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2021 Bible Reading & Prayer Calendar for Families Arranged by Cheri Gamble

Prayer Bible Reading & 2021...Bible Reading & Prayer Calendar for Families Arranged by Cheri Gamble Week 2: What is one way God has answered prayer for you this week: Memorize 2 Corinthians

Jan 28, 2021



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  • 2021Bible Reading &

    PrayerCalendar for Families

    Arranged by Cheri

  • Week 2: What is one way God has answeredprayer for you this week:

    Memorize 2 Corinthians 5:17

    Week 1: Write one spiritual goal for 2021.

    Service Project:

    Fill a baby bottlefull of cash andchange. Donatethe money to a

    PregnancyResource Centerat the end of the


    January 2021

    Week 3: Draw or write one thing you are thankful for this week.

  • Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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    Happy NewYear! Spendtime today

    praising God forgetting you and

    your familythrough 2020

    ReadLamentations3:23-24. Lookfor ways that

    God shows Hisfaithfulness to

    you today!

    Make somegoals together

    for 2021. Recordyour spiritual

    goal on the toppart of thiscalendar.

    Read John 13:34-35. Pray for oneperson that youfind difficult tolove. Look forways to share

    God's love withthat person!

    Read Isaiah43:18-19. Ask God

    to do a newthing in your life,


    church andcommunity!

    Read 2Corinthians 5:17.Share your story

    of how youbecame a

    Christian with atleast one otherperson today.

    Read Psalm40:3. Sing a

    song of praisetoday! Ask God

    to help youpraise Him -

    even when timesare tough.

    Write your ownPsalm of praiseand sing to the

    Lord a new songtoday!!

    Read Ezekiel 11:19.

    Discuss what itmeans to have a

    heart of stone. Prayfor those around youto have hearts that

    are open to theGospel.

    Read Ephesians

    4:22-24. Pray for your

    attitude today.

    Read Colossians 3:9-11. Ask God to

    help youalways tell the


    Read 2 Peter 3:10-13.

    Pray for someoneyou know who is

    not ready forJesus to come


    Read Psalm 98:1-3.

    Let's sing a newsong to the Lord

    again! Find apraise song and

    learn it!Listen to worship

    music today!

    Read Matthew 26:27-29.

    Spend timetoday thankingGod for Jesus!

    Read 2 John 1:5-6.

    Make a list of waysyou can show loveto people in your

    neighborhood.Choose one and do


    Read Revelation 5:9.

    Spend timepraying for

    Christians fromother countries


    Read Revelation 21:1-4.Pray for someoneyou know who issuffering. Send

    them a card withthe promise from

    these verses.

    Read Revelation 21:5-7.Ask God to helpyou overcome!

    What do youthink heavenwill be like?

    Draw a pictureor write a

    poem about it.

    Read Philippians

    3:13-14.Ask God to help

    you keeppressing on

    towards the goal!

    Read Hebrews 12:1-2.

    Spend timethanking God for

    the godly examplesyou have in your


    Read Romans 12:1-2.

    Ask God totransform youlife and renew

    your mind.

    Read Proverbs 3:5-6.

    Ask God to directyour paths in


    Did youmemorize 2

    Corinthians 5:17?Share it with afriend today!

    Pray forsomeone you

    know who needsa new beginning


    Pray for thechurches and

    church leadersin your


    Pray for thedoctors andhospitals in

    yourcommunity and


    Pray for thepoliticians andleaders of yourgovernment.



  • Memorize 1 Corinthians


    Draw or write one way God has shown you His love each week in each of the hearts.

    Draw or write oneway you showed love

    to someone thismonth:

  • February 2021

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    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


    Romans 5:8.

    Praise God for

    His unfailing,




    1 Corinthians

    13:1-3. Explain to

    someone the

    importance of

    having love.


    1 Corinthians

    13:4-7. When is it

    hard for you to

    be patient? Ask

    God for help in

    that area.


    1 Corinthians

    13:4-7. Love is

    kind. Ask God to

    show you

    someone to be

    kind to today.


    1 Corinthians 13:4-

    7. Love does not

    envy. Is there

    something that

    makes you

    jealous? Pray

    about it today!


    1 Corinthians 13:4-

    7. Love does not

    boast. Ask God to

    help you in the

    words that you say.


    1 Corinthians 13:4-

    7. Love is not

    proud. Ask God to

    help you be

    humble in every



    1 Corinthians 13:4-

    7. Love does not

    dishonor others.

