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LANSA Newsletter April 2009 page 1 © LANSA 2009 Newsletter April 2009 Possible performance increase for Visual LANSA on Sybase databases Prior to V10, Visual LANSA databases created on Sybase were created with a default page size of 2048. This was appropriate for the version of Sybase that was included at that time, but currently it may be too low. Since Version 10, the default page size for new databases is 4096. If Visual LANSA, or a VL runtime application has been continuously upgraded from an older version, the database may still be set to 2096. Changing it to 4096 may offer improvements in all aspects involving database access. Confirming the current page size Start Sybase Central from the Sybase SQL Anywhere, or SQL Anywhere start menu folder. In Sybase Central, use File, Connect and then specify the User/Password and then select your LANSA database from the ODBC Datasource dropdown. Now click on the database name on the left window. The resulting dialog box should show the page size: In This Issue Performance increase Sybase page 1 TAG feature in the VL IDE page 12 More than 20 Sybase connections page 2 IDE crash when editing XSL source page 13 Source code Split View in the IDE page 3 Important System I Commands page 14 Teraspace storage in OS400 V5R4 page 6 PrompterActivate Event page 15 Fatal error debugging EPC834 page 7 Activate command at start VLF page 16 Update error Other Files page 8 MAIL_ADD_TEXT – second argument page 17 uQueryCanDeactivate in VLF EPC831 page 9 Important IBM PTFs for V6R1 page 18 VLF.NET Application Level Tracing page 11

Possible performance increase for Visual LANSA on Sybase … · 2009. 4. 9. · for Visual LANSA on Sybase databases Prior to V10, Visual LANSA databases created on Sybase were created

Jan 28, 2021



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  • LANSA Newsletter April 2009 page 1 © LANSA 2009

    Newsletter April 2009

    Possible performance increase for Visual LANSA on Sybase databases

    Prior to V10, Visual LANSA databases created on Sybase were created with a

    default page size of 2048. This was appropriate for the version of Sybase that

    was included at that time, but currently it may be too low. Since Version 10, the

    default page size for new databases is 4096.

    If Visual LANSA, or a VL runtime application has been continuously upgraded

    from an older version, the database may still be set to 2096. Changing it to 4096

    may offer improvements in all aspects involving database access.

    Confirming the current page size Start Sybase Central from the Sybase SQL Anywhere, or SQL Anywhere start

    menu folder. In Sybase Central, use File, Connect and then specify the

    User/Password and then select your LANSA database from the ODBC Datasource


    Now click on the database name on the left window. The resulting dialog box

    should show the page size:

    In This Issue

    Performance increase Sybase page 1 TAG feature in the VL IDE page 12

    More than 20 Sybase connections page 2 IDE crash when editing XSL source page 13

    Source code Split View in the IDE page 3 Important System I Commands page 14

    Teraspace storage in OS400 V5R4 page 6 PrompterActivate Event page 15

    Fatal error debugging EPC834 page 7 Activate command at start VLF page 16

    Update error Other Files page 8 MAIL_ADD_TEXT – second argument page 17

    uQueryCanDeactivate in VLF EPC831 page 9 Important IBM PTFs for V6R1 page 18

    VLF.NET Application Level Tracing page 11

  • LANSA Newsletter April 2009 page 2 © LANSA 2009

    How do I allow for more than 20 concurrent connections to my Adaptive Sybase Anywhere (ASA) Database?

    Adaptive Sybase Anywhere (ASA) Database (shipped with LANSA) has built-in

    default of 20 concurrent connections. This may not be sufficient for some


    This number can be changed or increased by using the -gn parameter on the

    database start line.

    -gn parameter must be set up to number of connections line -gn 25

    Syntax { dbsrv9 | dbeng9 } -gn integer

    Number of tasks: The -gn option controls the number of tasks used to process


    Effectively, this is the number of requests that can be handled concurrently. Each

    request uses a task. When there are more requests than there are tasks, any

    outstanding requests must wait until a currently-running task completes. By

    default, there are 20 tasks for the network database server and 10 tasks for the

    personal database server. There is no benefit to setting a number of tasks that is

    greater than the maximum number of server connections.

