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Page 1: Portland Children's Museum Media Plan


Page 2: Portland Children's Museum Media Plan

Background + Objectives + Summary

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Background Portland is a diverse community with over 2.26 million people just in the metropolitan area with hundreds of activities for children. Portland Children’s Museum’s two largest competitors are Oregon Zoo and Oregon Science and Industry Museum (OMSI) with the Oregon Zoo taking the lead with 1.6 million visi-tors, OMSI 600,000 visitors, and Portland Children’s Museum trailing behind with only 250,000 visitors. he Portland Children’s Museum closed it’s location for remodeling in December of 2014 and is slated to open June of 2013. This will be a great time for Portland Children’s Museum to go back to the drawing board and have new marketing and advertising goals.

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Primary + SecondaryDemographics + Geographics + Psychographics +Behavioristics

The Right Audience

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e chose to target women ages 25-49, because of several considerations. Our limited budget required a smart use of resources and we decided to focus on reaching a large amount of a specific audience, being younger adult females.

Females are often the primary caregivers of children as well as the principal shoppers in their households.

According to MRI’s Survey of the American Consumer, 74.9% of women identified themselves as the primary shoppers for their households (GfK MRI, 2011). This implies that they make the majority of financial decisions to make household purchases. When it comes to who makes key purchasing decisions within a household, women have the most control with $12 trillion of the overall $18.4 trillion in global consumer spending (Bialik, 2011).

Primary Audience

Secondary Audience e have also identified a secondary audience within this demographic, being nannies and teachers. Nannies have a high level of involvement when it comes to choosing activities for children. According to the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics, 94.8% of childcare workers are women (Household Data, 2013). These secondary caretakers have influence with the primary decision-makers of the household, and even more-so during summer breaks, when the museum is set to open.

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Demographics emales are approximately 50.5% of the population, and of that segment, approximately half fall between the ages of 25-49. This media plan targets approximately 25% of the total population (Census Bureau, 2012). They have a median household income of $50,271 and live in subdivisions (18 Kids & Cul-de-sacs, 2014). These women are from a variety of backgrounds, ethnicities, race (white, black, asian, pacific islander, native american, hispanic, and many others) Portland is made up a wide arrange of people from different cultures.

Target population = (Total Female Population)(0.25) = (1,515,778)(0.25) = 378,945 ≈ 380,000 to account growth since 2012 Census

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e are targeting women in the zip codes listed below, because both Beaverton and Hillsboro have condensed populations of families with children. Beaverton is comprised of 37,213 households, of which 31.0% had children under the age of 18 living with them. Furthermore, Hillsboro consists of 33,289 households, of which about 38% had children under the age of 18 living with them.

This substantial concentration of families is a key market for our campaign to reach and connect with. The city of Portland contains only 24.5% of families with children under the age of 18, but Portland is composed of 223,737 households, (Census Bureau, 2010) and is the also where the Children’s Museum is located, which makes Portland an essential market to incorporate.


City Zip Code Number of Members Portland 97229 640 Hillsboro 97123 415 Beaverton 97006 356 Beaverton 97007 349

Geographic Breakdown of PCM members

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Pyschographics Our target audience cares about what others think and easily influenced by family and friends recommendation (“Marketing to Mom”, 2014). They want to have reassurance from their peers that they are giving their child the best. Besides their peers, they are also influenced by advertisements and promotions when purchasing items for their child. They want to have the best deals but are willing to spend extra for the experience. When it comes to their child’s well being, safety is the number one concern among moms. Child happiness, followed by finances, education, and nutrition, round out the top five (“Marketing to Mom”, 2014). This target audience spends a lot of time online researching before making a commitment concerning their children.

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Macro Rationale

utdoor transit is great for captivating wide geographic coverage in a local market. Utilizing outdoor avoids exces-sive message clutter, provides high visual impact, and is great for displaying simple messages that will reach our target market plus some. A relatively low cost per impression and increase in frequency is also a great benefit of utilizing out-door (Media Strategy & Plan-ning, 2013).


Micro Rationale

early 72% of women are in the workforce, and 61% of that 72% have children under the age of 3 (Working Moms, 2011). With moms staying busy and commuting often, utilizing outdoor transit is an easy way to capture additional target impressions. Not only will this be a great medium to express creativity but also the transit goes directly to and from the Portland Children’s Museum. Advertising on this medium can remind our target audience how easy it can be to travel to and from the museum.

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Media Vehicles Not Chosen

Macro Rationale elevision has a very high cost of entry and lacks audience selectivity with many programs. Ads can be seen as intrusive, noisy, and can easily be skipped with DVR viewing. Viewers are not involved and are seeing multiple ads at a time with low attention. High cost and lack of intimacy make this an undesirable medium for this campaign (Media Strategy & Planning, 2013).

