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Portfolio: Samantha Sherry

Apr 06, 2016



Samantha Sherry

Samantha Sherry is a graphic designer with a passion for art direction, editorial design and branding. I’m a lover of magazines, print design and Pinterest who aspires to make the world more beautiful one page at a time.
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Saman tha She r r y i s a g raph ic des igne r w i t h a pas s ion fo r a r t d i rec t ion ,

ed i to r ia l des ign and b rand ing . A love r o f magaz i nes, p r i n t des ign and

P i n te re s t, s he asp i re s to make t he wo r ld mo re beau t i f u l one page a t a

t ime.

Saman tha comp le ted a Bache lo r o f Des ign , spec ia l i s i ng i n S t y l i ng

and C rea t i ve D i rec t ion i n 2014 . He r backg round a t Wh i tehouse has

equ ipped he r w i t h a range o f s k i l l s i nc l ud i ng g raph ic des ign , fa sh ion ,

i n te r io r and s t i l l l i f e s t y l i ng as we l l a s i n s igh t s i n to pho tog raphy and

bus i nes s . Th i s g i ves Saman tha a t ho rough unde r s tand ing o f t he en t i r e

des ign p roces s and she asp i re s to one day u se t hese s k i l l s a s an a r t

d i rec to r. Cu r ren t l y Saman tha i s open to any des ign wo r k , b ig o r sma l l

t ha t a l lows he r to be c rea t i ve.

The fo l low ing po r t fo l io documen t s t he deve lopmen t o f Saman tha ’ s

s t y le t h rough t he cou r se o f he r deg ree and showcases he r s k i l l se t i n

bo th c rea t i ve and a r t d i rec t ion .


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UBY was a co l labo ra t i ve pe r sona l p ro jec t comp le ted i n

2014 . The Ruby s to r y i s abou t l i gh t, i nnocence, p re t t i ne s s

and t hough t. I t a ims evoke nos ta lg ic fee l i ngs t h rough t he l i gh t

aes the t i c, rem ind ing u s o f Sp r i ng .


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HE ‘ M IN IMAL’ p ro jec t was co l labo ra t i ve ven tu re t ha t a imed to

showcase wo r k f rom s t uden t des igne r s . The concept focused on

m i n ima l , monoch romat ic des ign s cu ra ted f rom t he Sp r i ng/Summe r

2014 co l lec t ion s o f f i ve s t uden t s , chosen by my se l f and Haze l Ga l vez.

The p ro jec t focuses on s t rong l i ne s and shapes, i n te re s t i ng c rop and

u t i l i s i ng negat i ve space to c rea te a s t rong m in ima l look . A s t hey say,

l e s s i s mo re.

Th i s p ro jec t i s accompan ied by a sho r t f i l m wh ich can be v iewed a t


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M I N I M A LS T Y L I N G b y S A M A N T H A S H E R R Y A N D H A Z E L G A L V E Z

P H O T O G R A P H Y b y S H A N N A T E N G

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S T Y L I N G : S A M A N T H A S H E R R Y A N D H A Z E L G A L V E Z

P H O T O G R A P H Y : S H A N N A T E N G

H A I R : H E L E N B I L L I N G H A M

M A K E U P : K R Y S T L E M C C A R T H Y

M O D E L S : R O X Y A N D L I L Y A T L O N D O N M A N A G E M E N T

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LORA i s a pho top rahy and s t y l i ng p ro jec t comp le ted i n 2013 .

The idea came f rom t he concept o f a f lo r i s t ’ s ca fe, focus i ng on

captu r i ng t he beau ty and s imp l i c i t y o f f l owe r s . The shoot has

a s t rong m in ima l and fem in i ne ase the t i c conveyed t h rough accen t s

o f pas te l p i n k and na tu ra l te x t u re s . These te x t u re s and co lou r s

comp l imen t t he mat te g rey backg round and i ndu t r ia l f l oo r i ng .

The look was i n sp i red by con tempo ra r y Scand inav ian des ign w i t h a

p lay on c ra f t s and f lo r i s t r y. The e lemen t s o f s u spended mac ramae,

wh i te w i re cha i r s and na tu ra l wood logs captu re t he fee l i ng o f a so f t

fem in i ne space. So f t p i n k and g rey acces so r ie s a re u sed to t i e t he

concept toge the r to c rea te a fem in i ne amb ience.