  • LANSA Newsletter April 2009 page 3 © LANSA 2009

    Enabling source code

    split-view in the IDE

    There is an undocumented feature in the V11 IDE that allows you to view two or

    more sections of source code in one screen. This is useful when editing large

    components or functions, where it might be necessary to constantly refer to the

    definitions section of the source code.

    Enabling split-view To enable split view, open the source code screen and put the cursor over the

    splitscreen anchor at the top right of the source code window:

  • LANSA Newsletter April 2009 page 4 © LANSA 2009

    When the mouse cursor is placed over the splitscreen anchor (the small bar on

    top of the scrollbar) it will change into a resize cursor. At this point it is possible

    to click and drag to create a splitscreen:

    Once the mouse button is released, the code will be split at this level and it is

    possible to scroll each window individually. Changes made in one window will be

    reflected in the other window.

  • LANSA Newsletter April 2009 page 5 © LANSA 2009

    It is also possible to create a vertical splitscreen by splitscreen anchor across

    which exists on the left of the bottom scrollbar:

    Or even a quad splitscreen by dragging both horizontal and vertical splitscreen


    To cancel the splitscreen feature, drag the splitscreen divider all the way to the

    top or bottom of the source code.

  • LANSA Newsletter April 2009 page 6 © LANSA 2009

    Enable 'Teraspace storage' in V5R4 to run JSM with IBM Technology for Java 32-bit JDK

    V5R4 comes with the IBM Technology for Java 32-bit JDK, this JVM requires the

    JNI JSMMGRSRV service program to be TERASPACE enabled.

    This can be done by using the following command:

    (On V5R4)


    (On V6R1)

    This is not required on V6R1 as the OS will automatically convert the JNI

    JSMMGRSRV service program to be TERASPACE enabled.

    When this keyword is not enabled on V5R4 you may get a message in the joblog:


    Start JSM using IBM Technology for Java 32-bit JDK


    Joblog message

    MCH4443 Escape 40 01/26/09 11:26:56.313936 < lProcedure 0003D4 QP2USER2 QSYS *STMT

    From Program . . . . . . . : AiUpcallProcedure

    To module . . . . . . . . . : QP2API

    To procedure . . . . . . . : runpase_common__FiPvT2

    Statement . . . . . . . . . : 2

    Thread . . . . : 00000005

    Message . . . . : Invalid storage model for target program JSMMGRSRV.

    Cause . . . . . : Target program JSMMGRSRV cannot be called or activated by

    source program &1 because program JSMMGRSRV contains one or more modules

    that are not teraspace storage enabled.

    Recovery . . . : Recreate the target program.

    Technical description . . . . . . . . : Source program &1 either uses *TERASPACE

    storage model

    or is running a Portable Application Solutions Environment

    (i5/OS PASE) program. All modules in a *SNGLVL storage


  • LANSA Newsletter April 2009 page 7 © LANSA 2009

    Fatal error when debugging in VL to System i after applying EPC834

    This problem is introduced when an iSeries LANSA system that didn't have

    LANSA for the Web initially installed is upgraded to V11 SP5. However, the

    problem is only highlighted when trying to execute a VL form in debug against

    the iSeries after applying EPC834 to SP5. EPC834 introduces the new debugging

    mechanism and attempts to use LXQUEUE. Because of the incorrect version of

    LXQUEUE, the debugging will issue a fatal error. When viewing the TP joblog in

    the System i you may get a message similar to:

    MCH4437 Escape 40 03/12/08 11:15:26.089992 AiActivator 001E00 QLEAWI QSYS *S To module . . . . . . . . . : QLEPM To procedure . . . . . . . : QleActBndPgmCommon__FPPvPULP24Qle_ActBndPgmInf o_Long_tPiPvPc Statement . . . . . . . . . : 30 Message . . . . : Program import not found. Cause . . . . . : The calling program W3XSVPGV refers to a procedure or data export from service program LXQUEUE which does not exist. The calling program refers to export-ID X'00000028', the service program defines only X'00000025' exports. Recovery . . . : Recreate the calling program. Technical description . . . . . . . . : The service program has been changed in an incompatible manner since the time the calling program was created and thus bound to the service program. Recreate the calling program.

