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Prayer for Persecuted Church - Pure Heart Church...Prayer for Persecuted Church Pray for those in the midst of persecution Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with

Jul 12, 2020



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Page 1: Prayer for Persecuted Church - Pure Heart Church...Prayer for Persecuted Church Pray for those in the midst of persecution Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with
Page 2: Prayer for Persecuted Church - Pure Heart Church...Prayer for Persecuted Church Pray for those in the midst of persecution Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with

Prayer for Persecuted Church

Pray for those in the midst of persecution

Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are

mistreated, since you also are in the body. Hebrews 13:3

Global watchdog Open Doors reports that 322 Christians are killed every

month for their faith while millions more suffer persecution on a routine basis.

Please pray that these believers will not only stay committed to the call of

Christ but also will respond in love to the evil shown by their aggressors.

God’s love will open doors for these believers to share the Gospel even more.

This Month’s Countries, these are some of the most dangerous countries to

follow Jesus:


Central African Republic


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Daily prayers for November… “God wants you to be delivered from what

you have done and from what has been done to you - Both are equally

important to Him.”― Joyce Meyer

Friday, November 1st

: If you’ve ever had the pleasure of snorkeling in the ocean, you know how gorgeous and peaceful it can be. You discover a beauty and calm beneath the surface that is surprising and captivating. In fact, I remember once becoming so mesmerized that I didn’t realize I was slowly, almost imperceptibly being pulled further and further from the shore. This can happen to us spiritually as well. It can be so easy to get distracted by things that look and sound good, but if we fail to keep checking our position against what we know is the “solid ground” we can stand on, it’s easy to keep drifting until we discover getting back to safety may be an extremely difficult and harrowing endeavor. You’ve heard there’s safety in numbers. That can apply to the wisdom of being in community with those who are solid in their faith, listening to the voice of wisdom, and being diligent about constantly monitoring the direction you’re going and being accountable to one another. Stay connected to those you can trust, be aware of where you are, and if you find yourself uncertain, ask God to reveal His wisdom to you and then trust Him to bring you safely back to shore. Ephesians 4:14-16; James 1:5-6; Psalms 107:28-30

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Saturday, November 2nd

: I was recently blessed to be able to spend time with my daughter hiking some very rugged terrain. I must admit that at the onset of several of the hikes I was hesitant and dreaded the amount of energy I knew would have to expend in order to finish the task. But as I began to look at it from another perspective, I realized that I was about to embark on an amazing journey in which I would experience God’s presence in a way that not all are privileged to enjoy. Besides, many would think me too old to attempt this, but praise God He hasn’t told me yet that this is the case! I no longer felt I had to tackle those trails; instead, I still get to do things He puts in front of me. Ministry can be like that. At times it may feel burdensome and like drudgery – an obligation. But if we can view it from another standpoint, we come to realize that we are being given an amazing opportunity to experience God’s presence and His pleasure. He is entrusting us with a divine assignment that He fully believes we can accomplish with His help. Praise God He still has a purpose and plans for our lives and confidence that we can and will fulfill them. Psalms 119:32-35; Isaiah 58:11 Sunday, November 3

rd: The Israelites have been loading up the sacrifices,

trying to impress God with their impeccable record of following the law. But God says, “Enough! I’m sick of these religious rituals. Here’s what I want: quit the ugliness and unkindness. Earn a varsity letter in doing good. Become an honors student in standing up for the mistreated. Gain a reputation for befriending outcasts; stand center-stage for the kids without parents; party with old people who’ve had bad news.” God’s not about faking your way through life and minding all the rules. God came in Jesus Christ to show us reality. When you talk to thoughtful people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, one of the great regrets they share is that they were once so caught up in high school insecurities, they didn’t see or know or care for the people there who were suffering. In the film “Almost Famous,” the character Lester Bangs says to his friend: “The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.” Pray-Jesus, give me your heart for the lost and lonely, the ones left out and hurting. Remove my own blinders, and show me the ways I participate in ugliness, injustice, and evil. Wake me up, God. Free me of the need to self-protect and self-preserve. Life’s too short for insecurity and social climbing. I want to be real. I want to be like you. Isaiah 1:10-11, 16-17