    Ask God to help

    you show love and

    respect to all



    1 Corinthians 13:4-

    7. Love is not self-

    seeking. Ask God

    to show you ways

    to serve others



    1 Corinthians 13:4-

    7. Love is not

    easily angered.

    Ask God to help

    you control your



    1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

    Love keeps no

    record of wrongs.

    Are you holding a

    grudge? Ask God

    to help you forgive

    that person.


    1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

    Love rejoices with

    the truth. Ask God

    to help you always

    know what the

    Truth is.


    1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

    Love bears all

    things. Ask God to

    help you be the kind

    of person everyone

    can depend on no

    matter what!


    1 Corinthians 13:4-

    7. Love believes all

    things. Ask God to

    help you love Him

    and believe in Him



    1 Corinthians 13:4-

    7. Love hopes all

    things. Ask God to

    help you be a

    person that

    spreads hope in

    the world!


    1 Corinthians 13:4-

    7. Love endures all

    things. Ask God to

    help you be strong

    and stick to Him -

    even when things

    go wrong!


    1 Corinthians 13:4-

    7. Love never fails.

    Ask God to help

    you have the kind

    of love that sticks

    by others no

    matter what!


    1 John 4:19.

    Spend time

    today thanking

    God for His love

    for you!


    Romans 12:9.

    Ask God to give

    you a sincere

    love and to

    cling to what is



    John 15:13.

    Ask God to give

    you this kind of

    love for others!


    Romans 8:38-39.

    Spend time

    thanking God that

    nothing can

    separate you from

    His love!


    Mark 12:30.

    Ask God to help

    you love Him

    with every part

    of you!


    1 Timothy 4:12.

    Ask God to help

    you set an

    example for

    others by the

    way you love!


    Matthew 5:44.

    Pray for those

    people you have a

    difficult time loving

    - and those that you

    might even

    consider enemies.


    1 John 4:9.

    Spend time

    today thanking

    God for Jesus!


    Ephesians 5:2.

    Ask God to help

    you walk in the

    way of love!


    1 John 2:15.

    Ask God to help

    you not love

    anything in this

    world or of this



    Psalm 136.

    Make a list of ways

    God has shown

    you His love.

  • Service Idea:

    Go through your clothes and

    toys and donate some items

    that are still in good condition

    to a charity.

    Week 3: Write your praises inside the Palm Branch Wreath:

    Week 1: Draw or write one way God has

    answered prayer for you this week:

    Week 2: Draw a picture to illustrate one of the

    Scripture Passages you read this week:

    Memorize John 3:16

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    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


    Read Matthew 21:12-17.

    Pray for thechurches in your

    country to preachthe Truth always!

    Read John 12:20-36.

    Ask God to helpyou be 100%

    committed toHim!

    Read Matthew 26:1-16.

    Pray for anopportunity to

    share God's Gracewith someone


    Read Mark 14:12-21.

    Pray for Jews whodon't recognizethat Jesus wasthe Passover


    Prepare aPassover

    dinner to eattogether.

    Read Luke 22:14-23.

    Grab somecrackers and juice

    and have yourown time ofcommunion!

    Read John 13:1-20.

    Look for waysthat you can serve

    the members ofyour family today!

    Read John 13:21-38.

    Pray for Christiansto share the love

    of Jesus withothers.

    Read Matthew 26:36-46.

    Spend timepraying for the

    difficult situationsin your life.

    Read Psalm 69:1-21.

    Can you find theprophecies about

    Jesus in theseverses?

    Go on aprayer walk

    through yourneighborhood


    Read John 18:1-11.

    Pray for thosepeople who want

    to hurt thefollowers of Jesus.

    Read Psalm 41:4-13.

    Spend time todaypraying for your

    friends and abouthow you can be a

    better friend.

    Read Mark 14:53-65.

    Pray for theTruth to win inevery situation.

    Read Matthew 26:69-

    75.Ask God to help

    you always standup for Him!

    Read Matthew 27:1-10.

    Pray for thosewho make

    mistakes to getback up andserve Jesus!

    Read John 18:28-40.

    Ask God to helpyou always

    know and standfor the Truth.

    Read Luke 23:6-12.Pray for world

    leaders torecognize theauthority of


    Read Matthew 27:11-

    26.Pray for those

    who are inprison to cometo know Jesus.

    Read John 19:1-16.

    Pray for those whoare being

    persecuted fortheir belief in


    Read Mark 15:16-21.

    Spend timethanking God

    for sendingJesus to die for

    our sins!

    Read Luke 19:29-44.

    Make a PalmBranch and write

    praises on it!

