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FIRST UNIT PORTFOLIO Language ARTS Lucia Ruiz key10 6th ACCT

Portfolio 1st Unit

Apr 08, 2016



Lucía Ruiz

CARMEN LUCÍA RUIZ LÓPEZ Key 10 6th Accounting
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Page 1: Portfolio 1st Unit


Language ARTS

Lucia Ruiz


6th ACCT

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a) In General or Now 3

b) From a Time in the Past until Now 3

c) Action and Non-Action Verbs 3


a) General or Specific (Definite) 5

b) Not Specific (Indefinite) 5

c) Habitual or Repeated 5

d) Before a Time in the Past 6

e) After a Time in the Past But Before Now (“Future in the Past”) 6


a) A Time in the Future 7


1- Oliver Twist Reading Comprehension 1 (Chapter 1-3) 8


2- Oliver Twist Reading Comprehension 2 (chapter 4-6) 9

3- Oliver Twist Reading Comprehension (Chapter 7-9) 11

4- Oliver Twist Reading Comprehension (chapter 10-12) 15

5- Oliver Twist Extra Activity 16

6- My Most beneficial Electronic Device 17

7- Who Would Imagine! 19




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1) PRESENT TIME a) In General or Now

Simple Present

Use it to show actions, events, or

states that happen habitually. Also, to

narrate events in sequence.

Present Progressive

Be+ Base Form + ing

Use it to show actions or events in

progress at the moment and not


I play tennis every Sunday with

my dad.

He never forgets his wallet.

My mom leaves me at school at

8 A.M.

We are looking for my mom’s


Jose is not having good grades

this semester.

What are Ana and Gaby doing

with their life?

b) From a Time in the Past until Now Present Perfect

Have + Past Participle

Use it to describe completed actions

with a connection to the present.

Present Perfect Progressive

Have been + Base Form + ing

Use them to connect the past with the present. Also, to show actions and

states that began in the past and continue until now.

We have seen that movie since

my sister was little.

You have had that same car for

many years.

There have been many

earthquakes in Japan.

It has been many years since

we first met.

c) Action and Non-Action Verbs Action Verbs

Describe actions

Most Non-Action Verbs

Simple Form

Use it to describe ALL

of an action.

Progressive Form

Use it to describe

PART of an action-in

progress at a specific


Simple Form

They usually

jump the rope

every morning.

Today my dog is

taking a bath.

My friend is

singing because

She should

understand my

reasons for saying


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We are

celebrating my

birthday this


of her


Does your husband

really know about


Some Non-Action Verbs

Describes states such as: appearance, emotions, mental states, perceptions,

possession, and wants.

Simple Form (Stative Use) Progressive Form (Active Use)

I have a new pair of heels.

Jorge does not understand

what he is trying to say.

She’s having problems to cook

the cake.

I’m thinking about the

possibilities of getting a new


Action Verbs Some Non-Action Verbs

+ Adverb + Adjective (Stative


+ Adverb (Active Use)

She’s doing a

great job during

her training.

My boyfriend

works during the


You look good in

that black suit.

My teacher feels

great about her


He deeply looked

into her wife eyes.

The nurse felt my

broken nose


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2) PAST TIME a) General or Specific (Definite)

Simple Past

Use it to express an action, event, or

state occurring at a general or specific

time in the past.

Past Progressive

Was/Were + Base Form + ing

Use it to express an action that was in

progress (not finished) at a time in the


Last year, I traveled to Hawaii.

I didn’t go to the movies

because of my homework.

He was sleeping during my


Last month we were painting

my room.

b) Not Specific (Indefinite)

Present Perfect

Has/Have + Past Participle

Use it to express an action, event, or state occurring at an indefinite time in

the past.

They have being dating since 2008.

How many of your friends have jumped into a bungee?

c) Habitual or Repeated

Used to+ Base Form

Use to show a habitual action, event,

or state that was true in the past but is

no longer true.

Would+ Base Form

Use it to express actions or events that

occurred regularly during a period in

the past.

She used to work in the Coca

Cola Factory.

My grandma used to tell me

how pretty I was.

My brother someday would be

a big businessman.

Probably the weather would be

better during these days.

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d) Before a Time in the Past Past Perfect

Had+ Past Participle

Use it to show an action, event or state

of being that happened before a

certain time in the past.

Past Perfect Progressive

Had been+ Base Form+ ing

Use it to express an action that was in

progress before another past event.

You had studied English before

you moved to Arizona.

I had not seen anything like


She had been jumping around

for the last two hours.

Lina had been worried about

her grades.

e) After a Time in the Past But Before Now (“Future in the

Past”) Was/Were going to+ Base Form

Would+ Base Form

Use it to describe an action, event, or state that was planned or expected in

the past.

He knew you would help him.

I thought Sally would be finished by 5:30 P.M.

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3) Future time a) A Time in the Future

Simple Future

Will/Be going to+ Base Form

Use it to say what you think will

happen in the future.

Future Progressive

Will be/Be going to+ Base Form+


Use it to describe an action that will be

in progress at a certain time in the


Sara will not accept that extra

piece of cake.

You are not going to meet Jane tonight.

They will be traveling in the

beach this Sunday.

I will be watching TV when you

call this evening.

Simple Present

Use it to talk about a future action,

state, or event that is part of a

schedule or timetable.

Present Progressive

Be+ Base Form+ ing

Use it to talk about a future action or

event that has already been arranged.

