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Porta Turf

Jun 04, 2018



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  • 8/13/2019 Porta Turf



  • 8/13/2019 Porta Turf


    Our Commercial

  • 8/13/2019 Porta Turf


    Provide an Alternative

    Portable Sports Arena to

    the public, that allowseasy maintenance, andconvenience

    Mission Statement

  • 8/13/2019 Porta Turf


    What is Port-A-Turf?

    Port-a-turf is a fully customizable sports field that has the ability to bset up in 1 hour and taken down 45 minutes, allowing theparticipants more time to have enjoy their physical activity. Port-a-turf is for companies and businesses to rent for a day and play somrecreational sports and gain valuable team bonding within thecompany, it can also be used as a temporary extra field if yourtournament is needing more space. The patented roll out artificial

    turf is able to be placed on a hardwood floor gym so that on a rainday you can even play those outdoor grass sports inside.

  • 8/13/2019 Porta Turf


    Goals & Objectives

    Short term:

    Work with 2 high level sports team.

    Have at least 4-5 local community sport centers booking

    The field is in use 60% of the year

    Long term (Within 10 years):

    By the 5thyear hopefully buy 4 more fields one each year. Total of five.

    Year 8 we will be on the water with floating fields.

    Sell the Port-a-turf as unit.

    Use in 2016 Olympics

    Longer term (Within 20Years)

    Expand to a worldwide market where fields are most needed.

    2 months for

  • 8/13/2019 Porta Turf



    2 months forbrochure tobemade/printe


    Office rental* Office spacelease begins

    Office set-up 2 months toset upoffice

    Equipment Ordering/purchasingequipment

    Advertise for hire 4 months ofscouting

    Hire 2 months of hiring


    Creatingwebsite Gettingsponsors


  • 8/13/2019 Porta Turf


    The Team CEO Craig Fenton

    Will be evaluated by investors and board members.

    Evaluated on management skills of organization and overlooking all operations.

    Evaluations will be done at the end of every year.

    Rewards: bonuses and financial raises.

    COO Firdaus Alam

    Will be evaluated by CEO

    Evaluated on developing company strategies, motivating employees, management duties andensuring servicers for staff and customer needs are fulfilled.

    Evaluated once every year

    Rewards: promotions and financial raises

    Marketing Manager Joanie Hayes

    Evaluated by CEO and COO

    Evaluated on management skills, promotion, approving image, budget managing, and customerneeds

    Evaluated every 6 months

    Rewards: financial raise, promotions, and perks

  • 8/13/2019 Porta Turf


    Regional Manager Vianelle Zaparilla

    Evaluated by CEO and COO

    Evaluated on leadership role, management skills, increasing sales ofoperations and staff

    Evaluated every 6 months

    Rewards: Promotion, financial raises, perks (dinners, tickets to sport eventsetc.)

    Arena Manager Henok Desta

    Evaluated by regional manager

    Evaluated on management skills, product sales, leadership, reaching quota

    Evaluated every month

    Rewards: promotion, financial raises, and perks

  • 8/13/2019 Porta Turf


    The Team






    Regional Managers Arena Managers General Labour W

    Book Keeper (willreport to account on

    need basis)

    Marketing Manager

    Board Members Investors

  • 8/13/2019 Porta Turf


    Target Markets

    High school sports (basketball, soccer, volleyball


    Community sports (organizations)

    Children from ages 6-12 must be registered byparent or guardian over the age of 18

    College teams (Douglas College, Kwatlen,Capilano, Langara)

  • 8/13/2019 Porta Turf



    Position (establishing sport entity in consumer mind) Types of customers who buy the productyouth athletes, local/pro sports

    teams, rec leagues, corporate businesses

    Design/benefits of productour portable turf is environmentally friendly anddoes not cause any damage to surroundings and can be easily set up andtaken down within an hour

    PricePrice to be determined

    Place product is available/location- rental appointments can be bookedthrough telephone and/or web


    Port-A-Turf provides the scheduling and finding the closest and mostconvenient venue for clients requested event. When a customer/potentialclient wants to rent a turf, we take care of all bookings. Participants will begiven the location and they just show up and pay necessary fees.

