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Pitch Extraction Using Fourth-Root Spectrum in Noisy Speech Md. Saifur Rahman, Yosuke Sugiura and Tetsuya Shimamura Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University, 255 Shimo-okubo, Sakura-ku, Saitama 338-8570, Japan E-mail: {saifur, sugiura, shima} Abstract In this paper, we present the use of the fourth-root spectrum instead of the log spectrum for pitch extraction in noisy environments. To obtain clear harmonics, lifter and clipping operations are performed. When the resulting spectrum is transformed into the time domain by the discrete Fourier transform, pitch detection is robust against narrow-band noise. When the same spectrum is amplified by power calculation and transformed into the time domain, pitch detection is robust against wide-band noise. These properties are investigated through exhaustive experiments in various noises. The required computational time is also studied. Keywords: pitch, fourth-root spectrum, log spectrum, lifter, clipping, power calculation, narrow-band noise, wide-band noise 1. Introduction The pitch period is defined as the inverse of the fundamental frequency of the excitation source from a voiced speech signal. The pitch period (in short, pitch) or fundamental frequency is a prominent parameter of speech and highly applicable for speech-related systems such as speech analysis-synthesis, speech coding, speech enhancement, and speaker identification systems. The performance of these systems is significantly affected by the accuracy of pitch or fundamental frequency ex- traction. In this study, we treat pitch and fundamental frequency as having the same meaning, while pitch is inherently interpreted as the perception of fundamental frequency. Pitch extraction has proven to be a difficult task, even for speech in a noise free environment [1][2]. A clean speech waveform is not really periodic; it is quasi- periodic and highly nonstationary. On the other hand, when a speech signal is corrupted by noise, it is difficult to maintain the reliability and accuracy of pitch extrac- tion algorithms. Under noisy conditions, the periodic structure of the speech signal is destroyed so that pitch extraction becomes an extremely complex task. Among the conventional pitch extraction methods, the autocor- relation function (ACF) [3] is straightforward to com- pute in the time domain and shows robustness against wide-band random noises such as white noise. The ACF corresponds to a correlation function between the in- put speech signal and its delayed version in the time domain, but it is also obtained by the inverse Fourier transform of the power spectrum of the speech signal. The ACF is, however, affected by the characteristics of the vocal tract. To reduce the effect of the vocal tract, many algorithms have been developed that rely on the properties of the correlation function [4]-[13]. For ex- ample, YIN [4] focuses on the relationship between the conventional ACF and the difference function, and uti- lizes a cumulative mean function of the difference func- tion to reduce the error rate in pitch extraction. The average magnitude difference function (AMDF) [5] is a simplified version of the ACF, which treats the differ- ence between the speech signal and its delayed version. In [6], the AMDF was combined with linear predic- tive analysis to eliminate the effect of the vocal tract. Correntropy [7] has similar properties to the ACF and correntropy has a kernel function to transform the orig- inal signal into a high-dimensional reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) in a nonlinear manner. This transformation preserves the characteristics of the pe- riodic signal. Higher-order statistics [8] are also used to enhance the resolution of pitch extraction. How- ever, the performance of correntropy and higher order- statistics in noisy environments is unsatisfactory. In [9], harmonic sinusoidal autocorrelation (HSAC) was pro- posed. The symmetric average magnitude sum function (SAMSF) was utilized to generate a periodic impulse train to extract the pitch. The resulting pitch extrac- tor based on least squares and optimum value finding (searching) is too complex to implement because it re- Journal of Signal Processing, Vol.24, No.5, pp.207-222, September 2020 PAPER Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 24, No. 5, September 2020 207


Oct 19, 2021



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Pitch Extraction Using Fourth-Root Spectrum in Noisy Speech

Md. Saifur Rahman, Yosuke Sugiura and Tetsuya Shimamura

Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University, 255 Shimo-okubo, Sakura-ku, Saitama 338-8570, Japan

E-mail: {saifur, sugiura, shima}

Abstract In this paper, we present the use of the fourth-root spectrum instead of the log spectrum for pitch

extraction in noisy environments. To obtain clear harmonics, lifter and clipping operations are performed.

