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WAIRARAPA MOANA September 2012 ISSUE TWENTY-SEVEN: RUA TEKAU MA WHITU SEPTEMBER 2012 ›› CONTINUED OVER ... IN THIS ISSUE: p3 “Buy a Brick” Fundraiser p4 Piri Norris – Law Graduate p4 TeenAg Competition p4 Memory Lane Photo p5 Fostering Children is Very Rewarding p5 A Walk Down Memory Lane p6 2012 Annual General Meetings p8 Katherine Laurenson, Senior Solicitor p8 Shareholder/Beneficiary Search p9 2013 Scholarships p9 Miraka Exceeds Expectation p10 Wairarapa in Brief p10 Hurunui-o-rangi Marae Wa ¯ nanga p11 Farm Update p12 50 Unclaimed Dividends p12 Shareholder Bank Account Details Nga ¯ mihinui ki nga ¯ wha ¯ nau whanui In 1972 Pouakani Marae was opened for the Nga ¯ ti Kahungunu o Wairarapa wha ¯nau who came to develop and live on the land exchanged for Lake Wairarapa as well as for other Ma ¯ori of the district who came to work on the hydro scheme. The whare tipuna was named Tamatea Pokai Whenua under the kawa of Nga ¯ti Kahungunu o Wairarapa. Sadly our Marae buildings were burnt down by arson in 2007. We commenced the Marae rebuild aiming to be completed by Labour weekend 2012 to coincide with its 40th Anniversary. This date has changed and we now have a confirmed date of Saturday 17th of November 2012. Progress Report • Funding sourced and buildings completed. • Awaiting final fitout and compliance of buildings. • Carvings throughout the Whare Tipuna are almost completed as is the painting of the kowhaiwhai. • Sourcing further funding for the chattels and opening. • Awaiting promised funds for the completion. We set out to do the following as traditional as we could and a number of wa ¯nanga were held both here and on location. Collect and prepare kakaho. Collect, prepare and dye harakeke. Pouakani Marae From Left: Pouakani Marae; Marakopa and Mangakino Wha ¯ nau.

Pouakani Marae - Wairarapa Moana

Feb 12, 2022



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Page 1: Pouakani Marae - Wairarapa Moana


September 2012



IN ThIS ISSUE:p3 “Buy a Brick” Fundraiserp4 Piri Norris – Law

Graduatep4 TeenAg Competitionp4 Memory Lane Photo p5 Fostering Children is Very

Rewardingp5 A Walk Down Memory

Lanep6 2012 Annual General

Meetingsp8 Katherine Laurenson,

Senior Solicitorp8 Shareholder/Beneficiary

Searchp9 2013 Scholarshipsp9 Miraka Exceeds

Expectationp10 Wairarapa in Briefp10 Hurunui-o-rangi Marae

Wananga p11 Farm Updatep12 50 Unclaimed Dividendsp12 Shareholder Bank

Account Details

Nga mihinui ki nga whanau whanui

In 1972 Pouakani Marae was opened for the Ngati Kahungunu o Wairarapa whanau who came to develop and live on the land exchanged for Lake Wairarapa as well as for other Maori of the district who came to work on the hydro scheme.

The whare tipuna was named Tamatea Pokai Whenua under the kawa of Ngati Kahungunu o Wairarapa.

Sadly our Marae buildings were burnt down by arson in 2007.

We commenced the Marae rebuild aiming to be completed by Labour weekend 2012 to coincide with its 40th Anniversary. This date has changed and we now have a confirmed date of Saturday 17th of November 2012.

Progress Report

• Fundingsourcedandbuildingscompleted.

• Awaiting final fitout and compliance ofbuildings.

• CarvingsthroughouttheWhareTipunaarealmost completed as is the painting of the kowhaiwhai.

• Sourcing further funding for the chattelsand opening.

• Awaitingpromisedfundsforthecompletion.

We set out to do the following as traditional as we could and a number of wananga were held both here and on location.

• Collectandpreparekakaho.

• Collect,prepareanddyeharakeke.

Pouakani Marae

From Left: Pouakani Marae; Marakopa and Mangakino Whanau.