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Styling and photographysamantha sherry

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HOST TALK a re an un s igned Aus t ra l ian band I wo r ked w i t h

i n 2013 to deve lop t he i r s t y le as a p ro jec t fo r my deg ree.

Wor k i ng i n pa i r s , my se l f and my pa r t ne r deve loped a

s igna tu re s t y le fo r t he t r io, s hoot i ng a s to r y wh ich we t hen wo r ked i n to

a mock ed i to r ia l s hoot fo r Yen Magaz i ne. A pos te r and v ideo tease r

we re a l so des igned as pa r t o f t h i s e xe rc i se.

The s to r y captu re s t he es sence o f t he band, you th f u l , f un w i t h a b i t o f

an edge and a touch o f my s te r y.


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Emerging band Ghost Talk mix indie rock with folk tones to create their own unique style. After being brought together by kismet, Tom, cousin Andy met at Tim Cheeseman’s garage of magic in mid-2011 to begin their musical journey.

The Sydney based trio give us a peak into the inner workings of their band.

I don’t think we are any good, but Tim is. Andrea’s cousin who is from

England, complimented on Tim’s accent, and that was the greatest

moment of Tim’s life.

How did you guys come up with your band name “Ghost Talk” and is there a meaning behind GT?T : A previous band member came up with “Ghost Talk”. We were really

fond of the band name and stuck with it.

A : It actually has no meaning at all. I would like something with a

meaning, I guess there is still room to grow. I like the idea that this EP

is the “ghost talk” EP, so if we did change our name that EP would still

represent that era. The first 4 songs, the vocals aren’t great, some bits

don’t mix as well but its good in a way cause that’s how it was in that

moment. Something to take away from that, would probably be the fun

but serious aspect of things.

What are some of the bands that inspire or influence you?A : Tame Impala.

T : I think all our personal influences probably can’t be heard. I think all

our influences change the way we each play. We didn’t really pick an

influence, to sound like because each song is relatively different.

A : We have a lot of different influences, Individually. Then it comes


You guys are a 3 piece, how did you come together as a band?

Tom : It was myself and a friend Tim, we have been best friends

throughout school. We are at a gig, this was around mid 2011, and

we thought “why aren’t we in a band?” At that moment we needed

someone who could play bass, so we called Andy (Andrea)

at 11:30pm.

Andrea: I was asleep!

T : and said you’re in a band now! And that was that, done! So,

we got talking and met up had a bit of an awkward first prac…

A : It wasn’t that bad.

T :Yeah it didn’t sound bad, we were just mucking around. So we

were pretty happy with that, just playing around and doing covers.

A : A little random but Tim’s father went to school with our dads.

T : Yeah, turns out all our dads were tight in school. It was really

weird actually. By then we were a 3 piece.

You guys seem like a bunch of down to earth artists with a great sense of humour, any random facts that you would like to share? T : Sometimes we talk in a British accent.

A : All the time! It is so bizarre. It just comes on and once band prac is

over we cant really get out of it.

T : The back of your mouth is sort of deformed to speak in the accent.


y E N




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Emerging band Ghost Talk mix indie rock with folk tones to create their own unique style. After being brought together by kismet, Tom, cousin Andy met at Tim Cheeseman’s garage of magic in mid-2011 to begin their musical journey.

The Sydney based trio give us a peak into the inner workings of their band.

I don’t think we are any good, but Tim is. Andrea’s cousin who is from

England, complimented on Tim’s accent, and that was the greatest

moment of Tim’s life.

How did you guys come up with your band name “Ghost Talk” and is there a meaning behind GT?T : A previous band member came up with “Ghost Talk”. We were really

fond of the band name and stuck with it.

A : It actually has no meaning at all. I would like something with a

meaning, I guess there is still room to grow. I like the idea that this EP

is the “ghost talk” EP, so if we did change our name that EP would still

represent that era. The first 4 songs, the vocals aren’t great, some bits

don’t mix as well but its good in a way cause that’s how it was in that

moment. Something to take away from that, would probably be the fun

but serious aspect of things.