When the resulting spectrum is transformed into the time domain by the discrete Fourier transform, pitch

detection is robust against narrow-band noise. When the same spectrum is amplified by power calculation

and transformed into the time domain, pitch detection is robust against wide-band noise. These properties

are investigated through exhaustive experiments in various noises. The required computational time is also


Keywords: pitch, fourth-root spectrum, log spectrum, lifter, clipping, power calculation, narrow-band noise, wide-band


1. Introduction

The pitch period is defined as the inverse of thefundamental frequency of the excitation source from avoiced speech signal. The pitch period (in short, pitch)or fundamental frequency is a prominent parameter ofspeech and highly applicable for speech-related systemssuch as speech analysis-synthesis, speech coding, speechenhancement, and speaker identification systems. Theperformance of these systems is significantly affectedby the accuracy of pitch or fundamental frequency ex-traction. In this study, we treat pitch and fundamentalfrequency as having the same meaning, while pitch isinherently interpreted as the perception of fundamentalfrequency.

Pitch extraction has proven to be a difficult task,even for speech in a noise free environment [1][2]. Aclean speech waveform is not really periodic; it is quasi-periodic and highly nonstationary. On the other hand,when a speech signal is corrupted by noise, it is difficultto maintain the reliability and accuracy of pitch extrac-tion algorithms. Under noisy conditions, the periodicstructure of the speech signal is destroyed so that pitchextraction becomes an extremely complex task. Amongthe conventional pitch extraction methods, the autocor-relation function (ACF) [3] is straightforward to com-pute in the time domain and shows robustness againstwide-band random noises such as white noise. The ACFcorresponds to a correlation function between the in-put speech signal and its delayed version in the time

domain, but it is also obtained by the inverse Fouriertransform of the power spectrum of the speech signal.The ACF is, however, affected by the characteristics ofthe vocal tract. To reduce the effect of the vocal tract,many algorithms have been developed that rely on theproperties of the correlation function [4]-[13]. For ex-ample, YIN [4] focuses on the relationship between theconventional ACF and the difference function, and uti-lizes a cumulative mean function of the difference func-tion to reduce the error rate in pitch extraction. Theaverage magnitude difference function (AMDF) [5] is asimplified version of the ACF, which treats the differ-ence between the speech signal and its delayed version.In [6], the AMDF was combined with linear predic-tive analysis to eliminate the effect of the vocal tract.Correntropy [7] has similar properties to the ACF andcorrentropy has a kernel function to transform the orig-inal signal into a high-dimensional reproducing kernelHilbert space (RKHS) in a nonlinear manner. Thistransformation preserves the characteristics of the pe-riodic signal. Higher-order statistics [8] are also usedto enhance the resolution of pitch extraction. How-ever, the performance of correntropy and higher order-statistics in noisy environments is unsatisfactory. In [9],harmonic sinusoidal autocorrelation (HSAC) was pro-posed. The symmetric average magnitude sum function(SAMSF) was utilized to generate a periodic impulsetrain to extract the pitch. The resulting pitch extrac-tor based on least squares and optimum value finding(searching) is too complex to implement because it re-

Journal of Signal Processing, Vol.24, No.5, pp.207-222, September 2020


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Fig. 1 Block diagram of FROOT and FROOT+ methods

quires post-processing. In [10], dominant harmonic re-shaping from the normalized autocorrelation function(NACF) [11] of noisy speech was performed and theempirical mode decomposition (EMD) of the resultingNACF waveform was implemented where an iterativeoperation could not be avoided. The method in [10]is also complicated and results in a long computationtime. In [12], the auditory filterbank decomposed thespeech signal into subbands. Then, the NACF was ap-plied to the subband signals, which were encoded toextract the pitch. The NACF reduces the variationsin signal amplitude more than the ACF does. The ap-proach in [12] is very effective, but it inherently relieson a sophisticated post-processing technique to com-pensate for the pitch extraction errors.

In highly noisy environments, the two correlation-based methods, ACF and AMDF, are inferior to theweighted autocorrelation function (WAF) [13]. TheWAF also focuses on the ACF, but it is weighted bythe inverse of the AMDF, resulting in an excellent pitchextractor in noisy environments. Most of the ACF-based pitch extraction methods are effective in whitenoise. However, the pitch extraction performance ofthe ACF-based methods is degraded when clean speechis corrupted by color noise.

In the frequency domain, one of the most widelyused techniques employs the cepstrum (CEP), whichwas originally proposed in [14] and improved in [15].In the CEP method, the pitch is extracted by applyingthe inverse Fourier transform to the log-amplitude spec-trum, which is also effective. The logarithmic functioninvolved in the CEP shifts the vocal tract character-istics to low-quefrency parts. Utilizing high-quefrencyparts, we can extract the pitch without being affectedby the characteristics of the vocal tract. The modifiedCEP (MCEP) in [16] further involves the liftering andclipping operations on the log spectrum, which is usedto remove the characteristics of the vocal tract as wellas to eliminate the unnecessary notches of spectral val-leys that correspond to noise in the log spectrum. TheMCEP also removes the high-frequency components toincrease the pitch extraction accuracy. The ACF of thelog spectrum (ACLOS) [17] also utilizes the lifteringand clipping operations on the log spectrum. Then,the ACF is applied to the resulting log spectrum. TheACLOS emphasizes the periodicity of harmonics in thespectrum.