Page 2: Pouakani Marae - Wairarapa Moana



• We had the honour to be the first to harvestpingao replanted by the tangata whenua of Marakopa and learn the traditional history of pingao – he taonga tuku iho.

• CollectedandpreparedkiekiefromMokau.

• Confirmed patterns and designs of tukutukupanelsandtuwhara–GuidedbyJimSchuster,Historic Places Trust.

• Held wananga in regard to the Opening/Tuwheratanga – Consulted with Tohunga andkaumatua.

• Wananga and Mahi Raranga / Weaving –Completedthetuwhara.

• WanangaandMahiTukutuku–Tukutukuisinprogress. Nau mai tautoko mai!

• On this journey we have engaged with theMangakinocommunitythroughourhui,wanangaand mahi as well as established relationships with otherMarae,whanau and entitieswhichwill help with the sustainability of our Marae.

Planning for the Opening

• Date has been set for the opening – Saturday17th November 2012.

• Fundingand resources (kai, utilities) arebeingsourced for the opening.

• Aprogrammefortheopeningisbeingdeveloped.

• Fundraising continues –Buy a Brick, Housie,Raffles.

• Consultingwithlocaliwi,hapuandMarae.

Mangakino Marae

Opening 1972.

Acknowledgements• ProjectManager,VernonTeWhaiti,fortheoutstandingjob

he has done in providing such a wonderful complex for us and ensuring we receive maximum value for our putea.

• DrTakirirangiSmithforhisguidance,koreroandmahiwiththe mahi whakairo.

• JamesMolnerandthestudentsfromWhitireiaPolytechnic– mahi kowhaiwhai.

• Kaiakowhohavecomefromafartoteachusmahirarangaand mahi tukutuku.

• KanuitemihikiakoutoumotokoutoumahiRangatiratangakei roto i tenei kaupapa

We would also like to acknowledge the funders and whanau for their generosity towards the rebuild of Pouakani Marae:

• NZLottery – Marae HeritageFundDIA

• WairarapaMoanaIncorporation

• HistoricPlacesTrust– Jim Schuster

• TePuniKokiri – Lenadeen Simpson-Brown

• TaupoDistrictCouncil• TranspowerTrust• WorksInfrastructure• MangakinoCommunity–

LEDDevelopment• MarakopaMarae

Themanywhanau,especiallythosewhohavegiventheirtimeand varied koha so that Pouakani Marae will stand proud once again.

Whiria te kaha tuatinitini whiria te kaha tuamanonanoWeaving together the many strands of the whakapapa so that the

links between whanau are strong (The bonds of whakapapa)

Chairman’s Note: IwishtothanktheMaraeTrustees,Committeeandkaumatuaforthehugeamountofmahitheyhavedone,withouttheirstamina Pouakani Marae would not be in the position it is


Nau mai, haere mai, tautoko mai ki te tuwheratanga o Pouakani Marae!

• TeKuraaroheoMangakino• Mangakinocommunity• TrustWaikato• WairarapaMoanaTrust• CreativeNZ• LocalContractors• TaupoDistrictCouncil–

Arts Grant• Carters–PaulClarke• Sports&LeisureAssociation

Mangakino• OngarotoMarae• WaipohutuTrust• KohangaReooMangakino• LittleHelpers

Anahera Pedersen and Lois Te Maari preparing kiekie for tukutuku.

Mangakino Whanau.

Page 3: Pouakani Marae - Wairarapa Moana



“Buy a Brick”

What we are fundraising for?

The Mangakino Pouakani Marae was established in 1972 to benefit all Maori of Mangakino and to embrace the community. Unfortunately in July 2007 the Marae was destroyed by fire. Since then the Pouakani MaraeCommittee,Trustees,Whanau/FamiliesandCommunityhavebeen in the process of raising funds to complete our CommunityMarae complex rebuild.

Proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards:


• Rebuild




Purchase a brick for $50. Bricks will feature along the courtyardside of the Whare Kai (Dining Hall) and/oralongsidetheWharenui(Ancestral House) pictured right.