    This error message suggests that the LXQUEUE object is not the correct version.

    Recovery This error is caused by the fact that the upgrade to SP5 did not replace the

    existing version of LXQUEUE with the SP5 version. So, to recover from this

    situation requires the current version of LXQUEUE to be replaced with an SP5

    shipped version. The SP5 version of LXQUEUE can be obtained from your local

    support center.

    Note The LANSA for iSeries SP5 (EPC834) CD set (spin 300) shipped with the Visual

    LANSA SP5 (EPC834) DVD (spin 301) installs/upgrades the correct version of

    LXQUEUE. So, this V11 SP5 spin set should be used for any future upgrades to

    avoid this problem.

  • LANSA Newsletter April 2009 page 8 © LANSA 2009

    Crossed Update error message when accessing Logical Views on Other Files

    When fetching from, and updating a logical on an Other File, in some cases the

    message Record to be updated has been changed by another job/user will

    be shown, even though no such change has occurred. The I/O will also fail with a

    VE status.

    Reason On LANSA defined files, crossed update checking is done using the @@UPID

    value, and if this changes between fetch and update, a validation error is issued.

    However, for Other files LANSA takes a snapshot of the field values at the time of

    the read, and compares them to the values at the time of the update.

    If a logical view does not contain all the fields from the physical file, the crossed

    update check will have blank values for some fields in the file. When the Insert is

    done, these blank values may cause the crossed update check to give a false

    positive result.

    Workaround This is unavoidable due to the way that the crossed update check works, hence

    the workaround just involves using the physical file instead of the Logical. After

    fetching the record from the logical file, fetch the same record from the physical

    file using the relative record number, and then perform the update on the

    physical instead of the logical file.

  • LANSA Newsletter April 2009 page 9 © LANSA 2009

    'uQueryCanDeactivate' in EPC831 can be used to check unsaved changes when running VLF applications

    A new feature called 'uQueryCanDeactivate' has been released in EPC831 of the

    Visual LANSA Framework.

    This is a method you can define in a command handler to:

    1. Check whether there are unsaved changes.

    2. Asks end users if they wants to save their unsaved changes.

    3. Save unsaved changes.

    This method is executed when a user clicks on a different command handler, a

    different instance of a business object, a different business object or application,

    or even when the user closes the Framework.

    It is useful for saving unsaved changes as the routine can check whether

    changes need to be saved. If so, the user can asked "Do you want to save your

    changes before continuing?" (Yes/No). If the answer is Yes, their changes can be


    At the time when the routine is executing, the command handler still has all its

    values as they were before the user attempted to move away. Therefore

    checking for unsaved changes, and saving those changes, is easy.

    To use it, you need to set the avNotifyDeActivation property in the command

    handler's initialize routine: * Handle Initialization Mthroutine Name(uInitialize) Options(*REDEFINE) * Do any initialization defined in the ancestor Invoke #Com_Ancestor.uInitialize * Activate Check for unsaved changes (Unsaved changes logic) set #Com_Owner avNotifyDeactivation(TRUE) Endroutine

    Then add a redefined uQueryCanDeActivate routine to your command handler: * The Framework initiates this when the user moves to another command tab, or business object instance, or business object, or application, or closes the framework. * (The framework may initiate this method multiple times) MTHROUTINE NAME(uQueryCanDeactivate) OPTIONS(*REDEFINE) * Define_Map For(*Result) Class(#vf_elBool) Name(#Allow)

  • LANSA Newsletter April 2009 page 10 © LANSA 2009

    #Allow := True * My flag indicating that an unsaved change has occurred if '(#pty_NeedsSaving *eq TRUE)' * If something needs saving, ask the user if they want to save it USE BUILTIN(MESSAGE_BOX_SHOW) WITH_ARGS('YESNO' 'YES' *Default *Default 'The notes have been changed. Would you like to save your changes before continuing?') TO_GET(#MSG_RET) if '#MSG_RET *eq YES' * Save everything > endif #pty_NeedsSaving := False endif endroutine

    A more complicated version could set #Allow to false if there was an error during

    the save, and in that case the user would not go to where they clicked, (or the

    framework would stay open if they were attempting to close it)

    Comments/Warnings You must set #Com_Owner.avNotifyDeactivation to TRUE if you want to use it.

