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PRADHAN MANTRI KRISHI SINCHAI YOJANA - … · Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India) 1 PRADHAN MANTRI KRISHI SINCHAI YOJANA ... 09 Soil type

Sep 06, 2018



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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)







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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)


Sr. No. CHAPTERS Pages

From - to

01 Introduction


02 Objectives


03 District Profile


04 Geomorphology and physiography


05 Drainage and watershed


06 Climate and rainfall


07 Landuse


08 River basin


09 Soil type


10 Agriculture Situation in the District 14-17

11 Hydrogeology 18-20

12 Groundwater scenarios 21

12.1 Present Scenarios 21-22

13 Water Resources


14 Irrigation Plan


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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)



The overreaching vision of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) will be to ensure access to some means of protective irrigation to all agricultural farms in the country( har khet ko paani) and to produce ‘per drop more crop’, thus bringing much desired rural prosperity.

The scheme will ensure the completion of long pending irrigation projects on priority and launch the ‘Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana’ with the motto of ‘Har Khet Ko Paani’. By harnessing rain water through ‘Jal Sanchay’ and ‘Jal Sinchan’, nurture water conservation and ground water recharge.

Micro irrigation will be popularised to ensure ‘Per drop-More crop’ . Creation of new water sources; repair, restoration and renovation of defunct water sources; construction of water harvesting structures, secondary & micro storage, groundwater development, enhancing potentials of traditional water bodies at village level will be taken on priority.


The broad objectives of PMKSY will be:-

A. Enhance the physical access of water on the farm and expand cultivable area under assured irrigation (Har Khet ko pani).

B. Integration of water source, distribution and its efficient use, to make best use of water through appropriate technologies and practices.

C. Improve on-farm water use efficiency to reduce wastage and increase availability both in duration and extent.

D. Enhance the adoption of precision-irrigation and other water

saving technologies (More crop per drop).

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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)



The Buldana district is a district in Amravati division of Maharashtra

state in western part of India. The district is bordered by Amravati and

Burhanpur district (M.P.) in North, Akola and Washim districts in East , Hingoli

and Jalna district on South and Jalgaon and Aurangabad in West. The district

head quarter Buldana is well connected to other parts of the state by a number

of good all weather roads. The National Highway No.6 leading to Dhule -

Calcutta passes through major part of the district. The district has 6 sub

divisions and 13 blocks. The district is mainly covered in Survey of India

topographic Sheet No. 55D/8 partly in 46 P and 56 A & lies between 19°51' to

21°17' North latitude and 75°57' to 76°49' East Longitude.

Map: 1 Location Map of Buldhana District

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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)



The Buldana district forms approximately a parallelogram having more

stretch along North-South direction rather than the East-West direction. The

district is nearly divided into two separate parts. Southern portion of the

district forms comparatively a table land than the Northern portion which is

plain. The ranges of Ajanta form a line of bifurcation in between the two

portions. Both the parts have nearly the equal area of the district. The

elevation of the table land portion ranges from 492m to 687 meters, while the

elevation of the plain area varies 246 m to259 m.

Southern portion of the district comprises of the two hilly ranges while

the northern portion is comparatively plain exception the northern most

portion is highly rugged area having the ranges of Satpuras with the direction

of NNE-SSW approximately. The two hilly ranges of southern portion are

named as southern & Central belts. The Central belt runs first NW-SE for near

about 64 k.m. the southern belt of hill ranges stretches from Dhad to Lonar in

the direction of NW-SE for a distance of 103 Km. the valley of Painganga

widens up steadily from 6 Km to 88 Km.for distance of 106 Km along NW-SE in

between these two hill ranges.

These two belts of hill ranges have formed many vallies through which

many streams feed the major rivers of the dist. The hill ranges have given rise

to many terrains along the foot hills which fall along the steep side marked by


The Central belt has numerous valleys opening mostly along the

Northern direction. First shallow and then widens to a large extent which

gradually sinks into the bigger plains.

