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Mar 15, 2016



Z Wang

Portfolio Eindhoven University of Technology Industrial desgin
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Page 2: Portfolio | [email protected] | 31 (0) 653376468

I am Zheliuyi Wang, a Chinese designer. Wildly ambitious, ready for action!

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I grew up in China, studying in Nether lands at th is moment . Cur iosi ty, opt imist ic mindset, independency, braveness, all of the identities which drive me to explore the unknown world and face new challenges. I am hard-working, enthusiastic and with a good balance between a creative technological side and an artistic side. | [email protected] | 31 (0) 653376468

I am an analyser and a creator, w i l l i ng to c rea te though t fu l , innovative and aesthetic designs. I am currently working on intelligent products, service and system design at Eindhoven University of Technology, department of I ndus t r i a l Des ign . I be l i eve technology serves humani ty, and designers have the power to change the way people live.

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Transient Tides of Light A tangible light installation visualize the trace of movement

Type: Project | Area: Light, space and movement Client: Intelligent Lighting Instiute, Open light# People: Individual | 16 Weeks | Dec. 2012Faculty Coach: Rob Zimmermann

This project focuses on the transient nature of light that can be observed within a repetitive setting, aimed at discovering a movement pulse created by people and light.

The design question ' how to visualize the invisible trace of movement ' rises based upon the inspiration from the motion shot of dancer. In the final concept, the short-lived fluorescent light is triggered by interaction and exploration from people. The light hints at the invisible trace of movement, which fades out over time naturally and uncontrollably. The light also visualizes the different iteration of various movements.

This artificial light setting indicates a subtle interplay between lighting and space which is transient and imitates the natural light which is ever-changing and dynamic.

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Fragment(ed) A floating lamp served by levitation technology

Type: Project (Intern) | Area: Product Design | Company: Crealev BV # People: Individual | 16 Weeks | June. 2012Organization Coach: Ger Jason, Angela JasonFaculty Coach: Roos van Berkel

The lamp is named Fragment(ed). It describes a frozen moment of a lamp collapsing. The design aimed to provide an exciting visual sensation served by levitation technology. Stand in line with the previous floating lamps Eclipse and Silhouette from the company Crealev, the design of Fragment(ed) retains the exclusiveness, in addition, meshes with a sense of vivacious flavor.

The switch is located under the shade, just in the falling direction. So the action of reaching out to the switch of the light looks like protecting it from collapse. The design is based on human's instinctive reaction: when seeing an object falling, people will try to hold it from the falling direction without thinking. By triggering people's urge to 'help' the lamp, it provides an simple interaction between the user and product. The touch sensor provides three different levels of brightness by controlling the state of LEDs inside the lamp shade.

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Front Right Left Back

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Easy-Relax A light experience to help workers release pressure

Health issue is one of the most important topics people are concerned with. Easy-Relax will lead people to form a healthy work-rest cycle and aid people to do simple massage exercises during the break of work.

In Chinese medicine's view, the best way to prevent diseases is developing a healthy way of living. It can also help people avoid mental diseases and enhance the efficiency of their work. The design of the LED jacket is named Easy-Relax, which will create a lighting environment around the person when wearing it. People work in a blue light, which can help them stay in a peaceful and calm state. The color of jacket changes into red automatically after a period of time, in order to warn the person to take a rest. During the break, acupuncture areas on the body can be massaged by squeezing the lighting silicone bubbles on the jacket, thus contributes to muscle relaxing and stimulates blood circulation. The lights on jacket will turn back to blue gradually, thus goes to the next work cycle.

Type: Project | Area: Wearable sense & Lighting # People: Individual | 16 Weeks | Jan. 2012Faculty Coach: Melissa Coleman

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ZhongZhong A light emitting toy stimulates children to share

The intention of this project is to design an intelligent toy that stimulates children to share, more specifically the project is geared towards the context of the Chinese society's kindergartens. A user research in China confirms that colors have a large impact on young children. The design grants children the possibility to create their own colors by sharing with others. In turn, this will trigger children to seek after their own preferred color while sharing with others, effectively encouraging the latter. The design, therefore, could play a huge role in the social development of an only-child in China.

The toy named ZhongZhong shaped as a tube which contains two ends. Three original colors (red, green and blue) are set in the front end, which is the sharing part. The other end is the receiving part which has no color at beginning but can receive colors. Children will lose their own color but receive colors from other children. They will also receive rewarding stars on the screen of the tube by sharing. Children can create new color by mixing different color of lights. The sharing part can be charged in a base, which is shaped as its logo, when running out of color.

