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Post-gradua+on Employment for Interna+onal Students in Canada International and Exchange Student Centre Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) Presented by: Heidi Liu, RCIC International Student Advisor November 27, 2019

Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) › international › iesc › pdf › PGWP Nov 2019.pdfPost-graduation Work Permit-PGWP “One +me” gi< for internaonal students to g ain Canadian

Jun 27, 2020



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International and Exchange Student Centre

Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP)

Presented by: Heidi Liu, RCIC

International Student Advisor November 27, 2019

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International & Exchange Student Centre

Activities for International Students •  Orientation

•  Start Strong Strategies for Academic Success

•  Peer Guide Program

•  English Conversation Program

•  Immigration Information and Assistance

•  Social Events and Trips

•  International Student Network

•  Global Café

•  Canada Eh - Transition to Canada Series

•  Income Tax Information Sessions

519-661-2111 ext. 86744 [email protected]

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Post-graduation Work Permit-PGWP “One+me”gi<forinterna+onalstudentstogainCanadianworkexperience


–  Doyouneedajoboffertoapply?

–  Canyouworkforanyemployer?

–  CanyouworkanywhereinCanada?

–  Canyouworkatanyjobs?

–  Doesthejobneedtoberelatedtoyourdegree?

International and Exchange Student Centre

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You are eligible for a PGWP if you meet all of the following criteria…

International and Exchange Student Centre

CurrentlyholdvalidtemporarystatusinCanada• Studypermitexpiresasofexpirydateor90daysa<eryoucompleteyourstudies• orhavele<Canada

Avalidstudypermitatsomepointduringthe180days• Youhave180daystoapplyforPGWPa<erschoolissuesyourfinalmarks

Completedastudyprogram• ataneligibleDLI• atleast8monthslong• leadingtoadegree,diplomaorcer+ficate

Maintainedfull-+mestudentstatus• exceptfinalsessionorleaveofabsence(casebycase)

ReceivedfinaltranscriptsANDaPGWPleYer• fromRegistrar’sOffice

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You are not eligible for a PGWP if you…

International and Exchange Student Centre

AlreadyreceivedaPGWP• Exceptyoudidn’treceiveafulllengthofPGWPduetoyourpassportexpirydate

StudiedEnglishorFrenchasasecondlanguage• Ortookgeneralinterestorself-improvementcourses

Par+cipatedinorarearecipientofthefollowingawards/scholarships:• GlobalAffairsCanada(GAC)• GovernmentofCanadaAwardsProgramfundedbyGAC• EqualOpportunityScholarship,Canada–Chile• Canada–ChinaScholars’ExchangeProgram• Organiza+onofAmericanStatesFellowshipsProgram

Completedthemajorityofastudyprogrambydistancelearning• Onlinecourses,e-learningorcorrespondence

Completedastudyprogramatanon-Canadianins+tu+onlocatedinCanada• RegardlessofthelengthofstayinCanada

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Continuous, full-time studies in Canada?

§  TakingaLEAVEOFABSENCEformedicalorpersonalreasonscouldmakeyouineligibleforaPGWP,evenifWesternUniversityapprovesyourleaveofabsence.

§  Reducingyourcourseload,makingyouaPART-TIMEstudent,willmakeyouineligibleforaPGWP


International and Exchange Student Centre

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Programs with an overseas component?

§  YouareeligibleforthePGWP. However,

§  ThelengthofthePGWPisbasedonthelengthofstudy+meinCanada.