When purchasing a brick we will require your:

Name: (IndividualorFamilyorOrganisationorBusiness/Corporate).From:Placeoforiginand/orcurrentplaceofresidence.Contact details:Forreceiptandconfirmationpurposes.



Within New Zealand:

Lois Shelton Ph:(+64)(07)8828136PouakaniMaraeCommitteeChairperson

Anahera Pedersen Ph:(+64)21877311PouakaniMaraeCommitteeSecretary Pouakani Marae Trustee – Administrator

The Pouakani Marae Committee, Trustees, Beneficiaries and Community appreciate your support!

Payment by Cheque payable to:


Internet transfer within NZ:



– state your name as reference and then email to confirm deposit and plaque details to:

Anahera Pedersen: [email protected]

Payments within Australia please contact:

Erina Te MaariEmail: [email protected]:(64406171837)

FundraiserMangakino Pouakani Marae

Page 4: Pouakani Marae - Wairarapa Moana



TeenAg is an agricultural skills-based competition held around New Zealand for teens aged 14 to 18.


The winning regional teams were then invited to the Grand Final to competealongside the National Bank Young Farmer Contest that was held in Dunedinduring May of this year.

All regional teams needed to fundraise and to make their own way to the Grand Finalandthisyeartwenty-twoqualifyingteamsheadedtoDunedinfortheevent.

WairarapaMoanaTrustwasproudtosponsorAJWalker,adescendantofWairarapaMoana and with an interest in the farming industry AJ is keen to keep in touch with the Trust.

The TeenAg competition was tough with only one North Island team from Palmerston North making it through to the finals.

TeenAg Competition

Lisa Walker with her son AJ, Henare Manaena WM Trust, Mark Rutene WM Incorp



Piri Norris studied law (LLB) at Victoria University

Wellington 2007 to 2011 and graduated in May 2012.

Piri was a successful recipient for the Johnston Lawrence Wairarapa Moana Scholarship in Law and during his studies he was heavily involvedinNgaRangahautira(MaoriLawStudentsAssociation,VictoriaUniversity) and was CompetitionsOfficer in 2011 for the VictoriaUniversity of Wellington Law Students’Society(VUWLSS).

Piri will commence his New ZealandProfessionalLegalStudiescourse in September 2012 which finishes in February 2013 and isexpected to be admitted to the bar after the course.

At present Piri is working at the Department of Premier andCabinet (DPC) in Melbourne andis responsible for providing high-level policy advice and services to thePremierofVictoriaandtoStateCabinet.

Piri and Monique are the children of Helen Morris. Ngati Kahungunu ki Wairarapa,NgaiTumapuhiaarangite hapu.

Law graduate Piri Norris with his sister Psychology graduate, Monique Lagan.

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Fostering Children Is Very Rewarding

Aimee Groome along with husband Craig and their 3-year-old son Rico are one of many foster families in the Nelson region.

Aimee first became a foster mother about four years ago and has been a foster mum to about fifteen children from newborn babies to 17-year-old teens.

She has opened up her home to provide a loving and caring family environment and has cared for children not necessarily from unfortunate backgrounds but to those that have arrived on her doorstep due to unfortunate circumstances.

“Itrytobeasavailableaspossible.Attheendoftheday,ifachildneedsyou,then that’s what being a caregiver is all about. What I hope is that every child that comes here has a positive experience and when they move on from here [I hope] they look back and think `I had fun there’.”

She finds the role very rewarding when she sees the smile on a child’s face and hears the child talking and laughing.

“I don’t have any expectations of what the child is going to be like. I don’t look at it as though I’m going to be their mum now because at the end of the day they will love their family, no matter what.”

People have often asked her how she said goodbye to the children after forming a bond with them.

“The children are going to abetter place than this, that’s how I look at it.Hopefully the experience they’ve had here has been positive.”

Aimee would encourage anyone to become a foster parent.

“People think you need a lot of time so they imagine foster parents are retired people but you don’t need to have any more time than a normal parent would. Youdon’tneedanextremepassionforchildrentobeafostermum,youjustneedtobeaparent,”shesaid.