The CEP-based methods clearly express the har-monic structure of the speech signal under no-noiseconditions. However, in noisy environments, the CEP-based methods do not always perform well because thespeech peaks are affected by the noise peaks in the fre-quency domain. A spectral harmonic technique wasproposed in [18]. In this method, a bank of bandpasslifters is used to flatten the spectrum. The ACF isapplied in the spectrum domain to extract the pitchperiodicity by reducing the effect of vocal tract charac-teristics. This approach may be effective but the overallprocedure is too complex to implement.

Recently, two sophisticated approaches have beenproposed [19][20]. The pitch estimation filter withamplitude compression (PEFAC) [19] is a frequencydomain pitch extraction method, which utilizes sub-harmonic summation [21] in the log frequency domain.The PEFAC also includes an amplitude compressiontechnique to enhance its noise robustness. On the otherhand, BaNa [20] considers noisy speech peaks and pro-vides a hybrid pitch extraction method that selects thefirst five spectral peaks in the amplitude spectrum ofthe speech signal. BaNa calculates the ratios of thefrequencies of the spectral peaks with tolerance rangesand accurately extracts the pitch of the speech signal.

Although deep neural network (DNN)-based ap-proaches exist [22][23] as a recent approach to pitchextraction, they typically require a tremendously longtime for learning owing to the huge data size.

In this paper, we propose the use of the fourth-root(FROOT) spectrum of noisy speech for pitch extrac-tion. Motivated by the fact that the MCEP methodis very simple to implement but provides an excel-lent pitch extraction performance in noisy environ-ments, the MCEP method is improved. In the proposedmethod, which is referred to as the FROOT method,the fourth-root spectrum is used instead of the log spec-trum in the MCEP method. The idea of the FROOTmethod has been reported in a conference [24], wherea preliminary experiment was conducted and only lim-ited results for narrow-band noise were shown. In thispaper, we further extend the FROOT method for wide-band noise and investigate the performance of boththe FROOT and extended FROOT methods in var-ious noises. In wide-band noise, the noise energy isdistributed over a wide range of frequencies. In thiscase, the FROOT method is corrupted in the high-

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frequency domain by the noise characteristics. How-ever, the extended FROOT method additionally uti-lizes the fourth-power calculation (fourth-power spec-trum) to present clear harmonics and emphasizes thepitch peak in the frequency domain, simultaneouslysuppressing the noise components included in noisyspeech. In this paper, the extended FROOT methodis referred to as the FROOT+ method.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.Section 2 describes the principle of the FROOT andFROOT+ methods. In Sec. 3, we first show prelimi-nary experiments. After that, we compare the FROOTand FROOT+ methods with conventional methodsthrough experimental results and then discuss the per-formance and processing time for each method. Finally,we conclude this paper in Sec. 4.

2. FROOT and FROOT+ Methods

Let us assume that the clean speech signal x(n) iscorrupted by noise, w(n). The noisy speech signal y(n)is expressed as

y(n) = x(n) + w(n) (1)

Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the FROOT andFROOT+ methods. When the fourth-power calcula-tion in parentheses is included, Figure 1 corresponds tothe FROOT+ method. When this part is not included,it corresponds to the FROOT method. In the FROOTand FROOT+ methods, firstly we apply a low-pass fil-ter (LPF) to the noisy speech signal because the LPFcan eliminate the noise characteristics to increase theaccuracy of pitch extraction. The LPF is often ap-plied before the analysis of speech signals and filtersout the high-frequency components of the noisy speechsignal. We use an LPF with the telephone line cut-offfrequency.

After windowing, we calculate the fourth-root spec-trum. Here, we considered different spectral shapes ofa speech signal as shown in Fig. 2. From Fig. 2, wecan observe that the periodicity of the log spectrum isdestroyed by the noise. On the other hand, the fourth-root spectrum emphasizes the pitch harmonics in thelow-frequency region as well as reduces the noise effect.For this reason, the fourth-root spectrum is used in theFROOT and FROOT+ methods.