International and Exchange Student Centre

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Length of the PGWP StudentsmaybeeligibleforaWorkPermitthatisvalidforupto3years


International and Exchange Student Centre

Officiallengthofprogram PGWPvalidity




2yearsormore 3years



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LengthofProgram Lengthofstudies Workpermitdura+on

3-yearBachelordegree 3years(full-+me)

4-yearBachelordegree 4years(full-+me)+0.5years(part-+me)

6-termMastersdegree* 6terms=2years

6-termMastersdegree* 3terms=1year



3-termMastersdegree* 3terms=1year

4-yearPhD* 4+years(full-+me)

International and Exchange Student Centre

* Graduate studies - No breaks








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International and Exchange Student Centre

LengthofProgram Workpermitdura+on




1-year When combining two PGWP-eligible programs of at least 8 months long, the second program must be completed within two years of completing the first program


3-years MUST apply for PGWP within 180 days of completing BSc (The 6 month diploma program doesn’t qualify for PGWP)


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Documents needed for PGWP application

§  PGWPleYerandfinaltranscriptsfromRegistrar’sOffice

§  Applica+onform§  Photocopyofpassport§  DigitalPhotograph§  Applica+onfees:$255

International and Exchange Student Centre

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How to request a PGWP letter






International and Exchange Student Centre

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How do you know a PGWP letter is available?

StudentCentre Academics My




International and Exchange Student Centre

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Work Authorization After Completion of Studies

International and Exchange Student Centre


Can’twork Full-+mework




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Work full-time after you submit PGWP application

§  HadavalidstudypermitwhenyousubmiYedyourPGWPapplica+on

§  Completedyourstudyprogram§  Wereeligibletoworkoff-campuswithoutaworkpermitwhilestudying

§  Didn’tworkmorehoursthanyouwereallowedto


International and Exchange Student Centre

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In-Canada•  Applica+ontoChangeCondi+ons,ExtendMyStayorRemaininCanadaasaWorker

•  ApplyonlineusingyourGCKeyaccount;or•  Applybypaper(sendtoCaseProcessingCentre)

Overseas•  Applica+onforaWorkPermitmadeOutsideofCanada•  ApplyonlineusingyourGCKeyaccount;or•  ApplybypaperusingaVisaApplica+onCentre(VAC)

UponarrivaltoCanada(byplane)•  ApplybypaperusinganApplica+onforaWorkPermitmadeOutsideofCanada•  YouMUSTalsohaveavalideTAorTRV•  YouMUSThaveALLofyourdocumentsreadyonboard

International and Exchange Student Centre


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Temporary Resident Visa (TRV)

International and Exchange Student Centre

Most people need a valid temporary resident visa (TRV) in their passport in order to travel to and re-enter Canada.

If you are a citizen of a visa-exempt country, you must have a valid

electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) and a passport to travel to and re-enter

Canada. An eTA is valid for 5 years. You do not need a visa as well.


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Social Insurance Number (SIN)

International and Exchange Student Centre

Ø  9-digit number that you need to work in Canada or to have access to government

programs/benefits Ø  Your number! You are responsible for protecting your SIN. Ø  Your employer will require your SIN in order to verify that you may work in Canada

and in order to deduct proper payroll tax deductions

Ø  Everyone in Canada who earns income must file an Income Tax Return (due April 30th of each year) with Canada Revenue Agency

***You can continue using your SIN while waiting for PGWP application decision even if it expires when your study permit expires.***

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International and Exchange Student Centre

Dominion Public Building 457 Richmond Street

London, Ontario

Social Insurance Number - SIN

Bring your passport and study permit or work permit. (Photocopies will not be accepted)

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Spouses and Common-Law partners of PGWP holders

Yourspouseorcommon-lawpartneriseligibletoapplyforanOPENworkpermitIfyou…-  holdaPGWPandisemployedinaNOC0,AorBoccupa+onYourspouse/common-lawpartner’sworkpermitwillbevalidforthesameperiodof+measyourworkpermit.

International and Exchange Student Centre

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IESC’s Immigration Services

[email protected]

519-661-2111 ext. 89309

Drop-ins or appointments


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Monday 10am-12pm1pm-3pm

Tuesday 1pm-3pm

Wednesday 10am-12pm1pm-3pm

Thursday 10am-12pm1pm-3pm

Friday 10am-12pm1pm-3pm

IESC International Student Advising Drop-in Hours

v  Onafirst-come,first-servedbasis

v  Approximately10minutesperstudent

v  At2ndfloorofIGAB

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Q & A

International and Exchange Student Centre