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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)


The physiography of the district has given rise to four major

characteristic land forms viz. (I) The hill and ghat section 2) The foot hill zones

3) The plateaus and 4) The Plains. This Classification of the land forms a very

important basis for both assessment and development of groundwater

resources of the district. The extents of such features are given in the following


It is clear from the physiography that the plains and foot hil areas are

mostly the favorable areas where ground water development can take place.

The plain area and the foot hill area cover 69 percent of the tota geographical

area respectively. It means that only 69 % of the area is suitable for

groundwater development & 31% of area is unsuitable for the development.

Topographically, the district falls under three structural-cum-physical

units: a narrow, northern strip in the Jalgaon and Sangrampur thasil in the

Satpuda hills, the Payanghat or the Purna plains in the middle comprising the

tahsils of Malkapur, Nandura, Khamgaon , Shegaon, Jalgaon and Sangrampur

while the Buldhana plateau comprising the Chikhli and Mehakar , Lonar,

Deulgaon Raja and Sindkhed Raja tahsils to the south. The landscape in the

district is rich and varied, with gently sloping fertile riverine plains studded

with agriculturally prosperous villages standing in sharp contrast to the flat

undulation plateau country with patches of cultivation, broad open river

valleys and a monotonous scrub cover. The ghat country, deeply scoured by

gullies and ravines on the edge of the plateau and the sheer black walls of the

Satpuda scarps to the north add color to the variety of landforms.

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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)


Map: 2 Geomorphology Map of Buldhana District


The district is entirely drained by three major drainage systems. The

Purna (Tapi) system covers the complete half of the area of the district. The

system is developed along the northern side of the district. The painganga

system & the purna (Godavari) system originates from the Ajanta hills & covers

the southern half portion of the district. The Purna Tapi is having the westerly

drainage system and the remaining two system i.e. of Painganga and Purna

(Godavari) have SE drainage system.

The river purna (Tapi) forms the major drainage in the district which

flows E to EW. It enters the district from Akola district and finally meets the

Tapi rivers in Jalgaon district. In the district it enters at the bed level 152

Mts.MSL and leaves 226 Mtrs.MSL.for a distance of 45 Km. The drainage

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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)


pattern of this river is quite big. It has deposited the huge alluvial deposits on

the both banks. The river is perennial throughout the year.

Purna (Tapi) system is supported by the number of tributaries in the

district Nalganga. Vishwanganga, Gyanganga and Man rivers are the main

tributaries which are flowing from the southern portion of the river which are

originated from the Ajanta hill and run nearly 50 to 70 Km. when they meet

finally to Purna, These tributaties are seasonal and deposited alluvial deposits

at the both banks.

Wan and other major nalas are enriching the Purna (Tapi) system from

northern portion which originates from Satpura ranges and run approximately

30 to 40 Km. before meeting to Purna river.

The river Painganga has a total drainage of 90 the district and has

a Slope of 153 Mts. i.e. about 0.17 % it enters the district at 686 m amsl and

leaves at 533 m amsl.

The river purna (Godavari) has drainage of total length 45 Km. It enters

in the district at the bed level of 518 m amsl. and leaves the district at the bed

level of 479 m amsl.

All the rivers have a sub parallel to semi dendritic drainage pattern

which is controlled by structures of the bed rocks formed by deccan basalt lava

flows.Based on geomorphological setting and drainage pattern the district is

divided into 57watersheds

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Map: 3 Draingae & Waterbody Map of Buldhana District

Map: 4 Watershed Map of Buldhana District

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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)



The Climate of the district is characterized by a hot summer and general

dryness throughout the year except during the south-west monsoon season,

i.e. June to September. The winter season is from December to about the

middle of February followed by summer season which last up to May. June to

September is the south-west monsoon season, whereas October and

November constitute the post-monsoon season. The mean minimum

temperature is about 12°C and means maximum temperature is about 45°C.