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Monday, November 4

th: Many of us, although we may not consider

ourselves rich, have the resources to share with others who are less fortunate. We have an opportunity to do just that and to provide a Thanksgiving meal to a family who may otherwise not have much to put on the table come the 28

th of this month. For the next several weekends we will

have boxes available in the lobby with a list of items to fill them with in order to bless a family. Pray for God to move on our hearts, that whoever is able will generously demonstrate His heart and love for those in need. Let’s face it, we’re all needy and would have nothing to really be thankful for without first our salvation and then His provision and protection in our own lives. As the old chorus goes, they will know we are Christians by our love. Praise God from whom all blessings flow and then pass it on. Galatians 2:10; Proverbs 22:9; Deuteronomy 15:7-8, 10-11

Tuesday, November 5th

: Today, Haggai explains what God will do. God promises to shake the heavens and earth, the sea and dry land. These opposite pairs include all of creation! Even the heavens are included, so we’re not dealing with a literal earthquake. Instead, Haggai describes how God will “shake up” the nations to provide treasures to rebuild the Lord’s house. Has God ever “shaken up” your life, transforming your values and priorities? Has the Lord ever given you a fresh passion for some aspect of Christ’s mission? We know God has captured our attention when we change how we spend our “treasure,” whether money, time, energy, or relationships. The good news is that God’s quaking extends to all nations! Everyone gets to contribute to the splendor of God’s dwelling, and today this dwelling is among God’s people, the church. When this happens, God promises prosperity. This word goes far beyond material wealth; it means “shalom,” the peace and fullness of life with God and one another. God, thank you that your call continues to go out to men and women of all nations to join your people and your work in the world. I invite you to shake up my own life. Create in me a passion to use my gifts, talents, and treasures to bring your life and hope to the world. Haggai 2:6-9

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Wednesday, November 6th

: There’s a plaque hanging on a wall in our family room that reads, “People need loving the most when they deserve it the least.” We tend to think of sacrificial love as being a willingness to forgo a night out or to put off purchasing a more expensive item like a new sofa in order to invest in our children’s education or some other worthy cause. These are, of course, examples of sacrifice, but they represent generosity of material goods for something we already value. What about the person who always has a dour attitude, is critical, is rude, whines, complains, brags? Basically – unlovable people. That’s when our capacity for being Christ-like is put to the test. In fact, Jesus told us that we are to love our enemies! Paul admonishes us not only to abhor evil, but to overcome evil with good. We also need to check our motive for choosing to demonstrate love. We may never see any changes in the recipient of our kindness, but our motivation needs to be love in obedience and gratitude to Jesus who demonstrated to us the epitome of sacrificial love. Lord, help us to curb and overcome the temptation to react in the flesh rather than respond in Your love. Help us to see through Your loving eyes and to leave the outcome to You. Romans 5:8; Luke 6:27-36; 1 John 4:19

Thursday, November 7th

: Perhaps by this point in the story, you’re getting the impression that the wise bridesmaids are the ones who are being held up as a positive example. I think it’s important, then, to realize that even these wise bridesmaids are included in the statement, “they all became drowsy and went to sleep” (Matthew 25:5). What a useful reminder! Even the wisest among us are still human. Even the wisest among us still get tired. Even the wisest among us need to tend to our weary bodies. As you strive to become someone who is ready to meet God or meet the needs of others, remember that you, too, will have needs – like sleep! Don’t let this be a source of shame. Creator of my body, heart, and mind, you have made me capable of so many things, but I know that my energy isn’t infinite. Teach me to find rest when I need it. Let me rest in you. Matthew 25:5-8

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Friday, November 8th

: We sometimes will refer to an event as being traumatic, and it may be true, but too often we use the term to describe what in reality was simply uncomfortable or momentarily alarming. Trauma is anything that causes an increased physiologic stress response in the body of an adult or child. When this is experienced often, over a long period of time, or without any hope of relief it can affect an actual physical change in the brain which causes the victim to become trapped in a survival mode and inhibits their ability to learn or to engage with others and their environment in a healthy manner. When we encounter a victim of this type of trauma, we may not understand why they act the way they do and as result we could easily choose to either judge them or, maybe even worse, ignore or ostracize them. Neither of those responses reflects the love of Jesus. Healing takes time, empathy, and understanding. We need to walk beside rather than cast aside, reflecting mercy and grace even as we have received them. Pray for God to open our eyes and our hearts to those who suffer from the effects of trauma. Lord, make us Your instruments of healing, hope and restoration. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4; 1 Peter 3:8-9

