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Portofoliu Randevu Nicolae

Jun 02, 2018



Tudor Turcan
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  • 8/10/2019 Portofoliu Randevu Nicolae



  • 8/10/2019 Portofoliu Randevu Nicolae


    Location:Randevu Restaurant is located on Lake Ghidighici, a famous and

    picturesque place near Chisinau, Ghidighici village street Ghidighici.With Randevu, my goal is to create food that goes back to the etymology of

    what the restaurant is meant to embody.


    arking of !"" places with the art security system.#nsure your tranport is important to us.

  • 8/10/2019 Portofoliu Randevu Nicolae


    Interior Design Randevu$his %""&seat 'oldovian Restaurant hosts a steam&punk deco

    in a sepia&toned menagerie. $ime periods and materials (airtogether with the Refurbished, Repurposed, and Reclaimed.)intage and salvaged compositions furnish every surface of

    the dining room, creating an inviting respite.Randevu now takes the place of L*#toile, and has been

    completely redesigned with a panoramic view of the LakeGhidighici.$his restaurant with a modern, elegant interior ,thnew modern and elegant club space and e+ceptional winter

    garden is the perfect place for a fantastic evening. urpriorities are to provide the best welcome, style and service

  • 8/10/2019 Portofoliu Randevu Nicolae


    Randevu is a restaurant, bar and trendy club in Chisinau$opped by a huge mirror, the -rst space available to you is

    de-nitely coy. /ar 0labaster brone, wooden shelves, co1eetables, armchairs 2eggs2 cowhide signed 3o1mann.


    atmosphere is a mi+ between classical and baroque bars of4ew 5ork 6"&7" years. $he presence of a 89 is required every

    night to create the true identity of the place.n the restaurant walls, tapestries touchable, arabesques another woodwork inlaid metal. :uspended ceiling in the form otrompe eye a doen lamps 2Globe2 transparent signed )erneanton, remains authhentiques 7"*s, create impressive e1ect

    created by :amy Chams une+pected.

  • 8/10/2019 Portofoliu Randevu Nicolae


    $here are special rooms where you can separate; a business meetingor lovers of fun, dancing, parties, and even Randevurestaurant o1ers youth club music attracted even greatrestaurant.$he club, with its mi+ of contemporary and vintage space is-rst in 'oldova, upscale without being (ashy, trendy whileremaining accessible. 3is music, a mi+ of festive and eclecticnew catchy, old classics and beloved standards, whichundoubtedly will all customers danced 'ood.

    $he decor, round tables and sofas black, neon, incandescentwith in-nite mirrors, sandstone (oors Ceram ... $he choice of

  • 8/10/2019 Portofoliu Randevu Nicolae


    materials is atypical. /ehind the 89 booth stands the verandawith a glass dome. 0ccess to smoking by the verandaoverlooking small gardens. ?n the background, your eyes willstay on top restaurant backlit and metal Ghidighici lake,ocated a few hundred meters.

    $wo raised areas provide a panoramic view of the new clubsteeped in both urban inspiration and a retro touch undeniabl

  • 8/10/2019 Portofoliu Randevu Nicolae


    .89@LC vous propose chaque soir un mAlange festif etAclectique de nouveautAs, de vieu+ classiques et de standarsadorAs, qui vous mettront d*humeur8ansante

  • 8/10/2019 Portofoliu Randevu Nicolae


    8rawing inspiration largely from the >rench aesthetic &Randevu with traits that include simplicity, economy, austerity

    modesty and the appreciation of the ingenuous integrity ofnatural obBects and processes, wood is used primarily as the

    platform of this brand communication. 4ote their non&uniformity and te+ture to suggest the Randevu beauty of

    imperfection. $he mark and the laser etching on the wood aralso reminiscent of the branding of cattle.

    Whether you*re looking for a place for :unday brunch or luncand dinner any day of the week, you can -nd what you*re

  • 8/10/2019 Portofoliu Randevu Nicolae


    looking for on Randevu restaurant menu. ick things o1 withour signature appetiers and salads, create your own perfeclunch or dinner combo, or go all&out with our /utcher*s Cut

    :teaks, bold twists on pasta or fresh seafood.