    The uQueryCanDeactivate method may be invoked several times by a single user

    click, so it is important to reset (your equivalent of) #pty_NeedsSaving in the

    routine, so that subsequent invokes do not check with the user again.

    There are warnings in the feature help about using method uQueryCanDeactivate

    and property avNotifyDeactivation in version EPC831 of the framework. These

    warnings can be ignored.

    This method can be useful when dealing with objects that don't signal when they

    have changed. By using this method you can compare a snapshot of the object's

    current status with its as-loaded status, just at the point the user has finished

    with the command handler. (Rather than checking for changes every second)

  • LANSA Newsletter April 2009 page 11 © LANSA 2009

    VLF.NET Application

    Level Tracing

    VLF.NET is available in EPC831 and in the same way as for VLF/Web or

    VLF/WAM, you can switch on the VLF Trace window to troubleshoot VLF.NET


    The Trace Window is a useful tool which displays the VLF build information, the

    web host detail, your web server images path, HTML codes and also your VLF

    source code arriving at the browser when the .NET application has been


    To enable tracing, simply select the option in 'Execute as Web Application'

    window --> select 'Start - As .NET executable' and the option 'Turn Tracing On':

    You can also copy all trace details using the Copy to Clipboard button when

    reporting an issue to LANSA Support for investigation.

  • LANSA Newsletter April 2009 page 12 © LANSA 2009

    Using the TAG feature to jump to the next or previous tagged comment line

    Long time users of LANSA on system i might be familiar with the TAG feature

    that is available in RDML source which allows you to put a permanent tag on a

    comment line. when you close the RDML editor, the tag is saved with the source

    and is available again when you net open the source.

    This permanent tag feature is also available in the Visual LANSA IDE and can be

    used in both functions and components. Adding a tag allows you to use

    keystrokes to jump to the next or previous tagged comment line.

    Action Key to use

    Toggle a tag on a line Ctrl + F2

    Remove all tags Alt + F2

    Jump to the previous tagged line Ctrl + Up Arrow

    Jump to the next tagged line Ctrl + Down Arrow

    Comment selected text Ctrl + W

    Uncomment selected text Ctrl + Shift + W

  • LANSA Newsletter April 2009 page 13 © LANSA 2009

    IDE crash when editing XSL Source

    There have been some cases reported where the IDE crashes with a fatal error

    after certain operations in the XSL Source tab of a WAM or Weblet. While there is

    no definite pattern to reproduce the error, crashes have been reported during

    copy/paste procedures, or when pressing backspace.

    Recovery A defect has been found in the XSL editor, which will be corrected in the next

    EPC. Until then there is a hotfix for SP5 EPC834 available from support to correct

    the issue. Please contact support for a copy of the hotfix.

  • LANSA Newsletter April 2009 page 14 © LANSA 2009

    Important/Common System i Queries and Commands

    The following article provides a clear roadmap to assist in obtaining the system

    control information most commonly requested by 3rd party vendors for licensing


    All the information required by LANSA for licensing is listed along with the

    commands used to obtain the information. The system information required by

    LANSA is also listed in the Identify your System i Details section of the Installing

    LANSA on System i guide.

  • LANSA Newsletter April 2009 page 15 © LANSA 2009

    Making use of the PrompterActivate event to prepare a prompter form

    The PrompterActivate event is triggered when the user clicks on the prompter

    button. This event is intended to allow access to the prompter form before it

    displays, so that initialization processing can be performed. The event contains a

    reference to the prompter form about to be called, so it is possible to pass values

    to the prompter form by calling a method, or setting a property on it. However at

    design-time, the IDE does not know which form will be called, so the reference to

    the prompter form only returns a generic PRIM_FORM. This means that none of

    the custom methods or properties can be accessed.