A WALK DOWN MEMORY LANEWhat a huge response!


Ihipera Te Miha = Matiu Ahipene

Isabella May Ahipene = Ron Scott

James Stuart Scott = Patricia Margaret Holmes

Deborah Anne Scott = Robert Groome

Craig Groome = Aimee

A big thank you to whanau for ringing and writing in with snippets of information and for providing names for everyone on the float. We had a few uncertainties but thanks to you all we managed to fill in the gaps.

Top (L-R) Ihaia (Macky) Pirere, Pansy (Pane) Panapa, Terina Tamihana, Sue Perry, Eva Isaac (Mrs Tua Hemi) and Manny Isaac.Bottom (L-R) Ihaia Pirere Jr, Claire Beattie, Sue Piwari, Aggie Turei and Loretta Turei. Aggie was the mother to Claire and Loretta and the grandmother to Green Party MP Metiria Turei.

The photo was taken on a Workman’s Transport truck, Greytown.

Article (abridged) courtesy of Reporter Emma Beer for Nelson

Mail-Fairfax New Zealand.

Photographer Marion Van Dijk.

Aimee Groome and son Rico


Page 6: Pouakani Marae - Wairarapa Moana

What’s happening at the AGM?This year shareholders and whanau will have the opportunity to stay at TeOreOreMarae,withaccommodationand meals provided. The powhiri will commenceat6.15pmonFridayNovember9,2012.

Unveiling of Carvings at Wairarapa Moana House

At 5.00pm on Friday November 9th thecarvings at the entrance to Wairarapa Moana House will be unveiled. All shareholders and whanau are invited to attend this occasion.On the completionof the unveiling we will travel out to Te Ore Ore Marae for the powhiri, dinnerand registration for those in attendance.

Annual General Meetings

The Incorporation’s AGM will commence at 9.30am on Saturday November 10,2012 at Rathkeale College, Mastertonfollowed by the Trust’s AGM.

All information sheets and attendance forms for returning to the office are enclosed in the AGM pack distributed to shareholders. This pack includes:•TheAnnualReport2012•TheNoticeofMeetings2012•TheInformationsheet•Theattendancesheet• Theproxyform• TheMailer,issue27

We look forward to your participation so please fill in the attendance form if you are coming.

2012 Annual General Meetings



9 November (Friday)

Unveiling of Carvings at Wairarapa Moana House 5.00pm

Powhiri at Te Ore Ore Marae, Bideford Road, Masterton 6.15pm

Dinner at Te Ore Ore Marae 6.45pm

Registration 7.00pm – 8.00pm

10 November (Saturday)Rathkeale College, Willow Park Drive, Masterton

Registration 8.00am – 9.30am

Wairarapa Moana Incorporation AGM 9.30am – 12.30pm

Lunch 12.30pm – 1.15pm

Wairarapa Moana Incorporation 1.15pm – 1.45pm

Wairarapa Moana Trust 1.45pm – 3.30pm



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Arawhetu Gray retires by rotation at this year’s Annual General Meeting and is available for re-election.

• Nominations for the vacancy close FridaySeptember 28, 2012 at 5.00pm.

• Candidateprofilesandpostalvotingpaperswill be distributed to shareholders, with a current address on the share register, by FridayOctober19,2012.

• Postalvotesmustbe receivedat theofficeby 5.00pm, Wednesday November 7, 2012.



Henare Manaena and Naomi Aporo retire by rotation at this year’s Annual General Meeting and will not be standing for re-election.

Tame Matiaha resigned in May and nominations willbecalledtofillthispositionuntilthetermexpires at the AGM in 2013.

• Nominations close Friday October 26, at5.00pm.

• VotingwilltakeplaceattheAnnualGeneralMeeting to be held in Masterton on Saturday November 10, 2012.



All forms are available from the Wairarapa MoanaOffice,Masterton.


The purpose of these meetings is to review the Annual Report and to discuss ordinary and special resolutions as indicated in the Notice of Meeting booklet. This year we will be changing the format slightly to include a session on whakawhanaungatanga.

