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Transmedia in Education --Analysis of “Inanimate Alice” Vickie Deng Linbei Li
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  • 1. Transmedia inEducation--Analysis of Inanimate AliceVickie DengLinbei Li

2. What is Transmedia? The different media and languages participate andcontribute to the construction of the transmedianarrative world. Defined as the art of conveying messages, themes, orstorylines to mass audiences through the artful andwell-planned use of multiple media platforms. 3. Henry Jenkinss thoughts Transmedia stories are stories told across multiplemedia, at the present time, the most significantstories tend to flow across multiple platforms. A transmedia text does not simply disperseinformation: it provides a set of roles and goalswhich readers can assume as they enact aspectsof the story through their everyday life. 4. trailer 5. Inanimate Alice is the first digital text to be listed as arecommended text in the Australian curriculumguidelines. It can develop students ability to interpret and createtexts with appropriateness, accuracy, confidence,fluency and efficacy for learning in and out of school. 6. Is Inanimate Alicea Transmedia Artifact ? 7. User-generated ContentWebsiteDigital novel--textimages, music, sound effects, puzzlesGames--to co-create their own versions of the storySocial network Eg. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and EdmodoPrintable versionAll images and texts can be download and print forstudents to use in class. 8. Interactive and expanding ofnarrative Requires readers to drive the action forward at theirown space The gaps in Alices story have allowed for a high levelof participation within and around the narrative ofAlices journey Languages & cultures it requires a certain level ofunderstanding of different cultures and languages tobe able to experience the story better personal experiences - interact with their own lives.Alices journey progresses, new storylines appear astime goes on. And students are growing up with Alice. 9. Why Inanimate Alice is aSuccessful TransmediaArtifact? 10. well-planned use of multiple media platforms. Andevery piece of puzzle works to enhance the story aswell as to engage learners. Easy to get access to. It meets students where they are ready to learn. It is user-friendly and encourages a community oflearners to explore and discover. 11. Bibliography Jenkins, H. (2007, March 22). Transmedia storytelling 101. RetrievedDecember 10, 2008, from Carlos Alberto Scolari, Transmedia Storytelling: ImplicitConsumers, Narrative Worlds, and Branding in ContemporaryMedia Production, International Journal of CommunicationUniversity of Vic, Catalunya, Spain Kress, G., & van Leeuwen, T. (2001). Multimodal discourse: Themodes and media of contemporary communication. London:Arnold. inanimate Alice official website .