� �ي ع�ل �ه� ال� الل ق�

الل%ه# � أل� م� ن.د�ق+ ال.خ� ي�و.م�م. ب#ي#وت�ه# م. ع�ل�ي.ه+

ا ك�م� ا ن�ار> م. ه# ب#ور� و�ق#غ�ل#ون�ا ة+ ش� ال� ص� ع�ن.

غ�اب�ت. ت%ى ح� ط�ى ال.و#س.م.س# الش%

Ishaq had told us, Rauh had told us, Hisyam had told us, from Muhammad

from 'Abidah from Ali ra that the Prophet PBUH said at the War of Trench:

"May Allah fulfill their houses and graves with fire because they

have occupied us until (unable to perform) Al Wustha prayer (Asr)

till sunset." Duhr




What about astronomically?

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• Maghrib corresponds to the complete disappearance of the sun's disk below the Western horizon.

• Isha corresponds to the disappearance of red twilight. This corresponds to the sun being 18 degrees below the western horizon.

The prayer time according to the shariah and corresponding astronomical phenomena.

During NORMAL period



Western horizon



Western horizon

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However, there are different conventions for calculating prayer times.

Convention Fajr Angle Isha Angle

Muslim World League 18 17

Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) 15 15

Egyptian General Authority of Survey 19.5 17.5

Umm al-Qura University, Makkah 18.5 90 min after Maghrib120 min during Ramadan

University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi 18 18

Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran 17.7 14*

Shia Ithna Ashari, Leva Research Institute, Qum 16 14

European Council for Fatwa and Research 18 17

What about Norway? Which one we will adopt?

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Normal period vs difficult period…Now, what Muslim scholars said about DIFFICULT period?

• Sheikh Ibn Taymiyah, the Hanbali scholar, mentioned in Mukhtasar al-Fatawa al-Misriyyah, “There is a different ruling for the day of which the Prophet said will extend to the length of one year. Concerning this day, he said, "Estimate [the timings of prayer].“

• Imam Mohammed Abdou - the former Grand Mufti of Egypt- (as cited by his student Sheikh Mohammed Rashid Reda in Tafseer al-Manar [2/163]) said: “The Prophet [pbuh] specified prayer times based on the hours that suit countries with moderate hours and which constitute the greater part of the world. This was the norm until Islam reached those countries where day and night is longer than usual. Muslims living in these countries may estimate prayer times depending on their independent reasoning and in analogy to the timings specified by the Prophet [pbuh] in the hadith of al-Dajjal. The same applies to fasting.”

Source: fatwa from Dar Al-Ifta Al Misriyyah 08.08.2010

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So, what are the Muslim scholars opinions about the estimated time during DIFFICULT period?

• One opinion stated that the times for starting and ending a fast (and prayers) must be estimated based on the timings of the cities with moderate hours where religious rulings were prescribed (i.e. Mecca and Medina).

• Another opinion stated that the times for starting and ending a fast (and prayers) should be estimated according to the timings of the nearest country with moderate hours.– This is problematic to be applied…

Source: fatwa from Dar Al-Ifta Al Misriyyah 08.08.2010

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Modern scholars who has the same opinion, include:1. Sheikh Mohammed Abdou, the first to hold the office of Grand Mufti of Egypt. He

favored this opinion which he derived from juristic opinions on this issue as mentioned earlier. This is likewise the opinion that was implemented later by Dar al-Ifta al-Misriyyah.

2. Sheikh Gad al-Haq Ali Gad al-Haq (in fatwa no. 214 for the year 1981 CE).3. Sheikh Abdul Latif Hamza (in fatwa no. 160 for the year 1984 CE).4. Dr. Mohammed Sayed Tantawi (in fatwa no. 171 for the year 1993 CE and in fatwa

no. 579 for the year 1995 CE).5. Dr. Nasr Farid Wasil (in fatwa no. 438 for the year 1998).6. Dr. Ali Goma Mohammed, the current Grand Mufti of Egypt.7. Dr. Mohammed al-Ahmadi abu al-Nur, former Minister of Endowments and

member of the Islamic Research Academy, in the fatwa issued on 24 April 1983 CE by the Fatwa Committee at al-Azhar in his capacity as president of the Committee.

8. The luminary Sheikh Mustafa al-Zarka.9. Dr. Mohammed Hamidullah in his book Al-Islam.10. Sheikh Mahmud Ashur, former deputy to the Grand Imam of al-Azhar and member

of the Islamic Research Academy.

Sheikh Gad al-Haq, the former Grand Imam of al-Azhar, said: “I call upon Muslims living in Norway and other countries with similar circum-

stances to fast the same number of hours as Muslims in Mecca or Medina.”

Source: fatwa from Dar Al-Ifta Al Misriyyah 08.08.2010

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So, how can we implement this fatwa?

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? ?


Transition Period

Transition Period

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This is the new prayer schedule for Trondheim

DecJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov00:00














13.04 31.08







Transition Period

Transition Period

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Finally, what are the features and benefits for this new prayer schedule for Muslims in Trondheim?

• Fasting (shaum) length:• Maximum: 14.9 hours (19-21 June)• Minimum : 7.9 hours (21-23 December)

• During winter time, the latest Subh time is at 06:42.

• You can pray Subh at masjid or at home easier (no need to pray Subh at work place or school).

• The latest Isha time throughout the year is at 21:37.

• It is easier to pray Isha and taraweh during Ramadhan if it comes on the summer time.

• No need to make ”generic schedule” for Ramadhan in summer time.

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Alhamdulillah, jazakumullah khair…Is there any question or suggestion?

• …