Micro Rationale At this time we have specially chosen not to utilize Portland television due to it’s feasibility. With our budget, we were able to achieve a reach of 90%.We believe that spending our resources elsewhere is more efficient at this time and have made several PR recommendations to achieve TV impressions at little to no cost.

Television NewspaperMacro Rationale

ewspapers generally only have a 24-hour shelf life with limited audience selectivity and segmentation. Declining readership and coverage along with a high CPM make this an undesirable medium for this campaign (Media Strategy & Planning, 2013).

Micro Rationale We have specifically chosen not to utilize the Oregonian due to their readership demographics. The median age of the Oregonian reader is 54 while we are trying to target women aged 25-54.

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Key Performance Indicators

MAgazines + Radio + AdWords + Outdoor

The Right Exposure Level

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he outdoor media channel is an essential component of our campaign. The media vehicle we have selected is public transit and consists of 8 max mural series, 6 max full sides, and 300 michelangelo ceiling displays. We strategically chose Portland’s public transit as a media vehicle because it goes di-rectly to and from the Portland Children’s Museum. Additionally, we know that women with children ages 2-5 are 43% more likely than men to be the primary household shopper (Principle HH Shopper, 2014). This makes transit an attractive outdoor media vehicle. Outdoor media will only be used in the first two months (May and June) of our rollout phase to help support our front-end load schedule. The transit media vehicle achieves the following: - 285k target audience impressions - 75 total rating points - Reach of 19 - An average frequency of 4

Media Vehicle Ad Unit Size & Length

Number of Ads

Number of Bonus Ads

Total Number of


TA Impressions per Ad

Total TA Impressions

Light Rail Exterior

6 / 4 weeks 1 - 1 - 95,000

Light Rail Interior

300 / 4 weeks 1 - 1 - 95,000

Light Rail Exterior: Max


8 / 4 weeks 1 - 1 - 95,000

Totals 3 3 285,000

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Budget Distribution + Impression Distribution + Media Cost Analysis

The Right Cost

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Campaign Media Types

Total Ads

Total TA Impressions

TRP's Reach Frequency Cash Cost Value of Multiplier (Free Ads)

Total Market Value

CPM for each

medium (Cash)

CPM for all medias


CPP for each

medias (Cash)

CPP for each

medium (Cash)

Outdoor 3 285,000 75 19 4 $81,600 - 81,600 $286.32 1088

Magazine 26 2,340,000 102 22 9 $19,164 4,168 23,332 $9.97 228.74

Radio 126 388,500 615 65 4 $31,000 1,550 32,550 $83.78 52.92

AdWords - 858,000 572 54 11 $18,236 - 18236 $21.25 31.88

Total 155 3,871,500 1364 90 15 $150,000 5718 155,718 - 401.32 1401.55

Roll Out

Outdoor 3 285,000 75 18 4 $81,600 - 81600 286.32 1088

Magazine 4 360,000 94 21 4 $5,954 - 5954 16.54 63.34

Radio 42 129,500 35 12 2 $10,850 - 10850 83.78 314.49

AdWords - 132,000 88 20 2 $2,805 - 2805 21.25 31.87

Total 49 906,500 292 55 5 $101,209 - 101,209 - 407.89 1497.70

Media Cost Analysis

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Social Media + Public Relations

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Social Media Recommendations

Public Relation Recommendations

Using social media is a simple, inexpen-sive way to engage with the target audience. Our target audience spends a great deal of time online and are on the go. We recommend re-vamping PCM’s social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. Byengaging with the audience, offering discounts, and updating the design aspects of the social media sites to a simple chic, yet playful look, this will build a loyal digital following.

FacebookFor Facebook we recommend more engagement with PCM’s target audience with more activity such as reposting images people took while they were there recently. During slow periods of museum visits, Facebook offers cost effective tools to target very specific audiences. In addition, offering discounts and promoting special events will drive PCM’s Klout score up!

TwitterPCM is doing an excellent job at keeping their Twit-ter posting up to date, but they need more interac-tion with users and use of hashtags. We recommend creating a hashtag when an event or promotion is going on.

YouTubePortland Children’s Museum’s screen name on youtube is, “pdxcm,” which is confusing for people that do not know the abbreviations. We suggest changing the name to @PortlandCM to make it consistent with their Twitter handle. The Youtube channel also lacks personality, we suggest adding header images, logos, and connecting it with their other social media outlets. We also suggest PCM to post videos at least twice a month about events at Portland Children’s Museum, to create buzz with their target audience.

We recommend reaching out to local television stations like Koin 6 or Katu 2 and present them with a cross promotional deal, outlining what we could offer them (non-monetary) in exchange with a story during one of their dayparts.

We think cross promotion is a great way for us to gain additional impressions without purchasing an expensive tv spot.

Additional Recommendations