However, the fourth-root spectrum is sometimes af-fected by vocal tract characteristics. To overcome thisproblem, the operation of flattening is effective. There-fore, we apply a lifter to the fourth-root spectrum bymultiplying a filter in the quefrency domain and thenconverting the liftering result back to the frequency do-main. Basically, the vocal tract information is presentat the lower part in the quefrency domain. At thehigher part in the quefrency domain, the pitch informa-tion is present. Therefore, we apply a high-pass lifter

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 50000


6Amplitude spectrum

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000−15







Log spectrum

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 50000



Frequency [Hz]

Fourth−root spectrum

Fig. 2 Different spectral shapes of speech signal atSNR=0 [dB] (white noise)

(HPL) to eliminate the effect of the vocal tract infor-mation and simultaneously eliminate the noise compo-nents contained at the lower part in the quefrency do-main. The cutoff quefrency level of the HPL shouldbe small to reduce the effect of the vocal tract char-acteristics. Experimentally, we found that the cutoffquefrency level of 2.5 [ms] (25 samples for the samplingrate of the NTT database) for the HPL preserves thehigh periodicity more reliably than that with a highercutoff quefrency level at the lifter output. Some exam-ples are shown in Fig. 3. Therefore, when the FROOTand FROOT+ methods were used in the experimentsin Sec. 3, the cutoff quefrency level of 2.5 [ms] for theHPL was used. However, after the lifter operation, weobserved that noise components are present betweenthe harmonics. Therefore, a clipping operation is alsoapplied to the lifter output, which reduces the effectof the noise using an accurate clipping threshold level.The selection of the clipping threshold level is describedin Sec. 3.

After the above process, in the FROOT+ method, apower calculation is performed (in the FROOTmethod,this part is omitted). Figure 4 shows an example ofwhich power factor is suitable for the clipping output toreduce the noise components in the FROOT+ method.In Fig. 4, we observe that the noise components are re-duced by increasing the power factor. However, as thepower factor increases, the effect of the formant char-acteristics of the vocal tract sometimes also increases.Therefore, undesired peaks arise. From Fig. 4, we se-lected four as the power factor value for the FROOT+method, which is the most effective value for reducingthe noise. This is the reason why the fourth-power cal-culation is drawn in Fig. 1.

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0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000−1



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000−1







0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000−0.5



Frequency [Hz]

Fig. 3 Waveforms of different liftering outputs usingcutoff quefrency levels of (a) 1 [ms] (b) 2.5 [ms] and (c)4 [ms] at SNR=0 [dB] (white noise) in NTT database

After this process, for both the FROOT andFROOT+ methods, the inverse discrete Fourier trans-form (IDFT) is applied and the resulting spectrum istransformed into the time domain, where a peak corre-sponding to the pitch peak is detected.

Figure 5 illustrates how to extract the pitch pe-riod by using the FROOT and FROOT+ methods innarrow-band noise (car interior noise) and in wide-bandnoise (white noise). In the narrow-band noise (Fig.5(a)), we observe that the energy level of the first threepeaks provides almost the same amplitude in the low-frequency region of the fourth-root spectrum. The pitchinformation exists in this region, but some peaks areundesired. When the fourth-power calculation is ap-plied to the clipping output, the undesired peaks areenhanced. This leads to the FROOT+ method pro-ducing a pitch detection error. However, the FROOTmethod gives correct pitch detection without undesiredpeaks. In contrast, in the wide-band noise (Fig. 5(b)),the harmonic peaks maintain their periodicity in thelow-frequency region at the clipping output. When thefourth-power calculation is applied to the clipped spec-trum, the noise effect is suppressed. Otherwise, thenoise components remain in a wide frequency range.Therefore, the FROOT+method accurately detects thepitch peak. The FROOT method leads to a detectionerror in this case.

3. Experiments

We conducted experiments on speech signals.

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 50000


1Clipping output

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 50000


0.4Second−power on clipping output

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 50000







Third−power on clipping output

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 50000



Frequency [Hz]

Fourth−power on clipping output

Fig. 4 Relationship between the clipping output andthe power factor for female speech at SNR=0 [dB](white noise)

3.1 Experimental conditions

Speech signals were taken from two databases: NTT[25] and KEELE [26]. In the NTT database, which wasdeveloped by NTT Advanced Technology Corporation,the speech materials are 11 [s] long and are spoken byfour male and four female Japanese speakers for eachsentence; the speech signals were sampled at a rate of10 [kHz]. From the KEELE database, we utilize fivemale and five female English speech signals. The totallength of the ten speakers’ speeches is about 6 [m]. Thespeech signals were sampled at a rate of 16 [kHz]. Togenerate noisy speech signals, we added different typesof noise to the speech signals in both databases. Whitenoise with zero mean and unit variance was generatedby a computer and added to the speech signals withamplitude adjustment. Pink, babble, factory, HF chan-nel, car interior, and military vehicle noises were takenfrom the NOISEX-92 database [27] with a sampling fre-quency of 20 [kHz], and train noise was taken from theJapanese Electronic Industry Development Association(JEIDA) noise database [28] with a sampling frequencyof 8 [kHz]. These noises were resampled with samplingfrequencies of 10 [kHz] and 16 [kHz], respectively, whenthey were added to the speech data in the NTT andKEELE databases. The SNR was set to -5, 0, 5, 10,20, and ∞ [dB], and the other experimental conditionsfor pitch extraction were