Type: Project | Area: Social robot and humanoids & Product design# People: 4 | 16 Weeks | June. 2010Faculty Coach: Gijs Ockeloen

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ID'X is the exhibition of the Department of Industrial Design(ID) within the Dutch Design Week. ID'X gives visitors the opportunity to experience exciting, interactive, working prototypes from ID at the TU/e. This project focuses on attracting visitors from the outside to the ID'X exhibition. The script of the final concept consists of 5 steps:

A: Attracting - In order to attract visitors to participate in ID'X, an intelligent fountain is placed in the city centre of Eindhoven. B: Connecting - The water in the fountain follows the heart beat rate of visitors by a heart beat sensor connected to visitor's hands. When the water touches the TU/e LED logo, the wet area of the logo lights up. C: Informing - Around fountain, TU/e students help to distribute a booklet that contain a map to the TU/e and information about the ID'X. D: Workshop - Visitors can join in a workshop, where they will build a small prototype using the same technology of the fountain in which water triggers LED lights up. E: Remembrance -Visitors can enjoy the exhibition of young designers and at the same time enjoy the moment of being a designer themselves through the workshop.

Type: Project | Area: Exhibition & Experience design | Client: TU/e# People: 4 | 16 Weeks | June. 2011Faculty Coach: Mathias Funk

ID'X | An interactive installation attracting visitors to exhibitions

Dutch Design Week

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Cultural computing enables particular cognitive and emotional responses from users as reflections on and of their inner, subliminal consciousness. In this project, an interpretation of the classic narrative Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and the aspect of cultural computing were combined into the ALICE installation.

The project aimed to design an experience in a virtual world and trigger emotional responses from users. A croquet game with the queen in Wonderland was built in this project. Users need to use a flamingo to push the ball into the hoop with two hidden tricks, which were set to work randomly. One trick makes the ball disappear, the other one makes the hoop to be flat promptly. A projection of the queen is in front of the users which brings in a negative impact. The queen acts impatiently while the users play. She behaves mad or happy at the end, depending on the different results. There is no way to win, unless users start to break the rules. Through this experience, users will learn to think and make choices under negative influences, and try to think outside the box to solve problems. It is also a metaphor of Alice, who is against the queen and finally grows up after overcoming difficulties in Wonderland.

Type: Project | Area: Experience design | Client: ALICE Lab# People: 4 | 16 Weeks | Jan. 2011Faculty Coach: Geert Langereis

A New Encounter with Alice An interactive installation to experince a virtual world

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To manage and heal chronic diseases, there are usually methods that require consistent treatment. In China, due to limited medical recourses, the patients are often asked to treat themselves or to have treatment by their caregivers at home without enough professional guidance.

The main goal of this interface design is to facilitate after-stroke recovery. Home rehabilitation helps patients understand the rehab exercises, monitor whether they have done it in the right way and encourage them to continue in spite of lack of obvious progress in short periods of time. The final concept entails a simplified interface that motivates patients with a rewarding system. Basic health information(heart rate, blood pressure, etc.) are displayed on the homepage. The patient can get access to family messages, photos, videos, Chinese operas, movies, music, news, as rewards of the stroke rehab exercises. Different information can be accessed in a specific order that is defined by the user's personal preferences. The reward database is always refreshed in order to keep the patients motivated in a long term.

Type: Assignment | Area: Interface design & Health Care | Client: PHILIPS Shanghai# People: 3 | 6 Weeks | Oct. 2010Assignor: Yuan Lu

After-stroke Recovery An interface to assist Chinese stroke patient recover

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After-stroke Recovery An interface to assist Chinese stroke patient recover

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The AdMoVeo robot is designed by ir. Sjriek Alers at the Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, specially for the assignment "Creative Programming for Designers". The Design philosophy was to create an easy accessible platform to learn embedded systems and computer programming that stimulates and motivates the student to explore their programming skills.

CoSi is a beetle-shaped robot, which was created based on the AdMoVeo robot. By programming on Arduino diecimila board and building a controlling interface on computer, CoSi can be remote controlled. It is a racing game, players need to control CoSi to reach the circular dots on a map and change its color to the color of a certain dot.

Type: Assignment | Area: Game Design # People: 2 | 3 Weeks | May. 2010Assignor: Dr. J. Hu, Dr. ir. R.M.C Ahn

AdMoVeo Robot- CoSi A robot beetle finding food with dynamic colors

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I was assigned to explore the tactile experience of 'persuasiveness', and material properties that relate to a persuasive experience. For a research the resilience property of a material was tested with a range of artefacts varying in scale. User test results showed that the persuasive experience of a material becomes stronger to some extent when the material is more resilient, resilience indeed has impact on the persuasiveness and softer materials were more perceived as submissive and passive.

A playful LED armrest band was desigened in the context of persuasive material. While resting on it, user can play and interact with the band. Silicon hollow balls that can be pressed and it pushes back once you release it. In this way a subtle experience can be created because this band triggers the person to subconsciously play with his armrest. LEDs were added beneath the curved balls that light up in an seemingly random way. Once a ball is pressed, it will light up another ball to persuade the user to press the latter ball. Thus, users are pursuaded to follow the light and continue the interaction. A piece of soft and smooth fabric is added on top of the silicon balls, which enhance the attractiveness of the whole object.

Type: Assignment | Area: User Experience design & Tactile Exploration # People: 2 | 6 Weeks | April. 2011Assignor: S. de Waart, E. van den Hoven

Tactile Experience Haptic experience and communication of products

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Consumers all have different eating habits, and some people have food allergies, diabetes, etc. People can choose their food freely in the supermarket, but can they always find appropriate and healthy food, especially the elderly people?