Except during the monsoon season when the humidity is high, the air is

generally dry. The summer months are the driest with relative humidity

between 25 and 35 percent.

The normal annual rainfall over the district varies from about 711 mm to

911 mm . It is the minimum in the northern parts of the district around

Malkapur (711 mm) and Jalgaon (Jamod) (719 mm). The average annual rainfall

of last ten years (1996-2005) in the district varied from 539 mm (Nandura) to

845mm (Sindkhed Raja) The maximum spell of rainfall range from June to

September constitutes 85 percent of the annual rainfall. The month of July and

August being the rainiest month. The variation in rainfall from year to year in

the district is large. On an average number of rainy days in major part of the

district are 42 to 49 in a year and the same is presented in Table

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Map: 5 Rainfall Map of Buldhana District

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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)



The district has a total population of 25,88,039. And total area of

9,67,099 ha out of which Cultivable area is 760000ha , Forest area is 56000ha

and area under non agriculture purpose is 41000ha. 21.2 % is urban, 78.8 % is

rural area.

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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)



Total water resources available with the district is 1867.124 MCUM out

of which about 58.47 % is allocated for irrigation, 1.53 % for industrial and

8.24% is for domestic/drinking purpose. The region is going through

urbanization / industrialization. The total population dependent on

agriculture is 21,99,833 and total number of marginal farmers are 2,65,836

There are 2 major river basins viz Tapti and Godavari in the district. Their

drainage system is as given below .

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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)



The Satpudas have shallow, gravely and stony reddish soils. The soil over

the piedmont deposits is coarse, highly friable and is locally known as Malli soil

and is well suited for horticulture. To the south of the Satpuda piedmont, the

Alluvial plains are covered by deep Alluvial soil, locally known as Bharkali soil,

which are deep black, very fine in texture and highly retentive of moisture.

Southwards away from the river, the soils are replaced by Kali regular soils,

which are moderately deep. The soils of the plateau are Bhorandi or Khelk, a

thin yellowish coarse soil, often less than half meter deep. The upper plateau is

generally covered by shallow, black, brown or reddish soil. These are locally

known as Barad soils.

Availability of water often determines the nature and level of social

development of a region. The Purna basin lying in Western Vidarbha has

unique features in the whole of the country in that a deeply inland area has

extremely high innate soil and water salinity. A huge expanse of land mass of

otherwise exceptionally high soil fertility has come to degenerate into near

wastelands due to the high dissolved salts in the underground water, salts that

often leach up to the surface.

The area adjoining the Purna river having peculiar characteristics of soil

and groundwater i.e. salinity. The saline track is the region in which the soils

have excessive concentration of natural soluble salts, mainly of chlorides,

sulphates and carbonates of calcium, magnesium and sodium. In these soils,

the exchangeable sodium percentage is greater than 15 as a result the pH is

more than 8.5.

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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)


The saline belt of the Purna basin covers 166 Villages of 5 Tahsils. These

villages suffer an acute problem of water for domastic and agricultural usage.

Even though the annual precipitation averages 800 mm, saline ground water

forces the rural population to practice only rain fed agriculture. As a result,

they are rendered vulnerable to weather induced risks and their lives are quite


Soil Types of the District: Major soils Area( 000ha) percentage

Deep black soil 342.0 35.4 Medium black soil 80.6 8.3

Shallow black soil 544.3 56.3 Others( saline )

Map: 8 Soil Map of Buldhana District

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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)



Major crops of the district are Soybean, Cotton, Gram and Wheat second

major crop is Tur, Jowar, Maize, Green Gram, Black Gram and other crops are

Sunflowar, Safflower, Sesamum, Groundnut.

Existing Crop Pattern

The cropping pattern in an irrigated area depends should mainly on

(i) Availability of Water (ii) Type of Soil and land to be irrigated (iii) Climatic Conditions (iv) Value of produce and socio-economic aspects

Sr. No.