• frame length: 51.2 [ms], except for BaNa;

• frame shift: 10.0 [ms];

• window function: Hanning;

210 Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 24, No. 5, September 2020

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Fig. 5 Step-by-step processing for FROOT and FROOT+ methods at (a) SNR=0 [dB] (car interior noise) and (b)SNR=0 [dB] (white noise)

• band limitation of LPF: 3.4 [kHz];

• DFT (IDFT) length: 1024 points for theNTT database and 2048 points for the KEELEdatabase except for BaNa.

The following pitch extraction error e(l) based onRabiner’s rule [2] was used for the evaluation of pitchextraction accuracy:

e(l) = Fest(l)− Ftrue(l) (2)

where l is the frame number and Fest(l) and Ftrue(l)are the fundamental frequency extracted from the noisyspeech signal and the ground truth fundamental fre-quency at the lth frame, respectively. If |e(l)| > 10[%]from the ground truth fundamental frequency, we clas-sified the error as a gross pitch error (GPE) and cal-culated the GPE rate (as a percentage) over all thevoiced frames included in the speech data. Otherwise,we classified the error as a fine pitch error (FPE) andcalculated the mean value of the absolute errors. Wedetected and assessed only voiced parts in sentencesfor pitch extraction. To extract the pitch, we used thesearch range of fmax = 50 [Hz] and fmin = 400 [Hz],which corresponds to the fundamental frequency rangeof most people.

The ground truth information for the fundamen-tal frequency at each frame is included in the KEELEdatabase, while the true fundamental frequencies ateach frame in the NTT database were measured in [17]by observing the speech waveforms carefully, which areused here. Therefore, the Ftrue(l) values in (2) areknown a priori in the evaluation.

3.2 Preliminary experiments

For the FROOT and FROOT+ methods, it is im-portant to set a constant parameter for the clippingthreshold level, η, which is expressed as

η = αmin +C(αmax − αmin) (3)

where αmin and αmax are respectively the minimumand maximum values of the fourth-root spectrum af-ter the lifter operation, and C denotes a constant pa-rameter. We conducted preliminary experiments todetermine the optimal value of the clipping thresholdlevel. For this purpose, we used the NTT database, be-cause the size of its speech data is smaller than that ofthe KEELE database. We employed male and femalespeech signals corrupted by white noise. By adjustingthe amount of noise to be added, a range of SNR of -5

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−5 0 5 10 15 20 Clean0









SNR [dB]


ge G














Fig. 6 Relationship between clipping constant level(C) and GPE at different SNRs (male speakers)

[dB] to 20 [dB] was investigated. Additionally, cleanspeech was also investigated. Figures 6 and 7 show therelationship between the clipping threshold level andaverage GPE rate of the FROOT+ method for fourmale and four female speakers, respectively. Here, wechanged the clipping threshold level from 0 to 0.9. InFigs. 6 and 7, we observe that setting C = 0.6 - 0.7for male and female speakers gives low GPE rates atalmost all SNR levels.

In accordance with the results in Figs. 6 and 7,we select the constant parameter C = 0.6 commonlyfor both male and female speech signals to ensure ahigh extraction accuracy in the FROOT and FROOT+methods.

3.3 Performance comparison

The pitch extraction performance of the conven-tional methods (YIN [4] and BaNa [20]) and theFROOT and FROOT+ methods was investigated innoisy environments. In [29], BaNa was assessed as thebest pitch extractor in noisy environments among ninemethods that were compared. YIN was the second-bestmethod in [22], where the best one was DNN-based. Inthis paper, we consider eight types of noise, which areclassified into two categories depending on their char-acteristics: wide-band noise and narrow-band noise.White, pink, babble, train, factory, and HF channelnoises correspond to wide-band noise. Car interiorand military vehicle noises correspond to narrow-bandnoise. The noise characteristics are discussed in detailin Sec. 3.4. For the FROOT and FROOT+ meth-ods, we commonly used a cutoff quefrency level of 2.5[ms] for the HPL. All parameters of the conventionalmethods were the same as those of the FROOT and