What are some of the bands that inspire or influence you?A : Tame Impala.

T : I think all our personal influences probably can’t be heard. I think all

our influences change the way we each play. We didn’t really pick an

influence, to sound like because each song is relatively different.

A : We have a lot of different influences, Individually. Then it comes


You guys are a 3 piece, how did you come together as a band?

Tom : It was myself and a friend Tim, we have been best friends

throughout school. We are at a gig, this was around mid 2011, and

we thought “why aren’t we in a band?” At that moment we needed

someone who could play bass, so we called Andy (Andrea)

at 11:30pm.

Andrea: I was asleep!

T : and said you’re in a band now! And that was that, done! So,

we got talking and met up had a bit of an awkward first prac…

A : It wasn’t that bad.

T :Yeah it didn’t sound bad, we were just mucking around. So we

were pretty happy with that, just playing around and doing covers.

A : A little random but Tim’s father went to school with our dads.

T : Yeah, turns out all our dads were tight in school. It was really

weird actually. By then we were a 3 piece.

You guys seem like a bunch of down to earth artists with a great sense of humour, any random facts that you would like to share? T : Sometimes we talk in a British accent.

A : All the time! It is so bizarre. It just comes on and once band prac is

over we cant really get out of it.

T : The back of your mouth is sort of deformed to speak in the accent.


y E N




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together. If you put a limitation on what you sound like it doesn’t really let you

explore every sound possible.

Who writes the lyrics for Ghost Talk?T : I usually bring forth an idea and then we just start jamming, layering it. For the

first 4 tracks it was sort of like this sounds really good, lets keep working on it.

The 4 tracks sounded pretty good so we decided to record those.

From what you have written, which lyrics is your favourite?T : Everything we write somehow ends up getting pretty dark. The first song we

were recording, in one of the freaky bits in the intro and in the middle we were

actually recording when it was storming outside, rain was bolting down, it was

really quiet cool. My favourite lyrics would have to be simple desire because

I guess I have a stronger connection with that one. The other songs are really

fun but it seems like fakery, not putting on a voice but it ’s hard to make it seem

real. I think ‘simple desire’ is the closest song to something that actually means

something to us, the lyrics are a little bit sad but yeah I guess that would be my


Do you have any song writers that you look up to?T : Tame Impala, definitely looking up to them. Every time we go to a gig, we

walk out saying “we want to sound like that”, “we should do this or we should

do that”. But then sometimes we get to prac and try things that just don’t really

work. I guess all the bands we listen to in a way, we pull something out of each

one. But for me, Kevin Parker. Its subtle, I don’t really need an inspiration to pick


A : If I’m going for bass sounds, I would need funky references from the

Barcades and a bit of disco.

T : Yeah its weird, sometimes band prac will just bust out into a german disco,

or psychedelic funk. Stuff that we would never let out of the band room,

eventually we will just have a CD of brutal German disco funk.

Your EP design is impressive, is there a group member studying graphic design?A : My brother did the album artwork for the album cover.

Favourite gig’s to date?A : Our first gig we were supporting, there was about 70 people in one room.

T : Yeah that’s was nuts! Kittens in Darlinghurst Sydney was really fun, we played

really well. My cousin Ben, he managed to get us a slot which was really good

because otherwise it was quiet hard to play there. That was probably our

best gig to date. We also had this other gig, it wasn’t really a gig, it was at the

Castle Hill showground at some mini Easter show. It was an absolute disaster.

A : Otherwise we play at Mars hill café at Parramatta. We have friends that

work there, which is great.

Ghost Talks self-titled EP is out now.



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together. If you put a limitation on what you sound like it doesn’t really let you

explore every sound possible.

Who writes the lyrics for Ghost Talk?T : I usually bring forth an idea and then we just start jamming, layering it. For the

first 4 tracks it was sort of like this sounds really good, lets keep working on it.

The 4 tracks sounded pretty good so we decided to record those.