    Solution In order to allow access to the properties or methods contained in the prompter

    form, the PRIM_FORM must be cast into an instance of the prompter form, as per

    the RDMLX source code below:

    EVTROUTINE HANDLING(#CUSTOMER.PrompterActivate) OPTIONS(*NOCLEARMESSAGES *NOCLEARERRORS) Form(#PromptForm) (#PromptForm *As #CustPrmpt).SetCaption("Hello World") ENDROUTINE

    This assumes that #CustPrmpt is the name of the prompter form. Note that the

    form being called hasn’t actually been initialized when this event executes, so the

    initialization logic will be performed after the PrompterActivate event completes.

  • LANSA Newsletter April 2009 page 16 © LANSA 2009

    Automatically activate an Application Command after the VLF has been launched

    Automatically starting a default Application Command in the Visual LANSA

    Framework on Windows, immediately after the Framework has been launched ,

    can be achieved by using a Mthroutine in the System entry point of the VL



    INVOKE METHOD(#avFrameworkManager.avSwitch) To(BusinessObject)

    named(LANSA_DEMO) execute(Details) caller(#com_owner)

    Set Com(#Continue) Value(True)


    Remark The RED items should be replaced by your own BO and CH

  • LANSA Newsletter April 2009 page 17 © LANSA 2009


    second argument When you use the BuiltIn function MAIL_ADD_TEXT without the value ‘N’ in the second argument, you always get a new line for every new MAIL_ADD_TEXT instruction! But when you use MAIL_ADD_TEXT with value 'N' in the second argument, for example: USE BUILTIN(MAIL_ADD_TEXT) WITH_ARGS(#TEXT 'N') TO_GET(#IO$STS) the text of the next MAIL_ADD_TEXT will be connected to one before. This will result in a text block, which can contain more then 255 characters. An email reply in a program from one of our LANSA customers always showed two lines. This was solved by using the second argument value 'N': CHANGE FIELD(#TXT) TO('''Indien u langer dan drie weken voorafgaand aan de heenreis een aanvraag gedaan heeft, ontvangt u per post''') USE BUILTIN(MAIL_ADD_TEXT) WITH_ARGS(#TXT N) TO_GET(#LEM_RETC) CHANGE FIELD(#TXT) TO('''een bevestiging met acceptgiro.''') USE BUILTIN(MAIL_ADD_TEXT) WITH_ARGS(#TXT) TO_GET(#LEM_RETC)

    The result in the mail now is: Indien u langer dan drie weken voorafgaand aan de heenreis een aanvraag gedaan heeft, ontvangt u per post een bevestiging met acceptgiro.

  • LANSA Newsletter April 2009 page 18 © LANSA 2009

    Important IBM PTFs

    for V6R1

    If you experienced significant performance degradation after upgrading to V6R1,

    it’s recommended to apply the V6R1 PTFs and follow their instructions to improve

    the performance. One such case experienced by our customer was when using

    complex SELECT_SQL statements in RDML.

    If you are in the process of upgrading to V6R1, the PTFs are also suggested by

    IBM to avoid possible performance impact.

    Solution Apply PTFs MF46183 and MF46307

    Coversheet descriptions PTF/FIX #: MF46183 - Licensed Internal Code

    LICENSED PROGRAM: 5761999 DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM FIXED FOR APAR 'MA37477' : ------------------------------------------------- Since going to R610 CPU has been higher than expected and the end users have complained about response time. Client application uses LANSA which uses OPM RPG programs. CFGRPBL bzero_GenNaker appears to be the largest CPU consumer. CORRECTION FOR APAR 'MA37477' : ------------------------------- Revert to the previous release behavior for processing recycled static storage for those MI program objects that have undergone conversion after the apply of PTF MF46307.

    PTF/FIX #: MF46307 - Licensed Internal Code

    LICENSED PROGRAM: 5761999 DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM FIXED FOR APAR MA37558 : ----------------------------------------------- For programs and service programs created or converted on V6R1, static initializers consisting of a string of zeros were not generated. Instead, the activation of the program would clear all static storage to zeros. In some cases this results in a noticeable performance degradation. See also APAR MA37477. CORRECTION FOR APAR MA37558 : ----------------------------- Licensed Internal Code has been altered to create program and service program objects with the required zero initializers for static storage. Activation of the new programs will perform better when the PTF for APAR MA37477 is applied. The affected programs must be either re-created or converted after this PTF is applied.