My plane leaves at 7:00 A.M.

They are entering to Ultra

Music Festival at 8:30 A.M.

We are attending Disneyland

this Christmas eve.

My boyfriend and I are going to

get a car in Los Angeles.

Two Actions in the Future

Use it to talk about two separate actions in the future.

Will you be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight?

I am going to be staying at the Madison Hotel during my vacations.

Future Perfect

Will have+ Past Participle

Future Perfect Progressive

Will have been+ Base Form+ ing

Use it to show an action, state, or event that will happen before a certain time

in the future.

Jack will have finished his

homework by the time his

mother gets home.

The robbers will have taken all

the money by the time anyone


By the time your plane arrives,

you will have been waiting for

more than two hours.

By the time Thomas arrives,

they will have been talking for

oven an hour by.

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4) Activities 1- Oliver Twist Reading Comprehension 1 (Chapter 1-3)

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2- Oliver Twist Reading Comprehension 2 (chapter 4-6)

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3- Oliver Twist Reading Comprehension (Chapter 7-9)

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4- Oliver Twist Reading Comprehension (chapter 10-12)

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5- Oliver Twist Extra Activity

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6- My Most beneficial Electronic Device

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My Most Beneficial Electronic Device

By: Lucía Ruiz

My cell phone is the electronic device I use more often and the most beneficial to

me. Some reasons why I consider my smartphone as my right hand are: I use it

as an educational tool since whenever a teacher asks me a meaning of an

unknown word I quickly go to my dictionary app and find it. Also, I use my device

for constantly checking the school platform, in which teachers post new


On the other side, I use my cell phone as a social tool: it helps me to be in

continuous communication with my loved ones living in other parts of the world

and besides talking through Whatsapp or Facebook chat, I can also see their

faces through Skype. Additionally, I enjoy having social photo media as Instagram

or Pinterest because I like seeing people’s life and mine captured in moments.

As a conclusion, it can be said that cellphones are very useful to maintain the

communication with friends and family. But most importantly, it is nowadays one

of the most important tools for making a business network.

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7- Who Would Imagine!

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Who Would Imagine!

Many people have a hard time adjusting to changes and being away from their

comfort zone. I consider myself as one of those persons that enjoy doing

things systematically. Therefore, when I’m forced to change my routine or

habits, I get annoyed, stressed, and sometimes very nervous.

I’d been living in San Angel since I was four years old, so I was pretty

acclimatized with all my neighbors. Additionally, since it was a big suburb,

there were a lot of businesses near my house and I could go to the bookstore

or to the beauty salon very rapidly by walking. Due to several reasons, my

parents decided to move. When they informed me about their decision, I got

depressed. Nevertheless, I was happy because I was going to have a bigger

room with an individual bathroom, but certainly I was going to miss my closest

friends. When I was finally resigned, it didn't turn as bad as I thought. The truth

is that having moved to Alcazar de Santa Amelia has brought me many

benefits. For example, I sleep almost one extra hour because my new house

is near my school and also from Del Valle and Rafael Landivar Universities.

Besides that, I’ve more accessibility to my gym, several supermarkets, plenty

of stores and a variety of restaurants.

As a conclusion, I can say that sometimes my own pessimism or bad attitude

toward situations can make me believe that things can’t be worst. But, the

truth is that wrong assumptions, can turned into big benefits. Look at me, who

would imagine that I even was going to meet my boyfriend because I moved.

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5) Final test result+

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6) Pictionary

Word Definition Sentence Picture

Poll To ask questions about the attitudes or opinions.

The poll also found that 7 per cent of voters are going to back the British National Party.

Workhouse A poorhouse in which paupers were given work.

By this time the workhouse could accommodate 464 inmates.

Benefactor A person who

does a good deed.

An anonymous benefactor has recently undertaken to swell the funds available.

Beadle A parish officer having various subordinate duties.

Mr. Bumble was the beadle of the Parish in which Oliver grew.

Gruel A thin cooked

cereal made by boiling meal, esp. oatmeal, in water or milk.

Skip the rice gruel as it's pretty bland, but the other stuff is all great.

Orphan A child who has

lost both parents. This lady was one of my nearest relations, an orphan from her

infancy, and under the guardianship of my father

Apprentice A person who

works for another in order to learn a trade.

Prince Charles, asked if they knew of a farmer near them on the town who would take Jon as an apprentice.

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Undertaker A person whose profession is the preparation of the dead for burial or cremation and the management of funerals.

Since Mr. Sowerberry was an undertaker, he owned a coffin factory.

Magistrate A civil officer who administers the law.

A magistrate would

send a policeman after them.

Handkerchief A small piece of

fabric used for wiping the nose, eyes, etc., or worn for decoration.

After a time she put her handkerchief up under her veil and wiped her eyes, and he set his teeth.

Corpse A dead body of a

human being. A week after her burial, Kirby was found a corpse in the

mountain forest.

Grave-digger A person that

makes a hole in the ground to burry a person.

Capitalism creates its own grave-digger in the form of the proletariat.

Wrath Fierce, anger. By fits her wrath was

directed against him.

Altercation A heated or

angry dispute. He was roused from his reverie by an altercation

unmistakably fierce.

Mob A disorderly

crowd of people. All the same, I am tormented by a mob of little matters which bring me not sufficient to support my life

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7) Appendix

Some interactive and useful pages for practicing grammar are:

Also, here are some helpful videos for PRESENT:



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