From what you have written, which lyrics is your favourite?T : Everything we write somehow ends up getting pretty dark. The first song we

were recording, in one of the freaky bits in the intro and in the middle we were

actually recording when it was storming outside, rain was bolting down, it was

really quiet cool. My favourite lyrics would have to be simple desire because

I guess I have a stronger connection with that one. The other songs are really

fun but it seems like fakery, not putting on a voice but it ’s hard to make it seem

real. I think ‘simple desire’ is the closest song to something that actually means

something to us, the lyrics are a little bit sad but yeah I guess that would be my


Do you have any song writers that you look up to?T : Tame Impala, definitely looking up to them. Every time we go to a gig, we

walk out saying “we want to sound like that”, “we should do this or we should

do that”. But then sometimes we get to prac and try things that just don’t really

work. I guess all the bands we listen to in a way, we pull something out of each

one. But for me, Kevin Parker. Its subtle, I don’t really need an inspiration to pick


A : If I’m going for bass sounds, I would need funky references from the

Barcades and a bit of disco.

T : Yeah its weird, sometimes band prac will just bust out into a german disco,

or psychedelic funk. Stuff that we would never let out of the band room,

eventually we will just have a CD of brutal German disco funk.

Your EP design is impressive, is there a group member studying graphic design?A : My brother did the album artwork for the album cover.

Favourite gig’s to date?A : Our first gig we were supporting, there was about 70 people in one room.

T : Yeah that’s was nuts! Kittens in Darlinghurst Sydney was really fun, we played

really well. My cousin Ben, he managed to get us a slot which was really good

because otherwise it was quiet hard to play there. That was probably our

best gig to date. We also had this other gig, it wasn’t really a gig, it was at the

Castle Hill showground at some mini Easter show. It was an absolute disaster.

A : Otherwise we play at Mars hill café at Parramatta. We have friends that

work there, which is great.

Ghost Talks self-titled EP is out now.



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WAKEN was a cha r i t y even t i n pa r t ne r sh ip w i t h t he

Wh i tehouse I n s t i t u te o f Des ign and Aus t ra l ian Red C ros s .

Awaken was r un by t he t h i rd yea r Wh i tehouse s t uden t s to

ce leb ra te t he cen tena r y o f Aus t ra l ian Red C ros s . The n igh t was h igh l y

s ucces s f u l , ra i s i ng $25 ,000 do l la r s fo r t he cha r i t y and ga in i ng a soc ia l

med ia fo l low ing o f ove r 1000 peop le i n j u s t ove r 2 mon th s .

My ro le i n t h i s even t was head and ma r ke t i ng and soc ia l med ia . I

a s s i s ted i n deve lop ing t he s t y le gu ide and med ia k i t fo r t he even t,

des ign i ng ma r ke t i ng co l la te ra l i nc l ud i ng a numbe r o f pos te r s , s t i c ke r s ,

s tamps, l e t te r heads and documen t s as we l l a s b ra i n s to rm i ng and

imp lemen t i ng ma r ke t i ng and soc ia l med ia s t ra teg ie s as pa r t o f a sma l l


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Y MAJOR PROJECT i s t he re -b rand ing o f ‘ L i t t l e Rae ’ , a

concept gene ra l s to re located on t he sou th coas t o f NSW.

Pa r t homewa res s to re, pa r t ca fé ; L i t t l e Rae emu la tes t he

gene ra l s to re s o f t he pas t. The c rea t i ve d i rec t ion fo r t he s to re i s a

new take on o ld schoo l . I deve loped a f re sh bu t fam i l ia r aes the t i c fo r

t he s to re by bu i ld i ng o f f t he i r cu r ren t b rand ing and mak i ng re fe rence

to t he pas t t h rough t he ca re fu l cons ide ra t ion o f t ypog raphy, image r y,

pape r s tock and mate r ia l s . The re su l t i s cohes i ve and s t rong b rand


The co l la te ra l I des igned i nc l udes : logo des ign , bus i nes ses ca rds,

l e t te r head, g i f t ce r t i f i ca tes, menu , s ignage, lookbook , webs i te and

packag ing .

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phone : 0423 246 132

ema i l : saman thashe r r y1@gma i l . com

webs i te : saman thashe r r yc rea t i

Thank YOu