Season Crop Average Area ha.

Actual Sowing 2014 Area ha.

1 Kharip Sorghum 56300 20646

Cotton 244400 174339 Soyabean 208300 412103

Bajara 3500 2841

Maize 61100 30014 Tur 65000 69600

Green Gram 52500 12313 Black Gram 48400 11135

Groundnut 400 1050 Sesamum 4100 1581

Sunflower 2100 87

Sugarcane 1700 319 TOTAL 747800 736028

2 Rabbi Sorghum 16221 15828 Wheat 52940 57876

Gram 73910 122441

Maize 3330 12210 Sunflower 2300 49

Safflower 3100 373 TOTAL 151801 208777

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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)


Sr. No.

Season Crop Average Area ha.

Actual Sowing 2014 Area ha.

3 Summer Maize 510 0

Sunflower 940 34 Groundnut 960 3364

Sesamum 130 0

Green Gram 48 0 TOTAL 2588 3398

Existing Area under Rainfed Cultivation

(a) Rainfall during Monsoon (Max. Min & Average): Max – 119 mm (5 August 2015) Min – 0.1 mm (26 June, 22 & 23 Sept. 2015) Average – 713 mm

(b) Rainfall during non-monsoon (Max. Min & Average): Max – 30 mm (1 January 2015) Min – 0.4 mm (16 March 2015) Average – 72.9 mm

(c) Area under rainfed cultivation Total Area under cultivation -7,60,000 ha.

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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)


Rainfed area – 730440 ha.

Area under each crop : Orchard / Fruits / Vegetables / Water Bodies like

ponds, tanks and lakes for aquatic Farming

Crops RainFed Irrigated Area (ha) Yield (t

/ha) Area (ha) Yield (t /ha)

--- Kharif Crop

i. Soyabean 412103 0.565 ii. Cotton (Bale) 174339 0.13

iii. Tur 69690 0.254 iv. Maize 30014 1.926

v. Kharp Jowar 20646 1.026

vi. Moong 12313 0.318 vii. Udid 11335 0.329

Sub Total 730440

--- Rabbi Crop

i. Gram 122449 0.68 ii. Wheat 57876 1.294

iii. R. Jowar 15828 0.783 iv. Maize 12210

v. Sunflower 373 vi. Safflower 49 0.524

Sub Total 150909 57876

-- Perennial

i. Custard Apple 259.60 3.50 ii. Grapes 37.30 14.00

iii. Pomegranate 842.10 6.51

iv. Orange 907.80 13.00 v. Sweet Orange 404.50 14.00

vi. Mango 285.50 3.80 vii. Banana 534.90 53.00

viii. Guava 355.20 14.50

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ix. K. Lime 320.70 4.00

x. Papaya 34.50 60.09 xi. Sapota 91.10 7.57

Sub Total 259.60 3813.60

-- Vegetable

i. Brinjal 308.10 13.50 ii. Cabbage 91.10 14.00

iii. Cauliflower 109.80 14.49 iv. Okra 129.80 5.50

v. Tomato 383.00 14.50

vi. Potato 250.30 36.30 vii. Onion 11920.00 16.80

Sub Total 13192.10

-- Spices

i. Ginger 191.10 3.41 ii. Turmeric 236.80 5.60

iii. Other Spices 1538.00 1.07 Sub Total 1965.90

-- Flowers

i. Chrysanthmum 14.80 1.49

ii. Marigold 94.50 6.50 iii. Rows 20.30 3.00

iv. Other Flowers 6.60 0.76 Sub Total 136.20

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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)


11. Hydrogeology

Deccan Trap lava flows and Purna Alluvium are the major water bearing

formations of Buldhana district.

Hard Rock (Deccan Trap Basalt) Aquifer:

Major part of the district is covered by basaltic lava flows of upper

Cretaceous to lower Eocene age. The Deccan lava sequence is grouped under

Satpura group in the northern part whereas in southern part it is grouped

under Sahyadri group.