Saturday, November 9th

: You know what I love about this scripture? I love that God is “ing”-ing. God doesn't say, “I’ll create a new heaven and a new earth… someday… maybe… if I can find time.” God says, “I’m creatING.” Right now. God is doing it right now. Of course, the snarky part of me sometimes wants to say, “Hey, God. What’s taking so long? You started this whole new earth thing back in Isaiah’s day and you’re still not done yet?” But then I remember: it’s actually pretty great that God’s not done yet. Because that means we are all being invited into the continued work of creatING. Right now. We are invited to open our eyes and hearts and minds and spirits to see the new things God is doING right here and now. And that’s pretty great. Isaiah 65:17-20

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Sunday, November 10th

: Every other religion points to a regimen of works as the basis for salvation or leading what would be considered a moral or acceptable life. Since this is the predominant mindset of the unsaved population, it can be easy to get caught up in this deceitful belief or practice. After all, we are taught from childhood that hard work and following the rules are what will get us ahead. Besides, it can seem more attainable to do rather than to become. And we all know that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Right? Lunch may not be free, but forgiveness, grace, mercy and salvation are! We need to accept and celebrate that fact and never allow ourselves or others to get caught up in legalism or doubt. Christ died for all, and the free gift is available to any who will receive it. No bragging allowed because any good works are simply a result of our humble acceptance of His provision. It’s faith working through love - the first fruit of the Spirit - and when we walk in the Spirit we will build one another up rather than tear them down. The Law kills and condemns; the Spirit gives life. Praise God for your free gift and celebrate it in others. Galatians 5:1, 13-15, 22-26; Romans 8:1-15

Monday, November 11

th: For years I was on this search to find the secret to

being a leader. Many said, “It is how one carries themselves.” Others stated, “It all deals with authority!” Some years ago a member of my church informed me that leadership lives and dies on trust. In this scripture, Israel is yearning for a king. Yearning for a leader who is formed and molded by God. Hear their words, “Give the king your justice! And go ahead and toss his son a little righteousness. It couldn’t hurt, right? Whoever it is, we need him to trust in you, God.” Sadly, very few of their kings actually lived into this. We may not refer to ourselves as royalty, but as Christians we are to act as leaders. Our world, our community, and our neighbors are yearning for leaders — leaders who trust in God. Through our trust, it should be hard to ignore living into God’s justice and righteousness. And when we choose to live into this trust, peace will roam our world. God of all things, in order for me to be a leader in this world, I need to be led by you. Lead me, guide me, and be with me. Psalm 72:1-4

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Tuesday, November 12

th: I struggle sometimes with Scriptures that seem

to contradict one another. An example of this would be Philippians 2:12 which tells us we must work out our salvation with fear and trembling, but Ephesians 2:8-9 says that we are saved by grace as a free gift – not as a result of works. While these verses may appear to present a conundrum, when you look carefully they actually don’t. And to drive this home, the Lord gave me an interesting picture. First, we must understand that we are indeed saved solely on the basis of grace through faith. But if we read further to verse 10 we discover that the logical progression is to walk into the good works which were prepared beforehand that we should walk in them! That’s the only way we are going to grow in our faith. So the picture was grace should lead to works, and this produces healthy growth in our walk with Christ. If you take the first two letters of each word and reverse the w and o (since works come second and point back to grace as the catalyst) you get the word grow. That in itself had me excited. Then I wondered what it would look like if you got it backwards, thinking works were what led to salvation or receiving His grace, so I looked to see if there was such a word as “worg”. It turns out it’s the name of a creature in the game World of Warcraft. A worg is an evil predator that delights in hunting and devouring creatures weaker than itself. I was stunned! The enemy would like to dupe us into thinking that we have to earn grace, and this backwards understanding makes us vulnerable to his deceit. Praise God for His simple, beautiful plan. The only “work” He asks of us is to accept His free gift and then walk out our God-given assignments. They are the evidence of our salvation, not the source. Only He is the source. So get it straight, accept the gift, and let grace lead to growing into all you were created to be. James 2:17-23; 2 Timothy 1:8-12