Ifyouareunabletoattendthisyear’sAGMinMasterton,hereis an opportunity to hear what’s been happening with the Incorporation and the Trust.

At the completion of the meeting a light lunch will be provided sopleaseensureyoucontact theofficeon063702608or0800 662 624 sowe can confirm numbers for venues andcatering.

We look forward to seeing you and your whanau at a meeting near you.

GISBORNE Gisborne Hotel CnrTyndall&HuxleyRoadsSaturday 13 October Gisborne10.00am – 12.30pm

ROTORUA MillenniumRotorua CnrEruera&HinemaruStreetsSaturday 13 October Rotorua10.00am – 12.30pm

Auckland WaipunaHotel&ConferenceCentre 58WaipunaRoadSunday 14 October Mt Wellington10.00am – 12.30pm Auckland

HASTINGS HastingsBridgeClub 911RailwayRoadSunday 14 October Hastings10.00am – 12.30pm

CHRISTCHURCH CopthorneHotelCommodore 449 Memorial AveSunday 14 October Burnside10.00am – 12.30pm Christchurch

WELLINGTON JamesCookHotel 147 The TerraceSunday 28 October Wellington10.00am – 12.30pm

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KATHERINE LAURENSON IS A SELF-CONFESSED ‘DEAL JUNKIE’and has carved out a particular niche advising on all aspects of fund structuring forLegalandGeneral(L&G)Property.L&Gcurrentlyhasover£10bnofassetsundermanagement,makingitoneoftheUK’slargestinstitutionalpropertyfund managers.

NewZealandbornLaurensoncomesfromafamilyoflawyersandworkedinher home country as a barrister before deciding it was ‘time for a change’ at age 27. That meant upping sticks and moving to London to carve out a new lifeinthecityandafterastintatHowardKennedyandBTshelandedthejobatL&G.Laurensonisnowthesolein-housecounselforL&GProperty,reportingdirectlytomanagingdirector,BillHughes.

In the past year Laurenson has been particularly active advising on funds work, working closely with L&G’s preferred corporate law firms: CliffordChance and Macfarlanes. In 2011 that included completing the £71mrefinancingofL&G’sLeisureFund.

Shesaysthatthejobhaschangedmassivelysinceshejoinedthecompanyin2008.‘Beforetherecession,itwasallverylandlordandtenant,saleandleasebacktypework,’shesays.‘Buttherealestateindustrynowisamendingthe rules on a daily basis. The rules are being re-written on how you access real estate as an investment, for example. We’ve all had to change ourthinking very quickly.’

That changing landscape has kept Laurenson on her toes and made her into a savvy customer when it comes to external law firms. ‘I still use the book of lawinmyeverydaywork,’shesays.‘Itrequiresmetobefullyalertandmakesure that I am offering top-notch legal support. I am constantly analysing my external team of lawyers as a result.’

View from the market:

She is an excellent forward-looking General Counsel. She knows instinctively what her business needs from external lawyers and how to get that range of service without fuss or fanfare.

Article courtesy of Legal Business-UK, June 2012.

Katherine Laurenson

Preferred law firms: Clifford Chance, Dundas & Wilson, Eversheds, Lawrence Graham, Macfarlanes, Maples Teesdale, Olswang, Pinsent Masons.

2008 - present: Solicitor, Legal & General Property

2005-08: In-house counsel

2002-05: Solicitor, Howard Kennedy

1998-2002: Solicitor, Walters Williams & Co Barristers & Solicitors, New Zealand.

Over the past few years, the role of the in-house lawyer has grown from taking a back seat to outside counsel to becoming the true powerbrokers in their respective fields.


Katherine Laurenson is a past recipient of a Wairarapa Moana scholarship. She is the daughter of Marama and Richard Laurenson. The mokopuna of Taini Morere Koroteke Parata Wright and Robert Rangiheuea (Bill) Wright.

The Incorporation has had mail returned to the office for the

following shareholders or trustees. If you are able to provide any

relevant information or contact details, please call Ngaere Webb on

06 3702608 or 0800 662 624.