Deccan Trap Basalt forms an important water bearing formation of the

district. The disposition of vesicular unit and massive unit of different lava

flows has given rise to multi layered aquifer system. The water bearing capacity

of Vesicular Basalt largely depends upon size and shape of vesicles,density of

vesicles and the degree of inter connection of vesicles. Massive Basalt generally

does not possess primary porosity. However, Massive Basalt, which is

fractured, jointed and weathered posses’ water bearing capacity. Degree of

weathering and topographic setting also plays a major role in respect of

productivity. In Basalt, ground water occurs both in Vesicular and Massive

Basalt as well as inter flow zones in weathered mantle, fractured zones. In

general ground water occurs under water table conditions in shallow aquifer

and semi-confined to confined conditions in deeper aquifer. The unconfined

aquifer is developed due to the weathering and jointing of upper flow in Basalt

down to depth of 15-20 mbgl.

Soft Rock (Alluvium) Aquifer:

The northern part of the district on either side of Purna River is underlain

by thick Alluvial deposits of Pleistocene to Recent age and is termed as Purna

Alluvium. The Alluvium is also observed in a small patch southwest of Malkapur

and east of Khamgaon along the boundaries of district.The Alluvial valley lies in

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narrow belt and covers roughly about 1800 sq. km.The valley extends about 51 in Buldhana district and it tapers towards the western end.In Alluvial

deposits, inter pore spaces in sand and gravel renders them a high degree of

porosity and permeability to make them a good ground water reservoir.

However lithological variation results in variable water yielding capacity

depending upon the sand-clay ratio. Purna Alluvium has a proven thickness of

more than 300 meters. Based on studies the entire thickness of Alluvium has

been divided into younger Alluvium and older Alluvium. The younger Alluvium

contains comparatively more sand layers and thus forms good aquifer. The

older Alluvium, which is more clayey with thin horizons of sand and silt forms a

comparatively lesser potential aquifer. In younger Alluvium ground water

generally occurs in confined to semi-confined conditions in the depth range of

11-40 m bgl, while in older Alluvium it occurs under confined conditions below

the depth of 40 m.

Aquifer Parameters

The principal water table aquifer in the district occurs down to a depth

of 15 meters below ground level and shows a great variation in its capacity to

yield water the massive units under favorable conditions of topography and

rocks weathering generally have slightly low yields as compared to the

vesicular units under similar conditions which have higher yields. The specific

capacities of wells tested vary from 10 to 200 liters per minutes of drawdown.

Specific yield varies from 1.6 percent to 13.5 percent. But generally it varies

from 4 percent to 6 percent. The transmissivity of phreatic aquifer ranges

between 18 and 80 m2/day.

Aquifer parameters for alluvial area, the transmissivity values ranged

from from 0.89 to 1575.96 m2/day and storativity ranges from 1.09 x 10-3 to

3.00 x 10-6. The transmissivity in Basalt ranges from 8.35 to 395.85 m2/day

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and the storativity varies between 8 x 10 -8 and 4.2 x 10 – 2.

It is observed that values of transmissivity and storativity are directly

proportionate to the cumulative thickness of the aquifer and the type of


Yields of Dugwells and Borewells

The yields of the wells are the functions of the permeability and

storativity of aquifer encountered. This varies with location, diameter and

depth of wells. There are mainly two types of ground water structures in the

district i.e., dugwells and borewells/Tubewells.

Yield of dugwells varies according to the nature of formations tapped. In

Deccan Trap Basalt, the yield of the dugwells in different formations and its

ranges are given in Table. The yields of borewells also show wide variations and

it ranges from traces to 30.62 lps. This variation of yields in the single type of

aquifer is due to lateral/spatial variation in permeability of the

formation/aquifer material.

Yield Range of Dug wells

Formation Yield Range


Massive basalt poorly weathered / jointed with

thin vesicular zone.