    Read Psalm 22.What

    prophecies doesthis chapter


    Read Matthew 27:33-

    44.Make a cross craftto remind you ofthe sacrifice thatJesus made for


    Read Luke 23:39-43.

    Thank Godtoday for

    second chances!

    ReadJohn 19:23-27.Pray today foryour mom (and


    Read Matthew25:45-56.Pray for

    those whoneed to

    know Jesus.

    Read John19:31-42.Pray for

    courage tobe bold for


    Invite afriend tocome to

    church withyou.

    Pray for yourchurch today!

  • Memorize Romans 5:8

    Service Idea:Help a neighbor clean

    up his yard

    Week One: Draw or write what the resurrection means to you. Week Two: Write the names of the Christian leaders you are praying for:

    Week Three: What are you praying about this week? Week Four: Draw or write what you have learned about the Holy Spirit.

  • Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 2 3

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    ReadMatthew 26:62-66.Decorate a rock to

    remind you thatnothing is

    impossible withGod!

    Read Isaiah 53.

    Pray for people allover the world to

    know Jesus!

    Read John 20:1-18.Celebrate the

    Resurrection ofJesus Christ today!

    Read Matthew 28:1-15.Spend time todaypraying for those

    people who refuseto believe that

    Jesus rose from thedead.

    Read Luke 24:13-35.

    Ask God to give youexcitment to share

    the Gospel withyour friends!

    Read John 20:19-31.

    Ask God to helpyour faith in Him

    to grow!

    Read John 21:1-17.Pray for the

    leaders of your church.

    Read Matthew 28:16-20.Pray for someone in

    your family whoneeds to know


    Read Acts 1:1-11.

    Spend time todaythanking God forgiving us the Holy


    Color eggstoday to

    remind youthat somethingspecial is going

    to happen!!

    Do somethingnice for

    someone inyour family


    ReadRomans 8:26-27.

    Spend timepraying for

    tough situationstoday.

    ReadActs 2:1-13.

    Pray for yourChristian leadersto be led by the


    Read Acts 2:38-39.

    When youbecome a

    Christian, youreceive the Holy

    Spirit, too!

    Read Galatians 5:22-23.

    Pick one of the fruitsof the spirit that you

    struggle with andpray for God to

    develop that in youtoday.

    Read 2 Corinthians

    3:17.Spend time today

    thanking Godthat we can befree from sin!

    Clean a room inyour house orhelp clean a

    neighbor's yardtoday - without

    being asked!

    Read John 16:7-15.Pray for the

    conviction ofthe Holy Spiritto turn people

    to Jesus.

    Read 1 Corinthians

    3:16-17 & 1Corinthians 6:19-

    20.Ask God to helpyou honor Himwith your body.

    Read Romans 5:3-5.

    Pray forsomeone youknow who is


    Read 2 Timothy 1:7.

    Ask God tohelp you live

    in power,love, and selfcontrol today!

    Find a songabout theHoly Spiritand sing it


    ReadGalatians 5:16-26. Ask God tohelp you walkby the Spiritand not bythe flesh.

    Read 1 Thessalonians

    1:2-10. Pray for the

    church to be anexample to the

    rest of the world.

    Read Romans 8:1-2.Spend time

    thanking God forthe truth of these


    Read 1 Corinthians12:12-13. Ask

    God to help getrid of racism in

    the Church.

    Read Psalm 139:7-10.Ask God to helpyou remember

    that He is alwayswith you!


    Pray for studentsand teachers in

    your nation'sschools.

    Pray for thefirefighters in your


    Pray for the peoplewho deliver your


  • Choose a missionary to pray for every day this month. What is yourmissionary's name? ___________________________

    Where does your missionary serve? ___________________________________


    Glue a picture of your

    missionary here:

    Draw a picture of the country

    where your missionary serves:


    Matthew 28:18-20

    What are some of the prayer

    requests of your missionary?

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    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    Read Matthew28:18-20.

    Pray for yourmissionary and

    his family.

    ReadActs 1:8.

    Ask God to helpyou reach thepeople in yourneighborhood

    with the Gospel

    Read1 Chronicles

    16:24.Make a list ofways you candeclare God's

    glory to others.

    ReadJohn 20:21.

    Pray forsomeone you

    know who is nota Christian.

    Read Romans 10:13-15.

    Pray for thepeople in

    countries thatare closed to the


    Write a letteror send a care

    package toyour


    ReadIsaiah 52:7.

    Ask God to helpyou share His

    Good News withsomeone today

    Read Mark 16:15.