−5 0 5 10 15 20 Clean0









SNR [dB]


ge G














Fig. 7 Relationship between clipping constant level(C) and GPE at different SNRs (female speakers)

FROOT+ methods, except for the frame length andthe number of DFT(IDFT) points for BaNa. Specif-ically, for BaNa, the frame length was set as 60 [ms]and the number of DFT (IDFT) points was 216 in ac-cordance with [20] (this is the best setting for BaNa).The source code used to implement BaNa was takenfrom [30]. We implemented the YIN method on the ba-sis of the algorithm described in [4]. In particular, forthe YIN method, to confirm the validity of our code,we used the same parameter settings and GPE evalu-ation criteria as those in [22], and confirmed that theperformance of our implemented YIN method providesa similar average GPE rate to the YIN method in [22]for white and babble noises in the KEELE database.

For pitch extraction, we cannot ignore the factthat the extraction performance is largely dependenton the speaker’s characteristics, especially for low orhigh pitches [1][2][17], which are typical characteris-tics of male and female speech, respectively. Addition-ally, different natures of additive noise such as wide-band or narrow-band, flat-spectral or not flat-spectral,and time-invariant or time-variant produce different re-sults for pitch extraction [19][20][22][23]. This is dueto the nonuniform phenomena invoked in a complexcombination of speech harmonics, formant character-istics and the noise shape created in a framed voicedspeech. Therefore, it is important to investigate thepitch extraction performance separately on male andfemale speech and separately on each noise type. Forthis reason, we precisely show the result for each caseand discuss it later.

(A) NTT database caseFigures 8 and 9 show the average GPE rates of the

four male and four female speech signals in the NTTdatabase, respectively, with different noises. Each plot

212 Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 24, No. 5, September 2020

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Fig. 8 GPE for four male speakers with different types of noise under different SNR levels in NTT database

was obtained under each SNR level from -5 [dB] to ∞[dB] (clean speech).

From Fig. 8, it is observed that in the case of wide-band noise, the average GPE rate of the FROOT+method is lower than those of the other methods forthe white, train, and HF channel noises at low SNRs.At high SNRs (>10 [dB]), the FROOT+ and FROOTmethods have similar performance characteristics. Atlow SNRs of pink and factory noises, BaNa provides alower error rate than the other methods. At high SNRs

(>5 [dB]) of pink and factory noises, the FROOT+ andFROOT methods have similar performance character-istics but provide lower GPE rates than BaNa. In thebabble noise case, the FROOT+ method has a lowerGPE rate than the YIN method and BaNa, and com-petitive performance with the FROOT method. Onthe other hand, in the case of narrow-band noise, theFROOT method provides a lower GPE rate than theother methods at almost all SNR levels except for BaNaat low SNRs (<5 [dB]) of car interior noise.

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Fig. 9 GPE for four female speakers with different types of noise under different SNR levels in NTT database

From Fig. 9, the FROOT+ method has signifi-cantly better performance than the FROOT method inthe wide-band noise case. However, BaNa has a lowerGPE rate than the other methods in the wide-bandnoises except for pink noise. BaNa is still also better inthe narrow-band noises, although the FROOT methodhas better performance than BaNa at low SNRs of carinterior noise. In the pink noise case, the FROOT+method has better performance than the conventionaland FROOT methods at all SNRs.

Figures 10 and 11 show the average FPE for maleand female speech data, respectively, in the NTTdatabase. The FPE represents the degree of variationin detecting the pitch. The average FPE for all methodsranges approximately from 0.8 [Hz] to 6.2 [Hz]. In Fig.10, we observe that the FPE of the FROOT+ method isbetter than those of most of the other methods but notthe best. The YIN method has excellent performanceat low SNRs (<15 [dB]) in the case of wide-band noiseand the FROOT method has the best performance at

214 Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 24, No. 5, September 2020

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Fig. 10 FPE for four male speakers with different types of noise under different SNR levels in NTT database

high SNRs (>15 [dB]). In the narrow-band noise case,the FROOT method is the best, and the FROOT+method is typically the second best. On the other hand,in Fig. 11, we observe that BaNa performs better thanthe other methods at low SNRs (<5 [dB]) in wide-bandnoise. At high SNRs, the YIN method has the bestperformance and the FROOT and FROOT+ methods,and BaNa have similar performance characteristics. Inthe narrow-band noise case, the FROOT method is thebest.