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Wednesday, November 13

th: Can you imagine going to the zoo with no

cages? All the animals are roaming everywhere. The lions, tigers, and bears — I hope you said, “Oh my”— along with the zebras, sheep, and rabbits. Initially I would run, because all my life I have been conditioned to think they are wild and dangerous. (Not realizing they have always lived in the wild together!) Yet in the picture painted by this passage in Isaiah, not only do the animals live together but they also are at peace with each other. So often, we put up walls against those we despise, those we are scared of, or even those who have hurt us. Think for a moment about who those people are in your life. Now, think about what it would look like if we ate, played, and prayed with them. I suppose it would be much like this passage. I dare you to find your wolf, hear the leopard’s perspective, and eat with the bear and the lion. Today, may we start living into this picture of peace. God, give me strength to tear down my walls and remove the bars that encage my heart. May today bring a change of perspective on who I thought was my enemy. Isaiah 11:6-10

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Thursday, November 14

th: The Chinese bamboo is a very interesting

plant. It is said to take five years of faithful watering and fertilizing before there is any observable growth, but then it can grow up to 90 feet in a mere six weeks! In a teaching by pastor/prophet Dutch Sheets this is likened to the seed which is the word of God planted in us. Sometimes it may seem that there’s no noticeable change and we might want to quit pressing into that dream, that changed behavior, that promise. As Pastor Bob reminded us in his teaching on James, it’s the patience that grows from the discipline of spending time with God in His word and in prayer that waters and nourishes that seed of faith – even if at the onset it’s a tiny mustard seed or a hard shelled Chinese bamboo. In nature, seeds that are cultivated faithfully become fruitful and produce after their own kind. That means if you plant beans, you won’t grow spinach! When we plant His word in our hearts and honestly believe and trust that He is faithful and true, we can be confident that there will be a righteous and beautiful harvest. Even when it takes longer than we expected. Even when we don’t see immediate evidence. Even when others may cast doubt or try to discourage us from staying the course and continuing to trust and obey. His word never returns void! He may be developing an amazing root system beneath the surface of what we see that is necessary to support results that are beyond our ability to comprehend or even conceive. So don’t lose heart. Instead, thank and praise Him that He is Creator of the seed and the author and perfecter of our faith. Galatians 6:9; Hebrews 12:2-3

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Friday, November 15

th: “Do what I say and not what I do.” Sometimes, our

parents want us to do things that they know are the right things, even though they themselves struggle with those same things. Like: Mom might say “clean up” — but her bathroom is also a mess! But that doesn’t mean that what they are asking us to do is wrong. In Jesus's day, the religious leaders taught the law of Moses. Jesus said, “do what they say.” But Jesus also said, “Don’t lay heavy burdens on people — like those leaders do — and then be unwilling to help.” But isn’t it easier to follow someone who leads by example? Like: I learn to treat others kindly by watching Mom’s compassion. If I expect someone to treat me in a certain way, I need to be prepared to treat others with the same care and grace I expect. I can lead by example. I can learn from and follow those who lead by their good example. Lord, send me leaders who are examples of your love and grace. Lead me to follow them as we travel your paths together. Matthew 23:1-4

Saturday, November 16th

: A good friend shared recently that they were concerned about the fact that so much of our current worship music is more focused on what God does for us as individuals than on praising Him and expressing adoration and thanks. I know that part of worship is recognizing the blessing and benefit of having Him in our lives, but I’m reminded of a book and song from awhile back by Matt Redman entitled “Heart of Worship.” It was written at a time when he felt that his home church congregation had become more consumers of worship than producers. His pastor wisely and bravely eliminated for a time the band and instruments and asked, “When you come through the doors on a Sunday, what are you bringing as your offering to God?” They were stunned at first, but eventually they began spontaneously offering a cappella praise and prayer from their hearts and they started to recapture what it was supposed to be. The bottom line is it’s all about Him. Before we sing a note, ask Him to prepare our hearts to become entwined and enraptured with His. Psalms 8:1, 29:2, 95:6; John 4:23-24

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Sunday, November 17

th: Verse 11 of today’s scripture says: “Continue

encouraging each other and building each other up, just like you are doing already.” The Thessalonians are doing a good job of encouraging each other, it sounds like! If Paul were writing to the people in your church, would he be able to offer the same compliment? How do you intentionally encourage and build up other people with whom you interact? How might your “people” (your team/club/school/community/youth group) do better at encouraging each other? Make a list of 5 people that you can encourage today and what you might say. And as you go about your day — do it! At the end of the day today, consider how the experiment in encouragement went. Pray-Encouraging God, help me encourage and build up others on behalf of Jesus. Replace the temptation to criticize with a desire to offer compassion and hopefulness. 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11