    Pray for yourpastor and the

    other pastors inyour


    ReadJeremiah 1:6-8.Ask God to giveyou courage tospeak to others

    about Jesus.

    ReadIsaiah 6:8.

    Ask God to sendyou where He

    wants you!

    Read2 Timothy 2:2.Pray for the

    teachers in yourchurch.

    Write a letter ofencouragementto your pastor oranother leaderin your church.

    Read Acts 13:47.

    Ask God to helpyou be a light

    everywhere yougo!

    Read Matthew 24:14.

    Pray for theGospel to be

    preached in thewhole world!

    Read Acts 13:2-3.

    Pray for God toraise up people

    to serve asmissionaries.

    Read Luke 24:47.

    Pray for peopleto repent of

    their sins andturn to God.

    Read Luke 19:10.

    Ask God to giveyou a heart for

    the lost.

    Make aposter or

    video to raiseawareness


    Read 2 Corinthians 5:18-20.Ask God to help yourepresent Him well.

    Read Luke 10:2.

    Ask God to useyou to reach

    someone withthe Gospel!

    Read Matthew 20:28.

    Ask God to showyou ways you

    can serve today.

    Read Genesis 12:1-3.

    Ask God to helpyou follow Him

    wherever Hemay lead you

    Read Galatians 6:9.

    Ask God to helpyour missionary

    not becomeweary in doing


    Tell someoneabout the

    missionary youprayed for all

    month.Encourage them

    to pray, too!

    Pray for thepeople in Indiato be reached

    with the Gospel.

    Pray for thepeople in

    Pakistan to bereached withthe Gospel.

    Pray for thepeople in Chinato be reached

    with the Gospel.

    Pray for the peoplein Bangladesh to be

    reached with theGospel.

    Pray for the peoplein Nepal to be

    reached with theGospel.

    Pray for yourmissionary one more

    time today.

    If you canemail yourmissionary,

    email him andask for a list

    of prayerrequests.

    Go into all the world!

  • This month we arestarting a series ofreadings that willtake us througheach book of the

    Bible. Try tomemorize the orderof the books of theBible this month!

    Service Idea: Write cards or bake cookiesfor your local police department!

    Week One: Draw a picture to go with one ofthe Scriptures you read this week:

    Week Two: Draw or write one way you sawGod working in your life this week:

    Week Three: How has Godanswered your prayers this


    Week Four: Draw a picture of something you did as a family this week:

  • Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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    Read Genesis 1:26-31. Pray for people

    who are confusedabout who they


    Read Job 1.Ask God to help youremember that Heloves you - even if

    you are goingthrough a hard


    Read Exodus 14:13-31.Pray for people

    who arerecovering from anatural disaster

    right now.

    Read Leviticus 1:1-4.

    Look over your liferight now and seeif there is anything

    you need to askGod to forgive.

    Read Numbers 13:-1-3,

    13:21-14:10.Pray for people

    who areexperiencing

    doubts about God.

    Read Deuteronomy

    6:1-9.What are some

    ways that you canshow God you love

    Him with everypart of you?

    Read Joshua 6.

    Pray for thecourage to obeyGod even when

    things seemstrange.

    Read Judges 7.

    Pray for people tosee God's power

    at work in theworld today.

    Read Ruth 4:1-6, 13-17.Pray for someone

    you know whohas lost his/her


    Read 1 Samuel 3:1-21.

    Pray for thestrength to speak

    the truth evenwhen it isdifficult!

    Read 2 Samuel 7:8-

    17.Ask God to use

    you to help carryout His plans in

    this world!

    Read 1 Chronicles

    11:10-25.Pray today foryour friends.

    Draw a pictureto illustrateone of the

    Scriptures youread this past


    Read Psalm 46.

    What thingsscare you? AskGod to help you

    when you areafraid.

    Read Proverbs 16:1-9.Ask God to be incharge of your

    life and show youwhat His plans


    Read Ecclesiastes 12:1-

    8.Pray for childrenaround the world

    to know Jesus.

    Read Song of Solomon

    3:5.Pray for your

    future husbandor wife!

    Read 1 Kings 18:20-46.Ask God to helpyou trust Him to

    answer yourprayers!

    Find a rock andwrite the word

    "Trust" on it.Keep it in a

    special place toremind you to

    always trust God.

    Read 2 Kings 2:1-15.

    Ask God to helpyou stay devoted

    to Himthroughout your

    entire life.

    Read 2 Chronicles

    32:9-23.Ask God to help

    prayer be thefirst response toeverything thathappens to you.

    Read Obadiah 1:15-

    17.Pray for those

    who arerebelling

    against God.