The EHB system is customisable for users with special needs. With a personal carry-on device and an online database, elderly can select food which fit their special needs in supermarket (eg. Albert Heijn). Firstly, users need to build a personal health database (allergy and diseases) in the device. Before going to a supermarket, fresh product information of this supermarket need to be updated on EHB. In the supermarket, users can scan the bar code on the package with their EHB, which shows detailed information about the food in a large screen. Basic information will be shown, for instance, the expiration date, nutrition board, etc. Moreover, the EHB will grade the particular food, in terms of healthiness according to the personal health information, and gives valuable advice.

Type: Assignment | Client: Albert HeijnArea: Product design & User Experience Design # People: 2 | 3 Weeks | June. 2011Assignor: Jacques Terken

EHB| A personal device help elderly purchase healthy food products

Electronic Healthy-Food Booklet

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This assignment is aimed at learning, exploring and practising the competency of Form & Senses in a professional and attractive way. The activities focus on exploring different materials to build prototype and improving hands on modeling skills.

A handle named Smiling was designed under this context. It has 3 simple buttons, user can press on the 'eyes' and slide on the 'mouth' of Smiling . Silicon and polyester are the main materials used to build the buttons and the main body of the prototype. Research about colors, shapes and materials has been done before prototyping. As a result, the streamlined shape, transparent body, joyful yellow face and comfortable haptic experience brings an enjoyable experience to users.

Type: Assignment | Area: Product design & Model making # People: Individual | 3 Weeks | May. 2011Assignor: Steketee, A.J.

Smiling Handle A conceptual handle design and material exploration

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The target for this assignment is designing a toy car for children and exploring hands on work skills on model making. This wheely car prototype was mainly build by pine sticks and MDF in a 1:1 scale. The whole body of the prototype is shaped as a blue whale, where child can sit on. A handgrip, shaped as water ejection, is placed on the top of the 'whale head'. Separately, The open mouth of the whale is weaved by cane. With four wheels set at the bottom, it can be used as a real toy for children.

The 'whale' has a cleaning function (conceptual design), which enables chirdren to clean the house while playing. 'Big mouth' can be used to keep large-sized trash, such as spitball. An vacuum cleaner is installed under the belly of the 'whale', which cleans up the fine dust. A brush is attached under the 'tail', which is used to clean the remaining dirt.

Type: Assignment | Area: Product design & Model making # People: Individual | 3 Weeks | Mar. 2011Assignor: Steketee, A.J.

Wheely Whale A toy car enables children do cleaning while playing

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This design is about making waste profitable and protecting environment by small things. Large batches of toilet paper are used up every day which is thrown away as trash. However, discarded paper rolls can be collected and be rebuilt into various furnitures in a smart way.

Pap-Honeycomb is a series of paper-roll chairs built by hundreds of discarded paper rolls. In this concept, each paper roll can be made as a simple piece of a puzzle after cutting with four openings on both sides, and then be connected to each other. Those tangent rolls push each other to share the strength in order to bear weight. Paper rolls can be connected perfectly without any glue or connecting elements. The simple structure makes those connected paper rolls no longer brittle. From the sideview, the tangent circles look like a honeycomb. The project is still in its pilot phase. In the experiment, only about 20 paper rolls connected using this structure can already bear a water jug filled with 1.7L water (about 2kg together) with negligible deformation.

Type: Extracurricular activities Area: Product design & Conceptual Design# People: Individual | 3 Weeks | Mar. 2011

Pap-Honeycomb A series of paper chairs made by recycle material

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'Water conducts electricity' is a common sense that everyone is familiar with, in addition, it gains more design possibilities by bringing water into electric circuit.

In this design, several LEDs and electric circult were installed inside a piece of polyester mould. The positive and negative ends are open in the air, which can conduct electricity when connected by water. As a result, the more water is filled in the cup, the more LEDs will be lit up. In the other words, the volume of water controls the status of the LEDs. In addition, the material of polyester keep the transparency of the glass, in which way it gains aesthetic perception.

Type: Extracurricular activities Area: Product design & Lighting # People: Individual | 1 Weeks | Mar. 2011

A Cup of Lights A playful and magical way to water-control your lights

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It is a advertising design for the company ABInBev, who wants to bring their beer named Beck's Gold into the Chinese market.

The famous Chinese Terracotta Army was chosen to allude the Chinese market and Chinese consumers. The left warrior is the original one, which is familiar by people; the right one which holds a bottle of Beck's Gold beer, is colored in golden and has a blinking eye. In this interpretation, the Beck's Gold brings the warrior alive and turns golden. Meanwhile, we can taste a sense of humor by the blinking eye, which also hint at the good taste of this beer.

Type: Extracurricular activities Area: Graphic design & Advertisement design | Client: ABInBev# People: Individual | 1 Weeks | Oct. 2011

Beck's Gold Time to spoil your tongue!

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Developed in 10 Competency Areas ( TU/e, ID)



User ResearchPrototyping








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3D Modeling

Graphic Design Analyzing

Creative Thinking Design Tools

Interaction Design




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