Shareholder/BeneficiarySearchMichael John SciaScia


Tanara Areta Mangai Whanau Trust

Hoani William Wayne Eria


Kuini Wikitoria Naera

Sophie Anne Wyllie




Page 9: Pouakani Marae - Wairarapa Moana



Miraka Exceeds Expectation

ThefirstMaori-ownedmilkpowderfactoryis planning a rapid growth after exceeding

expectations in its opening year.

The $90 million Miraka milk powder plant near Taupo which opened a year ago is mainly owned byfarmingtrusts,withaone-fifthstakeheldby


It had been intended to operate the plant at 80% capacity but Miraka chief executive, Richard Wyeth,

indicated that the plant ran so well in a bumper dairy season that it surpassed production targets foritsfirstyearby10%toprocess170million

litres of milk and says it expects to grow quickly to doubleitsrevenueinfiveyears.


company grows Miraka will double the number of Tuwharetoa, Te Arawa and non-Maori farm

suppliers to 90 for the coming season and grow production by more than 30%. And considering

Miraka is presently a one-site operation, it should be able to expand and double its revenue over the


Radio NZ: August 2012.


2013The Wairarapa Moana office

administers scholarships on behalf of Wairarapa Moana Trust and Papawai

& Kaikokirikiri Trusts.



trade training courses.

Closing date: 5pm, Thursday February 28, 2013

Application forms are available from the office.

TelephoneDallason063702608or0800662624with any inquiries or to request application forms.

Scholarships are available to students of NgatiKahungunukiWairarapaorRangitaneo

Wairarapa descent attending secondary school in NewZealand.


Closing date: 5pm, Friday November 30, 2012

Application forms are available from the office.

TelephoneNgaereon063702608or0800662624with any inquiries or to request application forms.

Page 10: Pouakani Marae - Wairarapa Moana



Wairarapa in brief›› The mention of Supercity sends shivers down the back

of many Wairarapa residents. The future governance of Wairarapa could well see the region being managed and controlled from a glass tower in Wellington. That is something that Wairarapa residents are opposed to with 88%of thepopulationpreferringaWairarapaCouncilwith12locally-electedrepresentatives,oneMayorandanumberoflocalCommunityBoardrepstokeepitallhonest. Wairarapa is completely different to Wellington and certainly don’t want striped suits telling us what we can and can’t do. We’ve always been referred to as the poor relations and will have little or no say at all.

›› Wairarapa is soon to become the focus of a project that will map tribal Marae and will eventually see an estimated 800 properties identified for preservationthroughoutthecountry.AresearchteamledbyDrPaulTapsell,ProfessorofMaoriStudiesat theUniversityofOtago will be travelling throughout the East Coast of theNorthIslandworkingontheproject.Theteamwillfocus on Ngati Porou and Ngati Kahungunu Marae,stretchingthelengthoftheEastCoast,throughHawke’sBaytoWairarapaandHorowhenua.Anecdotalevidencehas shown that up to a third of tribal Marae throughout the country could be in a “state of collapse” due to a diminishing number of elders and families moving away.

›› Kaumatua Alex Tairoa has almost every day since thedeathofhiswifeof56years,driventohergravetospend time with his special lady. The 77-year-old great-grandfather was chatting away to his dearly departed

wife when some low-life crept up and stole his car. We hear stories about people leaving the keys in their cars at petrolstations,outsidedairiesandschoolsonlytoreturnto find their car gone but who would have thought the cemetery an unsafe place. Alex was only parked 20 metres away and tried running after the culprit but to no avail. The incident was reported to the police and to date the car has not been found but a kind samaritan from Whanganui was disgusted when he read Alex’s story and has offered him a replacement vehicle.

›› Makoura College is one of twenty teen parent units across the country and paying a flying visit to the college was the Minister of Education, Hekia Parata.“KoWairarapaTenei”, theWairarapanationalanthemwas sung with strength and enthusiasm during a powhiri for the Minister and her entourage which included WairarapaMPJohnHayesandformerMakouraCollegeMaori language teacher and department head, MikeHollings.

The Minister commended Principal Tom Hullena for his leadershipandhisfacultyforthequalityoftheirwork,telling the students the two elements distinguish superior educationandcareerprospects.MakouraCollegewason the brink of closure and the return of the school from that crisis had been phenomenal. “It is very much a success story.”