    Read Joel 2:18-33.

    Pray for peoplewho need


    Read Jonah 1.

    Pray for a peoplegroup that would

    be considered yourcountry's enemies.

    Read Amos 5:4-15.

    Ask God to helpyou run away

    from evil!

    Pray today forthose who work

    at your policedepartment.

    Read Hosea 14.

    Ask God to helpyou always

    know what isright and wrong- and to do what

    is right!

    Read Isaiah 6:1-8.Ask God to

    show you whereHe wants to

    send you.

    Read Micah 6:6-8.

    Pray forpeople whoneed justice.

    Read Nahum 1:1-15.

    Ask God to helpyou control your

    anger. June

  • July 2021Memorize

    Lamentations 3:22-23

    Week One: How did God surprise youthis week?

    Week Two: What are you thankful forthis week?

    Week Three: Draw a picture to go withone of the Scriptures you read this


    Week Four: What one word bestdescribes your relationship with

    God this week?

    Service Idea: Makecards for the

    residents at a localnursing home.

  • Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 2 3

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    ReadHabakkuk 3:17-19.

    Write a praisesong or poemfocusing onpraising God

    when things aretough.

    ReadZephaniah 3:12-20.Pray for Christians

    in countrieswhere they are

    being persecutedfor their beliefs.

    Do somethingto help raiseawareness

    and/or moneyfor persecuted


    ReadJeremiah 1:4-10.Pray for peoplewho are youngto serve Jesus.

    Read Lamentations

    3:19-26.Pray for

    someone youknow who

    needs hope.

    Read Daniel 6.

    Pray for peopleto have

    freedom toworship God.

    Read Ezekiel 37:1-14.

    Pray forchurches that

    are dying to bebrought to new

    life in Christ.

    Read Haggai 1:1-15.Pray for thosewho work atyour church.

    Read Zechariah 7:8-14.Pray for widows,

    orphans, refugees,and the poor.

    Gather suppliesfor a homelessshelter in your


    Read Esther 4.

    Ask God to showyou what your"Such a time asthis" moment is.

    Read Ezra 3:8-13.

    Have a praiseparty for God


    Read Nehemiah 2.

    Pray for someonewho is facingopposition for

    doing what is right.

    Read Malachi 3.Pray for the

    finances at yourchurch.

    Read Matthew 1:18-

    25.Pray for someoneyou know who is

    having a baby.

    Read Mark 11:1-10.Spend time

    praising Jesustoday!

    Put together a"New Mom CarePackage" andtake it to your

    local pregnancycenter.

    ReadLuke 23:33-

    56.Make a crosssnack today.

    Read John 20.

    Spend timepraising God forthe empty tomb!

    Read Acts 1:1-11.

    Ask God to helpyou share Jesuswith the world!

    Read Romans 8:26-39.

    Spend timethanking God

    that nothing canseparate youfrom His love.

    Read 1 Corinthians

    15:50-58.Do you know

    someone who ismourning? Pray

    for him/her.

    Read 2 Corinthians

    12:7-10.Pray that God will

    help youencourage others

    who arestruggling.

    Decorate a flower potwith words andpictures from

    yesterday's verses.Then plant a rose in it

    to remind you thatsomething beautifulcan grow even in the

    midst of thorns!

    Read Galatians 6:1-10.Look for ways todo good to thepeople around


    Read Ephesians 6:10-20.We are in a spiritual

    war and prayer isour greatest

    weapon. Spend timein prayer today!

    Read Philippians 3.Ask God to helpyou always keepHim first place in

    your life!

    Read Colossians 3.

    Ask God to helpyou do all your

    work for His glory.

    Read 1 Thessalonians

    4:13-18.Ask God to helpyou be ready for

    the return of Jesus!

    Read 2 Thessalonians

    3.Pray again for the

    Missionary youchose in May.

    Write a letteror make a

    card and sendit to your


  • Week Three: What is a funny thing thathappened this weeK? Draw or write

    about it here:

    Week One: Make a list of personal prayerrequests for this month:

    Week Two: Draw or write one thing youlearned from your reading this week:

    Week Four: Did God answer any of yourprayers? Write about it here:

    MemorizeHebrews 12:1-3

    Service Idea: Write a letter or make a card for

    one of you government leaders letting him

    know you are praying for

  • Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdaySunday Monday Tuesday1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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    Read1 Timothy 6:6-21.Pray for those

    who work in thebanking industry.

    Read 2 Timothy 4:1-8.Ask God to helpyou be preparedto always speak

    the Truth.