Monday, November 18

th: We talk a lot about the power of words, but I’m

not certain we fully comprehend just how important this is in God’s economy. Our responsibility is not only to know His word, but also to speak it. When the disciples ask Jesus to teach them to pray in Matthew six, He instructs them to first acknowledge God as their Father and to show Him honor. Then, when He gives them the words “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done” they are not spoken as merely a request. These are to be proclaimed with authority! You see, the enemy can’t read our minds, but he can sure hear what comes out of our mouths. And when he hears declarations made in authority calling down God’s kingdom and will to rule on earth even as they do in heaven, he realizes we mean business. We are told that when we resist him, he will flee. How much faster his retreat might be when we order him to hit the road. God’s word is a sword – an offensive weapon that can be wielded for mighty purposes – but we need to take it out of its sheath and use it. Arm yourself with knowledge of your weapon and ask God to give you the wisdom and boldness to use it with His authority to further His kingdom right here, right now. Hebrews 4:12; Isaiah 55:11; Acts 1:8

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Tuesday, November 19

th: I’m a morning person, and as a result I get to

revel in the beauty of the sunrise. There’s something ethereal about the way the earth can seem bland and lackluster right up until the moment the first golden rays of light wash over the tops of the trees. Its beauty defies description. The same can be said about God’s word revealed to us in what is called rhema, or an utterance. This, however, doesn’t mean just any spoken word but rather one that speaks specifically to us in a given situation. It’s a revelation – an “aha” moment. In order to encounter it, you need to actually be in the word! And that’s what these two subjects have in common – you must be present and engaged. Simply having someone else try to explain or describe it to you just doesn’t measure up to a personal encounter. And trust me, it’s well worth the investment. Lord, thank You that You speak to us personally through Your word and through Your creation. Open our eyes, hearts and minds to behold Your unrivaled wisdom and beauty. Psalms 119:105; 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Wednesday, November 20

th: No one really likes waiting. Waiting rooms,

checkout lines, bus stops — just reading that list might set you on edge. Thank goodness that looking ahead in faith is about more than just patiently waiting! While we look forward to Jesus’s return and our eternal life with God, we have plenty to do right now. Our part in God’s work starts with understanding how much God has done for us. Today’s scripture reminds us that God loves us, God has chosen us, God has saved us. God has called us and given us eternal comfort and a good hope. This hope should motivate us to get down to business in response. Paul outlines two big responsibilities: first, God calls us to stand firm and hold on to what we have been taught. We have to remain rooted in faith. But our work is more than just staying committed. God also calls us to do and say what is good. We bear witness to our hope by our words and actions, strengthened by God all the way. Pray-God, thank you that you have loved, chosen, and saved me. Thank you that you have called me to be your messenger of hope. Encourage and strengthen me to share this message through my words and actions that point to you. 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17

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Thursday, November 21st

: The second chapter of Jeremiah is pretty harsh, reminding Israel that God had brought them into a bountiful land, but they had soon forgotten their devotion to Him and had instead turned to idols. As a result God allowed them to suffer rejection and eventual captivity, both physical and spiritual. As I read the details of their apostasy, it sounded very much like things occurring in our own country: we have defiled (polluted) the land He’s given us, many have lost or have never even known any reverence for Him, those who handle the law don’t know or act like they know Him. Any hope for deliverance is placed on governments, programs, and self-reliance. As Jeremiah puts it, “They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, to hew for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water.” And then in chapter five he reveals God’s response – “’Shall I not punish these people,’ declares the Lord, ‘and on a nation such as this shall I not avenge Myself?’” He is a holy and just God, and He has called us to be a holy people. The really good news is He is also a merciful and gracious God who has given us a mandate to make Him known. That means we need to be proactive and vocal in changing the atmosphere. We must do this from two postures. The first is on our knees repenting for our own participation in anything that dishonors Him and asking for wisdom and direction; the second is actively moving forward to do whatever He calls us to do to precipitate change. Lord, give us awareness and boldness to turn the tides of apathy and apostasy. Make us Your instruments of transformation. 2 Chronicles 7:13-15