(B) KEELE database caseTo validate the performance of the FROOT and

FROOT+ methods in a more reliable manner, wealso employed the KEELE database. Figures 12 and13 show the average GPE rates for male and femalespeakers, respectively. The KEELE database providesthe ground truth values of the fundamental frequency,which are obtained from laryngograph signals. We an-alyzed them and found that some discontinuities arepresent. Therefore, the ground truth values are not

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Fig. 11 FPE for four female speakers with different types of noise under different SNR levels in NTT database

particularly accurate. This is reflected in the resultingGPE rates. In Figs. 12 and 13, the GPE rates of theclean speech are clearly higher than those of the cleanspeech in Figs. 8 and 9. This is due to the lower accu-racy of the ground truth values in the KEELE database.

Figure 12 indicates a tendency similar to that in Fig.8 for all methods. Figure 13 is also similar to Fig. 9from a performance comparison aspect, although BaNahas comparatively low performance in the babble andcar interior noise cases.

The average FPE performance characteristics formale and female speech data are shown in Figs. 14 and15, respectively. Figure 14 is also similar to Fig. 10,but the FROOT and FROOT+ methods behave sim-ilarly, giving the best performance in almost all cases.However, Fig. 15 indicates a different tendency fromFig. 11. In particular, the performance of BaNa de-teriorates and BaNa has the worst performance in allcases. However, the relationship between the perfor-mance characteristics of the FROOT, FROOT+ and

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Fig. 12 GPE for five male speakers with different types of noise under different SNR levels in KEELE database

YIN methods in Fig. 15 is similar to that in Fig. 11.(C) SummaryThrough the results in Figs. 8-15, we observe that

the performance of each method has a similar tendencyfor both speech databases. To summarize, in the wide-band noise case, the FROOT+ method provides a lowGPE rate in various types of noise over a wide rangeof SNRs, although BaNa is advantageous for femalespeech. Regarding the FPE performance, the FROOTmethod is superior to BaNa. In the narrow-band noise

case, the FROOT method has excellent performance interms of GPE and FPE.

3.4 Discussion

We next discuss the performance of each method.Figure 16 shows long-term spectra of the differentnoises we employed. The spectra of the narrow-bandnoises (car interior and military vehicle noises) havethe greatest amplitude in the frequency range of less

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Fig. 13 GPE for five female speakers with different types of noise under different SNR levels in KEELE database

than 200 [Hz], producing narrow-band peaks. On theother hand, the spectra of the wide-band noises (white,pink, babble, train, factory, and HF channel noises) arecomparatively evenly spread.

The YIN [4] method is an ACF-based method. Forsuch a method, pitch extraction is robust against wide-band random noises such as white noise but weakagainst narrow-band noises such as periodic noise. Thisis consistent with the results in Figs. 8-15. Car interiorand military vehicle noises create sharp peaks in the

low-frequency region as shown in Fig. 16. These peaksproduce clear periodicity in the noise waveform, result-ing in the degradation of the GPE rate. HF channelnoise has wide-band characteristics. However, a typicalpeak exists at around 2600 [Hz]. When SNR is high,the peak is negligible. However, when SNR becomeslower, the peak increases in magnitude and is expectedto produce periodicity in the noise waveform. This isconsidered to be the reason why the GPE rate of theYIN method is often severely degraded at low SNRs in

218 Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 24, No. 5, September 2020

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Fig. 14 FPE for five male speakers with different types of noise under different SNR levels in KEELE database

the HF channel noise case as shown in Figs. 8, 9, 12,and 13. In BaNa, the pitch of speech is found from somecandidates and post-processing is also incorporated toaccomplish accurate pitch extraction. BaNa is capa-ble of overcoming the movement of distorted peaks innoisy cases by estimating the pitch by calculating theharmonic number with a permitted margin. Femalespeech consists of fewer harmonics in the first formantrange and the energy of the voice speech is concentratedat these harmonics; thus, female speech is less affected

by noise. In this case, BaNa is advantageous, as shownin Figs. 9 and 13 regardless of the noise type. In con-trast, in the male speech, the speech energy is spreadover many harmonics and is highly affected by noise.In this case, the performance of BaNa degrades, sincethe choice of more spectral harmonic peaks must beconsidered. Actually, the performance of BaNa is com-paratively low as shown in Figs. 8 and 12, but it is stillexcellent at low SNRs by relying on the post-processingalgorithm. However, a huge number of points of FFT

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Fig. 15 FPE for five female speakers with different types of noise under different SNR levels in KEELE database

is required to find each harmonic peak accurately inBaNa. The computation of several candidate pitchesand that of the post-processing including the Viterbialgorithm are complex, resulting in a long computationtime as shown in Sec. 3.5. On the other hand, forthe FROOT and FROOT+ methods, the fourth-rootspectrum makes the periodicity in the harmonic struc-ture clear. In this process, the spectral peak of narrow-band noise is suppressed. Since this effect is combinedwith the following lifter and clipping operations, the