    Read Titus 3:1-11.Spend time

    thanking God fortaking your sins


    Read Philemon 1:1-25.Pray for someone

    in your life thatyou are thankful


    Read Hebrews 12:1-3.Ask God to helpyou fix your eyes

    on Jesus.

    Read James 3:1-12.

    Ask God to helpyou control your


    Write anencouraging

    letter or make acard for the

    person you prayedfor on


    Read 1 Peter 2:13-25.

    Pray for theleaders of yourgovernment.

    Read 2 Peter 3:3-18.

    Ask God to helpyou grow as a


    Read 1 John 2:1-17.

    Pray forsomeone that

    you have a hardtime loving.

    Read 2 John.

    Pray for peoplearound the

    world to readand obey the


    Read 3 John.

    Ask God tohelp you

    imitate whatis good.


    Pray for thosewho have

    fallen awayfrom the faith.

    ReadRevelation 22.

    Spend timethanking God

    for thepromise of


    Attributes ofGod: God isETERNAL.

    Read Psalm90:1-2 andPsalm 93.

    Pray for theoldest person

    you know.

    Read Genesis 1. Pray for your


    Read John 1:1-18.Spend time

    todaythanking God

    for Jesus!

    Read Revelation 4.Spend time

    thanking Godfor who He is!

    Read Revelation

    21:1-9 and 22-27. Is your

    name writtenin the book of


    Take a walktoday andnotice the

    beauty of thecreation

    around you.

    Attributes ofGod: God is


    Read Psalm 24.

    Ask God tohelp you haveclean handsand a clean


    Read Isaiah 6:1-8.

    We've read theseverses before!How has God

    shown you whatHe wants you to

    do for Him?

    Read Luke 4:31-37and Mark 1:21-

    28.Pray for those

    who arecontrolled by


    Read Romans 12.Ask God to

    help you livefor Him 100%.

    Read 1 Peter 1:13-

    25.Pray for

    Christians tolive lives of


    Find something inyour house that isdirty. Clean it up.

    Notice that itcouldn't clean itself

    - just like us! Weneed Jesus to cleanus up when we sin!

    Attributes ofGod: God isFAITHFUL.

    Read Psalm 89:1-18.How has Godbeen faithful

    to you? Thankhim for it!

    Read Daniel 3.

    Pray for peoplewho face

    persecution toremain faithful

    to God.

  • September2021

    Week One: Draw a picture that shows thepower of God.

    Week Two: God knows everything -- including all about you! Drawa picture of yourself and include the things that make you unique!

    WeekThree: Draw or write one way that you have experiencedGod's love this week.

    MemorizePsalm 139:14

    Service Idea:Buy back to school

    supplies for a family inneed.

  • Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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    Read Luke 22:39-53.

    How was Jesusfaithful to hismission? Ask

    God to help yoube faithful to


    Read 1 John 1.

    Confess any sinsyou have

    committed toGod today.

    Read 1Corinthians

    10:13.Ask God to helpyou with yourtemptations.

    Make aposter

    showing waysthat God hasbeen faithful

    to you.

    Attributes ofGod: God is

    OMNIPOTENT- He is more

    powerful thananything else!

    Read Psalm 29.

    Pray for God'spower to be

    known intoday's world.

    Read 1 Kings 18:20-40.

    Pray for God'spower over

    world leaders.

    Read Mark 4:35-41.Pray for anyplace that is

    recovering fromstorms today.

    Read Mark 5:1-20.

    Pray for Satan'splans to fail.

    Read Romans 1.

    Pray for peopleto clearly see

    God's power andto obey Him.

    Eat baconand tell

    someonewhat Jesus

    did to abunch of pigs.

    Attributes ofGod: God is

    OMNISCIENT -He knows

    every singlething!

    Read Psalm 139.

    Pray for thosewho work in the


    Read Jeremiah 1:4-10.Pray for peopleto understand

    that life hasvalue at all ages

    and stages.

    Read Mark 2:1-13.Pray for yourthoughts to

    always glorifyGod.

    Read John 18:1-11.

    Spend timethanking Godfor His greatlove for you!

    Read Romans 8:26-

    39.Spend time

    thanking Godthat He knows


    Look at babypictures of

    yourself andspend time

    thanking Godthat He knew

    you before youwere even born!

    Attributes ofGod: God is


    Read Psalm 136.

    Praise God forthe ways He hasshown His love

    in the past.

    Read Jeremiah 31:1-

    14.Praise God that

    His love lastsforever!

    Read John 13.