30 – 60

Weathered and highly jointed massive basalt

with thick vesicular zones

90 – 150

Weathered, fractured and jointed massive

basalt with thick vesicular zone

60 – 120

Highly weathered and moderate to poorly

jointed basalt.

40 – 80

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12. Groundwater Scenarios


1998 2004 2007 2008 2011

Annual Recharge in ham

85636 69595 90518 91652 94162

Annual Draft in ham 20950 41644 64304 64151 65533

Total Irrigation Wells

32443 35596 57967 57967 59639

The ground water development has been growing at an exponential rate

in the district. The above table shows consistent growth in groundwater

irrigation and the number of wells. The groundwater development has almost

been doubled in the beginning of 2001.

12.1 Present scenarios

The district abstract showing details of Dynamic Ground water

Resources 2011-12 is given below –


Total Number of Watersheds 57 Overexploited Watersheds 02

Critical watersheds 00 Semi – Critical watersheds 07

Poor Quality 00 Safe watersheds 48

Total No of Talukas 13 Total Geographical Area in Sq.Km. 9661

Command Area in Sq .Km. 624.89 Non Command Area in Sq.Km. 7314.98

Poor Quality Area in Sq.Km. 266.28 Irrigation wells and Borewells 59639

Total Annual GW Recharge 94162 ham Net annual GW availability 28629 ham

Gross Draft in ham 65533 ham

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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)


District Water Account – Now the objective is to bring the rainfed area under irrigation by various

interventions under various schemes of both central and state governments


1. AIBP 2. IWMP 3. MGNREGA 4. RKVY 5. VIIDP 6. NRDWP 7. JALYUKT SHIVAR ABHIYAAN ( DPC, 8. CSR activities 9. CAIM 10. Mahatma Phule Jal Bhumi Sandharan Abhiyan Departments involved 1. Irrigation ( state, local sector, zilla parishad) 2. Agriculture (state, zilla parishad) 3. Zilla parishad 4. Forest 5. GSDA 6. NGOs, Banks (CSR) 7. Agricultural Universities

Page 25: PRADHAN MANTRI KRISHI SINCHAI YOJANA - … · Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India) 1 PRADHAN MANTRI KRISHI SINCHAI YOJANA ... 09 Soil type

Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)



Water availability in the district

WaterRequirement of the District

TOTAL Domestic 153.885

MCUM Agriculture 1091.787

MCUM Industry 28.63.00

MCUM TOTAL 1274.302


Irrigation Projects (Major/Medium/Minor) Name of the





Gorss Command Area (GCA)


Culturable Command

Area (CCA)Ha.

MAJOR Completed 4 304.66 92486 68290


Ongoing 1 297.72 140400 112320

Total 5 602.38 232886 180610

Completed 7 136.12 45348 33794


Ongoing 0 0 0 0

Total 7 136.12 45348 33794

Completed 99 197.087 53271 42788

0 to 100 ha.

Ongoing 15 55.465 11097 8680

future 21 26.074 4296 3581

Total 135 278.626 68664 55049

587 92.79 20900 20900

Surface Water MCUM Remarks

Minor Irrigation 255 Total Gross Storage considered as available water in Irrigation Projects.

Medium Irrigation 157.25

Major Irrigation 1119.86

Ground water (Wells, Tubewells)


TOTAL 1801.01

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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)



734 1109.916 367398 290353

Irrigation Methods used

o Canal Irrigation -144464 ha (GCA) o River Irrigation (KT Weir, Lift Irrigation etc) - 222934 Ha (GCA) o Open well and Tube well – 98343 Ha.


It is intended to formulate a holistic irrigation plan for the district with the

main objectives as under:

To maximize crop yield in order to achieve food self sufficiency of the

region. (per drop more crop)

To increase the agriculture area under irrigation (har khet ko paani)

Area proposed to be covered under Drip / Sprinkler Irrigation during 2015-16

Sr. No.