FROOT method is robust against car interior and mil-itary vehicle noises as shown in Figs. 8, 9, 12 and 13.However, the FROOT+ method uses the fourth-powercalculation after the clipping operation. In this pro-cess, the remaining spectral peak of narrow-band noiseis enhanced again. Therefore, the performance of theFROOT+ method is lower than that of the FROOTmethod. However, in the wide-band noise that we em-ployed, unnecessary peaks typically arise in the high-frequency region as noise components. These are sup-

220 Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 24, No. 5, September 2020

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0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000−35










Frequency [Hz]




e [



White noise

Pink noise

Babble noise

Train noise

HF channel noise

Factory noise

Car interior noise

Military vehicle noise

Fig. 16 Long-term spectra of different noises

Table 1 Processing time per second of speech


0.641 29.427 0.146 0.157

pressed by the fourth-power calculation as shown inFig. 4. Therefore, the fourth-power calculation can beeffectively applied to the clipped spectrum to reducethe noise effect in the case of wide-band noise.

3.5 Processing time

In Table 1, we show the processing time per sec-ond of data for each method in the NTT database. Wetested all methods on a PC with an Intel (R) Core(TM)i5-6400K CPU with 4 [GHz] clock speed and 8 [GB] ofmemory. For evaluation, we used five trials for eachmethod then calculated the average processing time re-quired to obtain reliable measurements. The compu-tational time of the YIN method is reasonable becauseit uses the squared difference function to identify thepitch. BaNa has the longest processing time becauseof the large FFT size used to achieve a high frequencyresolution. The processing times of the FROOT+ andFROOT methods are similar and shorter than those ofthe other methods, since the clipping and liftering oper-ations are directly applied to the fourth-root spectrum.

4. Conclusion

In this paper, we proposed the use of the fourth-root spectrum to deal with the problem of pitch extrac-tion from noise-corrupted speech signals. The FROOTand FROOT+ methods were derived from the lifteredand clipped version of the fourth-root spectrum. TheFROOT method can be switched to the FROOT+

method in a simple manner by embedding the fourth-power calculation after the liftered and clipped spec-trum calculation. The FROOT+ method reduces theeffect of vocal tract characteristics as well as suppressesthe non-pitch peaks in the frequency domain, enhanc-ing the pitch peak in the wide-band noise. On theother hand, the FROOT method behaves similarly tothe FROOT+ method but results in a pitch extrac-tor that is strongly robust against narrow-band noise.Through experiments, we confirmed that both methodsare efficient and effective for extracting the pitch in awide range of noise types when selected in accordancewith the noise characteristics such as wide-band andnarrow-band noises.


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Md. Saifur Rahman received hisB.Sc.(Honours) and M.Sc. degrees ininformation and communication engi-neering from University of Rajshahi,Rajshahi, Bangladesh, in 2006 and2007, respectively. In 2012, he joinedas a Lecturer in the Departmentof Information and CommunicationTechnology, Comilla University,Comilla, Bangladesh, where he iscurrently serving as an AssistantProfessor. He is currently pursuinghis Ph.D. degree in the field of speech

processing at the Graduate School of Science and Engineering atSaitama University, Japan. His research interests include speechanalysis and digital signal processing.

Yosuke Sugiura received his B.E.,M.E., Ph.D. degrees from OsakaUniversity, Osaka, Japan in 2009,2011, and 2013, respectively. In 2013,he joined Tokyo University of Science,Tokyo, Japan. In 2015, he joinedSaitama University, Saitama Japan,where he is currently an AssistantProfessor. His research interestsinclude digital signal processing,adaptive filter theory, and speechinformation processing.

Tetsuya Shimamura received hisB.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees in elec-trical engineering from Keio Univer-sity, Yokohama, Japan, in 1986, 1988,and 1991, respectively. In 1991, hejoined Saitama University, Saitama,Japan, where he is currently a Pro-fessor. He was a visiting researcherat Loughborough University, U.K. in1995 and at Queen’s University ofBelfast, U.K. in 1996, respectively.Prof. Shimamura is an author and

coauthor of six books. He serves as an editorial member of sev-eral international journals and is a member of the organizing andprogram committees of various international conferences. His re-search interests are in digital signal processing and its applicationto speech, image, and communication systems.

(Received February 21, 2020; revised April 11, 2020)

222 Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 24, No. 5, September 2020