    Ask God toshow you a way

    you can serveothers today.

    Read 1 John 2:1-17.

    Ask God to helpyou not lovethe things of

    this world.

    Read 1 Corinthians

    13.Ask God to helpyou love as He


    Write alove letter

    to God.

    Attributes ofGod: God is MERCIFUL!

    Read Psalm 32.

    Pray for thosewho are

    suffering fromguilt over the


    Read Genesis 8.

    Praise God thatHe is in controlof our climate.

    Read Luke 7:36-50.Pray for peoplewho feel theyare far from


    Read Matthew 18:21-

    35.Ask God to help

    you forgivesomeone whohas hurt you.

  • October 2021

    MemorizePsalm 46:1-3

    Service Idea:Pass out bags full of candy and

    Gospel tracts!

    Week One: Draw or write one situation inyour life where you know God is in control:

    Week Two: Draw or write an example of God's Justice:

    Week Three: Draw or write away that God was good to you

    this week:

    Week Four: Draw or write an areawhere you need wisdom:

  • 17

    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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    ReadPsalm 51.

    Ask God togive you arepentant


    Write aprayer

    thankingGod for His


    Attributes ofGod: God is

    SOVEREIGN -He is in control

    of all things!

    ReadPsalm 46.

    What do theseverses tell usthat God hascontrol over?

    Read Genesis 11:1-8.

    Pray for peoplefrom every

    nation to cometo Christ.

    Read Matthew 8:1-17.

    Pray forsomeone youknow who isreally sick.

    Read John 19:1-30.

    Pray for theleaders of yourgovernment tosubmit to God's


    Read Philippians 2:1-

    18.Pray for people to

    recognize that Godis in ultimate


    Choose acurrent event.Pray about it -thanking Godthat he is in


    Attributes ofGod: God is


    ReadPsalm 9.

    Pray for yourenemies


    Read 1 Samuel 3:1-21.

    Pray for theleaders of yourchurch to staytrue to Jesus.

    Read Matthew 7.

    Ask God to helpyou to lovepeople - notjudge them.

    Read Matthew 25:31-

    46.Pray for those

    who are hungryor in need of


    Read Romans 14.

    Pray for unityin the church.

    Make a judge'sgavel. Write

    what you havelearned about

    God's justice onit.

    Attributes ofGod: God is


    ReadPsalm 100.

    How has Godbeen good toyou? ThankHim for it!

    Read 2 Kings 4.Pray for a

    widow youknow.

    Read Mark 10:17-31.Pray for those

    who do notbelieve thatJesus is God.

    Read John 10:1-18.Pray for those

    who areinvolved in

    false religions.

    Read Ephesians

    2:1-10.Ask God tohelp you dogood works

    for Him.

    Make a list ofways God hasbeen good toyou. Post it

    somewhere youcan see it.

    Attributes ofGod: God is


    ReadPsalm 119:9-16and 119:97-104.

    Ask God tohelp you gain


    Read 1 Kings 3:1-16.Pray for your

    leaders tohave wisdom.

    Read Luke 2:41-52.

    Ask God to helpyou grow inwisdom and

    favor with Godand man!

    Read Matthew 7:24-29.

    Pray for schoolsand teachers to

    teach Truth.

    Read James 1.

    Pray for therich to be wisein their use of


    Find a rock anddecorate it withBible verses to

    remind you to buildyour life on the

    foundation of God'sWord!

  • Add a leaves each week to this tree withthings you are thankful for written on them.Memorize

    Psalm 100:4.

    Service Idea:Make pies anddeliver them tosomeone who is

    stuck at home andcould use


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    Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday SaturdayFriday


    I amthankful for:


    Read Psalm 106:1and 107:1.

    Praise Godfor His love!

    Read 1 John 4:15-19.

    Praise God thatHis love casts

    out fear!

    Read Romans 8:31-39.Thank God that

    nothing canseparate youfrom His love!

    Read 1 John 3:1.

    Thank God thatHe loves you

    and you are Hischild!

    Read Psalm 100.

    Thank God forHis never-

    ending love!

    Make a "Thankyou" Tree andadd a leaf to itthanking Godfor His love.

    I amthankful for: The Hopeof Heaven!

    Read 1 Corinthians

    15:51-57.Thank God for

    the VICTORY wehave in Him!

    Read John 14:1-4.

    Thank God forhow He is

    preparing aplace for you.

    Read Revelation 21:1-4.Thank God for thefact that some day

    there will be nopain!

    Read John 10:27-29.Thank God for

    being ourShepherd.

    Read 1 Corinthians 2:7-9.