  • 8/13/2019 Porta Turf



    Consumeryouth athletes, corporations, rec leagues, local sportsteams

    Competitorscurrently none in North America

    Company (costs involved in producing service/product)costs for turfmaterial, equipment, transportation, staff (salaries, etc.), staff uniforms,

    advertising/promotional costs (website, etc.), office space rentals,insurance

    Climate (external factors)government/municipal laws/regulations

  • 8/13/2019 Porta Turf



    Advertising- ads in newspapers, magazines, tv commercials, radio ads,signage/posters, billboards, internet

    Activities/inducements- introductory offers (half off first visit, etc.), coupons,group/business discounts, customer referrals (refer-a-friend), contests

    Public relations- opening weekend, promotional publicity/awareness fortournament sponsorships

    Community relations- getting athletes from local/professional sports teams tomake appearances to participate, have professional teams come hold open

    practices on turfs and allow for public viewing to get fans/potential consumersout

    Media relations- social networking (facebook, twitter, Port-A-Turf website)

    Sponsors- businesses pay to have advertisements along boards of turfs

  • 8/13/2019 Porta Turf



    At initial start-up, Port-A-Turf will be a service that can be accessedby scheduling appointments/making reservations through phone oweb through our company website. We also offer meetings forbusinesses and high-end consumers that can be scheduled with ouDistrict or Arena managers at their convenience.

    Long term, we are going to look at expanding to a large officespace where customers can come in and make appointments in

    person as well.

  • 8/13/2019 Porta Turf



    What products and companies will compete with you?

    There is no competition in North America.

    Major competitors:

    SOCCERENAThe Portable Football Pitch

    Is based predominantly out of the UK but can order to places like Australi

    They will not interfere as they have their own regions to manage.

  • 8/13/2019 Porta Turf


    Factor Me Strength Weakness Competitor A Importance to


    Products 3 Can be used anywhere very portable with roofing somewhat

    Price 2 High Moderate Very important

    Quality 3 Will not be top of the line Good Somewhat

    Selection 2 Various fields are available A few such as grass, turf and sand Important

    Service 5 Exceptional Good Very important

    Reliability 4 Very Good A few fields to start with Very good Very Important

    Stability 4 stable Not significant

    Expertise 2 Relatively new to themarket Original company Somewhat


    Reputation1 Have to build a

    reputationPopular in Europe and Australia Somewhat

    Location 2 Can be used almostanywhere

    Can be used in a few location Very Important

    Appearance 3 Good Not very important

  • 8/13/2019 Porta Turf


    Financial Plan

  • 8/13/2019 Porta Turf




    Year End Summary

    Year One %


    Rental Service 630,000

    Ad Space Along the Boards 3,600



    Total Income 633,600 100

    Cost of Sales

    Rental Service -

    Ad Space Along the Boards 120



    Total Cost of Sales 120 0

    Gross Margin 633,480 99

    Total Salary and Wages 545,607 86.1

  • 8/13/2019 Porta Turf


    Fixed Business Expenses

    Advertising 3,000

    Car and Truck Expenses 7,800

    Bank & Merchant Fees 96

    Contract Labor -

    Conferences & Seminars -

    Customer Discounts and Refunds -

    Dues and Subscriptions -

    Miscellaneous -

    Insurance (Liability and Property) -

    Licenses/Fees/Permits 6,000

    Legal and Professional Fees -

    Office Expenses & Supplies -

    Postage and Delivery 240

    Rent (on business property) 14,400

    Rent of Vehicles and Equipment -

    Sales & Marketing 3,000

    Taxes-Other -

    Telephone and Communications 960

    Travel 6,000

    Utilities -

    Total Fixed Business Expenses 41,496 6.5

    Operating Income (before Other Expenses) 46,377 7.3


    Other Expenses

    Amortized Start-up Expenses 242

    Depreciation 4,400


    Commercial Loan 1,030

    Commercial Mortgage -

    Line of Credit 1,384

    Credit Card Debt -

    Vehicle Loans -

    Other Bank Debt -

    Taxes 7,913

    Total Other Expenses 14,968 2.3

    Net Income 31,409 4.9

  • 8/13/2019 Porta Turf


    Why Invest?

    Investing $5000 you receive a pay out of10% annual interest


    Optional choice of keeping money in, andreceive an annual pay check $300

  • 8/13/2019 Porta Turf


    Thank you for listening and Invest