Friday, November 22nd

: Hamilton: The Musical is the story of U.S. Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton and Vice President Aaron Burr. Throughout the play, the two men are held up as opposites. Hamilton is “non-stop”— full of energy, always working. His friends say he writes “like he’s running out of time.” Burr is the opposite. Hamilton often chides him for his lack of focus: “If you stand for nothing, Burr, what’ll you fall for?” He is patient, waiting to make a move, not wanting to make any mistakes. I think we all have a bit of Hamilton and Burr in us. There are times when we rush ahead and other times when we cautiously wait. I don’t actually think one way is right and the other wrong. It seems like a balance is good. The author of Luke tells us that when hard times come, we need to “hold fast.” We can do that while charging ahead or holding still. When we root ourselves deeply in God, we know our source. We are anchored and secure. Luke 21:16-19

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Saturday, November 23rd

: The wounds of trauma may not be visible, but the effects are. Unfortunately, all too often the effects are manifested in ways that are misinterpreted and only serve to drive the traumatized person deeper into their pain, isolation, and inability to function. One of their greatest needs is to be heard. That means there needs to be someone willing to look beyond the symptoms and into the soul and spirit of the one suffering the wounds and to just listen with empathy. That could be the bridge to freedom – that first step toward facing the giant, trusting someone to walk alongside without judgment, and learning to trust an even greater friend who has all the answers. What a Friend we have in Jesus! Of course, in all things through prayer ask Him to direct your paths, and ask for discernment and wisdom to recognize when professional intervention is called for. Just remember: we may not know their story, we don’t have all the answers (only God does), and they were created in God’s image just like you. Make it a habit to begin your days by declaring Isaiah 61:1-3 over yourself, and then wait expectantly to see how He chooses to fulfill it. 2 Corinthians 5:17-19; John 15:12; Galatians 62

Sunday, November 24th

: I tend to not stress about things in the big picture, but life’s minuscule problems always find a way to wiggle into the back of my mind. Where will I be in 5 years? “It doesn’t matter, things will work out.” Will I make it to my meeting in time? “We better hurry and get there an hour early!” There needs to be a healthy balance in how we approach the stresses life throws at us. When I read what is being told to the church in Colossae, I think the same can be said for how we approach the coming of Christ. I don’t think Jesus would want us to spend all our time watching and waiting with anxiety in our hearts; I also think Jesus wouldn’t appreciate an attitude of indifference. We can look for Jesus without having our eyes only to heaven. What we do here and now is important. Jesus is all around us — in you, in me, your friends, even the person on the street begging for change. Lord, give me the gift of patience. Patience to await your coming, patience within my daily life and work, and patience for those I interact with every day. Colossians 1:10-14

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Monday, November 25

th: Forefront on many of our minds is the prospect of

turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, salad, pumpkin pie…It rarely crosses our minds the extra preparation and stress for those behind the scenes. And let’s be honest, we often look to our leaders as examples of what it should look like to exemplify walking in thanksgiving, humility, authority, and strong confidence in the power and provision of God. Unwittingly this can place them in an unfair and potentially dangerous position. They can feel pressured to emulate courage and confidence no matter what, and it can induce them to try to operate in areas that are not their gifting. Praise God, we have some very transparent leaders. That said, we could learn a few lessons from the story of Moses. He was rapidly approaching burnout when his father-in-law wisely intervened and counseled Moses to delegate authority to people who had proven themselves trustworthy while he continued to be God’s representative to the people. Effective leaders are gifted, often in many areas, but they cannot and should not expect or be expected to handle everything. Allow them to operate in their anointing and to have those who will speak truth into their lives as well as those who are equipped and willing to share the burden. To do otherwise is a recipe for mediocrity, exhaustion, or flat out failure. Pray fervently for our leaders to walk according to their calling and anointing, and pray that they would be able to lean on trustworthy men and women to support them. Exodus 18:13-24; Colossians 3:12-17

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Tuesday, November 26

th: It’s sitting there. Quietly. A few simple words.