No. of block

/Taluka Crop Spacing

No. of beneficiaries

Area (Ha.)

Total Cost Involved

Financial Outlay


A. Drip Mango 10 M x 10 M 18 16.50 3.11 1.86

Irrigation 13 Tamarind 10 M x 10 M 5 5.00 0.94 0.56

Sapota 10 M x 10 M 8 12.00 2.26 1.36

Guava 6 M x 6 M 40 35.00 9.29 5.58

Cashewnut 6 M x 6 M 0 0.00 0.00 0.00

Citrus 6 M x 6 M 312 287.00 76.20 45.72

Amala 6 M x 6 M 20 19.50 5.18 3.11 5 M x 5 M 148 116.00 34.97 20.98

Fig 5 M x 5 M 4 2.00 0.60 0.36

Ber 5 M x 5 M 5 5.00 1.51 0.90

Pomegranate 4 M x 4 M 60 60.00 19.08 11.45

Papaya 3 M x 3 M 82 62.00 22.66 13.60

Grapes 2 M x 2 M 10 8.00 5.09 3.05

Banana 1.5 M x 1.5

M 162 296.30 220.56 132.33

Vegetables 2.5 M x 0.6

M 89 78.00 42.90 25.74

1.8 x 0.6 120 112.00 78.50 47.10

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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)


1.2 x 0.6 300 250.00 244.00 146.40

Flowers 2.5 M x 0.6

M 5 7.50 4.13 2.48

1.8 x 0.6 5 7.50 5.26 3.15

1.2 x 0.6 5 7.50 7.32 4.37

Sugarcane 1.5 M x 1.5

M 10 15.00 11.17 6.70

Cotton 1.2 x 0.6 9500 10230.00 7614.91 4568.94

Total Drip Irrigation 10908 11631.80 8409.60 5045.74

B. Portable Sprinkler Hort & Non- Hort Crops 7835 7650.00 1492.10 895.26

Total Portable Sprinkler Irrigation System 7835 7650.00 1492.10 895.26

C. Semi perment Sprinkler

Hort & Non- Hort Crops

Total Semi Permenent Sprinkler Irrigation System 0.00 0.000 0.00

D. Large Volume Sprinkler(Rain gun)

Hort & Non- Hort Crops

Total Large Volume Sprinkler Irrigation System 0.00 0.000 0.00

E. Admn. Cost @ 1 % 59.00

Grand Total ( A+B+C+D+E ) 18743 19281.80 9901.70 6000.00

Likewise for 5 years till 2020 (Under VIIDP) MICRO IRRIGATION

Year Area (Ha.) Financial outlay(in LAKHS)

2015-16 19281.80 6000.00

2016-17 21209.98 6600.00

2017-18 23330.48 7260.00

2018-19 25662.93 7986.00

2019-20 28230.12 8784.00

TOTAL 117715.31 36630.00

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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)


Proposed increase in the Irrigation Potential







2015-16 6000.00 2752.25

2016-17 6600.00 2752.25

2017-18 7260.00 2752.25

2018-19 7986.00 2752.25

2019-20 8784.00 2752.25

TOTAL 36630.00 13762.25

Type of Projects Area to be

covered(HA) Amount(IN


Minor Irrigation (AIBP+Others) 8462 3735

Medium Irrigation(AIBP) 0 0

Major Irrigation(AIBP+Others) 101088 0.00

Watershed Development(PMKSY) 18336.12 2200.34

Water Bodies (VIIDP) (KT weir, PT) 12807 583.16

Wells (NREGA ) (8125) 12187 243.75

FARM PONDS (NREGA, RKVY) 15000 7000.00

TOTAL 167880.12 13762.25

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Irrigation Planning Report for BULDANA District of Maharashtra State (India)


List of maps

1.Location map of a district

2.Geomorphology map

3. Drainage and waterbody map

4.Watershed map

5.Rainfall map

6.Land use cover map

7.Basin map

8.Soil map

9.Cropping pattern map