    We cannot even beginto comprehend all

    that God is preparingfor us! Thank Him


    Add a leaf toyour tree

    thanking Himfor the hope of


    I amthankful for:


    Read Philippians 4:4-7.

    Thank you forGod's peace in the

    midst of chaos!

    Read Isaiah 26:3-4.Thank God thatHe is our Rock

    when things arefalling apart!

    Read John 16:33.

    Thank God thatJesus has

    overcome theworld!

    Read Colossians

    3:15-17.Ask God to

    help His peacerule in your


    Read Isaiah 41:10.

    Thank God thatHe is always

    with you!

    Add a leaf toyour tree

    thanking Himfor His peace!

    I amthankful for:

    What Godhas done for


    Read Psalm 9:1-2.Praise God forHis awesome


    Read Exodus 15:1-3.

    Spend timethanking Godfor what Hehas done foryou recently.

    ReadMatthew 6:25-34.

    Thank God forhow He has

    provided for youand your family.

    Read Luke 17:11-19.

    Ask God to helpyou always

    remember to saythank you!

    Read Philippians 4:10-

    20.Ask God to helpyou be content

    in everysituation.

    Add a leaf toyour tree

    thanking Himfor all He hasdone for you!

    Read John 1:1-5, 14.Do you have your

    Christmas tree up?Turn on the lights

    and remember thatJesus is the light of

    the world!

    Read Isaiah 11:1,

    Jeremiah 23:5-6and Matthew 1:1.

    Make a Christmastree craft!

    Read Isaiah 7:10-14.

    Go out and buy babyshower gifts and

    donate to aPregnancy Center.Pray for the Center.

  • December

    Service Idea:Make cookies for your

    neighbors. Deliver them -along with an invitation

    to attend your Christmasservice at church!


    Decorate this Christmas Tree withpictures from the life of Christ - a

    different section each week!

    The greatest gift of all is JESUS!Memorize John 3:16-17

  • Sunday


    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 2 3 4

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    Christmas Day

    ReadLuke 1:26-38.

    Pray for youngmoms in yourcommunity.

    Read Matthew 1:18-25.

    Pray for the fathersin your community

    to lead their familieswell.

    Read Isaiah 9:2, 6-7.

    Pray for people tounderstand who

    Jesus is.

    Make an angelcraft or

    ornament foryour Christmas


    Read Micah 5:2-5.

    Make agingerbread little

    town ofBethlehem.

    Read Luke 2:1-7.

    Pray for the peoplewho work at yourlocal hospitals -including those

    who help deliverbabies!

    Read Luke 2:8-20.Ask God to

    help you telleveryone youknow about


    Read Luke 2:21-38.Pray for the

    elders at yourchurch.

    Read Psalm 72:8-13.Pray for people

    who live faraway from you

    to come toJesus!

    Read Matthew 2:1-12.Pray for people

    who are seekingJesus today.

    Make ahomemade gift

    for someoneand deliver it!

    Read Hosea 11:1 and

    Matthew 2:13-14.Pray for those

    who are trying tohurt others.

    Read Jeremiah 31:15

    and Matthew 2:16-18.

    Spend time todaypraying for people

    to realize that everylife is precious.

    Read Luke 2:39-40.Pray for your


    Read Philippians

    2:5-11.Ask God to

    help you serveothers today.

    Read Matthew26:47-56.Pray for

    someone whoyou feel has

    betrayed you.

    Read Matthew 27:33-

    54.Ask God to help

    you share thereason Jesuscame with a


    Make a crossornament for

    your Christmastree.

    Read Matthew 27:57-66. Pray for people to

    understand the truemeaning ofChristmas.

    Read Matthew28:1-10. Sing a

    song aboutthe


    Read John 20:19-31.

    Make a wreathout of a paperplate showing

    the life of Christ.

    Read Acts 1:1-9.

    Remember, we areto be witnesses tothe whole world!Pray about that


    Read Romans 5:6-11.

    Spend timethanking Jesus

    for dying foryou!

    Read Acts 2:37-47.Pray for yourchurch today.

    Read John 3:16-17.

    Praise God forthe greatestgift of all -

    Jesus Christ!

    ReadIsaiah 53.

    Pray that theworld will seethe need for


    Act out theChristmas

    story today!

    Go ChristmasCaroling and

    share the love ofJesus with

    others today!

    Spend timetoday reflectingon the way Godhas been withyou through


    Look over thiscalendar and allyou wrote in it.How have you

    grown this year?

    Have a great daycelebrating thebirth of Jesus!