The reminder: even as you talk with God about what you need, what is in your heart… to also say “thank you, God.” The text says “along with,” which means at the same time, in the same breath. This isn’t about robotic, polished, rehearsed, well-composed, fancy phrases of thanksgiving. We are asked to give thanks, or as it translates in older languages, “to practice thanksgiving.” Giving thanks vs. Practicing thanks. It shifts the meaning a bit, doesn’t it? Giving thanks sounds like saying words. Practicing thanksgiving sounds like something we do with our whole self, our mind and hands. Practicing thanks looks like listening to someone who needs to pour out their heart. Because we’ve been listened to like that before. Practicing thanks means we don’t laugh at a joke that insults someone, even if we find it funny. Because we’ve been told that everyone is beloved by God. Everyone. Practicing thanks means we’re reflecting our gratitude by changing our behavior. And practicing thanks is as important to God, maybe more important, than the fancy words. Philippians 4:4-7

Wednesday, November 27

th: In the time of Naomi, women left their own

families for the families of their husbands. In fact, if the husbands lived in distant lands, the women might never see their birth families again, even if their husbands died before they did. This story gives us insight into Naomi’s character. She could assume that her daughters-in-law were bound to her, as custom dictates, but she doesn’t. Her words tell us that she appreciates the love and kindness that her sons’ wives have given her and her family. In a selfless act, she offers to allow them to return to their birth families and, perhaps, to marry again and find security and love in new families. Their sobs reveal the depth of their love for one another. Though this story occurs hundreds of years before Jesus is born, it, too, shows that love is greater than law and custom. This story reminds us that, even when custom and law don’t require us to show compassion, we can love others as we love ourselves. Loving Spirit, help me to love as Naomi loved. Thank you for your great love for me. Ruth 1:8-9

Page 19: Prayer for Persecuted Church - Pure Heart Church...Prayer for Persecuted Church Pray for those in the midst of persecution Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with

Thursday, November 28th

: As John Piper stated in his book A Godward Life, "If we do not believe that we are deeply dependent on God for all we have or hope to have, the very spring of gratitude and faith runs dry." Most of us do a pretty good job of expressing our thankfulness at the Thanksgiving table that’s laden with sumptuous fare, but what about the other 364 days of the year? Isn’t He just as faithful and generous on those days as well? Being thankful is a choice, and honestly it’s one we should be making on a daily, hourly, moment-by-moment basis. By all means, it’s good to set apart a time to intentionally reflect on all He has done for us to remind us of His faithfulness. Let it be, however, a catalyst to reminding us that every good and perfect gift is from Him, nothing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly, and He is the source of everything down to the very air we breathe. Now that’s something to be thankful for! Pray that we will always remember to give Him the honor, thanks, praise, and adoration He so richly and rightly deserves. Happy Thanksgiving! Psalms 73:25-26; Psalms 50:23; Revelation 7:12

Friday, November 29th

: So many things. So many feelings. So many conversations. This has been a week, a weekend, of abundance. Good or bad, depending on how your holiday went, it’s likely there was a lot of it. This time of year is or can be completely, incredibly, packed full of stuff. Full of food, family, company, emotions, decorations, expectations, behaviors, and traditions. How do you find the holy in the “so much?” You look for and take on the habits of a hopeful person. In the festivities you look for signs of hospitality and goodness. You find ways to see love and to give love. You strike up a conversation with a friend or family member with the sole intent of learning something about them. You seek to behold your surroundings in the way that God beholds you. It’s funny that this scripture passage about stripping off the bad, the over-indulgent ways, comes on the close of this weekend. Maybe it’s a way to help us end this week of Thanksgiving, and make way for this season of Advent, which has arrived. Romans 13:11-14

Page 20: Prayer for Persecuted Church - Pure Heart Church...Prayer for Persecuted Church Pray for those in the midst of persecution Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with

Saturday, November 30th

: December is right around the corner, and that means Christmas. One of our concerns is always finding just the perfect gifts for the ones we love, but honestly, from those I truly love I much prefer their presence to the presents! As we learned last month, there’s power in belonging and we all enjoy a sense of affirmation and acceptance. Anyone who has seen the movie Avatar will remember the famous, powerful line, “I see you.” Imagine the joy Zacchaeus must have felt when Jesus not only saw him but told him He was going to go home with him to share a meal. He sees us as well, and our Father invited us to His table when He sent us His Presence that we might know that we can belong in His eternal family. He gives us gifts, for sure, but the greatest is Himself…Immanuel…God with us. Presence. It’s the perfect gift. It’s just what we’ve always needed. It’s also one He wants to receive from us and for us to give to others. Praise and thank Him for giving what we truly need, and consider how we might also include others at our table to show them we see them and their presence has been not only requested but desired both by us and by God Himself. Ephesians 1:3-6, 3:14-20; Isaiah 7:14