    $he restaurant o1ers a -+ed price menu;$his menu o1ers several courses Dusually with choicesE for on-+ed price $hese menus sometimes include appetier, salad

    soup, seafood, and meat and dessert corses. 0 pri+&fe+e menis e+pensiv, but it also o1ers a lot of food. 0 pri+&-+e menu

    changes frequently and usually focuses on seasonalingredients

  • 8/10/2019 Portofoliu Randevu Nicolae


  • 8/10/2019 Portofoliu Randevu Nicolae


  • 8/10/2019 Portofoliu Randevu Nicolae


    3ere is a general checlist of everything need to out-trestaurant itchen;Range



    8eep&fryer Reach&in cooter

    Walk&in cooler


    :aute pans

    :tokFsoup pots

    :auce pans

    /aking sheets ia screens

    /aking pans




    Chef nives Whisks

    'i+ing bowls

    :team table

    #ntrAe plates

    0ppetier plates:alad plates8essert latesCleaning rags

  • 8/10/2019 Portofoliu Randevu Nicolae


  • 8/10/2019 Portofoliu Randevu Nicolae


    A large, ten burner range is edeal oe a co!!ercialrestaurant kitc"en. #ta$ a%a$ ro! electric !odels,since t"e$ are !ore prone to breaking and can raise

    $our utilit$ bill sk$ "ig". &ulcan ranges are so!e o t"!ost durable, ideal or a bus$ restaurant kitc"en.

    &iking ranges are anot"er co!!ercial'rand, t"oug" a lot o t"eir !odels are better suited o

    "o!e kitc"en %"o %ant t"at industrial c"ic look.

    It is one o t"e !ost popular ga!e ( %anted to cookbuc)tar.'lana coats $our t"roat pipe *lled %it" obli+ulines on cus and pockets !ake or a perect c"e coa

    -n t"e sa!e lines %e also cook aprons and caps.

  • 8/10/2019 Portofoliu Randevu Nicolae


    "e pants are black and %"ite c"eck in c"eck ( /ig /as+uare test !odels. Plain black pants and black pants


  • 8/10/2019 Portofoliu Randevu Nicolae


    "e caps in %"ite, black and %"ite c"eck, stripedpattern. 0"e$ are !ade o cotton and pol$ester cottonas re+uired. olors can also be dierent depending on

    %"at da$ %eeks.

  • 8/10/2019 Portofoliu Randevu Nicolae


    1itc"en sta:

    2ead #"e deal %it" suppliers, !anage costs andbudgets, sc"eduling, ordering and planning %"at goeson t"e !enu. 0"is person is in c"arge o all t"ingsrelated to t"e kitc"en, %"ic" usuall$ includes !enucreation, !anage!ent o kitc"en sta, ordering andpurc"asing o inventor$, and plating design.

  • 8/10/2019 Portofoliu Randevu Nicolae


    0"e #ous3"e de uisine 4under3c"e o t"ekitc"en5 is t"e second in co!!and and direct assistan

    o t"e "e. 0"is person !a$ be responsible or

    sc"eduling and substituting %"en t"e "e is o3dut$and %ill also *ll in or or assist t"e "e de Partie 4line

    cook5 %"en needed. 0"is person is responsible orinventor$, cleanliness o t"e kitc"en, organi/ation andconstant training o all e!plo$ees. 0"e 6#ous3"e6 isresponsible or taking co!!ands ro! t"e "e and

  • 8/10/2019 Portofoliu Randevu Nicolae


    ollo%ing t"roug" %it" t"e!. 0"e 6#ous3"e6 isresponsible or line c"ecks and rotation o all product

    #!aller operations !a$ not "ave a sous3c"e, %"ilelarger operations !a$ "ave several.A c"e de partie,

    also kno%n as a 6station c"e6 or 6line cookis in c"argo a particular area o production. In large kitc"ens,eac" station c"e !ig"t "ave several cooks and7or

    assistants. In !ost kitc"ens, "o%ever, t"e station c"eis t"e onl$ %orker in t"at depart!ent. Line cooks areoten divided into a "ierarc"$ o t"eir o%n, starting%it" 6*rst cook6, t"en 6second cook6, and so on as






  • 8/10/2019 Portofoliu Randevu Nicolae


    )intage&epoca:alvaged& salvatCompositions&compoitiiRespite&raga pauaRedesigned&reproiectat$opped&depasit3uge&imens0vailable&disponibilCoy&confortabil:helvesHrafturi0rmchairs&fotoliCowhide&piele de vaca/etween&intre

    Required&necesarWalls&pereti$apestries& tapiserii$ouchable&palpabil0rabesques&arabescurinlaid&incrustatCeiling&plafon