Hurunui-o-rangi Marae WanangaKi nga uri o Te Kupenga o Nga Hapu

o Hurunui-o-rangi MaraeNau mai Haere mai

A wananga to discuss the progression of the Marae re-buildwillbeheldonSunday14thOctober2012

at 1.00pm at the Marae.The trustees encourage whanau to attend and look

forward to your participation.

All enquiries to the Chairman RawiriSmith063777612

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Officially it is spring on the 1st of September but here in Mangakino we have been experiencing spring conditions for the past two weeks. While the majority of the country is up to its knees in mud as a result of the very wet August, the pumice soils of the Central Plateau have soaked up the moisture.

While there has been some damage to tracks and crossings,thefarmshavegenerallygotofflightlyfromthewet August.

Every day that it rains is another day without a frost. This has had a positive impact on soil temperature. Recentsoil temperature was read at twice that of the same time last year, consequently recent pasture growthhas beenrecorded at twice the long-term average for August.

Whiletherehasbeensomedamagetotracksandcrossings,the wet conditions have meant work on the new irrigation systemhasbeenstop-startbutallsixteenpivotsareup,allthe mainline is in and the three pump stations have been built. Contouring work has been completed on twelveof the sixteen pivots so by the end of September all the pivots will have been walked and we will be ready to flick the switch on the 1st of November as planned.

Approximately 60% of the herd has calved and thesecowsareproducingwell,withpasturebeingthemajorityof their diet.

The Dairy Support block wintered 2500 cows andalthoughthewetconditionsprovedtrying,theseanimalsdid winter well and this is a contributor to the good start being experienced on the dairy units. The main focus on the Dairy Support blocks at present is to get thewinter crop ground back into production with the heavy underfoot conditions impacting on this.

The annual accounts have been signed off and are at the printers and I look forward to attending the AGM in November.

ChrisBerryOperations ManagerWairarapa Moana Farms

Farm update


Photos from top:

1. Farm 1 Manager Khardinn Wereta and Mark Drysdale2. Farm 1 Centre pivot north of Rangatira Drive3. Farm 14 cows grazing with Centre pivot in background4. Contractor finishing contour work on Farms 3 and 5

with new Centre pivot in background5. Farm 14 calf shed6. Farm 11 Centre pivot

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The team at the Wairarapa moana office in masterton is: Charmaine Kawana, Ngaere Webb, Dallas Gillies and henare manaena.

If you have any questions please contact us.

Freepost 158415 Wairarapa moana housePO Box 2019 4 Park AvenueKuripuni masterton 5810masterton 5842

Ph: 06 370 2608 Freephone: 0800 662 624Fax: 06 370 2609 Email: [email protected]

Contacting Wairarapa Moana

We are always interested in talking to you about news for the Mailer. If you would like to contribute an article or panui or if you would like us to interview someone for a future edition. We would love to hear from you.

Closing Dates for Articles for the Mailer

Closing Date Distribution DateFriday, November 16, 2012 Wednesday, December 12, 2012

50 Unclaimed Dividends

The following is a selection of Unclaimed Dividends. If you are able to provide any information that may enable the office to make contact with these shareholders or their descendants please contact Ngaere on 06 3702608 or 0800 662 624 [email protected]



Shareholder Bank Account DetailsPayment of dividends to shareholders resident in NewZealandismadebywayofDirectCreditto shareholders bank accounts. Shareholders residentinNewZealandnolonger receive cheques.

Shareholders residing overseas will continue to be paid by cheque unless the shareholder holds a bank accountinNewZealandand elects to have the dividend paid into the New Zealandbankaccount.

Bankaccountdetailsarerequired to be verified by the bank.

The office cannot accept bank account numbers over thephone,fax,emailorwritten by letter.

Please be reminded that if you are required to provide new bank account details because you have changed your bank or your account has been closed please call the office to request a Direct Credit account form.

ContactNgaereWebbforall shareholding inquiries with Wairarapa Moana Incorporation.