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MOTIVATION FOR THIS STUDY CONCLUSIONS Air traffic at busy airports can be significantly disrupted because low visibility due to fog makes it unsafe to take off, land and taxi on the ground. In this poster we show how automa@c profiling Lidar ceilometer measurements (CL31/CL51) on most airports, can be used to provide prefog alert informa@on, and hence help airport weather forecasters to beJer predict those low visibility condi@ons. This research was carried out prior to a field campaign at Paris CDG airport (France). Ref: Haeffelin, M., Laffineur, Q., BravoAranda, J.A., Drouin, M.A., CasqueroVera, J.A., Dupont, J.C., and De Backer, H.: RadiaDon fog formaDon alerts using aGenuated backscaGer power from automaDc Lidars and ceilometers, Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., doi:10.5194/amt2016182, in review, 2016. Mar@al Haeffelin (IPSL), Quen@n Laffineur (RMIB), JuanAntonio BravoAranda (IPSL), MarcAntoine Drouin (LMD), JuanAndrés CasqueroVera (LMD, UGR), JeanCharles Dupont (IPSL), Hugo De Backer (RMIB) Contact : [email protected] PHYSICAL PRINCIPLE PARAFOG: PreFOG alert tool based on ceilometer measurements Fog alert levels β aG (aJenuated backscaJer) profiles can be used to track progressive hygroscopic growth of fog condensa@on nuclei β aG vs VIS β aG vs RH METHODOLOGY Reference β aG profiles are found in dry (RH) condi@ons ! RH<75% β aG profiles show well mixed condi@ons and liJle aJenua@on ! RH>75% β aG profiles show aJenua@on due to scaJering by moist aerosols FOG ALERT LEVELS Temporal gradient of β aG /β Ref ra@o Al@tude of maximum gradient Alert levels defined based on ra@o gradient and β aG thresholds FOG ALERT OCCURRENCE FOG ALERT STATISTICS At what al@tude do alerts occur? What is the temporal dura@on of alerts? How are alert dura@ons affected by reference condi@ons? Prefog alert occurrences and dura@ons depend on the cooling processes leading to supersaturated condi@ons, and on the reference condi@ons that can be found. Acknowledgments : TOPROF COST ac@on; MétéoFrance; STCE. RelaDve humidity (RH), Visibility and β aG measured at 20 m agl Frequency of occurrence of each alert level (low, moderate, severe, and fog level alerts) for each al@tude agl and each @me before fog occurrence @me. For each height / Dme interval, the sum of occurrences of all alert levels = 100% (incl. no alert). REALTIME FOG ALERTS AT CDG AIRPORT CL31, RH and VIS measurements at CDG airport are analyzed in real@me (5 min) by PARAFOG

Poster PARAFOG Haeffelin › documents › JSS2016 › posters › JSS2016_Poster… ·...

Jul 04, 2020



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Page 1: Poster PARAFOG Haeffelin › documents › JSS2016 › posters › JSS2016_Poster… · MOTIVATION(FORTHIS(STUDY(CONCLUSIONS(Air$traffic$atbusy$airports$can$be$significantly$disrupted$because$low$visibility$due$to$fog$makes$itunsafe$to$take$off,$land



Air  traffic  at  busy  airports  can  be  significantly  disrupted  because  low  visibility  due  to  fog  makes  it  unsafe  to  take  off,  land  and  taxi  on  the  ground.   In   this   poster  we   show   how   automa@c   profiling   Lidar   ceilometer  measurements   (CL31/CL51)   on  most   airports,   can   be   used   to  provide  pre-­‐fog  alert  informa@on,  and  hence  help  airport  weather  forecasters  to  beJer  predict  those  low  visibility  condi@ons.  This  research  was  carried  out  prior  to  a  field  campaign  at  Paris  CDG  airport  (France).    Ref:  Haeffelin,  M.,  Laffineur,  Q.,  Bravo-­‐Aranda,   J.-­‐A.,  Drouin,  M.-­‐A.,  Casquero-­‐Vera,   J.-­‐A.,  Dupont,   J.-­‐C.,  and  De  Backer,  H.:  RadiaDon  fog   formaDon  alerts  using  aGenuated  backscaGer  power   from  automaDc  Lidars  and  ceilometers,  Atmos.  Meas.  Tech.  Discuss.,  doi:10.5194/amt-­‐2016-­‐182,  in  review,  2016.  

Mar@al  Haeffelin  (IPSL),  Quen@n  Laffineur  (RMIB),  Juan-­‐Antonio  Bravo-­‐Aranda  (IPSL),  Marc-­‐Antoine  Drouin  (LMD),    Juan-­‐Andrés  Casquero-­‐Vera  (LMD,  UGR),  Jean-­‐Charles  Dupont  (IPSL),  Hugo  De  Backer  (RMIB)    

Contact  :  [email protected]  


PARAFOG:  Pre-­‐FOG  alert  tool  based  on  ceilometer  measurements  

Fog  alert  levels  

βaG   (aJenuated   backscaJer)   profiles   can   be   used   to   track  progressive  hygroscopic  growth  of  fog  condensa@on  nuclei  

βaG  vs  VIS   βaG  vs  RH  

METHODOLOGY  Reference   βaG   profiles   are  found  in  dry  (RH)  condi@ons  !  RH<75%  βaG  profiles  show  

well  mixed  condi@ons  and  liJle  aJenua@on  

!  RH>75%  βaG  profiles  show  aJ enu a@on   d u e   t o  s caJer i ng   by   mo i s t  aerosols  

FOG  ALERT  LEVELS  Temporal   gradient   of  βaG/βRef  ra@o  Al@tude   of   maximum  gradient  Alert   levels   defined  b a s e d   o n   r a @ o  grad ient   and   βaG    thresholds  



At  what  al@tude  do  alerts  occur?  

What  is  the  temporal  dura@on  of  alerts?  How  are  alert  dura@ons  affected  by  reference  condi@ons?  

Pre-­‐fog   alert   occurrences   and   dura@ons   depend   on   the   cooling  processes   leading   to   supersaturated   condi@ons,   and   on   the  reference  condi@ons  that  can  be  found.    

Acknowledgments:   TOPROF   COST  ac@on;  Météo-­‐France;  STCE.    

RelaDve   humidity   (RH),   Visibility   and   βaG  measured  at  20  m  agl  

F r e q u e n c y   o f  o c cu r r en ce   o f  each   alert   level  (low-­‐,   moderate-­‐,  severe-­‐,   and   fog-­‐level   alerts)   for  each   al@tude   agl  and   each   @me  b e f o r e   f o g  occurrence  @me.     For  each  height  /  Dme  interval,  the  sum  of  occurrences  of  all  

alert  levels  =  100%  (incl.  no  alert).    


CL31,   RH   and   VIS  measurements   at  CDG   airport   are  a n a l y z e d   i n  real@me   (5   min)  by  PARAFOG